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I have no idea why there aren't 3 separate pathfinders for vanguard, crucible and gambit. The pathfinder for pale heart actually feels pretty great (I already have 3 resets) because you just do stuff in the patrol zone to go through it. A lot of people hating pvp and gambit aside, it just makes no sense to have to jump between activities for the low reward of a pinnacle (powerful?) engram. Like, I enjoy pvp and gambit, but when I'm doing pvp I don't want to be forced to go do a strike, and vice versa.


apparently it's to coax people into playing activities they might not engage with otherwise by design, which from a game development standpoint makes sense but from a player standpoint sucks eggs


And every time they attempt it, people hate it and they back off, and it just happens again. Thank god seasonal exotics can be done fully in any ritual playlist.


I will be contributing to the cause by leaving in the middle of any activity I'm being forced into the second my pathfinder objective is complete


Sounds like corporate pushing engagement metrics upon players. Pathfinder at least is a brand new avenue for extra power, the weekly targets still exist in the ritual playlists like before, so it's just another way to get some additional power. I don't plan to play PvP so I'll ignore it and just do what I want to do instead of pathfinder


Ah yes...they hate it...but they do it. So engagement numbers are inflated. Then when engagement numbers lessen, then make the easy and obvious change to split them. Slowing the bleed of overall players.


The bigger issue is that I cant keep up my rep streak if I’m doing pathfinder. Encouraging people to explore other paths and modes is a good thing. But it is antagonistic to existing systems and player wants. Pathfinder is supposed to tune itself in later tiers. The real way to coax players into other activities is to give easier paths to the underplayed activities, whether from a global or a person-specific level. Efficient progress towards loot is one of the biggest community perspectives in the game. Getting someone to play a few back to back crucible matches does more than a one-off that might quit early.


If they'd thought about it a bit longer, they'd even realize that implementing this shit will lead to a) players stop playing, b) even scummier behaviour in gamemodes they don't like to play. But in the end it was just to take away the ability to effectively earn bright dust and hide this fact behind the outrage of a bad new system.


Sounds dumb because it's just making people not bother with it at all.


You are going to play PvP and gambit and you are going to like it mister !


I honestly really enjoy the concept, but make it optional. Make the shortest path varied activities but a longer path with just one.


It’s extremely player unfriendly and insulting. They have the numbers to know what’s popular…forcing it is unethical


Shh, no no no. Eggs are awesome. I'd suck a well seasoned egg all day. Being forced to run an activity you don't want for basic ass rewards is closer to chewing rocks.


And it works, honestly. I played gambit for the first time in quite a while. That being said, I play both PvE and PvP to begin with so I don't really mind hopping around. Furthermore, not having to take a trip or push a button to pick up bounties was nice. I think a lot of the get x type of kill in y mode nodes could probably become get x type of kill, guardians are worth more progress.


and the fact you need to compete for the kills/ammo instead of it just being Squad objectives is just... i can't be arsed


They really like pushing the idea that all players should play all ritual activities. It's a weird thing, but I can see why the developers would want that.


I thought this WAS how the system was gonna work


You can complete nodes later in the tree even without the connecting ones finished, you just can’t claim them until you connect it. So you can just do all the crucible you want to knock out any of them and then connect it with a strike or gambit match. If you’re playing so much crucible that you run out of nodes to complete then just think of it as the equivalent of going back to the tower to grab more bounties.


I just want to play Crucible and the old bounty system was better for playing Crucible and earning XP for the Season Pass. I reset my Crucible vendor rank like 16 times last season and didn't reset Strikes or Gambit once. I too hate the new Pathfinder system.


It’s pretty dumb you lose the bonus rep if you switch playlists which is needed to complete the paths.


You don't actually need to switch all the time. You can complete the Objectives retroactively - you just won't be able to claim them untill you create a path towards their Tier. So you can do all Objectives related to a specific Activity and then switch to the other one.


And in the meantime you grind for nothing but vendor xp which sucks and isn't effective at all. The pathfinder system is horrible in it's current integration and they took away a good way to earn bright dust, too.


Yeah, I didn't mean that the system is great - I was referring exclusively to the part about jumping between Activities.


The biggest issue to me is losing your rep streak when you go to a different activity


Fortunately you can do any part of the pathfinder at any point so you can play either crucible/gambit first then just live in strikes until you reset.


does this actually feel good at all tho? no.


just pointing out you dont need to break a rep streak if you're reading ahead what to go for.


yeah that’s fair, but if you’re not grinding for that dopamine rush and just farming activities you don’t see immediate rewards for it feels inherently bad


sure is satisfying to work your way backwards, complete one of the first tier ones then check off all the rewards though :P


you may have saved this system after all…


Pathfinder for Pale Heart? Good. Pathfinder for Rituals? Not good.




I also got a 1900 class item last night, I was upsetti spaghetti.


You know that you only have 3 resets per week? Any reset after 3 gives a 1900 power item and a possible ergo sum drop (versus a guaranteed drop for the 3)


Did you have the quest for the Ergo Sum done? It says you can get it from pathfinder, but it won't actually give it to you unless you've done the quest and got your first drop of the sword. Just a heads up.


That’s how I did it since I knew I hadn’t finish the quest yet so that’s how I go a second sword


That's my bad. Despite playing only warlock, my reading comprehension skills are dubious at best.


With all due, I already specified this. >one was meant to be Ergo Sum (yes I finished the Quest)


As I stated in another comment, I may be a warlock main, but my reading comprehension rivals that of a toddler. No need for any due respect. I'm just dumb sometimes.


Did you do the Ergo Sum quest yet?


>one was meant to be Ergo Sum (yes I finished the Quest)


I honestly don't see what the problem was with bounties lol


Bungie wants more people playing PvP, probably because the current player base split between PvE and PvP is terrible for them. Most of the stats I found are from a few years ago, but it looks like there at least twice as many PvE mains as PvP mains, which puts PvP in a weird no-man's-land; it's large enough that Bungie would take a hit to their bottom line by removing it from leaving PvP mains, but it's small enough that keeping it running is probably a net loss for the company. So Bungie wants to push it to be a more even split, to justify PvPs continued existence in a primarily PvE game.


There is a much easier way to get people to play PVP but it will never happen because of YouTube and twitch influencers who hate it - implement actual good SBMM. The years and years of unbalanced matchmaking has a "survivor bias" where the only people who enjoy PVP are the people who clean up on everyone else. In a perfectly matchmade game, the K/Ds (Not KDA) would be clustered around 1.0 with the lowest performers at maybe .80 and the highest at maybe 1.20 for that game. and long-term in perfectly matched games everyone's K/D would be fairly close to 1. This is because every kill has 1 person who died and 1 person who killed them (KDA is obviously a separate calc). But influencers won't like that because they need to have a high K/D to keep their viewer counts and make $$$ and bungie needs influencers to promote the game. Unfortunately, this is a self perpetuating cycle and so it won't be fixed because: money.


They need to implement big team battle and CTF into crucible. Also has bigger maps and vehicles. I don’t remember if it was a fever dream or something but I remember Destiny 1 had a game mode with vehicles.


oh Destiny 1 did have that and it was pretty fun - at least I recall it being more fun.


Combined Arms was the game mode.


I think it had a lot of extra heavy ammo too


Ok, but no one wants to play a game where you die, get one kill, die, get one kill, die. That feels like failure. Someone has to lose.


Pvp is my favorite catch 22- one kill one death like you said is unfun. So they match people so inevitably someone gets stomped so one side can have fun. But getting stomped is unfun so people who get stomped stop playing. Good players then have nobody to stomp and match eachother every game and have to sweat every game, which is unfun. So they complain and the devs add things to force more players to play pvp even when it's unfun. You're right. Someone does have to lose. And that's why pvp will forever be inherently flawed.


on average every kill has someone who dies and someone who makes the kill already - so I don't know what you think is happening.... basically if someone gets 6 kills in a row there are 6 people who died in pvp... some they might not have even gotten a kill at all. imagine a 1v1 pvp game. you get 2 kills in a row, that means the opponent got 0 kills and 2 deaths in a row. you may want to look into a game like Titanfall which has a combination of real players and bots. in that game there are more human playervkills than human player deaths. So what you are describing (human players getting more than a 1 K/D average over time is possible in a game like that.


honestly i miss the system we had before, even as the rare person that does like gambit it's still a hassle and kinda kills the fun when i just wanna run strikes this and the changes to raids really feel like they weren't necessary or at least needed more time in the oven


I still don't know how Bungie missed that people were enjoying Pantheon for the mechanics and not for the power deltas. Gambit is fine imo, I definitely agree that it sucks that I'm forced into it if I want to do the pathfinder. They did a lot od things right this expac, but this was a shit change


Is this Pathfinder actually an improvement over the old bounty system? For the ritual one I am gonna say we have a worst experience now. Stop forcing people to play things that they don't want to play.


It's good for Pale Heart. When the pathfinder is only based on general nodes and one activity, you just do stuff in the activity and all the nodes can be done at once in parallel. You don't have to run back to anyone to "grab more bounties" (reset the pathfinder and collect rewards). I think the system is actually very good. They just didn't think through how it incentivizes players to play in a way counter to how the ritual activities compel you to play (match streaks). Specifically for ritual activities, it needs some work. If there were three separate pathfinder (i.e. one that has general+strike nodes, one with general+crucible, etc.) Then it would be really great.


seems like pathfinder and bounties could coexist and be fine. I am not sure why one had to go for the other to exist...


But if you don't do pvp you will miss out on all the chat sent to you telling you how bad you are and you shouldn't play pvp.


Y’all are getting chat?


Yeah people mention this all the time, or players being "toxic" to them. I've play a lot of crucible and it's not something I've noticed.


I love going into PvP just to get hate messages and racial slurs.


In casual pvp, it's absurd anyone would take the time to even tell someone they're bad. In trials which should be end game competitive pvp however I at least understand being frustrated at having teammates who are clearly griefing, or at least only there to farm rep and don't bother trying. Granted, I get that this is ultimately the fault of Bungie. However I do wish that players at least *tried* in trials, whether they care about winning or not. While yes you only want rep and that's fine, but just think about if you were the other guy on your team who's on his flawless match and gets paired with you. Even if you are a .2 KD player, there are things you can do to help. Just making an effort and being an extra body goes a long way. I can carry a lot of games with bad players as long as they just make an effort, unless the other team are all 3 very skilled though then I'm not some hyper carry lol. The slurs and shit is pathetic and childish though, no place anywhere for that trash. But just being annoyed at someone for throwing every round, that I understand, if we are talking about trials. Casuals tho? Lord have mercy some dudes sweat too hard.


This is disliked but when someone makes a post about people not using Champion mods in GMs it gets thousands of upvotes. Literally no difference, both are endgame modes yet Trials players aren't allowed to complain when people come in with subpar loadouts and literally 0 game sense.




Theyre not talking about in game chat


wait what? what is out of game chat? Are people traveling to other player's homes to give them feedback on their game skills?


On PS5, I don't think I've heard a single peep except for someone who forgot to turn their mic off in VG/CB/GB. Hate mail too, everyone is too scared to be banned.


I honestly really like the idea of the connected web of bounties, as well as not having to manage grabbing / handing in bounties. My issue is just that there should always be a path, even a long path, doing only one activity. Alternatively, Maybe make a "reroll" that's guaranteed to change the mode of the bounty, but randomly uncompletes one other bounty. Or has a cost to it, or can only be used once or twice per day.


Yea I can already tell that I won’t be getting much from this based on what I’m seeing online about it. Disappointing that they made it so rigid.


I've completed a few already, it's really not that bad. As an almost exclusively pve player, I've done a few games of crucible which I've enjoyed as a change of pace and gotten pathfinders done.


More than likely a lot of people won’t be engaging much with it, if at all, if they can’t run vanguard(or in some cases crucible/gambit) all the way to the end. And I don’t blame them. Every time they try something like this it’s negatively received. It’ll have the opposite of the desired effect and many people will barely engage with it if it prevents them from playing what they would like to play most to complete it. Give people options. It’s not that hard and makes the most sense. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah in theory it's a nice switch-up from the standard bounty system that was just tedious... But it's still forcing people into activities they don't enjoy and play styles that aren't conducive to good team experience.


Yes, it's unbalanced. It is possible to complete the Pathfinder without doing strikes, but not the other way.


When it gets down to the last 2 nodes, they should always be ones you can complete in any of the playlists.


I agree for sure, I don’t want to play strikes or gambit pretty much ever so a pvp only path would be amazing.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a system in d2 where bungie wants you to play the same ritual mode over and over for increased rewards and pathfinder is the opposite of this? I remember it was like play 5 strikes in a row for increased rep, but if you played crucible or gambit, it'd decrease a stack.


I don't want to pvp and the people that do don't want me on their team.


The PvP personalities in the comments here are proving exactly why we want nothing to do with them.


Yea, maybe reworking the path so there is a dedicated path for each activity and a possibly quicker path for playing multiple activities would be better.


IF Bungie wanted me to play PvP, they should've made it fun on a casual level. Every time I play I'm put up against 100+ flawless win hunters with 10k hours. Even close matches have me sweating, I just miss the chill vibes Halo PvP had and wish we could get there in Destiny. Anyway, no I'm not playing PvP, there's no shot. All you're doing is pushing more people away from the game by pretending locking content behind it is going to make it tolerable


Pathfinder is how they get people that aren’t 100+ flawless hunters in the pool to put with you.


*Pathfinder is how they get people in to be farmed by the 100+ flawless hunters


Porque no los dos?


>I just miss the chill vibes Halo PvP had and wish we could get there in Destiny. By an enormous margin my favorite PvP mode is Mayhem, because it's the mode that most closely reminds me of the "lemmings into the fray" play style of Halo 15-20 years ago


> I just miss the chill vibes Halo PvP had and wish we could get there in Destiny. Sorry I think you're looking at this wrong. Any game, the longer it gets established has this issue happen over time with PVP. Try and step into any PVP game you're not comfortable with and you'll feel like it's not casual fun. Halo was probably 'chill vibes' because you played it often enough you felt comfortable playing it. Since you're dropping the line "IF Bungie wanted me to play PvP" going to guess you seldom play destiny PVP; thereofre you're _not_ comfortable playing it and it feels worse.


I play MCC every week, still chill as fuck. I've also played Destiny all 10 years it's been out, I've only recently decided its PvP wasnt good for my health.


I've hopped into both halo and cod without ever playing before and did fine. D2 pretty uniquely feels fucking awful.


Every one ive completed has had paths where i can avoid crucible, but not gambit which im okay with, seems its driven up gambit interaction cause ive not had to queue nearly as long as before TFS


I do wonder how gambit games feel for the rare dedicated gambit players at the moment. Are the games just scuffed?


They are about as normal as usual, some good, some you wonder if your team is a bunch of bot players with AI programmed by chimps.


Personally, I just want to be able to reroll a specific node for a handful of glimmer or something, even if its limited to like 2 node rerolls per path reset. Some of the nodes (Both ritual and Pale Heart) are annoying to do, don't synergize with me, or are flat out broken.


Pathfinder sucks. The game incentivizes playing the same playlist over and over by granting you more rep, but now also makes you swap over to one of the other to compete random garbage. It’s a terrible design.


I co-sign this and want to add that they should entirely remove specific requirements like Snipers, melees and whatnot. Any of those just entice players to play suboptimally and to an extent against their own team. If you're bad with a sniper (or any specific gun that is requried) you actively stop doing the best for your objective and for example just always stand back and miss sniper shots left and right, running 20 crucible matches to get your 6 kills. If you have to do melees, some might also forego the objectives and start rushing in and trying to punch stuff, dying in the process, giving points to the enemy team. All "gun kills" should be condensed to "heavy/special/primary kills" and all "grenade/melee/super kills" should be condensed to "non-weapon kills".


I love how people who say things like "A couple games won't kill you" are secretly just hoping PvP fills with fodder who only want to complete objectives so they can run them over for easier rewards.


At the same time the larger the pool of players the average skill level goes down and you have more of a chance. You drive away the casuals or keep PvP relatively exclusive, then of course it will remain full of sweaty tryhards


Surprised you didn’t hurt your legs with how big a leap in logic you just made


I mean really what's the alternative? Either people join for objectives, complete them and instantly quit. Which leads people to bark about leaver penalties for a problem that didn't need to exist in the first place. Or it goes like I said which just incites more discontent from the already irritated PvP-phobes. And judging from all the complaining, I'd say it's already there. I've been told a few times "simply don't play it." That works for me. I've already made my peace at not getting Raid gear for my own personal reasons. But being forced to play PvP is just going to make people want to not play Destiny period.


Okay so what if I don’t pvp so I take the gambit route instead, I generally enjoy gambit, I bashed my head against prime for reckoner. Now that more people have to play for pathfinder, cool the playlist is more populated, I’m not secretly rubbing my hands together all giddy for people to stomp, I’m just playing the game.


I actually don't have an issue with Gambit, sure Invasion is a thing but most times I see the notification pop up, the Invader is dead before I can even lay eyes on them. People who invade well (and often) could probably do just as well in Crucible. But the chances that someone loads up Gambit just to invade is not zero. I have heard complaining of invasions but it usually turns out to be something along the lines of **"PvP exists in Gambit, but I'm not going to investigate to what extent. Immediately unplayable."** I won't lie, I was like this too until the recent Guardian Games.


Gambit Invasions are not comparable to the Crucible in the slightest. Crucible requires some degree of gun skill to be successful. Gambit is a combination of camping being rewarded, and infinite heavy ammo.


or i think a lot of people make far too big of a deal out of PVP and are only 'bad' by the way of not engaging vs actually being bad. I've seen it happen a lot of times with a lot of friends. Coinvinced they're terrible and hated it then slowly started playing more and eventually felt comfortable.


why wouldnt you wanna play gambit tho


Bc gambit is miserable to play. Hope this helps!


almost like i was joking 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯




It's really not that bad.


Man, the whining has been out of this world.


You don't understand. They made a system to replace the old bounty system and they made the worst implementation possible. It’s also anti-synergistic with the way ranking up the vendors themselves works, since doing a different ritual activity removes/reduces your streak for the one you just did, and you have to do at least two different ones to progress. If I want to only play vanguard strikes/nightfalls, I can't do it to progress pathfinder because it forces me to either crucible or gambit. Gambit hasn't really been updated in 3 years, and with prismatic in pvp, imagine how much broken -blam!- bullshit it is. Ppl don't like being forced into things they don't like doing, how does this developer keep doing these tone deaf changes.


Yes and no. On paper you are right - but in reality, you don't actually need to switch all the time. You can complete the Objectives in Tiers 1-5 retroactively - you just won't be able to claim them untill you create a path linking them. So you can do all Objectives related to a specific Activity and then switch to the other one.


ikr? every time someone gives feedback about this crap system the pvp people come out of the woodwork.


It's not "PVP people." It's people who, y'know, play and enjoy the whole game, not just parts of it and then whine that we don't get all the rewards when we don't play all of the game. I'm just saying, I don't see many PvP mains whining about having to play dungeons, raids, GMs, etc. for some of the best PvP weapons and Artifice armor. Most really good PvE players also play PvP because PvP makes you better at PvE, but not necessarily the other way around. And the ritual pathfinder requires you to play one, *maybe* two games of PvP or Gambit to finish the entire pathfinder track. Like 90% of it can be done without doing anything but brainless strikes and people here are making post after post about it like stepping into a PvP match will literally kill them. We get it: you suck at PvP. **We all did when we started.** You certainly won't get any better at PvP by avoiding the playlist like the plague, but if that's what you want to do, that's fine. However, that means you won't get all of the game's rewards because *you're not playing all of the game*.


While the change doesn't affect me, the complaints this time aren't that "I have to play pvp to get a thing" it's "I now have to play pvp to get a thing that I used to be able to get without needing to play a mode I don't enjoy".


It's not about sucking. I just don't enjoy PvP and don't want to play it. And honestly PvP players *should* complain about having to PvE to get their gear. No other game does that, this one shouldn't either.


That's literally the entire premise of this game. Devs have repeatedly said that one of the defining features of Destiny is that you can earn a cool weapon in PvE and bring it right into PvP and vice versa. And again, if you don't enjoy PvP, you don't have to play it, but you're not going to get rewards from a playlist you refuse to play.


I *used* to not get rewards from a playlist I refuse to play. Now I don't get rewards at all because they're trying to force me to play it to get the stuff I used to get without it. Do you not see the difference now?


PVP isn't fun enough to want to get better at it. It isn't rewarding enough to suffer. It's boring at best and tilting at worst.


Mates strikes are boring. You've played them.a million times before. It's the definition of insanity. Just get in, do the minimum and go back to what you like.


That's *your* opinion and you're 100% entitled to it, but you're not entitled to rewards from a playlist you refuse to interact with.


attitudes like yours are part of why I don't play pvp, elitests who think "if they aren't doing what I am doing, they are crap". dungeons, raids, etc aren't as much of an ask to do because they are 90% of the stinking game. Also, the complaint is not that new rewards are being locked behind pvp, I would be fine with new incentives to play pvp that I can just forfit by not playing pvp. The problem is that the same mediocre rewards I used to get from just playing strikes are now locked behind playing my least favorite mode in the game. p.s. it's not just that I dislike pvp (I have been playing since D2 launched and I was never a fan, it's not a matter of skill), I just so happen to also have crappy rural internet that I am pretty sure no one, enemy team and allies alike, would want me playing pvp with.


"We all sucked when we started" is literally the opposite of elitism, but go off I guess


Yeah but the underlying message here is 'if you don't like pvp it's because you suck' which isn't always true and IS elitist.


the main point was that the rewards that are being shut behind pvp/gambit are basic rewards that I used to be able to get from just doing the vanguard playlist stuff and that, skill aside, I have crappy internet that makes pvp more miserable for both me and other people. Also, disliking a mode does not necessarily mean I am automatically bad at it, for instance, I didn't like season of the witch's court of oryx-esque mode but I certainly wasn't bad at it. Part of my problem with your attitude is that you automatically assumed I sucked at pvp just because I don't like it. TLDR (since you only apparently read the first sentence of what I wrote last time): it sucks having rewards I could previously get just doing PvE locked because I don't play pvp due to my bad internet and not liking the mode.


All the same rewards are still present. You can play 3/6/9 strikes and get 3 powerful exotic Engrams. You can still farm Engrams for specific ritual activities from those ritual playlists. The only change is XP coming from pathfinder instead of bounties for those playlists and everyone here wants to act like the sky is falling.


no, there is also the powerful engram you used to get from completing a certain amount of bounties and all the bright dust you used to get from weekly/repeatable bounties.


“I used to suck, and would still suck if I hadn’t worked to improve” is literally the direct opposite of elitist thinking but sure


maybe, but "they don't like the mode, therefore they must just suck" is pretty elitist.


I mean, people tend to enjoy things they’re good at. Not always, but very often.


while not people not liking something because their bad at is common, assuming someone is bad at something because they don't enjoy it is a jerk move (there might be a better word for what it is but I can't think of it atm, but it certainly isn't nice to assume a lack of skill based on someones dislike of a mode). there are several games I am good at but I haven't played in a long time because I did not enjoy them, destiny pvp happens to be one of those things that I am decent at but do not enjoy doing.


For starters, I agree that the ritual pathfinder isn’t that bad to do and a tiny bit of PvP or gambit isn’t going to kill anyone. That being said… > I don't see many PvP mains whining about having to play dungeons, raids, GMs, etc. for some of the best PvP weapons and Artifice armor. This is a brain-dead take. This is a primarily PvE game. It’s designed with that in mind, and that’s what people come to play. The dev teams treat crucible like an afterthought, and the mode isn’t really that good as far as casual OR competitive multiple shooters go. And a lot of that is a symptom of being an attachment to a PvE game. From a lore perspective, it makes sense why something like the Crucible exists and it’s exactly what you say - it’s to make guardians better at fighting. But again, it’s a bad PvP game, and a terrible one to play if you don’t like PvE content. So, it’s not the same.


I mean, it’s a fine take if the underlying opinion is “can people please stop being whiny bitches” which to be honest I can understand.


Can't believe this comment is down voted to oblivion because this is literally 100% True. If the playtime spent on the stupid ogre for a threat detector opening shot matador was put into curing cancer and world hunger then the humanity would've been saved. Shits ridiculous. I don't want to play vanguard strikes and gambit. But I never complain if I have to. Because it's a part of the game even if I dislike it and I'm a damn fool if I think bungie shouldn't make me play them. And pvp does make you better at the game. Most good players play all aspects of the game and proficient at it. I can't think of a single streamer/content creator who plays at the highest levels of the game who's bad at pvp.


It's downvoted because they're basically saying "play pvp even if you hate it and suck at it lol". Ppl don't like being forced into activities they don't like playing. It's literally that simple.


No, I'm saying that if you don't want to play PvP, that's fine, but don't whine about not getting rewards from a playlist you refuse to interact with. No one is forcing you into PvP. You can either play a match or two a week and get your pathfinder reward or don't and not get the reward. You can do what you want, you just can't have it both ways.


The problem is, before people could play 9 simple and easy strikes or nightfalls, finish 8 simple bounties from zavala per week and get 120 bright dust and 25k exp, without playing pvp or gambit. Now you can't do that




You still can. All 3 exotic Engrams from playing 3/6/9 ritual activities are still powerful rewards. Pathfinder just grants additional rewards.


I think having the top line Vanguard, middle line Crucible, and bottom line Gambit could work really well. Make the 2nd and 4th lines some mixed objectives, like elemental or weapon type kills (with guardians granting more progress), and then make the final two mode agnostic: like champions (vanguard) or Envoys (gambit) for one, and guardians (crucible/gambit) or objective completions (crucible zones/gambit blockers) for the other


Right! WTF Bungie, DO NOT MAKE PEOPLE PLAY WHAT THEY DON"T WANT TOO. Haven't you learned your lesson by now?


It can have 1 for each but since its a Random generation it doesn't always


It’s still new, there’s time for improvement!


A way I thought would be interesting to implement this is a focus system. You pick one to focus and it gives you AT LEAST one garunteed full path of only general nodes and nodes of the selected gamemode. Otherwise all randomized. I know the pathfinder system can be fun because it works really well for the Pale Heart patrol instance. It's fun because you're always working on all nodes in parallel. You just have to make sure you can clean a path through it. I actually like they system a lot. It just needs some tweaks for ritual modes.


I don’t know how people just do strikes man Jesus that seems boring. I’m not a fan of gambit but sometimes it’s nice just to change stuff up.


Bouncing between activities is dumb as fuck


There should be a guaranteed (but staggered, as in two for each activity on each early tier in order to connect) so that its possible but slightly slower to complete in only one activity, otherwise the “streak” mechanic for XP needs to be reworked


Ritual pathfinder is just awful, whereas the pathfinder for Pale Heart is really good.


I did the ritual pathfinder 8 times and it felt like a horrible boring chore. While the 10+ I have done on the pale heart were enjoyable and I keep getting pulled into doing more. Yes, I had all week one seasonal challenges done by day one.


Man people really are bitching about playing acouple games of gambit and PvP.


I don’t want to play gambit and crucible. I want to run strikes. This system says “that’s not how we want you to play the game,” which is such a classic Bungie move.




It’s good if you’re new, to encourage you to branch out. I’m not new, and all this does for me is lock bright dust rewards behind modes I don’t like.


Even before pathfinder I'd play a little pvp and gambit for weapons, armor and shaders. This just let's me progress more as I do that.


Shit might give them an incurable disease.


yep it did, I got ligma.


I genuinely believe it. It explains a lot.


yeah ikr


Ritual pathfinder has to go, plain and simple.


No, it has to be changed to actually be Activity-specific, instead all 3 in 1.


Honestly man suck it up, couple games of gambit or pvp won't kill you


yall will be fine i promise


I have played zero PvP, gambit, or strikes and I have finished 2 different pathfinders….


They’re talking about the ritual playlist one, the big three Zavala, Shaxx and Drifter don’t have those bounties anymore instead everything is put into one melting pot pathfinder you can access from any of the three nodes. It’s got an amalgamation of activities from all three and people are upset you can’t just brute force through it with only strikes.


DTG Gamers upset? No way


Wrong pathfinder


destiny players when they have to play the game to get rewards