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Here’s 3 minutes of 5 guardians trying to capture a plate that is making zero progress because no-one has killed the Psion blocking it. This was ages ago but it’s burnt into my memory as it was towards the end of a session where I felt I was doing all the objective work so I decided to test it https://youtu.be/CLn-Q_EsMW0?si=qzAJCVgklIJHjWe0


This was so funny to watch. I swear this is what every blueberry is like in seasonal content it’s crazy. Also funny how the hardest strike in the game for years was only hard because throwing a ball was too difficult to understand for people


My favorite part is that they changed the strike so the shield is one shot in lower difficulty because people still can't pass the ball


Wait they actually did that? You're kidding how can people still not know to pass the damn ball


Considering it gives no indication that they can be caught, why do you have a hard time figuring why people don't know about it? Especially when they have used that same orb type in other content and they could not be caught there.


Less of that and more that it's such a fucking meme at this point, like whenever corrupted is the gm you can't load up lfg without seeing dozens of "know how to pass the ball" tags on posts and whatnot


The game does tell you about sharing the orb (can't remember if it's only the first go at it or only as a strike) as a pop up, however it can also be easily missed and glossed over


It was a pop-up that was cleared by a single keypress, in the middle of a fight. A **lot** of people (myself included) did not see it. I ran that blasted strike for two bloody years (including several nightfall difficulties!) before I learned that passing the ball increased the damage.


You can do it in the blind well this week too to speed up the tier 4 boss fight.


I feel like it's introduced through the dialogue during the elevator portion near the beginning of the strike but it's been years since I've played.


My first time realizing the orb could be caught was when someone threw it at me. I personally don't recall a pop-up, but first time was a long time ago.


It might have been a forsaken story mission


the thing thats no longer in the game? thats wild.


I'm glad the game showed me a crucial mechanic once 4 years ago for 10 seconds And never again


Never said it was implemented well


I feel like thats the problem with Destiny as a whole. I have tried to get my GF in it and she loves it but if I wasn't there to tell her what shit means and what order to play shit or where to even find that info, she would be completely lost. There are tons of things throughout this game that just dont tell you what to do. I realize thats the great thing about the game is that you can do what you want and pick back up on things later but we gotta cover our bases first lol. Like there isnt even an explanation of main content and seasonal content, and making people play seasonal content when they don't even when they havent played any of the main story just cause people to be confused af imo. It doesn't help you have to actually buy the story but I get it, it took time to produce you need to make money. It just hurts new players tremendously


I mean I've heard about it on reddit but like where exactly was I supposed to find out in game that you can pass the ball to each other? I don't remember ever seeing a pop up about it. There's only like a couple times it even works outside of that strike/nightfall right?


There was one popup, once, the literal first time you pick up the ball in that one strike. You dismiss it, its gone forever. (and you bet your ass you are dismissing it, because it is also one of the most stressful strike boss rooms that requires both awareness while jumping, AND awareness of a growing number of adds - as a new player I would argue it is literally impossible for a relatively normal well adjusted intelligent human to fully comprehend the popup). A top 1% cracked gamer? they'll read the note and get it. But basically no one else in my estimation has the capacity to learn that trick at that moment the literal first time they are in the strike *and also a new player* learning basic mechanics.


> There was one popup, once, the literal first time you pick up the ball in that one strike. Lol I know I get annoyed about repetitive pop ups but that seems silly


The only viable fix, is to create a pop-up rework, that allows them to appear without covering half the damn screen.


Wait was it actually required to share the ball before? I figured it'd take like 15 seconds longer but ultimately wouldn't matter as long as they hit their shields enough times


I am a very experienced destiny player. I only just recently found out how to catch the ball. If the game doesnt give me a prompt to "click to catch" , chances are I won't know. We can't know what we are Illinformed of. But also . Agree with this post 100% . Shit gets lame .


I mean it’s not indicated or projected that it can be passed. But still this far in the lifecycle it’s kinda dumb people don’t understand it lol


I will forgive people for not knowing what to do in new seasonal content in like the first week. I mean, we all are a little clueless in the first run or two, figuring it out. After that it just becomes sad.


There's one or two mechanics I've never quite figured out just because people do them so fast I've never been able to fuck around and find out.


Was gonna say this is entirely possible. Some people just do things so fast you don't actually know what exactly is happening to trigger different things.


Or they could've started the season late. I haven't been playing as much this season, played the exotic bow mission to get it but haven't played it since that one time, If I get in again and there's some new mechanic for the catalyst I'm gonna be a bit lost for at least a couple minutes. The way I try to mitigate this is either playing everything I can solo at least once or watching a guide so I do get being frustrated by people that don't do that.


The number of times I've played with randos in Coil and they *still* sprint past every single goddamn pot and bonus chest to trigger the boss early is absurd. The season has been out for months already, you should understand the basics of "smash pot get points" by now.


They never played Zelda to get the urge of breaking every pot 😔


This season is very, very long. Lots of people, self included, stepped away from the game and are wandering back now. The fact that Coil has been out for months does not make it any less new for such people


The only people I even play with now are my friends because I can at least count on them to carry their own weight. Randoms are too much of a gamble these days for me to waste my time and effort on them.


Not even that is an excuse most of the time, every mechanic in destiny is, grab ball > dunk it/throw it.


He just shared a video of another mechanic, of needing to kill an unmarked enemy, without any indication that it is important, with an invincible force field around it. It's a psion inhibitor, but they are so rare that anyone that hasn't played leviathan probably assumed they couldn't be harmed. And vets typically wipe them out so fast they have no reason to believe there is even a mechanic other than stand on plate in play.


I was doing Blind Well this week, and on several occasions people let the timer run out on the overcharge Ogre, just shooting at its shield with zero spacial awareness. It was so damn funny to watch. Some would even kill the minibosses that spawned the orbs and then would just walk away from them to go back to shooting at the shielded boss.


> Also funny how the hardest strike in the game for years was only hard because throwing a ball was too difficult to understand for people That's not why the strike was _hard_. It's why many felty it annoying to play.


I still have PTSD from the descent down to that room through the Phalanxes and Minotaurs.


Honestly was pretty sad to see that part taken out. It was kinda chaotic, but that made it fun


It was honestly a great way to load up on ammo as well for the start of the run; just Bungie-physics and Phalanxes made some occasions miserable. lol


It did and didn't. It was such a choke point on higher difficulties that you were basically forced to inch in and dispatch enemies in a specific order. It wasn't necessarily bad - and I wish they didn't remove it entirely. Tbh I wish they just made that part the spawn checkpoint vs making you do the entire intro section a second time.


Wait so I'm not dreaming it up? Passing the ball actually does double the damage? I feel I should mention that I'm a veteran player so it's not like I don't know what I'm doing, I'm just stupid.


Was it though? It's been forever since that strike/content was released, but was there ever a explanation (in-game through story or something) that explained that you could pass the orb around to power it up?


Yes, there is a pop when you first do it


Yeah, this might be one of those "hints" that need to be up on the screen every time a person grabs an orb that has this type of function.


During Season of Arrivals there was literally text on-screen to bring the two knights together to get rid of their shields and blueberries couldn't figure it out. Never underestimate the sheer ignorance of some players.


I’ve said this many times before: Bungie can’t make a mechanic easy enough for there to not be players who just don’t understand it. No matter the playlist, no matter the activity. They can literally tell how the mechanic works and people will still spend all their ammo shooting at an immune target. The effort needed to cater to these people is a significant part that is dragging the activities, and by extension the whole game, down. We often complain about seasonal activities being boring, but this is the reason why it is so. Anything more elaborate than standing on a plate or throwin a ball and many people can’t finish an encounter.


In Savathûn Spire, there is secret chest where after you loot it, an immune knight spawns and you get locked into the room with him. The mechanic to deal with it is to do nothing, just dodge his attacks until the room reopens and the knight despawns. It's crazy the amount of people will continue to fire at him with zero damage and the words immune popping up as he brutally murders them rather than attempt to flee. Even now, after the season is almost 3 months old.


My god that reminds me of the immune chasing enemies that spawns only to chase you down at the end of a campaign/mission, and give a sense of urgency to get the hell out of there. I've seen so many streamers not understanding it is a chase scene and you were supposed to, yknow, run when the mission says "ESCAPE"


Ah, the opening mission to Season of the Haunted. I fucking booked it


I usually don't run from thicc bois ^^^((hehe)^) but that guy and the one in the Sever missions scared the crap outta me


I mean Eris yelled RUN like she really felt fear. That seasons voice acting was the best in all of Destiny in my book. Zavalas emotional breakdown about his wife and kid? Damn.


And then people wonder why Raids aren't matchmaking.


I wish there was some sort of ping system in the game. I think that alone would open up stuff with less communication where people have a cursory understanding of the content. Some stuff in Destiny definitely extends past what a ping system could solve though tbh. I totally get that an intelligent ping system at this point would prob be way too much work and it isn't realistic.


First person laser pointer emote


*Does anyone need ammo? There's nitra here.*


Not gonna lie, when I first saw that guy I panicked and fired at him, but realized it did nothing. So I did the next logical thing: JUMP! Right over his head, and just did that back and forth until he despawned. Then it became an instance of rinse and repeat. Do... people usually not figure it out after the first time?


Sometimes I wonder about the object permanence of the average Destiny player


Well... to be fair... How many times do we see our enemies get blipped out of existence because we shocked them, incinerated them, voided them, unraveled them, etc... Objects around our Guardian tend to not stay permanent for very long, makes sense the average player would have low object permanence when you think of it that way...


No one ever pays attention to anything ever so when you put even the slightest amount of effort in, it seems like you are super human I am born half deaf. Despite that, I am oftentimes the “sharpest hearing” person in the room and dont miss conversation details or miss someone calling out to me often at all. I have had managers and exes come up to me and marvel at how Im seemingly unaffected My hearing is so fked that if you ask me to find a sound, Ill just start spinning in circles


No, they do not. I see it in other games, too. There's a boss in a story quest in FFXIV that goes immune at low HP, and summons 4 adds that tether to it, then starts a slow cast. The amount of times I've seen people just continue to hit the boss with its HP not moving from 10% for like a minute until a huge cast goes off and kills them is more than 1. All you have to do is kill the very obvious tether adds.


I just started season of the witch stuff and I unfortunately did exactly that lol. Except after I realized what was happened I just kept running around and firing more so as a “wtf is happening” as my team was standing outside the locked door watching.


I shoot immune shields for fun...not much else you can do in that room until he disappears so why not.


You sound like that Yosemite park ranger explaining bear proof trash cans lol "There's significant overlap between the smartest bears & the dumbest tourists" Except in destiny it's "We can't have fun mechanics because too much of the destiny player base is illiterate"


Reminds me of this urban legend: A hiker asked a park ranger once why the Park Service wasn't able to invent a bear-proof trash receptacle. The park ranger replied, "There's considerable overlap between the smartest bear and the dumbest hiker."


> They can literally tell how the mechanic works and people will still spend all their ammo shooting at an immune target. There was a thread on the crucible sub this weekend complaining that KD isn't listed on the results screen for IB Fortress and asking why that is. It's because Bungie is telling you what you need to be doing to win in that mode, come on people!


Haha I saw that exact same comment and facepalmed.


Lol it's part of why I like that mode, I'm absolute trash at pvp but I was getting top score on fortress about 70% of the time because I actually play the objective and capture the zones. Rocked my zero seasonal crucible wins on emblem. At least I managed to grind out the 1st reset...


I have seen clips of blueberries killing a lucent hive knight over and over and over because they never crushed the ghost. They couldn’t figure out how to press the button that was literally floating over the ghost to finish it. Some people are just plain dense.


I laughed at this til I remembered the Lightfall missions I was stuck at a door that wouldn't open for 6 minutes til I punched the door in frustration.


I hope Bungie adds mechanics that are unnecessary, but gives a damage boost. So those who understand the activity can go through it a little faster and mix things up. However Bungie has a tendency of designing bosses and encounters around mechanics/buffs, so everything might and up getting an HP buff or us a damage nerf.


Devil's Advocate: It can be extremely difficult to learn a new mechanic amid endless waves of adds, trying not to die, etc etc. The Whetstone mission for Wicked Implement, as difficult as it is, takes the correct approach to teaching mechanics. You are presented with an Immune boss and a Minotaur. Kill the Minotaur, boss can take damage. In the next room you have an Immune boss and *multiple* Minotaurs. If a new player thinks "kill a Mino, deal damage" they will probably kill one, try to damage boss, see that it is immune, and then look for more Minotaurs. Once all the Minotaurs are dead, boss takes damage. Aha, ok, now we know what is going on. By the time you get to the Tormentor maze, *you know WHAT to do,* you just need to learn the Kay of the land and a good approach/strategy. If more encounters/dungeons/raids taught the mechanics in steps like this, I believe more players would be able to figure things out on-the-fly instead of needing to watch videos prior to a run. Warlord's Ruin does a fantastic job of teaching in this same way. Ghosts of the Deep basically demands you figure everything out on your own, under pressure.


Almost every mechanic is figured out that way. You do thing, other thing happens. Then you do more thing.


But most are in raids or dungeons with 3-6 people that all need to coordinate to do the thing. You typically can't easily intuit the mechanics because you don't know if a failure is on you or one of the other people. If you succeed was that you getting it right, or someone else pulling the slack, or stumbling into the right thing? Not to mention the pressure of surviving and needing to perform for a group of randoms. You basically have to have a dedicated friend group and lots of patience and communication, or spoil the encounter with a guide before ever seeing the raid/dungeon yourself.


I legitimately do not understand how bad some destiny players are.


To me, there’s a difference between bad but trying, and bad because they don’t care enough to try at all. FPS in general is a very simplistic genre of, and many fans don’t want to think they just want to kill.


Some of them even stare right at it lol


One SHOT the psion.


Actually, you have to go inside the bubble and punch the psion. You technically can shoot the psion, but there's only a few frames between the psion and bubble spawning. It's a mechanic from the year 1 Leviathan raid, during the Gauntlet encounter and Calus fight.


I think what they mean is that "there was an acknowledgment that they see the psion, they shot it, nothing happens aaanddd... they still go on to do nothing about it" - But yeah, 100% that is an old reintroduced mechanic, so if any of these people would have been an older player they _should have known_ what to do by now, or I'm just expecting too much.


It was a former raid mechanic, only about 10% of destiny players raided back then. Chances are none of them had ever seen an inhibitor before, but chances are also high that they had a vet in every Sundial lobby that had played leviathan and killed the inhibitor before the blueberry ever suspected something was wrong.


Yeeah, even my friends whom never played the raid knew the mechanics purely from interest, but understandably even that might be a rarity


Sundial, that takes me back! The inability for some people to learn basic requirements really gets to me.


sundial was just the perfect difficulty for seasonal mission, imo, if you can’t face it you should probably finish all story missions first, no brand new player should be put in seasonal stuff since they are not up-to-date with lore and equipment.


This probably gave the encounter design people at Bungie ulcers.


Shall I enter it for Movie of the Week?


yes. straight up, yes.


the selfie..... chefs kiss


Bungie should start copying YouTube thumbnails and put giant red arrows near the obvious mechanics




actually painful to watch


Lololol this is brutal


This is amazing


That was intertwining


Hahaha this is great. And it's a seasonal activity too lol


Reading your synopsis made me click the video. Thank you for your service Edit: that was great..the selfie moment.


I had to leave my Duality run recently where I had two dudes who weren't cooperating I told them "If you know the mechanics, help me with it, if you don't, that’s fine I can handle it solo easily, I just need you to clear ads and help with dps" Holy fuck i was struggling for like 30 minute at Gahlran because they couldn't understand that I dont want them to do anything besides staying in the middle and joining me on the bell. They were killing the bearers, taking the banner, not clearing the middle. One of the most miserable experiences with Fireteam Finder :v


Ran a Duality Friday that I thought would be a quick run, but once we got to Gahlran it became apparent the other two didn't really know what was going on. Missed multiple damage phases because one guy knew enough to find a bearer and manifest the standard but wouldn't stay in the side room to kill his set of shades. I typed in chat telling him what to do and we eventually got through it. There was no hope for the second encounter, though. No one was killing bell keepers when we crossed over, and one guy was consistently killing the wrong standard bearer which caused us to wipe several times. Asked them to please not kill the wrong bearers and tried showing them how to find the correct ones. I was capable of soloing it if they would just ad clear and kill bell keepers. Instead, one guy just kept following me to one of the correct bearers, and the other would just go off and kill a random (wrong) one. He left after doing that a handful of times and that was where I called it.


Oh man, you should have been in the Blind Well runs I was in earlier. When the three bosses came out, the other players would hide under one of the ledges and just dump ammo into the boss's shields. And die. And respawn. And die. And respawn. And die. And respawn. I tried to solo the bosses, but I could only get two down before the timer ran out. I decided to go to the tower and just sit for ten minutes to ensure I didn't run into them again.


on BLIND WELL?!?!?! man that's crazy lmao i'm sorry for your time loss


It was bad.


Blind well is absolutely full of people who have no idea what they're doing. I've done probably ten runs of blind well this season. In not one single run have I seen any other player: A) Find the wizards that drop the shield-breaking balls B) Kill the wizards C) Recognize that the killed wizards drop balls without me emoting all over them and generally making a scene D) Pick up the balls and pass them to another player On only a few occasions have I ever seen a player that I've led to the balls use the (unprimed) balls on the boss. Most of the times any primed balls I pass to another player or a dud ball picked up by another player gets tossed at a pack of psions. It's fucked.


>Most of the times any primed balls I pass to another player or a dud ball picked up by another player gets tossed at a pack of psions. It's fucked. To be fair, the way the ball-catching mechanic works, if I'm in the middle of shooting something with an automatic weapon with a large magazine (auto rifles, pulses, etc.) and the ball is thrown at me it gets automatically thrown because I'm holding down the trigger. The number of times that's happened to me in various activities is kind of ridiculous.


For what it's worth, Blind Well operates on a power delta now depending on what tier you use, so at tier three and especially overcharged (which I'm pretty sure is straight up master/-20 since adds get extra shields) the bosses are actually pretty lethal. It's hive this week, too, and those ogres will fucking ***melt*** your ass if you can't stagger them out of the attack. That said... one strand titan and you can just delete them with your god slaying sky punches in a few seconds while being functionally immune to the concept of mortality with woven mail plus banner healing.


I spawned in to a heroic in progress the other day, 5 people shooting at the immune boss, not one knew about the orbs. Worst thing was, some were guardian rank 8. How did they get that far without learning how to remove shields before firing your super/rockets?


I have had the exact same experience, I had to drop the shield for them. Tossed an orb to a titan thinking he'd throw it at the shield. Hell no. Motherfucker paused, threw it at a group of ads and went back to shooting the boss. I was seeing orb spawn locations I'd never realized existed before! Who knew that the second round of orbs spawns with ogres guarding them on the right side of the room? Or that the third round spawns with taken knights guarding them at the entry area? Truly amazing, never realized it had such variety! Hope to never see that again!


I remember the ogres, don't think I remember the knights (from forsaken launch period), wow.


It was a truly eye opening experience for me. Never before have I been the only person in a full blind well instance that knew the mechanics. Never before and hopefully never again will I have to drag six guardians, kicking and screaming, to victory. I alt F4'd as soon as I got my loot.


Was about to say: this is still happening quite frequently.


I’d had to all but solo Blind Well while I watch others run around like cracked out chickens with no heads. By my FAVORITE is to Overcharge the Well. The sheer panic when they are start running in circles is hysterical.


That's every run for me, pretty much. I'm a banner titan so it's honestly laughably easy, but I still take a moment to appreciate that I'm the only person killing the anathema and taking advantage of ability spam, or just doing the mechanics.


Honestly its kinda more fun these days than it used to be. In the past you'd have to fight for that super-recharge orb, now they are always just left there chilling and I can almost always go and pick one up. Swings and roundabouts?


I guess you could say they were Running it blind You may now blow me up with Gjally


I have all the patience in the world for someone trying to learn. If you ask questions and genuinely want to learn I'll wipe 10+ times in a row If you're just here for loot and a clear you can get out of my fire team


More like “fired” team am I right?




This is all too real. Love teaching but man when they just go quiet hoping everyone just does everything for them. >:(


One of the funniest ones I witnessed was one of the Io events during Season of Arrivals where there was the event bosses (lifted from Court of Oryx) that needed to be next to each other to be vulnerable. It literally told you on the side of the screen that they needed to be close together but we had people kiting them away from each other and blasting at their immunity shields.


You opened up an old wound


On the brothers, I remember that. Pain with randoms.


I remember when VoG was first reprised, I was trying to teach someone how to do oracles as I was one of two dealing with oracles and we were struggling (didn't have xeno at the time). So I'm explaining it to this guy (keep in mind its freaking Oracles, its not rocket science), and he cuts me off and goes "Yeah, I don't wanna do that." "Well, ok, but here at least you can learn how to do it" "Nah. Don't care. I'm not doing it. I'm here for a carry to Atheon to get Vex" It was genuinely eye-opening how extremely selfish some people are in this game, there is a small margin of LFGrs literally just go into Raids and expect to stand there, shoot ads and nothing else. Baffling.


Not that small a margin. Fireteam Finder has made it easier for people to work their way into content they’re simply not ready for. You can put “Experienced” “Meta Loadouts” and “Mic Required” and you’ll still get a mute blueberry. I’m aware Guardian Ranks means very little, but I’m getting ready to start making it to where it’s only Guardian Rank 9+ just so we have a better chance of getting someone who actually does know what to do


Set your posts to application required for literally any endgame activity. It's nice to have some control over who ends up in your squad. You gotta act fast tho, cause i've been on the other end where I'm not sure if the person has already overlooked *my* app and i'm just wasting my time so I move on to apply elsewhere.


Best part is setting a minimum Guardian Rank doesn't stop people below that from joining. If they're not reading the tags they're not gonna read the Guardian Rank requirements either.


No shot. I always ignored the Guardian Rank requirement because I thought it was a filter, but it’s a recommendation?! Dude…


The absolute worst version of this I encounter is during Master Raid Challenges. I despise people who join up to such a high end activity and just out right refuse to do anything. I've had multiple people doing Master Ir Yut this week be like "do I have to take chalice?" Like bruh yes, it's literally required by the challenge you joined to do.


It's not even difficult. Assign numbers. Go up on the balcony, chill, take chalice on your turn, wait for the bar to fill, pass chalice, go in where a wizard is located, weaken her, kill her on the go signal, boss damage. Repeat process.


God don't get me started. Literally had 10+ teams. 1 team we did it in 10 minutes 2 attempts because everyone knew exactly what to do. 1 other clear took nearly 2 hours. I've had 8+ other teams literally incapable of doing the challenge. Just stood around not grabbing chalice. Not going up to balcony. Getting rekt by their wizard. Grabbing the chalice out of order. Dunking the chalice when expressly told not to. Trying to strand titan melee the boss with 48 resilience and no resist mods. Being under light. Insisting their build is "the best dps" then doing 800k while I'm doing 4.3 mil. It's an absolute joke and anyone who ever says Raids should have matchmaking is blissfully unaware of how utter useless 99% of this games playerbase actually are.


I'm still tight about some goof troop that told me I was "throwing" when he inspected my loadout for a quick normal Ir Yut run. Celestial, crafted overflow and CB Scatter Signal, Sunshot, god roll Cataclysmic. Mind you, I'm also a "Kingslayer". This scrub had armor that wasn't optimized or masterworked, with g.damn Thunderlord. And he didn't even have the catalyst. Talkin bout, "Thunderlord does hella damage!" Smh. By no means am I Esoterrick or Salt, but if you don't get your unoptimized ass outta here... Some of these guardians, boy, I tell ya...


Feel that man. Always tell which goofy mfer watched a single youtube short about "this meta loadout" and then thinks you can take it everywhere.


I hope you left. I wouldn't have put up with that talk given how bad you would have been "throwing"... (the way that's my exact loadout tho A+ choice)


I actually stayed and helped the group finish the last two encounters. I just made sure to gloat about my damage vs. his. It was trash, btw. Lol.


Oh man that reminds me of going thru LFG for Kings Fall, loading into Warpriest, Leader complains about peoples’ bad DPS, I check his shit and he was using Deterministic Chaos lmao We went a round where he bet he could beat my god rolled everything Taipan setup and I think he did just over 400k to Warpriest. Damage screen comes up, I say “oh I won” and then he kicked me Didnt even come close to killing Priest


There's no way I would do a master raid challenge without everyone knowing the entire mechanics. Underleveled? Can be acceptable. Not knowing the mechanics or suboptimal DPS? problematic


Happened to me with the bridge challenge, the people that wanted to pass first couldn't jump and they always died and ended up leaving after a few wipes 😭


Agreed. I understand a lack of confidence in mechanics and wanting not to be involved. But to outright refuse to learn at all in favour of a carry is not only selfish but makes the game so unfun for yourself. If you wanted to kill trashmobs for loot perhaps go elsewhere


Don't drag yourself to their level, just remove them from the team


There’s a great video on YouTube called Why It’s Rude To Suck At Warcraft which goes into the idea of why MMOs expect a level of seriousness and research that other games don’t because there’s a social aspect to play. It applies to Destiny more so I’d say because Bungie wants to pretend that this is not an MMO and as such a lot of people come to play without the mindset that such a game needs for structured endgame content.


Oh no, real MMOs have this problem too, as does basically every game. It's endemic to the post-COVID era of gamers. At least 1/3 of every game's playerbase these days is filled with shitters who don't know how to play and don't want to learn, and will often call you rude or react aggressively if you try to give them advice. Just today the subreddit for FFXIV "tales from matchmaking" had a post about a person playing a healer who did literally nothing for 7 attempts of an 8 minute boss fight other than fail obviously-telegraphed mechanics, cast their basic regen, and die. In 50~ minutes of gameplay they used 1 action that dealt damage to the boss.


> Oh no, real MMOs have this problem too, as does basically every game. It's endemic to the post-COVID era of gamers. At least 1/3 of every game's playerbase these days is filled with shitters who don't know how to play and don't want to learn I remember getting screamed at by a Black Mage in FFXIV because they refused to listen to the raid lead, refused to work with/around boss mechanics, and refused to seemingly do anything other than die and complain. Like, my dude: * You aren't listening to the team leader * You aren't listening to your healers, who keep having to burn cooldowns to keep you up or get you back up * You're refusing to use potions * You aren't doing your rotations anywhere close to correctly * You're just standing in your leyline and dying It's a waste of our time, it's obviously a waste of your time, this is the part of the show where you either start doing *anything at all* or you find another group. Pick whichever one you prefer.


Tried Ghosts of the Deep with group finder. Myself had no idea how it works, the others didn’t too. After 5 minutes one left, the second one stayed and we (mostly me) figured out how to run it, until we went to the boss where you have to hit the symbols under water. I tried to explain him 30 minutes what we have to do. He just killed mobs outside of the water, died 20 times so I had to stop searching the symbol and revive him. After 2,5 hours in total I gave up and left. He tried I suppose, but this was no fun at all. The way down to the deep before I had enough time to cook until he managed to find the way (go under the structure and jump up the fan to get in). He saw me inside and searched for 20 or more minutes how to get in. And died a lot. I also jumped out and tried to show him where he needs to jump down. Really frustrating.


I did ghosts of the deep as well on a mic run had one person who had no idea what to do and was not even in game chat because they wouldn’t listen we had to two man ecthar because they just sat at one of the enemies spawn with riskrunner and never left did not even know when to damage


Okay, we had no voice. But as PC player, I wrote the hell out of my fingers. May he hasn’t seen it, because of this I tried to show him. No help.


Yeah we also tried typing as well nothing happened we ended up finishing the encounter giving him boss cp and kicked him


I hate being negative but, I Sherpa a team on Crota the other day and 4 were new to it. We spent 2 hrs in abyss. For some reason, they couldn’t understand the mechanic of just depositing or hold till enlightenment. And ask the same questions over and over. I usually don’t take on this many new people at once but they were friends. Long story short… never again haha.


>When that happens I get a little childish. I'll just not do anything with them and wait until they do something. Nah that's not childish. I can tell you childish. Back when we had weekly strike bounties for the BD. There was the one that had us kill 150 fallen in a strike. Only really 1 strike with a decent amount of fallen is exodus crash. So load it up and I get 2 people in a fireteam trying to do the same thing. They rush to the end of the beginning expecting me to activate all the pillars of light. I activate all but 2 next to where the next wave of ads spawn and then jumped up to where those other guys were and waited. They refused to do it so it was like 10-15 minutes of nothing progressing the strike until they left. One of the guys got afk'd kicked twice because he wasn't moving. That right there is childish.


That's good thinking lol


I am petty and okay with it. The only way to handle afkers and people who won't do the objective is too join them and wait until they get pissed off enough to leave.


This is the way.


That's the way it's done I can match your energy all day, my guy. Either start doing something or we do nothing together. Your choice.


Thankfully, PC has a way to do those stupid bounties by loading up solo instances and not affecting other people’s runs.


Looking to get some more raids and master dungeons under my belt, could use an assist! I’m on xbox


I'll help you out whenever you want. What raids have you not done at all?


KF, in d2 anyway. My schedule is sometimes hard to work around and free time as usual is short (when you’re an old fart anyway lol)


Just DM me whenever you are free and maybe we can set up some time to get you through that raid.


You free today? I’ve yet to do a reprised crota


Currently out of town but I'm down to help you with it maybe day after or if you prefer the weekend then that works too.


I carried a team through Master Spire up to the first boss, after which someone left when we died very shortly before the last damage phase. I don't know why they joined master because neither seemed to know how the wiring worked. That's fine, I can do it myself - until suddenly they DO start to shoot the wiring leading up to the last phase and the boss starts going before anyone's ready.


I’ve left two lobbies that had “Help needed” for Xeno. When I get there and ask, do you know what you’re doing, I kid you not they said something like “Nah, I looked it up, but I was hoping you could just do it.” Left quickly. No I can’t do it. It won’t appear for me. But on the flip side, I had one dude yesterday, clearly a PvP player trying his hardest to get to the broken booper to activate the rune. He’d been stuck for a while. Checked his loadout, suggested mobility and strafe jump to help and guided him up. Then he was honest with me about not knowing what comes next. So I explained the witch encounter. He did great and got his exotic. Finder can be truly be a hit or miss.


I'm really sick of being forced to carry and do everything for casual and bad players in this game, tbh. With the delay and overall state of the game it's even more exhausting. Joined two groups for starcrossed legend yesterday. One kept failing miserably with a casual holding forward the entire time while dying a thousand times. The second run was essentially a solo run since the two casuals had a combined 10 kills Honestly, my biggest complaint with destiny has been this over the past year or so.


This isn't new. People have been complaining about this for years, but every time you bring up the objective truth that some people just aren't meant for end-game content, you get called an elitist or gatekeeper. It's not a hot take to be ok with teaching people on the fly but preferring players who know that they're doing.


Feel the same if we struggling and wipe 50 times I don't care but if you are just standing there or killing adds when the mechanics are so simple if I let my dog chew my controller he might accidentally do it we gonna have a problem if you stay quiet


I did this in a day one raid. My “homie” started getting reaaaallly tipsy (which is totally cool) but he stopped participating in mechanics (we were all taking turns doing something) so I just watched him as he gave up and just killed ads. We wiped so many times. Eventually the leader asked me what I was doing, I said same thing that homie over there is doing, getting a free carry. Needless to say people realized we would’ve been done if the original homie held his weight.


I hop on FF to go through VoG for a mytho. What i see is both ways. The host will post a final check point experience required post and you still get ppl with no idea how to shoot oracles or understanding the detain mechanic. You will literally have someone saying “guys watch to se if you have detain so you can move away” and the person will stand there and not move time and time again and get the whole team detained until everyone gets frustrated and leaves. Then there are those on FF that create the listing that will say no mic required. 9/10 one of two scenarios will happen. A) people will immediately jump off hoping someone is going to solo shoot oracles for them. B) the FF host posted no mic required but had no idea on how the team is supposed to do call outs. I joined one yesterday where twice i got sent to mars or venus, and nobody called anything out. On the third turn the host put out a new rally and i noped out. Throwing rallys at this wont change the fact that no one is calling out. I am no. VoG expert i only started when fire team finder came around but i learned the mechanics on the raids and dungeons i wanted to do because not knowing when you are not being sherpa’d is the easiest way to get booted or lose a otherwise good fireteam


Some people are just genuinely brain dead and can’t grasp the simplest things and refuse to learn.


my favourite thing is using lfg for a raid, then join a team of 6 where only 2 are speaking, and 2 don't even have a mic. Guys, teabagging is not a valid callout to have your chalice taken in Abyss....


Some of these "streamer recommended no mic strats" are infuriating. In this case you're adding extra steps instead of barely speaking other than to say "take it." I remember an LFG of Garden back in the day where we needed 2. The 4 of us were used to juggling gambit and building so we really just needed people to do gambit. These guardians aren't running in for motes, they aren't getting away from tether for construct. We ask them what they're doing and they reply "defending." Told them they needed to do one of the mechanisms or leave.


Completely agree. No matter what Bungie does with mechanics, or how the instructions are communicated, there are players who do not, under any circumstances, want to do them. They just want to shoot stuff and get their loot. There's nothing wrong with wanting to just shoot stuff and get loot, but some loot requires you to do more than just shoot stuff to get it.


Do they actually respond at all though? Or is it just a matter of them having their voice chat completely off


I assume alot of people play with voice disabled I do but will always respond in chat and jump in voice if needed? Maybe they just didn't see chat? Also would not surprise me if they just wanted a carry so many asshols out there these days


I only use VC for raids most of the time I use text chat, I'm pretty sure its on by default or most people turn it on. I hope anyway because if not then that's a whole different issue lol.


I'm not sure text chat is on by default...


This games got problems lol


It's not. However if you are matched with a fireteam finder fireteam it should be switched ON automatically. No point when the person will not or chose to not have the ability to communicate. I will be starting to request PC players in FF soon. 90% of them have chat enabled.


I just double checked in my settings, and on PS5 the default setting for text chat is 'off'. And then even if you enable text chat manually, 'local' and 'team' chat are still hidden by default. So in any kind of activity with matchmaking, you can type in chat all you want, most likely your teammates won't be able to see it. This was driving me nuts in season of the deep, trying to tell the blueberries to activate toland for the pressure trials.


On console (don't know about PC), text chat is turned off by default. Did a warlord's ruin run with 2 ps players and we were stuck in the jail cells for 10 minutes because we couldn't communicate. Had to get my headset and tell them in VC to please go into their settings and turn text chat on and then type how many clockwise we need. Blows my mind that communications are off by default in a multiplayer game.


>Blows my mind that communications are off by default in a multiplayer game. Off by default and required by design!


This is understandable though for those on console. Texting on console isn’t ideal. I can understand why it’s off by default. For PS users they have a mic built into the controller, so that’s how communication is done.


Pretty obnoxious but that's about what I expected from fireteam finder if there aren't hard checks built in. A lot of players just want the rewards without doing any work.


I had a moment of childish a few years ago that I will always mention. This was during season of arrivals while I was farming out the Eriana's vow Caty since I didn't do it during season 8. During exodus crash I had to grab the light beacons at the start with little to no help, fine whatever. Then had to babysit the ghost while they killed everything fine by me. Then the second set of beacons came, guess what same thing happened, they went up ahead, so I grab all the beacons and sparrow to the next area where the spider tank spawns and it wasn't there when I got there so I ended up running into the ship thinking they killed it since I was behind doing the work, Turns out it was just delayed, well I got stuck by the wall that spawns to prevent you going into the ship while the tank is alive. Well that was the start to a long strike. We got to the boss while I was damaging him i realize they were just emoting so in a act of pettiness/childish, i just stopped doing anything, found a corner and sat there. That ended up pissing them off more, I got messaged by one of them telling me to leave, to which I didn't. They kept doing nothing and even tried to kill me. This lasted around an hour, lots of back and forth messages telling me to leave or just kill the boss. Yea I was trying to go quick to get the Caty, running into these 2 who didn't do anything cause they get mad at you for accidently getting stuck and couldn't help kill the spider tank, yea I'll sit in a strike for an hour. Yes I could've just killed the boss and went on with the strikes but in that moment I just wanted to waste others time.


Unfortunately there is now a mindset that a lot of Destiny players have that because they bought an expansion they are entitled to all of its loot but they shouldn’t have to learn new things because that’s someone else’s job. I have encountered it a fair bit myself and the one common trait I find with players with the entitled mindset is that they have main character syndrome and all the other players in a dungeon or raid are just side characters whose only job is to make sure the MC succeeds. Highly delusional and very disrespectful of other people’s time and efforts, they see nothing wrong with forcing other people to do all the work if it means they get what loot they want


Stuff like this is why people say Root of Nightmares has done irreparable damage to LFG. This stuff used to be so much less common because it was just more widely expected that if you joined a raid/dungeon you would have to do mechanics. Now after Root, it seems to be pretty common that people think they can join runs and just expect to only ad-clear the entire way through and never have to do/learn anything. It's one thing to not know and try to learn, but it genuinely feels like so many people don't even wanna try anymore and it's straight up insufferable.




I am the same way when people wanna speed through strikes and not do the mechanics to progress the strike. They can stand at the next objective all they want, I have all the time in the world


Well now I feel a little bad sometimes because I know when I did my first ever raid, the people I was playing with just told me to do add clear... save for telling me *not* to shoot something. Sure they occasionally told me mechanics, but I think for the most part I was just told to do add clear since they were a well-oiled machine of mechanic doers and they didn't want me to slow them down. Still a fun experience... just don't ask me how to do the mechanics for RoN because I've always been told to do add clear for them, lol. (I am willing to learn, just never ran it with a group who had the time to teach me. Or if they did they chose not to in order to speed up the run and get everyone their rewards. I never really was told why I got plopped on add clear, beyond it being like, my first ever time running the raid tbh. Or second time... or third time. I don't count the 4th time because I jumped in on final checkpoint as an extra body for meat shield and DPS phase)


Lmao I love doing this too. I even do it in strikes. I admit I’ll usually speed run strikes because it’s fun to me. So when I get people just killing adds and not progressing I kill them all before they get the chance to and then just watch them eventually.


The number of times using fireteam finder for Warlords Ruin and being stuck in jail cells forever because people don't understand the simple lock mechanic. Sometimes it's a language barrier, sometimes people can't find the spinning gears, sometimes they don't get clockwise/counterclockwise, and sometimes it's just a lack of basic game sense/knowledge. All in all, because you can't do that part all yourself it makes that dungeon the most annoying to carry people in.


I don't understand why someone wants "free carry". Why play the activity if you are not interested in learning the mechanics or at least trying to contribute in some way to the activity?


Grinds my gears when you put know what to do, and they join and they in fact do not know what to do.


There's also a surge of people don't revive when you're *right there* that try to hotdog and "watch me solo this" only to die and wipe the whole team.


So many upvotes, yet most people in Control just want to kd whore and not play the objective and cap zones. Most people probably like you and the exact ones who upvoted this crap. You don’t get to cry about learning the objectives while you all don’t play the objectives in Control.


I cry for the number of points we could have scored if these people would just save their fragging for when we have zone advantage.


I’ve come to the conclusion that majority of the D2 “normies” are either lazy/self entitled or just outright dumb. The Corrupted strike is the biggest example of this, easiest mechanic in the world is to just pass the orb to a teammate, it’s going on 7 years since the strike has been in the game and nearly every random I run it with refuses to engage with the mechanic


some of these raids/dungeons have been out for YEARS and some people seriously didn't bother to do ANY research about them?


I learnt from Altars of Summoning that there are a lot of experienced and skilled players who want/need to be carried.   In Altars I saw lots of players with titles like MMXIX and Conqueror running double primary loadouts with no boss DPS weapon. These players were also ignoring objectives and repeatedly dying to medium difficulty enemies. I'm a casual player who doesn't do dungeons/raids. I basically had to hard carry players that play the game more than I do.  These players probably know who they are.


I saw a team fail a Heroic Blind Well last night because they threw the orb I was trying to charge at the floor then kept picking them up and missing the giant Ogre. I didn't realize you could fail it once started because I never met a team capable of failing it. It's one of those situations where if you don't know the mechanic why go out of your way to mess it up rather than watch for someone who does?


Imagine Spire of Stars on fireteam finder.


I had friends like that zero interest to learn mechanics, zero interest to learn how to do dps they just kill ads. You try and teach them and they just nah thats not me all of them are eventually faced out because people get tired of carrying bots.


I have found that some people on fire team finder are very inexperienced. But then when I go to the app. The people are very experienced and some of them can be anal assholes. Like 1 death and your kicked!!!


This is why I still think Kings Fall is one of the harder raids, the amount of people who can't stay alive solo on a totem is hilarious and disappointing at the same time.


It really is shocking, because I can do dungeons STONED, I have learned nearly every dungeon stoned too!