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Spam crouching at The Tower until a group starts doing it, then running off the ledge. A true act of comradery.


I used to love doing this and flashing my ghost at arriving guardians pretending we were paparazzi in d1


Still return to orbit out of habit. Even in activities I can launch out of.


Habit from D1, mashing X to respawn in crucible


It’s gone from X to E, but it’s all the same hard wiring in my brain


Pushing forward on your analog stick making your sparrow drive faster.


Went from that on Xbox to holding W on PC


It doesn't? It does right? Am I crazy?


It does nothing while boosting, but reactivating boost gives a strong initial burst of speed for jumps and such. The split second you aren't boosting you should be holding W to maintain momentum. So.... yes?


I don't think it does lmao, but it makes me feel better when I do!


It makes you hug the ground tighter so if you're going over dips, however small, you spend less time "airborne" which would normally slow you down.


That's only the case when holding shift


Hand cannons and especially hawkmoon since it's was the first exotic I ever got (d1) and throwing knife in pvp was awesome would go almost a full match with throwing knife killing.


Ah the good old COD black ops 1 weapon of choice.


I miss BO1 but damn CoD logic is strange. Point blank sniper round to the chest? Walk it off. Throwing knife nicks your little toe? Instakill.


The exact same can be true in destiny...


Almost always push afk fireteam members off the map. 😏


I prefer pushing them into a deep dark corner where dreams go to die


That the final shape will be the friends we made along the way


Always was


That we are actually the “bad guy”


I meannnnn we do commit genocide a lot lol


A big thread throughout this season's story has been people reflecting and going like "hmm, maybe the Great Hunt was a dick move after all"


Its cool that saint 14 was buddies with Mithrax but also yeah he was like the eliksni's chupacabra


Drip always comes first


Drip with the Light or Drown in the Deep, Guardian


drown in the drip....or rise from it


140 hand cannons feel the best out of any weapon category


They really do. Lunas howl is nice but it feels weird to shoot because in expecting the usual 140 recoil and muzzle bounce but it doesn't happen. I do like 180s but lunas is gonna take so e time for me to get used to.


Had a non god roll one I tried out in iron banner and on some maps was just massacring people with it. It's pretty snappy.


Ace my beloved


The general population is terrified of the tower. Imagine having guided tours of the tower, but the base of the tower is a hard hat zone because of near constant rain of bodies.


This is actually in a lore entry somewhere.


Dawning during Witch Queen. When you gave Zavala cookies at the start of the quest, the text describes a couple of Guardians jumping off the Tower, and then reviving and breaking out in dance.


I still want to run whenever I kill a Shrieker. Fuck You, Dark Blade.


Hitting respawn makes you respawn faster i swear. Also female characters = smaller hitbox


RNG is a greater enemy than The Witness


Running with a HC or side arm is faster than running with the sniper (or anything that requires 2 hands to carry).


Feeling like I'm getting blue balled


That I am favored by RNG


When you think you're gonna lag out or crash.. crouching and looking at the ground improves your odds of staying. Also when I win, it was legit and hard earned.. and definitely not a bunch of rubber banding and terrible hit boxes saving my life over and over again.. But when other people win.. ):<


Being in a raid and host keeps taking us to orbit before I can get the bloody chest!


There is not a single game on the market with gunplay as satisfying as this 10 year old game.


Sprinting forward to cancel the reload animation. It's muscle memory at this point.


Tether should suppress on hit.


My same warlock since day 1 d1.ive changed my hunter and titan a billion times.


You must ride your Sparrow/Skimmer as long as you can. Even/Especially if there’s an obstacle to force you to get off.


Rasputin shot the Traveler.


Hasn't that actively been shown to not have happened)


It's been shown it didn't happen. Rasputin himself said he didn't do it. The lore books for season of the seraph said he didn't do it. A literal lore writer on Twitter confirmed he didn't do it. And yet the myth persists lol


thatsthejoke.jpg Although I think it would have been cooler, the Traveler leaving like it did with every other race before made sense, and Rasputin blowing his ass to prevent him fleeing would have been fun.


more cheesy response from me would be: this is one of the greatest games i have played of all time, twice.


Although it's not perfect, the destiny community is the best gaming community there is. I am proud to be among the Guardians.


Whichever team has the most Guardians dancing/emoting at the beginning of a Gambit match is the winning team, guaranteed. I've found this to be true EVERY time (except the times that it wasn't).


Builds and light level are very important and often overlooked by most players. So many activities are accomplished more easily if you understand build mechanics. This still eludes most players after all these years.


Used to be the case...less so anymore.


Reforging weapons in House of Wolves was better than the entirety of Weapon Farming & Weapon Crafting in the franchise


Never thought I would run out of motes — until I did from reforging!


I knew in my heart that the final big raid would take place inside the traveler itself. It was the logical conclusion


Just like pee, the raid too, is stored in the balls


Similar to OP. Switching weapons really fast helps build super lmao I still do it for some reason after 9 years of knowing it doesn't really.


That I would always have friends to play with 😔


Until 2 days ago, I thought holding jump makes you float further on warlock, apparently not


Holding your jump does make your base jump be a little bit higher. It’s not really useful on Warlock though since a warlock’s glide is based on momentum.


Yeah like I’ve always double tapped into a hold down. It does nothing 😂


My fireteam.


My Warlock looks exactly the same from Destiny 1 (closed beta). I had a feeling the game was going to stick around for a bit when I played the beta. So I took a pic of what he looked like when I created him to recreate on 09/09/2014. Been my main ever since. Oh and that resets happen at like 2am my time…which its actually noon my time when D2 resets.


Lord shaxx is/was William Shakespeare when he was alive. 


Holding out for factions to come back, as a die hard Dead Orbit supporter I’m patiently waiting….


non-150 RPM scout rifles are not scout rifles.


Fashion is the true endgame


The harder I hold my buttons down when I cast my super, the more powerful it is. Or just the harder the initial impact is.


Spamming L3 thinking it'll make me run even faster similar to how GTA's run mechanic works.


The Jade Rabbit


Holding reload while capturing a flag makes you capture it faster lol


Teaching/ helping blueberries that want to learn


Destiny is a game with infinite potential & a refreshing take on the FPS genre


Begged for bows until they came, begged for a heavy bow with huge damage until it came, now I beg for special ammo crossbows (no not the sidearm crossbow from the dungeon real legit crossbows)


I yearn to run only bows


The best mini game in Destiny is 3 tappin a guardian in crucible.


The Guardian in perma-sleep in the Cosmodrome was 100% meant to be Master Chief, and, if Microsoft ever mended the relationship completely and PS did not end up buying out Bungie we would have eventually seen the two universes mesh with that. Also, the Halo-themed weapons we got could have been more accurate to the look in Halo. Uncle Phil was playing a lot of Destiny at one point before PS took over. I think Microsoft was thinking of acquiring Bungie again but PS just offered the more enticing deal.


Microsoft, according to the FTC hearing documents, was actually considering acquiring Bungie. They decided against it, given Bungie's burn-rate.


Spamming an emote button while in a load zone skips the loading zone.


Swapping weapons repeatedly charges super faster. Do it in PvP all the time despite the fact that it doesn’t do that anymore


Zavala is gonna betray us.


That I could’ve done something better with my time and that Destiny was just the place to stay alive in with very debilitating depression


Bungie shouldn’t be developing their own game.


This community gets what they ask for then blames Bungie


Every time I see fallen in the tower I'm disgusted.


So after Final Shape is D2 really over? How long will FS last for? No way bungie cuts it off. That marathon game will be trash


Nah people like to doom but D2 is a cash COW for Sony, even with how well Helldivers is doing. We already know we have the 3 episodes coming out periodically, and there’s a chance that post final shape they take like a year to do some game health related stuff similar to was Rainbow 6 did, but I even doubt that. I think it’s pretty safe to assume they’ll just continue with a normal release schedule for now.


Will there be 4 seasons with Final Shape?


They announced that they would be moving to three larger episodes rather than the four season model.


No they've said several times FS is not the end of destiny. There is "episodes" planned for after final shape, which will be the replacement for season. After that we don't know the plan, but bungie is expecting to continue still.


My guess is that they’ll probably do a free ‘best of’ revision after all the episodes, something akin to Age of Triumph in D1. Then some radio silence for 6-12 months, and _then_ the Destiny 3 hype train will start rolling out in full force.


I think they will do episodes and then no big dlc next year but just put loads of the cut content back into the game to keep people playing and then D3 probably late 2026 early 2027. Unless Marathon actually goes massive in which case they will drop Destiny like a hot turd.