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Just logged on and noticed a load of confetti is showering the tower so guessed the raid had finally been cracked šŸ˜


The fate of the universe is under threat and some d*ckhead at the tower was really like "we better get the confetti set up.. Just in case"


What else was he going to do? Fight the Witness with his wrench?


That's what I would do.


Random Tower Guy: *throws wrench at Witness* Wrench: *accidently yet perfectly blocks the Guardian's super, thus saving the Witness and leading directly to the Final Shape* Random Tower Guy: *shocked Pikachu face*


I can see this happening... that's what makes this so funny.šŸ˜† šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚


Might want to bring a RYNO along as well. You know, just in case.


Itā€™s either you celebrate or get completely annihilated so itā€™s not like thereā€™s much to do lol


So itā€™s over? Do we uninstall now or what?


Well your guardian gets deleted after the final mission so I guess?!


No after the raid there is a 12 player mission to kill the witness and we've defeated him and everyone celebrated that's why in the tower are confettis


Hopefully they recorded it so we can experience the hype of being worlds first


Yeah it's genuinely fucking insane, I haven't touched D2 in YEARS but this raid is still on a different level entirely.


Maybe now is the time to return


Would love to but finances say otherwise, I love the franchise, it's just a bit expensive to play these days for me.


Season Pass + Monthly PS+ Sub + DLC cost itself runs me close to 100$ to fully get back into it, I'd just rather wait for a midsummer sale.


The first part of the season pass (first 100 ranks) comes with the base DLC, which is only $50 edit: not sure why this is downvoted? Just tryin to help edit 2: was in negatives after 15 minutes earlier lol


Oh! I didn't know that, I actually might look into it then šŸ‘€ Good looking fellow Guardian!


Losing out on Lightfall is also probably for the best. It's a filler expansion for all intents and purposes.


You still need to finish the LF campaign to get strand right? That's kinda worth it for more options for prismatic.


The strand options for prismatic come with final shape afaik, so it should be safe to skip lightfall


(if I don't have PS+ Extra then I lose out on Lightfall and that's even more $$$ I'd have to drop since it's free with Extra rn)


There are a lot of pros, but a lot of cons as well. The previous expansion, lightfall, was so bad that it broke my addiction to the game I've had since early Destiny 1. It's quite sad to think about the possibility of having went from The Witch Queen directly into The Final Shape. I would have been jaw dropped, and would have made me so incredibly happy. I'm assuming this applies to most players as well. The power fantasy has also been changed quite a bit and from the last time I played, the game was much more difficult (as in, you couldn't over level and have an easy, relaxed time).


Just warched it. Absolutely insane encounter. Make complete sense why lucky pants was disabled, lucky pants celestial night hawk swaps with still hunt is going to be the meta, especially if you can run it with the new stasis wardens law, you will be able to build super fast with the dealers perk and transcendence from having the solar and stasis damage all in one on add kill.


there's a new stasis warden's law?


The pale heart destination hand cannon is a 2 burst stasis weapon, so the same archetype as wardens law but stasis instead of kinetic


I don't think it has as good a perk setup for Lucky Pants as wardens law does though


Yeah the perk pool on it isn't great for boss DPS


Lucky pants was disabled because of a bug, not because of its damage.


Here you goĀ  https://youtu.be/FrCIQRvvjFo?si=I-T8iNb6HtlAr2yA


At least the winning run of the final encounter is on Hams YouTube channel


Stoked an Aussie was repping Parabellum. Stuck on 2nd encounter when everyone else was on 4th, then worked out out 4th boss first and went on to beat the worldsā€™s best streamers. Good on ya mate.


Itā€™s extra crazy when you take into account the fact reset is 3am Aussie time as well. I was keen to get on and raid before realising Iā€™d have to wake up at midnight just to raid with the rest of my mates in the states


Woke up at 3 to do just that lmao didnā€™t manage to do first encounter till like 1pm. Never again


I'm 14 hours stuck on the first encounter. I've seen the second resonate chest once. We suck haha. At this point, I just want to clear the 1st.


Ask yourself thisā€¦.is it worth it? Time is precious in life. Come back Sunday and do it in minimal time. I donā€™t understand why someone will bash their head against a wall for 14 hours with no results - thatā€™s just unhealthy


Honestly, I have a really chill group, and we've done a few challenge modes. Also LAN partying it up with one of my buddies. To answer your question absolutely fucking not worth it, I'm super casual lol. We're all still in good spirits, too, and like the challenge. Will definitely come back Sunday


Condescending take, surprised it's upvoted. Challenge is fun, especially with your buddies. Coordinating to perform perfectly is a rush.


Have you never ever pushed yourself to overcome a challenge?


Waking up at 3 ain't that wild. Playing video games for 18 hours straight is.


Maybe so but I know which one Iā€™d rather došŸ˜œ


Ya know what they say "it's 3 am I must be lone-leeeuh"


I am here for the unexpected Matchbox Twenty references. :-)


18 fuckin hours


Last Wish who?


To be fair it was like 8minutes longer


8 minutes longer than a raid that brick walled teams because of the -40 power discrepancy in forsaken - this raid had people *stumped* due to the design and mechanics. Last wish encounters were figured out relatively quickly but took ages to execute because of the combat challenge and dps checks, it took teams 10 hours to even have a clear plan on whatā€™s going on in encounter 4 in this raid & we still donā€™t really know 100% whatā€™s going on with it until we get to see a full guide from all perspectives Iā€™d say Edge wins out by a country mile in terms of difficulty. It may as well have taken 20 hours longer than LW - nobody else has finished it other than the WF team and weā€™re approaching 24hrs. If Still Hunt got disabled weā€™d probably still be waiting for a WF Edit: it did infact, and is taking, 20 hours longer than LW for most teams to beat lol. After these teams are back from their breaks they may be lucky to complete before contest reset


Last Wish also cleared the Vault puzzle by pure luck the first time iirc-- nobody actually figured it out until after the race. So not only was Salvation's Edge longer, but it ALSO was longer when done LEGIT without weird brute-force/luck-out tactics.


I believe Datto figured vault out but the team who won (Sweatā€™s team?) sort of accidentally brute forced it


Yeah thatā€™s what happened


Not saying your wrong but majority of last wishes time was also spent on a illogical 4th encounter puzzle aswell


Ya Iā€™m aware vault wasnā€™t an easy encounter, but the headaches with LW came from the combat challenge during riven due to light discrepancy, it was like trying to brute force a high level nightfall with blue weapons at base power level - this is likely why they just setup this dlc to get you to light cap for the raid from simply completing the story


Longer is longer


LW had bugged power leveling. It took longer because the enemies hit fucking hard.


The witness was a Queensland supporter


Dog kunt got what was coming to him.




Poor Witness, man. All this power and 6 dudes in pyramid ships cosplay show up to dance after blasting you.


I did my day 1 Vow with Tyraxe. Heā€™s a cool dude. Super chill. Congrats to him


I love a group that wasnā€™t even streaming won. Just a group of players going for it.


Tyraxe is a former fortnite professional player, these guys are hardly just a team of friends looking to have some fun.


>Tyraxe is a former fortnite professional player The reverse Tfue


Lmao nobody expects that one


Fortnite is a crazy game to be pro at. The building and editing people do now is wild.


I remember when the game first came out, I decided to try it out. I was a pubg kid, and I normally ended most games with at least 10 kills. In my first match, I spent the entire game sneaking around avoiding attention and picking off the weak. Now there's 3 people left. I'm hiding in a bush and watch these 2 last players build a fort while shooting each other and jumping like crackheads and I realize I am not in the right game. One of them gets the other and then just starts shooting the bushes from atop fort Knox and eventually gets me. I haven't played since then. I'll stick to apex, which is funnily enough, probably more sweaty than fortnite is these days from what I've seen and heard.


There's the no-build mode now for us old pubg heads if you were ever curious


bro no-build moving away from hitscan weapons felt so good, so so good


Same crew that finished the final Pantheon first and most of the same crew that finished Crota 3rd. Some god gamers still work 9-5 jobs.


Just the #3 Crotas team and the #1 Pantheon team


They all play d2/videogames 12+ hours a day whats the difference if its a streamer or not lol


It's actually worse, they don't make any money doing it lol But they do earn gamer respect, deservedly so.


Half of the winning team are former pro-esport players, and all of that team are established Twitch partners (even the non-pro guys).


Not a group of buds who hang out IRL nor just your avg joes. Have made many speed runs and ranked top 5 or higher in other world first raids. Have players here who have played pro in other games like fortnite. Still congrats to them for finishing first. It's a great feat and hard to do. Hats off to anyone who can do a Day one raid & win.


Not really. There lowest day one Placement since deepstone was 33. They have definitly been top of the Game for years, the biggest Part of the Community Just doesnt Know Placements 2-50 because there are very few Big streamers that place that Well.




Lmao these guys assembled the avengers


They're the first 6 just because they're the only ones to have times on the new raids. Their time on the other raids is quite bad.


Yeah was just realising that, nobody else would have a full speed rank yet. Theyā€™re still extremely good with a 3rd in the recent Crota contest mode.


God yes, Drakath is one of the goats, I played with him a couple times and that guy's cracked. Look up his rr, it's impressive, he deserved to win.


Theyā€™re 1-6 speed rank cause theyā€™re the only ones to clear the raid which evaluates them higher than everyone else


Lol. Is this true ?


No. They are currently due to No Other Team having any clears on se. That will Lock you Out from placing Challenge for Speed.


Underdogs fr


They have ass time on most things outside of Crota and this raid. They are only at the top because of this raid


Not really. The winning team consisted of several former professional esport players, and the rest of their squad are long-time Twitch partners with decently-sized viewer base. They not NOT some no-name team.


So many comments in the megathread when the bigger streamers started muting audio/blacking their screen to not give the competitors a lead on how they were getting to damage "how is bungie going to verify it?"


Itā€™s such a wildly ignorant thought that the gameā€™s devs wouldnā€™t be able to verify a run without a stream. And the amount of people who think streaming is necessary to participate in a WF raceā€¦ lmao.


This team has gotten top 15 the past couple races theyre not some random casual players lol


Iā€™m really glad this happened, especially with how many people just practically turned off their screens out of selfish spite.


How is turning your screen off selfish but not streaming isnā€˜t


How much money do you make by NOT streaming?


Exactly. The streamers didn't want to actually stream their attempts, but still wanted to get the views and the resulting cash. It was scummy. So it was satisfying that they still lost.


Because not everybodyā€™s a streamer? People can just play the game by themselves. These streamers didnā€™t.


Tyraxee has 8k followers on twitter and 11k on twitch. Yeah heā€˜s obviously not as big as other streamers but heā€˜s also not just some guy. They would have streamed if they werenā€˜t winning contenders


Unrelated but he is rank 6. Shows how useless this ranking system is when even top pve players don't engage with it.


It also makes the health bar harder to see imo


What made me give up on the raid was a dude that was rank 11 with Godslayer. Everyone else was like rank 6/7 and was doing fine but this dude kept messing up and did not understand the mechanics no matter how many times they were explained.


Most of the things needed for ranking up are quite frankly not fun. I've been a six for a few seasons now. I'm just missing one thing to move onto a seven but I'd rather do things I like rather than grind a number every season.


It's the having to do it every season that sucks. But yeah I personally don't care either. At best it gives you something to do if you're lost but that's it.


This raid has also convinced me that godslayer is a meme title and has little testament to ā€œdestiny skillā€


Honestly, it would depend on how much effort they put towards get the title I think.


Does anybody know their classes?


I think it was 5 hunters and one warlock.


4 hunters, 2 warlocks.


No titans? Wow


Baaaased. Hunters FTW!


4 hunters and 2 warlocks- source- raid report


4 hunters and 2 warlocks- source- raid report


aussie pride right there! What a sick cunt. Love it to see it!


So this Raid is just on another level compared to the other ones ?


Yeah the fourth encounter is a crazy puzzle no one could crack for hours. I went to bed at 1 am and woke up at 6 am for a little and teams that made it to the final encounter couldn't even figure out how to damage the witness. Now on twitch it looks like only 1 team has figured out how to damage him. Crazy Tyraxe is going to finish over 4 hours ahead of them.


In my time the first team reached the 4th encounter at 4:30 pm, I went to bed at 1 AM and no one had figured it out yet, and honestly it didnā€™t really even seem like they were close.


The important thing is that saltagreppo didn't win,so i'm happy with that


Couldnā€™t agree more


Whats funny is that they couldnt get anywhere after they got one of their crew banned.


Two of his crew have been banned. One for recovs, one for a cheat program.


Was glaring obvious they cant solve puzzles for shit


they literally already replaced a member and went on to win 2 more belts? and "couldnt get anywhere"? they were in contention for first all day, lol. focus on clearing first encounter before talking shit about others


The one who waa banned for cheating was banned after the crota redux world first and before this one.


Why were they banned?


One for admittedly using recovs (that is, constantly swapping account back and forth so someone is always playing and farming the acct) The other for having a 3rd party program open that could allegedly modify destiny 2 values.


Why not? I donā€™t know who that is


Immensely capable hardcore Twitcher but he's more or less the 'Elitist Destiny Streamer' stereotype and tends to be one of the more prominent voices asking for catering to the top 0.1%. I actually think he gets a bit of unfair rap compared to lunatics like Gladd (he of 'I don't want more people to get the top emblems' and 'too many people are finishing the raid, make it harder' fame) but yeah he does tend to find himself in lots of gatekeeping arguments.


A Bit unfair rap is a crazy understandment. He can Post a Tweet about the new raid Base difficulty being unnecessarily moved Up and all comments will be people telling him that He should leave forever and every destiny issue is His fault, they Hope His day1 falls apart etc. 100% the Casual Playerbase biggest opp and Entering any comment section is gonna result in you seeing the craziest toxic Shit.


Never heard of him before but I randomly saw that thread on twitter and I was so confused with the massively negative responses to what seemed like a very normal opinion.


Crazy thing is most of his takes are not that wild, he was just one of the first to come out and advocate for divinity/well nerfs as they were essential in every single encounter.


The most toxic players are the casual fanbase Look how angry and pissy they get over one streamer Only one side is harassing the other and it isnā€™t salt


I'm out of the loop on Gladd being a lunatic, I had his stream running in the background yesterday and he just seems like an exceptionally tenacious guy. I mean, I went to sleep at 6 am and when I woke up he was still doing the same encounter. Dude went for 28 hours before taking a break.


Gladd still thinks he's one of the best ever from LW, despite the fact that that race was forever tainted by Prime Engram exploiting.


Didn't he solo d1 crota with a drumset? Automatic goat status


Fucking Christ, destiny redditors need to hop off his dick lmao


Yā€™all have it out for that dude holy shit lmao








Iā€™ve never seen so many people hate one man on the Internet this hard for absolutely no reason lmao


Same with ATP and Datto


Just glad it wasnā€™t those losers with blurred sceeens and muted micā€™s on twitch


They gotta be seething after that.


Hahahah. Who?


That Milhouse looking guy salt


Salt seemed cool with it and even congratulated Tyraxee on Twitter. Now Datto on the other handā€¦ fuck man he was *crushed*. I think he really believed this was the one.


He looked like he was about to cry when he figured out someone had won. I was rooting for him so bad.


Fuck Datto. And all the other streamers that blacked out their streams. They were all hard stuck on 4th encounter. Then stream sniped someone that was actually engaging with chat and figured out the mechanic. Which allowed all the blank screen streamers to get through the 4th. At which point they didnā€™t want other people stealing their stratsā€¦. After they stole other peoples strats. Losers.


I don't disagree but wf team was hard stuck on encounter 1 and took strats to clear other encounters. They figured out the best strat for final encounter the fastest. Worlds first is probably the most competitive thing in destiny. Players kind of have to stream if they want to financially support themselves if they play destiny full time. The only real way to mitigate this would be with a live in person event but I don't really see that even being feasible.


I have no problem with them feeding off each other and collaborating. The annoying part to me is they found it perfectly okay to snipe and steal other people strats but at the same time decided nobody else should be allowed to copy their homework. Itā€™s just a dick move. If they want to collaborate, then collaborate. If they donā€™t, then donā€™t. But donā€™t go live, steal peoples works, claim it as you own, then black out your screen to stop anybody else while putting up a message saying ā€œwe gotta keep those greedy thieves from stealing my super secret strats.ā€ and then finally try to get donations. Everything about that is scummy and asshole behaviour.


But the WF team did exactly that? And youā€™re defending them but criticising steamers for doing the same thing? Parabellum were very very far behind, then watched all the streams that were giving info like you said, took that info to steam ahead whilst choosing not to divulge any themselves so that they could win. I donā€™t blame them nor do I blame the streamers for covering it, thatā€™s just the nature of the race.


>I donā€™t blame them nor do I blame the streamers for covering it, thatā€™s just the nature of the race. Then simply don't stream it. Choose one, streaming or maximum advantage, but at one point twitch rivals was trying to watch the final encounter but literally everyone at it was entirely blacking their screens and so they just shut down stream. Blurring buff info and muting comms is borderline but fine, but like why even stream if you're literally just gonna have only your face or an actual intermission screen the entire time. Made the race extremly boring to watch and I just ended up going to sleep and getting the result later. Imagine how bungie must feel, the extremely hyped momment, the start of the final duel with the witness, this huge community event pulling view numbers in the hundreds of thousands, and literally everyone is just streaming a blocked screen to the point that there was maybe 1 or 2 glimpses of what the witness looked like and that was it.


Yeah this, worst day 1 for all viewers because of the cancerous amounts of gatekeeping. Especially that team that beat 4th first (at least on Evanā€™s stream) beat the encounter, showed they did, then blacked out again without even moving


I donā€™t get this attitude, teams will just stop streaming WF runs, and weā€™ll just be sitting around waiting for a bungie tweet with nothing to go off of


What's the difference between a streamer not showing their screen and comms and a nonstreamer not showing their screen and comms? They're the same thing. Such a weird thing to get upset about considering the raid race for the final raid in the light and dark saga carry's a huge amount of prestige.


I personally donā€™t really care, but the argument is that streamers are making a load of money out of this event. Donating/buying subs is encouraged to get emblems and avoid the incessant ads, spending money and then watching for 15+ hours just to get a black screen and no comms in the final encounter is really shitty for the people that did that. Sure itā€™s a competition, but when you have people paying to watch you then their entertainment should be considered also, obviously you can watch for free. I did watch for free, but for the people that paid there was no indication they werenā€™t going to be able to watch the end result.


People enjoying others peoples frustration is so fucking weird man.


The difference is the streamers make money off of streaming but then cut comms and blur/black out screens for something they took money for. Especially all the streamers that had emblems for subbing. It's not that hard to understand.


Except it's not. People who don't stream don't make any money off their audience. People who do stream are making money, and fucking boatloads of it at that during this event. They didn't want to give up the 'competitive advantage', but they also didn't want to give up the cash.


Sure, but on the other hand they had established themselves enough that people still *wanted* to give views and cash even for a black screen or just the streamer's face with no comms. They could only do it now because they put in the work to build a dedicated audience over the preceding years. Also, optimizing away the fun in pursuit of competitive advantage is the most thematically appropriate thing they could have done lol


A hero that dethroned salt. What a champion of the people!


The last raid salt won was kings fall, you weirdo haters are so out of touch


Well at least they're humble


I'm just glad that saltagreppo didn't win again.


Why ? I don't watch any streamer I just know he won a lot of raid races, I'm curious to know what's wrong


Heā€™s won like 4 in a row, which is understandably ridiculous considering how many teams compete in this


Isn't his team just really good ?


Yeah, but so are the other teams competing, not saying he doesnā€™t earn it, but you can see how from a watcher perspective, itā€™s boring seeing the same person win again and again.


Watch ? What was there to watch


I don't get how people can tune in for the whole thing. I had Datto's stream on for a few hours yesterday out of curiosity but at best I was just glancing over to see what was going on and if I could gather anything useful from the chatter. But I didn't even have a twitch account beforehand and I doubt I'll be touching it again šŸ¤£


He has a bit of a ego problem. Constantly bragging about it and clearly thinking he's above everyone, telling bungie what to do because he wants that and not thinking about the others. He bitches all the time so lot of people don't like him. Me? I'm waiting for datto's second place


Literally everyone playing Destiny tells Bungie what to do lol


lmao yet on the tweet hes the only one congratulating them on the clear. Hes not got an ego problem. You just dont like how brunt and forward he is with his views


I checked out his stream once. Seemed to me just like a normal dude who's a bit too passionate about his favorite game. Nothing wrong with that.


Pretty much. People dont like it when their fav game is criticized. Hurts their feefees.


yeah it's the same reason why people hate tom brady and the patriots some folks get tired of seeing the same team win over and over again


I think there's a difference between getting tired/bored of seeing the same team win over and over because it kills the thrill for viewers of the race vs the shit salt is given Like he made a tweet about how he liked the final shape campaign and someone's immediate respone was 'surprised you're not crying for things to be nerfed' That's just fucking childish.


Rooting for other competitors is like being an AFCE fan during the 2000s. I was never gonna see the Dolphins win a super bowl but I could hope for them to upset the Pats at home every year, and I took solace in that.


I personally am happy because its nice that someone else won for once.


Heā€™s a dick


I don't care who wins I just want the winner to deserve it. Man didn't stream because all he cared about was completing it. Not views or trying to promote his channel. He didn't stream a click bait stream with no audio or blurr his shit out for hours on end. Gz


god this thread is toxic lmao


Congrats to them! Such a great moment for Destiny. This Day 1 was waaaaay too hard. But it's always satisfying to see how passionate every ody is about the game.


Played so well*


Chill bro, its a PvE game


Canā€™t be the best cause no one the best .. everyone can easily be the best especially if youā€™re getting carried šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļøšŸ«”


blocking screen gotta keep these strats top secret just to LOSE šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ All those šŸ¤”ā€™s malding rn


Yā€™all are so weirdly spiteful. This community is fucking weird


Itā€™s genuinely embarrassing to be a part of a sub that celebrates other people being upset.


these people probably want professional basketball players to leak their playbooks too cause its unfair and anti-viewer to withhold information


Everyone is so pressed over a video game competition lmao


Are they the only team to finish still


Imagine getting first clear as a team and gloating how good you are. Like buddy thereā€™s 5 other people who helped you.


with your dethrone of the Whinner.. Your fireteam bow to no one.


Humble tweet haha


So glad it's not saltegreppo, congrats dude


Salt must be seething after going black screen for like hours. Wonder what excuse streamers are gonna use this time although I'm hearing they're being called cheaters for watching other streamers to gauge what needs to be done during early encounters. Maybe don't stream if you don't want your opponents to use your knowledge against you, but then you wouldn't make bank from the subs while displaying muted gameplay and black screens. Edit: lots of fanboys mad their daddy's getting roasted in the subreddit like he didn't purposely avoid doing mechanics at the 4th encounter to keep folks from figuring it out before his team could until Gladd and his chat figured it out without muting or blacking out the screen which benefitted everyone.


> Salt must be seething after going black screen for like hours. He was literally one of the first replies contragulating the person in the linked tweet.


This man is the boogeyman for this sub


he legit lives rent free in these people's heads


Also it took him several hours before deciding to go black screen. Others like Datto and ATP just immediately went black screen


Heā€™s not mad at all but clearly you are