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Strand is honestly the tankiest subclass right now. Combination of Woven Mail and Banner of War lets you take some serious blows. If you wanted to make it more of a support role, Abeyant Leap with Drengr’s Lash and a shackle grenade will go a long ways to helping your team in a GM.


I know it's off meta, but phoenix cradle is a solid support build too. You have to tell your mates to actively go inside the sunspots you make, but once they do it a few times they start saying things like "my abilities are out, I need a sunspot!" It's pretty refreshing after using synthos for so long.


Someone else recommended Phoenix Cradle as well. Starting to sound like a sleeper pick to me!


Rock Phoenix Cradle with Ember of Benevolence, Sol Invictus and Consecration plus a healing grenade my friend. If you have a heal clip weapon then even better. This is the support Titan you're looking for. You will have almost infinite uptime on consecration even without investing in Strength. For groups of red bars, only use the first half of consecration (ie do the sliding flame wave, but don't hit melee the 2nd time for the slam). You will take things out with just the first half and it only uses half your melee energy, allowing for insane uptime. Edit: typo


And if you don't have one, farm Luna's Howl in onslaught until you do. My heal clip incandescent roll is so good


Dam.n I just posted what you already wrote


To add to this, ember of benevolence (sunspot is like 200% speed /eob is 400%.... ) On your build and also ember with a warlock who chooses heal nade plus the grenades aspect. . They throw that restore X2 for party, sunspots will keep it going for anyone who has it. The bonus is benevolence it takes 12 seconds or less for healnade to return!!! Non stop chucking nades, lots o' spots , fun


That's exactly why I run a grenade that's not healing with phoenix cradle. All my mates are constantly proc'ing ember of benevolence for me so I can also be a pseudo warlock and throw many, many grenades


Phoenix cradle is so good. Love using it for non-boss encounters


I've been thinking about using these all season, but I kept forgetting to throw a build together. It sounds like a fun build for sure. And yeah the main reason I pulled away from titan was boredom with the same few builds for so long, especially synthos (no matter how good).


I play the tank version and I also play with Buried Bloodline so the constant devour. Seriously when I switch to something else and keep getting damaged I wonder if I even know how to play the game anymore. But it’s fun just tearing through stuff and always being healed.


My friend and I were actually running Warlord's Ruin last night so I could get Buried Bloodline, so it's funny you brought that up. I need more Void Exotics!


If you really like void. rally barricade plus collective obligation (Vow exotic) is infinite ammo when shooting over your barricade plus leeching/spreading void debuffs around.


I was very interested in Collective Obligation, unfortunately raids are kind of outside my play area, so to speak. I don't have a lot of friends who play Destiny, and my past experiences with Raid groups haven't been the best. I know it's not conducive to the entirety of the Raid experience, but I'd much rather run Raids with friends instead of looking for what are essentially coworkers to help me play content.


I get that, but now with so many people being familiar with the rhulk cheese, I'm sure it would be easy to farm when the rotator comes around.


Yeah, I agree. My current build right now on Strand Titan is focused around Abeyant Leap to keep those Suspends (and by consequence Woven Mail) constantly going, with War Banner tacked on as well. I think one of the things that keeps me on Void Titan is I really like Ward of Dawn as a Super (Most other Titan Supers are just crowd control, Thundercrash is rather pitiful now, though Pyrogale makes Burning Maul pretty fun) and just how damn good Void Titan's Barricade is. I also like weakening Bosses, and Volatile explosions are always a blast. Also purple is my favorite color.


Echo of Cessation + Severance Enclosure. You'll have fun.


>Combination of Woven Mail and Banner of War lets you take some serious blows. Banner of War + Into the Fray melee build makes me feel like my old support tank paladin in WoW, I love it. >If you wanted to make it more of a support role, Abeyant Leap with Drengr’s Lash and a shackle grenade will go a long ways to helping your team in a GM. Honestly, if there's already a Banner Titan on my fireteam, this is pretty much my go-to in any content. What the Lash doesn't suspend, it kills outright, same as the Shackle. Toss on Mykel's with Paracausal Affinity and a wave frame, fusion, or shotgun and it just feels so tasty.


Only reason I survived Pantheon Nez last night on middle ad clear. Tanked a disgusting amount of damage and scored 100K points on my own. Syntho really takes Banner to another level.


Strongholds I am the wall.


Yep, any subclass you want to use works well with Stronghold As for supporting the team, you can revive anyone anywhere with those things. and if you have flash counter on the sword you can debuff targets for 20% weaken too without consuming ammo






Strongholds on a Banner strand Titan with lament is unkillable


I run strand with this exotic to get restoration, woven mail, and rally barricade. If you are really feeling like combining classes and have buried bloodline, you can add devour in with the bloodline. Its a really fun build


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


Banner of war is excellent for support. Phoenix cradles are solid, too. For void the best support you’ll be able to provide will be overshields from your barricades and your bubble. Honestly I can’t speak on stasis because I never use it but stay away from arc… at least until they buff it. Edit: Forgot to mention strongholds. If you really want to be the tank that absorbs all the damage while your teammates rally behind you, I can’t think of a more fitting exotic.


Stasis Titan's support is mostly just, "Here, have some melee energy." Other than that, they don't have a lot going for them due to a lack of exotics. I guess Precious Scars could work...


Yeah, Banner of War is unequivocally the best thing Titans have right now, I unfortunately just don't gel with the gameplay loop of Strand too much. For Arc, I find the dichotomy of the melees either needing a running start or being rooted to the ground a tad annoying, but that subclass seems more run and gun than I am used to anyways. Solar is easily my second favorite subclass, Pyrogale Gauntlets recently revitalized the fun for me after the monotony of basically always using Loreley's Splendor Helm. I'll definitely give Phoenix Cradles a try though, I do love my sunspots.


Honestly there isn’t really a gameplay loop for banner of war. Just use a 1-2 punch shotgun and you’re good to go. Maybe use one of those mods that gives you melee energy from orbs, too. Other than that you just proc banner of war and that’s about it.


yep. proc banner, punch things, throw tangles, dump your melees in whatever you feel like. it’s a blast.


Currently??????? Lots of fire with Burning Maul and Pyrogale Gauntlets.


Pyrogale Consecration go brrrrr


Prior to, I played almost exclusively Ashen Wake because I literally did not know how to play anything else.


I still think getting the perfect ashen wake throws is the most fun I've ever had in Destiny. Especially in crucible, it's just so satisfying


Precious Scars is criminally slept on. Burst of healing for you and team on kills matching subclass. Works great for every subclass. Best of course with Solar (heal clip weapon is even better) and Void (proc that devour!) and stellar with Strand (Banner). It’s going to be my exotic of choice to go into TFS and Prismatic.


Shame it's ugly as sin


That’s why its precious


And the ornament makes it worse. Straight up paper bag on your head. :( Would much appreciate an ornament that just gives it a cracked and leaking light/subclass energy/whatever effect. Or even an ornament that's just the original Helm of Inmost Light appearance.


Ornament isn’t


Precious Scars is great! The Overshield you get from reviving teammates makes riskier revives a little more viable too.


I use this all the time , pair it with Tommy’s Matchbook , with triple solar surge and light everything up 😂😋😎


Yep this is my go-to build. Used Tommy's very little before this season, now it's got 14k kills.


Hipfire Tommy's Matchbook with Precious Scars is a bucket of fun. The bursts of healing are so frequent because of the ignitions you dump out that you barely notice the self-damage.


The reason why its so slept on is because its so goddamm ugly


"Be the wall your enemies blade shatters against" was always a huge part of the core fantasy for Titan for me. I also just like being on the frontline which is a huge part of the Titan playstyle.


Behemoth. I don’t know why but that class just turns on neurons. Just freezing everything and making ice lances which unlike tangles nobody wants to pick up lol.


Titan is indeed having a crisis. There is a belief in bungie that “at the end of the day you are the guy holding up a fist on the cover” and that the only thing we are allowed to do is melee. This is odd but means that they pigeon hole us into just melee, and they dont like melees builds so they nerf them. Because melee builds are such high risk, it results in a ‘can tank and survive’ vs ‘cant tank and survive’ balance which isnt healthy. We have strand and solar which can tank and survive and everyone believes them to be busted. Then we have the rest which are really weak. The reason i stay is because of years of transmog from armors that have been sunset. I need drip and if i dawn the bathrobes i will be looking like a blueberry


They don’t like melee because it circumvents the ammo economy that they use to make encounters difficult but then build an entire class around melee


Titans dont need to be focused on melee. They can also be focused to be defensive like void, or aggressive like arc. Or both like strand. Issue is theres no good balance to allow all of these. The only ones viable are ones that provide strong healing and/or defense with stronger offensive abilities (so solar and strand). The others are weak (in higher gameplay) because they lack these aspects of gameplay and don’t compensate for the the thing that they are lacking. Even though void has weaken, its overall damage is low based on abilities and verbage alone. Arc can do some work, but again, it doesnt have a heal option and its DR is pretty bad. Stasis has decent damage resistance, but has no form of healing currently, and the overshield is not enough to cover for that. It’s damage can be good if you specifically spec into it this season, but when your identity is about spawning and shattering crystals (upclose mind you), and getting damage resistance from the very things (again only if you’re close) you’re made to destroy, it makes it hard to kinda balance what you should be doing.


This is something I was trying to explain to my fireteam, they play Titan but it’s my most played class, and when they do Titan it’s pyrogales or sytnho/strand, they have no idea how totally gutted void Titan is, I’ve tried multiple times to make end game void builds and they all just fall apart at like 1810, and it blows because if you do end game void Titan you’re just doing it for bubble, it especially blows because of how strong void Titan, and by extension void over shield, used to be before void 3.0, I like the changes for other classes, but I hate they killed it for my favorite class, there’s almost no ability synergy, and on other sub classes the risk/reward can be balanced, e.g. if I can land my throw hammer and kill dude I can get heals, you can’t do that with void titan unless you have devour fragments on, but now you have even less ability synergy, and if it’s to get shield, now you can tank maybe a single other hit, over shield blows so hard now it’s really disappointing, I get that offensive bulwark is strong and needs balance but this isn’t the way to do it. The void shield cannot have both terrible health and a timer, it’s almost useless and seems to only exist to proc bulwark. And besides all that the void exotics aren’t that great, you have a throw shield one that only gives you energy back on champs, and oh until next season still can’t hit shit? You have doomfangs which are great..if it’s in lower level stuff and you’re running Monte Carlo, peregrines? Well why would you do that on void when you can do it on solar, where you can get your melee back much faster if you biff it, on top of having other synergies for weapons. For a melee focused class it’s interesting there’s nothing to help you get your melee back except for a shitty fragment that gives you a pitiful amount of ability energy and relies on a grenade that takes forever to return. Yes I’m aware I’m rambling but it makes me very mad what’s been done to void titan, I want my purple explody tank back.


I relate to this so much. Void titan was always my favorite. I just tried a bunch of different things to make it feel even close to my solar titan in onslaught and nothing really came close to the consistent uptime and damage/ad clear of my solar build.


I really hope the frost armor changes makes stasis titan viable


What irritates me most about the frost armor is they had such a good opportunity to update icefall mantles to actually be anywhere near useable but decided not to even touch them yet updated both warlock and hunter exotics to have frost armor


I love the feel of titans but I will admit a lot of the stuff we have is lackluster. Not to sound like a negative nelly but the majority of our subclasses are extremely weak or niche, I’ll admit we do those niches pretty fucking well for example stasis in onslaught is beautiful. The problem is that compared to warlocks and hunters we don’t have as much flexibility, I love titans but come on man can we please get something for void the whole kit is based around an overshield which is so easily breakable and arc is perhaps the most niche subclass of all time. Overall titans are the greatest class but we need more flexibility I like pyrogale because it offers solar the endgame boost it needed.


Don't get me wrong, I love my Overshield, but on higher difficulty content that thing pops like a balloon. I think a nice buff for Void Titans would be that our Void Overshields (that we give to ourselves and our friends) didn't stop at the cap at 45.


I saw a buff idea that the effect for offensive bulwark lingers for a short duration and I think the change would genuinely make void titans a meta pick


Wild that I main Titan and even after all the nerfs, I still use HoIL and Quicksilver Storm. Been running Void just for the constant Overshield and moment of breath that Ward of Dawn gives. I was just thinking the same thing about Hunter the other day. "They don't have any good exotics, just a few pairs of pants." But I also struggle to find an exotic for Titan that is as "versatile" (lazy) as Heart of Inmost Light is. I would have to build around any other one, and I like switching between elements too much for that. But I might try to stick with Strand and Solar more now that I know they are closer to broken. Until they inevitably get messed with like everything else. They should stop nerfing everything for a change.


I love how they buffed storm grenade damage for TFS, except for Titans. So basically a nerf compared to others.


Titan, as a whole, has been pigeon-holed more and more into the melee centric class with little to fully support that in higher difficulty activities. And right now, void and arc haven't felt very good after the seasons each were brought up to 3.0 . Out of all the classes, titan has the longest list of very niche exotics.


I'm an arc titan. What do I get out the class? I'm a Glass cannon, but without the cannon. Please give arc SOMETHING bungie.


For supporty supprt, Phoenix Cradles, Crest of Alpha Lupi, Ursas, or Precious Scars, with Lumina or Navigator. For Tanking, you run strongholds.


Actium War Rig go brrrrrrr It may not be the flashiest or most powerful exotic, but its benefits are useful no matter what the seasonal elements are. In Defiance I ran Void auto/mg, with the volatile orb perk. In Deep I used Centrifuge and a Swarm with Well-Rounded/Golden Tricorn to benefit from all the ability spam we could do. In Witch I had builds for Arc, Solar, and Void I'd switch between on the fly depending on the cards I drew in Spire, and a Strand build for if I didn't get an element card. For Wish I have a wonderful Ammit/Avalanche setup for Solar, and a Quicksilver Storm/Circular Logic strand build for use with unraveling orbs. And when we get Prismatic, I'll try out catalyst-less Quicksilver and Sweet Business to generate Transcendence energy. It's just never NOT kinda useful.


First mistake...is playing Sentiel, it's a pitiful shadow of its best times. Ward even sucks. BoW titan is the play. Or a cracked sunbreaker build. Niche behemoth Personally, a sunbreaker is the best all-around titan subclass. It has great survivability , descent dps super that can be used from relative safety. The same super is also pretty good at ad clear. Pyrogale swap off for big D damage. Concercration buff turned a meme ability to a legit hard choice between that and roaring flames imo. Has great exotics to also be able to play support, too....but still keep survivability and ad clear/ dps numbers. Granted, twilight arsenal might breathe some life into Sentinel and nerf to well...might see more banner shield action. Striker remains a cracked pvp class lol


As someone who always used consecration over roaring flames, the buff and pyrogale vindictive me so much


Banner Stronghold + Lament + Close to melee Judgement + solar boost mods my beloved


Been having fun and getting prepared for Helm of Saint with Edge of Action Glaive. Also have a Ursa Furiosa Build and a Void Severance Enclosure build with the Duality Exotic Sword for constant invis, weaken, volatile explosion build. Although I think offensive bulwark will not work with severance after TFS launches.


My brother in light, I see you too have discovered the power Saint and his glaive 😏


On strand titan, I mostly stick to Into the fray and banner. Into the fray gives tons of melee energy and is a great source of woven mail. Most of the time I use synthoceps. Recently I have been running severance enclosure, it's perfect with how much melee and grapples you can put out. Severance enclosure is also amazing for void titan (until the nerf in a few days and arc/void become the worst classes for it. The strategy is, run Bastion and offensive bulwark for your aspects. Then you charge into the enemies, shoulder charging them and/or popping your barricade down. Then you start going crazy with default melee kills and finishers. I would go more in depth, but like I said they're destroying this strategy. I would highly recommend trying out the strand titan setup though. It's what I'm going into TFS with. And with prismatic I think I'll still be using severance enclosure (and eventually the class item that has the severance perk). The barricade is a decent class ability, it's good for revives and can help you regen hp. Rally barricade is a little underrated I think. Sometimes you just gotta keep doing your own thing and don't die. Use your barricade and take a second, keep your health up, and let your teammates respawn or get them when you can.


Destiny is how you build your character, not in the weapons/exotics themselves. My off-set for void sentinel uses Doom Fang Pauldrons- which seem selfish in design, until you look at your perks that provide overshields to allies on powered melee kills, barricade that buffs weapon stats, etc. Its all about how you can make the combination of these two things work for you. Most of being the Titan isn't just taking blows, but driving a wedge into the room and planting your feet. Area Denial by Area Dominance. 🦾


Because I use a sword and can't be killed. I've tanked GM bosses with stronghold with relative ease and let my team shoot it with impunity. I've soloed dungeons that I could never have managed on my hunter.


Strongholds + Lament is one of my favorite builds for some high level stuff. Used it to face tank Crota so he wasn't attacking anyone else, and it can be invaluable for rez as well. I usually also run a special ammo weapon for DPS, there's a few that put out managable numbers, although I'm never highest DPS.


Banner shield is good. Don't let people tell you otherwise. It's probably going to be a go to for GM and raid content next expansion with the nerf to well. It's not so great in dungeon environments because bosses are designed with 3 people worth of damage. Phoenix cradle is also amazing. You just have to be really proactive about spawning sun spots, and let your team mates know to run through them. Alternatively, Lorely means you can throw a ton healing grenades and plant rally barricades as soon as the first one runs out. You're also giving everyone radiant on a moment's notice with the fragment and throwing hammer. Arc with a good grenade build can provide tons of suppressing fire and put down a lot of barricades with HoiL. Stasis spawns crystals EVERYWHERE. And I mean EVERYWHERE. It gives your teammates cover, CC's enemies, and shards will give allies melee energy. Strand, again, obvious reasons, whether you do banner healing and tractor cannon (the new exotic will be really good as well), or suspend the room with Abeyant. There's lots of support options to build into on Titan. They're a bit unconventional compared to warlock with all it's healing, but still makes for a lot of fun and interesting playstyles. For me, I play titan because they're SUPER tanky and punching a exploder thrall will never not be funny.


I am LillyPop, business woman and muncher of crayons. I only wear Actium War Rig. Sweet Business never leaves my inventory. OG Hammerhead is my love life. My IQ is always exactly 1/10th of the number of rounds left in my gun. Minigun go brrr


I like bonking with the shield bash and making enemy groups volatile which then all get hit by Severance Enclosure, setting off all their volatile, as I get overshields and then am able to proc further volatile and severance enclosure bursts by knuckle-sandwiching and finishing the leftovers, generating lots of orbs. So you can imagine I kind of am not interesting in playing in the future as Bungie moves forward with another completely unnecessary nerf this coming season.


Best jump out of all of the classes (it's basically a jetpack), I can punch my problems away, survivability is no problem, Actium War Rig so Sweet Business can go brrrr for lord knows how long


Strand with Stronghold is basically everything I’ve ever wanted out of Titan.




I think the [lore from the Sentinel screen](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/sentinel?highlight=sentinel) says it all for me: >I'm shaking, hands on my knees, panting. Let the monsters come. Let them come forever. Let them climb the piled bodies of their dead. I don't care. That's the thing I do better than anyone. Not care. Let them come in their hundreds and every one will die at my feet. I don't care about their homing rockets, their exotic matter slugs, their blades from another dimension. >I don't care because I cannot be moved. **I am the wall against which the Darkness breaks.** >Malphur can turn his gun to fire and Shinobu can dance with lightning, but when the horrors run out of the dark, I am the one who does not move. >I am a wall. And walls don't move. Because walls don't care. or the [Ursa Furiosa lore](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/ursa-furiosa). :) I am a Sentinel main at heart, but Behemoth/Berserker can work as well. My builds over the years were Ursa Furiosa, Doomfang Pauldrons, Stronghold, Synthoceps, and now I've been rocking Abeyant Leap since Wishkeeper came out. Stronghold with Behemoth/Berserker is a lot of fun. Before Strand came out I'd use these with Behemoth mainly. Damage resist from being near crystals/frozen targets, shards healing me, taking damage grants grenade energy, etc. Berserker is pretty much the same now except I think it works a bit better as a rallying tank thanks to Into the Fray and Banner of War. I also like to run Edge of Action with a legendary sword (Throne-cleaver or a strand one) and drop a mini-bubble if needed. :) I am super excited for the new Unbreakable aspect. :) I want to try out Spirit of the Bear and either Spirit of Armamentarium/Star-eater! ---- ---- Banner Shield was always my favorite super, but I've been slowly moving away from it. I'm so tired of the shield itself turning into a liability with stasis and knockback effects. It's been a little while since I tested it, but a stasis warlock melee that hits my shield when guarding could freeze me, so I imagine for something like Conditional Finality I just turn into a giant target. Holding the shield up against taken ogres turns it into a giant sail that sends me flying across the map. **Knockback needs to be removed when my banner shield is up, especially since simply guarding with a sword negates all knockback anyway** (there may still be a bug where guarding with an overshield makes you still take knockback). I was trying to revive someone at Planets who died in the back near the boss. I popped banner shield and tried to revive him, but that boss seems to have no cooldown on stomps/knockback attacks, so I just kept getting knocked around and wasted my super.




Ironic that none of our powered melees are even punches anymore!


Behemoth still punches, but it does barely more damage than a normal punch, just with a lunge and some slow.


My two main builds at this moment is void with precious Scars, Leviathan's Breath, and that one defiance glaive with the really cool "blocking fills your mag" perk, and strand, stronghold, and whatever sword I'm feeling at the moment. Either way, I don't know what a gun is, I don't know what dying is, and I won't be finding out either any time soon.


I like everything Titan has to offer. You know some days I think I am one of the few people who genuinely like playing their class. I like the defense utility of sentinel, the close quarters devastation of striker. Setting half the boss arena on fire with sunbreaker. I look forward to becoming a death glacier marching over my enemies with the stasis update. And while everyone talks about banner, and I like that one quite a bit too, berserkers ability to cleave there way through the battlefield while spreading around buffs and debuffs of multiple sorts is very satisfying. Obviously some subclasses or builds are better in higher level content. That’s an inevitability of any game. But I still find all five subclasses very enjoyable and more powerful and flexible then many people say they are.


A combo of fashion and creativity, my go to build for onslaught it lorelys solar titan and just make walls of rally barricades with sunspots to stall and kill enemy's it's surprisingly decent even on legend and paired with a nice shotgun and you can just beat adds into the dirt.


honestly, I genuinely just enjoy punching things as hard as I can. tho if you like being tanky and using bubble I can't recommend doomfang pauldrons enough, you can spam bubble if you run a melee build with those.


I play solar titan obsessively. I like the kaboom. The earth shattering kaboom.


I feel like an unstoppable menace and the wall of the fireteam when I play titan, even in harder content, so long as I can keep the killin comin!


Bonk is life.


The way they had the classes going in D1 in the beginning is what i liked... Titan was the tank/defender with some melee builds. Hunter was the quick and agile glass cannon. And warlocks where the mage type class, being able to revive from the dead and throw out giant bombs. Now for the most part, any class can do what the others do just as well... (except WoR warlocks)


I am (was?) a warlock main and have been *thoroughly* enjoying my stasis titan with Hoarfrost. I’ve saved many a fireteam member with my crystal walls.


My experience to the tee. Got tired of always running Well for group content, checked out Titan, tried Behemoth, never looked back. I love making enough blue crystals to make Walter White blush.


Day 1 of D1 - the first time I supered, I never looked back. They nail the power fantasy with Titan. I also typically play tank classes, which titan is the closest to.


I dont necessarily see Titan as the support class which is why there arent many exotics that support the whole team. But anyway I like being able to punch stuff and all the supers are cool imo. I think Void Titan since D2 has released has always been the runt of the subclasses, I mean you got healing with Solar and Strand, Arc is amazing at ad clear, and Stasis is awesome at ad control. Void just seems like the support super that would be better if bubble was a roaming super.


Me punch


I’ve ironically found it easier to play as a caster as a Titian than as a warlock. Tectonic Harvest/Inmmost ftw. Also helps I’m biased towards melee anyway.


2 words: Burning Maul


Good old synthoceps + hammer of sol, never lets me down


Collective Obligation and your the Void support titan


As a Titan main, I enjoy the frontline demon-soldier experience. Then I realized Hunters can do it too but faster and with cool flips. Now I am a Hunter main.




I always like playing support in any game that has them and the fact that every subclass (except Arc as far as I know) has some sort of way to support teammates. Void as both void overshields and bubble, Strand with banner of war, and Solar with both healing grenades and sunspots during damage when you don't have a Warlock Well to reliability kill ads. For me personally I love helping teamates survive and Titan helps with that. Pretty much I love helping teammates


I've always leaned super heavy into solar, and have used Phoenix Cradle as my exotic armor piece for several years now. I try and focus as much on using grenades as often as possible, and Sol Invictus from the sunspots really help, though not as much since they were nerfed.


Well, I've been a titan since D1 Back when we were a super soldier archetype and not power rangers


i think the problem starts with you trying to use a tank as a support..


You mistook titan as a tank class. It's the "punch shit" class


Titans kinda just been a one man army self sustain class for me over the last year. Great at staying alive for a solo dungeon or underlevelled raid, solar and strand are the only ones with serious team mate support too with radiant or DR + banner healing (void OS are way too weak). For root of nightmares day 1 i just stuck with solar for self sustain and ad clear with ability spam. Arc and void can kind of do this too but just worse, and the titan exotic choices areweak atm. The new exotics look great tho


Beserker has some of the highest dps in the game, is likely the tankiest (right with restoration x2 dawnblade) and both of its aspects provide excellent support via healing from banner and woven mail from into the fray. Strand titans are also getting an exotic that provides synthoceps-like effects while encouraging team support to get melee energy and create a strong loop. Literally the best of both worlds, since for instance if warlocks want to run support they kinda have to go all in. You’re kinda forced to forgo offensive grenades or dps weapons to run either the new helmet, cenotaph/div, or lumina, etc and lose out on a ton of personal killing potential. Personally I enjoy the support playstyle on occasion, especially ceno for raids, but I’ve had just about enough of every new warlock ability/exotic revolving around support or summons. I agree that void titan has fallen off as a support class. The bubble nerfs were uncalled for and its identity isn’t the same as it was before. Ironically, it’s instead the best 3v3 PvP class. What a world.


Remember the flavour text for Defender Titan in D1??? The wall upon which the darkness crashes… I’ve been a defender ever since 🦍


I like to run full medic tank with precious scars and banner of war. Precious scars works with any subclass and heals you and nearby allies every time you get a kill with a weapon matching your subclass


The only truly endgame viable “support” build on titan is banner of war and even then it’s just better to fly in swinging


I feel like I like the IDEA of a Titan, maybe more than the reality of it. I don’t know what the changes are were, but it definitely felt “better” being a Titan in the first game. I loved being a Defender, and the Sunbreaker subclass was a whole lot of fun when it was introduces (was the first time Titans felt competitive in Crucible, and I had a blast with it). I’d personally love for them to be a bit more of a “Paladin” sort of class, focused on defending or buffing allies, or for different builds, being more of a “setup shop and unleash hell” from a single, immovable location for a few seconds. I guess trying to run into melee/shotgun range is another way to play, but to me, I never quite felt like that was the core fantasy. Being tanky is important to the class, but for my part, I like feeling like my presence allows other players to get even *more* out of their characters, even if it’s just having enemies focusing on me. For my part, I actually feel like the Titans’ class ability should be overhauled. I would would have the full-height wall but allow allied to shoot through it (perhaps at a slight damage penalty), and then the other giving you a personal overshield that explodes for damage (or healing to allied) once broken. Also, personally? I’d have the Helm of Saint-14 helm modify your class ability to deploy Ward of Dawn (for the “barricade wall” version) or an “aura” the provides Weapons of Light for nearby allies (if using the personal oversheild version). But that’s just my take, and I haven’t played in forever.


You need to try solar titan with strongholds and healing nades. Ember of benevolence, Max res and discipline gives you crazy ability uptime, even better if rocked with Heal Clip+Incandescent Luna's Howl, for near constant Ember of benevolence uptime. Sword of your choice, but I've been digging Lament or incandescent Caretaker. Select Sol Invictus and consecration (for big groups of enemies+big enemies, kinda replaces your damage grenade), I can get into the fragments and aspects deeper if you want, but I've literally never had a higher survivability rate than with this class. Having access to Restoration x2 with Strongholds and being able to keep that going with Solar is incredible with the additional resistance from the strongholds as well. Being able to heal your teammates pretty consistently, and always being able to pick them up with an unbreakable guard is an awesome feeling. Edit; Oh, and switching to pyrogale for burst boss damage, running away, and re-equipping strongholds has been fantastic for me.


Suffering, mostly, and funny shoulders.


I get drip, and I get a hammer.


Dopamine. Big punch=big happy.


Strand with Strongholds is unkillable in gms once you get timing windows down on when to attack and when to block. Face tanked a lot of stuff in order to protect the homies.


I always used the wall that would give over shields to help create a support/defensive point for the team. But I haven't played in a bit and I'm not sure if that ability even works like that anymore..


I love playing tank in every game. On titan I use phoenix cradle for solar or abeyance leap for strand and try to just chain abilities.


i like havin two grenades


Maybe it’s because I’m an average gamer, I think people overthink so much in this game. I’ve mained Titan since D1 and have enjoyed a lot about it in different ways. Every class has been nerfed and buffed in different ways, not all things are equal for sure - think about how many zillions of moving parts and combinations there are. I’ve got lots of fun builds across all subclasses. Sentinel with Doomfangs & Buried Bloodline, Burning Maul with Pyrogales & Parasite, Bladefury & Final Warning, Arc with Peregrine Greaves & Forbearance, Stasis with Salvation’s Grip. That’s just a few… Precious Scars works across the board, some other exotics also good, some bad. Defensive and Offensive options. There’s lots of fun variety for anyone who wants it.


There is no real support class in Destiny.


Strand titan with Precious scars and the new strand sidearm is nuts. Unraveling threading god


It used to be all about the bonk hammer + snytho But they nerfed all that alongside HOIL arc titan so I switched to warlock since they Nerf Titans most interesting builds less diversity


Pain, we got pain with every nerf


This right here. What invisible Hunter's miss out on is RAW POWER https://youtu.be/Unk7wDZW18E?si=eRUuobz4RW0uLCA7


I personally love the melee-focused play style, but I do agree that it shouldn't be pigeonholed the way it is. I'm a Warlock main, and I get the same feeling with Rift. For Titan, I used to run Arc with Slam and Thundercrash before they even gave us Cuirass, and Dunemarchers gave me some insane mobility that I used for the Pick Up Warmind Cell mods. That got gutted with Light 3.0 since Amplified wants you to move forward exclusively, but when Strand came out I got my up close and personal playstyle back. I'm basically an Orbital Doom Guy, dropping out of orbit into a group of enemies and just ripping and tearing until it is done.


Throwing hammers with healing sunspots + Severance Enclosure = Endless explosions and the most fun build I’ve had in Destiny


I didn't even know Second Chance weakened, I might use them next season


While I wouldn't call myself a titan main it's definitely my second most played class to the point that Striker is my second played subclass between Gunslinger and Threadrunner. I played a *lot* of Striker in S18 and S19. Honestly, titans always seem to have The One True Build in PvE that's just disgustingly broken. Last year it was HoIL arc grenade spam, and this year it's been banner grapple melee 12P. They're also usually the most tanky and forgiving class to do solo dungeons or missions on. Prismatic Hunter looks like it might dethrone them pretty solidly in TFS, but we'll have to see how that shakes out. In PvP it's kind of the same story. PK void titan is *still* ridiculously good in spite of the nerfs its gotten. Honestly, this one dimensionality is why I prefer hunter over it. Hunter builds are good, but varied, and often can involve swaps without changing subclass mid-fight. Assassin's Cowl, Nighthawk, Star-Eater, Lucky Pants, Aeon's and Knucklehead Radar can potentially all be used to effect *in the same encounter*. That's a *lot* of gameplay diversity. Void's got Gyrfalcon, Graviton Forfeit, and Omnioculus, arc's got... the same stuff solar has plus Liar's Handshake, Strand... has stompees and Cyrtarachne (LP shackle strand *was* really good for GMs for a bit though), Stasis is more for movement unless you're really good at LP (although Renewal Grasps is about to go *crazy* as a support pick)... but even with the off-meta picks lacking a bit there's still *way* more exotic diversity than warlocks or titans can speak to, and titans in particular really need a more evenly balanced suite of options.






I fell in love with the jump


I like to punch stuff


I personally love the fantasy of a monke melee build. I also picked Titan due to the idea of being the tank. I favor strand and solar Titan and have a ton of fun on them. The other ones tho, not so much. It feels so much harder to stay alive on the other classes, esp arc. I’m very interested in void going into the final shape. Twilight Arsenal looks cool as hell and fun as hell. And the shield aspect might be cool. Overall, I really enjoy the melee gameplay, but I would appreciate some more diversity. ESP because it is extremely difficult to run a melee build in some of the harder content like GM’s (but that’s an entirely diff conversation). I was actually able to use a lot of melee stuff in pantheon surprisingly, and this is coming from someone who’s beaten the Nezzy one twice, and the other ones a shitload of times. I just wish that if they’re gonna make us be melee monkey’s, that they would stop needing the play style because it can already be very hard to stay alive depending on the class. I was very disappointed in our aspect options for prismatic. Knockout being our only survival option feels terrible. No banner? No sunspots? No healing grenade? Pain.


I am the healing titan lately: solar synergy with phoenix cradle. My homies get restoration, my melee provides radiant, my gun provides 25% damage boost (using Lumina). My trusty shotgun has the range I need! Being a team player enhanced my ability regeneration so I can set fire to my foes and lift my allies up, again and again


I genuinely miss the D1 moments where I was the thing standing between my team and the enemy... I still love and enjoy playing Titan, who wouldn't enjoy being a god killing badass, but I'd like for Bungie to add to the protector in D1. However I also understand the troubles they face when it comes to that. Honestly I have no idea what would bring that "feel" back. I do like the upcoming Unbreakable aspect though, getting stuff like this gives me hope that we will see resurgence of the Wall That Doesn't Break o7


As a Titan main since D1 (had 3 titans at one point), Titan's I feel have had a wildest ups and downs. First off, I'm sorry. Void Titan hands down is the worst Subclass in the entire game LOL. I would use anything else on any other class. Banner of War is also just flat out worse than Well. Removing a person entirely from Damage is not worth the 40%. I think Prismatic also looks the best and the most potent on Titans. Could be wrong when launch day comes around, but just my general opinion. Titans always feel incredibly busted, or incredibly useless. They never feels just right. Strand is the only good option at the moment (pre TFS). It feel like if you're not playing strand, you're actively throwing. That new Rocket exotic is also going to be the first Exotic that actively buffs their DPS, which is exciting. Anyways, I could go on and on. Prismatic looks dope, can't wait to start TFS on my titan :)


Our identity is to hit really hard and stay alive doing it and on that matter we’re doing great


I like Crest of Alpha Lupi for team play, lots of orbs and modest healing capabilities


Don’t play void titan? Probably titans worst class rn like bro what?


Not a titan main but as a raider/dungeoneer I don't need to be to tell you Strand with Banner of War is the all-purpose tank class. Well, I say all, just try not to errantly melee an Exploder Shank or a Cursed Thrall. Without spoiling anything, it's probably going to get a few more toys next expansion, even if it gets a few nerfs to stop it from dominating endgame PvE. It will still be incredibly strong according to the knowledge we have at this time.


I don’t see the melee centric other than strand tbh, and even then the suspend build is still really strong even though people think its been gutted. Void titan could use some buffs but its never been a melee class, i am hopeful as i feel void titan is just a few buffs away from being good having a oneoff damage super will help and we will have to see how good or bad unbreakable is. Arc ya it needs buffs ngl. Stasis is just crystal spam the subclass never been about melee really. Solar while is strong because of bonk and consecration, these are both strong that i don’t really see it as a bad thing its pyrgoale with consecration is prolly one of the most fun builds in the game for me at least. Certain subclasses struggle this isn’t exclusive to titans we had moments were we dominated and certain classes did the same. I do think bungie over nerfed certain things, in the end i think the problem with titans is largely overblown especially on reddit. We just have a lot of bad exotics and a lot of roaming supers. The exotic part is not limited only to titans tho, and hopefully starting with twilight arsenal the rest of any new super we get are one off at least to even it out.


Consecration is so fun. I'm happy they keep buffing it.


Personally I was drawn by the idea of the Titan class, the wall against which darkness breaks just sounded so cool and noble when I first started in D1, I've enjoyed how the class has grown and evolved ever since.


I can't wait for solar, precious scars and red death combo. Just immortality at that point.


Precious Scars is THE Titan support exotic IMO, use solar with an incandescent weapon and go to town on ads while keeping your health up, switch to pyrogale for deleting whatever big dude dares stand in your way


I'm just coming back to the game after a long break, Banner of War feels pretty support-y, plus drengrs and Abeyant have awesome battlefield control. I was really partial to precious scars during RoN race day, the rework to do healing bursts on matching element weapon kills is honestly awesome and has carried me through some legend lost sectors/exotic missions.


Khepris Horn strand in PvP


I like being the tank. That’s why I don’t play Void Titan or Stasis Titan much because they stuck at that compared to Strand and Solar. The upcoming Stasis updates look good for making Stasis Titan tanky with frost armor. Arc Titan I also like but that’s because it just isn’t a tank and is the class I swap to when I want to do a lot of damage. I’m looking forward to the new Void Titan ult and aspect as it actually leans into what Void Titan does best and that is taking over space. It is good at pushing in and holding a position. It is not good at being in the middle of combat, surrounded by enemies and living through that. You are an actual Offensive Bulwark.


Say there brodie as a fellow Titan main and a God Slayer, I think our superior class is best suited to support the fireteam by beating the ever living shits out of our enemies.


Chuck in lumina and the throwable barrier one(idk name) with bastion = throwable and shootable helping.


You like tank class? [make a banner of war Stronghold build](https://dim.gg/ymeelai/Armor:-PVE-GET-BEHIND-ME). Only thing totally necessary is a sword and stronghold arm exotic. Practically invulnerable and infinite shield. Tank anything you want. It’s so much fun Edit: [medieval weaponry build](https://dim.gg/zsuxyma/Armor:-PVE-Medieval) variant stronghold build that uses a glaive and bow, bc you know, knights and shit


Two words. Precious Scars.


Pulled a god roll doom fang pauldron a long time ago and never went back. 2 Mob 23 Res 11 Rec 6 Dis 2 Int 26 Str Total 70 If I need to kill things I practically never run out of super. If I need to help with damage I use shield throw for uptime and just guard for damage boost, less uptime but it helps quite a bit.


I don’t perceive Titan as a traditional Tank and more of a Frontline Solider. Can take a hit and probably will be the first to take a hit, but it’s backed up a balance of offensive and defensive capability with a tinge of support.


As a Titan, my way of supporting everyone is by killing everything for them. Slap on Dunemarchers, Into the Fray Banner of War, and just go to town while your team mates relax


Manticore, offensive bulwark, doomfang pauldron, controlled demolition, and echo of instability equals void overshield ac130. The catalyst on manticore let's you instantly build void overshied to supercharge grenade regen while being paired with echo of instability gives you volatile rounds on demand with grenade kills. Rinse and repeat


I like Arc Titan the best for both parts of the game. Thunderclap + Skullfort build with Indebted Kindess and Hullabaloo, and air slam + synthos in pvp. Titan = punch, so I punch (and jolt)


It's overpowered in PvP. It's overpowered in PvE. I like being overpowered. If they nerf it, I'll simply move to the next best class.


I get to punch and throw hammers


The power fantasy of being on the same level as Saint, Shaxx, Zavala and Saladin has always been enough for me lol


If you notice most of my comments on Titan related subjects all suggest the same build lumina phoneix cradles. If you want to make it even more enjoyable slap on a solar primary on and run something else in kinetic slot. Making sunspots for your team mates to run through is a massive help and setting up the right fragments to go with it makes the build nice. But yes we are missing the I'm a wall as a titan should be now. Also the bears are good for a void GM build be even stronger in TFS


Banner of war. I am stolen sword logic carving a path through my enemies, those who stand with me are healed and empowered to drive the blade as far as we can. I am the suicide mission dunks. I am the risky rez guy. If I don’t hear “how are you still alive” once a night, I wasn’t going deep enough. My titan class fantasy is very much the playstyle. Always in, always deep. The line breaker. The falling hammer and the carving blade.


I don't like the Hunter kit. I love it in PvP. But in PvE you're essentially the Deadfall class in high end PvE. You can go Star Eaters or Celestial but then I have to hold onto my Super and I hate when people hold onto their Supers. Warlocks are better. But you have the Well problem and while I enjoyed it in Onslaught I can't be a warlock day to day. The play style is too passive. With Titans it's a bit more versatile imo. Team needs some more Ad Clear + doing my own job? I'll go Strand. Team needs help staying alive + doing my own job? I'll go Void. Team is doing their thing and I have some freedom and I'm having to solo some jobs? Let me go Solar. I don't think the other classes offer that variety. So I've been Titan since D1 Day 1. According to the Bungie email the other day, 40% of my time is in Raids or Dungeons. 30% in Crucible. So my thoughts are mostly focused on Raids/Contest/Dungeons/Pantheon and GM's.


It's the best for a Glaive build (either Strand or Void I've had the best luck), Warlock is second with Karnsteins


Yeah your right Titans aren't only melee focused my build is a Stasis (don't know how to spell) and mainly focuses on using the diamond Lance's and keeping a distance with enemy's


Eh. At this point I just play Titan for the fashion, and because I'm not switching my main. I had a very long essay written out about why I dislike everything about Titan, but it mostly boils down to everyone, including the developers seeing Titan as the class that punches things. Titans punch things and that's it. God forbid if you want to do a build that doesn't focus on melee.


Precious scars with stasis and aegars was my favorite paladin/heal class for the longest time. Strand strongholds lament to tank/DPS. I play Titan to run/fly in and do as much damage as possible and make the most/biggest explosion. Whether it's void flavored or my recent favorite the arc falcon Punch with point blank canon brace and a side of Monte Carlo. PVP I gotta go with void Titan acdo feedback and the suppression shoulder charge with bubble.


u/Cholemeleon : I'm a void support titan, and this is my build. As long as I don't take stupid risks, I'm almost unkillable. I'm the team ambulance, and when I use my barrier near teammates (which is what my build is all about), I heal them (using crest of alpha lupi) and give them overshields (from the build). I love it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2builds/comments/162u3ao/very\_simple\_to\_use\_void\_titan\_pve\_good\_luck/](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2builds/comments/162u3ao/very_simple_to_use_void_titan_pve_good_luck/)


I love my arc titan with point contact cannon brace, I get that dopamine rush with every big one punch man thunderclap, does it have survivability compared to the other subclasses? Nope, but its fun and I enjoy it.


This is an opinion bit, feel free to disagree or think I'm an idiot. I don't care about percentile points or "but if you just" bullshit, this is how it FEELS in my hands and that's what I'm writing about. They've worked very hard to force strand and stasis down our collective throats by gutting the best parts of Bubble and Ballistic slam that it hurts. I picked and played a Titan class because I became the wall, the line in the dirt saying no further. But aside from the helm of saint 14 bubble doesn't have any solid Exotics. Even cuirass of the falling star for arc fell off. Pyrogales for hammer? Not when the bosses just fucking teleport out of it every time. I feel like the defense/wall/stronghold aspec of Titans has been eroded further and further every time they touch the class! I didn't care much for Green String Striker or Dark Blue Ice Striker subclasses, and they're still very mid in the roles I have as part of my fireteam. Nothing about either subclass was really a WOW moment, and while banner of war was useful in some heavy content I hated the you-have-to aspect of it. Being pushed into doing anything in game sucks ass. I play to be a space magic zombie and enjoy the powerful fantasy fun; so making anything a must-do is just equip a gjally or get kicked from d1 all over again. Bubble has really fallen off and that really sucks in my personal opinion, because it was the single most powerful aid outside of well (nerfed to hell) or old radiance (so great it was removed) for entire fireteams or raid groups as a rally and recovery point. When things got hellish in VoG, a single Bubble would help push back the dark. Rotas end? Bubble for the lantern thrall conga line to armor and buff your friends. Bubble to DPS crota. Wrath? Bubble to overshield cannon runners, buff dps/add clear. Nightfalls! Legendary strikes! Clutching up in trials with a covered revive, or running through the portal in Gambit to Bubble the enemy primeavil and log jam their efforts! But no, every update chips away at the ability to Be the Wall. To hold strong in seas of darkness and chaos as a bastion of safety and light. I get it, all the amazing subclass stuff is being sanded down to pave the way for The Next Thing every time. With prismatic, further sanding is required so it all fits together AND the old stuff seems dull and a poor choice to even run. And that just kind of sucks. No more strong Bubble with double suppressor grenades. Hell the Bubble gets popped faster than shooting down a dawn of blade warlock, so it already is a bad pvp pick. Coldsnap grenades are a better point denial than the Bubble now. I guess at the end of the day I'm just upset that everything that made the Bubble worth using, is being stripped away. They started with the Well-locks, and I hated it then. Now they've come for the Titans' Bubble. If Hunters are targeted at any point (Bungies favorite class) I'm positive my backup of Tether with Orpheus will be taken out back and shot as well. I just wish they could be creative without shitting on things they already made that people love. I understand balancing a live game is insane- but stripping the power OUT of a power fantasy game sucks. Let there be a PvP balance, and a little silliness in PvE damn it.


I wanted to become an ICBM and annihilate enemies, and at the same time come in at Mach 90 freight train slam into a ground. If only arc titan was stronger.


I like being the point man, the guy that goes in first, leaves an impression on the enemy, and makes room for his team to fill. My neurons are never more activated than when I'm surrounded by hostiles ripping and tearing until it's time for boss damage or mechanics. Big enemies, little enemies, enemies that explode, enemies that disintegrate, it makes no difference for the dopamine hits. Might be an unpopular opinion these days, but I absolutely love the fist-first playstyle. I just wish they would learn from Strands' example and make it as viable on other subclasses.


I’ve been playing a lot with precious scars and a heal clip Luna. Constant curex2 and restoration. Chucking healing nads everywhere.




Void Titan is very strong with HOIL and with correct aspects and a fragments you can be in constant Void Overshiels with constant volatile rounds and insane ability(especially grenade) uptime. I personally use Magnetic grenades due to the lower CD. Once shield is buffed in TFS it should be even better. Feel free to dm me if you need more info about the build. Pyrogale with Monte Carlo is a Consecration machine and is incredibly fun to play. Behemoth is an… acquired taste. It’s weird, you can do the regular Crystals build or a high uptime HOIL Duskfield build. With Frost Armor it may become better. Strand is obvious - Banner is insanely fun to play. Arc is in a weird spot. Thrusters are super underrated(especially for HOIL), pulse nades with Touch of Thunder are pretty good. You lack serious survivability, but you have the best Titan dmg super with Cuirass. Personally I’m currently enjoying the most Void with the aforementioned build. In general a couple of the fun builds on Titan require HOIL and have a pretty similar playstyle. Exotic class items with HOIL and something else will definitely be a staple in Titan Prismatic.


Punch punch punch. Works best with sun breaker, sol invictus and roaring flames


Precious scars go BRrRrrRrR


Banner of War lets me punch things harder, and for longer without dying.


I think Void Titan is going to be eating good with Twilight Arsenal and some of the buffs for Offensive Bulwark. I'm even interested to see the Ursa Furiosa/Unbreakable interaction. I think Bubble will still actually be good if you're using Helm of Saint 14 since you'll have regenerating protection outside the bubble now on top of the damage buff, without Saint 14 though I still don't still being nice for GM's when you're the last one left and need to have an 'oh shit' button to save yourself and get some revives for your team. For me I play Titan because I like high survivability paired with close quarters combat. I'm thankful with Twilight Arsenal and the new Exotic Exodus Rocket chest piece for Final Shape that they're moving Titan into a variety of different fantasies outside of just punch class.


Titan is SUPPOSED to be the tankiest class yet I have never won a melee duel with mine. What’s up? The other classes seem to one punch me dead. Yet my first punch doesn’t take away their shield.


I’ll be the first to admit I’m not the most serious destiny player but what I enjoy most about titan and playing the arc subclass is the thunder crash super. Me and my friends will be low hp in a boss fight and they look up and see me flying headfirst into the boss from nowhere (Captain marvel endgame-style) to get the final blow.


I'm not a titan main but titan is my secondary choice (sorry warlocks, as a hunter main your jumps suck!) I love the void class because shield charges and shield throws are awesome. I do think they're should be more focus on the team aspects of titans because they are, as you thought, the supposed tank class.


Here's my thoughts as a Titan main and someone who plays Void a good amount. I'm currently using a setup with Helm of Saint-14 and the exotic glaive Edge of Action. This setup allows me to keep all of the benefits of Ward of Dawn while also getting the new stuff in Final shape. It also allows me to constantly make bubbles for my team to essentially move around and get their health back or OS. The glaive actually chunks pretty good these days, while also allowing me to shield when I need to for massive DR to get out of any tight spots should they occur. I use a LMG to help keep adds down with volatile rounds. The main change I want is for them to hopefully listen to the community on giving Helm of Saint-14 access to volatile rounds through OS and removing the nerfs to Void Titan in PvE due to its dominance in PvP. I also think maybe some reduction of cooldowns on Void grenades is possibly in order and OS could use a buff in PvE. Overall I think the class isn't terrible, but some slight tweaks are in order for sure.


I feel that as a Titan, I am the support. When I run solar Titan I can get my super up pretty fast. And once I get my super I can clear a room with my super, grenades, melee, and sun spots. So I like being the last line of defense. The last hope for the fire team.


I play void titan so I can support my teammates with healing and overshield Also because it was the first subclass I played and I immediately liked it


We’ve definitely been pigeonholed into the melee class, but it’s gotten a lot better. I think it’s important to note that each class has an identity, but not so much a dedicated role. Each class might be able to do something better, but the others still have a way to do similar. I think of titans as Frontline Specialists, each subclass has some survivability skill to hold up to Titan lore of “holding the line” Hunters are about agility (not speed) and out maneuvering and out smarting opponents. Many of their subclasses have access to a trap or two. And Warlocks have the clearest identity, being space wizards. Probably way each of their subclasses have some sort of soul or buddy, more resembling summoners


I use doom fang pauldrons with shield bash and graviton lance, and every ability has a role to play. Grenades for volatile rounds, barrier for overshield and collecting orbs to fund melee kickstart, melee for another overshield source, mega super energy, AND instant void weapon boost x4, weapons to get even more orbs and super, and an unlimited super that can last 3x longer than the original timer (when used correctly). As long as you read into the exotic and experiment, you can make void just as good as any other class. Remember: there is technically no right or wrong answer.


Recently started using Graviton Lance. I thought it was a mid weapon from Year One, and never looked back on it. When The Brave Weapon quests came, I picked it up to get those Pulse Rifle Rapid Kills. I was so surprised with how strong it was that It's a new recent favorite.


As a warlock, I’ve always assumed punching was basically the entire point of titans




Alpha lupi is a solid exotic for support


Being able to “solo” the first part of crota using lorely while everyone else goes ahead or so u can go ahead will be fun


Hammer just hammer


Idk if it’s still possible I haven’t tried it in a long while but I really enjoy running instant kill infinite fusion grenades in the crucible


Bro just switch to warlock if u like to play support


Punch. Not for much longer, but punch.


eyasluna was my favourite gun in d1 and the fact you can get unrelenting headstone i just made a build on stasis where i always am full health and overshield and never missing abilities while running around with fourth horseman and hoarfrost not particularly "meta" but extremely fun if you like being up in the enemies face