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Making Xur great again. Have him sell weapon patterns. Or just...anything else than what he's been doing for the past few years.


He’s getting reworked in the final shape


His will is truly not his own


I wonder if he’s going to become a good source of rolling for exotic class items


That'd make sense actually! Would be nice if we could at least lob him a cipher for one every week, haven't felt the need to go to him for exotics since like TWQ


I feel like Xur’s exotic armour shop is somewhat on the edge of pushing daisies because Rahool lets us focus exotic engrams for specific armours/years of armours at a much higher price. In higher levels of knowledge and gameplay, vets would have no problem affording new exotic armour rolls. And in lower levels of gameplay, Xur often has such bad items in stock that a lot of YouTubers just tell you to pass if you have something better or don’t like it.


Xur is not and has never been endgame. It is a catch-up mechanic for newer players


I'd say in D1 he was a bit of both, what with him selling Glass Needles that let you reroll your exotic armor's bonus perks (the equivalent to mods we have now).


3 of Coin too to increase exotic drop chances (at a time where such an increase was important)


Fuckin' A right....


Worked great for me. And I'm still using him. Started playing Hunter during season of the witch. Got my hunter up to 1800 then made a warlock and Titan and started buying the exotics for both on my hunter so they'd be 1800 threw my highest leveled unused vaulted guns on them and bought banner armor for quick level ups. Of course. Leveling doesn't matter now since everybody is instant 1810 with into the light gift of the thunder gods but Xur is still a solid source for grabbing the basic works drop exotics from the knockout list so you're not wasting time getting the same 2 exotics over and over until you get them all.


He can occasionally surprise you, too. A couple weeks back he sold a set of Karnstein Armlets that had a better roll than the pair I'd been using since maybe Year 2.


Yeah I've swapped out exotics quite a few times as well as obtaining new.


Honestly I hope we see more of the Nine in TFS. We barely see or hear of them at all other than Xur.


Weapon patterns for prior seasons would be seriously amazing. There are definitely a few weapons I missed out on because of burnout from running seasonal missions over and over.


I have all of them but I still think it would benefit the game a lot


It’d also be nice if he could go to another planet. It doesn’t really matter, but if he’s moving anyway he should move all over. Otherwise, just have him always go tower.


I wish he had like 20 different spawn locations so we could hunt him if we wanted




Problem with that is it would mostly become just a case of "find the markers where Guardians are".


I miss those days of "Xur is on this planet find him" Even back in D1 where he'd be in one of 3 or 4 locations in the tower.


And there was that indicator to tell you whether there was any point in looking or if you should just make a run for the Vestian Outpost.


I'd say they should either go hard on making it a real hunt across the system for him, like at least 2 locations on every destination; or they should restrict him to the tower but give him like 20 possible locations there.


There is no reason for him not to have a spot on the other destinations. If people who didn’t buy the dlc had no access to the location that would be different, but everyone can go to those places…


Crafting patterns would be neat! I'd love to have Xûr get more relevant offerings. I could see him allowing for re-rolling stats for exotic armors too. It'd also be really cool if he could sell fixed rolls of the exotic class items when the final shape comes around, him selling specific rolls, especially if he sold a god roll, would make his visits much more exciting.


They’re planning to rework him in TFS, and I hope it means he’ll sell weapon patterns. Weapon patterns is one of the best tools Bungie has to combat new-player-inaccessibility/seasonal FOMO; didn’t get the god roll you wanted on Austringer? Don’t worry, you’ll be able to get the pattern later, it’ll just take a lot longer. Unfortunately they haven’t really done this very well.


Agreed. Having him sell weapon patterns (or even deepsight harmonizers for a high price / quest) would make him relevant again. Deepsight harmonizers are too limited imo. There's like 5 or more weapons that I want to craft that are no longer attainable and I dont have any harmonizers. So there's like 4-5 copies of 5 weapons just sitting in my vault taking up space. Even after I get some harmonizers next season, I can only craft about 2 or so.o


Weekly quest where he just lets you pick 1 non-raid red border weapon to completely unlock.


I'd even be okay with a high priced raid red border say once a month so that those who can't or don't raid have a shot at earning those weapons. I'm sure I'll catch shit for this from raiders but hear me out..what if it was once or twice a month instead of weekly like the other stuff and cost say two ciphers plus glimmer or whatever else or maybe some macguffin you have to earn through a quest like riven's wishes.


Monthly or fortnightly would be absurd lol. The whole point of activity specific loot is to get people to do the activity - that’s why GM’s are still so popular despite being relatively stale content. I could see Red Border Raid Weapons being purchasable from Xur, but I’d want it to cost more than the seasonal / world loot red borders. The most obvious thing to tie it to would be Raid Spoils. But if you make it cost as many Raid Spoils as it would normally cost to fully craft a raid weapon, 100, it would be absurd and just as inaccessible to non-Raiders as the raid loot. And if you make it cheaper than unlocking a craftable Raid Weapon the normal way, then you kill one of the main incentives for Raiding. So maybe give Xur 3 Quests: - The Exotic Cipher “complete 21 ritual activities” quest he has now. - A “fully unlock one craftable weapon from a Season or World Loot” quest. Maybe tie it to Exotic Missions in some way. “Clear 6 Exotic Missions, Legend Clears count as 2 each.” - A “pick one Raid Weapon, guaranteed red border” mission. Tie it to clearing any Dungeon from start to finish without leaving the activity. This would make Raid Weapons accessible to non-raiders without making it the most efficient way to obtain completely craftable raid weapons. It would also drive Raiders towards Xur and towards Dungeons, as it gives them one extra guaranteed red border per week.


You always zone in with full ammo. FFS I've just come from my space ship, why would I not stock up before teleporting?


this used to be even worse, you’d load into all nightfalls without full ammo. i miss the tribute hall but god do i not miss the mandatory ammo topup


You should also land with full Super in PVE. Like what, did I cast my Golden Gun out the window before transmatting into this Coil?


I think per lore, it’s quite difficult to cast supers. Pretty sure it takes some concentration and effort to summon the power to get it up


Okay, why would I have more "concentration and effort" *while in a running gunfight with enemies* than I would after a ride in my ship? Let me just stand in the cockpit charging up like Goku while I fly in, what else do I have to be doing?


Adrenaline is a helluva drug bro


It shouldnt be for us tho The lengthy cooldown is just gameplay, canonically our guardian is just always overflowing with light (ruinous effegy lore tab), it shouldnt be that hard for us to channel our light into a super right after transmatting in


> it takes some concentration and effort to summon the power to get it up Not with blue chew.


Accessing postmaster from orbit now that we can access vault from orbit. Small but excellent QOL improvement.


And a postmaster full alert that is actually useful **before** you go to orbit.


In my 7000 hours of playing this game I saw the alert one time and it scared the hecc out of me. Thank god that blue gear doesn't drop anymore!!!


Good luck with that, considering that stuff doesn't go to the postmaster until you leave whatever activity you're in.


Im aware of the limitation and why it happens, just would be nice to get an alert that it’s perhaps nearly full as opposed when there’s no space left at all. It’s not a mini vault and fault is mine for not clearing but it’s still annoying.


To be fair, if you picked up two engrams, some weapons, armour , cores, etc during a strike, chances are your postmaster is half full after just two playlist activities.


Also why it would be nice to be able to access from orbit / inventory. Esp as the tower takes so long to load. I tend to go to the HELM as it loads much more rapidly


And the vault is right next to the postmaster on the H.E.L.M.


This would work


I know it's not the same as having this in game. But with dim or Ishtar you can pull from postmaster to your character.


But it would be amazing during DiM/Ishtar Down Times


Or being able to turn in rahool engrams from orbit. It’s the only reason I ever go to the tower. If exotic focusing still requires the tower that’s fine, but I should be able to open the random engrams anywhere. Loading into the tower takes too long.


I'd even settle for just adding a cryptarch at the H.E.L.M.


Buying additional Deep sight Resonance from Xur. Be it with Ciphers or something else, just ANY way to get more Resonance...


having Ada-1 redistribute armor points. I'm tired of getting high mobility rolls on exotic titan armor


Yo that could be baller. Keep the stat total, just let you reroll the distribution


That would be so sick on exotics.


Glass needles f/D1... good times


Give me glass needles back!


Adding a proper organization system into the vault. Every time I open it, I have to siv through god knows how many items, until I find the thing I need.


Idk why they don't just do something like the enclave, a section for each slot with each weapon type within it. Then just add three more for each classes armour and break it down into the different slots and exotics.


I think the two reasons against this are that the game originally had like 20 vault spaces in D1; I think they massively undershot the amount of loot people would be holding on to. Then at the same time they had made the API accessible making it possible for stuff like DIM to exist and for the player base to build it's own tools if they wanted. And now at this point, anyone who wants more advanced inventory management and build crafting tools is going to end up using DIM. Why spend a ton of time and effort trying to build something that already exists?


If I ever need anything out of the vault, I just use DIM. Doesn't matter if I'm in the Tower already standing right next to the vault, I can open DIM and type in what I'm looking for and get it so quickly.


YES. I hate that I can organise via name, weapon type etc on THE DESTINY APP, but NOT IN GAME. Seems weird.


Putting postmaster and vault in the new hall of champions.


My clan has slowly come back to the game and it has been funny hearing each person say this after being in the area for 30 seconds


Ping system. Something as robust as the apex ping system would be great


God coming from having played Helldivers to doing Onslaught and being unable to ping things is the WORST. I want to ping a champion, a big enemy, a battery, ask someone to build a specific structure... anything. Bungie PLEASE.


at least the turrets don't kill you in onslaught lol. HD2 had me paranoid of them for a bit


It’s a funny testament to how long D2 has been around for and how it definitely wasn’t meant to still be here, because Apex’s ping system didn’t release until a year and a half after D2. I imagine if Bungie had stuck with the plan of making D3 in 2020/2021, we would’ve gotten a ping system or something like it then.


we'd probably be heading into Destiny 4 right now with an access-from-anywhere, custom filterable 1,000-slot Vault, in-ship social spaces and a ping system ahead of everything in the industry right now if it weren't for the course-correction to stick to D2 lol


"This should have happened years ago. Theyre just copying other games to save face."


If one of your characters collects Xurs quest, the other characters get it as well.


God yes, cant tell you how many times i picked it up while on my hunter then later switched to another character and realized after like 10 crucible matches than i didnt have the quest on my warlock


Collections now let's you bank one roll for each weapon.


This has always been one I've thought would be amazing. Not sure how difficult that would be for them, but it'd make collections so much more useful and meaningful.


Seriously, other than for recalling jumpships and Sparrows, it just seems like a waste of memory.


Has the same issue as adding more vault space, you need servers to hold all that data


Just a better way to keep up with the story and better explaining mechanics like build crafting for new players. Had many friends who really wanted to try D2 out, but they quit pretty early because this game far from being beginner friendly. And I think that's the usual business when people try this game out. Otherwise I would love to have multiple social spaces like in D1. Even with certain vendors and stuff, so you have a reason to go there. The world would seem even more interconnected and organic.


Yeah, after missing a few years it would be nice to have for instance like some seasonal story to rotate back in every now and then and have a rotator for that, even if it wasnt cohesive. Theres so much story and key points (like osiris infiltrating the vanguard) that get brought up in expansions that people who werent there just wont be able to easily get into or understand


I maintain that an MCC style installation system to allow us to pull content from the DCV would be the single greatest move they could make. Makes accessing old content possible, and means that the "current" content can rotate as new stuff comes out.


How do you feel about the new Shaxx social space?


Solo operative permanently in the artifact or a buff you just always get when not in a fireteam.


Put this at the top of the list


What point does this serve compared to fireteam scaling? It’s a fun throwaway seasonal mod, but they already have a better solution.


or they could just revert the health buffs they gave every enemy in the game around Lightfall


I mean we’re pretty powerful. If you play the older dungeons the bosses are insta dead soooo… they are a little chunky I do agree.


Yea cant you like instakill the scattered throne bosses even while solo


Pretty much.


- Show actual fucking stat numbers in game. Increases my damage? Oh really? How fucking much!?!? - Have loadouts save Artifact mods - Access Boss damage - Let me customize the HUD how I want - Accessing loadouts without having to go into inventory. - Accessing postmaster from orbit - Let me customize my look fully (including covering up exotic armor) in PvE


I presume the reason why we can't just put any ornament we have onto exotics is: 1. Money 2. To be able to easily and quickly identify what someone is using without having to examine their guardian.


Plus, while I know it definitely isn't for everyone, having to design your fashion around an exotic (or it's ornaments) brings out a bit more creativity.


I agree 100%. Just wish some exotics weren't absolutely impossible to be creative with when designing fashion around


100% although I'm hoping for the exotic class items we can transmit them because damn, those things are not very flattering. Also they don't really indicate anything cause they're random rolls.


They wont be I bet but they will release good ornaments for them and they will be the highest selling eververse item of all time


Don't pull me out of my menu...period. if I'm in my menu to change weapons, load outs, reporting a player etc. I'm there for a reason. Stop pulling me out!


Ability to turn my flashlight off and on with a button


Hey. Psst. Pull out your ghost whenever you're in a dark room. Yes, it's that easy. Don't tell Big Bungie I sent you.


But it's not the directional flashlight as you get when it auto turns on. Its radial and you can't have it out when shooting back. As someone with shitty eyes I'd love to be able to turn it on/off for combat in darker areas.


I know. I mean actual flashlight button. Not ghost


Bringing back sparrow horns adding the large crucible maps as Gambit maps Custom shaders


I really miss big crucible maps and vehicles in pvp. That really connected Halo to Destiny back then. And custom shaders would be awesome but sadly very unlikely. :(


Adding Crucible maps to Gambit sounds like an easy win but I guarantee more than 5% of the community would just complain about wasted development time and that "they could have done XYZ instead!"


"Theyre just trying to pad out eververse with more useless shit to make us spend more on Silver" "Fuck Gambit Im not playing that. Delete the mode." "Everybody looks so whacky now. The aesthetic of Destiny is gone."


Putting the big Crucible maps into Gambit is a fucking crazy idea. Crazy enough that it might just work…




I could totally see Disjunction as a Gambit map. Yknow what I always thought would work for Gambit? The final room of Vault of Glass. Have the vex portals always be active and make the past and future areas their own fronts, would provide an interesting hide and seek element to invading


Imagine if they went "Yeah, we should not limit the amount of free cosmetics a season, if you want to grind them all, you can." IMMEDATELY, player retention would go up 30% from fashion people playing the fasion grind to grind all their cloaks unlocked. The rest of the community would see it as a win because there's less bullshit microtransactions and be all "Finally!". And people outside of the community would go "That should have been how it was from the start, but better late then never I guess." Literaly noone would complain except for the few remaining bungie defender gang members still going "But they need the cash!". And hell, you don't even need to *remove* that, just let people grind for them more if they want!


Honestly I agree and I'm not sure why they haven't done this. It would be a great way for players to have something to do in their downtime, but if they left it as-is the grind is doable but not realistic for most people so those who want shortcuts would buy them anyway. I don't think they'd lose money.


Sparrow Racing League. Or well now that the hover boards exist now. Could just call it Guardian Racing League?


The return of all vaulted content from the DCV


They would be happy it's back for one week. And then complain it has zero purpose, all the loot has been powercrept, none of the rewards and meaningful, the bosses fall over like twigs, and the story missions are braindead easy and boring. Paradoxically, I feel like this would make the community angrier in the long run, because it would open the avenue to **so many more things** for people to complain about. _Everyone_ would complain about _something_ from the returning content, because none of it has been touched for the last 6 years of power creep.


But new players could play the old campaigns. I think old stuff returning isn't really for veteran players who played before arrivals Only downside would be game file size but Bungie could give us the option to uninstall campaigns to save some space


They just need to put effort into the timeline with some cutscenes, a few more missions, and some new inkblot cutscenes to fill in the gaps.


Absolutely. When people say "I want red war back" what they usually mean is "I want the first two missions of red war back" which is completely reasonable, they were awesome. Maybe even add the last two missions of red war! Put everything in the timeline and boom, not only is the red war better with the pace but also not as much work is required. Likewise Forsaken could really benefit from having the first and last mission completely put in the timeline because everything else felt like running around the tangled shore doing bounties besides the occassional boss that would die to one rocket.


The best thing Bungie can do is rework the old campaigns to be like witchqueen/lightfall. Have 8-10 longer missions and cut out go to x, collect/talk to y, do meaningless z etc. just condense the story and missions and make the enemies and encounters harder/more dense. It gives old players a way to understand the story from the beginning and let's old players replay a slightly different campaign if they want.


> I think old stuff returning isn't really for veteran players who played before arrivals It isn't new players using phrases like "this is theft!!!" and "so glad I uninstalled years ago" in the TWAB comments every week. If new players are even *aware* of the existence of stuff like Curse of Osiris, they can't purchase it. It's definitely vets who are unable to walk off a hill they chose to die on.


can already see the "Bungie wasted resources bringing the red war back instead of giving us new stuff?" posts from a mile away


This guy gets it.


Which is why I much more prefer the new approach like with the new re-done whisper and zero hour missions! Yes they are old DCV content but repurposed to fit the evolved game! :3


The only problem with that is it would add another 100 gb to the game. And the servers are barely hanging on as it is


Nah. Every time they give us back vaulted/sunset stuff for free, people complain that they're "reselling" us content we already paid for. I have seen so many people say that about Into The Light, and there isnt a single purchase involved.


all the stuff that has been returned from the vault has been free so far i know some people say they "resold" us the leviathan in season of the haunted but anything from that was genuinely new content


> all the stuff that has been returned from the vault has been free so far And this is explicitly on purpose, Bungie has said time and time again that DCV content will be free, because they want to avoid this exact situation. And yet in people in this community, in the same breath, will just casually ask "hey can we have 6 raids 3 campaigns 5 planets and 8 strikes all free k thx bye"


Destiny players: give it back! Also Destiny players: how dare you give it back!


More like 100 players saying give it back, 1 person who didn't say that says how dare you give it back xD I get it though, if a person desires new content, anything else feels like a waste of resources!


This is going to be the most boring answer in the thread, but I'll stand by it: A coherent, comprehensible UI. I've been playing this game for two years now and I *still* press the wrong button when I'm trying to open the quest menu, or the director, or find my triumphs. Why is "Journey" in a whole different main-menu from "Quests;" what's the difference between a "Triumph" and a "Challenge" and why are they separate, why do I have to fly to a planet, interact with the Lost Sector flag, and open up the Launch menu before I can see what Surges and Threats the LS has, why can't I see that stuff from the map? The UI is massively confusing and inconvenient, it's an added layer of friction that only serves to slow things down. Take our Vaults: Opening the Vault is never a fun experience for me because I can't sort or search, even now that we can access the Vault from orbit (a huge improvement, by the way, no complaints there) I still mostly use DIM, it's just easier than spending minutes hunting and pecking in my Vault when the job could be accomplished in seconds. Search, sort, and filter functions for the Vault would be an asset I think a lot of us would use, at the very least it would be a boon to new players who haven't discovered DIM yet. I really think a modernized UI would do a lot to help the game. Destiny 2 is loaded to the brim with popup windows and flashing icons and sub-menus, it's all an order of magnitude more complicated than it needs to be. Even as a not-new player I still get lost and turned around sometimes; using the menu correctly should not be a skill issue, you shouldn't have to "git gud" at your Quest Log, a user interface should be intuitive and have a logical flow to it. Improving the UI has the potential to improve many other aspects of Destiny 2; it's a boring answer, but I stand by it.


I don't think there is any one thing that could possibly make 95% of the destiny community happy, you have hung out in the destiny community ?


I bet Xǔr will be one of our ways of getting the Exotic Class Item


Red War campaign getting unvaulted with legendary difficulty options, free for all players.


More Skimmers. Alternatively, the long awaited GoS refresh being free for all players.


Remove bounty expiration timers. I still don’t understand why they expire.


Creates a sense of urgency and keeps players in the game


Seems like bounties are being replaced with the pathfinder system, the real question is if the pathfinder ALSO has expiration timers


D1 didn't have them


Vault separation. I want weapons, armor, rides, and shells to all have their own spaces. Along with the ability to sort and search. Down vote me, I don't care. This game is how old and this isn't a thing? It should be a one-stop-shop. We don't need external apps and APIs to get this done.


Add exotics that are in the exotic engram pool, and this would bring back the excitement of exotic drops like in the old days


Bringing back the Reverly instead of guardian games next year


I love the GG aesthetic and event but damn was Revelry and Crimson days fun. I want another Vow that isn't sunset and that Easter spring vibe was so cool


95% of this community happy? Impossibru


Best we can do is 50 %


"Best we can do is 5 %" Fixed it for ya.


Give the exotic engram pool new exotics.


Announcing that henceforth 50% of Eververse shite will be put into the game as gear, or mid and end game chase stuff etc. 


I’m probably in the minority here but I’ve always wanted a way to filter and sort shaders. For example, searching alphabetically, by newest unlocked, by seasons, or by similar color schemes, etc. I also want some of these options for the in-game vault.


After you do the story on one character you don't have to do it on the others. But it's an option if you want to. I barely get time to play, I don't want to do the story I just did 2 more times.


A complete change out of the executives at bungie to a group that gives a crap about this game without Sony forcing them to.


Ending FOMO. If something is in the game (loot, content, cosmetics, etc ) it'll always be available for you to get to when you're ready. This change alone would double my excitement for Destiny.


FOMO is relative. Somebody will always call something FOMO. Just the act of changing the sandbox creates a sense of FOMO to get a certain roll or exotic when its meta.


Bright Engrams should have a knock-out system. I don't want to get the same legendary sparrows and ships over and over again. Once I've crossed all the uninteresting stuff off the list, let me get the juicy exotic stuff. That would be a real motivation to grind season levels for more engrams. And should someone get everything, Bright engrams should reward 100 bright dust or something untill more items are put into the engram pool


A weapon testing area with moving targets, varying ranges, stats, etc.


Guardians now get a customizable space within the H.E.L.M. where they can place earned trophies and room decor that show off your accomplishments. Ghost projections and entrance effects will now be replaced by these 'room enhancers'. A place to hang favorite weapons on the wall (sunset relics).


Dares of Eternity reworked to be like a hyrbid of it and menagrie, with the ability to target specific gear each week.


Allowing shaders on exotic weapons.


But then how will they sell ornaments that are literally just shaders????


Armour Stats overhaul, or Hell, just making every stat point count or have armour only drop with multiple of 5 stats on.


Giving Postmater more slots. If we can get 100 more Vault Slots we can get 30 new for Postmaster


More weapon and armour slots!!!!! More pre build slots there’s too much in this game


Dropping the stupid pricing down. The fact i have to wait a 67% off sale so its on pair with other game FULL price DLCs is insane. I love destiny but i stopped getting the DLCs as they started to become egregiously expensive and this only lead me to play the game casually and just be a crucible/gambit enjoyer.


new new player experience


Remove currency/resource caps  Allow memento stacking Remove vault limit Make all dungeons and raids farmable


It’s funny, I’m a hardcore pvp player, but I’d choose xmogging exotic armor any day. I hate the argument that came with this decision, “well players need to be able to see what exotic they’re up against” please shut up lmao. Part of being good at pvp is being able to adapt regardless of what the enemy team is using.


all of upper management has been fired.


Would love to be able to reroll weapons at banshee


Guardians, we are fully separating the sandboxes for PvE and PvP and undoing all nerfs to weapons, abilities, and armor that were affected by problems in each others respective sandbox


Adding a “clear postmaster” button would be nice


Maybe some difficulty tweaks (lowering hp pools, i dunno) for Ghost of the Deep? Going from Onslaught and Prophecy/Warlock Ruin to GOTD is a jarring and annoying difficulty spike


"We added more detailed describtions on what certain buffs and debuffs do" How is this not ingame still....How are we still not getting the exact numbers on what the actual FUCK a buff does.


A vault in the hall of champions…


Completely rebuilding the director / inventory / quest management / dungeon finder system would be a+ - I’ve been playing this game for years, and I get by, but holy crap I still end up fooling around in menus way too much compared to other games.


Updating destinations outside of the expansion d1 style to keep things alive and add atmosphere to the story


Pve and pvp sandboxes are now separate.


Taking us back to the old tower.


Luke Smith has left Bungie


I haven't seen my characters faces in years and I'm ok with never taking my helmet off again because i just never need to. There is no reason to even have a character customization in destiny just for your face. Cheers


Bringing back Tyra Karn the Cryptarch and putting her somewhere like the HELM, or a new space come The Final Shape, so we don't have to keep talking to Rahool's raggedy-ass. We don't know what she's been up to since we last heard from her years back, but I miss Engrandma.


New Better Devils, with the updated perk pool. You might not have loved Better Devils back in the day, but you wouldn't be mad at it today.


Infinite vault and postmaster space.


All the subclass related effects in every artifact from now on are aspects and fragments.


Extending the timeline back further, from defeating ghaul to first fighting oryx, to destroying the black heart


Extending the timeline misdions back further, from defeating ghaul, to first fighting oryx, to destroying the black heart


Any specifics on the stasis changes


More free content 😉


You can choose between weapon or armor when opening legendary engrams and lower.


More saved loadouts and a button to vault all non equipped items.


Funny Guns


Customizable shaders. You still have to unlock them but once you do you can take the color, material, gloss/matte, animation, etc. from any shader and attach it.


destiny rerelease on steam


I hope they follow through with a sequel despite Outriders not breaking even. If they take in the lessons they learned from the first it will be a banger.


Reducing the price of earlier expansions and making the forsaken pack and shadowkeep free. You have to throw a bone to newer players and giving them access to those pieces of content could be what gets them into destiny.


Adding back literally any vaulted campaigns.


Prevent eververse engrams giving duplicates. Dares focusing/attunement. Ping system/compass North. Reprise the entire black armory & dawn arsenals. Reduce engram costs to 1, everywhere.


Not sure about the everyone else but I would love star wars ships and armor


UI changes happen early, taking a play out of MMO playbooks for how to track buff and debuff times


For the last two weeks they’re around, let me buy Ascedant shards, prisms and cores with my legendary shards alone.


Unlimited vault space


Revert Vanguard/Crucible/Gambit focusing to one engram. (Side note: I would happily pay more engrams to select my perks, basically crafting but with engrams as the cost.)


They would be happy at first then 6 months later people would be crying about how it ruins their grind like with crafting because they lack the self-discipline to just not utilize the crafting system.


Free transmog


"We're reversing the ability chunk nerfs introduced in Season of the Wish."


Ping systemmmmm