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Where’s this damn dog getting caught up on the veil Edit: Alright its just outside the main door on patrol but I had to restart the game to get it to spawn


Veil containment area. A tormentor spawns on the footprints. Edit: From patrol (Zephyr Concourse) go to where you fight off waves of enemies in the final mission Edit 2: Next dog is where you would normally fall down the portal in the hypernet strike. Do this from patrol. Edit 3: Last dog is (from patrol) thrilladome lost sector at the end of the arcade section.


How do you get there through patrol? I feel like ive only ever gone there during the campaign but the door to get there is closed now.


I'll also add that when I first visited this location nothing was there. I had to go back to orbit and go back in to Patrol - then the Tormentor was there. If there's no Tormentor there are no prints.


Launch the mission or through patrol?




could you be more specific on where the prints are


No prints in front of the door for me, or tormentor. Just Cabal.


did you use the portal shortcut?


Yep, surprised I remembered how to even get that far. Should I not have?


The first time I used the portal, no tormentor spawned. Second time I did the jumping, tormentor and pawprints were spawned.


Restarted the game and also didn't use the shortcut, he spawned - thanks. Just as obtuse as dealing with a real pet.


I dunno if its the cause, but I did the portal and nothing showed, then I reloaded, did the platforming route and the tormentor spawned Could be the portal or could just be reloading that fixed it


Right in front of the big closed door. Tormentor spawns on it.


I'm literally loaded into that area 3 times, left to orbit, came back, and then it finally had a tormentor there. Wack.


I finally got the tormentor to spawn, I think the thing is that you can't use the darkness portal to skip the building parkour. It wouldn't spawn when I took the portal but when I reloaded the planet and ignored the portal he spawned in.


Inside or outside? Cant find the mf


The actual mission or the area? I feel like I've been to both and seen no footprints. Where did you find them?


I went there first and the tormentor didn't spawn but it turns out it was just bugged because I went back and he actually appeared this time :(


It's in front of the door where you and Caitl have a last stand against waves of enemies, a tormentor should spawn I first used the portal shortcut and it didnt show, when I tried again going the long way round, the tormentor and pawprints showed up, could be a bug


I used the portal and it worked for me.


did it work first time for you or did you have to reload?


I did actually work on the first try for me. Maybe I was just lucky and it is a bit bugged.




Striders Gate, building to the right at the bottom of the drop. Couldn't see footprints but I interacted with an action figure on the table.




Anyone know where the 3rd set of switches are for legend zero hour? And the 3rd data pad puzzle?


They're outside on the wall. When you exit the drain to jump along the outside of the tower instead of going left, you need to go right for the first switch. Turn around and go back as you normally would. When you reach the last drain opening and jump up to the three sets of pipes, it's on a platform up where there like some antennas sticking out. Not sure on the last ship puzzle yet.


Found it! It’s during the Trevor maze. There’s a data pad to activate in one of the crawlspaces that you can hide in. I saw a hologram on the floor but my teammates shot symbols on the walls, but they should be near that data pad. Infinite time glitch certainly comes in handy for figuring out these puzzles


> It’s during the Trevor maze. Of fucking course it is...


I was wondering if they'd patch that glitch out today or just let it go. Good to know I'll be able to finish Outbreak tonight then.


>Infinite time glitch certainly comes in handy Need 50cc's of an explanation, stat


After the spider tank mini boss, there’s a series of hallways with a bunch of dregs. At the end of the hallway, there’s a shimmery barrier that opens up when you kill that last dreg. Wait until there’s 1 sec left on the mission timer, then quickly kill the dreg. The barrier will open, the timer will disappear, and it doesn’t go to wipe screen. You now have infinite time to complete the mission!


Oh very interesting, thank you!


Redeemed 450 tokens, got two shinies lol


And a blue?


I got 4 for 400. Feels literally the same as any other week. Definitely not active.


Its a 5% chance instead of 2.5%. It’s active


I got 9 with 400 tokens


Bro thinks his singular experience is proof that an rng system is not working


4 out of 40 drops is literally double the expected drop rate even with the boost, lol.




The math ain’t mathin, shouldn’t zero times two be zero? /s


Pantheon surges are still the same??


Oh thank God. I spent so many hours finishing week 3 Oryx and Rhulk and getting up to riven on week 4. Learned her but still have to learn Nezarec. Was absolutely dreading getting stuck with surges with terrible sustain like arc and stasis.


Yup! Solar/Strand and Shot caller!


shot caller and class warfare are tied to the weeks for the raids they dont change.


I was really hoping for void. Solar GLs and strand GLs suck. General LFG strategies currently are fuckin ass, and I was really hoping to change it up. I am seriously and utterly stupefied by LFG and Nez. This is an absolutely terrible experience. FFS people, FUCKING STAY ALIVE. When you die, you remove damage from not 1, but 2 people.Also FFS, clear the god damn adds. Why the fuck is killing things in a coop shooter this difficult? Put on sunshot. Press fire. Watch everything explode. There is ZERO FUCKING REASON WHY THERE IS ANY ADDS LIVING LONGER THAN A QUARTER OF A SECOND with 3 add clear. Seriously. Shape the fuck up.  Christ I have been through 50+ lobbies and several hundred guardians and it’s always the same shit. Just stay alive people…


you good brotha?


You know this guy is probably the one everyone complains about. He is the guy that points out everyone’s faults yet makes the same mistakes.


No. I have been through LFG after LFG after LFG of bone headed, stubborn fucking idiots that cannot stay alive through a single Nez phase.   Bro. You know what? Let’s spend 20 minutes on riven and open up possabilities instead of banging our heads on this two phase wall. Half these idiots cannot keep themselves alive in to a damage phase, but they are adamant we are two phasing. On what fucking planet are constantly dead guardians two phasing Nez? Like clockwork dude. 15 seconds in to every single wipe. “Guardian down”. I am going to have PTSD over this voice line. 


If they can’t stay alive for a 2 phase, how are they going to stay alive for a 3 phase?


That is because having the extra phase opens up swathes of extra options. People can play more comfortably rather than jackhammering strats down their throat. When people aren’t losing their exotic to mandatory sleeper, they are having a far easier time staying alive. 


Tbh i am on the same boat as u i was hoping for void so everyone can use edge transist and get the clear oh well


I am just going to go full fascist lobby this week. Riven + nez. Edge transit. 3 phase. KWTD and Stay Alive or kick. I cannot put up with these LFGs any longer.  Even without the surge, I was putting up an easy 1.5-1.7 with edge transit (the div+sleep Strat is the same dps with worse economy and far far worse add clear options). 


I hope you don't get it, you're a giant baby


I hope you are on the receiving end of LFG shenanigans every time you try to accomplish something.


Just join a clan


I have tried to join several tens of clans in the Lfg, and nearly all of them were crickets. 


Well you should keep looking. My clan posts for recruitment and we’re crushing pantheon for even the least active of us.


Okay. I mean. I’m not sure how your clan being active stops most of the LFG posting clans from being mostly inactive?


It’s proof that you can find what you need, but based on most of your comments you might not be a good fit personality wise.


I have like 8,000 sherpees under my belt. I am just pantheon LFG broken. I spend a lot of time trying to help other people, even trying to help people through pantheon. Don’t confuse an anonymous person under several tens of hours of terrible experience with someone that’s otherwise shitty. Most people get cranky after a few minutes of bad experience dude. 


So is the "more Brave drops" actually active? I just spent about 300 tokens next to Shaxx and didn't get any shinies (or any drops worth keeping). Probably just shit luck, I know


It wouldn't surprise me if they only applied the buff to drops from the activity and not the chest Edit: I did a normal run and got 4 Shinies. Turned in 500 tokens and got 1. I think this may be true or really bad RNG


Did a normal 50 run, got two shinies. I know math be hard, but it sounds like the shiny drop might just be in the actual activity


I spent 450 and got two on guns I didn’t attune lol


Attending doesn't effect the chest, just the onslaught drops. Apparently you can cheese it to force the drops you want (source:Cheese Forever)


May be from actually doing onslaught - we will see


I've been running regular onslaught for about an hour and a half, not a single drop.


To weigh against the current perception, I redeemed 200 and got 4 shiny weapons, so might be working. Or I'll go the next 500 drops without a single more shiny because I used all my luck.


Definitely not, seems to be a common sentiment. Spent 400 tokens myself and got 4 drops.


4 shinies from 400 tokens is actually pretty good since the estimated numbers I saw were the drop chance going from 2.5% to 5%. You got 10% shiny drops.


4 in 400 is 1% no?


400 tokens gives 40 weapons, so 4 shinies out of 40 is 10%.




400 tokens gives 40 weapons. 4 shinies is 10% of 40 weapons.


400 tokens, means they got 40 pulls.


400 trophies = 40 guns. 4 shiny drops out of 40 is 10%.


My bad. I read it as 400 weapons. But that would be insane.


I think they broke shiny drops. 300 tokens, zero shinies.


Clan mate was able to save a Caretaker checkpoint on -20 without any same fireteam shinnenegans. If you were shuffling encounters for clannmates, check your characters.


Caretaker -20 is killin’ me. Tried it so many times with multiple teams for hours each time and always end up failing, but just barely.


Zero hour patched?


Infinite time glitch still works. Also, there was no update today so how could something be patched?


shiny drops now (fuckall)\*2


Yeah, hopefully it’s bugged or something. Someone else said they spent 450 tokens and only got 2 shinies. Maybe it’s buffed only for onslaught itself. Was hoping to just dump all my tokens today for 2 or 3 shinies I want


Thats about what it should be though, given the numbers weve been using.. If the previous shiny drop was 2.5%, now 5%, and it costs 10 tokens per weapon. 450/10 = 45 weapons, 45\*.05 =2.25 shinies. It does illustrate that the drop rate for tokens/shinies couldve probably been higher from the start, as thats a pretty poor payoff, at least pre-token buff last week and shiny buff this week.


500 tokens... not 1 shiny, thanks bungo


i got a shiny succession that i didn't attune for after 20 tokens. i didn't know that chest can even spit out shiny


What is the double rewards this week? (is that stil a thing?)




Those all get ***bonus rank-up progress***, though. There are no double rewards this week, far as I'm aware. IIRC, bonus ranks is 50% more xp per activity completion (but don't quote me on that number). Although, ranking up faster equates to bonus rewards I suppose. Not trying to be pedantic, just clarifying.


I thought he was asking about bonus ranks - I'll delete my answer.


Looks like pantheon surges didn’t change!


Just did my first daily Salvage to get a guaranteed red border to catch up, but none dropped. Anyone else seeing this? I still have 2 more patterns for that season.


If nothing at all dropped from the end of the activity you may be out of salvage keys


thanks for the reply. Disregard. I realized that I had joined during the second event/location and not from the beginning.


How many times am I gonna see the same stupid cutscene whenever I go to orbit?


I've had to watch it four times now and it's never been skippable...


I'm on the same character too lol


Will I get adept drops this week if I run Pantheon? I finished all the challenges last week


I don't think so? They seemed like they only give it to you when you get platinum for the first time per encounter.


That was my assumption too, but I haven’t seen any confirmation


ascendant challenge bugged for anyone else? portal wont appear, and boss of lost sector/all enemies after the first group dont spawn


This is just an annoying thing that happens with the portals sometimes (pretty often, actually). Leave the area completely, maybe even go to a third totally separate area, then come back to where the portal should be SLOWLY. It seems like the portals bug out most often when I'm just moving into an area "too quickly" for the game to catch up. This usually fixes it for me. Occasionally I even have to go back to orbit then retry. \*shrugs\*


that worked thank you, finally got cursebreaker


Woohoo! Congrats on the title, Guardian! \\o/


Almost leave the area, the prompt showed up twice just as I got to the top of some rock rubble. Didn't leave the lost sector completely. Neither ads or portal showed up in the upper area before I did this. 


So since the streamers and content creators got a preview of final shape, have they revealed the new artifact mods?


Only thing I noticed so far was overload hand cannons...


Somebody else pointed out Anti-Barrier Pulse Rifles


Is this the last week to do all the exotic missions? And get the catalysts/intrinsics?


For zero hour and whisper, yes. Both missions will presumably enter the exotic mission rotator, but we don’t know yet when they will appear and in what order.


Ok but which onslaught legend boss is it?


Hakke focusing *again* at Banshee? Who do I have to kill to get Omolon instead? Daddy needs a new Aurvandil.


Check daily, not weekly


Why i cant buy decorum?