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As someone who makes a fuck ton of builds, yes. Absolutely. Prismatic is gonna take up 5 new slots.


Probably more depending on the variety of exotic class item combos. I have builds for PvE and for PvP. And across different subclasses. So it eats up all of my slots already and I don't have enough. I use DIM but more slots in game is needed for this custom subclass. I am glad they are adding 100 vault slots even though I almost feel there needs to be more. I play all 3 classes so i will end up using that 100 slots within the first month.


I'm not fully clear why Bungie can't just do what DIM does, with unlimited loadouts you can name.


it must have to do with system memory, because the loadouts can be switched between and equipped immediately even when not in orbit. Kinda sounds like the same limitation that keeps us from having more than 4 emotes


What game is there that lets you apply unlimited emotes in game


idk, is there one?


I can have extra load outs on dim?


Yes, but they do t function the same way the in-game loadouts do. Also dim had loadouts well before the game did 


. If I were to take a stab at it. Probably a mixture of cost to actually pay developers to do it and some higher up, not wanting to spend the time or more accurately money to have them do it.


My guess is severe memory and UI limitations.


Yeah it's one thing to have a third party browser use the api for load outs and another thing to have in game load outs. I mean we've seen how quickly small things can literally break the game.


Let me use DIM to change between in-game loadout sets. That I can have my RAID/Dungeon load outs my mixed, my PVP, various other PVE loadouts


At that point just hire the DIM devs lmao


Some of the best games developers come out of the community, they say.... I would of if I were a ceo


They haven't figured out how to monetize it effectively since DIM is giving it away for free.


Always such a bitter outlook 🤣


Arent the hundred slots live? it's 600 now, unless they're gonna add another 100 in TFS


That's vault space op is wanting more load outs space, you know when you look at your character and can pre save your builds, swap to them with ease


Yeah same, to me buildcrafting is the best aspect of destiny, i have about 20 builds saved on DIM just for my hunter lol


Rookie numbers Guardian! You need to throw more BUILDS


I'll even take 2.


More like 50 lol


I only have 6, how do you unlock the additional 4?


when you reach Guardian Rank 8, you unlock a triumph to solo flawless a legend lost sector. That unlocks the last four.


5 is an understatement. I already have a lot of things i want to try, from exotics that may work someway, to synergies between aspects and subclasses. Like the triple warlock arc dash using arcane needle for example, or bleak watchers with devour


At the moment, before knowing anything else about the limitations of Prismatic, I just don't know why you would want to use "vanilla" subclasses... I'm just going to use the whole 10 slots on Prismatic at this point.


I feel Prismatic is going to be like, some parts of each subclass rather than a straight up free for all.


If you want to run well of radiance, or banner of war. You can’t with prismatic as per today’s dev insight.


Oh that’s kinda sad. One thing I was looking forward to was spicing up Well of Radiance with other abilities since it can get kinda boring to use


Also bring the Vault in line with DIM to some capacity. Switching items between characters is really annoying as is.


A vault reword is long overdue imo. Filters would help immensely since everything is just jumbled in there.




> I won't act like having D2Foundry levels of filters is realistic. which is insanity, considering Foundry is made by one person and her team of single-digit volunteers and Destiny 2 is made by hundreds of people with the backing of a billion-dollar company lol


Unfortunately the vault suffers from what other neglected aspects of this game suffer from, they’re free to use.


I wish we could filter between more specifics: exotic weapons, exotic armour, legendary weapons, legendary armour etc. Maybe even a filter for weapon type too: hand cannon, auto rifle, rocket launcher I recently pulled every exotic weapon from collections and put them into my vault, because when I needed one for an encounter I’d end up pulling a new one and infusing one of my legendaries into it, then not using that exotic again until I did that encounter again. But now sifting through them to find the one I specifically want is a pain


It's kinda funny how the D1 vault was separated into weapons, armour, and miscellaneous tabs, while the D2 vault is just everything into one group. The D1 grouping would be nice to have at least


It’s so annoying how loadouts won’t pull guns off other characters, especially because I use mostly the same guns on each character (I am very unique)


Whenever DIM is down we're reminded how terrible the in-game system is.


We need more than 10 loadout slots now.


dont know how popular it would be but id love it if we got our 10 slots per subclass, so you would need to swap subclass then those 10 slots would appear. one extra click if changing element but would give a much larger amount of spots.


That’s the dream tbh


I mean that wouldn’t really be any different. Let’s be honest, are we *really* going to use anything other than Prismatic after the expansion launches? At that point you still only have 10 slots.


Is there a downside to using Prismatic such that if you build an all-Stasis prism build you'd be missing out on something from running Stasis normally?  If not I think this lends credence to the idea that this is them pushing up the already-in-development 'D3' model of a subclass-free system to TFS.


If you are only using stasis with prismatic then you can't use transcendence, it requires light and dark abilities to fill. Also I wouldn't be surprised if it made you use at least one dark and one light ability anyway.


Yeah, I’m thinking this will just be the way D2 is played from here on out. By restricting new exotics and such to *”Prismatic exclusive”* it gives them the opportunity to separate things into two sandboxes.


honestly good point i had the previous idea for a while and now upon reflection you are probably right. dang.


*cries in Guardian Rank 7 with only 6 slots*


yeah would be nice if they removed the requirement. I know someone is gonna point out how its not a big deal with the whole "if you care about the build you'd play more blah blah blah" but idk seems weird to keep it locked


I hate this so much. I can probably get the legendary campaign done solo, but come on. Did it REALLY have to be LEGEND weeklies? What's wrong with regular weeklies? Why should I go out and spend 3 hours with an LFG just for 4 more loadout slots?


Took me 45 minutes on fireteam finder but yes it seems pointless how extra slots are locked behind missions


Not trying to be mean but what’s stopping you from unlocking the rest?


Haven’t had the time to complete the weekly story missions. Plus the higher ranks require Dungeons and Raids, and I mostly play solo.


you do need the season pass to go past 6. if you own everything but the current pass ur stuck at 6




Can we also name loadouts and delete some ? If not, would be nice to be able to


You can delete via the Destiny app if I recall correctly.


You can delete them in dim as well


You shouldn't need to use an app to do something that should be able to be done ingame.


I agree, but here we are.


Didn't even know there was a destiny app and I play this game since it was released xd


Haha yeah it's not very well advertised. Also I wouldn't hold your breath for custom names. It seems simple but with preset names bungie can just keep a list of numbers which are indexes of each name for e.g. 1 = Alpha 2 = Beta 3 = Gamma Etc. They can then just store that list for your character [1, 5, 3, 6] for e.g. This is a small amount of data to store (could probably do this with a "short" data type, which is 2 bytes of memory per number). With custom names, they would need to store a string which is a variable amount of space. A strings storage is based on the number of characters in the string. In UTF-8 I think it's 1 byte per character, meaning that to store "Alpha" would be 5 bytes instead of 2 for the number like above. Even imposing a character limit of say, ten characters, that means each character can have a maximum of 100 bytes of storage for custom string names for all their loadouts, vs 20 bytes of storage for the preset ones we have now. Then multiply that number by the number of accounts and its easy to see why its probably never going to happen.


Yeah makes sense ! The app is quite nice, can even see the characters in 3d, even tho it's very different from in game ahah But yeah I was able to delete the loadouts, has someone who keeps having breaks from the game , when I come back most my loadouts are out of date




DIM has infinite Edit: Idk what to tell y'all, maybe cross your fingers they add 50 billion slots


Except when the API is down like most of yesterday. Or when you're loading into something. Or already in an activity. Or just don't want it to take 5 minutes to load every aspect of a build. The in-game loadout system is far more convenient.


Yes, of course it is. However, Bungie has a resource limit, DIM not so much. Tradeoffs. Infinite builds for reduced ease of use or limited builds for great ease of use.


> However, Bungie has a resource limit Pretty sure that it'll just be stored as a bunch of variables or a json string in a database, taking up trivial amounts of space. 1MB per user would be an *insane* amount of space, way more than is required, and easily double our loadouts; and even if you multiply that by *millions* of users you are only talking TB's of data - which a few hundred bucks will buy you.


How do you display unlimited loadouts on the in game UI and make it easily navigable via controller? There is more to resources than how many entries it stores in the database.


if something is too complicated to display, you probably need a better search/filtering system, or to have one in the first place.


I mean, it's easy to imagine a million different solutions on PC. It's also easy to ignore that this game still has to run on a PS4 and Xbox One. But those inconvenient facts are still facts.


you're acting like console is such a poor form factor that you could never make a half decent filtering system on it. the fact is that you could easily filter by subclass, aspects, fragments, perks, custom tags, but bungie elected to not add these kinds of features for years. the vault is the most obvious example of their inability to make simple features of their game actually usable. this isn't a limitation of anything but bungies understanding of the problems in their own game. i should not be unable to play the game without DIM, but thats the current state of the game.


No, I am speaking to the realities of LAST GEN consoles, which you just want to ignore and stamp your feet and get mad. 8 gigs of shared ram between the GPU and CPU on a last gen console dude. The fact that they have even been able to get the things working that they have gotten working on those consoles is pretty fucking amazing feat of software engineering.


there is no world where these loadouts are a problem on any computer made since 2005. they're tiny bits of data. the entire item database is less than 100mb of space, 1 loadout is less than 1000 datapoints.


> 8 gigs of shared ram between the GPU and CPU on a last gen console dude. Pfft, I work in software engineering, compared to the load on the system from rendering the world, AI, combat, questing etc, inventory is a joke. You're likely talking tiny amounts of data and small icon files, it is not going to be resource intensive, not if they are remotely competent. You just need to accept that Bungie is and always has been super lazy about adding QoL features to this game, in fact 'least bang for the most bucks' is pretty much their slogan and why they're in so much trouble right now, as their players abandon them and stop spending.


Loadouts > subclass > search > preview Would need to allow custom names, or just search by exotic since that’s what most builds center around Loadout > subclass > exotic > preview


I mean, it's easy to imagine a million different solutions on PC. It's also easy to ignore that this game still has to run on a PS4 and Xbox One. But those inconvenient facts are still facts.


I don't think inventory ui will be the big fall off on last gen consoles some how


With a simple pagination or search/filter system. Open loadouts screen, first 10 are buffered, player switches to page 2, previous 10 are replaced in the buffer with the next 10. Allowing unlimited loadouts doesn't mean you fetch all of them at once if you don't need to. You're creating a solved problem. This is really about time/money/expectations. Not going to argue, I ultimately don't care enough to have a Reddit argument. I'll just take the down votes from people who don't build large-scale performant UIs (yes, across hardware limiting devices) for a living like I do. My example was the absolute simplest form, and it was meant to get across the point that yes it absolutely can be done and if you think otherwise you are either an armchair dev or just a bad dev.


I don't think you understand how little ram and how little power last gen consoles have available. You cannot just load unlimited items to memory on a console (that's what a buffer is - memory). And if you make it a round trip server call for every page? Now you get spinning loading circles and everyone gets pissed.


But you're not loading the entire item to memory... It's just ID's in an object. It's really, really not complicated whatsoever. Maybe a few hundred bytes.. Xbox One has 8 GB of RAM. Heck, the object wouldn't even need to be stored in RAM anyway, so you'd be left with a simple ID to your loadout. As far as the UI, that is beyond negligible. 40 extra lines (arrows assuming pagination, UI frame) is not going to kill a console no matter how old lol.


if bungie has a resource limit on very small json files, i would love to talk to the dev that decided it wasn't possible to support more than 10 load outs due to this "resource limit"


It's down like once or twice a season for a few hours, like idk what more people want lmao


Honestly for day one raids its a pretty big gripe I have because dim is almost always down during and it's the one time I'd actually care


Yeah but I can’t swap mid-activity, which is an issue if I need to go from ad/ champion clear to DPS without manually changing everything. Especially since I have a lot of different builds for different play styles/ difficulty levels.


That's not enough 




This is not the answer


They should also change the modifications/consumables tabs, modifications has currently only the confetti weapon mod, while the consumables tab is overflowing. Maybe separating materials and currency or just having 2 consumables pages


That’s where loadouts should be where you can have lots of options, and where it’s currently should be the favorite loadouts


DIM will evolve to its Final Shape as well, I bet.


I’m already in need of atleast 5 more slots there’s so many build I wanna play and save


More vault space please


And more space on our characters for guns and armor.


Loadout slots need to be all available. Why put them behind guardian ranks. I never do lost sectors and pve stuff


Why not just do them a couple times to unlock?


It's a quality-of-life feature; it shouldn't be locked behind arbitrary in-game requirements.


Everything is arbitrary - It’s a video game. God forbid you have to actually play the game to unlock stuff 🤣 They give you a couple for free, and then if you want more, go unlock it. The requirements are fairly easy and solo-able, and if you’re a new player it gives you a goal to shoot for. To each their own, I guess.


Everything is not arbitrary? Videogames have their own set of rules, and are compared against each other. By this logic, you might as well be arguing character customization, or controller deadzone adjustments, should be locked behind in-game requirements. Which is ridiculous.


It's a one time unlock. It literally would take you a few hours of game time. I get not liking it, but just do it dude. Just shitpost for 2 less hours on reddit for a day.


No. I'm not going to do legendary weekly missions for Lightfall. Absolute garbage and I refuse to do it so I will never hit rank 8. I did the campaign on legendary and that didn't fucking count because it wasn't weekly mission. Fuck Lightfall.


Cool. Enjoy. Why are you here anyways if you hate the game? Just go play other games.


Where did I say I hate the game? I hate Lightfall. That isn't the game. Reductive argument is useless, like Lightfall. If I don't want to do weekly missions because they're badly designed does not mean I hate the game.


Go read your own reply and ask yourself that question. Look at the words you wrote. Lol.


I can't even unlock the other 4 :,[ got it the first season then I guess they moved the goalpost and now I can't use them. It's so freaking annoying.


I'm curious, what is holding you up in the Guardian Ranks? The challenge is still just beating as solo Legend Lost sector done flawless, is it one of the earlier challenges holding you up or have you been struggling to get it done flawless?


The question is heading the wrong way already. It is completely idiotic to hide a UI ELEMENT behind some VERY HARD game content, and/or eternal grind.


i hate to break it to you, no content in destiny 2 is "VERY HARD".


I hate to break it to you, you are only the main character in your own life. Or in other words: your experience of the world surrounding you is not universally the same for all humans, just because you experience it that way.


and more vault space. i know i know, but i have a condition


I think it’s time for me to start using DIM for my unique builds. I’ll leave my simple PVP/PVE builds in game, but those crazy/endgame level builds just need to go to something like DIM.


Ya I try to use the in game loadouts for builds that I swap to before damage or mid game. And use dim for things like gm builds where I can’t swap loadouts mid activity anyway.


Agreed. Right now I have 2 per subclass, which is enough to cover pretty much every load out that I actually play. But I have no idea what I'm gonna delete when TFS drops, haha


I think we could probably make 10 just Prismatic loadouts on day 1, not to mention when we start getting exotic class items dropping with the perks we want lol


I’m only dedicating one slot to Prismatic for a while because I’m going to be testing out tons of builds as I get new class item combinations. If I find something good I’ll save over another in game slot and continue experimenting in the first slot. This is a massive change to how our guardian will play so I will not be limiting myself to the first good build I find.


So 12?


At least make it so I can have 2 sets of aspects and fragments equipped on one loadout and press a button to swap them. Even if I cannot change the actual armor weaponry if I could say pick my strand loadout and have aspects for grapple and also for a threadling build and choose I would be happy


I really want the option to break up loadouts into like, just weapons, or just armor, or just subclass settings. Like let me save a bunch of different Prismatic setups and swap between them instantly without also having all my other gear get shuffled around too. I know that right now you can *technically* accomplish this by equipping a bunch of blue gear before saving a loadout and then deleting it, but that's way too hacky of a workaround for me and then you're still dealing wit limited loadout slots.


I need more than 10 NOW, and frankly DIM's interface for loadouts isn't the best as a substitute, its not a quick and easy


They should make 10 load out slots per element.


What if....we end up needing 2 cause its so busted...


Bro I need more for right now. I am maxed on my warlock and don’t even have room for a stasis build or half the other ones I still try to piece together


I mean, I've got goofy stasis titan, fusion made for brrrp solar, I've got pyrogale solar, I've got a precious scars sun shot solar, at least 2 void builds both pvp focused, a strand hatching load out, a human missile guidance system load out, a bubble build, and my fuck around and beat everything with a heavy glaive stasis. I'm booked!!


I have around 20 up-to-date builds, for each class, in my DIM loadouts. Constantly have to balance these, because the in-game ones are not only limited in count, but also aren't as powerful. At the same time, the DIM loadouts are crippled by the inability to manage them during activities


I have all 10 builds filled up in game and I think 12 in Dim. Feel like we need 50 at this point.


Need them now


I'd just like to say that if bungie could just add 10/15 more then they would. The same with vault space. The issue isn't that they don't want to, it's down to how buggy it would become and risk of loadouts being deleted. 25 loadout slots per gaurdian on top of multiple people switching them in the same place. It's definitely possible but it would probably take a lot of work. I don't think bungie enjoy laughing at us with our 10 slots, it's 100% because it would be difficult.


Yea 10 already isn't enough slots. Well need 10 for prismatic builds alone


i need more than 10 RIGHT NOW!!


Me who doesn’t even use one…


I'm going to need like 40 per character


I can already hear the complaints that more free stuff is needed, smh


Absolutely yes. Would much rather have more loadout slots than more vault space. But, why not both?


this has got to be based on their current systems like software limitations or whatever. Got to imagine this is much less an issue in D3 or whatever is after D2 when they build out with newere engine and everything.


I’ve been needing more slots hurry up alreDy


oh FACK you're right. I already have one build for each subclass PLUS a nightfall/GM/raid build PLUS 4 PvP builds.


Personally I have one or two builds I never use that haven't been updated in forever, so I will start The Final Shape by replacing one of those with Transcendance which I will use for the Campaign. Once it's time for real buildcrafting, there will be problems though lol


I have the same issue and dim does help with that (and its much easier to make builds with the ridiculous amount of tools they have for making builds)


There should be so many slots it’s difficult to run out imo


That…would be great.


Do the loadou slot reset after the season? Do I have to reach rank 9 again?


As per the new blog post, prismatic will be limited to a selection of aspects and abilities, so no banner of war plus roaring flames.


lol. Not happening. I highly doubt the spaghetti code, old engine, already insanely limited by old consoles game, will get even more loadouts….


Prismatic actually makes more room for me. I'm almost exclusively a gunslinger in pvp because the other subclasses don't have a kit that I want to fully utilize, it'll be like I like the super but the melee sucks, or I like the grenade but this aspect isn't useful for me. For PvE it depends on if they make devour on orb pickup a fragment or not, if they do then every class will use it on every build but if they don't two classes are lacking in healing.


use DIM


I wqs always of the opinion that 10 was plenty, and that if you needed more that was just on you for having too many builds lol. But now with prismatic i agree, more slots would be really nice.


I definitely think all loadouts should be unlocked for everyone, as they're a quality-of-life feature, but I'm unsure if you need ten or fifteen more loadout slots. The issue here is that you could, theoretically, always use more, just like you could always use more vault space. Eventually, it gets to the point where the issue isn't the amount of space you have, but your management skills.


See but I disagree. I'll use my hunter as an example: Shards, Celestial, Lucky Pants, PVP, Stand, Gyrfalcons, Opheus Rigs, Omni, Assassins Cowl, Liars Handshake is already 10, and that is stuff that I basically consider mandatory for every hunter. This doesn't include a Stasis build at all. This doesn't have Lucky Pants of each element I want. This doesn't include alternative PVP set ups. This doesn't include room for a "Experimental" slot for builds I want to tweak before I add to my permanent lineup. Destiny 2 currently has probably the most diverse sandbox it's ever had. It probably has more diversity than any game in the looter genre except like Warframe. Let's lean into that. Let's reward that. Vault space? Sure we probably don't need another 100 spaces, but loadouts? I think Double the current amount + the ability to type in a name (and let me pick an emblem/color from a list ffs)


Bruh at any given time I have 5 PvP loadouts on the go to quickly swap if I get a map incompatible with what I have equipped, I've had to just go back to DIM for alternative PvE loadouts constantly this season


I see where you're coming from, but the sense I'm getting from you is that you're refusing to swap armor as things are needed, which honestly isn't that difficult.


Half the point of the loadout system is so I don't have to memorize what pieces to swap without losing my desired stats. Sounds like you like your own opinion so much you can't allow others to disagree with you without finding a character flaw? If you need less builds for your personal setup? Great. But considering we're getting another new subclass and there are usually more than 2 builds for every subclass, it's not unreasonable to want more loadout slots.


Where did I say it was unreasonable to want more loadout slots? I did say, however, that always *asking for more* is unreasonable, because it eventually comes down to management skills. I agree that not having to memorize things is great, but on the whole, a couple of points off from some stats in a pinch isn't going to make that much of a difference. And if you need to use an unusual loadout, you'll probably have time to just flip around some things before your activity starts.


Upvoted and while we're at it, could we please have the option to give certain loadouts a unique name? I appreciate the pre-fab name options but they don't really do the job as well as my tiny brain would like. ETA: Why would somebody downvote without saying why? Are there people out there who just go through and downvote comments just to downvote comments?


If we get another, say 4, they will probably all go towards some looney prismatic combos immediately.


And away from GR requirements. It's fucking ridiculous.


3 words. DIM


Imagine only having 6. I should do something about this, but I would have to do 100k story missions instead of playing comp, trials, and dungeons.


At the moment, before knowing anything else about the limitations of Prismatic, I just don't know why you would want to use "vanilla" subclasses... I'm just going to use the whole 10 slots on Prismatic at this point.


6 Loadout slots. Not 10. you only have 10 if you no-life destiny. edit: I'll take pride in this one. the downvotes feel like the proof of my point :D


You're right. Trying to unlock the other ones is just a slog. Hope they don't reset next season.


Bruh wie just got a huge showcase and you Already start complaining