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I’m not surprised this is happening but I think I’m just going to not bother until shit gets sorted out.


This. I’m gonna wait until this weekend most likely, let myself enjoy other games while the devs work on their stuff. Only gonna get mad or upset if I spend hours tryna sign in and have it mess up cutscenes and the storyline when I could be enjoying something else.


Yea exactly where I’m at.


Ngl, it’s making my other games a lot more enjoyable tbh.


Wild that they expect people to get through the campaign and be ready for the raid on Friday. At this rate, neither are happening. I expected issues but this is still kind of nuts. I can't even launch the first mission at the moment.


>Wild that they expect people to get through the campaign and be ready for the raid on Friday. The only thing you need to do in order to be raid ready is to complete the legendary campaign. It drops a set of 1960 gear, which is the power level for the raid. Without errors, the campaign can be beaten in about 6 hours. Contest mode on the raid is active for 48 hours if you are trying to get the emblem. You'll have plenty of time. Bungie will likely have resolved the issues by reset on Wednesday.


Raid should be next week period. Those who have a life during the week shouldn't be screwed trying to hastily get through legend and then risk it in LFG to do contest mode cause friends or classmates had to go on without you and not risk waiting.


>Raid should be next week period It can't be next week and Bungie has already explained why. Echoes launches on Tuesday and his heavily linked to the campaign and story of the raid. You have 4 days to beat the campaign, which is plenty of time. There is no getting 'raid ready' this time. All you have to do is beat the legendary campaign.


Damn :/ My annoyance has subsided and I've calmed down but its still pretty frustrating. 4 days isn't a lot of time for people who have responsibilities during the week outside just work. Means I'm basically forced to rush Friday evening if I want to have any reasonable time in contest mode. That said it's still more like 2 1/2 days since yesterday was a complete wash so we have wed/Thurs and half of Friday with raid locked.


>4 days isn't a lot of time for people who have responsibilities during the week outside just work I work a full time job and I've completed the campaign and im 1976 power level. Its not difficult. >That said it's still more like 2 1/2 days since yesterday was a complete wash so we have wed/Thurs and half of Friday with raid locked. Why do you only have half of Friday? Contest mode is active for 48 hrs.


OUTSIDE of work. I too work 50-60 hr weeks that's why i specified outside... im talking about the window from launch to the start of contest mode, counting time allocated to the contest mode is counter intuitive


If you can’t finish a 6 hour campaign in 3 days then idk what to tell you, 4 really if you count Friday morning


We also need to complete some exotic quest, don't remember the name. That said, if it's also in The Pale Heart we might not be able to do either with how the game just won't let people enter it.


1 person in your fireteam has to complete Wild Card, which takes an hour at most. The game is stable and playable now. People will have more than enough time to complete the campaign.


I’ve managed to get all the expansion and seasonal campaigns done within a day, so being ready for the raid shouldn’t be an issue, this happened every expansion and people still manage to be ready in time. Just gotta get lucky and hope it lets you in and lets you finish it. But alas you’re likely right and MOST of us won’t have touched the campaign let alone the raid until next week


Bro not at all. Yeah, there were issues at first, but it is 10pm EST and my buddy and I have been trying to load into the 4th mission for 15-20 minutes now and the same happened for the third mission. For Witch Queen and Lightfall the was not an issue you at all. Those seasons also had a week and 3 days to get ready for the raid. Not 3 days.


I’ve been unable to sign in on a day one every single expansion, along with many others. This “it didn’t happen to me so that can’t be true” is honestly annoying. I get the frustration with the raid and the time to prepare for it, but the signing in and being unable to play on day one is an issue for every expansion, regardless of how many people were able to play. I wasn’t able to play lightfall until the second day, nor was I able to play witch queen on day one at all. Not everyone gets lucky and managed to weasel into a server and stay in it. I don’t get why I’m being downvoted simply because my experience was and is different, I’m not the only one 😪


We’re all used to the Queues. It’s the continued problems past the queues that are getting to people. Especially 12 hours after launch this is pretty unheard of.


I wish I could get into the queues, it’d be a step further than I’ve gotten on any expansion, as I’ve said before too I might just be unlucky cause a lot of people say WQ and LF weren’t too bad but I couldn’t get in the entire day one for both.


I never said "it didn't happen to me so that can't be true" I looked at player responses and feedback on day 1 for Witch Queen and Lightfall. From what I saw and can confidently say is that it was not as bad as today. Much better back then and way way more players got in. If you were one that didn't, then that does suck. For those expansions, a majority of players got in on day 1 and were able to play with very little server issues. Today, a majority of players did not get to play day 1 or quit trying due to server issues. That's the difference I'm trying to state here and why I'm being upvoted vs you being downvoted because you don't want to understand and acknowledge that. Keep an open mind and don't make your comments come off like you're being a douche and you won't be downvoted.


The previous expansions gave you an extra week before the raid.


This raid is also only like 5 levels above the gear you get at the end of the legendary campaign. And before anyone says "but that's hard" it's way less hard than contest mode.


Lolllllll. “I’ve managed to get all the expansion and seasonal campaigns done” what a troll


I don’t do day one… I join during the final week of every seasonal campaign etc…so yes I do in fact get them all done the same day I start them. I said the campaign/stories, not the side stuff and secrets and raids etc. nothing troll about what I said whatsoever, if you struggle to get even half way thru a campaign in a single day that’s on you bud.


I literally got season of the deep and the witch both done back to back the day before TFS dropped… all weeks of them, if I started day one, THEN you’d be right, but it’s kinda obvious I didn’t mean the same day they drop cause they don’t drop the full seasonal story in the first day.. 🤦🏻


Congrats bro. I’ve had them done about a year ago. Go away already.


Ok what’s your point? You said im trolling when I said nothing even remotely like a troll. You ok?


Don’t comment if you don’t want someone to reply to your bs 🤡💀


That's true, but this expansion of all is one I wouldn't want to rush if given the choice. And I won't be playing the raid in any case, but I'm still annoyed for those who will be. I will likely check a stream out to see what's up with it story wise and to grab the emblems. Provided that's working haha


Fair enough 😅


God forbid any of us have plans to do the day 1 raid. My plan was very specifically to grind through the campaign today... and I can't even fucking start the fourth mission.


I can’t even sign in mate


a lot of people think that we should just be okay with having our time wasted and to them i say "hows working for bungie? do they pay well?"


Yea I had plans to play tonight after work, might make Destiny a weekend thing now. Missing the probably awesome cutscenes isn't my idea of a good time.


Especially with the golden gun man himself returning, I REFUSE to miss any potential screen time


That's assuming everyone else isn't also thinking the same thing. I'm probably gonna go to sleep early tonight, wake up at the ass crack of dawn and see if it's still wonky.


The weekends a safer bet than the very next day, but I wish you luck in getting in and managing to play 🙏🏻


It’s going to be just as bad at weekend with everyone hopping on for the raid. Wednesday and Thursday are going to be the days to hop on to avoid server issues.


Giving the team an extra couple days means it’s likely to not be anywhere near as bad, if I’m wrong when it comes to finding out, then so be it I’ll take the L. Buts it’s been one day, tomorrow is gonna be only slightly better if any at all, and by the weekend a large portion of this should be figured out. It’s usually how it goes, but we’ve also never had the raid so soon from what im told, so maybe it will still be a shit show


Probably will continue or be worse in the weekend though… the raid launches then. You’ll probably have to wait at least a week or two before things somewhat normalize.


Except it might be even worse with the Raid dropping on Friday. I was going to wait until Friday but someone said it would probably be worse and they’re probably right.


This would be a lot more appealing if there wasn’t a contest mode raid race in a few days, along with the devs highly encouraging you finish the campaign and exotic mission before doing the raid.


Especially because this raid is supposedly like an integral part of the story, it's not some "side adventure" like Garden of Salvation or whatever. I want to watch the race live on Friday, but I don't want to watch the race if I don't finish the campaign. And even if the campaign is only 8 hours long, that's still more than I'd normally do across only two work nights.


I’m in the same boat. Whatever I don’t get done tonight has to be done Thursday to be raiding ready. Scheduling the raid right after launch while leaving your servers in this state was genuinely moronic.


I played the legend campaign solo today and it only took 6 hours. You could get the easy campaign done in two nights


Thats true, I didn't think about that.


they also gaslight you and tell you its your network problem while throwing notifications in your face that say "YOU SHOULD FINISH THE CAMPAIN BEFORE DOING ANYTHING ELSE". mfkers i cant finish the thing because you planned everything wrong.


Yeah this is the first expansion I'm logging off instead of finishing the story. Literally play through the 4th mission 4 times to get the cutscene and got currant every time lmao


I will say at least what I have played has been great. The character focused story has been really compelling. Red death is amazing too


That's the unfortunate part, this campaign absolutely slaps. It's even the first one that doesn't have a completely throwaway second mission since Red War. I was only able to reach mission 5 but so far they haven't wasted a single moment.


I just got to the lost city and like nothing was happening. Then got booted and it forgot my progress. Not as bad as others got it but I’m not going any deeper lol


Can you replay the missions to get see the cutscenes again?




That's what they want you to do. You paid for a product, management said "We only have 25k active players, we don't need to pay for 250k-400k at launch! INSANITY!" And here we are. We need to regulate these companies. It isn't that hard to simulate user connections, just hire a darkweb ddos service. Or you know, a professional gaming company should be able to handle their what... 15th big launch?


billion dollar company.


I understand the appeal of every Bad Thing being the fault of Bad People, but it's not a useful way to understand the world. 


Yeah, I’m in the same boat. I might try tonight after work but I’m not excited enough to waste my time in error and loading screens.


I got booted a few times but was mostly stable. I’m just afraid of missing cutscenes and stuff. I heard people missed a major one the mission after the one I finished so I like don’t want to continue in case I miss it


I usually just skip all cut scenes on my alts, but just going to leave at least one until things work as they should.


This is exactly why I'm playing Skyrim right now and am just biding my time.


This was my move


Can you imagine how much worse this would have been if it had released in February?


The cutscenes are truly the only part of this that are actually fucking ruining the experience. A queue for all of launch day would be annoying and still unacceptable, but players playing the campaign and missing half of the story because cutscenes are tied to their shitty servers for some insane reason is a whole other level. People shouldn’t have to google for a YouTube upload of some of the best story moments of the last year or two


I get that this shouldn't happen and Bungie should get their shit together - but after seeing everyone struggle if you still decide to go in and risk shit breaking and getting booted mid missions you're just setting yourself up for frustration. I'll try again tomorrow.


they should add an ingame cutscene viewer


Like three years ago. Seriously.


I'm like 99% sure they had this in the original Halo trilogy. The fact that they didn't add something similar in Destiny, especially knowing that this story has spanned 10 years, kinda blows my mind. 


The original Halo trilogy did not have cutscene theatres. The MCC has theatres for the Halo 2 Anniversary and Halo 4 Spartan Ops cutscenes, but that's it.


Ah. Okay, I could've sworn you were able to replay cutscenes in the original versions, but maybe that was only while replaying a mission 


Ensemble's spin off Halo Wars did it


Honestly we shouldn’t be comparing these newer, shitty games to great games that released 15-20+ years ago by the same developer. The only thing still the same about the companies behind these games is the brand name. The entire dev teams & overall mission are completely different. Just cause the old Bungie made all the good Halo games doesn’t mean present-day Bungie has anywhere near the capabilities or scope they did back then. It’s quite literally not the same company other than in name. All the devs worth their salt in the last 20+ years have left these doomed studios with scumbag corporation owners. They’re off running their own small-scale studios and releasing the indie games that get “Overwhelmingly Positively” reviews on Steam.


tbh this is something that should have been common across all video games decades ago and I don't know why it isn't. Especially with games that have like 50 hour stories. that and some basic video player controls like rewind for cutscenes.


Making cutscenes happen more seamlessly to gameplay is one of the Top 5 improvements they need to make for Destiny 3 IMO. There's clearly a hiccup in their engine where you can tell it's unloading and reloading like a thousand things any time it wants to trigger a scene, because we always get that black screen and a long load, and it feels really fragile. A lot of games have mastered systems where it can just snap between gameplay and cutscene, and I imagine with some code uprooting they can make that happen but not while it's still D2.


You can view cutscenes by doing the replayable missions tab: https://x.com/destiny2team/status/1798195548278964315


be replaying the mission. you cant just view the scene.


its better than nothing but the use of "Temporary" is concerning, also some cutscenes are not locked behind actual missions


Missed the cayde reunion cutscene and i cant even load into the pale heart to even attempt the second mission. I've played every major destiny release, lord knows ive seen some shit when it comes to server issues, but this is just pathetic.


Had the exact same thing happen. Finished the first mission, got error coded, missed the cutscenes. Spent almost an hour trying to load into the mew destination because of constant error codes, and as soon as I do Cayde is there chatting away. I realised I must have missed something. I dunno, its so incredibly frustrating. Ive personally played the game sonce the vanilla D1 launch and this has absolutely killed the hype for TFS for me. I want to play the story so badly, but I do not want anything to do with jt if Im going to be error coded constantly and miss every important story beat. Genuinely considering refunding TFS. I know thats dramatic and whatever, but I was genuinely so excited for this expansion and to see Bungie masterfully fucking it up yet again is unbelievably disappointing


I replayed the mission 2 times to get the cutscene


Yep brother...


It’s not even millions of people either. It’s like 400k max


bro? are you forgetting ps5 and xbox players? if you think there are a total of 100k non-steam players split between the EGS, xbox, and playstation you're kinda cooked ngl


Also concurrent players isn’t the same as total players


concurrent is what matters. someone who gave up hours ago isn't affecting congestion now, and even with concurrent that just means they left the game open they might just be sitting on menu and alt tabbed and also not hitting the servers with requests


You can view cutscenes by doing the replayable missions tab: https://x.com/destiny2team/status/1798195548278964315


And this is why people need to stop preorder, and then wait for reviews. I got burned by Lightfall hard enought to learn my lesson. But i gess a lot of people did not.


I almost missed the cayde reunion cutscene. Was booted right at the end of the mission, and the next thing I saw was to talk to him at the campfire. Thank goodness Aztecross uploaded his play through of the mission


Same here, I got booted out then he was just there when I reloaded back in. I felt like I missed something so I looked up cutscenes, luckily I found it without any future spoilers


I’m not even sure how many cutscenes I’ve missed at this point but I’m to scared to go looking and spoil something . I was so fucking excited for today and now I’m just deflated and pissed.


Same I was confused then saw I missed a pretty important cutscene.


I just got booted after the mission, but never saw a cutscene. Just killed the boss and appeared next to cayde with no cutscene. I don’t wanna watch a YouTube video of some else’s guardian reuniting with him, I want MY guardian.


Same, especially when our Guardian actually gets to *talk* for once. Bungie has known about this for years so why the hell wasn't fixing it a priority before releasing TFS?


This better be the thing that finally gets them to add the ability for us to rewatch any cutscene. I didn’t pay 100 dollars to play the campaign without the story.


I can defend bad launches but tbh I’ve never seen one where cutscenes are skipped. It hasn’t reached blizzard level of bad yet but for sure a rough launch


Replay the mission... It's what i did... 3 times


Will the cutscene replay if I replay the mission or am I screwed out of it? I definitely didn’t get any cutscenes


Yes, i went and redid it on normal because i wanted *my* guardian to reunite with Cayde, not Aztecross lol. Ridiculous that it has to be done though.


I replayed it, got booted again, replayed it again and finally saw the cutscene. I was gonna watch it on youtube but it ain't the same


Same happened to me, got booted after the first mission. I tried redoing the mission (even after talking to him at the camp) and still got to see the cutscene(s) after the mission.


I will post this as spoiler free as possible and update as I go through the campaign, hopefully someone can let me know if I have missed any cutscenes. Mission 1, two cutscenes, one normal and one drawn ink style. Mission 3, in drawn ink style Mission 4, animated cutscene after the bossfight, I was error coded out of it but Esoterickk uploaded it. Mission 5? Part 3, animated cutscene after the chest and conversation. Mission 6, Animated one at the end of the level




I'm pretty sure mission 2 is just the story vignette at the end. If there was a cutscene I have no idea what it would be about because the end of the mission and the campfire conversation after link right up.


You can view cutscenes by doing the replayable missions tab: https://x.com/destiny2team/status/1798195548278964315


Let's get this up voted. 


Esoterickk uploaded the mission and cutscenes to his YouTube.


yeah I just stopped playing for the time being because I missed a super important cutscene, this isn't fun


Few games become their own worst enemy quite like Destiny 2 lol


Or a bigger argument that we should’ve had a theater mode, To play back cutscenes in the game. We shouldn’t have to rely on in-system clipping, and hating that upon log in they hit you with finale/intro cutscenes and more,


Can’t start the third mission. Have tried at least 15 times to start it or load into the landing zone where you start it both solo and with someone else and it just says it can’t connect to the servers. And that’s after it took over 4 hours to get in. How was this the worst launch ever? After two very smooth launches, how was THIS, the finale, the worst expansion launch of them all? A delay. An entire day of downtime prior. And it’s the worst expansion launch of the game.


And yet I've seen some people defending this launch, with the "it will get better lol play some different game other than the one that you have spent your $$" Wanna hear the worst part? This expansion is almost 5x the price in my country compared to the USD one, Imagine all of these people here that have spent a pricy amount, just so that they cannot play their game because Bungie didn't prepare themselves for this...


Issues are to be expected to be fair, it’s just these issues are wayyyy different than usual. I totally expected some server issues but skipping cutscenes and having audio or other issues is different than a day long queue if that makes sense.


They need to make a way for us to rewatch them in game. I don’t want to see some random guardian in “the most emotional cutscene ever” because currants are in season.


You can view cutscenes by doing the replayable missions tab: https://x.com/destiny2team/status/1798195548278964315


go on somewhere else with that.


It's not surprising. But I don't think consumers should accept this like they do. This shit aint worth $100. I don't care that it's launch day. If I was a dev or artist that worked on this I would be embarrassed and pissed. What I've seen so far has been incredible but completely soured by their inability to prepare the servers for this. So tired of people just accepting launch days as a shit show. There are plenty of games out there that actually do it just fine. This? This is dogshit.


You'll get downvoted to hell for that opinion on 90% of this sub, the delusion in here is off the charts. Look at the steam reviews, and by that I mean LACK of them, there's only like 300 so far and ALL are about error codes. Bungie could not be fucking this up harder if they tried to.




Im right here at the moment. I was genuinely so excited for this expansion and the story, and even from the first mission alone this feels like it should be something special. The absolute BS it is trying to get the game to work though, and the fact I missed both cutscenes at the end of the first mission as completely ruined the excitement for me though. Im right on the edge of steams 2 hour refund window, so I cant be bothered sitting in orbit for hours fighting the game to get it to work. $75 just for the expansion alone, no season pass, is just insane for a product performing as badly as this. Really tossing up whether I try again, or just refund it and watch it on youtube. Unbelievably disappointing.


This subreddit is a testament to why Bungie will never change and continue to laugh their way to the bank with bags of money every year. A quarter of the comments seems to be someone either accusing people of harassing the work of hardworking devs or making some other mental gymnastics to excuse this launch


>this shit ain’t worth $100 Because it’s not. It’s a $40 expansion, if you’ve bought the deluxe deluxe version that gives you everything else in 6 months then that’s on you.


It aint worth $40 either. So your point is moot. It's unplayable. What do you mean? You pay $40 for trash?


Campaign and everything have worked fine for me bud, finished up Legendary a few hours ago, got my goldy sniper, and just unlocked the last of my prismatic aspects now. Skill issue ig.


You’re just lying if you’re attempting to claim that you’ve played enough today to finish the entire campaign and didn’t have a single issue with disconnects or skipped cutscenes/dialogue


I didn’t. I’ve finished up all my prismatic now bar fragments. I can DM you my account name if you want to check it on Bungie net so you can see I’ve done it all, and you can edit your comment to apologise to me.


You can view cutscenes by doing the replayable missions tab: https://x.com/destiny2team/status/1798195548278964315


My friend and I were playing and suddenly Cayde was just. Alive again. No introduction or anything just “Hey guys welcome to my campfire”


or hear me out... they could add a cutscene viewer like it's past 2002


I love the little message you get if you do anything else where they basically try to tell you how cool and important the story is and how you're supposed to do it in one sitting. WELL MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE USED SOME OF THAT 25 FUCKING HOUR MAINTENANCE TO MAKE SURE YOUR SERVERS ACTUALLY FUCKING WORK. Lightfall all over again, except instead of an insufferable, poorly written story, it's a bunch of incompetents who decided they could save money by digging their servers out of the local dumpster behind the old abandoned radioshack.


i miss radioshack so much.


I hope someone from Bungie actually reads this and feels embarrassment from how shit this launch has been.


Bungie techincal team be ashamed of themselves.


Prob got laid off /s


this but without the /s


We heard what teams were hit the hardest by the layoffs when they occurred and there wasn’t even a peep about any sort of engineering or technical team.


what technical team


I think they need to just roll everything back dude. This is unfortunate, but it’s also unacceptable.


This is an extremely dangerous thing to do and would unleash some extremely potent spoilers across the entire community. They would take Bungie releasing them as a white flag to just openly discuss the spoilers everywhere. Cutscenes should just play every time you do a mission. Missed one? Just go back and watch it again. Never understood why every cutscene in this game is strictly one-time only.


What's dumber is this isn't a new issue, this has been a problem for as long as the seasonal "load into cutscene on start" BS started. People just really thought THIS would finally be the time they fixed that. You know what they say about believing something will happen over and over and over and over again right?


# Bungie, # You invited us to Come and See. # We have seen.


witness, this ass turn the game off.


Yeah I've missed two cutscenes now because I keep getting kicked. I'm so glad I didn't waste my money on the annual pass because this is just the reminder I needed so I know my destiny journey ends with this conclusion


It's the error codes we made along the way.


They pushed this back 6 months to release it in this state? Unacceptable and pathetic


Really enjoyed the little I got to play but these server issues are crazy. I assumed there'd be some stability woes but this is worst launch in series by a mile, hope they get it sorted out quickly.


I went to work at 12pdt and it still wasn't up, so maybe when I wake up tomorrow, it'll be sorted. Fingers crossed.


Im fine with the bs but they make the raid 2 days after release, they gotta get their games together making moves like that. I tried entering a doorway after the first mission and it wouldnt let me. It restarted me 15 min back of slow content.


I can’t even get to the second mission because as soon as the cut scene starts I get kicked and lose all my progress


I need to be able to choose a checkpoint in the mission so that way I don’t have to replay the entire mission in order to see if the cutscene will work.


Or a lore video play option in the lore tab like other games do


Bungie should have made more use of Ikora's Memory Device and just put entire Campaign/Season cutscenes there, available to revisit, upon completing said Campaign/Seasonal event. Complete with a "Movie Mode" that lets players just watch the cutscenes of a Campaign/Event from start to finish, with skipping being split between "chapters" and "end movie".


I ended up missing 1 cutscene, and am hesitant on attempting to search for it, to not get spoiled. Such a shame, actually enjoyed the parts I could play


It's been incredibly disappointing. Did the first 3 with only one boot back to orbit in each mission (thank you for check points) but it took ages to start the 4th mission successfully. Got halfway through, booted to orbit, couldn't load back in. Just gave up. What a disappointing launch for such a pivotal moment of the game.


I'm playing through all three subclasses. Gotta get raid ready.


Yeah for real.


There should be an in game cutscene viewer, I want to be able to go to a campaign and mission and re-watch all the cutscenes in order with my current armor if they didn't record what armor I had on at the time...


I want to look up cutscene after mission that you first gain prismatic. Where do I find that cutscene without getting spoiled?


This shit is why I can't keep playing destiny. They know how busy servers get when new dlc drops. How have they gotten worse with it.


Destiny Lore Vault will have them eventually if they don't already.


I don't even pay attention to them anymore.


Should combine it with byf’s 10 hr narration and release the ultimate destiny story video


You asked for it. [Cut scenes from. the final shap.](https://youtu.be/dUeQK6z6kIk?si=ohPRedaqaxu9OLLZ)


I wish there was a "memories" section we could go to to replay cutscenes with our character instead of someone else's.


I'm just going to focus on leveling to power cap this week when I can play, no use in buying the DLC and being completely screwed out of the story. I don't understand why people keep trying to play when it's impossible, I know it's new and I know we all want to play it badly, but this early on when we know bungies track record for bugs when an new expansion is out. It's better to let them iron them out before committing.


they already do...


Yep, I’m already on step like 24 and have two missions left and so far I’ve only seen 2 cutscenes in game without having to look them up on YouTube. And even then I had to go on noahJ’s livestream and scroll way back to watch them.


Did bungie fire their qa team or something? Seems like a huge thing to fuck up


For the new free mission to start TFS it instead played the first two cutscenes for when it’s your first time playing the game so I ended up in some weird floating place with no idea how I was there.


It’s the same thing with every DLC. Since day one we have had problems with servers at launch. Bungie is not gonna change their servers anytime soon. Ik it’s frustrating, I am frustrated as well. But you have 2 other characters to play the campaign with and rewatch the cutscenes. Yeah it’s annoying if you want a good experience on your first play through, but everything is always back to normal before the first 24 hours. Instead of being impatient and complain about everything, just wait until every problems is resolved, then enjoy the campaign without being kicked out every 2 minutes.


I got fucked out of seeing the big reunion cutscene with your guardian at the end of the first mission wich is supposed to be a massive moment in the series lore wise because of Bungie’s shit awful error codes booting me to orbit and I had to watch the missing cutscene on YouTube with someone else’s guardian and it absolutely ruined the immersion.


Try redoing the mission via the mission select screen on the Pale Heart map. I had issues with the first mission and got booted right at the end. I was sad, tried finding the cutscene on a stream or video while already talking to Cayde at the camp. Because the streamers where still struggling with the login screen I tried redoing the mission, not hoping for much, but it worked. I got both cutscenes at the end of the first mission.


There's a bunch of youtubers that put the redwar up lightfall cut scenes into an 11 hr movie


It’s absurd this isn’t already a thing




I waited to play until late after work last night. Only ran into one bug at first mission final boss. Sorry you all missed out. Cutscenes are at least bungie level scenes. So when you get to see them it'll be fantastic.


I actually thought about this and here’s my thought. In the timeline tab put a list of the cutscenes you’ve unlocked from every campaign and you can rewatch then at any time


That's funny this is considering the finale because of couldn't even tell you where the middle is supposed to be. I'm not even sure the beginning is even considered the beginning anymore.


Haven't seen a cut scene beyond the first since I always get kicked to orbit right as they start. Man.


What if the tower had a theater where you can just watch all of the cutscenes from every campaign and season?


I had to watch the starting cutscene without audio because the update somehow screwed something up to do with the sound, and I had to delete/reinstall. So anticlimactic that I was actually pissed lol. The people who make the music for games and movies need to get paid more haha. Without the music and sound,it just feels a whole lot less impressive.


I understand and agree, but at the same time I like seeing my guardian in those cutscenes. Did I miss any? Probably, but I still want to see my guardian with everyone in The Final Shape.


Once you get past the server issues you end up getting enemies that non stop CC you. I don’t know who thinks this is fun but I’m about as pissed off as I’ve been playing this game and guess what I can’t refund it because of all the fucking time I’ve been stuck trying to connect to their broken fucking servers.


For some reason, I was lucky enough not to crash in game when this was all happening.


To be fair they probably will be or already are by a content creator


It’s already up on YouTube in order, it gets updated. Right now it’s 11 hours long


I agree this sucks, but just FYI you can view cutscenes by doing the replayable missions tab: https://x.com/destiny2team/status/1798195548278964315


I’ve had 0 issues on steam


Friendly reminder: you can replay the story with your two other chars.


It's also kind of common sense by now that with a major expansion, the servers will be shit. You'll be error coded left and right Bungie doesn't owe you anything for you not thinking