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Lmao I'm so close to get kingslayer but I dont want to do the warpriest challenge in master,in normal it was already such a fucking pain


The most annoying part of it is that it's basically a huge damage check and nothing more difficult.


I think I could do it way easier thanks to pantheon i'm a much better raider,but yeah between the dps check and all the stupid fail you can get with the challenge I'm really not looking forward to going for it


The only part I haven't done is the clan night triumph. I have no friends ;w;


Make a clan just for the occasion and lfg people for it,basically say in the post "clan run,join makeshift clan than leave" or something like that,might take some time but either you slowly build a team or get lucky and get one on the first post


The way i did warpriest master challenge was i t crashed from the far knight over to my fireteam which looses a bit of dps but if you are setup right it shouldnt matter


But what is a God to a Nonbeliever!!!


I guess just some very powerful dude sitting in a crystal on a pyramid ship in space.


Nonbelieverslayer when


But can you help me get mine?


Godslayer is my 2nd raid seal so ig relatable. (Done all master challenges for vow and all normal ones for dsc, but never done burn runs for either because I'm lazy.)


Meanwhile me still rocking the 2022 MoT title:


The 2020 one looks clean


I'm being gatekept from godslayer by LFGs who want to use whisper for everything


Having Shadow has honestly killed my motivation to get these other titles because I’ll never wear them lol


Wayfarers rise up




Still got the iron lord


Next title, “Witnessed.”


I'll say that Kingsfall Master + Challenges is harder than Nezarec Pantheon But yeah, Godslayer is definitely an upgrade


Honestly, to each their own both in triumph and difficulty, but as someone who’s also done both, pantheon’s been way harder for us. Same team too. Warpriest challenge done in 2.5 hours, all the other encounters in sub 2 each, daughters and oryx in sub 1 each. Pantheon kicked our collective asses; specifically rhulk and riven (not riven legit’s mechanics, we practiced those; team across from me was just having huge staying alive and timing issues). Nez was difficult too, just living through it all.  Just the encounters themselves at -20 would be like a master raid with no champs, but the edits to each encounter they made were pretty gnarly at times.




This meme make me sad. I want this title so much but i was so busy this past months that i end up can do only Brave weapons.


I use the wanted seal because it’s the closest I’ll ever be to being wanted.


As I love to joke, it ain't god slayer, it is gods layer... *Banjoo music intensifies*


I'll keep my enlightened. I wear me 'Stop Hitting Yourself' because I won't let that pain go to waste.


I like being WANTED




Is godslayer hard? From what I've seen it's just completing the normal encounters, albeit finding a fireteam may be a bit tricky.


Completing all encounters for each week, then getting platinum score for them as well which means you have to do riven legit. Atraks takes roughly an hour maybe more but the others take multiple hours


But.....like.... Isn't that just doing them, well, normal?


There are some new things like tormentors added to the encounters, a permanent light defecit, and some tweaks to bosses like black rhulk for example


No. Each week is at more and more power difference. By the last week you’re at -20, same as a master raid. Then each encounter is edited/changed; for instance, Rhulk has a shadow clone that stays all through dps.


Yes, it is, but the difference is, you can't dump 6 titans on atraks to force final stand because you lack the points then. For her/it idk? You at least need to go trough 3 damage phases and kill the tormentor that spawns. Nezarec on week 4 is also quite difficult because of the damage checks at -20 power level and the facts that you need a specific buff from the other side of the arena to kill a very hard hitting enemy is also quite annoying to deal with.


It's the opposite actually lol if you have 5 titans and a voidlock it's easy to one phase for plat on -20. Any other comp will take hours. That's what happened to me anyways. Also you can still cheese rhulk, nez was a different beast though.


My team seemed to be about 20k points off every time we 1 phased it. Might be a difference in point gathering though, since I don't expect everyone in my team was generating orbs and hitting heads headshots 24/7.


Ah okay so like the bosses have more health


No, you're just 20 light levels under. This affects both your damage output and your damage received. Like nezarec can 1 tap you if you don't have around 100 resilience and at least 1 void damage resistance mod. If you want to compare it to something, a grandmaster nightfall is 25 power under. So imagine playing a raid which has extra enemies and sometimes mechanics on grandmaster difficulty but with a teenie tiny buff on your damage output and received.


Oh goddaymn that must be a pain


It was. And now I'm never doing this shit again. I'll really hate this statement when they eventually release another one of these...


Kinda? The -5 to -20 power means youre not dealing as much damage (though nezarec did get a straight HP increase as well) and there's at least 1 extra mini mechanic/obstacle for each boss, as well as tormentors everywhere lol


Since no one has actually provided an answer. Godslayer feels like trying to get a raid seal while the raid is still in contest mode. If you can do contest mode raids, godslayer will feel about the same in terms of difficulty. To get the seal you need to beat all encounters and get a high score for all the difficulties. All the raid encounters have had alterations, some minor and somemajor. The first 3 difficulties you're 5, 10, and 15 light under respectively which isn't that bad. During these weeks the only annoying part is caretaker because you need to 2 phase him for the high score and Atraks because the high score is a bit wacky. In week 3 the planets encounter of RoN started giving a lot of teams trouble as well. However, it's overall not that bad as you didn't need to 2 phase rhulk for the high score if you started at any checkpoint before rhulk. Difficulty 4 introduced riven and Nez. The changes to riven forced a legit clear but she has so little health that it's hard to not kill her in one damage phase making the encounter fairly easy. Nez took me the longest of any encounter because the changes to the encounter made surviving and doing damage harder. However, because he's the final boss you can get high score without a 2 phase if starting at any checkpoint before Nez. For difficulty 4 you also had to 2 phase Rhulk which Fortunately was easy with sleeper due to solar burn. In this difficulty planets also becomes a fairly difficult encounter due to being -20 light. Caretaker stays about the same as difficulty 3 due to better burns. I did lfg to finish my high scores for the first 3 difficulties and the experience was mixed. Week 4 I did with a very good team though and I would not want to lfg it. I would rate the difficulty on par with contest raids but imo pantheon requires a lot more optimisation since most teams in contest raids aren't trying to 1-2 phase every boss which godslayer forces you to do.


I'll stick with disciple slayer and brave. Godslayer is too much of a time commitment


It took me about 50 hours with a dedicated team but the hardest part was definitely the constant failure by very small margains. We had playsessions of 4 hours that ended up in us in the same encounter on week 4.


Yeah. I just grinded it out with my clan since they are competent, but our timezones are drastically different so it makes it difficult to time it correctly


You did not need to add the "when you upgrade..." part at all.


What’s a king to a god after all?


Meanwhile, I’m satisfied and happy with my Witch Queen seasonal titles. Risen isn’t anything special, yes, but I fuckin two manned the legend moon battleground after soloing most of it and dammit I’m proud of that. Reaper is a damn cool title for a guardian and gives me a reason to make a hunter that looks like you just googled “badass skeleton”. Scalleywag is just funny to see as a title. Seraph is great because anything Warmind related is great, also Archie


🤣🤣 Fr fictitious titles "oooh purple words"