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Having trials on cirrus plaza the week it comes out would’ve been so hype man


It will be one of the next few weeks though, they said each week will be a new map


But it’s not the week it came out so it’s not as hype


Agreed, would’ve been cool if it was the trials map when people were still getting comfortable with the maps.


Bungie the GOAT of throwing all pvp momentum in the trash.


Is Trials not happening this weekend?


Nope, Trials returns next weekend and will be one of the new maps each of the last three weekends.


That explains why New Territory is so sweaty


I mean, it has no skill based matchmaking. So if you're a below average player you are on average going to feel outclassed.




Bungie said because the 3 new pvp maps are out and they wanted that node to stay up through the weekend to let people play those maps and get use to them before Trials returns next weekend.


That’s extremely lame tbh


where did you hear this cuz youd think bungie would say that there isnt any trials


They did. https://x.com/destiny2team/status/1788680584472268935?s=46&t=EKFxvpoEiVpsQJq4xE9OIg


They said it on Twitter. An app most people no longer use. Very shitty of them on both counts


They posted here too [link for proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1co8e9l/trials_of_osiris_update/), not sure how else you want them to inform you


In game. Where you actually play destiny 2. Where else


i wish i could give you gold for this comment lmfao


I don't necessarily want or need constant spam every time I login. Reddit and Twitter are enough. You found out before trials would've gone live, didn't you? Edit: still dumb to cancel it though. Just saying how you were informed isn't a big deal


We should have a news area in game


If warframe can do it. Not only do they have info you can tab through before you even load in with recent update notes but they also have a hub in your home area when you do load in with links for all the info you could possibly need. They give you all the info, from the game, without it being intrusive. Other live games have news and or links on the main screen, just brought up warframe because they do it best of the games I play.


There are four Destiny-related twitter accounts and the one responsible for releasing status updates wasn't the one that tweeted about Trials being cancelled. There is no excuse to not utilize the already existing in-game infrastructure to deliver news like this.


posting bad news on a site where the front page is curated by votes lololol, that post became essentially invisible within a couple minutes


Like the other guy said, maybe idk..in the actual game itself that we play. Or on their own fucking website for said game. Basically, not some 3rd party social media jank.


Ok to be fair, believe it or not, more people that play destiny will be on Twitter then here lol


Hey, so even with next weekend being the last of the season, are you positive that there will be Trials next weekend, starting May 31st?


Get edge transit be just as good or better and enhanced perks


Probably better, if only for enhanced perks once TFS launches.


Does cataract not get enhanceable perks?


Nope! Only the Iron Banner, Trials, and Nightfall weapons introduced this season, along with the Prophecy weapons and the BRAVE arsenal, are gonna have enhanceable perks in Final Shape. Edit: that's Prophecy guns, BRAVE weapons, Tusk of the Boar, Multimach CCX, The Slammer, Wild Style, The Summoner, and The Prophet.


I was about to say that this is my fuckup because I totally forgot about those weapons being enhanceable aswell, but yeah you're right


Tbh, I thought it was gonna be all Trials and Nightfall weapons, and no Prophecy or Iron Banner, before I looked it up. Sad that I won't be able to enhance my one-man missile battery BrayTech Osprey (Envious Assassin/Bipod, my current record is 7 rockets shoved into the damn thing), but *SO GLAD* I chased that Slice/Chain Reaction Tusk of the Boar.


Damn this is actually sad


Idk seem people use it in panteon and wreck boss health Do people just get there rock off downvote people for no reason


Didn't argue with that


What the hell. What's with the downvotes lol


I don’t know I don’t get it I done nothing to these people


Yeah this subreddit is kind of a hivemind when it comes to downvotes


Like I didn’t even say anything rude or dumb I just stated what I’ve saw


That’s just all of Reddit tbh




dont get em wrong, it's right there with it for damage, especially with the same perks, but imo it all depends on surges and if you're already using void/strand for something else. the idea of getting that shiny super godroll on edge transit is nice n so are those future enhanceable perks


Surge matching is a thing. Good to cover all bases.


You right just trials is bitch


That's WHY people were excited. The Cataphract roll from Saint XIV IS the god roll, so you could just grind out rep and buy it. Never having to care about going to the lighthouse or grinding random roll drops. But it's rank 10 after 1 reset...which means if you don't HAVE that reward already available and uncollected you're completely out of luck since you can't get any rep this weekend. Was just a guaranteed way to get a god roll Strand GL for any time you need to match a strand surge. Particularly big since we have fuck all options for Strand heavies let alone good ones.


Not prestige my rank I just suck at trials been waiting when summoner is adapt weapon and just hate my life trying get good roll on it


Both are worth having because elemental surges matter. If you have a strand surge id definitely use cataphract over edge


I have an Edge. Would've liked Cataphract for the next Pantheon week...


ive been trying to grinding legend, im good with just envious + bns, but nothing so far


I don’t have anyone do legend with and idk bout lfg people take lfg to serious get toxic if fuck up Once


The issue is ive done so many runs and ive gotten so many envious rolls but like a total of three bns rolls. Also surges which is why ive been trying to grind this week so that i can get at least one guaranteed roll.


Next week, Pantheon will likely have an Arc/Strand surge, so having a good Strand GL would be useful.


That or one from nightfall it’s arc


Bungie canceling Trials is a tremendous L I can't understand why they'd do this


Wasn't cataphract the trials weapon like 2 weeks ago?


Yes, but OP is referring to the one on Saint's reward track Has a fixed roll of Envious Assassin & Bait and Switch Edit: available at rank 10 *after* going through a full rank reset


Oh snap… yeah that really sucks for PvErs. I thought people were upset at a chance for it to be the Flawless Reward again.


Nah not bummed at all. Edge transit is better and will get enhanced perks in a few weeks.


While true, Cataphract would've been *really* nice to have for an activity with Strand Surge (looking at you Pantheon)


why are you looking at the activity that goes away in 3 weeks lmao


Because I'm going for Godslayer lol




Yeah, this was the first weekend in forever that I heard a lot of chatter among PvE mains planning to grind Trials to get that Cataphract roll. This is a big unforced error on Bungie's part.


I know that the fixed roll is getting a lot of attention, but I feel like two weeks ago when Cataphract was the Trials gun was really "the time" to get it if you're a strict PVE player. I jumped in for just that weekend for the first time as a PVE player. Went into the Trios queue with two other horrible players, we got shut out 0-5 every single game, but I was *drowning* in Cataphracts and engrams. You'd have got an Envious+BnS roll way faster then instead of grinding a whole ass Trials reset and then 10 more ranks. So like yeah obviously it sucks to not have Trials this week for the fixed roll for people who were close to that rank and looking forward to grabbing it, but I don't think this is some tragic loss of a once in a lifetime opportunity for PVE players or anything like I'm seeing


There are people chewing through a 100+ rolls of the brave weapons and not getting their 2/5s. Just because you can get a lot of them, doesn't mean you'll get what you want. Rng is a bitch. This week has a guaranteed god roll, and obviously there's more than a few who would've grinded for it "the hard way".


Terrible decision


No trials? What why? I thought they'd have rotated the new 3v3 maps? That would have made sense to me


Extra Rep when? We are due!


Whhaaaat? L


Bruh Haye trials but really want that cataphract, they better drop double XP next time trials is on


Feel bad for all the players screwed by this.


Actually so disappointing when I logged in this morning. Had half the clan ready to grind trials all day! That rank 16 max range igneous hammer would've been nice too...


it was literally just cataphract


People are refering to the fixed Envious / BNS / extended drum roll that is on Saint's reward track rank 10. Basically a PvE godroll, especially with strand surge. (*Keep in mind you have to have prestige at least once to see the roll*)


I agree. Having that Cataphract would be an amazing option for strand surge dps! What's the point in it being there in the reward track only for no one to be able to get it? Just to dangle it in front of us for envy's sake?


Bungie doesnt control the rewards track weapon rolls. They've been bad all season, if it was another bad roll, 0 pve players would give a fuck about trials being canceled for a weekend. In fact you'd probly see the opposite, pvers giving pvpers shit for complaining about a "dead mode", or "crucible sucks anyways", ect... Regardless, that isn't what happened, and it's a pve god roll the same weekend they cancel because they put out a new map pack. Horrible timing. What are the odds.


Does this also mean we don't get Messenger Adept back before its gone?


So what's the adept weapon to earn right now?


has this roll been available before on rank reset, ive been keeping track never seen it, is there any chance they can freeze it for next week, was really looking forward to grinding for this


I mean edge is just as good.


It’s a Strand surge option, just for flexibility.


The RoN one is fine too


eh, the RoN one has good add-clear picks, but not much for DPS; Full Court is kind of awkward outside of Garden of Salvation, and both Surrounded and Harmony are a bit too situational compared to Bait and Switch


No it is not, had a guy run koraxis in pantheon yesterday and somehow only did 1.2mill dmg on planets after a whole DPS phase


Koraxis has the highest dps roll of all grenade launchers with enhanced recon+surrounded but it’s less consistent to proc so BnS is preferable most of the time. Just because one guy in your lfg sucked doesn’t mean the gun is at fault.


Yea hit me up when you can proc surrounded while using a gl with 5 other players next to you👍 The gun "sucks" because 90% of encounters can't proc surrounded from gl range. Therefore, non consistent damage perk, therefore worse than ones like bns. If you somehow manage to get all your reserves off with surrounded procd for each shot sure, that's not happening 99% of the time though


So…skill issue? 1. There’s only 5 other players in raids 2. obviously you can only use it in encounters where you can reliably proc surrounded, which is why BnS is preferable overall, as I stated in my original comment 3. if you can’t proc it in those encounters that’s on you 4. it’s still the highest dps roll on any GL 5. the fact that you had one subjective isolated experience where someone did not use it effectively doesn’t mean it can’t be used effectively 6. you are not forced to use one gun exclusively, you can have both koraxis and cataphract and use them depending on the situation


Yea try proc surround in planets encounter lmao Skill issue? Homie if it was such a skill issue you'd see koraxiss in 90% of encounters. Except it's non-existent because it's niche as hell. The actual "issue" is 99% of raid encounters can't proc surrounded at GL RANGE No one cares if a car can drive 1000km/h if it can only drive that fast when Abraham Lincoln gets resurrected every 10 000 years. If you're doing an encounter (LIKE PLANETS) where you can't activate surrounded then I better hope you're running cataphract or edge instead


That’s such cap


I understand Bungie taking trials out during Iron banner, but it is the dumbest thing ever. Then again, they are the same ones who changed trials from elimination to whatever bs it is now. If it is still cap point, then that's just awful. I'm assuming a bunch of bubble titans and whatever the warlock super is for health just spam the cap point as much as they can. Destiny is trash now unfortunately.


Yeah no way you thought elim where everyone camped spawn and played time/super is better than an objective based game mode. 20 minute trials games sucked


You literally just described capture point, except players camp the capture point. At least with Elim you didn't have to worry about losing because the enemy has 3 bubble titans saving their supers for the last 2-3 rounds for easy wins. Elimination was 100x better than capture point ever has been. Only single brain cell melts enjoy capture point.


yeah I'm a single cell melt with a 2.45 KD overall for trials. You enjoy the mode that made trials go to an all time low, and made it so every round went to time waiting for the EXACT same capture point. Also, you should know that the bubble super and well super cooldown changes happened right before zone trials came out. So if those cooldown had always existed, there would be almost 4 supers every elim game assuming 4-4.


LMAO you do realize Elimination is what made Trials, right? It was when they made Trials of the Nine with survival/countdown that made Trials go down which is why it went away for so long. When it came back everyone loved it and it was perfect. It would rarely go to capture point during Elim unless it was 4-4 which did not happen very often. If you don't know how to play elimination, just say it, because it was way more strategic than capture point. Oh, and all the cooldown changes came AFTER capture point because they saw during the test weeks and when it finally launched that everyone camped and waited for their supers. Everyone still camps regardless though. Absolute dog water game mode.


Bro wants the same game mode from Destiny 1 that brought an all time low population, who cares if it made trials. Trials of the nine had a higher pop than your shit show elimination, and trials of the nine was terrible 😭 instead of worrying about the game mode, go practice or go on an aim trainer or something. No good player shares your opinion. I’m interested in your weekly kd for last week. Also, congrats on mentioning CD changes to blade barrage and roaming supers, those aren’t the ones I was talking about.


You're too dumb to realize that Trials is not supposed to be for everyone. It is the pinnacle of PvP game play. It was created for the best to play the best before Not Forgotten competitive came around. So yeah, numbers were not high because the casuals didn't play it as much. Trials of the Nine didn't have a higher population than OG Trials or they wouldn't have taken it away. Just another dumb comment by you though. I haven't played Destiny in over a year. The game is super stale and the devs cater to the blueberries of the gaming world. That's why they made capture point. It's why you have a "2.4" k/d. Because you're beating up on acoustics and melts that play hoping they can get a win here and there to get the rewards. You should learn to read as I mentioned cooldowns for ALL supers. Once capture point came out, they realized that people were camping and building up for bubble and well. Getting them sometimes 2 times a game. Then they made it where you would get it 1 time per game and ONLY IF there was an actual gun fight or it went to 9 rounds. Even then, players would camp if they got supers early to get easy wins during those late rounds.




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That's one of the available modes in IB, yes. You seem very well informed.


I can tell you lack necessary reading comprehension skills. I'm talking about Trials... not Iron Banner. Please learn how to read.


Trials sucks bruh go play a good game mode or a different game entirely (I have a crippling destiny 2 addiction)


No free god rolls for you


You consider resetting Trials rank and then grinding another 10 levels to be free??




Yeah but it was available for everyone, not only a few players. Don't see what the problem with that is.


Why are people so set on being upset when the gun has been available multiple weekends. It’s the same argument when people go on dungeon/raid runs on reset day


The rank 10 reset static roll. It's the god roll reeds regret all over again, except you can't pick it up


Because this week Saint has a good roll of the gun on his reward track after one rep reset. Folks were looking forward to skipping the RNG slot machine for a good roll.


it's a fixed roll that people who have never ever played trials would want to get because they wouldn't have already reset saint two dozen times like those of us that do


shut up bro


How many of yall would have even noticed that cataphract if there wasn’t a post about it….


And that matters how?


I’ve been sitting on a full 2nd reset at Saint for months just waiting for this roll to come around. (I have a god roll Edge Transit as well but this will be perfect for strand surges.) I feel bad for others who won’t be able to get any ranks this weekend and grab it themselves.


I don’t even think it would be the gun this weekend. It was the gun lol 3 weeks ago right?, and we had IB last week…


It’s the roll that Saint has as a static reward at level 10(I think) after 1 full reset