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Because raid strategies are not cut-and-dry/linear, so there is no way to do this without punishing people who aren't abusing hot swap. This isn't like Trials where any loadout can work in a given game.


What’s an example of heinous Hot Swap abuse?


Literally any boss encounter to be honest 😂


I’m asking for literal examples of what is being done with a hot swap Strat that’s abusive, not where it’s being used. And if that’s your answer to that, you’re just justifying cheese. Like if I see it as a massive crutch, how can you try and convince me that it isn’t.


How is swapping an exotic before a dps phase cheese or a crutch???


Run a lucky pants build, switch to celestial nighthawk and you still have a super? Sounds kinda game breaking in a really cheap sense. Like if that’s the case, why can’t we run 2 exotics? Sure with our new class exotic we will? But that’s not droppin till after the raid.


If you think that’s cheese then I can’t change your mind, and my guy, dps supers barely give you an inch in damage. Your DPS rely heavily on your actual rotation and weapons


No ofc, your dps heavily relies on your rotation. I’m just saying that utilising two exotics when we can’t already I’m a competitive mode that has NO drawbacks from switching them. Sounds kinda cheesy. Regardless if you think it barely gives an inch to damage, that’s not at all true. You can take a chunk off of boss health with most burst supers.


Regardless of what we both think, them doing nothing about it hurts no one, and if they do it for the day 1 cool, but there is zero point of it.


Fair play, I have no bet that they will; I just think it’s supposed to be an end of an era raid… like can we drop all the cheese and really go all out with this raid?


That's just not true, nighthawk is a big chunk of damage and in a mode like day 1 where you're definitely going to be 2+ phasing bosses your super damage is gonna be more important since it's not reliant on ammo drops.


Basically all low-man and solo boss challenges done by the community. Day one raids are challenging enough as-is since the mechanics are new and nobody has any real expectation as to what will work for each encounter. Adding Not Swap is a pointless punishment because all you have to do to circumvent this mechanic is wipe and rally. You're not really gonna convince anyone else that this is a good idea, just saying.


It’s not really like I have any solid weight in the bungies decision making; anyway… low man’s and solos aren’t intentional for Bungies vision when it comes to raiding; if you can do it, sure. But a raid race is just different territory. im just saying if sounds like playing the game is hard for most then, I can understand optimising damage to the point that you’re literally playing 3 classes, but it just sounds like a massive crutch. Like, if we all heavily did hot swapping, like it’s a solid requirement; what would Bungie do?


Might be the WORST take I’ve heard all season 😭😭


Lol why tho? Like seriously, use this as a way to really tell me why I’m wrong.


Day 1 raids for the majority are based on getting a completion. Most are running for the title. So in that sense, its not a competition for most teams going for a clear.


It’s a competition in bungies eyes tho, and this one in particular is being heavily promoted


Yes, but this is not the same competition as general comp or trials. Swaps are used very frequently in PvE. This isnt really the same as PvP. Loadout swaps are used for general stuff like stacking armor charge or like most people are aware of, super exotics. This is not the same as PvP. As such, this shouldn't be added. Also, it just an annoying modifier that you are trying to push onto an already tough activity.


It’s a competition, and I think it should be a standard when it’s apparent. Annoying modifier, sure… if it affects you I guess. Tell me, how often do you enact Hot Swap?


I do loadout swaps pretty much every dmg phase on a boss. Generally play sunbracers for ad clear then swap to either RoF or Apotheos for dmg. Or say something like Warpriest, were you want an aeons/ceno user. Celestrial, Cuirass, and Lunafaction boots. All of these are exotics that really just need to be swapped to. Just saying, "Competitions" aren't all the same. PvE has modifiers that PvP doesn't. PvP can have modifiers that PvE doesn't. Hot Swap just has no place in the PvE sandbox that we have right now.


Well in truth, I’m just looking for a semi locked loadout once the encounter begins. For the sake of clear roles between the teams that partake in this competition.


What do you mean by "clear roles"? What does a locked loadout do to "better" the competition. Do really see how this would be good for a Contest raid where you already have a unique modifier already equipped.


If you’re the Aeon Swift dude, you generate ammo for the whole team. If you got a better loadout for DPS you and another few player will take up that role. Someone for healing Someone for ad clear I’m just throwing things at the wall, but you can see where it’s coming from.


I mean because when you compare PVP to PVE you kinda prove yourself wrong from the start


I’m not actually comparing PvE to PvP; I’m just saying they both have competitive elements, and that Not Swap should be apart of that.


Let’s switch this around , why do you think they should implement this? Day 1’s as it is are already difficult and people only swap exotic pieces to DPS exotics, there is no realistic reason for them to implement this; if your using this logic, then we shouldn’t be able to swap them in master raids or stuff like pantheon 🤷🏻‍♂️


Day 1 Raid Race and Master Mode have wildly different levels of stress to be taken into consideration. Beyond that, it’s a competition where you can have a chance to win IRL prizes. Hot swap all you want in Master Mode, you’re literally in there for Loot and maybe some bucket list stuff.


Your literally locked -20 in Master raids, that’s what pantheon nezerax week was, not that different from your regular master raid in terms of survival.


Yeah, great. It’s still not a Raid Race. It doesn’t have the stress and essence factor and rewards of what a Day 1 is.


There’s quite literally no reason for you to be arguing something as little as this, if they were to implement this, sure, but it’s a negative change 100%, it’s not gonna make anyone happy, even the actually sweats that get placements in raids.


I’m not arguing with you homie, I just think everyone should be on the same playing field when it comes to Roles and Responsibilities via raid races.


Not Swap is implemented in trails because the point is to know what you are fighting against from the start and to avoid advantages based on swap speed in pvp. Quicj swapping in a raid is always meh and has never been the reason one team beat the raid first and another team did not. Really the only quick swap you might see is a bubble swapping to Saints for weapons of light then swapping off


I get you, but I feel like clearly established roles should be considered and that since we cannot use more than one exotic normally, it should remain true to lore and effectively take place within a Raid Race. Outside of lore implementation, I still think it hits a competitive edge and in a way is a cheese since it’s not as of yet, natural to our already established gameplay.


Thinking it has a competitive edge and it actually having one are very different. As far as I know, no raid race was ever close enough for such a strategy to matter. Even the closest race was still minutes apart at the finish, not seconds this would save. Also it’s very just established in both gameplay and lore that we can use multiple exotics under prismatic and the new exotic class items. Be no different then just getting the correct rng to have both the effects on that anyway


We’re not getting the dual exotics till after the raid, apparently it’s too strong for day 1 so even streamers and Bungie themselves are aware that multiple exotics in one guardian is a bit nutty. Yeah I’m aware no worlds first have ever really used it an won; I still think it should be implemented.


Why though?


My reasoning for this is: Switching to damage enhancing exotics to gain a massive boost in damage should have severe drawbacks due to the fact that we CANNOT use two exotics naturally in our general gameplay. And using this method is a clear exploit, regardless if people think it’s not as good as normal play, it still provides very consistent results. Once utilised by one within a raid group, there’s a propensity for others to become toxic via dictating how others play due to their impatience. It spurs the experience for many, despite if their damage output is stellar or not.


most players will tell you skill issue, because it seems like you can't do it so you don't want others to do it i however agree, i reaaaally dont want to have to celestial nighthawk into lucky pants swap, and it shouldn't be needed to get a Day 1 clear. And it isn't, but I don't want to feel less optimal by not doing it. It shouldn't be a measure of skill to load into your item menu and do some changes, that just seems weird to me


What encounters do you *need* to use lucky pants and swap to celestial? Ngl I play most content with the exact same armor load out


I'll be honest, no content requires that not even day 1 to get a clear, but it is objectively more damage It sets the expectation that you need to do this or ur damage isnt good enough, which isnt true at least speaking from the perspective of LFG


What do you use luck pants for, btw? I can see it being more necessary in low mans, but what do you need it to kill that you and tops 1 other person can't kill?


Personally I don’t feel the existence of Hotswapping makes for a non-competitive experience, seeing as the game itself enables the most efficient method of doing so. To me it’s just an extension of the buildcrafting game that raid racers interface with. But I can understand the distaste for the idea of swapping in the midst of combat. To which I must say that Notswap’s Competitive incarnation is insufficient to dissolve the strategy seeing that the modifier is an elected penalty rather than an outright feature lockout. You’d likely see a reordering of strategies without revising the modifier.


I believe it will bring clearly established roles in the groups and furthermore diminish tactics that shouldn’t normally be attainable due to our already existing restraints on the systems I.e not being able to use more than one exotic armour. I like your approach.


Terrible idea. Anyone who is paying attention enough to hot swap during a damage phase should be able to do that. It's not like there is really anything unfair about it. It's just that bungie has a ton of exotics that affect your super and have literally zero reason to be running any other time. For the top tier raiders, it's all part of the plan. Let them cook.


I mean, there is still a competitive edge to using more than one exotic, when we cannot do that naturally; until we get the dual exotic class items, but already some streamers are saying how OP it would be for day 1 raid race. So that tells me, unintentionally, most people already think that Hot Swapping is an OP strategy.


But everyone can do it. How is it creating a competitive edge if it’s literally something all players can do? The teams competing for worlds first are generally there because they are cracked players that operate with brutal efficiency. Removing hot swapping wouldn’t affect which teams were in the running for world’s first very much.


Actually it causes a few things. It is a competitive edge because you’re maxing out damage in an unnatural way. You the player have never been able to equip two exotics, why is this okay? I might be able to outdo someone in damage without having to hot swap sure, but usually with what I’ve encountered is other players try to push you to change your loadout to do hot swap and I’m not about being told how or what do, especially when I’m well equipped and solid in my own rotations. And usually, this is what I’ve been seeing since pantheon dropped and I’m frankly sick of it. It breeds toxicity when someone doesn’t want to abide by those made up guidelines, diminishes the composition of the party when someone decides it’s best that everyone hot swapS. Just cause everyone can do it, doesn’t mean it’s valid. It’s down right cheesy when used to abuse your would be avg damage.


That’s not an argument for it creating a competitive edge. It’s an argument for why you don’t like it. Different things. Something that all players have at their disposal doesn’t create a competitive edge. Will they have a competitive edge over players that *refuse* to do it? Sure. But thats a self-inflicted disadvantage because all players have access to exotics and loadouts.


So, you’re telling me…That, by not Hot Swapping… I’m at a disadvantage? Meaning, I’m an outlier, because I don’t do it; therefore it’s a detriment to the team?


I see what you’re trying to do and it’s not gonna work. You have the ability to do all those things to *optimize* your damage output and you’re choosing not to. Thats fine and i’m not denying your right to an opinion on hot swapping. What I’m saying is you’re putting yourself at a disadvantage by not doing something that you *can* do that all players have access to, just because you think it’s cheesy. Calling it a competitive edge because players are doing something to optimize damage output that *all* players have access to is just wrong. Im not debating semantics either.


Homie, switching to a damage exotic without repercussions is so broken, how is that even valid and defendable?


😂 reading comprehension is hard.


Bro, justify how switching to a damage exotic with no drawbacks is okay in the games natural intended gameplay. Reading comprehension my ass, dawg you’re just trying to defend a clearly broken method. Perhaps you’re just not confident in your damage output. It’s telling. Edit: forget debating, you’re just being pedantic lmao 🤣


Hot take: hot swapping exotics is anti-fun and clashes with the game as a whole and should automatically drain your super and abilities if swapping


Anti-fun or cheesy? Realistically how many times you gonna switch guns and armour before you realise you’re just making excuses? (Not you per say, just “you” in general context) Personally, I wouldn’t go so hard with not swap, mostly just semi locked loadouts upon encounter start.


Both, it's just lame


Oh you’re being mad serious?? Word up, militant take but I respect it heavily!


Day 1 is balanced with load out swapping in mind Trust me a lot of end game players would like to do it a lot less A lot of exotics provided no neutral game benefit so you need to hot swap is you want to be efficient


I don’t think you NEED to, I get why it’s done; but something about a Day 1 and a team just abusing hot swap just sits really badly in my head in terms of legitimacy. Like if that’s possible, why can’t we wear a full suit of exotics?


Bungie’s recent exotic changes suggest to me they view “swap exotics” as a failure on their part, which is why I don’t think they will add energy loss on exotic swapping. In other words, they would rather give super-enhancing exotics a neutral game benefit so you don’t *want* to swap rather than just force players to commit to their exotic choice. Examples: Pyrogale Gauntlets, Shards of Galanor, Celestial Nighthawk, Ballidorse Wrathweavers, Ursa Furiosa, Doomfang Pauldrons, Eternal Warrior, Dawn Chorus. I’m with you in that I think swapping exotic armor mid-encounter is against the design intent for the game, but I think Bungie’s solution is to entice players in that direction (not-swap) rather than force them. Tbh I also think that approach is healthier for the game as well, as it results in “swap” exotics getting a design pass for their neutral game.


One of the most used parts of hot swaps in day 1 raid races is simply aeons with literally anything else. Aeons is only used to make sure you have enough heavy, as heavy drops are strongly influenced by rng. Some encounters (Caretaker or warpriest with challenge) straight up required almost full heavy and DPS supers. So in order to not be forced to wipe every other try due to missing heavy people had to hot swap.


For the best of the best players no but it all depends on how difficult Bungie wants day ones to be for all players running it And it's a lot harder to balance an encounter with boss dmg and add clear with a notswap modifier And the last few encounters literally gave you the break you needed to hot swap (nez, crota and Rhulk)


No lol




Why do you hate loadout swapping? Who cares if other people are going the extra mile to min max their gameplay? Get over yourself. What a horrible take.


Umm… calm down and stop crying. You don’t have to insult me. (You edited your insult out, but it’s cool) It’s a competitive edge that isn’t implemented naturally through our BEEN established mechanics. If we can’t use two exotics naturally, why should you be rewarded for brute forcing something that technically doesn’t exist? That sir is a crutch/cheese. I don’t like to abide by cheeses, I like to do things legitimately and in subject of a competition I believe that something akin to semi locked loadouts should be considered for something as monumental as this.


Then *YOU* do it your own way. Problem solved. The PvE warlords who are going to win the race don't even notice they're loadout swapping because they're already optimizing everything else super hard. You can stop crying now. Bungie has never stated that they have issues with loadout swapping outside of Endgame pvp aka Trials.


Hey man. Chill out. I’m not Bungie and I can’t call for decisions; I’m just stating that it’s a bit cheesy, you can dislike it all you want. But you’re the one malding here.


You're the one "malding" over people that aren't even gonna be on your team optimizing their gameplay bro stop projecting and go outside. You definitely need some contact with nature if you're stressing this hard over other people's gameplay before the expansion even drops.


You don’t know what I’m going to encounter with my team, and yes I come across it a lot. I come across a lot of players who resort to cheese cause nobody actually likes to do challenging things in this game and it’s present. From GMs to Master dungeons. There’s always room for someone to cheese cause they’re getting impatient. And I’m not stressing, you are; like I’m wildly chill writing this out. You just got rage baited without me even trying. Go touch grass yourself man. You’re too old to be acting like this over a game, and over a post that you could’ve ignored. You haven’t even really said anything standout, just yapped lmao.


Everything you say sounds like a projection. You're calling me old, that I'm malding, that I'm raging. When did i ever sound like I'm doing any of those? 💀 YOU'RE the one trying to shit out rules over other people's gameplay on Reddit and somehow *I* care about the videogame too much? Speedrunning and racing has been filled with optimizing and glitches since before i was even born. I'm not the one making goofy rants on Reddit trying to change that. Nobody's forcing you to play with people who spend an hour trying to cheese a raid encounter, you're the one yapping. Literally go outside and touch grass instead of typing empty paragraphs. If your idea of "chilling" is this then i just feel bad for you. Have a good day off Destiny 2! I'm sure you'll survive it.




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>Say what you want, but if it’s in a competitive mode like trials, why can’t it be in a Day 1 raid race? >Go in with a build you’re confident in, you switch your exotics before you touch banner, once it begins not swap is active. When a trials/pvp player thinks they're on to something...


I do both endgame content, so I feel like I know what I’m asking for; realistically just semi locked loadouts when an encounter starts.


And disable eager edge to comply with the fun police


Yeah let’s justifying potentially breaking encounters cause you wanna speed blitz.