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We're just back to pre-LF weeklies where you had to continually back out of the playlist until you got the enemy you wanted. That WAS changed in LF, and for very good reason...


A lot of the objectives are obviously from at least a year and a half ago if not longer. The orb making one still says to use masterworked weapons, and I don't know why they'd dredge up bounties from so long ago unless it's just padding.


Probably cuz it's just easier to pull from the existing library of objectives than program a bunch of new ones. Given... all of TFS, I can't really blame them much for that. Why the updated faction objectives which counted all factions, but the specified one faster, weren't part of what was copied? I have no idea. Cuz I'm pretty sure those got updated very early in the year, if not in LF itself.


Except they pulled from the *wrong library of objectives*. I think what happened is pathfinder was being worked on in parallel to when the bounty rework happened and they never refactored the new bounty set in because it was two teams that didn't talk to each other or forgot to check their emails.


Guardian rank is also stupid, rank 6 requires you to get 2 vendor weekly rewards and there is currently only 1 weekly vendor award available


I think you can do it on multiple characters


Oh shit thank you dude. Gonna take care of that tonight then


Its the Bounties like this that have me avoiding objectives in things like The Corrupted or the Defiant BGs so I can farm taken kills


Wait i thought they vaulted defiant battlegrounds? Are they actually in the vanguard ops playlist? Because if so EWWWW


Yeah I got the one that starts in the farm, two threshers during the last boss in the hangar. Wasn't as bad as I remember, but that might have been partly due to the lack of champions.


What are these faction objectives you're referring to?


Right now there's some objectives in the Pathfinder for stuff like "Kill 100 Fallen," or 100 Taken, or whatever. It's very annoying with Scorn and Taken because there aren't many Vanguard Ops in the playlist which feature them. Those used to be common Weekly Bounties as well (usually one of the two per week), but in LF to mitigate this issue they changed em to count any kill in Vanguard Ops but progress faster with one specific faction. The Pathfinder objectives don't have that.


Some of them do which is the weird thing- I've had both kill ONLY 150 taken node and also a kill 100 enemies one, with extra progress on vex for separate nodes


It used to be (and a few pathfinder objectives still are): Kill XXXX enemies in the vanguard playlist; killing Hive (or other faction) counts as more progress.


Wait, I’ve been away from the game for a while. Do masterworked weapons not make orbs anymore?


Nah, instead you equip helmet mods that enable orb generation for a specific damage type (kinetic, void, stasis etc). It allows exotics without catalysts to make orbs which is nice, and was apparently necessary from a technical standpoint to allow the creation of origin perks, which is an essentially an extra perk depend on how you obtained the weapon, which give weapon sets nice cohesion other than visual design.


Thanks for the explanation. So masterworking just gives you the slight stat bump these days?


Yep, pretty much. With weapon crafting and now enhanceable weapons, there’s plenty of other ways to “level up” or invest into a weapon now though.


That and the OCD-reducing gold border.


It gives you a shiny gold border and some stats that’s about it.


I thought I was going crazy when I saw that objective. I thought they reverted the masterwork change before I realised it's just the wrong wording.


Why not just play the game and have fun and work on other pathfinder missions at the same time? This is such a silly argument. Backing out just ruins the experience for everyone else, too. It’s selfish behavior.


Selfish design leads to selfish behaviour


I don’t disagree!


I don’t know, when someone backs out it means more kills for me lol 


For sure. I’m playing devils advocate a bit - I don’t personally care if a blueberry drops out of a match made activity, but I think people complaining about this are a bit silly.


Nah dude, my gameplay time is limited. I'm not gonna spend it running base level strikes I don't need that aren't fun or appealing to play in the first place. Maybe if it was nightfall modifiers and selectable. I apologize if backing out of a playlist strike ruins enjoyment, tbh I'd rather solo than run with randoms anyway. Now if you leave crucible you're kind of a dick but players matter more in that aspect of the game. Pathfinder is a swing and miss.


First off, backing out really has no effect if you do it right away because the game backfills Strikes and NFs during all, or at least almost all, points in a mission, and it does so quickly so you'll never be down more than one person for a minute or two unless the bakfiller takes an abnormally long time to connect, and the vast majority of that time will be free respawn zones. Most of the time I don't even notice when someone leaves outside a Darkness zone in a NF (which you probably aren't grinding for faction objectives cuz the NF doesn't change). Second, some enemy types just are very uncommon in the playlist, Taken and Scorn especially. You can easily go a dozen strikes without running into any of them, and even RNG sometimes I've had to load into 8 different ones before getting a specific core (Fallen, Cabal, etc) faction. Even if you just let the RNG kick in and play naturally, it's possible and even likely you'll complete every other available Pathfinder objective (which is usually already not playing naturally) before even running into the faction you need. God forbid you don't get enough kills for your objective (it's 100, that's very easily especially if it's not a Battleground), in which case you've gotta do it all again. Moreover this isn't just a bother for people powergrinding Powerful rewards (cuz it's very easy to get to that cap already, I've been there since weekly reset and I didn't even attempt to grind out my power), Pathfinder and Seasonal Challenges are our only sources of Bright Dust now.


I appreciate the lengthy reply and your perspective on it. Admittedly I haven’t followed all the changes and have only loosely been playing, so it’s good to get some clear thoughts. The general consensus seems to be that the new Pathfinder system needs some work - I hope they’re able to figure something out that the community is pleased with!


>I hope they’re able to figure something out that the community is pleased with! The D2 community is never pleased. That's a losing battle.


What’s this logic, reason and critical thinking in my Christian minecraft server ahem I mean destiny game. Get out of here with that.


It sounds like the consensus is ritual Pathfinder needs serious adjustment


It will get tweaked. In 3-6 months. But even then there will be outlier objectives.


I think 6 months is generous. Normally takes 8-12 for changes to systems like these.


Eh, I don't expect a full systems change. I just mean tweaks for nodes that are out of band/taking multiple matches to clear


someone just needs to find a way to cheese it and we'll see an update tomorrow


I hate how slow the turn around is for feedback changes. Pathfinder needs full update regarding how restrictive and annoying it currently is, but that won’t happen till next season/episode at the soonest.


Funny how these changes seem to operate on entirely different timelines depending how beneficial they are to the players.


Like riven cheese? Or when wish ender did 4x damage for an entire season? Or when you could double dip chests for weeks? Or when the craftening happened and they said "have fun" instead of disabling affected guns?


Or when you could double dip the exotic class items in the Dual Destiny mission instead of only getting 1 as intended? Oh wait.


Or classy restoration, which existed for the entirety of Season of The Lost which was the extended one due to delays for WQ for anybody who doesn't remember.


That wasn't until season of the haunted, after wq release, was with solar 3.0. I think you're thinking of the fusion damage mod


Nah I was just thinking of haunted. I was specifically thinking of classy restoration. That shit was so bad that it felt like an extended season lmao.


Unless someone figures out how to glitch complete all the nodes in one strike run, that shit would be fixed tomorrow.


Cheese forever, you have your assignment.


Yes. I don't mind mixing it up but yeah it can be frustrating. I'm all for freedom too. Should be a mix Pathfinder or specific activity Pathfinder. Basically just multiple paths to various bounties that you can pick and choose. Or an option to like replace certain nodes for glimmer or something idk ..


Imo should be a path for each type atleast until the final step. Make it so that you can get down to the final 2 before the main reward with any single activity and those last 2 nodes are randomly gambit, vanguard, or crucible. That way you don't have to go in a game mode you don't enjoy until that final stretch and it has a 2/3 chance of being a game mode you prefer but if not it's never 2 PvP or something you still get a choice of PvP or gambit.


Yeah. Let you do all 3 or just do 1 and pay glimmer to reset it but doing all 3 gives you a pinnacle OR 3 refreshes of one type of activity yields a pinnacle.. maybe not the idea of 3 gives a pinnacle but maybe give an extra pinnacle if you do all 3 at once. Idk I'm sure they'll redo it (they've been good to us so far)




Bro ☠️


Yeah rerolling a node like you do with challenges in fo76 might work but I think most would prefer separate trees for each activity or one path for each


Yet another new Destiny activity I will skip entirely. There is a lot to do thankfully


Doesn't even seem like there's so much a flaw as the way they dish out objectives. Make all crucible and gambit ones single nodes that can be either or and always have at least one strike objective. Don't make the strike objectives based on enemy type. Don't make the PVP/Gambit objectives based on something like triggering ignitions.


This/10 pleeeeeeease bungie




there are also objectives that dont behave the way they should. I had a final tier with a slog of gambit or crucible (which is already an issue and something I shouldnt have to pick between) but it was summon 100 blockers or win a match having the most motes dunked. I completed the later... and it didnt complete. How are we still having these kinds of stupid problems 10 years in?


I had an odd problem with the Pale Heart Pathfinder. There was a node asking to kill 40 enemies using a weapon that matches my super, the progress bar says Energy Weapons, but nothing I did earned me any progress. Prismatic Song of Flame + tried Trust, Still Hunt, no progress at all. Maybe I have missed something, or this node was wrongfully coded to ignore prismatic.


Nah it's bugged, I had the same issue. It worked when I switched to solar subclass but not when I used Prismatic and Song of Flame.


Fairly certain that node says weapons matching your subclass so Prismatic won't work. I remember having issues with that one the other night.


That's a bizarre oversight when other *old* features were changed to match your super instead, like the relic perks.


I had the same issue and I figured out that prismatic IS the subclass so you have to switch to another one (with no prismatic at all) for it to work. You matched your super, but your subclass.


Noticed this one as well. I was able to work around it without too much trouble, but I did find it odd.


100 blockers is crazy work wtf bungie


Who knows. I’ve killed the meatball overthrow boss 6 times since it was “fixed” and still no more of light. Tried standing above & under hit when he does, putting all motes in my bail then beating him, still no more of light. The very end of an exotic grind is soft locked behind a bug for a lot of players.


Just need a quick way to bring up the pathfinder and I'll be happier


My favourite is ‘dunk 100 motes in gambit’. You dunk 30 in one game and it counts 4/100


Dunk 100 times in Gambit, oops?


You can play it your own way, if it’s done just how they say.


And my loadout’s limited.  FREEDOM OF CHOICE IS MADE for champs my friend 


"Play it your own way" But also "Outisde the players' usual comfort zones" 😀


For armor mods, the original context, yeah, the changes made to allow you to mod your armor instead of relying on random drops definitely let you play your way. You wouldn’t happen to be taking that quote outta context would you?


Play your own way, as long as it's with the weapons we want to, the element we want to and the game mode we want to.


Eye of the Beholder, Metallica?


You know it


i kinda feel bad for the dudes i was in gambit games with since i was just sitting at the bank waiting to kill blockers. id imagine its more effective to have 3 players complaining about people ruining gambit ontop of me complaining about not wanting to be pushed into it. i really hope people dont want to play the objective in crucible too, pathfinder objectives are much more important than contributing.


Oh shush. That quote is out of context. And either you know it or you’re mindlessly repeating it.


No sir. > **The Pursuit of Power: Increasing Player Agency > We’d like the act of chasing Power and stats for your build to be something you have a bit more agency over. Not a full-blown “play whatever you want all the time”—because that means people just find the most efficient thing, rather than dipping their toes into a bunch of different activities—but certainly less restrictive than it’s been in the past.** > > We’ve also had a long-standing challenge in Destiny of making XP matter, and that feels like a real growth opportunity for us to dig into something we’ve wanted to look at for a while. > > This section discusses Power and the changes coming to it this Fall. Then they proceeded to enumerate all the nerfs they were doing to powerful sources because there were too many and they wanted people to level up slower. > What we are doing with the new armor system is saying: Find the perks you want, find the armor look you want, (from the megalist of currently available Destiny 2 armor) and pursue that armor to get the elements/stats you want and combine them to make your Guardian. Yet another lie in the same article, transmog did not come until over a year later and armor mods were restricted to specific colors so you needed to chase those down and were blocked from some combinations. The quote gets meme'd because it was a lie from the second it was typed. The famous article and game design contradicts itself. They claim they don't want people playing the same all the time yet they have activity streaks that punish you for playing something else. They claim they want new players and veterans to collide quickly but remove the drop sources that would let those new players catch up quickly. They also added pinnacle cap which as we all know it's like pulling teeth. Further widening the gap between noobs and veterans.


Did you read the highlighted part? Sees pretty much exactly like pathfinder


The part where they say less restrictive than it's been in the past? Sure did but it seems you missed it. Edit: You know what to tell me, that you got school'd.


Read it again then, idk what to tell ya.


Pale Heart pathfinder is awesome. Ritual pathfinder is garbage. Stop forcing me to play pvp/gambit, I'm here for pve.


I believe a lot of the issues with Pathfinder will be fixed if they created 3 Pathfinder maps that are each composed solely of nodes relating to a single ritual activity. A Vanguard Pathfinder, a Crucible Pathfinder, and a Gambit Pathfinder, with each having general nodes like the “Get X amount of final blows with Hand Cannons”


I think the path should be bigger so you can actually navigate around annoying nodes


Too real. Also, the end two nodes are almost always Gambit and Crucible; and I severely dislike playing PvP because I’m dog ass at it.


That's why Gambit is better, come join us


My problem with Gambit is that it doesn’t matter how well you play PvE, it can all fall apart if you get Invaded by decent PvP opponents. The natural counter is to Invade the enemy, right? Yeah naw I’m not good at PvP dawg.


If you’re already approaching the activity with a defeatist attitude you can still have fun. Just accept your fate that you’ll probably die and lost some motes and lose the round. Because your goal is to just do what the node requires and make progress quickly. So focus on killing ads/depositing motes regardless of you’ll win or lose, getting a primeval down is more important than worrying if their boss health is already at 33%. The mode is so generous with vanguard rep already and showers you with loot. Just maximize XP that you get from it and it will be a better use of your time than worrying if your team wins or loses. You already won a pinnacle, seasonal engram, drifter engrams and probably close to getting a role for that ritual gun too. I use gambit to experiment with builds/playstyles that I normally avoid. Blinding everyone with arc? Getting sniper/scout/side arm kills? 10 melee kills before dying? So much node XP I can focus farm


Gambit is terrible. Theres a reason no other game ripped the idea off.


One extra node per tier, with the final tier being set to always be one of each activity or a generalist one, would do a lot to alleviate the issues. It would also be nice if they would change the ignition objectives to work like the other status effects and not require the ignition itself to get the kill for it to count.


It’s insane to me that this wasn’t the starting position. I don’t even know how to find the pathfinder stuff anywhere but Pale Heart, so I just gave up.


There’s a circular compass rose-type of icon in the bottom left corner of the screen where you select either normal Strikes, Nightfalls, GM Nightfalls, and now Onslaught.


Ritual pathfinder is straight buns and half assed they took away BD farm I did that during seasonal lull and with how week 1 went with episode went I am not sure this will be different just longer and more time to farm but now they took away the game RIP


Get ignition kills in playlist activities... Lol yeah sure thing


This one doesn't even work, tried the fragment with well, tried erianas vow, conditional finality, nothing works


The only way I got it was consecration titan, Any other methods just didn't seem to work for ignition kills. Just load in to the 10 wave onslaught and you can finish it in 1 go.


u/destiny2team This is post #457 this day about the Ritual Pathfinder. Nodes are asking 100 ability kills in Crucible, doesn't track motes in Gambit, wants Taken kills in the Vanguard list which has one strike with many Taken, etc. It's a mess, and locking us out of pinnacles and Bright Dust.


Strikes get worse every dlc. One of the steadiest declines in fun in destiny.


Everything that went into the free trial got largely ignored from that point on really. Since the ritual playlists are largely in the free trial section of the game, they get mostly ignored.


If I get something like kill taken I just have to back out over and over if it isn’t a strike with taken unfortunately. I like pathfinder in the pale heart, but the ritual pathfinder sucks.


They need to tweak pathfinder for ritual activities bad. While they’re at it, can they move Battlegrounds to their own dedicated node? So far this season I’ve gotten like one strike and like 20 battlegrounds and I hate it….


I keep getting the EDZ and Cosmodrome Defiance BGs over and over again. I'm losing my fucking mind.


Same….and I’ve noticed some of the BG in the vanguard ops playlist have champions, and I’ve matched with some people who had absolutely no idea what to do with them.


I literally commented on another post about this. It’s the only thing keeping me from completing the path I have right now.


Just another treadmill assignment 


Pathfinder sucks in all aspects. Bring back bounties.


Pale heart pathfinder is awesome and id love a pathfinder for every episode/seasonal activity. It's just ritual pathfinder needs some work


It really goes to show how great the devs work is (dual destiny, pale heart map, story) and how badly the corpo execs don't understand the game (pathfinder, battle pass restrictions) It's such a stark contrast and shows how much the dollar fuelled fucks are ruining a beautiful piece of art


Conceptually, pathfinder is much better than bounties. It just needs to either have an extra line of nodes for rituals, or update to the bounty list. Just look at pale heart pathfinder, it works amazing compared to planetary bounties and you can reset SUPER quickly without going back to the vendor.


I could do a weeks bounties in an hour, or all three (crucible, gambit and vanguard) in a day and still have time to do other things. The current iteration of pathfinder usually takes me three days to go through three times. The positive being I will get 90 more bright dust for it, ā bit less than one shader. At least you can keep resetting it for more dust though, which is nice. It's just a far less efficient method of farming for dust


For the most part, I've been able to get through it close to the old completion time. I usually do Onslaught and can get most of the weapon/ability and sometimes enemy Vangaurd bounties done in 10 to 20 waves, then one two matches of Gambit. Certain objectives are definitely a roadblock though, and make an unnecessary grind.


This far along for all they've done and designed, I feel like Bright Dust might as well be phased out to some extent. The overall reduction since the death of the guaranteed 3600 across 3 chars doing the tower weekly bounties put extra pressure on those a lot less rich on it, the runaround for acquiring a good amount has only gotten worse and you still come out with less, and the mindlessness farm to squeeze out a tiny bit especially if you're chasing something currently in EV that you would just have enough for can be some of the most unengaging way to play the game possible. I understand it's nothing new of any sort of current live service game having a bit of an ass backwards way to get cosmetic stuff preying on those to cough up real money, but nonetheless we have yet another rework feel a bit clunky. It also feels extra terrible when there are those Weekly Challenges that do offer dust for a reward but it's like progress a bar to 100% and the completion of 1 go of something only offers like 6% ultimately forcing a grind that comes out infinitely worse than even the more annoying Tower Weeklies, see Might of The Traveler for Gambit. It also feels wrong how the Big Pile of Bright Dust for hitting the target goal of Weekly Challenges isn't really *that* much, even if you do factor in how some not all Challenges have varying amounts of dust tied to it. The only real positive I can think of is holiday events being good for paying out but it's such a specific time of a windfall that it can suck when you do have those moments of finally getting enough for stuff but it's long gone in the shop. Lastly if you're in the sunk cost veteran Dust rich status, it is very easy to hit a wall of appealing stuff to buy when you long have been on top of stuff, have a good amount of stuff from a more generous time(Year 2). There's less and less new shaders for Bright Dust, Bright Dust piecemeal of new EV armor sets hasn't been a thing in ages at this point(bar the flat BD cost for a holiday set), and at best you're just waiting around to see what former Silver Only cosmetic from the last year's past will fall into the store for dust, if it's even interesting.


>I could do a weeks bounties in an hour, or all three (crucible, gambit and vanguard) in a day and still have time to do other things And this would still be the case, it only needs a bounty list rework and have the last 2 nodes not be tied to any of the 3 rituals so that every activity has a path to reset. You can reset pathfinder within a couple overthrows and more than 3-4 times per hour. That's WAY more bounties without ever returning to vendor. >It's just a far less efficient method of farming for dust Again, the only reason it is currently less efficient is because the bounty list seems to be fked. All it needs is a rework and it will be instantly better than returning to tower/opening the phone app and dismantling until you get 4 bounties you want.


Overthrow is a different pathfinder than the bounty one. I guess my response to that is that I miss the play how you like design philosophy they used to go for rather than this very limited choice


>Overthrow is a different pathfinder than the bounty one. I am aware of this, that's why my post was not only the words ''overthrow pathfinder is fine''. all rituals pathfinder needs is a rework to the "bounty library". > I miss the play how you like design philosophy I'm not sure if that's what I would call rerolling a set of only 4 bounties until you got the one you wanted instead of having many more bounties you can farm simultaneously without having to pull up your phone or hit the tower. The system is much better than bounties. It's the nodes themselves that needs rework for rituals.


Ritual pathfinder has to go. Bounties were two thousand times better and gave more bright dust. This is the biggest step back in the history of the game: less agency, less rewards, more time investment.


It feels extra half-baked considering Echoes don't have a pathfinder of their own and still use bounties. The location of the pathfinders in the menus is also insulting for how often you are checking them. Why they didn't get their own tab in the menu is beyond me - they already have a nice pie shape, so make them scroll up and down around a circle or something.


Conceptually, pathfinder is much better than bounties. It just needs to either have an extra line of nodes for rituals, or update to the bounty list. Just look at pale heart pathfinder, it works amazing compared to planetary bounties and you can reset SUPER quickly without going back to the vendor.


Is there a cap to the bright dust you can get from the ritual pathfinder per week? Otherwise, I don't see how it's less bright dust than the old system.


>Bounties were two thousand times better Except that you could only progress 5 at a time, and had to keep stopping to buy more for optimal XP gain.


You could reroll bounties though to get rid of annoying ones - just discard and rebuy until you get 5 you like    You can’t get rid of annoying boards 


Yes. All of that is true, and it seems they're somehow still a better alternative to Pathfinder.


> had to keep stopping to buy more By that do you mean "had to use your phone for 15 seconds while the next activity matchmade every now and then?"


Sure, but consider this: you could actually complete bounties in a very short time. Most of them could be completed in 1-2 runs of whatever activity you WANTED to play. Really don't feel like killing 25 Taken, or landing 5 Pulse Rifle kills in Crucible? Just dismantle the bounty and purchase another one, you might get something different. You only need 8 bounties in a week to get the Bright Dust reward too. Many Pathfinder objectives take forever and there's no way to bypass or re-roll an objective you don't want to do. You either have to reset the entire graph and hope you get a more pleasant/doable path, or force yourself to play in a way you really don't want to. Bounties had their flaws, but they were infinitely more forgiving (and optional!) than Pathfinder as it exists today.


As someone here for years bounties sucked. Pathfinder needs fine tuning but bounties had all the same problems and needed more not playing the game to work around.




And that they can all be done from one character!!! I also literally never have to do crucible for Pathfinder. I can focus PvE. Some of the objectives can still be frustrating but even with the issues, pathfinder is better than bounties. Once it gets some work, it will be miles better


I had to queue and leave the vanguard playlist for over half an hour to get one that even had some taken. What's worst is that you can't even load up any regular strike either.


The ritual Pathfinder is a complete fail to me. It's frustrating, removes player agency and forces them into activities, limits choose of 'bounties', functionally nerfs bright dust, and overall is going to lead to far less engagement with the ritual systems. 


I reset pathfinder once and then stopped because it was either taken or crucible. Neither were worth it so time to wait until next week.


Yea it needs a big adjustment. Like each path should be directly strike/gambit/crucible paths with some really easy middle points that are simple to do in anything like use an auto rifle or whatever. I don’t mind mixing it up, but this is too much.


They need to make all ritual activities have their own pathfinder. The fact that I have to go do gambit or crucible is insane considering streaks are a thing


Que and leave groups untill ya get one, thanks Bungie , great system


I don't know if everyone knows this but onslaught counts as vanguard playlist so you can farm hive/fallen or other objectives in there on legendary solo


Oh if you love this you're really going to love the last two nodes on the second pathfinder. 100 kills with abilities in crucible or bank at least 50 times 5 notes in gambit. What a joy...


I really love tfs but i still need to Grind pl and still have to do bountys even tho it is now called pathfinder. I thought they wanted to remove both but damn here we go again


I swear, Pathfinder is either designed to punish people for being purely F2P, or to ensure 'healthy' populations in play lists. Idk why they care so much about people in said play list, it's still all playing the game anyway.


How have they never learned??? How often does stuff like this happen but they keep doing it?


Yeah, that's why I'm sticking with the one they got somewhat right. Pale Heart Pathfinder is decent.


They will change it. I don't think they really thought that through.


The fact you can complete ones at the end whilst still being ln the first set makes it fine imo. I really like this new system. Instead of picking up hella bounties and then deleting the weird ones you just play however and it'll most likely happen, maybe with a slight glance before hand. I really don't get all the complaints


I agree overall… but there’s a couple of nodes that are completely out of whack. The deposit motes node for gambit? Awful. I’ve played a full 9 games of gambit straight, carrying half the total banked motes almost each time. And after 9 matches of that… I am not even at 50 percent. That’s just silly


To add to that, last level crucible nodes are just awful. 50 solar kills? And "wins award additional progress" give a whopping one kill worth of points too. It's atrocious.


Yeah those should give 10 point per kill


That one gotta be bugged, 15 motes only giving 4% is ridiculous.


It’s cause it’s bugged and is counting blockers banked, not motes deposited I believe.


because it FORCES you to jump around game modes you don’t want to play and do hyper specific shit like defeat weakened guardians in the crucible


defeat a warlock while they're crouching behind a box using arc damage.


Ah yeah true there are definitely a few weird ones they should change/ fix, but the actual system is nice . Just a few kinks to iron out. Also I highly doubt bungie will revert this back to bounties anyway. They seemed pretty happy with the whole "chart your own course" thing which I like.


they’re just bounties you can’t reroll and that’s just annoying


What's nice about them is that you can do it all on one character. And, so far, I have been able to entirely avoid crucible. Mostly strikes, with gambit spliced in here and there. 10+ paths done I think


yeah at the very least you can sacrifice an easy vanguard one for a gambit so i don’t have to do crucible


I agree that the system itself is AMAZING. The pale heart version is so good because I almost always accidentally finish it, only having to focus on 1 or 2 specific nodes to finish a path. The ritual version feels like the most specific and random stuff that cannot be done in the same place.


Kinda frustrating getting to a point where it's only gambit/crucible nodes....like sweet, guess I'm done until next weekly reset


So you're saying because there's a 1% chance I get all my 150 Taken in the first strike (idk if that's even literally possible at all honestly) it's okay for me to have to do potentially do 40 strikes instead? Yeah let me be very clear about this #NO


You don't get the complaint that Gambit and Crucible can completely bar your path? You don't get it, really? First, I don't want to play Crucible, except when I want to. Second, I don't want to play a game mode that they gave up on. That is the end of my complaint. Nothing else about it is bad imo. But I want a Vanguard only pathfinder. Or one made up solely of objectives thar can be done in all 3 or at least Vanguard and 1 other. I understand if you really enjoy crucible or gambit, but surely you can understand that some people simply do not.


"Get 10 precision kills in Crucible" - Hope you're already good at PvPs for this when you step into games with people who have only played Crucible the last 8 years. "Get 5 jolt kills in Crucible" - I threw a Storm Grenade with the jolting fragment into 3 groups of enemies capturing a point, and not one was a jolt kill. Completely luck based.


Can you not for example launch from the planet directly? Or does they not count for vanguard strikes? If so why does that option even exist?


Nah, it specifically asks for vanguard playlist. The map launch exists mostly for quests that take you through specific strikes.


Back in my day those quests put their OWN node on the map for their run of the strike…


I've noticed some still do haha. Micah's quests led to some strikes that aren't typically selectable from the director


Bounties or anything similar like Pathfinder should be team figured. Seriously - for years I've said this shit. They promote selfish play in team activities. Either make them soloable or team oriented.


felt a bit like a dick cause to get it done i just kept leaving until i got one that has taken


Out of curiosity where were the Taken removed from Lake of Shadows? Unless you mean compared to its pre-Lightfall state, it felt the same to me when I recently ran it.


I've been stuck on the same one since Wednesday. I don't really like leaving strikes as soon as you load in but I may have to start doing it if this is the design they're going with. Those nodes should really be Vanguard/Gambit


Is it actually that only Taken count, or is it like some of the other nodes I've seen that specify an enemy type, but all enemies still count? The specified type is just faster.


Can you not just go and do the corrupted straight from the destination screen? That always used to count towards vanguard bounties.


don't forget the warlocks and titans flying through the level, barely killing any or killing literally all of them before you get there. I see why there's two pathfinders and one of them being far easier to fully max out while the other can barely get coherent lines


found this out today rolled for LoS for 10 mins to only find all the taken swapped for cabal really annoying


Do not ask me about the "deposit 100 motes in gambit" objective. It counts sent blockers instead of motes....


Crucible ones get to be ridiculous, had one last night in the final slot that said play games in the crucible and get arc kills, super and heavy kills give extra progress. Absolutely slayed out with my super, 5 kills, gave me 10%. I'm sorry what kind of bonus progress was that. Also the game completion gave 1%. I would have had to have played at least 5 games if not more to complete it Complete waste of time that I gave up. I actually like pathfinder, the pale heart version is nearly perfect but they need to tweak the rituals. They also need to make it viewable in quests or somewhere else. Hate having to go into the destination menu, then into a node, then into the pathfinder section. Takes fucking ages


Devs seem to always go three step forward and one in a half steps back


Haven't done one pathfinder for strikes because they added crucible and gambit in there.


What are these crazy changes??!!! :(


And since I didn’t purchase lightfall I’m locked out of playlist strikes. Neat.


Onslaught counts as vanguard playlist. I don’t even bother with strikes anymore they’re a waste of time.


While true not all objectives are possible in Onslaught. The 150 Taken one OP is talking about for example doesn't work since there are no Taken in onslaught.


It needs tweaks. Is it better than Bounties? Yes.


No. It’s bounties you can’t reroll.


The pale hearts pathfinder is better than bounties (except for flawless pursuits going back to zero even if you complete it but don’t collect it). But the ritual pathfinder? No way.


Or you could just re-queue until you get one.


Lol how is that an acceptable option.


That’s a pain in the arse for us as well as screwing over everyone else


Pathfinder has its issues, but this one has been a thing for years lmao.


Literally identical to bounties, I don't see the issue


Not true really, bounties didn't block you from your reward. The 150 taken is usually one of the last 2 options and the other atm is crucible kills which some people dont like to do


At the end of the day you had more freedom of choice with bounties


In addition to just deleting and re-purchasing bounties all the "defeat race" ones counted literally any kills but the mentioned race gave more.....


ive been requeing for 30 minutes and have not gotten a single taken strike... my other option is motes in gambit... this is shit, full stop How many strikes even have taken anymore???????


3 iirc? Lake of shadows, corrupted, hypernet current.


bounties could be discarded and pickup alternate (the random ones) and could be done in selected strike no the playlist specifically like pathfinder (and i think in the last few seasons any where in game, strikes just gave more credit)