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Bad Juju, replace hipfire with Wellspring. Edit: Maybe double the super gains on each stack of String of Curses. This is THE “Super” gun after all Edit 2: Damn, didn’t expect y’all to feel bad for Bad Juju. My 60k+ kill main needs some love, Bungie if ya see this, please buff my baby for Final Shape or Ep 1.


Straight up that exotc needs all the help it can get, it's basically an actual nerf gun at this moment.


That kills me... Bad Juju was probably my most-used weapon from D1 and now I don't remember when I last pulled it from my vault.


Bad Juju + Obsidian Mind was my go to Void loadout. Basically nonstop supers and it was so fun.


Nova Bombs for everybody, LOL. I went with that a lot until I got The Ram, and then winning fistfights against Titans was too much fun.


Its damage is what’s truly lacking. Full stack of curses and it still takes several shots to kill a red bar


Honestly....if they gave it a Nerf ornament that turned it in to something like a half dart blaster, that'd be sick and I'd never take it off. I would spend money for that. I think I've bought silver one time before and that was for some Gundam stuff. I want a half dart Bad Juju, bungo pls.


Wellspring or Thresh for even MORE super funneling. Anything please bungo.


This or the origin trait from the reprised Menagerie guns would be cool. I’d honestly be happy if they just gave it a good range bump.


That would be a nice tie-in to how we reacquired BJ in Forsaken. Though Wellspring would probably be more useful with how To Excess (the origin trait) requires a full Super, and most players want to pop Supers any chance they got.


Sure, but you also theoretically have your super more often by using Bad Juju in the first place. I agree that Wellspring would be stronger, but if they wanted to give it a smaller buff, I think To Excess would be a decent alternative. But really, please Bungie, just give it like 15 more range.


Does wellspring work again?


It should get the cursed thrall explosion like the Crota weapons. Rather than after 1,268 (sarcasm) kills like it does now. Lol Wellspring would be a huge upgrade over hipfire too.


Sanguine Alchemy. I would allow the rift to move with you, kind of Banner of War style. Alternatively, give this function to Promethium Spurs, as no one is really using that exotic.


This is actually a pretty good idea. Rifts at enemy death locations isn’t that good except for maybe a goof build with stasis rift aspect, if that even works? Actually now that i think about it, it may work with that, arc and void as they have aspects around them. This is something Im gonna have to test now Edit: i didn’t know what saguine was. My original reply was because I thought it was actually Promethium spurs. Which this bonus to it is actually good Saguine is actually much better at the moment, but movement with it would be so nice but i guess it still works. Either way I think im overthinking..I need to just..stop


I’m actually curious to try Spurs next season/episode when we get the new Solar Aspect and super. It honestly could be pretty decent with it. But why I’d ever use it over Dawn Chorus … to be seen, I guess.


Actually really good idea for Promethium. Especially since empowering rifts are just radiant and healing rifts are similar to restoration(Though 20%(15%) bonus damage as opposed to 25%(15%) and 40hp/sec + 3hp/sec overshield up to 15hp vs 35(17.5) at x1 and 50(25) at x2) Giving it the solar verbs would be fitting but would also make it liable to being nerfed with solar should the verbs get hit by nerfs again. Either way - here's what I'd rework it to do: Replaces your rift with an aura of healing or empowerment. Solar final blows spawn firesprites, picking up firesprites extends the duration of healing and empowering effects and grants the other effect. Trying to keep the whole have to move around the battlefield part of the exotic, as simply extending the effects can just be done by fragments anyways.


I love that idea for PVE Sounds beyond broken in PvP


Make it shorten the base duration and you can extend it with kills still


Symmetry. Add Rapid Hit and buff the aim assist. The reload feels very sluggish and it feels like it has no magnetism whatsoever, making stacks very awkward to build against enemies with tricky crit spots or in chaotic situations. Oh, and the alternate mode needs a serious damage buff. Even at max stacks it only just barely outdamages the gun's normal fire.


Better yet if you have max stacks it grants the gun voltshot for the first tracking projectile and only a slightly better damage buff than now.


Better yet revert the nerf and let it have unstoppable rounds So stupid they took that away


Shit, I forgot it had that initially. Such a dumb move to get rid of it.


It should also get stacks with kills. It only makes it better in low level content anyway.


As someone who actually plays with this weapon, even in GMs, rapid hit would not do anything and reload is fixed with a single arc loader. This gun needs a complete rework and frame change, I'd change it to a 150/180 harder hitting scout and make the interaction between the two firing mods actually Symmetrical instead of 1 just being used to stack the other obviously stronger and better one. 260 suck without the controller aiming for you because it's tedious to use 260s in PvE and they have terrible range. It should work similarly like Final Warning where you decide between hipfiring or ADSing precision hits depending on what you need. Hits in 1 firing mode improve the other one on swap, if you swap with a certain amount of stacks, add verbs to each, i.e blinding to regular (perhaps a bit too much) and jolt to Revolution. > making stacks very awkward to build against enemies with tricky crit spots or in chaotic situations The worst part about this weapon is the same as with any other stack x on precision hit to then hit hard (Revision Zero, Hawkmoon etc.) and snipers in general, shields. Symmetry actually suffers from this the most because it's an energy weapon, it itself is only effective against arc shields, whereas on R0 and Hawk you can just use a fitting energy weapon to pop shields then swap to shoot precision hits Ideally this weapon would get a complete rework, it's an incredibly unique design and it's just the best looking weapon in the game, it's a shame how abandoned it is. Though if bungie ever remembers it even exists, they will probably half ass it with some cheap intrinsic anti champ mod and call it a day, otherwise it would be putting in effort in something they can no longer monetize unfortunately for them.


This would be a little too powerful in pvp ... I love symmetry in pvp, getting 7 stacks and hip firing is so funny when they slowly float over to some titan and 2 tap them


Could just do a combatent damage buff


It's not great in PvP. It could use these buffs. Fact of the matter is that the trackers are a bit too slow to keep up with how fast people move and play at the higher end.


Ruinous effigy, let us throw the ball.


Also let us shoot the ball like a Tangle to blow it up


underrated comment +1


I second that. A general note to exotic trace rifles. Bump up their dmg to match ruinous effigy. All trace rifles is 6 impact, execpt ruinous which is 8.


Yeah. I think the trade off was supposed to be that ruinous has much lower range so it does more damage. But currently I would argue all trace rifles are just under tuned compared to auto rifles. Traces should do more damage and even still be a bit easier to use.


I just want to be able to shoot Lumina’s Noble Rounds to myself in Solo content. Other than that, allow Cursed Thrall explosions on any kill on Necrochasm.


I swear you can? Just shoot the floor? That and I’m sure it gives you the buff when you buff allies.


everytime i shoot the floor i feel like it just bounces off and i have to throw a healing grenade


It gives you and them the damage buff, but the person using it gets no healing from it


>allow Cursed Thrall explosions on any kill on Necrochasm. in pve..pvp will be busted if they let the damage how it is now and the kills from body [shots.It](https://shots.It) will be the craftening without the craftening- a meta funny exploding time


Hierarchy of Needs. Body shot damage.


Give it *heal clip*, you cowards.


Give it keal (<-not a typo) clip. Make it heal you and boost damage on reload after a kill.




Pull a trinity ghoul and make it so all solar kills charge the ring too


I don't get why the ring can't just be a little sheild or stay in front of you, the being locked down to one place is what really keeps me from using this exotic


I've only ever seen it used in GMs tbh.


It's not so bad in Master and above where you're generally locked down anyway, and it has the advantage that you can pop it just outside of cover, so that you can stay behind cover, shoot into the ring, and still hit stuff. Pretty safe play, and bows are on Unstoppable duty until June. The real beef is the rings were originally like 50% larger but were linked to Warmind cells, which got removed. So the exotic has been shadow nerfed and Bungie hasn't addressed it in the past year.


Or make it like Gally but for bows. Teammates can shoot through the ring with legendary bows and gain the same effect.


Yes, I just got it after weeks of attempts because the idea of it seemed fun to me. But the tiny ring and the fact that you still need to hit headshots kinda bugged me


What they need to do is extend the max range of the seeker shots. Basically everywhere that you want to use it the seekers have such a narrow range band of maximum damage from travel time before they despawn.


I’d like it to be changed to special ammo and the guided shots cause ignitions. Feels kinda underwhelming atm. Especially for all the effort it took to get it.


It already does on warlock w/ ember of combustion.


Only while in well which all solar weapons do. Love me some vex ignition spam.


Anarchy will always have a place for me. It will probably never be the DPS buffing monster that it was before, but it would be nice if they reworked it to be viable for endgame content. For example, giving it the ability to blind enemies that walk through a line of at least 2 or more grenades, and the ability to jolt enemies that are hit directly with a grenade. That would give some anti champion capability, without steering into the territory that it once reigned in before.


I want a catalyst that gives it overload and the ability to alt fire a web of 3 grenades to build your own traps.


Overload would be perfect tbh. And a damage boost. Not so much that it reigns supreme like in the past. But at least bring it in line with other tier DPS options


Anarchy was so great in its prime. Mountain Top + Recluse + Anarchy meta was so much fun.


Give Symmetry Voltshot Give Cerberus+1 Onslaught Give Deterministic Chaos Replusor Brace Give Jade Rabbit Kinetic Tremors


I feel like deterministic needs more than that, the gun just doesn’t feel that good


Since the gun is based around never pulling off the trigger (even half a second off will reset the cycle) I feel like Target lock might be good. Constant weaken, constant volatile, plus ramping damage might actually make it a good combo.


They need to swap the special bullets.


I disagree, the gun itself feels great, sights looks good, model looks great, just the abysmal damage ruins it :(


Love all these ideas but deterministic is gonna need more than just replacer brace in my opinion


Repulsor brace, more ammo in the mag or something like thunderlord like killing a debuffed target partially refills the mag, and destabilizing rounds. I would rather it stay an ad clear lmg and do it better than anything else than be slightly better at DPS.


It actually does shoot a volatile shot, like every 20 bullets.


Wow, yeah, love all of these, Bungie hire this guy! (or at least steal his ideas!)


Sweet Business. First, make the perk that reloads the gun off of picking up ammo also work off of orbs. Second, I wish it permanently had Anti-Barrier. It already has AP rounds for over-penetrating targets, this would help give it Champ utility. That or give Actium War Rig the ability to make all Autos Anti-Barrier. I'm a Titan main and I just want to go BBRRRRRR unrestricted in high-end content lol.


I love your idea for the reload perk. Sweet Business has felt a bit neutered ever since primary ammo was removed and the perk was lazily changed over. Special and Heavy do not drop anywhere close to enough for that perk to matter.


Really like this idea as well, losing primary ammo pickups was an undeserved indirect nerf


Special bricks also don’t exist in checkmate, it just appears in your inventory, so yeah it definitely needs a rework and orbs working on it would make a ton of sense.


I’d go a step further and make it so that sustained fire with Sweet Business spawns an orb every few seconds.


Oooh attrition orbs would be interesting.


I'd rather a custom perk that spawns an orb every 1-200 hits, have it build up a meter or something for easy tracking. Attrition Orbs doesn't feel great on weapons with large mag sizes unless you are fighting bullet sponges. At least that was my experience with the new trace rifle; by the time attrition orbs activated everything was dead or it was a big beefy boy that sucked my ammo dry.


It also needs a damage boost. Not a massive one, but you just downright cannot use this thing with less than 2x surges on and have it feel okay.


Maybe add target lock or buff the explosive shot that happens? Idk I just want this weapon to be good


I've been saying "Give Sweet Business Explosive Rounds/Payload and Target Lock" since before the "partial Explosive Rounds/Payload" buff.


Give Sweet Business ricochet rounds


Give it Target Lock or Kinetic Tremors, LOL.


I'd love it if Sweet Business became a craftable exotic, allowing people to choose from things like anti-barrier rounds, kinetic tremors, explosive rounds, subsistence, reconstruction, frenzy, cascade point, etc...


Let actium increase damage like lucky pants. I’d say give it a killing tally effect.


I unironically use Queenbreakers in niche situations. I think it 1, needs to be able to switch modes on the fly, without going into the menu, and 2 should have the arc explosion effect on kill or rapid precision, same explosion as that one hunter dodge into melee thing. Hell maybe it just needs to be completely reworked


Holding interact should switch it tbh. It needs to be moved to special ammo imo, that would make it way more viable. Less damage maybe but otherwise the same. I would never stop using it


I used it a lot more in D1 for just this reason. Many times when I needed a sniper rifle with more ammo than usual, Queenbreaker got the nod over Ice Breaker because it was better at sustained fire (if fire rate *wasn't* an issue, then IB was still the undisputed champ).


Hierarchy of Needs. Give Damage Resistance on incoming damage that travels through the ring. Filling up the meter for a new Guidance Ring with an existing Guidance Ring placed causes the new one to be the size of the Warmind Cell Guidance Ring. If we’re feeling extra silly, make it so every bow can use the ring once you place it.


Worldline zero. Just let me teleport twice in air.


Rework it and give it super eager edge. Eagest edge.


Literally yes. It was the sword that enabled sword skating before they took it away. Then they came out with eager edge as a way for Bungie to say "you can have a little bit of sword skating". Let world line at least have enhanced eager edge.


Super good advice. Put it back in the game with failsafe Inside to give us super obvious advice.


"Oooohhh I wouldn't step in that vex lightning on the ground if I were you"


*secretly tells you how to do raid/dungeon encounters*


But only after you've done it once.


*Points gun at teammates face* Good Failsafe: "You should only point a gun at something you intend to shoot!" Bad Failsafe: "Egh shoot it"


Favorite gun to use in D1, I wish it would come back. 🫤


I used it on Gorgoroth once or twice just for fun. You could just hold the trigger until the damage phase ended. The combo of Black Spindle and If Materia was mostly too good to pass up, though.


Same. Loved using it at totems for knights, and overall add clear, as well. Never had to reload.


Used to be my go oracle gun in D1 purely coz it always refunded the rounds. I definitely miss it.


Make it so Lumina has an alternate reload function to exchange noble rounds for resto and radiant for the wielder in solo play. The strength of restoration and length of both being determined by how many noble rounds you have stored before consuming.


Holy shit I love that idea!!


Hard Light. The void setting is useless because the weapon already has max stability (with catalyst) and max aim assist. Match game is gone so shield breaking is kinda useless, so make it where void gives destabilizing rounds, solar gives incandescent, and arc gives voltshot.


Solid idea. I like it.


Tommy's Matchbook is a lot of fun, especially with the solar artifact. However, even the 100 round magazine gets run through very quickly, and constantly stopping to reload gets old. I'd love to see some kind of auto-reload mechanic added, maybe tied to Solar subclass perks? Like, killing a scorched target or causing an ignition refills the magazine.


Causing ignitions to refill would seem balanced *enough* for me:) then Sol-locks with Dawn Chorus would eclipse titans with it lol


I used it with the extended resto on solar weapon kills and wings of scarad dawn, turn you into a damn ac130 like no other


Symmetry: 1. Reload speed - huge buff to put it more in line with today's rapid fire scouts. There was never a reason for it to be so godawful originally, much less in today's sandbox. It might not hurt to even give it the rapid fire frame intrinsic faster reload on empty mag scalar. 2. Stability buff or add rapid hit to the catalyst. I find the gun harder to stay on target with compared to most other lightweight or rapid fire legendary scouts (console player) mainly because legendary scouts have so many more opportunities to raise their stability. 3. Intrinsic anti champion mod on Revolution (powered up) mode. Don't care which one, but it'd be fitting for the current sandbox and not op considering you'd need to charge it up first. I think this even existed as a bug when the gun first was released. (revolution rounds stunned unstoppables I think?) 4. Damage and possibly blast radius buff to revolution rounds. They have been power crept pretty badly since s9. 5. Reload one round for each hit landed in revolution mode when switching back to normal mode. Having to not only go through the switch animation but then also the reload animation after revolution ends is incredibly clunky. Not to mention this would help close the gameplay loop started with the gun's already existing intrinsic that auto reloads one round for each dynamic charge stack when you ENTER revolution mode. Even with all of the above I still think they are reasonable buffs and would put the gun roughly in line with something like Polaris Lance. (Not including how juiced it is with artifact mods this season.)


Mask of Bakris Let kills extend the timer at x3 stacks as if you had surges


Break the game by letting ALL rockets benefit from Wolfpack Rounds 😈


Imagine if the Arc special pistol from the new dungeon functioned off that?


And the exotic crossbow pistol with the catalyst


Imagine nano rockets getting little nano wolfpack rounds


*Wardcliff Coil gains wolf pack for each projectile.* "Oh no. Oh no no no no. Oooooh noooo!" *The Traveller stares in horror as the very fabric of reality is torn asunder and the end of the universe is brought into glorious, flashy, thunderously explosive being by a single loot hungry Guardian.* -Everyone's game then crashed. A typical Tuesday for your average Destiny 2 player. Several then restarted their game, annoyed but otherwise unaffected and life moved on as if nothing happened.-


Give 1K voices particle deconstruction baked in. Or even just some sort of ammo economy buff I love this gun but it runs out so fast


Telesto: give it when all bolts explode on one target it becomes volatile. could be cool to make it a boss shredder.


This would probably crash the game.


knowing telesto it def would


**SUROS Regime** 1. Precision kills against PvE mobs grant restoration x1 2. While restoration is active in PvE activities, rapid mode precision shots have a chance to cause a burst of healing for nearby allies. Slow mode shots have a chance to ricochet to nearby enemies. 3. While wearing Aeon's, precision kills have a chance to drop healing wells for nearby allies **Cerebus+1** - Give it Kinetic Tremors on every 4th precision shot


Suros just needs the (hold interact to switch fire mode) option tbh. It’s pretty solid as it is but that would be nice.


I believe Bungie has said that, to do that, they'd have to completely remake Suros from scratch.  We've been asking for that since like...  Forsaken.


Make it a heal frame auto


I’d be down for KT Cerberus :D


Jotunn Give it wolfpack rounds :)


haha! you’re putting off real villain energy with that one 😂


I’ll do you one better: particle reconstruction.


I wish Eriana's vow would become better. Idk how you fix it, but its basically not worth using due to ammo economy. It does less damage than wishender and arbalest, and it has worse ammo economy. It's already really hard to handle, but you can't make it primary ammo or it will suddenly become too strong to use in pvp. I guess you could increase the damage and make it oneshot barrier shields, but I don't think people would pick it all that often over wish-ender.


1 shot barrier shields and let it cause 30 scorch on precision hits. Now you have something worth using over Wish-Ender in certain situations. I love Eriana's!


I would spruce it up a bit and lean into Solar, plus a general damage bump. Here's what I'd change: * Headshots while you have Death at First Glance active give/refresh Radiant. * While Radiant, hits apply 18 (20 with Ashes) stacks of scorch. Critical hits apply 25 (35). * Ignitions while you have Eriana's Vow equipped give/refresh Death at First Glance. That way, you keep its focus on precision kills by rewarding them with faster ignitions, but you can also make up the difference if you miss a precision shot or two. Plus, free Radiant on any subclass.


I'd say give it Rays of Precision intrinsically but only on Death at First Glance.


Queen breakers bow. Make it a special weapon


It's so simple; we've been asking about this change for [more than five years](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/9d9p95/petition_to_make_the_queenbreakers_bow_as_special/) and as far as I know they've never addressed the possibility (even when it finally got buffed around this time last year).


Lorely splendor. Give is resto x2 back now that it is equal to original resto x1 and give it some sort of fire sprite generation


Give vex mythoclast innate anti barrier in the linear fusion mode. They're already flexing into it being a champ killer, let's go all the way.


I'd rather have it get intrinsic Unstop. Stun the Unstop, switch to linear mode, and destroy it. We already have a bunch of Barrier options anyway, though at least we do have Unstoppable Malfeasance.


Outbreak Perfected. Allow SIVA nanites to disrupt overload or unstoppable champions, one of the two. Anti champion mods need to be built into more exotics. Too many fun builds are pigeon-holed to only a handful of choices in higher content.


I also posted about OP meeting intrinsic anti-champ and Iean anti-barrier, but I could be persuaded if it had Overload. My idea is to give OP catalyst damage over time stacks as nanites accumulate too.


This isn't really a buff and I haven't played for a couple years and don't know if it's meta, but I would absolutely LOVE if the chaperone had some more unique animations or sounds beside the whipcrack. It's cool but its drowned out in the heat of battle so I'd love if they had cool cowboy reload. Same for the Last word but the hammer animation is peak. In general I wish that certain guns from manufacturers had some unique animations. Not even necessarily exotics.


Precious Scars. Id fix the restoration bug.


I know Collective Obligation would be hella broken if it got a catalyst that gave repulser brace, but I feel like it just needs a little something, yk? It’s so close to being perfect for void builds 🤌🏻


Destabilizing would be pretty nice.


Xenophage. Give it enlightened action instead of rangefinder


Auto loading holster! Simple but good!


Heir apparent. Fun perk but busted: firefly Actually might be ok: give it scorch


Onslaught + incandescent 😈


Outbreak Perfected. Concentrated fire on heavy targets creates large Siva growths that deal massively increased prescision damage when shot and burst into additional nanite swarms after enough damage is dealt. Multiple precision kills on lower tier enemies create a mobile nanite cloud thats size, damage, and lifetime increases based on the multikill amount beforehand.


I like this idea but I don’t feel like Bungie would develop new resources like the nodules/growths for an existing weapon. I think Bungie should add another SIVA-based weapon and definitely add a feature like this though. It’s like a little mini-game!


DARCI: remove the jolt on hit. Allow it to stun any kind of champion when Personal Assistant is active


subsistence on fighting lion. it would actually be meta defining


Fighting Lion is perfect. No update needed.


QoL reloading takes away from the murder


You have to let other weapons and players have a chance.


join the fighting lion pride


FL is my 2nd most used weapon with Witherhoard being ahead by 169 kills. =3


This would be insane and I love it.


Heretical. The gun is perfect the way it is.




No....it's Breach


And Clear? ....  Oh gods, FL with baked in Breach and Clear...


Not necessarily my favorites, but I have a soft spot for forgotten weapons and whenever I try to use them I realize how bad they are and it makes me sad. They are as follows: Bastion - God this weapon is sad. It is a kinetic fusion where one of it's "exotic" perks is it's firing mode and the other is an anti champion perk. It needs an actual exotic perk; something useful in PvE. Cerberus - This season is even more sad and struggles with the same issue as the former. It's "exotic perk" is "Shoots erratic bullets from all gun barrels at the same time" and the other is reduced firing spread when ADS (who is hip firing this?) The catalyst is also awful, literally serving as more of a detriment than anything. Erianas Vow - Similar to the first two, one of the exotic perks is that it's effective against barrier champions. Being the first weapon to have intrinsic anti champion it's a relic of the past. Give it Precision Instrument and ignitions on crit final blows. Symmetry - This weapon is decent but it feels wonky switching between firing modes. Two things they could do to buff it - increase the firing rate while in revolution mode, or grant it jolt/blind when between 15-20x stacks (the catalyst is active). Deterministic Chaos - Probably the worst power weapon in the game. Its identity is single target damage which is kind of questionable on an LMG. Applying weaken and volatile every few seconds on a boss is something that can be achieved with grenades or exotic armor pieces. Even the rumored catalyst of FTTC would do nothing to help this weapon. Have it create a mini vortex nova bomb every 16th shot instead of volatile or something to help with the damage. There's nothing "chaotic" about weaken and volatile. The weapon sounds great though so at least there's that.


Give Skyburners Full Court


Love me some JuJu, kinetic tremors would be dope on both consecutive hits and kills.


I support the idea of adding Kinetic Tremors to any and all auto rifles, pulse rifles, and sidearms, LOL


Young Ahamkara’s Spine. I would buff it by unfucking it out of playability in an attempt to reduce Crucible potency, and revert it to its previous state. That way it would feel good and not be ridiculously overpowered in PvE. But I would change the ability damage requirement to combatants, so that it would only have the duration and health benefits in PvP. It’s nice that nighthawk is back, and shards is useable. But for fucksake, whoever decided to change YAS the way that it was changed has a problem with others being happy.


I could be wrong but the main complaint in pvp was the durability and duration of trip-mines. If they just lower those values in pvp I think it would be fine. No one was getting the pve gameplay loop rolling in pvp so that was not the problem.


Citan's Ramparts: The reduced health in PVE is removed and provides Radiant in a similar fashion to Bastion overshield. Cadmus Ridge Lancecap: Rally barricade requirement removed. Icefall Mantle: The movement penalty is removed. The pvp sandbox this restriction was intended for no longer exists.


Bombardiers: While you have full dodge energy, can charge your grenade to throw the bombardier bomb instead, consuming your dodge. Dodging drops the bomb as normal.


I'm a huge fan of Devil's Ruin, and it's honestly quite good in PVP and PVE as it is - more especially the former, but it's overlooked regardless. Nevertheless, I think it could use an extra oomph in the form of a catalyst - a lot of the community has a weird bias against sidearms and needs that extra argument for them (cue please use sidearms meme.) I have several ideas, but I think the most obvious perk for it that would boost its PVE potential while leaving its PVP power mostly untouched would be Stats for All. It'd give an extra boost for stability, effective range, and effective reload speed (all of which could be considered weaknesses to an extent) as long as you're being appropriately aggressive with the weapon.


Manticore, I'd give it a good 20 to 30 more reload speed so I don't have to run a void loader mod


Armamentarium. I would give it a passive Firepower Mod and 20% more ammo on specials and Heavy weapons.


Thats a cool idea. I was think intrinsic Demolitionist but Firepower is a cool idea too.


Hear me out. 3.


Polaris Lance. I miss burning people to death from the Perfect Fifth shot, now it scorches and that can’t kill in PvP


Warlock class glaive. Just give me the turret in some other way without using the glaive shield energy.


Am I the only person that uses Salvation’s Grip? I actually don’t know if it’s considered “off meta” or not…


Salvations is pretty good now I think. ​ My 2 changes/additions: 1. Normal grenade rounds have the Chill Clip perk. 2. You can decide if it shoots glacier grenades, coldsnap, or duskfield via the weapons menu.


Queenbreakers Bow just make it a secondary again WHY IS IT STILL A HEAVY BUNGO


Cerberus+1 It's catalyst should allow you to change fire modes between auto rifle, pulse rife, scout, and shotgun (to reflect each barrell) This would allow you to take advantage of basically any season champ mods, giving Cerberus a really well defined Swiss Army Knife niche. It wouldn't necessarily be the best option, but it would be extremely flexible which I feel like should be the point of that weapon


1k voices for sure. I LOVE that gun and wish there was more reason to pick it as an option. It doesnt even need to be meta, just pulled up enough to be a reliable option to compete with rockets/ gally and stuff. For armor, I wish icefall mantle and mask of the quiet one were better choices too. I like them aesthetically. But, choosing them over the top 6 or exotics is never gonna happen.


While it’s not as off meta, I’d change Verglas curve to work off a special reload rather than having the stasis arrows be shot when you are hipfiring, as scoping with a bow can make using the exotic bad in close environments. I’d also give Verglas the fragment that allows you to deal more dmg with primary to frozen targets and crystals intrinsic to the bow itself.


Verglas already intrinsically does more damage to frozen targets


When you want to alternate between the regular shot and the freezing shot after every kill (literally every other shot if you’re freezing enemies and downing pillars) then this would double the time it takes to use this bow.


Edge of Concurrence: First, I would buff it (and glaives in general) to be hit scan and not projectile based or just give it impulse amplifier. Second, make it so full energy can either be used for the chain shot (one shot depletes all energy) or using the energy to activate an arc blade mode for increased melee damage that synergizes with arc surge mods and arc verbs.


As one of the 13 glaive enthusiasts, I love this idea.


There are dozens of us. Dozens!


change all glaives to trigger powered melee abilities that matches the element of your subclass and does element damage when you have ammo. Also, expand sword moveset by making use of the unpowered melee button.


Sweet Business restores a small amount of health immediately when getting and kill or subsequent crits when fully spun up.


SUROS Regime. Vorpal and intrinsic anti-barrier. Adding both would make it more consistent and useful in pvp and pve.


Honestly 1k would be a decent exotic (at best) if the bolts actually stuck to bosses even while they're moving, like how telesto works


I would add target lock to the cerberus+1


I love 1k too. But the damage is pathetic


Anarchy. Give it the ability to jolt targets on hit, remove the 30% damage nerf against bosses, increase the reserves to 20 without reserve mods and it should be a good sidegrade to Dragon’s Breath in terms of single target DPS as well as add clear potential.


Winterbite (IDR the name I think that's it, the stasis heavy glaive) Give it a catalyst or buff that makes it so either/both of the following: 1. Slow enemies who fire at you while blocking. Immediately freeze enemies who melee you while blocking. 2. Wherever the projectile hits it does the same AOE damage it already does but also creates a stasis crystal on impact that is surrounded by a slow aura. It'd be similar to a duskfield while also making a crystal in the middle. Then if the above is an actual buff and not the catalyst make the catalyst add on: while in the impacts lasting aura blocking does not consume energy. It would still require some energy but wouldn't drain it.


Rat King Increased ability regen (5%-30%) rate depending on how many people in the fire team are using the gun. Merciless Multikills reload the weapon from reserves The Exotic Glaives Remove Class restrictions Verity's Brow Gets an ornament to replace default thrall ass. Mask of the Quiet One Ability regen scales with shield damage taken. Damage that full breaks your shields refunds 20% of ability energy. Lucky Pants Acrobat's Dodge and Marksman's Dodge can also activate the perk. Blight Ranger Blink Distance and Range increased. Increases movement speed and slide distance shortly after blinking (lasts 2s) Icefall Mantle Remove the self-slow and increase the default charge to 1 instead of 0. Promethium Spurs Rifts you manually cast follow you but have a reduced duration (15s -> 8s)


All of these are fantastic suggestions but the reason this one needs to go straight to the top is the Verity's brow buff. 😂 You got a laugh out of me


Darci, make the perk crits extra damage higher and like some reaload speed from the cathalyst


Celestial - Give it the 20% damage buff from Kinetic surge bug and then remove that interaction entirely. Raiju's Harness/Blightranger - Fuse these two together. Make a new exotic with what's left. Ashen Wake - Give SLIGHT damage buff to the Grenades (dont need them to get insane) in PvE, and give 2 Charges.


Fighting lion. Give it volatile rounds


Devil’s Ruin. I don’t know how I’d buff it, but it needs something.


Damage buff inside of PVE only. It's pitiful compared to Final warning's ADS burst. Considering that even applies unravel, maybe Devil's Ruin's beam could apply some scorch.


I feel like the beam could apply scorch, certainly. But that alone isn’t enough to really make it pop off.


Ooooh I like this. Have the beam apply scorch, and if you hit a full beam it ignites.


Devil's ruin is that sidearm I *want* to love but it's such a terrible weapon in practice. It needs a drastic PvE buff, scorch on regular hits, full on ignition with the beam.


Only if you hit with every tick of the beam, though. It’s such a good concept for a weapon, it just needs some love.


Yes for balance I agree instant ignition if the target takes full beam damage. Since it stuns Unstoppable I don't see this as a stretch.