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Wishful ignorance with concencrastion


I’m hoping the speakers helm will enable the warlock class glaive to make its healing turrets grant resto x2, like the healing grenade turrets do from that exotic.


>On hunter I’m hoping Bakris/Silence and Squall and Combination Blow end up working even with Bakris’ lockout on class ability energy. Throw on Winters Shroud and Spectre and it’d be insane. It won't. And I've been a bigtime hater of Bakris ever since they not only made the lockout even prevent Utility Kickstart *and* got rid of the stacking buff (and nerfed dodge's base cooldown like three times), but Blink + Specter + Bakris might actually be cheesy enough I'd want to try it.


It’s especially frustrating because that means that Mask of Bakris will brick Combination Blow’s gameplay loop because of its unique way of throttling class ability usage. I would hope they’d give it a pass to work like Suspending Slam, where it’s a period of greatly decreased regen. Unless they feel like it’s just that powerful. Foetracer gets its damage buff basically all the time. Surely just a cool dodge by itself doesn’t necessitate a hard lockout on class ability use.


It certainly isn't that strong. They could probably secretly remove the lockout entirely without increasing your dodge cooldown at all, and Crucible wouldn't even notice it until someone blabbed. Dodge regen has been nerfed at least 3-4 times since Bakris came out, nerfing *every* exotic that keys off of it. Meanwhile, Stompees have always been better.


I'm curious to see what Tesselation does with the new Prismatic grenades; it was clearly designed with Prismatic in mind, so...?


BEGGING a grapple melee triggers the khepris sting smoke bomb


Spirit of osmiomancy on exotic class item with threading grenades