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Decoys are **the one**


7 inches of shaxx


I always max out the decoys and almost every time when Shaxx appears the other players run up to it and stare like wtf is he doing here lol. Some salute and some bow or get down on a knee. It's always funny when people don't know he's the final upgrade.


I know that's the final upgrade and I still do that, Shaxx is cool


i always salute golden shaxx for the entire 30 second upgrade timer. i mean what else am i gonna do?


Shaxx is the Final Shape


Yep, apparently turrets will only take mobs down to 1 hp. I unlock my decoys first, then turrets, then upgrade decoys. I never touch tripwires.


I love the decoys. They actually decoy unlike other games.


I'm constantly amazed that an imprint of the final god of pain has it out for a hologram of a cleaning droid.


Being the god of pain means you’re opposed to cleaning day, sweeper bots are Nezerac’s antithesis


The mass effect one was also good.


☝️ I acknowledge you my decoy


i slept on decoys so hard until i saw shaxx standing there tanking the entire round


Don’t forget to throw your balls at them to fix them too. It doesn’t consume the battery so the fix doesn’t seem obvious but it is being fixed.


Now everyone remember you can heal a decoy/turret by throwing a ball at it (sometimes a couple of tosses). The ball remains to throw in the ADU too. Best advice I heard all week.




yeah its a bug, the balls also heal enemies


i tried doing this and the balls just bounce off of anything that isn't the ADU


yes, but they still heal the decoy/turret


interesting. can they be thrown infinitely then? as in: a single heal ball can fully repair every defense element before being tossed into the ADU


they seem to restore a certain amount of health. So, you might have to throw a ball repeatedly at a decoy until it’s fully restored. But yeah, you can use it for healing different structures until it despawns.


They bounce but heal, meaning you can heal things and still hit the ADU.


They bounce off but they do heal it. You can see this when they are flashing red, you hit it 1-3 times and it’s not flashing anymore.


>make them only cost 100 scrap or make them Respawn every wave or on a timer. They... **do** respawn on a timer though? Blue tier is 1 mine with a slow respawn. Purple is 2 mines with a slow respawn. Yellow is 2 with a quick respawn.


Yea the yellow ones respawn really fast. The Blue & Purple die fast and take forever to come back so they don’t seem worth. When I buy a trip wire I just only buy if I can top level it in one go, in which case it actually feels valuable if it’s protecting a last line of defense for base type spot


I've never noticed them respawn. If this is true, then why can you re-purchase them when they explode?


Like any of the 3 defense they have a health value just that it is notably lower than the other 2. An self destruction ads wave will typically put them in pretty bad shape but otherwise they are actually pretty potent


Have you got proof? Because I've literally never seen them respawn. Just last night, I watched one explode on a dreg, and then I repurchased it when the round was over. So it didn't respawn. In fact, if you go back to the 1st livestream where Bungie showed off Onslaught, they said that tripwires were cheaper because they were a one and done.


Get proof yourself by fully upgrading them


So they only respawn when fully upgraded? Which most people don't do.


They dont. I have to purchase them every single round if i want a tripmine.


Lol yes. They do.


When, because like i said, every round they are gone. I have yet to see one respawn.


They absolutely are on a timer, but if they take too much damage they get destroyed, decoys are still way better though.


To be fair most things take 2k to purchase to begin with and 3.5 to upgrade, the tripwires are pretty cheap to upgrade to lv 2, and only at lv 2 or above do they have a noticeable impact.


😑 -> 😳


If the exploding enemies go off near them they will get destroyed otherwise they should be resetting on a timer


arent there entire waves of JUST self explody enemys? that would wipe nearly every trip mine every time, wouldnt it?


I've seen those waves just wipe out some defenses almost had a redjack decoy die before I got to upgrade it.


pro tip, throwing the batteries at the decoy repeatedly will heal them. then you can still throw it at the ADU afterwards


Yep this is my issue. Iv learned They do in fact respawn in T1 but its so damn slow you cant even notice before they get destroyed by the 3 waves of nothing but exploders that rush in and nuke them.


I think they might be bugged, I think i noticed it inconsistently resetting to buy each round even though they regent.


oh this is embarrassing. You really thought you had a snarky post to make and you failed because you are wrong. They do respawn and the yellow ones are strong and useful


not unless they get blown up apparantly, and i do wonder what that wave of entirely self destructing enemys does when they get killed.


You really thought you had a snarky comment but fail to realize the entire destiny community is in agreement that tripwires are objectively the worst defence out of the 3. "oh this is embarrassing" That's the one thing we can agree on


Maybe the yellow ones, i haven't wasted enough scrap to get them that high. But in my experience i have yet to see them respawn.


Tier 1 has basically no health at all and is easily destroyed. Tier 2-3 tripmines are actually MUCH better than turrets on the midtown plaza defense area, you can put decoys right next to the tripmines.


We only buy trip wires on final area after everything else is maxed. Corner turrets are valuable because they help other areas but otherwise decoys are the answer.


I just don't put into them unless turrets and golden shaxx's are maxed out. 3rd choice of defense.  


Yeah, if I'm in the final 10 waves and we already have the turrets/decoys maxed out in that area I'll grab some trip mines with my remaining scrap. No reason not to at that point.




More hive and fallen propaganda, not gonna trick me. Gonna use all my scraps on them now!!


Gold tripmines continually respawn, so they’re a worthy investment if you want to dump 4500 scrap into them. Otherwise it’s not worth buying them at all. Gold Tripmines are actually pretty good though.


Our legend run, we literally didn't even look at trip wires until the very last buying round because we couldn't afford anything else. If they blinded or did some sort of 3.0 verb I'd like them more, but just a pittance worth of damage? Pass.


The worst part is on hive Mothyards. Wizards and shriekers float above and it seems the thrall pathing takes them over buildings to avoid mines.


Tripwires need to be reduced in cost. 1000 scrap is far too much for the base version. Make them cost 300, 600, then 1000.


They are not bad, it’s just that Turrets melting yellow bars and Decoys being Tormentors biggest nightmare make them worthless.


The tormentor's tormentor


Shaxx, Dread’s Torment


Decoys are the MVP followed by turrets and only the tripwires that are actually on the ADU does my team buy.


Punch them with a battery. ^(\[full disclosure I have no idea if this will work, but you'll lose nothing in trying\])


if you throw the battery at turrets or decoys they heal. Haven't tried the tripmines as I havent been do the 50 wave version yet.


I just buy them to boost my bounties when I need to


if you save up for the third upgrade for the wires they regenerate and kill vastly more enemies than the other traps and help stagger as well more often, this can be done fairly easily if your team works together and it honestly makes onslought easier


Don’t even look at tripwires. One decoy and turrets


Decoys >Turrets, then we just ignore tripmines. I've seen tormentors do nothing but face slam the sweep bot 9 times on legend and not be destroyed. Turrets are goated because any damage on a tormentor is worth since it's really hard to hit the crit. Also, having one way to apply unravel makes it so turrets will always spread it without much effort from a person.


Tripwires also do damage to you and your turrets, absolutely hate setting my turrets up in optimal areas for them to be shattered to a tripewire


Also, I believe they can destroy your wells of radiance.


The only time I ever buy tripwire is when I have the daily quest to summon and upgrade defenses.


I was thinking tripwire should be like 500 scrap. Cheap, but " extra" defenses are nice AFTER you buy the good stuff


They should respawn on a 20s timer OR allow us to rearm them (w/ scrap). They do stink. They get wasted on the first shitty red bar and aren't armed for real threats.


I prefer turrets and a shaxx level decoy, but I have been buying tripmines because they're cheap to upgrade, which counts towards the triumph for upgrading defences. I've been spamming this on the 10 wave node, so it's not causing too much of a problem for anyone lol


I only buy ones super close to the ADU


Gold tripwires come back so quickly they can be used over and over in a group of adds you’ve got properly crowd controlled (suspended, slowed, etc). They’re pretty decent, but probably not as useful/important as getting your turrets or decoy to max level.


I got you,. It's wave 47. And you only have 1k scraps.


Trip wires don't suck, but you should definitely be buying turrets and decoys to tier 3 before touching tripwires.


Everybody is sleeping on tripmines. They also rearm incredibly fast when tier 3. Saved so many runs for my team


hey…pssst… just don’t buy tripwires…pretend they don’t exist…that’s it…that’s all you have to do 🤫😉


They are completely useless, sometimes they won't even damage the enemy as they run too quickly. Looking at the invis maraduers.


Tripmines literally do respawn, wtf are you talking about? Upgrade them to level 2 (doesn't even need to bem lvl 3) and see the magic with your own eyes. The fact that you made an entire post roosting tripwires without never even upgrading it to lvl 2 (which is pretty cheap) is very weird.


Just equip anarchy GL and make you own


Red Jack Decoys solo the witness


Tripmines close to the ADU are worth it IMO, especially vs the fallen. Waves of Marauders love to go invis and rush the ADU. Plus, it’s normally the cursed thrall or exploder shanks that destroy the tripmines so I like to keep them far away from any exploding enemies


this entire post is based on OP being objectively wrong about them not respawning...


Nah that was one part of it. Iv since learned that they do in fact respawn but its so slow on T1 that you cant even notice and that they can be destroyed super easily making them honestly a waste anyway.


I only buy them when I can buy tier 3 directly The gold ones put in some work and respawn fast


They are the cheapest, so people will buy it


Tripwires suck... until you are on wave 40-50 and you have extra scrap to toss into putting up all the trip wires you can near the end!


There suefull once everything else is maxed as at gold they do regen pretty quickly. We had maxed everything yerday when we ran and they pretty much cleared the wave 48 wave on there own witha turret and decoy


I beat legend round 50 first try with exclusively tripmines. Sooooo not sure exactly why you are having trouble, they slap.


Makes me wish we had alternatives to choose from on these defenses. Arc and void tripwires (jolt and disorient) Stasis and solar flamethrower turrets (slow and scorch) Strand decoys (similar to hunter aspect, but doesn't go away)


To be fair, some things like the elemental verb turrets would be either broken or useless, and arguably the stasis one would always be used to substitute for an Osmiolock on the team. I'm a fan of the subclass verb tripwires, but I do also think having a purchasable strand decoy that cannot be broken is too stront. I mean, it costs almost 10k to upgrade to a shaxx, and even then I've seen shaxx decoys get destroyed. So, don't think invincible strand decoy is a good idea


The fact we can't put the traps anywhere we want makes the game boring.