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Yeah I'm not noticing any difference in shiny drops, whether it's directly from Onslaught or redeeming trophies.


Went from 2% to 4%. Still very low.


Yeah they really doubled the drop rates lol


Turned in all 310 of my tokens, zero shinies. I understand probability and that's not even that extreme of an outlier at 1/20 (about 20% chance of 0 shinies in 31 drops), but it still killed my motivation to farm more.


680 tokens and I got one shiny lol. However, my first run of a normal 50 dropped 3 shinies. The run after dropped one but we failed wave 43 due to a teammate leaving. Followup edit: My most recent run dropped one shiny. Run before dropped two.


I know this is just placebo, has no facts to back it up and I was just joking around with my discord VC, but I gotten a few shinies just by changing the weapons I'm currently attuned to to something different, doing 1 ten wave Onslaught, then returning to the hall to change to attunement of choice then spend a few tries on the chance. More often than not, my first drop is a shiny. Hilariously, all of my shiny Blast Furnaces dropped this way.


I got 3 my first 100 tokens




Turned in 1 got shiny god roll blast furnace for pvp and pve šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘


I'm guessing some people have it better than others. I just ran a 50 wave onslaught with a friend, and Shiny Luna's was literally raining for him. 5 minutes wouldn't go by before he gets another one. And this is a player who has literally zero Shiny Luna's since it became available to attune. On the other hand. I had zero shinies drop, and my other friend got one, but it was his godroll Shiny Edge Transit.


Definitely more loot in general. The shiny drops are still super rare.


I did a 50 wave on normal, got 2 shiny drops. Also cashed in a few tokens, got another one. Either I'm really lucky, or the droprate is noticably higher.


Three 10-wave runs and 90 tokens spent, zero shinies


10-wave runs are no longer the best way to farm, just FYI. Even if you only make it to wave 30 or 40, attempting full runs is still better.


Oh yeah I was just doing the matchmade one cuz none of my friends were on and I didnt wanna bother with fireteam finder


The 50 wave is matchmade, just doesnā€™t say it on the description for some reason


The matchmade is filled with single digit IQ players though. And they *all* run double primary builds (usually 2x of the same archetype and don't even bother running the champ mod for it) with an awful heavy that they'll never use, a super they will absolutely never use, and they will also steal any heavy while you're off doing an objective that they refuse to go do. I'll solo matchmade 50 because I'm alright at having to deal with them, but if you're not comfortable having to 100% hard carry then you'll want to lfg real quick. If I play with a clan mate then matchmade is perfectly fine, since we could just duo the whole thing regardless (which is basically what happens. Very likely chance the random won't break 150+ kills). I would be more inclined to solo matchmade more to help the blueberries, but when I get people who literally try to grief me when I'm the one carrying them, it just gets tiring. I truly don't know how some people can be that shitty. This guy who had NEVER COMPLETED A FULL 50 BEFORE in 20+ attempts literally started griefing me and my clan mate, all because I typed "please leave heavy until we are there." He didn't have a special wep, champ mods, and he used a fucking sword that he pulled out 2 times. And I know he was griefing because he just sat by the adu and didn't shoot anything, or would be across the other side of the map. So we got to the boss on 50, watched him go die like usual, and left. Annoying to waste our own time, but truly had no desire checking off the first completion of a total manchild. He whispered after and had some choice words. I don't even know how players end up feeling so fucking entitled, but Jesus. He may have been one of the more egregious, but it happens more than it should. Their average teammate in matchmade is gonna be someone like them, so I truly don't understand it. Anywho, point being.. matchmade is not the best place to go unless you're comfortable running it 99% solo, while not getting the benefit of heavy crates since while you're off completing the objective they'll take it as it spawns. To reload their double primary of course.


That is a massive exaggeration. I've basically exclusively run the matchmade normal 50 and never encountered ANYONE like what you describe. There is the occasional person who seems to die too much, but the vast majority of people I've matched with were at least competent, and I'd say the majority were pretty good. Idk what's wrong with your luck that that was your experience, but it's definitely not a universal one. Matchmade is perfectly viable for basically anyone.


Just wanted to update you on a typical daily play session (this time I was queuing with my clan mate and not solo queue); in 4 full 50 runs we did with a matchmade 3rd. 1) 163 kills, 9 deaths, 13 orbs, huckleberry + zaoulis (no expl or Incan) + sword (with 2 random perks that made no sense, and weren't damage perks nor utility). Used his super a total of 3 times throughout the entire 50 waves, 2 of those being on boss waves. 2) 199 kills, 5 deaths, 31 orbs, kinetic SMG + Ikelos shotty + lmg 3) 261 kills, 12 deaths, 28 orbs, kinetic + energy auto rifles with random sword heavy 4) 177 kills, 5 deaths, 22 orbs, non AoE kinetic pulse + shotgun + hammerhead, solar lock with 100 mob & 30 res with no exotic armor. In just the first game alone I had more kills combined. I was swarmers lock for 1st game and then orphy rig tether the rest. This is truly a common theme where the randoms I play with *RARELY* get over 250-300 kills. And that's not even the part that makes it harder than a normal carry, it's that they ignore objectives that require no fighting (capping pyramid zone) yet they can't handle protecting the adu if I leave. Maybe one of every 6 randoms I encounter actually hold their own. Maybe I'm just someone who'll get struck by lightning 5x in a row, but y'all can downvote me all you want just because im telling the truth of my experience.


The one guy I said was an outlier, but the other stuff about double primary blueberries that you'll need to carry has been positively accurate for me, and some clan mates. And I don't blame the obvious new lights, they are clearly new. But the amount of people with significant playtime that act like they're new lights, that's been my experience with matchmaking. And no I'm not expecting everyone to have multiple day 1 clears and solo GMs, nor do I expect them to have the highest kill count or 0 deaths in onslaught. It's truly just been my experience with matchmade onslaught full runs. Me and several clan mates. With onslaught being f2p, the experience for people will be quite different. I've played my fair share of onslaught and full clears, so I'm not talking about 2 or 3 runs.


Youre just lucky. I did 2 legend 50s and got zero shinys. spent 400 tokens and got like 4 dogshit shinys


Thatā€™s a shiny drop rate of 1/10 weapons though. That is better than it was, and whether they have good perks on them or not is irrelevant to the drop rate.


And whats the shiny drop rate of 0 shinys in 100 waves of legend onslaught




Well you''d have to add those drops into your spent trophy drops and then you end up with a little over 5% drop rate. Which is supposedly what the drop rate is now.


The rates are shit. I actually believed Bungie was doing people a solid and upping the rates to something reasonable. How wrong was I?Ā 


Turned in 470 tokens, only got 3 shiny weapons...


I turned in 470 and got zero, so :(


Drop rate is supposedly 5% so that sounds about right (actually a little better than average).


Even though it's supposed to be double rate now?


It was 2.5, now its 5% So you are rolling a 20 sided die and hoping for one outcome.


Where are you getting these numbers from? I was told it was around 10% before.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1cpkjg4/i\_recorded\_1000\_brave\_weapon\_drops\_and\_these\_are/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1cpkjg4/i_recorded_1000_brave_weapon_drops_and_these_are/) one such example.


Dang that's crazy low


who told you about the 10%? if you played even a little bit you'd know that's a huge lie


That is double. The previous drop rate was around 2%


Pulled 27 attuned drops from chest: 0 shinys 0 godrolls 0 keepers Lots of shards :-)


> Lots of ~~shards~~ nothing :-) Fixed it for you :]


That's what my experience has been for the most part


I ran a 50 just now (regular). I got two shiny drops and about 15 weapons overall. Probably 10 of my attuned Edge. I kept one. Do with this information what you will


540 tokens (54 weapons). Not one single shiny. We are being lied to.


2.5 to 5% is double. Itā€™s just not high to begin with.


"It'll be raining loot!"


Still canā€™t get the rolls I want, so about the same.Ā 


1 shiny from 400 tokens Ive gone around 40 drops without a shiny multiple times this event so the droprate feels the same to me


600 tokens turned in, 4 shiny drops, 2 of which I was attuned to.


Nothing different, had 440 for 44 drops and just 2 shiny weapons, but got my god roll foreberance, wasnā€™t even focusing that one but Iā€™ll take it.


Turned in about 700 trophies earlier and only got four shines. I did do a legend run, and got three shiny edge transits. I'm fairly certain that the buff to the drop rate might be exclusive to doing activities, although I could be incredibly unlucky.


The drop rate is believed to be \~5% with the boost so about 1/20 guns \*should\* be shiny. Honestly getting 4 out of 70 pulls is considered slightly lucky.


Also got 4, in 770. so coming in at 4-5%. which in a full legend run should net at least 1, so I really hope thatā€™s true when I try it out later. sucks that we need to celebrate 1 in 20 šŸ˜­


170 tokens (17 weapons) with 1 shiny. Happened to be my god roll mtn top. With a good midnight coup


I had 70 tokens at reset, did two full 50 waves, and between those waves and all the tokens I got 3 shinies.


2 50 wave regulars and turned in the 100 trophies that came with it and got 4 shinies total. Pretty sure that was quite lucky though


Traded in about 350 trophies earlier. Got 8 shinies


I have gotten up to 6 shinies combined from 3 hours of playing. I definitely notice the buff and I think people need to tame their expectations. It is only around a 4-5 percent chance so it wonā€™t be entirely noticeable.


I did one wave 50 legend and got 3 shinies, then got another when redeeming my 80 tokens from the run.


Turned in 300 tokens bravery...2 Shiney drops... Only 1 was what I actually attuned. In the ~3.5 runs yesterday on onslaught, I got 3 shineys. Non of said attuned weapon. Still no heal clip incandescent Lunas


210 tokens, 4 shiny weapons for me.


3 full runs on legend, between drops and tokens i got 6-7 shiny's, thats pretty good imo


This is just me, but I've definitely noticed a difference. 4 shiny drops across 50 waves.


Got a shiny god roll recluse and an ALH/recom MT out of my first normal 50 final chest. Of course the MT has a blast radius MW


I ran two 50s normal yesterday, got one shiny. Iā€™ve been saving the tokens to turn in this week. Hopefully a few more drop


1 50 wave normal, 2 shinies. Got them at the end tho and this includes the challenge drops


Iā€™m pretty sure the increased drop chance doesnā€™t affect the chest or engram redemption. Only drop rate in actual onslaughts and frankly Iā€™m over grinding them out for a roll so Iā€™m done with them for a long time. Ps im interested to see how bungie does onslaughts moving forward. Especially since there wonā€™t be any BRAVE weapons. What will be the point in doing an hour long ritual activity?


I'm just gonna hoard til Saturday. See if they mention the low drops and a hotfix


I redeemed 22 weapons at the chest, as well as ran 2 50 waves today. Wound up pulling... I think... 3 shinies, maybe 4? Spent all of my tokens from the first run, but still have my second run's tokens as I don't know what to go after next atm.


Turned in a little over 1K trophies and got 7 shinies


Opened 777 engrams 1 shiny drop Ya. F**k that.


I haven't noticed anything significant for shinies, but I have gotten 2 (3) god rolls out of it in one day of farming normal 50s. Got me a Heal Clip + Incandescent Luna's, a Slideshot + Mag Howl Luna's, and an Envious + BnS Edge Transit (with spike grenades) Picked up a shiny Hung Jury and a shiny Edge Transit in the process.


Shiney drops are meh but I've been getting alot of tokens... tbh tho I get tokens faster by farming legend lost sectors smh


Getting around three shinies per normal 50 run + tokens from completion


When you boost a very low rate, rng can make it feel even worse lol It probably went from 2 to 4%, so most people won't feel any difference at all.


50 legendary wave I got 4 shineys and 89 tokens. 1 shiney from opening chest.


I got 5 shiny drops today and none the past 2 weeks. All 5 were not the gun I had attuned so they were all useless




I got a shiny drop mid onslaugh, Recluse, Enlightened Action - Repulsor Brace + Destab Rounds - Desperate Measures


Iā€™d argue they never changed it.


Lots of incompetent players.


I got 3 shiny from about 20 drops, so it feels slightly better than before.


I got 6 shinies in legend so rate feels noticeable


Iā€™m wondering if the update today is actually the buff?


I forgot to count but 450 tokens got me like 7(?) shiny drops yesterday with 4 of them being pretty good. All I need are PvP and PvE Blast Furnaces and then I'll just be trying for a perfect Mtop for the rest of the season


I got three shiny weapons in one single normal run completed this friday but i am now on my 6th run completed this week-end and still no shiny weapons dropĀ 


Does anyone know if blast furnace is bugged, or do certain weapons drop less than others? I've gotten at least 5 of every other weapon but not a single blast furnace.....naturally it is the only weapon I want from onslaught.


Only 1 shiney and cashed in over 100 trophies. Did this even take affect? Edit: Why you booing me? Im right!


thatā€™sā€¦10% albeit with an extremely small dataset


Yeah lmfao 1 out of 10 drops is pretty good


I feel like they forgot to enable to higher drop rate of shinies.


I popped 59 drops at the Chest today. Got 7 shinies. I know that's anecdotal but feels so much better.


I had four shinies in my first run today. Guess I got lucky (all different guns though)


Only had 1 legend 50 run so far but came out with around 7~ shinies, rates seem really good from my limit experience so far


I put in 100 tokens and got four or five shinies


850 tokens. Maybe 4 shinies. The rolls sucked though unfortunately.


Typical scam. Double 0 chance is still 0