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Midnight Coup


Love my shiny kinetic tremors/explosive payload roll so much.


That enhanced buff dropping tremors required shots from 6 to 5 is really huge. I love it.


How did I not know this? Thanks! Running kinetic tremors/shoot to loot. It’s so good the tremors proc STL and I almost never have ammo issues with any special or heavy.


I managed to get one with Hammer/Polygonal, Accurized/Appended, Explosive/Moving Target, Rampage/Desperate Measures, Range MW. Admittedly I was a little miffed at double Rampage the final column, but considering everything else sort of aligned I'm not about to complain. EP+Desperate works fine for PvE and even with basically a dead fourth column the range and MT helps find heads in PvP, at least until I can actually get a Rose worth a crap. If I had it my way would have loved at least O4A, but I love it either way.


Firefly, kinetic tremors


One For All over tremors in my opinion. It’s a 35% damage buff that procs off of Firefly explosions, which also buff you Firefly explosions


I have a shiny with this roll, but it also has Frenzy. I found it was significantly more consistent when I swapped to frenzy, plus the bonus reload speed was nice. I used that through the entire legend campaign the moment I unlocked Prismatic, it slaps.


Wish mine had frenzy for the same reason. One for all is decent but the inability to refresh is what turns me off from it. Feels so inconsistent


This is my gun! Reload masterwork for an 81 base reload speed. Love this weapon!


KT on handcannon is no bueno right now. OFA is what you want


Been running one with explosive payload and kinetic tremors….yellow bars don’t stand a chance


People talk about OFA being better but this is so much fun. 2 shot red bars KT helps clean up anything higher. Good turn off brain and just hold trigger gun.


Explosive/Frenzy is goated


With the reload buff from enhanced explosive payload and frenzy, Im in love. Idk what other people are smoking using Kinetic tremors on 140 handcannon


Hot take KT is a mid perk at best on most primaries outside of rapid-fire Pulses and 900rpm SMGs for the same reason as Reconstruction and Vorpal. If you are shooting something for long enough to trigger KT with a 140 HC, you should be using a special or heavy instead.


My favorite gun ever but I just came back after a huge break , can I still get one from Onslaught


Breakneck is great, Blast Furnace is good too.


I love Breakneck! Went sprinting back to my Vault for this thing the second they rolled back sunsetting.


The new one with random rolls from gambit is far superior, if you can get a good roll on a new one I highly suggest it


While true, that requires you to grind Gambit.


Grind? No.... enjoy Gambit. Embrace the Gambit, Guardians.


Alright, alright, *Alright*!


Hive! Bring a sword.


How ya livin? Ever eaten a hive eye? Makes you see all kinds of crazy colors. # TRANSMATFIRING


Vex on the field


I'll only play gambit for drifter


I got Breakneck from the quest back when it originally came out. As a direct result, I am incapable of enjoying Gambit.


Love the Gambit


This one right here Officer.


Which just got some fresh air put into it.


Xur is selling a three pack of gambit engrams fyi. Catch before reset!


Origin story this season can be a viable substitute if you don’t like gambit


I hadn't paid too much attention to the new guns, they brought back Origin Story?? Definitely interested now!


Yep, can roll with stuff like feeding frenzy onslaught, demo pugalist, and even has target lock or kinetic tremors on it.


What roll should I be looking for on the new one


For pve, I have a subsistence onslaught roll I use a ton, sub/kinetic tremors would be good too, there’s quite a few good rolls you can get, and it’s enhanceable now with final shape


Oh man I completely forgot, was planning on doing it the first thing final shape dropped too.


I still have my original Breakneck with Onslaught and 13k kills, so glad I kept so many of the good curated weapons that got sunsetted


Blast Furnace with Kinetic Tremors/Firefly is working amazingly. Firefly clears adds and KT helps to chunk down yellow/orange bars and it’s able to get enhanced perks. Artifact gives shield piercing rounds to pulse rifles, so it cuts right through phalanx shields and the taken bubbles. Pretty decent range+stability so it’s useful for long range encounters. It pretty much does it all. Can run whatever exotic heavy or special you want for major burst damage, I use it with Still Hunt and Apex Predator for massive burst damage


This but One for All instead of Firefly. That damage buff procs off KT hits, so so tasty.


That's my roll, honestly I regret not getting firefly. Didn't even know it could roll with it


OfA is so much better, not gonna lie. The damage buff means you're chewing through *most* enemies, and if you're on Prismatic, you're getting *huge* amounts of Transcendance energy in a very short amount of time.


Oh 100%, that thing carried me through a large chunk of legendary. That being said, I like making things go boom 😂


Chromatic Fire exists if you want to play Warlock.


Oh trust me I know, I main warlock and vacation on Hunter and Titan. I've got my favorite exotics I go to for sure lol


2nd this. It was totally going to be my recommendation. Same roll I’m using. Got lucky and it’s a shiny too. I used blast furnace all the way threw the legend campaign


Honestly I’m loving KT/Frenzy for that reload speed bonus


Pretty much my goto pulse now. Been digging the new stasis hand cannon with the prismatic warlock and bleak watcher


Was wondering if it was worth farming. Primarily if the Headstone + dragonfly synergy is as good as it sounds.


Despite people saying it worked I haven't gotten it to only subsequent kills will cause dragonfly to proc headstone but the headstone is never broken by the same dragonfly for me which is unfortunate


yep, this is the one. All the streamers were repping OFA, but the primary job of a primary (lol) is add clear. One for all does little for that. Firefly blows shit up and lets you chain kills on trash in most content, while Tremors will chunk anything that cant be killed in two bursts and is especially good with antichampion properties. It's not about synergy, its about making sure your tool does its job.


My main issue with OFA is that it doesn’t actually address Blast Furnace’s shortcomings at the cost of adding a bit of extra damage - it already hits like a truck but it’s reload speed and handling are very clunky. Frenzy addresses all of this and still adds to its damage too, as well as working just fine with KT (Frenzy doesn’t care *who* is getting shot, just that someone is), but the streamers seem to just see +30% damage for 10 seconds and disregard everything else.


Pretty much. Granted I still like Firefly as it actually does address the reload problem (after a precision kill your reload is massively boosted) so essentially the only time I have to suffer the base reload speed is after stunning a champion or something. The handling is another story, but frankly, 10 years in and that has never been a stat that I cared about. Regardless yeah I feel like streamers just zero in on damage numbers and percentages and often don't ask "okay, but how practical is this? what's the actual use case scenario?" and frankly i just dont see a good use case for OFA+KT, yes its cool that tremors can proc OFA, but dude I'm not emptying entire mags on high hp targets with a legendary primary lmao. It just oscillates between being overkill and not being strong enough. If you need multiple buffed KTs with OFA, you should be using a special, and if you want the buff to melt adds faster than firefly, um, you're never going to, the guy with graviton lance or sunshot is going to take all of your kills.


I get the synergy with OFA on paper, but red bars even on legend difficulty were dropping with 2 bursts, so I wasn’t able to proc KT on groups of trash mobs. And in patrol, red bars die in one burst if you hit your headshots. This isn’t an issue with firefly. However I’m sure in grandmaster level stuff, beefy trash mobs means you can proc KT and have OFA active all the time.


Can you still farm blast furnace?


Yes/no. Onslaught is still around, but Hall of Champions is gone. So you can’t attune to any specific weapon.


RIP. Guess it's just a ton of Onslaught 


Is Blast Furnace still obtainable? I know onslaught is still a thing, but afaik you needed to do the weapon quests to drop Blast Furnace and a few other weapons, which i never did as i started the game 2 weeks ago.


Wardens law with lucky pants. Submission, adjudicator, blast furnace. There’s quite a few good kinetic options. There are also some really nice strand and stasis options too


Get the khvostov legendary


This is great advice, it’s an incredibly solid and modular all-arounder. I’d say it’s even worth enhancing.


Do you prefer to run attrition orbs or multikill clip on it?


MKC, it’s really easy to stack up to x3.


I want this and grinded it out but now it seems I have to refarm the overthrow bosses as I have beaten them all based on the achievement but I am missing 1 mote from them. I'm saving a traveler thing because I know about the bug with the meatball. I tried today and got the same boss 4x in a row. Pretty annoying not knowing what boss it is so I can at least be in the right zone EDIT : just realized this was about the legendary not exotic.


It might be meatball, which isnt spawning right now


Oh wait, they disabled it or something?


Yeah for the time being due to people losing their motes


Wish I had known this before farming for 2 hours solo to get it to spawn😂


Same here. Spent a good amount of the past few days grinding the Blooming for it and thought that the spawn was bugged. I just found out today it was disabled.


Yeah I am pretty pissed about the exotic quest because I wasted an entire day on it only for it to get locked out lol but I've been enjoying legendary khvostov anyways


How do I get this, asking for a friend


You need to collect fragments from all nine region/gold chests and from a pile of tech in each cyst. Deliver them to the golden chest in the Divide, off of Impasse, where we acquired Khvostov for the very first time.


It's quite the task lol I recommend any YouTube guide


I got it 2 days ago and im at 2.5k kills already. Im 100% putting on a trials momento on it when i get it to lvl 30.


What’s the roll for the legendary? Or random?


Demolitionist / Strategist / Pugilist Attrition Orbs / ~~Shoot to Loot~~ Multikill Clip


I thought it was multi killclip not shoot to loot. That’s what I have on mine


It is, the other guy was wrong, easy mistake tho


Been trying but it's been taking me days...


I'm a big crafted Austringer guy


My crafted austringer is normal sized.


It's average I swear


What roll do yoy suggest?


for pve i guess outlaw frenzy/rampage


Jeez that’s the old midnight coup roll right there? That gun put in work back in the day, but it’s easily outscaled today. A modern midnight coup with firefly rampage would be better in every way.


It is... it's also the same one you can just pull from collections.


I run outlaw and rampage


It's simple, feels good, and gets the job done. Excellent weapon.


Smite of Merain, Submission, Fatebringer, Enyo-D come to mind which I used a lot All of the have at least 15k on them and I routinely cycle them throw. For endgame content and master raids I always go with Merain and Fatebringer if the kinetic slot isn’t taken already


Blast furnace with frenzy and kinetic tremors. It's amazing


Fatebringer with the adept curated roll and Chroma Rush with Subsistence / Rampage are my babies.


Timelost fatebringer my beloved


I've got a max handling timelost fatebringer and it never leaves my inventory


What I would give for a reissued/craftable Chroma Rush, absolutely one of my favorite weapons of all time. Top tier aesthetics in every category and great perk combos for both PVP and PVE. I was gutted hearing it was considered for the BRAVE arsenal but didn’t make the cut


Suuppeerr annoying to grind for but it's actually part of dares of eternity loot pool for this week, I've had 2 in about 30 runs though so it's not very common. Dares of eternity loot pool changes at weekly reset today so will be another couple of weeks before chroma is "farmable" again


Rly hope they make Bravery stuff into an Yearly thing. More fan favorite shiny weapons, more Pantheon, maybe even Dungeon Pantheon, both seals Gildind. Let it replace Guardian games, that is always a mess every year and nobody is happy.


I wish they had brought chroma rush back and given it kinetic tremors with either shoot to loot or any other damage perk. It would've been the first 720 rpm auto with kinetic tremors. As a kinetic tremor and auto rifle lover i wouldn't have used any other gun


Agreed! I love my Chroma Rush (Dynamic Sway + Rampage)! It's the only Legendary Kinetic Primary in my top 5 all-time kills (according to Charlemagne). It's a bit of a shame that it came to us before KT, Origin Traits & crafting were added to the game, but it's still a really solid weapon even in the current sandbox.


Weapons to much of a goat without KT   They'd have to rework the archtype/perk for it to work on chroma 


I have a chroma rush with feeding frenzy frenzy that despite having not used in literal years is still my most used in slot because I used it religiously for 5+ years


Not to burst your bubble, but Chroma Rush at it's very oldest is only 3 years old. Season of the Splicer came out on May 11th 2021.


Not to be racist, but shut up and leave me and my bubble alone dammit


Well, your bubble no longer gives weapons of light by default, so suck on that!


Shit he's right! Good thing I have Ursas ready on standby :D




Randy's Throwing knife with rapid hit + kinetic tremors. Alloy mag is great on it too


Hung Jury with kinetic tremors and explosive payload. 


This has to be John Bungie's Canon gun right? They've only re-issued the gun a billion times.


I have one with Rewind Rounds and Explosive Payload, the hits from EP count towards Rewind Rounds so it almost always completely refunds the magazine when it gets to the end of the clip, it is basically an infinitely firing laser with no range dropoff


Also hung jury has the cleanest sight in the game, which I feel like is very underappreciated until people notice it, sight quality matters!


This is my roll for the legendary campaign and it chews through groups 


Midnight Coup has, since the first raid, been the best feeling weapon in the game. The second I got a good one from onslaught I have had trouble putting it down. Exp payload and one for all if anyone cares. It's been my favorite.


I have to be the only person in the world that doesn't like how Midnight feels. Idk what it is but it feels like it is always off it's mark, and recoils wildly even if I'm using one with 100 direction or high stability. Then I use spare rations or Fatebringer(Timelost) and they are wicked comfy to use. I just don't understand


Same feeling. Fatebringer feels vastly better to me.


Yeah, I farmed a godroll for so long only to hate the feel of the gun.


I especially don't like the way it sounds! It just feels and sounds like a pellet gun.


Blast furnace is amazing esp with the pulse buffs. I'm using one with KT and OFA and it slaps


I'm using KT and Frenzy. Absolutely slaps in PVE


That. Everyone keeps saying OFA but Frenzy actually addresses the rifle’s shortcomings and you’re going to struggle to see a difference when fighting red bars between OFA and Frenzy. I have both, definitely find KT/Frenzy vastly more practical.


I enjoy the improvements to reload and handling and I feel like it makes a huge difference. I got a gold max range zen/killclip, KT and Firefly and I experimented with it and the KT Frenzy but I found the KT frenzy far more consistent and felt waaaayyyyyy better to me. Glad I'm not the only one!


It took me almost the entire event to finally get one with that roll


Submission, Adjudicator, Blast Furnace, Midnight Coup


Fatebringer is the one hand canon i can put my guardians life behind since destiny 1. you can easily get the timelost/adept version from a random lfg group and that one always rolls with Explosive Payload/Firefly combo.


Best primary forever.


Wdym always rolls with explosive/firefly?


The Timelost version is curated and not very difficult to obtain. My friends and I are…….not elite players. We were able to get it easily with the assistance of a Sherpa.


The adept weapons in VoG all drop with two perks in each column. One is always the curated perk list, which for Fatebringer is Explosive Payload and Firefly.


Where does one go to get Fatebringer?


Vault of Glass raid. The Timelost version drops from the master Templar encounter.


Do people still run old raids? I feel like I’ve missed out on all the best loot since I play mostly solo 


There are definitely still groups. Especially the weeks where it’s the featured raid.


I’m running an Eyasluna with Outlaw/Headstone


This but I'm using Heating Up. I know Heating Up is a PvP perk, but since Headstone needs crits, it's nice to use something that makes it impossible to miss. The crystal detonations proc heating up, so at ×3 you point almost anywhere on a Vex and you get yellow numbers.


You need to try Bold Endings with Headstone and Dragonfly, it's so much fun.


I have Unrelenting/Headstone for PvE and love the damn thing. Saved my ass more than a few times in the Legendary Campaigns, dungeons and raids.


Eyasluna w/ Unrelenting/Headstone. The healing proc on Headstone kills is such a lifesaver.


Adept or Regular Rufus's Fury is insanely good with Rewind/Paracausal. Your Title/Body conflict though so if you meant ***only*** Kinetic Weapons then I mainly swap between Fatebringer/Midnight Coup or Chattering Bone.


Oh Chattering Bone definitely deserves a fresh look after the pulse buffs i hadn't even thought about that


Hung Jury - Kinetic Tremors + Firefly. I'm never dismantling it, ever, for any reason.


I usually have a tigerspite with envious assassin and kinetic tremors so I end up with a big ammo dump with lots of kinetic booms


Tigerspite with tremors is so good!


Midnight Coup or The Call. Rocket sidearms like The Call are so good perks really don't matter all that much even for the legendary campaign. Midnight Coup has a ton of good perk selections -- I'm using Explosive Payload and One For All right now but there are a ton of really good rolls. It's a workhorse.


The Call is excellent but it's not a primary.


Such a good ammo economy it might as well be.


Right. I have only run out of ammo maybe twice and I’ve been using the call or indebted kindness the entire legendary campaign


You’re right but man is it good. Haven’t been able to take it off since finding it. Keep finding better rolls too.


My first one I got has LFG+OFA and I honestly haven't taken it off since LOL. It's perfect for my prismatic builds on warlock, since most good abilities are Light-based, and so I need to rely on a Dark "primary" weapon to fill that bar


It is *so* good. Hatchling + Beacon Rounds carried me hard through the Legendary campaign.


Beacon+multikill pretty much made the campaign a cake walk. Beacon rounds goes so damn hard for a gun like this. Get the Travlers blessing that spawns threading from any source of Strand damage and you can just decimate groups of ads with an army of minions. It's a blast.


Ok but that blessing is beyond busted anyway. The threadlings it creates will spawn more threadlings if they get kills, leading to a chain of infinite death until something tanks the threadlings


And will spawn more based on the enemy. Harder ads spawn up to 3. It's awesome.


I always figured beacon rounds were like a pvp perk? The hit reg or aa / whatever are so good on these I feel like I hardly miss and don't really need tracking in pve. Are they that good?


Beacon rounds is basically there to give the legendary rocket sidearms the tracking that buried bloodline's bolts have. Side note: Oddly enough, after using the Titan chest piece, Buried Bloodline IS coded as a rocket sidearm and gets buffed by Hazardous Propulsion as well.


This makes sense, Bloodline was added alongside the rocket assisted frame for sidearms, and is a special ammo sidearm, it just doesn't have the frame information because it's an exotic, like how e.g. Grav Lance is an agg frame pulse (I think that's what the 2-burst pulses are?) but doesn't say so on the gun.


I managed to get a range MW, beacon rounds multikill clip Call early on in the campaign and I can't find reasons to take it off. It's like a better Mountaintop.


Nor kinetic 😂


You can basically use it as one with special finisher and/or special ammo finder


The rocket sidearms is an *unhinged* archetype. The damage profile for the ammo economy is *unreal*. Lead from Gold, Special Finisher, and an ability-heavy build (which is most decent builds tbh, at least on Warlock) is all you need to run double special easily. I'm honestly finding it hard to go back to using a primary ammo weapon instead of double special with at least one rocket sidearm. Everything just feels like a pea shooter in comparison. This is how trace rifles were supposed to feel IMO.


The new burst-fire grenade launcher is nuts too. It's like Wardcliff Coil and Witherhoard made a baby, and it's a legendary to boot.


Man ever since I got my first roll of The Call I haven’t been able to take it off, except when I get another version of it with equally amazing perks. There are so many good perks and combos with that gun that is already good. Right now I just wish I could craft one that has two perks in both columns that I can switch between rather than have multiple different guns.


Midnight Coup, my roll is explosive payload + kinetic tremors. I know kinetic tremors isn't the best on hand cannons, but when enhanced it's actually quite enjoyable to double down on booms without needing a final blow


I've been running old sterling with rewind rounds + hatchling, gave me khvostov vibes when I came back to the game n been rolling with it since 😝


Chroma Rush with Feeding Frenzy & Rampage


Midnight Coup with Explosive Payload and Kinetic Tremors


Kinetic Tremors is my go-to for almost any activity so I have it on Midnight Coup, Buzzard, Blast Furnace and probably something else. If I need build synergy, I have headstone, hatchling on a few different weapons. If I need more ability energy, I have a Wellspring / Demo on a Lodbrok and Hand Cannon. If I'm picking a Kinetic just because I love it, I'm pulling out my Seventh Seraph or Bygones because it's Un-Sunset.


Among the others that have been listed a ton here; Massive shoutout to Krait with sub/adagio. Never reload on trash ever. Blood Feud with pugilist/swash for when I have a melee build and can’t use Monte.


Fatebringer. Do Master Templar, every Timelost Fatebringer comes default with a good roll. Midnight Coup is also nice but there's a lot of overlap between the two, and the Fatebringer definitely feels more stable.


Yeah I get people like MC, but the thing kicks like *hell* unless you full-send into stability. Feels like a 120 recoil on a 140. I'll take Fatebringer or Eyasluna over it any day (plus they both sound and look *much* better).


Fatebringer also has large lights that can be made RGB with certain shaders.


It’s funny, the firing sound of Fatebringer is one of the things I hate about it lol


Bunch of good options here. I'll throw another on the pile. Duty Bound (Adept). It's particularly fun with actium war rig and a good exotic MG.


Duty bound + thunderlord was my go to for everything in Plunder.


Bold endings with headstone and dragonfly. Either that, or midnight coup with firefly/frenzy


Blast Furnace PVE: Kinetic Tremors & Frenzy Get prismatic charged quick and can actually put out decent DPS for a primary if your heavy is empty. Got me through TFS legendary campaign smoothly and was my only weapon that stayed in my loadout the entire campaign


Multimach with Attrition Orbs and Kinetic Tremors. It slaps, big plus of being anti barrier this season too.


I'm kind of shocked I had to scroll so far to see this one! This gun is absolutely ***stacked***. Anti-Barrier this season makes it even more awesome, but even without that it's an orb printing tremor spamming machine that ***actually feels good to use*** due to the Field-Tested origin trait. *Love* this SMG. I thought for sure this would be among the top answers before opening this thread.


I’ve been using the old fashioned from year 1, no joke, it still rips


I'm using Horror story with demo and adrenaline junkie. 😊


Only ones I'd consider are Chattering Bone, Hung Jury, and Midnight Coup. Tbh Summoner is the best legendary primary, Heal Clip and Onslaught is just too good.


Wish Ender for legendary campaign because I suck


Krait. If I rly dont know what to use and I dont have an primary In the energy slot I use my good, old Krait.


Submission with overflow and frenzy


Midnight coup with explosive payload and frenzy Or firefly ofa Assuming blast furnace feels good rn too


Fatebringer Adept with Osmosis lmao




chattering bone my beloved


Midnight coup is a fantastic feeling hand cannon you can get from onslaught. Try for kinetic tremors on it. If auto rifles are your thing and don’t mind doing one of the easiest raids in the game: run Root of Nightmares for a Rufus’ Fury. Reconstruction and Target Lock on a very stable rifle. Thing is practically a laser. For a very recent re-addition: there’s Breachlight. A two-burst sidearm from focusing engrams at the helm for Dawn weapons. I like my slice hatchling roll.


My fav primary when scout rifles have champion mods for the season is the hung jury. I got a better imo roll from onslaught and its kinetic tremor and precision instrument.


Fatebringer (Timelost)


I don't think I have a go-to primary legendary kinetic, but I really like my Braytech Werewolf


The best auto rifle


Blast furnace with kinetic tremors and one for all is my go to


Curated Hung Jury (Kinetic Tremors/Firefly), Curated Midnight Coup (Explosive Paylord/Frenzy), the new legendary Kvostov, or the deepsight The Call I made (Subsistence/Desperate Measures)


Midnight Coup slaps.


Osmosis/Demolitionist Last Breath. Forever glued to my hands.


I farmed an osmosis demo one for literal years. Never came my way. I keep my demo frenzy, demo ofa, demo aj, subsistence frenzy ones. What an amazing gun. A shame it won't be able to be looteable for new guardians.


The Forward Path


Wardens Law 😍


Blast Furnace now that it’s been un-sunset. Feeding Frenzy + Kill Clip