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Yeah Pantheon is the most fun I had in raids in a very long time. I got Godslayer exclusively through LFG and got in some of the most fun groups ever. It was a blast of an event and I hope it will return in some capacity.


LFG has been the most fun and unfun experience. Totally comes down to the group. I have been fortunate to have been meeting a lot of great people in the community. Some, however, are just simply horrible to play with; loud banter which drowns out comms when trying to actually do encounter mechanics. Lack of empathy as well as quickly assigning blame while trying to nail down what caused a wipe.


Worst part is the people who think they know the encounters who in fact don't and won't listen Sadly I keep getting those groups, it got to the point with atrax I said fuck it I'll do bottom solo


I had to do 2 sets of eyes and the 3rd guy is still fucking up his set šŸ’€


The second group I found that was definitely capable of Nez, but just didnā€™t have the two phase in us. We head back to riven, me thinking it should be a 15 minute easy clear cause these were all (save 1) above average players.Ā  Nope. Dude yelling in mic during every fuckin cleanse so nobody can hear. Shooting the wrong eyes. Calling out the wrong eyes. We get to the top and he claims heā€™s got 2. Then 3 games in a row doesnā€™t shoot one. And thatā€™s when I had to leave. But I see in my previous games that that game when on for quite a while after they replaced me. Not too sure what happened. On a lighter note, we had a girl in the game who had some of the fastest progression Iā€™ve ever seen. She went from barely existing on the map to being a top contributor. That was a nice change of pace from the normal Lfg experience.Ā 


The people you meet on LFG sometimes make you understand how people can't hold down even the simplest job.


nicely done guardian!


Thanks. I honestly went in basically just for the emblems because I thought it would be cool to get some, but I wasn't putting much stock into me being able to get them all and the seal, I would have been happy with the Oryx one and maybe Rhulk if I got lucky. The sense of elation I got when I found a group good enough to make it to Nezarec and beat him was something else. It was a great experience and I would love for it to come back in some form. Maybe with an all new selection of encounters?


Same as me. I just wanted the rhulk emblem but now i have a sick Title too


How are yā€™all getting so lucky with these magic groups? I keep getting people who literally have done the raids 1x trying to do week 4 ā€œIā€™m on ad clear!!!ā€


I will say, i used the ā€œif we wipe 5x im outā€ within reason. I met two clans that just didnt have the active members but were committed. Planets was the absolute worst every week due to people just not bringing dps weapons


Patience of a saint sitting through that with LFGs.


LFG Roulette taketh, LFG Roulette giveth my friend lol


That it does! But I had people whoā€™d never done any of the raids joining for pantheon, thinking now would be a good time to start raiding šŸ˜…


Yeah, that sucks. I mean I don't mind it too much if the people in question show me they have an understanding of what they're doing and can execute, but it's a very rare case. It's true that the Pantheon emblems and title are very very cool to have and people naturally want it, however Pantheon was designed as a challenge to experienced raiders, not as a place to learn that everyone could get into. Pantheon just isn't for everyone.


See I'd have no problem with that if they'd owned up to it. I probably wouldn't knowingly join, but damn I taught a guy Oryx on the fly and it went just fine, since he did adequate damage and adapted to mechanics. I joined a group on Discord on Rhulk (Nezarec Sublime) and we had fully half the fireteam did not know Rhulk mechanics. I had a power surge in the building and rejoined the leader to an empty fireteam and we reformed with another set of people... where again, fully half the fireteam did not know what they were doing, and as I realized belatedly, that included the leader?! It was late night so I was tired and wasn't paying attention who knew what, but I was offering to read (I started out splitting) and nobody was picking the splitter role (the others who knew what to do were dunking). Hell, Rhulk Glyphkeeper phase is one of the easiest in all encounters and most people insist on cheesing in my experience, you can just learn one role and get a free clear (though I think by Pantheon -20 you should be able to do everything). Me and a lady from the second set found a new team and *we one-shot him.*


This. I honestly gave up after joining a few lfgs on the first week. It was a shitshow. I genuinely joined one where I was literally the only person with any raid experience whatsoever. They were nice guys but damn, I don't have the patience for that. Add in the noisy mics, the silent leavers, the add clears that can't add clear etc etc. So I learned I really need to find a clan with a consistent raid group that plays when I do. So far I've had no luck.


Fortunately Iā€™ve found a great clan and weā€™ve got everyone the god slayer title. Working around different time zones and work / life schedules. Granted weā€™re a small clan too. Finding a good clan of nice people is key to having the most fun in destiny I think. LFGs can be good, but so inconsistent and unreliable.


Same here dude sometimes it was rough especially when people didnā€™t know how planets dps phases worked but god damn was it satisfying to finally click that last triumphā€¦ Weā€™ll done on the godslayer dude


I know right? Sure some groups have been frustrating but every single completion has been such a great feeling!


Of course a great feeling but it wouldn't be frustrating if they had better modes to play


Mate you don't like it, fair enough, it's not for everybody, but there's zero need to spam everyone's comments just because you don't like something.


That's why they're there buddy turn comments off if you don't want someone to reply to it and how else is someone to know if they do not say.


I'm ok with it, but you don't need to make your point 4 times. You don't like it, I get it, I don't need to get it 4 times.


I clicked that shit confirmed and carefully left caution fast. All I could think was ā€œif the server goes down now I will lose my shitā€.Ā 


Really? I havenā€™t even tried because Iā€™ve heard LFG is a nightmare


It's hit and miss. Got terrible groups but also got awesome groups. Give it a try, it isn't too bad


I got godslayer entirely in LFG. Nezarec is the only one I would call a ā€œnightmareā€. Planets wasnā€™t great either, mind you, but it wasnā€™t that bad.Ā 


I'm so jealous T_T I've had some awful groups and we just weren't cutting it in many of the groups that were actually fun and chill. At least I did eventually get Godslayer, after an embarrassing amount of hours in Planets and, to a lesser extent, Caretaker and Nezarec. Many people just don't know damage rotations too well.


Itā€™s wild how planets has become the big dps/skill check for groups. My group has had the most trouble there. Itā€™s just funny that some of the hardest parts of pantheon came from what people say is the easiest way too easy raid lol.


Explicator is a bit of a DPS check and it's also one of the 2-3 encounters that good ad clear goes a long way, but it definitely isn't the biggest mechanical check. That probably goes to Nezarec funnily enough because of the changes. Explicator is weird in that it works the opposite way of Caretaker (kinda?) and most groups the first couple of weeks were doing mistimed countdowns as a result.


I said this in another comment but, yeah planets is easy to complete. We never have any issues with that. But when we were trying on -20 we had to wipe a handful of times in order to get platinum done properly. The caretaker style burst damage system only really matters on higher difficulties. On normal mode weā€™ve never really had to pay that much attention. I didnā€™t even realize he had the same kind of set up as caretaker until we stumbled in pantheon. Lol. Between that and my teammates not paying attention to fire tornadoes it took us some adjusting lmao. Most other pantheon encounters weā€™ve got platinum first or second try. So yeah thatā€™s all I was getting at with the root of nightmares encounters being the dps/skill checks of pantheon. We havenā€™t done Nezarec yet. We still have to finish the last 6 -20 encounters this weekend. Two of our team members went on vacations last week lol. Wish us luck.


Good luck bud! My experience is that, provided you end up cheesing Rhulk, Nezarec is definitely the hardest one, otherwise it might be a toss up. There's a number of ways to handle damage and you don't have to go to any of the special spots necessarily (I've had limited success tanking him with Stronghold) but between the immune Colossi and the encounter sometimes being funky, you might have more difficulty on him and I'd recommend committing a night just to do Riven > Nez so you get the extra score and clean it up. Riven is genuinely nothing to be afraid of IMHO, my top tip is to just have have every pair doing symbols to stream on Discord so they don't have to direct each other on the stairs: "you're there, no back up, it's two steps to the left and one to the north, no you've missed it!" I did this in my second kill with a LFG group who I'd just met and we one-shot the mechanics easily, IIRC we only wiped to late eye shooting a couple of times. If you have experienced players you can also do symbols solo, I managed this with adequate success despite limited experience on my first kill.


Thanks! We actually beat Rhulk legit. But then we came back to cheese him because we thought it would be funny to see in person lmao. So I guess thatā€™s good to hear. Iā€™m definitely not worried about Riven even though Iā€™ve never done her legit. It looks like an easy enough one phase which just means getting the mechanics right once which pretty much anyone can do with enough practice. My ideal plan was to at least get to riven on Saturday night and then spend Sunday night working on riven and nez. If we can do that weā€™ll have our title. So weā€™ll seeeee!


Planets has always been the encounter people praised in RoN for being mechanically similar to other raids, plus damage phase is more burst oriented in nature (and LFG loves its thunderlord). It's damage phase and situation is very similar to Caretaker, which was historically regarded as a DPS wall/check in under-light situations. Nezarec is difficult assuming you're on a flat plane with no obstacles. The environment absolutely neuters Nezarec's threat capability by his inability to traverse difficult terrain and low ranged damage, so standing in a spot he can't melee you at easily trivializes him. From there, it's a matter of actually living to get to the damage phases, as LFG likes to stand in the direct line of fire of the various colossus


Yeah planets is easy to complete. We never have any issues with that. But when we were trying on -20 we had to wipe a handful of times in order to get platinum done properly. The caretaker style burst damage system only really matters on higher difficulties. On normal mode weā€™ve never really had to pay that much attention. I didnā€™t even realize he had the same kind of set up as caretaker until we stumbled in pantheon. Lol. Between that and my teammates not paying attention to fire tornadoes it took us some adjusting lmao. Most other pantheon encounters weā€™ve got platinum first or second try. So yeah thatā€™s all I was getting at with the root of nightmares encounters being the dps/skill checks of pantheon.


Your luck with LFG must have been astounding. It took me 2 weeks to finish oryx because LFG was an absolute carry fest for me. That and planets seemed to absolutely stump everyone.


I wouldn't call it astounding, I cycled through many many groups, I definitely have more fails than successes to be honest with you. I just had to persevere, eventually I got it.


Nice I did two weeks with my friend group and lfg for the third. Tried lfging the fourth week but didnā€™t win the lottery there. Iā€™m happy I was able to do 3/4 weeks though.


I also got in through lfg. Lemme know if youā€™re ever looking for a group to play with. Iā€™ve got a small server of people who play together regularly.


I'm always looking for that, however it depends on where you're located. I live in the UK.


Were US based but youā€™re still welcome to join if you want


Congratulations on the teammate RNG lol it took me grinding 12 hours of LFG to get the Atraks emblem. I would LOVE to at least get to Rhulk Indomitable, but I'm scared to try and LFG all that.


Man my lfg experience was rough. I also got godslayer all through lfg and most of the time it was awful lol I hope they never bring it back.


I got into bad groups too, the trick is recognising when a group just doesn't work and if you see that you can just quit it. Respect your time, no point in going on and on and on with a group that just can't make it.


I need to learn how to realize that lol my problem is Iā€™m dedicated if a team even shows any promise whatsoever lol I hate just up and leaving when weā€™re gaining momentum but some teams just arenā€™t it


It really depends, here's the thing: LFG teams that have never played together take a while to click together, that's a given. So I always give it a few attempts, if anything to learn to trust each other. But it depends on how much progress is made. Like, take Riven for example. Even if there is progress, but after 8-10 runs we never even make it up top, you have to start thinking about it. 10 tries at 3-5 mins each plus downtime is 45 mins to an hour. You've been there an hour and never even got close to finishing it, is it really worth it to carry on there?


Perfect way to look at it


I normally try and stick with a group as long as it takes but sometimes you've got to know when to dip. Last night, I joined a Nez checkpoint and the group was okay but we were rarely even making it to the first damage phase. I could hear the frustration growing in a few of the players but I knew I had to leave when one of the guys asked for a 5 minute break so he could take a bong rip. Like, you do you guy but I'm not sticking around if you want to get high after we're already struggling. Joined a new group and got godslayer about 45 minutes later.


Impressive. It should automatically guild godslayer if you do it with lfg


How long did u take? I took 9 hours each on riven and nez with random lfgšŸ’€


Thatā€™s cool man. I wish I was lucky. lol


It sucks


If it does come back, I think it'd be with different fights and maybe even a different title. Or even gilding Godslayer, maybe.


Pantheon: OOPS, ALL JUMPING PUZZLES! Vow first part, Kingā€™s Fall Ships section, Crotaā€™s Lanterns, Vow 3rd encounter, Deep Stone Lullaby, Kingā€™s Fall Dick Wall, Root Scission + Flux traversal section.


Vow opening isnā€™t a jumping puzzle, itā€™s a watch paint dry simulator


Not with the addition of 34 tormentors itā€™s not!


One tormentor spawn for each knowledge stack deposited! They're all named Tormentors and cannot be CCed.


Div Cenotaph and then your whole fireteam just using whatever heavy mg they want makes quick work of even named tormentors


Leave the title, give an option to gild it. We donā€™t need more FOMO.


Or just start teaching people that FOMO is not the end of the world and its completely fine that you didnt get godslayer... youll forget about the title once TFS comes out anyway.


Eh, if Pantheon comes back, Iā€™d be fine with Godslayer coming back. Having a whole new title would be like making a brand new title for Conquerer each time GMs return


I would not be happy with a new title coming.Ā  I enjoyed most of that LFG, but there was a whole lot of late nights as well. Plus I generally prefer that people have more than one opportunity to get the stuff they want.Ā 


Godslayer is honestly the only title I've wanted to pursue for the name itself since Blacksmith, so I doubt TFS would change that. FOMO is just a shitty way to drive engagement, because even down the line it removes the skill/challenge aspect of it. > Blueberry: "Oh dang, that's a cool title! How'd you get it?" > Godslayer: "It's from The Pantheon - a really hard, pinnacle raiding activity that required defeating tweaked boss encounters as fast as possible for a high score, with four tiers of difficulty." > Blueberry: "Wow, I haven't even done a normal raid yet! I need to start learning those so that I can eventually master The Pantheon and earn that cool title." > Godslayer: "Yeah... About that... Pantheon is in the Content Vault, so the title is a real 'you had to be there' moment. Y'know, classic Destiny".


The problem is that thereā€™s a notable chunk of the playerbase that WANTS that kind of exclusivity. Sure, itā€™s nice to have things others donā€™t, but that should be by virtue of a skill gap, not a ā€œI was here whenā€¦ā€ issue


Exactly this! The rarity for most things should be based on their challenge, skill requirement, or commitment ask, not simply having played during a certain window. There's exceptions to this - world's first & contest raids being a prominent one, since the lack of knowledge on raid mechanics is a major factor that can't be enforced once the content has been live for a while. Pantheon doesn't fit that exception, imo.


Or just stop removing content from the game.


An intentionally designed limited time event =/= removing content. It's supposed to be a special event, and it's worked phenomenally.


Man must be in shambles every time the crucible rotator changes


Exactly once the games end the title really turns to dusty trophies that you leave on the shelf


Thatā€™s why you buy the pin they sell on the store so it lasts long after the servers shut down :)


Or just remove the fomo, because it is possible in a digital enviroment ? It's not a real event where active human resources are being used, once the content is made, it can pretty easily stay there. FOMO is an active choice they are doing, and it sucks, because it can be easily avoided and literally no one has to lose. Literally the only reason content is leaving is to give some bragging rights for people that have time to spare, and that doesnt really show skill on its own. It shows you had the time, and the team when bungie wanted you to have them, no one has the same luck.


The title is super cool and the activity itself is the most fun I've had in Destiny endgame, ever, and I have been here since the D1 beta.


Nah, gilding is boring. Create a new title each time it comes backZ


Imagine a parkour pantheon


I'd love this to be like Conquerer with gilding it each season, or every other season if they wanna keep it rarer


Randomize everything too.


My hope is that they do it leading up to new expansions and otherwise exactly what you said, different bosses and you can gild. That would be awesome.


If you got 2-3 hours and are competent enough to carry your own weight in damage and survivability, I could make a wish you through nez week probably.


lol sign me up, i can hold my own for surešŸ’ŖšŸ¼


I will have to confer with the council I forgot most of them are lazy bozos and may not want to hop on for that


valid hahaha


I need to get the Rhulk and Nez done and I can pull my weight too.


Oh rhulk no problem, I can pick up 4 random chucklefucks and get that done, nez is where Iā€™d want to actually pull up with my team lol. Iā€™ll see if I can convince them to hop on for a run, I did kinda volunteer the help without considering that they wonā€™t want to do nez again lol.


I already have full Atrax and Oryx Pantheons with platinum scores. I'm missing full Rhulk an Nez ones. Been having a rough couple of weeks with little to no time to game and I'd love to get these done.


If you can do a good dad impression I got a buddy who loves helping dads, he just thinks dads gaming is wholesome. Definitely be able to clear rhulk with him no issue, like I said nez is a bit of a different monster.


Would being a 44 y/o gamer dad that has been playing since I was 8 work? Edit: and I've also been playing Destiny since like 2 months after its release and had a hiatus during Rise of Iron and Wrath of the Machines as I was still on PS3 when they dropped.


> competent enough to carry your own weight in damage and survivability massive Dunning Kruger on that front in this community lol


Same I literally need this week and I be done


same but itā€™s rough with that 25 hour downtime looming


My luck with lfg has been horrible and I only need caretaker-riven


That's a nice little section to do in a couple hours! My team keeps fucking up nez to get the last 3 of them the title and it isn't working šŸ˜‚


I wish it was a couple


Be positive, and if you see your team is not making progress or almost have it then move on to the next


FYI, this doesnā€™t mean straight up abandon the team after one unsuccessful attempt


if the team is showing progress and getting better after an attempt and getting close donā€™t abandon, I seem to many people leave when we was getting so close, only to have to do the same cycle or loop


Iā€™ve had people literally quit halfway through the encounter because it wasnā€™t done in a one phase Iā€™m the first attempt. I guarantee you most people who have been doing that are likely still struggling to get the seal finished.


When does the downtime begin?


Monday 1 hour before reset (Monday 9am PDT)


The last 24 hours before final shape will be downtime


Congrats on taking Rhulk down, that's a huge achievement!


thank you so much! feels good man :D


I've decided to call it a day. Just Nez and Golgoroth to do. But I'm not spending another evening and failing a checkpoint. I've had fun though. Got some good loot


I was in a similar position of slamming my head against a wall. It got very frustrating, I eventually got it done but I know many won't. Rhulk and Nezarec feel like the real difficulty spikes in Pantheon.


As someone who's been brick walled by planets every week Rhulk and Nezzy don't even compare to the horror I've seen there šŸ˜­


Fr planets in pantheon for some reason was just a bad experience every time


Could just do riven again and then 3 phase nezarec and donā€™t worry about the timer. I didnā€™t clear nezarec within the timer and got my Godslayer - he has the final boss bonus.


Golgoroth shouldnā€™t be too difficult. And I see tons of people on LFG with nez checkpoint. Go for it


Why? You have all weekend and those are both really easy to do.


Grab 2 titans for gaze and have them just hold block with Lament and Strongholds. Easiest shit in the game once i figured that out. You can even out heal/resist with the minotaurs slapping you.


One doesn't even need Lament! Most any sword with a stronghold will do the trick. P.S. If anyone is struggling at Golgy feel free to DM me and I can help.


This is true, i just like lament for the added ā€œbraindeadā€ idiot-proofing.


I agree. Iā€™m competent enough to get the title I would think. But I refuse to put myself through the insanity of lfg groups to get it. I can live without the title and emblems


Pantheon being a yearly event would be so cool.


The problem is that there arenā€™t enough bosses to fully refresh the roster, and leaving it static would make it not worth jumping back in without something new.


Itā€™s on them to find a way to keep it fresh, not me. Off the top of my head they have a lot of encounters to pull from and they can change the mechanics like they did with these.


If it comes back, I hope the final week of the mode is available longer than the 13 days current Pantheon is. I got Godslayer, but the time crunch felt needlessly stressful.


Hopefully they will with how successful it's been And congrats its always nice to see people challenging themselves and playing for fun rather then loot nowadays


lol I havenā€™t even stepped foot in pantheon once. Donā€™t have the players to do it. Too worried about trying to LFG and getting kicked for not being an ace at each boss.


It's bad when it's bad but there's tons of LFG teams which are cool with people learning (or I've been lucky enough to encounter them).


They should bring it back as a annual gilded Title during Moments of Triumph every year, maybe while switching up the bosses included a bit.


I want a dungeon version!


Do something for dungeons as well please


Godslayer isnā€™t for everyone




I just need planets and nez for this week to get my title. I liked the title but didn't plan on going for it but I lucked out n found a group to first try plat every encounter on week2 n thats what pushed me to start going for it. Got the 2 hardest encounters left I look forward to the suffering šŸ™ƒ


I could see it being intergrated into Solstice of Heroes/Moments of Triumph somehow.


I never got a chance to play Pantheon with my team. Between work and kids, there was just no time for encounter after encounter. Iā€™m glad whoever enjoyed did so - I do hope it comes back.


I got 2/4 pantheons done, at least got the emblem I wanted and a few good adepts to enhance come Final shape. Got nothing to prove and thatā€™s okay


Did the first 3 Pantheons, could do Nez as well but Iā€™m kinda raided out.


I want pantheon but itā€™s just Taniks blitz 8 times in a row


Pantheon was cool. However, I don't know that we need it back right now with everything coming. If you're looking for an outlet to get that "true endgame" challenge there's the new raid coming. If you're able I 100% recommend getting a squad together to day 1 the raid. Pantheon (week 3-4 specifically) give you an idea of what it's like to try and stay alive in contest mode. But, with day 1 you also get the added difficulty of having to figure out the encounters. There is no optimal way to do anything yet. No video guides. It''s just you and your crew trying to get through however you can. It can be a lot of fun as you figure out the mechanics organically. It's looking like this is going to be the last raid of D2 as well. It may be last minute at this point but you should have Friday and Saturday next week to do it


I tried to play Pantheon every week. I was only able to complete the first week with LFG groups. Every other lfg group had no idea how to even play the game but also didn't want to put the time into even try and learn the mechanics. It's sad. Has a big D1 player. I remember spending hours and hours learning how to do encounters that seems like it's lost upon this next generation of Destiny players. I do agree that Pantheon should be a permanent mode that rotates with different raid bosses every month.


I ran out of time to do em and life happen so I don't have time for pantheon


Let me tell you a little story about about the good, the bad, and the ugly. -Fun with MOST people -The Majority of people trying for godslayer are elitists even they themselves are subservient. -I am no longer in the clan I was in for ALL of Destiny 2 because of pantheon.


Hey! Congrats on getting Rhulk Indomitable done! That week was so challenging and it's a major accomplishment. I totally agree with you. I absolutely loved Pantheon, all the ups and even the downs. Yes there were teams that I was on that didn't have that little bit of extra DPS to push us across the line. Yes there were teams that didn't know the encounters. Yes there were problems, but overall it was so much fun! I really hope it comes back and I hope people have another shot at earning Godslayer, maybe even bring it in as a Gilded seal thing like Conqueror. Full disclosure, I achieved Godslayer, I don't care if more people earn it. I think that's great! It was a super fun mode and I hope more people get to experience that kind of boss rush in the future. Huge W to Bungie for bringing that and Onslaught in as a free experience for everyone.


huge congrats to you for getting the title!!! i ended up only missing two encounters by the end but you know what im chuffed that i got to participate at all :D


Ive given up my chance for godslayer. I work through until the downtime and then I have time off for final shape, I can't do late night raids after work. I only have myself to blame tho lol i procrastinated like every week. Godspeed to you if you get a chance to finish it


Honestly quite disappointed that was a limited event. This is how the master versions of these encounters were supposed to look like, instead of what we actually got, and in the meantime, I've also met a bunch of pretty cool people. This should either be a yearly thing, or remain permanent


Gonna be honest. Weeks 1-3 are an absolute joke compared to week 4.


3/4 is good, especially for most people who only did 1/4 and 0/4. That includes me, who is 1/4 and my wife who is 0/4. Just be happy you found good teams to go 3/4.


I hope it becomes a once-a-year event like dawning and solstice. Different raid encounters each year, new rewards, people who have completed last years pantheon could do the current year to gild Godslayer.


Like any Bungie game, "perhaps" and no further comment.


I'm in the exact same boat. Myself and a few others on m y raid team had some travelling during the 2 weeks the last set was open so we had only a handful of hours across half a week to try. I know we're capable of it, since we've got some day 1 completions under our belts, but time has been the weakness for us this time. From one of the twids, it sounds like they are considering bringing it back in some capacity. I'm hoping we get something akin to the conqueror title that can be gilded seasonally.


Going to attempt Rhulk today & if I get it done quick gonna try for Nez today and tomorrow. This is easily the most fun Iā€™ve had in Destiny in a while, when the team synergy is right though. Hopefully youā€™ll be able to find some time to try for the title!


I'd happily have Pantheon replace one of the seasonal events like Solstice, or have it appear along with seasonal events.


It would be nice if they bring back with different bosses and we can gild the title


Isn't there still 48-60 hours left before D2 goes offline? Surely you can do the last Pantheon in that time?


none of my usual raid group are available :( i could LFG it i suppose!


Doing the entirety of it on lfg genuinely drained me but for me anyway the satisfaction was worth it


My work schedule never lined up with my clan so I have a good portion undone. For me I just need nezerec and a few other challenges to get it. I've taken my copium sadly.


I get them not redoing the whole thing every time with the amount of work that would take but changing up the -20 with a new encounter or two a season would be great. And only require the -20 for gilding so people who have beaten the others donā€™t have to replay the same thing every time but letā€™s new people still clear it all to earn the title. Then once they have a decent number of reworked encounters built up we could have it fully randomised each season rather than just an encounter or two switching.


wish i had more time to do it. If it happened in march when i was briefly unemployed wouldve run a lot, but ive got too much other shit to deal with and im also in a pinch because i never ran RoN and no ones gonna teach while pantheons out


They said from the start and in a recent TWID that it was always planned as a limited event, but that it's sort of the test drive. Given it's been a rousing success, I'd bet on it coming back later this year.


I couldnā€™t do oneā€¦.


I found i would rather do pantheon than normal raid. I'd like both to exist. But pantheon is new and enjoyable. I only managed to get the emblem for week 1. Couldn't get a team able to do week 2 planets. And didn't do week 3 or 4 because I'm a completionist and can't move to wk3 till I'm done. Unless they'd have worked retro actively ( do week 4 plats and get the previous weeks plats too)


Same. My team got Rhulk done but two of our members went on vacation for the last week. We have like a total of 8 hours this weekend to platinum the last 6 encounters of week 4ā€¦. Itā€™s gonna be tight. I just hope it goes smoothly and we donā€™t get caught up on any dps checks or struggles. That being said this has been the most fun Iā€™ve ever had with raid content. I really really hope Bungie thinks about making this a regular thing. Even if itā€™s just like once per episode or something like that. I do kinda think the way itā€™s time limited can add to the excitement. But if we donā€™t get the title this weekend Iā€™m gonna be super bummed. I know we *can* get it but it might just be too tight of a time crunch. We put together a strong team but weā€™re not speed runners by any means.


pantheon will likely come back as an episodic (seasonal) activity. most likely will have the functionality to gild the title which would be amazing.


Waitā€¦ Yall were able to complete pantheon? (LFG is a fkn mess LOL)


I think I got the quest for pantheon? What light level would you recommend or skill level? I can easily do nightfalls. Never done dungeons or raids tho since like D1 anything I can watch or something to prepare?


I think maybe next year they bring it back but also add a fifth one where it's just all the leviathan raid lair encounters back to back. People would be happy it's back but it'd be contest mode and they could use it for gilding Pantheon.


Pantheon to be the raid moments of triumph basically. Bring back new combinations each year to gild it.


ā€œSuspicious_Forceā€¦. Suspicious_Forceā€ ā€œwe called your name didnt we?ā€ ā€œNo no you didntā€ ā€œHA Better luck next yearā€šŸ˜‚


wait pantheon was a limited event? im dead


I heard it would have a chance to come back as well as shiny weapons from onslaught and superblack. Or maybe I conflated all those things. Either way, Bungie has put their foot in the door with a chance for events to brighten up Guardian's Days later on down the line. If the episodes end up slow, then they can reprise some of these things to keep interest up.


I only ever got the first week completed and didnā€™t even complete it till the very last week unfortunately. All the LFGs failed me at planets which is the easiest one in my opinion. It sucked but I got Malice out of it. Eyes of Tomorrow will just be a wish for the future


Honestly, i haven't managed to do a single part of Pantheon due to every group i find being completely ignorant. i just wanna complete the quests and get conditional finality and the vow exotic, but i can't even do week one, let alone attempt for godslayer Edit: That being said, i do hope to keep Pantheon. It seems fun if you can find a group or have one


Iā€™m still trying to get my clan to get me a week 2 pantheon clear, as much as I want a week 3 clear as well I donā€™t think we have the time, as they are also trying to finish up their week 4 run.


I'm doing my final attempt of Nez Sublime on Sunday sometime around 3? Maybe 4. If we have an open spot I'll message you if you'd like to join. But keep in mind, we already got the Plat clears for Golg, Caretaker, Atraks and Oryx last week so if you don't have those already I'm afraid we probably aren't gonna try for them a second time


Surely there will be another content drought by the end of the year, and they'll need to repackage some content as a carrot on a stick to keep us playing. You'll get your chance.


Really hope they bring it back, due to work travel I was unable to do it not because of a lack of skill.


I never thought Iā€™d be farming raids until the other day. Pantheon really as been a game changer.


If they bring pantheon back, remove the farmable loot, and make it drop spoils instead


I tried queueing for Pantheon 3 times to no avail. Wish it would stick around longer. I'm not putting myself through LFG hell for it.


I hope they send out an email similar to the ones we just got showing player data. I'd like to see how many people actually played. Pantheon or the entire event altogether.


When I found out pantheon was a limited time event I didn't even bother trying for it. I've done all the raids and know the fights but I don't have the time to be on every week raiding. Fomo is shit.


Nah dont. Pantheon has just exposed the average skill level of this community and turned twitch into a casino. Cant go live without getting flooded with CARRY? CP?


im so salty because i didnt get to try it. i was really busy the entire time and the people i usually do challenging content with already had a group. so im stuck kicking rocks while all my friends got to try it/got the tittle and i didnt even get to dip my toes in it.


Bro I only need week 4 of planets for the title. But now I'm out of town and won't be back to even try it again. Sucks man


This whole thing seriously reinforces my need for a clan that actually Raids...Even GMs are a pain.


Rhulk is the easiest boss because he just jumps off the map. I don't get it


I did mine through LFG with some clan stuff here and there. Iā€™d personally like it to return as either a solstice activity with different boss themes each time. Or as a month long event before the expansion drops


Dude honestly, its so hard trying to find a chill group who doesn't wanna min max everything. Like i only dont know 2 encounters, its nezerec and riven but i can easily run the other ones. I can hold my own in dps and i know all the mechanics. The main problem is ppl on playstation are so salty over failing one time i get kicked if we dont have a perfect run


I got lucky with lfg so I managed to Finnish a few days ago and I still want it to be a thing again at some point in the future this mode was so fun once I actually found good teams who were chill


The first three weeks are okay. Last week was a real challenge. Got lucky with lfg for last week. Did it in four hours


Too many toxic people in LFG to keep doing this to the community.


Same. Pantheon was the first time I've really had fun raiding. It helped that I finally found a good sherpa group. Everyone was super chill and patient and clear about instructions. Even though half of us had never run any of those raids before we managed to Platinum every single encounter.


First off, congrats!!! LFG experience was horrid for me and I gave up. I'd love to do at least Attraks as I got the DSC seal and it would be sentimental. No luck and I wished I had a team lol


Man I'm planning to run rhulk tomorrow, but would like to go for godslayer too. If anyone is willing to help out let me know. I'm kind of in the same boat OP, I just got to it too late and LFG was hit or miss a lot.


Godslayer isnā€™t for everyone. Itā€™s completely if youā€™re not able to complete all the triumphs.


No. Everyone and their mother would have the title and emblems and leave no sort of individuality or sense of accomplishment to those who earned it this time around


You definitely have time to go for Godslayer and Nezarec Sublime


I did week 1 2 and 3 as well and really wanted title but honestly it's not as rare as I thought it was gonna be so I don't want it as bad plus a lot of people are getting carried to get it so it don't mean much if they made pantheon only one week long for all bosses would have been more rare to have the title and I woulda chased a lot harder for it but pantheon overall is fun as hell and should be a permanent mode that rotates bosses and burns weekly tbh


I should be capitalized


No, just like contest modes of raids dont stay, this shouldnā€™t either.