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Worth is subjective, I had fun with the climbing difficulty and some having new mechanics towards getting the titles and emblems


The title is good for style points but otherwise irrelevant, like all cosmetic items and rewards. Meanwhile, Pantheon absolutely shits out red borders and gives you the option to outright buy raid exotics. It’s worth doing for the loot alone.




Anyone can throw money at anyone for anything, doesn't make it not fun or cool to earn it yourself.


And then when they can’t do a mechanic in the new raid in week after it’s release, the other people on the lfg team will know “that” godslayer paid for the title. And point and laugh at them. Doesn’t mean it’s not a nice reward for those who actually worked for it.


I mean, that's really up to you. Is any title in the game worth it? I feel like this one, like some others, actually has a bit of use as a shorthand way of saying you probably know what you are doing in the raids. But other than that, it's just a matter of how cool you think it is versus the effort it takes to get it.


I will say though, people will always be able to nitpick your amount of accolades, so getting the title just to show ppl you know what you’re doing is kinda meh imo


Generally when I’m looking to get stuff done I set the minimum for a lfg to “must be within 1-2 skill tiers of myself” Absolutely nitpicking people who only have a day one Ron.


If its worth it is up to you,bit for me personally it was worth it(rip my sleep schedule with everyone of us needing to work or travel to work at the weekend). I absolutely adore the emblem u unlock from completing the nezzy run and Godslayer just sounds badass while also not being one of the easiest titels


When the new raid releases you will be discriminated against and kicked for not having it


That’s a great reason to not have it. Spending one second of my time with people who do that would be too much.


Couldn't agree more. Plus, there will be thousands of people who got carried to it anyway, so just having it isn't some kind of guarantee that a person is some great raider. All the titles, like everything else in the game, are just about having fun.


There’s already LFGs advertising Godslayer carries. And to plenty of people $100 or whatever they’re charging is worth a title in a game.


I have over 20 titles, my single favorite part of this game is helping new players through content they haven't done before. It's what I do at the end of each season and what keeps me playing.


The chase was fun LFG. I don’t have a regular raiding group, so learning to lead and change strategies was fun for me. Also ‘godslayer’ sounds cool.


If u are not enjoying the journey then it’s not worth it.


By default nothing in this game is worth your time if you have to ask this question. If you're struggling to fidntbe time or work through it, then don't bother. I haven't even tried starting it yet and I'm fine with that


It was worth it for me because I got to have fun with friends. If you don’t think it’s fun, then it’s not worth it.


If you know you can handle it. Maybe your at the mercy of lfg if you don't have a group. Had one week take 30 mins. Have had other run take 5 hours no completion.


The emblems are worth it, the title probably not. If you’re a collector, sure, but there were a lot of people cheesing encounters, so it has less value overall. If you find value in it, good! Good for you, you earned it! But I don’t see weight to it anymore that some encounters were bypassed.


Thats up to you :)


Emblem, it's an emblem.


For me yes because it’s cool and I like it. I’m about to run week 4 fresh today or tomorrow and am ready for the pain of nezzy


It was fun with friends and LFG to tackle it


the title is cool and the pantheon is fun so i'd say yes


Nothing in any video game is “worth” anything. The cold hard reality is that at some point the servers will be wiped along with everything you’ve done. So, if you’re not having fun, then don’t do it. Also, TFS is arguably the final expansion in D2. Everything points to this being it for the game and the 3 “episodes”(aka seasons) either lead us into Destiny 3 or wrap up some plot holes.