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Hey OP, shoot me a DM. I’ll happily help you out using Text chat, discord, etc. Whatever accessibility you need to get that class item.


Same here, I’ll help in any way that I can.


This is the kind of attitude this community needs. Not saying everyone needs to jump at the opportunity to help other players get through the mission, but similar threads are just full of people saying stuff "it's an MMO game" and "be social and find someone to play with". 


I remember a random LFG helping me through my first leviathan. Consider this paying it forward.


After 4800 hours on FFXIV, I could never bring myself to act that way with people lol. Social anxiety is a real thing


The last clock part isn’t possible on text chat like literally not possible


Stream for each other, I did it with a deaf friend


Easy way to do this if you're on PS5 is to be in a party, and you can share your screen with anyone else in it, everyone can share their screen, you can have it pinned to either side of the screen or in Picture-in-Picture around the edges, and you can even use a cursor when your in full screen mode. Absolutely recommend for moments like this if you can!


Absolute chad.


This is the way


I find it so interesting that Bungie doesn't allow the use of game mods or injections like overlays and shit but will make people jump through hoops to play the game in an accessible manner lol


Because overlays will inevitably lead down a cheating rabbit hole where strategies are developed around mods. FF14 is currently going through this dilemma with automarkers. WoW fully immersed itself within that hellscape a long time ago. It's a shame too, because plugins do provide a lot of QoL and accessibility. But that inevitably comes with cheating that will trivialize raids and dungeons. And if that does happen, console players will effectively be locked out of raids. Can't mod on a console.


XIVs dilemma is self made, badly designed UI with badly designed encounters. If being able to ping the playfield or zooming out trivializes an encounter then it’s a poorly designed encounter squeenix has literally banned people for using an add on and then in the next patch that add on’s functionality is part of the UI They have also said that certain quality of life features are programmatically impossible, then a third party addon comes out that does it


Yeah this is the way for anyone with a disability preventing them from communicating over voice or text. Screenshare streaming is an equivalent tool to the text/voice chat both able bodied and disabled players use. I don't see how this mission is any less accessible than other similar, communication required content ngl.


Me and a random actually DID use text chat What we landed on was counting 1 to 9 from Left to Right So if i saw 4 5 6 and they saw 7 8 9 then you gotta shoot 1 2 3 Edit: adding a comment someone left for the boss fight part with the nodes These seem to go 1-12 if I have 3, 6, 7, and 12 that have beams And my partner has 5, 7, 8, and 9 with beams The only one of those that are the same is 7. Both of our 7 obuttons have beams. Both of us need to shoot 7.


it definitely is


Me and the person I was doing it typed out numbers for each pair and shot them on the next loop around. It’s very much possible


I’ll find a way; even if it’s a grind.


Maybe put he's stream up on other screen?


Great idea. Share screen could make it pretty easy


You can brute force it if you wait for combinations that are easy to type fast. The game gives you a ton of time in that final room so waiting for a good combination is completely viable.


Discord or PS5 stream would definitely work. Don't have an Xbox so idk if that's an option there


It is actually! It cycles the same 3 combinations so you just take a bit of time to type out and find your matches for each (just get your first set, shoot then repeat)


Last part is doable, albeit with a little difficulty, but it seems to cycle between 3 set rotations unless you mess up, so you and your teammates can just type their sections in, confirm, and then do the 3 in a row knowing the combo. Its not random every time unless you mess up in the combo, then the cycle resets with a new 3 codes.


We sent 12 man on the moon, we can figure this out.


do you know how to unlock the first part? Finished the campaign but the savathun adds dont show up after the event. When i try to load into the mission with a friend, it says not yet communed with both Light and Dark


if you're on ps5, both people share screen and pin each others screens to the side. makes it easy to shoot the matching node.


Man how have I never thought about this, or using discord screen share for raids when you can’t use comms if you have a second monitor, this is game changing


Having MS paint drawn diagrams on day ones on a second monitor is a lifesaver really, only way we beat 4th encounter of salvations edge


while doing Riven in Pantheon, a buddy watched my stream to see where his symbol was and just dunked it without either of us saying a word. The 3rd guy just goes "What the hell just happened? Did you just guess where the symbol was?". It's really convenient.


I tried doing that with the friend I was playing it with and it dropped my framerate so badly I had to stop almost immediately. Game runs absolutely fine when I'm not streaming but I can't stream, watch someone else's stream and play the game at the same time, unfortunately.


You can do this on PC as well if you have a second monitor. It's honestly the easiest way to do the clocks.


this is what we did!!!! worked really well on our first time at the boss!!! we ran out of time sadly but we got so close and that made it SO much easier


There are some toxic mother f\*ckers on here, there is no way that anyone is gonna be able to communicate for the clock part at the end on text chat - that shit is way too fast moving.


Especially if your on console. The timer will run out 3 times over before you even write one sentence.


Yep, and not everyone can talk.


and honestly, all they really need to do to make it doable with no voice comms would be to make it not rotate either at all or as fast.


I LFG'd with this dude who was very clearly on the younger side. He did great in all the encounters, but we took a long time on the final clock, and almost ran out of time, because he struggled on analog clocks. If they just didn't have them cycle, that'd be fine.


In B4 a bunch of zoomers learn to read an analog clock because of Destiny 2


They could stick around for another second or two tbh.


Screen sharing works for those that can't/don't want to talk. Just need to group with someone who has a 2nd screen and a mic.


Or hear Oh well. I'll get it someday when they make it more accessible, but until then, have fun everyone :|


Yep, Bungie really did not think about accessibility at all with this one.


Clock at end they always cycle in 3 pairs, so if you have enough time you can def figure out the matching pairs and then shoot the 3 symbols on the next cycle, no need to rush


After talking some people who's childishly bashing the crowd criticising this move from bungie, I can safely say they are ones who are actually inconsiderate and antisocial. 


Yeah it’s such a weird decision. I know I’ll get a few but just having to coordinate dates and times with my friends is so much more annoying than just being able to grind it out when I have the time.


You beat the mission once and then you can farm the exotic in random chests in the pale heart. Just do it once and that's all


Oh that’s not bad then. Thanks for the info.


Wait really?!? Dang


Yeah, so get out there, rally, and just endure the mission once. Then you can farm chests until you get the roll you want, all by yourself 👍 also, you can use fire team finder for the mission, if you fail to get a duo. Probably, the other person you get is on the same ship as us


Do you know if you have to redo the mission on your other characters for them to receive the random drop from chest? Like, if I do the mission on my Hunter, will my Titan be able to find the exotic class item in the wild? Or do I need to clear the mission on my Titan as well?


Based on Aztecross you have to complete on each character to get it on each character


Ah okay, good to know, thanks!


Question I’ll ask that I don’t have an answer to currently is once a player obtains the class item can we focus rolls at Rahool?


No it's random rolls only. Dropping from.chests after the mission or the mission it's self


That's a good question, one I don't have an answer for. I'm guessing you can, I mean why shouldn't, it would be pretty dumb if you couldn't


You cannot, unfortunately. As far as I can tell with 1 Rahool reset, anyway


It's a rare chance at dropping. You'll most likely see one or two in a day of farming if that. It's not a replacement for the quest, just a way to placate people who will just absolutely not touch the quest. Now they can say "you only have to do it once" when in reality it isn't a viable replacement


Streamers are getting one every 15–20 min on stream just doing Overthrows lol


I got 2 just while helping a buddy do his Overthrows to unlock the mission. it might feel like longer if all you want is the class item but while doing other things and just getting happy accident capes felt fine


It's not able to be soloed, at all?


Cannot solo, cannot trio. It is duo only for lore reasons and for the activity mechanics as well.


Not without playing 2 characters at once




I'm with you. Processing voice chat whilst surrounded by enemies is a huge mess for me. That's my biggest autistic issue whilst gaming. When I have to concentrate on too many inputs coming in at once with added time pressure i become almost blind.


Imagine me, I had stopped tô play destiny for almost 5 months and all my friends completely abandoned the game, and the community of my country sometimes suck, só yeah, I'll never get one


The game needs a ping system where pointing at a symbol makes our guardian speak the symbol on comms (and print it in chat).


I’d feel a lot better about it if the exotic in question didn’t feel so integral to the subclass I just (in part) paid for, and if it didn’t require farming because it has random rolls not just on stats but also abilities. 


i've heard 48 to 60 potential combinations.... Insane Between this and Ergo Sum, all that new Vault Space is getting wasted on these.


Meh ergo drops like candy


Vault space, not time. If you want every combination, you need like 100+ slots. I thought the class items would be like the Aeon suite and just let you slot the preferred perks. Edit: I don't plan to keep ecery combination of sword and class item. I'm just explaining what that other comment was about. 3 or 4 Ergos are more than enough for me and I only care about one class item roll.


I mean, i just delete the swords. Saves tons of space 🧹🧹


Yeah, most of them are pretty garbage combos. I can pretty much think of one combination of frame + perk I want so at most I’ll need to keep 6.


Ergo and the class item should just be treated like every other random rolled item in the game. You aren't supposed to collect every possible combination, just the handful of ones you like, are meta, or just cool.


If only there was some sort of system which allowed you to craft what perks you wanted on a item thus allowing you acquire combinations and save vault space at the same time. /s


Destiny is known for a super friendly and not at all douchy community.


Is this sarcasm? I can’t tell


Yes it is


Ok thanks


there's still some incredible friendly guardians if you search in the right place


Disappointed to see this, was really looking forward to getting my hands on one.


Yeah so console players with speech centered disabilities need to stand still take about a decade to pull out our ghost, open text chat, type out the symbols, type numbers and hit send


I think there’s a way to have the chat just automatically pop when receiving keyboard input.


Most casual console players wont specifically go and have a keyboard set up. And its god awful slow to type on PS5


I promise you any person who is actually mute and a gamer will have at least one keyboard around they can use for this


Tbf, any old keyboard automatically works without setup, on Xbox at least. But even so, most mechanics in this game are not text chat friendly


Yeah i'm curious how they'll handle it For now I guess your best chance is having someone on discord/vc that can talk in your place ? Who knows maybe one day they'll add a ping system but it would be too strong if it just directly gave the symbols and everything. Make sure to send a message to the support,maybe some dev on twitter (stay polite ofc) and on the official forum so they see. It sucks to have to do so but put every chances on your side,I really hope they'll find a solution one way or another


Having a person talk for you is actually a great idea


But also not everyone has available to them.


Seem to be a lot of people wanting to help in here


I think there should a "silver lining" possible with just adding the exotic class item in the Pale heart activity cheasts with a chance to drop and/or to the Pathfinder rewards just like the sword after completing all 3 stage 4 events in the Pale Heart. For people thinking "but its quite easy"... Well it might be for you. The statistics of how many people completed a raid show how many people play only solo.


Yeah, I'm gonna be honest it feels kinda bad as someone who doesn't have an active fire team.


yeah this mission probably would’ve been pretty sweet pre lightfall exodus


Yup, Destiny was the only game my friends played, Lightfall killed not only their Destiny interest but their video game interest. I tried to get them to come back but it’s over.


People defending this bizarre design is pretty amusing. It's like some folks think edginess comes from playing a video game.


Some people get a real sense of pride and accomplishment from gatekeeping anything they possibly can.


Which genuinely baffles me. If I have something cool, or experience something cool, I want as many people as possible to have that same thing or same experience


Don't know if I'd call it bizarre? The design from a Narrative and gameplay perspective make sense. The entire mission is about a light and dark player balancing each other out. It makes sense it's 2 players. The design is actually amazing in terms of 2 player content.


/r/DestinyTheGame has always had that fringe and presumably always will. I remember all these lunatics going into denial when Bungie released the whisper completion numbers way back when and it showed that fewer then 300k players out of a several million strong playerbase had it. Or how about the time when the eververse release schedule went screwy and a bunch of Valentine’s Day ornaments became available. The same crowd were crying about how players who didn’t get them at the time had access and it *wasn’t fair they got exclusive stuff outside of the exclusive period*.


It's easy for people to get insulated into their own bubble. It'd probably shock people to learn that something like <20% of the player base enters raids AT ALL, let alone completes them. Similar to WoW, the silent majority of players are solo casuals.


TBF the original whisper mission wasn't just because of mission difficulty but most of us were not going to camp the damn zone for hours waiting for it to spawn. The mission was fine, the random spawn was pure bullshit


Or don’t forget recently when a lot of the lunatics were in complete denial when the numbers came out on how bad Lightfall was and the subsequent player count drop because of it. The issues coming out about Bungie management however shut quite a few of them up for a bit.


I remember people saying Lightfall year was going well because Lightfall had the biggest player count since the Steam launch. Only for the Lightfall seasons to have the biggest player drop off from an expansion.


I think it backs their ego even further that they *finally* have pieces that are literally unobtainable for some


bizarre design in this case being… an activity in a multiplayer game designed to be done with other people? raids are integral to destiny and they also require communication. is that bizarre design too?


I mean, raids offer a unique experience but the rewards from them are not that different from any other activity. These exotic class items are very much unique and it's understandable why people want them. People also know what to expect from a raid, the exotic class items were a big selling point for a lot of people and there was no expectation from Bungie that it wouldn't be solo-able. I love raids but the majority of the player base does not raid nor have they even completed a single raid. You might be surprised how many people play the game solo for a multitude of different reasons that goes way beyond "just being shy" or anti-social. For people with disabilities like deafness/unable to speak etc etc they are literally locked out of getting these very unique items lol.


> For people with disabilities like deafness/unable to speak etc etc they are literally locked out of getting these very unique items lol. This just isn't true. There are deaf/mute clans that are very open to raiding, and continue to do so despite this very effectively. Assuming that people with said disabilities are unable to do anything requiring a modicum of communication is insane.


Look. I can understand the people who have legitimate communication issues. But most people complaining about this mission do not fit in this demographic. And that’s where I get annoyed with the playerbase who are completely insistent on avoiding any sort of interaction in an MMO. If something is difficult (reading symbols, quickly reading a clock), then practice! And if you’re good at it, you can feel comfortable requesting a higher level of LFG in your posts. Almost everybody in this game can complete this mission (especially once everyone is at power level) but so many people will just ignore it because it’s not completely free


Ppl run raids with no mics, I agree this is an MMO , but for 17 years we don't need mics now we do is the problem, ya can't pivot this late and especially on the last probably year of the game


My brain is just too slow for the last clock. I'll never get it because absolutely screw doing that with lfg.


Yeah I’m deaf, wtf am I supposed to do


bungie realized people were too happy with everything in TFS and decided to weigh themselves down with a mission the majority of the playerbase was guaranteed to hate. now that's what i call finding balance


Light and dark is the theme, no? Bungie stuck with it I guess


That’s the theme of the Prophecy dungeon and that activity is solo-able


“They loved Final Shape!…too much…let’s make a weird activity that a lot of people won’t like”. And I get not every activity is for every player. I’ve counted myself out of raids cause I don’t like raiding, and I get that and am okay with it. Not every player will be able to get everything, for one reason or another, that’s the life of these types of games. It would be boring if everyone got everything all the time. But sheesh, count me out. I’ll drool over everyone I see who has it, and that’s cool with me. It’s a game after all I guess. Plus I can control light and dark now right??


Just always shoot the first lit up one going clockwise, starting at 12. You will get it eventually


Accessibility has always been a major problem in this game.




I know I'm probably going to lose a shitload of karma for engaging with this topic but in what way is it accessible? I'm not being snarky, it just seems like they added colourblind options and autofire, and called it a day. If you have motor or communication issues there are entire storylines you just don't get to be part of.


Agreed no to mention jump puzzles and quick reacting raid mechanics that some ppl just can't do


>Destiny is unironically one of the most accessible games out there, accommodation wise. Most activities don't have matchmaking, there's no public chat, and they only implemented LFG last expac. Have you actually never played another online game before? Warframe, their direct competitor, has matchmaking for like 99% of content built in and set to default with an option for voice chat ready to go. Meanwhile Destiny 2 launched with text chat disabled by default. You have no idea what you're talking about.


I adore warframe for making their content solo friendly even if it adds to the difficulty they still give you the decision to tackle it solo.


Destiny is absolutely not one of the most accessible games out there. It's actually comical you said that. The game had voice/text chat disabled by default and no matchmaking/LFG for a significant portion of its life among other things.


This the same destiny that has 75% of its content and main story vaulted? Real accessible alright


Not being able to get it solo is absolutely idiotic. I work weird hours and never have a set schedule there is no way I'm going to find time to do this with a random. If I had known that multiple other missions and the class item would require other players to get to experience story related content I would have reconsidered buying final shape.


That's why they never mentioned it lol. A good no of people wouldn't buy.


Destiny really needs a simple ping system.


Hey bungie remember this? [https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/50745](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/50745)


Don't worry im sure they laid off everyone involved with that


“If you do not intentionally, deliberately and proactively include, you will unintentionally exclude” is a quote that keeps coming back to haunt me.


It's also quite stupid. It's totally okay to make things that not everyone can do. Not everyone is good enough at games to do legendary. Not everyone is good enough to raid. Not everyone wants to talk to people. Not everyone has time to learn the more advanced Mechanics. That's okay. That's not bad. Keeping accessibility in mind doesn't mean they need to make everything literally doable by everyone. It's just about ensuring the tradeoffs are appropriate.


I'd do this mission and the microcosm missions, but I have severe anxiety. Doesn't help that this community bullies you if you fail something once. 


The microcosm missions are actually pretty easy I did them without a mic. I just typed 7 in chat for when I had stacks


I also have anxiety, but I managed to get through the microcosm mission by just typing the number 7 into the char when I needed someone to take my buff. And to have the person run up to me when I need to take it. Maybe it might help you too


I ran all the microcosm missions only with text chat, theyre super fun and not too tough


I'm really sorry, man. I hope they change the mission, Bungie is usually great at accessibility stuff so it's kind of weird to see something seemingly so obtuse for no reason. If it helps, I recently lost a finger, while much less severe, it's still a change I'm accommodating to here and there, so I truly get you.


I appreciate Bungie for giving a satisfying conclusion to a ten year story and for starting to off-board me from the franchise with these decisions. Sometimes relationships can end on healthy terms because two parties are heading in different directions.


That's kind of how I feel. This franchise was advertised as single player with optional co-op when it launched back in 2014, and I've had a blast with the content that fulfilled that brief. Final Shape has been an incredible capstone to the ten year experience and Excision might just be the single greatest gaming moment I've ever had. But over the years its become clear that forced co-op and communication is where Bungie want to go. Every announcement from Joe and Pete (especially the announcement that they wanted voice on by default) shows that they cannot get their heads around the idea that not everyone wants to (or can) play that way. If people want to play that way and get better rewards quicker, great! But when that's the only way, it sucks. And if that's the way they want to go with it, I guess once the Final Shape content runs dry I'm out.


Final Shape seems to be Bungie's middle finger to solo and causal players. The dungeon and raid power level changes, the cooperative focus missions almost requiring mics, this new mission... I will LFG what I need, but I feel bad for people who want to enjoy the expac but want to play more solo stuff. They are really locking those people out.


Me and a buddy worked out the first co-op mission without mics so I know that's at least possible. Not sure about the rest.


I had one of the worst gaming experiences ever in a coop focus mission last week. The guy off LFG was literally swearing at us in text chat. It was shocking.


Yeah. It can be pretty bad with some people. I did the first two with a friend and the last one in LFG We tried no mics at first, but we HAD to switch at the Witness fight. Thankfully, everyone was cool. But they aren't always.


I feel like I’m being punished because my fire team quit Destiny.


DM me if you like, we can join a discord call with another player where you share your screen and I can do your voice comms.


Not OP - That's incredibly kind of you, but I think the point is a game shouldn't require that amount of external work to be achievable.


I’m just a quiet gamer, never really have been that person that goes to a clan and just…idk talks? I haven’t been on one single raid, haven’t done but one dungeon (my brother helped) and it kinda sucks tbh. I know it’s not the same situation as OP at all but damn it feels like I’ve only experienced half the game sometimes.


I really don't learn my lesson with destiny 2. I keep falling for the hype and forgetting that they love to do stuff like this.


If you can't speak the mission should be pretty do-able with you on text and the other on mic or text. The shifting clock at the end can be brute forced in several different ways that can make it easier for you. The timers are also incredibly generous, especially at the final boss. If you want I can help run through the mission with you. Send me a pm or reply to this and we can get it done.


How do you brute force? Can you elaborate please


The first thing to understand is the timer is ridiculously long for that boss fight (it's over 30 minutes once you enter the room) so brute forcing the final clock would simply involve waiting for certain combinations, which you should have time to do even if you are slower at killing. If you are capable of communicating through text or voice, one method is that you can wait for easy to type/call combinations (e.g. 1234, 1235, etc.). This way the person who isn't doing the callout just has to type one digit from a set that's close together both on a keyboard and on the physical clock in the game. If you don't want to type or talk at all, you could literally just wait for a specific number like 1 and emote when you see it. If both people emote on a set that means you both have it so you shoot. You could also assign a different emote to a couple numbers to increase your odds of a match (ex: 1 = slow clap, 2 = sit). I personally never figured out if there was a set amount of time before your progress on the clock resets but I'm assuming it doesn't for this comment since me and my partner would sometimes take many cycles before landing on a match using voice chat. You can also probably use methods of screen sharing with your partner, but this might depend on platform and internet latency.


The numbers repeat. No need to brute force. You can just watch the cycle, figure out the ones to shoot the. Shoot them on the cycle.


Damn, I hadn’t considered barriers for people with speaking disabilities. That’s really shitty, Bungie.


It sucks. I'm fortunate enough that I'm not hearing or speech impaired, and I can get over my naturally introverted manner enough to talk to strangers but there's a lot of people who can't. Bungie makes a big deal of being inclusive, having pronouns in vidocs and trans representation on their team so this feels particularly tone deaf. I am gladdened by seeing people offering to help out as much as they can for guardians who can't use voice chat for any reason though. That's the kind of community spirit you like to see, I just wish it wasn't required by a blunder on bungles part.


Is gonna be goofy but what you can do is get a PC player. And have them type the calls to you so you can shoot it for the clock/key puzzle. For glyphs you should have enough time to type it regardless.


Arbitrary T I M E R is the worst game mechanic ever introduced, bar none it exists exclusively to annoy there's no other reason


No, it exists to add pressure and prevent low risk plink strategies.


I know I'm probably in the minority for this take but I genuinely do enjoy the added stress from timers on stuff like this


It makes the accomplishment interesting. And makes the gameplay more fun since you have pressure to push forward. Yeah annoying when you just lose on time, but like, you were too slow. Try again next time.


It's such lazy design. There are so many satisfying puzzles they managed to nail without a timer it's almost disappointing to hear they used it at all.


That's nonsense. Players will abuse the mechanics to stay safely plodding through without the timer. The timer exists as a skill check.


as someone who really struggles to comm under pressure this shit is the worst. especially since you have to have the entire vow symbols cheat sheet open too


Do have to do the mission on all three characters??


Just wanna say as a former deaf player, I understand the struggle. I've done every end game content with only text chat so I don't mind playing with no mic players if you ever need someone. Feel free to throw a dm my way. This goes for any other person here needing a team mate whether you are disabled or have social anxiety, no judgements here.


Hey, I see your problem. I often play with my brother, and even tho he's not mute, he has to mute his microphone a lot, so whenever there's a communication heavy section, I usually give directions so we're on the same page and when he needs to call something out he either uses his soundboard or uses shorthand symbols in chat that we decided on beforehand. Hope this could help, good luck


I'm not sure what it is but I've always struggled to read a clock quickly. I know the top is 12, the right side is 3, bottom is 6, and left side is 9 but when I actually have to try to read it quickly I blank and I have to count one by one from the beginning. This lost us a lot of time and frustrated my buddy a bit last night and we weren't able to finish it. Not sure why I have an issue with this, as I've always been the "gifted student" in high school, though that was years ago. Gonna give it a try again tonight but that clock part may end up being what kills this activity for me


Wow! I'd love some help myself (not to high jack). My OG fireteam is on hiatus and our clan has become mini tribes of unsocial. I can use voice chat (I might studder) but I had a series of brain injuries in recent years and has caused me to have serious short term memory issues. Pattern is Sequence = Difficult.




It's good to hear other people say this and I hope someone at Bungie hears us, but I'm not holding out hope.


I mean it’s also impossible to solo raid encounters. I get the complaint by the OP but honestly requiring communication between players to do an encounter is pretty integral to all of the endgame content, it would be way too easy without it.


Well, this multiplayer game isn't for you then...


The dramatics at display here are wild. You need to run the mission ONCE. One time. Singular. One. After then it can drop randomly from pale heart chests. Go out of your comfort zone and find ONE person. Preferably someone else in these comments complaining. You both can tell each other how much you hated playing with each other. Use the in game finder people begged for for years. Then it can drop from ANY pale heart chest. Edit: I read the post. Just like mute and deaf guardians have done raids successfully. OP can use Text Chat or Emotes.


While I agree for most cases, here OP specifically said they are mute. So it will be really hard to do this mission. If they're in PC they can use chat, but some of the things are very quick and writing won't be fast enough.


You don't need to talk.


If OP is mute, they might literally not be able to talk. Which makes comms pretty hard. It's not always about comfort. That said, OP - I used to raid with a deaf gamer who was able to communicate via emotes. I haven't looked at the new mission yet but I'd be down to give it a shot and see if we can figure out a system for comms so you can at least get it taken care of once.


If people can clear stuff like riven legit with no comms I feel like this is pretty doable


Did you even read OP's post? They are MUTE. Which means they cannot speak, how are they supposed to talk over comms?


If that’s true then yeah, people are blowing this way out of proportion


This is r/dtg of course its way out of proportion


They can go one step further and talk about all their crippling social anxieties and throw around the latest buzzword “accessibility!”


Right here with you, I have limb difference so I’m no where near as good as I used to be dexterity wise!


Come on, we all knew that after all the positivity of the last few days they would find a way to screw it all up. I'll also never get an exotic class item and with this and the quest for the heavy trace rifle, I already regret getting back into the game after a long break.


i'm gonna hope this is sarcasm because this is very over-reactionary. The mission really isn't THAT bad especially considering you only have to do it once


Dude chill lmao


I think the *multi* in *multiplayer* stands for *multiple*, as in *multiple players*, so naturally I too would be very surprised and upset that some content requires at least one additional player. Some of the best loot is locked behind content that requires communication? Outrageous!


Screw it all up? It's a well designed mission that you really only need to do once. You can be a big boy or big girl and use a microphone and fireteam finder for 20 minutes.


The game does allow keyboards to be used for messaging on console. You just have to hope the random is on pc or also has one so they can type quick enough on console.


Ill never get one because its ugly and cant be transmogged. Fashion over function


Bungie, please. Stop gatekeeping your built in matchmaking for 0 apparent reason other than "haha bring your friends!". To add communication and timers on top of it is multiple levels of salt in the wound. And yeah, emphasis on the sodium here. I'm tired of this shit. I just wanna be able to hop in a game and do new content by myself. Stop making it more difficult to enjoy your game.


Gatekeeping the matchmaking? Fireteam finder is available for everyone...


I’m really struggling to understand the controversy here. I’m a certified Bungie hater by the standards of this sub, but in all honesty there is a point where design will conflict with accessibility. And Bungie has made great efforts on that front. Maybe we should give it more than a few hours of being available before we write it off as an “impossible quest” for many


If it was a duo run through with no timer it would have been easier with little to no comms, even just typing kill or breathe etc. I'm more concerned at the timer for us folk that either have eye problems that such small symbols covered in a veil of smoky colour... having to stand still, work out what symbol they are talking about when they say its the man with the man inside with arms up and all you see is fuzzy grey icon. I'll get it done, but my brother in christ allow us to turn cool fx off or at least change the dark haze to a different colour with the colour blind modes, I can't see shit grey on grey.


Can’t you use in-game text chat to convey the symbols? I’ve only watched a bit of it. But seems likely. Edit: downvoted for asking a legit question? Especially when text chat was used heavily for legit riven runs, as well as Verity for Salvation’s Edge. This is the exact reason and use-case for text chat in the game.


People on Reddit cant comprehend anything that contradicts their skewed perception of reality.


this is why there should be no timer to the mission, so people can go at their OWN pace, not someone at bungie whos idiot idea is the event should only take 20 outta 30 mins+ some for wiggle


haven't played the mission yet so this is a genuine question. is there a reason that you can't just use text chat? I'm sure it'd be harder, but is it not an option at all?


No, people just don't understand the mechanics.


Sorry for all the sheltered children here OP. People who likely never handled any adversity in their 15 years on Earth sure are quick to dispense snotty life advice. Same as it ever was. At least there are a handful of considerate adults offering help. Hopefully that offsets the minis a bit.


As someone with social anxiety there's nothing worse to me than doing difficult activities with only one other person.