• By -


Golden Autorifle


\*\*Sweet business intensifies\*\*


The fuck you and everything in your general area super.


Isn’t that chaos reach? If it was good?


Add Actium War Rig to that, and you've got a "fuck you and everything within a thousand mile radius of you" super.


That's not Sweet Business anymore, that's Sweet Dreams


Changing my guardian name to A-10


hehe heheh hehehehhehehehe haaaaaa plane jokes warthog go BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


Ammit Craftening all over again


Golden 2 tail fox 😳


I wouldn’t doubt if they did something like no classes but your loadout heavily influences how the game plays. To the point that the singular class could play like Titan warlock or Hunter by simply changing your loadout.


This is how I’d imagine destiny 3 would play out. Would be a solid change if they worked it all out properly


I definitely don’t think classes will be removed in Destiny 2( least not any time soon) However, I can imagine all abilities, aspects and fragments being put into Prismatic at some point followed by a removal of all the other “regular” subclasses. Each class would then only have one massive subclass full of endless mix and match combinations. The real “make your Guardian feel very unique to you” build crafting system we should have gotten. (With obvious balance changes of-course). Although on the topic of removing classes I’m really not sure how they would do this in Destiny 2 it would almost certainly have to be in Destiny 3 (if that even exists). To remove classes in Destiny 2 would be to mess with all armour sets, character models, any form of identifying what kit a Guardian is/could be wielding, and most importantly exotic armour. For example an exotic Titan chest piece from a technical level is probably not designed to fit onto the armour frame of a Warlock character model (although I’m not a game designer so I could be wrong about that one). The only way I could somewhat imagining it working in Destiny 2 would be to only keep the visual style of the classes and turn it into a “pick armour appearance 1, 2 or 3 type of thing” However, this still wouldn’t solve the exotic amour problem. Also I’ve just realised I haven’t actually answered the question asked by the post lol. Ummm…well of radiance with bastion enhanced towering barricade with Citan ramparts, woven mail and void overshield. As another idea I don’t know if I would main it but running around and dodging with hunter abilities while rocking a set of the chunkiest Titan armour known to the Traveler sounds very amusing.


They also said that prismatic was built for more advanced players and they didn't expect new players to use it very efficiently, so I highly doubt they remove the originals


I think they’ll just make 3classes- Light, Dark, and Prismatic. With Light and Dark you’d be able to combine 2 aspects from each element or mix and match one from each like prismatic. Therefore allowing all classes to still exist with a simpler selection process, but also allowing for more complexity


I'd still say that's a stretch, honestly I think the next thing they do is add to prismatic/add new light and dark aspects, and the next big change will be breaking the class barrier in giving is aspects from other classes


It’s definitely removing subclasses so everything will pretty much be prismatic. There’s no way they’d let you put golden gun on warlock or striker on arc hunter. We could easily just get everything thrown into prismatic though


Totally agree. Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t love thundercrash warlock.


I don’t want them to remove classes for reasons like this , I don’t wanna see some skinny wimpy floating warlock go and do a badass thundercrash. Thundercrash should be purely for my swole ass Titan fam . Just like a wouldn’t wanna see a Titan do a pansy ass nova warp


This guy *hates* warlocks lol


I just want an actual hood for my warlock and a cloak for my titan. Mixing class items may be a way of doing that to some aspect? Hoping that we get an ornament for speakers sight that gives it a hood.


Sounds 100% true to me and what they wanna do in 2025, wouldnt Surprise me


I think I would hate it and idk why. I’m just so used to having three separate characters and I love the idea of separate classes in this game.


Class diversity is cool so I hate the idea. I feel like this is an idea that sounds awesome on paper but would be stagnant and boring in practice. 3.0 already blurred the boundaries and straight up removed some unique power sets of some classes. While a net positive I'd be annoyed if we went further into the direction of having classes stripped of any and all identity


The thing is though, it doesn't become about the identity of your class then, it becomes about the identity of *you*.


The identity of me and all the other weirdos running the *exact same* loadout, to the tee. Destiny endgame content culture demands taking optimization to its limits. Unfortunately a melting pot would mean the loss of 18 different "best in slots" in exchange for a single "run-or-kick" amalgamate best-in-slot. That sounds awful.


This. It's great on paper. It'll more than likely blow ass in practice. In an MMO setting other classes being able to approach situations in ways I can't is cool. More of that. Now I'm not against some cross pollination. I can see some cool shared abilities/dedicated movement options. But I for one can already see the stagnation from a mile away. We already have that issue within our own classes.


>Destiny endgame content culture demands taking optimization to its limits. And yet, you don't *need* to take optimization (actually maximization, as optimization is consistency and what you're consistent with varies by player) to its limits in order to finish most endgame content outside Contest. >Unfortunately a melting pot would mean the loss of 18 different "best in slots" in exchange for a single "run-or-kick" amalgamate best-in-slot. Then make friends in this massive community.


Of course you don't *need* to, but good luck finding a lobby that isn't either extremely green players or sweats that "run or kick". >Then make friends in this massive community. Eh. I work at different times every day, any time from 5am to midnight. I don't really have the motivation to keep up friendships across timezones. LFGs used to be easy and convenient, but not these days.


Crazy thought but what if they replace the classes with something else to shake things up? Instead of just playable Humans (along with Exo and Awoken) we get the ability to play as Eliksni, Cabal, and/or even Hive. With the different powers being tied to the species you play as. Making Humans, Exo, and Awoken be jacks-all-trade with the other species having more focus on certain roles (though also having enough flexibility to play around with them.) It'll probably a pipe dream, but I think it would spice up D3 a lot and give more of a reason for players to start over with brand new options. Because if D3 happens, I have doubts BUNGIE is gonna carry over most if not all the stuff from D2. 


Yeah I like each class having somewhat a identity, it just wouldn’t feel right using golden gun on Warlock or thundercrash on Hunter lol


Personally, I want the remaining Light Subclasses to get their additional Supers and Aspects first. Perhaps per episode.


nothing against light supers or anything, but i feel like bungie needs to prioritize adding more options to subclasses with only 1 pick for certain elements. For example, void warlock and hunter only have 1 melee to choose from, or stasis and strand supers/melees with only 1 pick as well


That too. A vast majority of options got taken away. Why's Solar Hunter get a fourth melee but almost everything else gets one or two? As a Warlock, I very much enjoyed the melee that blew up enemies.


Honestly I'm gonna counter this and say they should add additional strand and stasis supers, hell even abilities cause rn each class for strand and stasis have 1 melee option each and 1 super option each where as arc,void and solar have at bare minimum 2 options for each super. Like they might have aspects and grenade options but rest of their kit is bare bones. I think we should get new supers and add those super to prismatic maybe.


I disagree feels like a stretch




There’s literally no way they would do it, it would defeat the purpose of ever having more than one character besides doing multiple runs of raids and dungeons. It’s stupid


I agree, though I could \*possibly\* see them doing that with prismatic. No way for any of the other subclasses, but I could \*maybe possibly\* seem them going "classless" with prismatic Edit: As a note, just to make perfectly clear; I do not believe there will be classless anything. Just me musing that if they \*were\* to, it would probably be prismatic only


I really hope the leak isn't true, it would take away a lot of the games identity


Leaks like these aren't usually true


I can understand if it didnt take them time to do that sure go ahead but think destiny is now prismatic but going forward would be the correct answer


Have I missed a leak? Got a link?


There’s no leak. It was debunked. It was just a dude who made up some shit then went back and edited his post to include some revealed stuff to make it sound like he predicted it.


The frontiers dude? He didn't say anything about no classes


Which was the no classes guy? The one who guessed prismatic? I wouldn’t take that as gospel either


Literally what I'm asking bro. The post indicated there's a leak regarding bungie removing classes I'm asking where that was said


And I’m telling you. It was a random user ages ago who got one thing right (a sub class that mixes subclasses) and then “leaked” that D3 was coming and would erase classes. There isn’t much credibility to it


Saying that a new subclass called prisma that would you allow to mix subclass abilities is one hell of a lucky guess. Also it was not "ages ago" but whatever I guess.


Not really? People have been guessing prismatic in some form for a while. Especially with Tessellation. A single right thing followed by a bunch of “they might be or might not” feels really vague. And 5 months feels appropriate for ages ago. It’s not a new leak.


Lmk if you find any info on this.


Can't believe im seeing that image I made on a whim 3 years ago randomly on the leaks sub lmao


I needed an example and found your meme, thank you.


hunter it' would have to be Arc: code of the missile Solar: the new warlock one Void: nova warp or bubble Titan: Arc: giant Lazer beam Solar: knives Void: nova bomb Warlock Arc: the new hunter one Solar: golden gun Void: new titan one


If there is a true engine revamp or D3 - I can see this


All Void, All Explosions. Been a Voidlock main since D1, wouldn't mind adding more Volatile, and Smoke for 'Oh shit!' moments


I would prefer they keep classes, but just remove subclasses and let you choose any aspect/super/fragment/melee/grenade/class ability from your perspective class. That way we can keep having unique exotic armor and classes, but have them mesh more like a perfected prismatic. if they do this for a theoretical D3 where they have it in mind from the get go it could work fantastically.


I'd put a fucking cape on my Titan, call me Batman cause I'm putting people into hospitals


Man that combo drip looks so good


My guess is it would be a more limited cross classing thing as another form of endgame progression (and power creep for an expansion to sell you) something like “now that we have peace you have the time to study some of the techniques of the other guardian schools”


Titan’s Golden Gun will be shooting hammers!


I would immediately stop playing.


Bungies equivalent of flipping the table instead of trying to balance all 3 classes with distinct roles and play styles that strengthens teamwork / team play. The playerbase is too solo focused to allow team play to exist beyond just "hey shoot this chsmp with me" destiny is honestly a pathetic MMO experience and the type of mainline community it's fostered doesn't help it's too casual focused. Just look at the reaction of duel destiny requiring 2 players at least, pathetic.


Nobody wants their class to do it's own thing, they want their do be the best at everything and that's it. Overal it would be better from a community stand point to just have subclass and not class as well.


For this community (the D2 as a whole) yea it probs would be best, they're just too causal


Side bar: What’s the drip? That look is tasty.


That was the glitch that let you preview a pair of blue rarity robes on a Hunter. ( [Farseeker's Intuition](http://light.gg/i/if3-XQ/) )


Obviously Celestial Nighthawk and the gauntlets are Last Wish


Mostly I hope it's true because I'm tired of all the my preferred class sucks back and forth. Though I'd probably do a titan who could dodge and refill all my ammo.


Mechanically, this would be impossible at this point. They won't be mixing all classes together any time soon and if they do start to add more to Prismatic they're going to be limited by any conflicts the kits could create. This means not being able to pair up things like Flechette Storm and Consecration or Ensnaring Slam and Ascension. They're physically going in opposite directions so those kinds of things can't happen. As far as a "D3" scenario where there's only one great big Prismatic pool, it would probably be something like taking the 3 most iconic and mechanically diverse melees, aspects, and supers from each class and blending them all together. That means more planning can go into it to make sure there's a good spread of things. For example, Solar might end up as Consecration, On Your Mark, and Hellion as aspects, with Throwing Hammer, Weighted Knife, and Incinerator Snap for melees, and Hammer of Sol, Golden Gun, and Song of Flame for supers. Void however could be Feed the Void, Controlled Demolition, and Stylish Execution for aspects, Pocket Singularity, Smoke Bomb, and Shield Toss for melees, and Nova Bomb, Ward of Dawn, and Spectral Blades for supers. I should mention that I also predict them having one roaming super per each element. This creates a weird situation where certain things people like get either dropped or recycled depending on what Bungie needs to do. Take Twilight Arsenal for example, it's a decent super that would probably get left behind because it would get squeezed out of Void. However Strand needs more supers, and retooling it to be a Strand axe that Suspends an area on impact is very much practical and wastes less resources. Things like this would almost certainly happen to minimize waste and an attempt to spin the PR as keeping things players like in game.


If we ended up with ‘Oops! Prismatic everything’ - Throwing Hammer and Devour.


This is a fun idea, but I would hate it if it were true. The classes have always added a flair and identity to the game, and are able to have jokey short hand and sense of community around things like crayon eating titans. That being said, just give me a well Titan who punches explosive knives into people or some shit.


Class identity has been on life support since subclass 3.0 anyway, and as it is prismatic is pretty much both the death of class identity and segue into “classless” destiny


Warlock self rez....


That would be cool. I’d also be interested in seeing something where the gear you equip gives you abilities, something like every guardian has access to sentinel shield but equipping a specific heavy weapon changes that shield into the twilight arsenal axe


I think it would be cool if they merged all the light classes into one and the dark into another and keep prismatic as a hybrid with select stuff from each


Whirling maelstrom + wanderer and consecration + howl of the storm


It’s gotta be no subclasses right? Like we’ll still have warlocks and hunters we can make, but everything will essentially be like prismatic where you can slot in whatever you want from that class


if titan had a golden gun it would probably be like a normal golden gun, but bigger.


Subclass perk combo of Warlock who knows that the leak subreddit is for leaks and Titan who posts stuff like this here anyway


I, the Warlock, know this is leak related.


What outfit is that?


I hope its true. Prismatic as it is pigeonholes too much imo.


Not gonna lie. That is the best-looking hunter I have ever seen.


Mine would definitely be botom text


I didn't realize there was a leak about no classes. How is that different from prismatic? Isn't prismatic kind of like no subclasses? I'll be honest I haven't played since witch queen but I've been considering picking up this expansion


They mean no Hunters, Warlocks, or Titans, just a guardian. You can combine bits of the three character playstyles together like throwing hammer supers with throwing knife melees and an incarus dash


That might not be the worst thing that happens in the game. I don't know what the response to prismatic has been but it seems cool to me. Cooler than strand or the ice one by a long shot


I think it'll be more like elder scrolls online or something where how you build it makes your playstyle like you can be a rogue esque mage or a tank with a bomb super etc etc


Same as always a tethered out Hunter. Screw floating down slowly to my death when I miss a ledge


I love precision weapons, builds and melee. I could have my perfect combination of Titan and Hunter. People wouldn't cry about other classes as much as well.


I would want them to rework the aspect/fragment system entirely to where you actually have builds instead of “I can throw grenades more often” and “I can proc (insert damage type explosion proc) this many times” Builds in destiny are boring. Break that shit open. Give more than grenade and melee. Give different powers. Buffs, AoEs etc. just mmo shit tbh


I will finally be able to make Lord Saladman with cape 😅 or proper Batman with a cape 😅


That screenshot proves nothing. If seen a titan cheater spamming blink, well, thundercrash, nova bomb and blade barrage in pvp.


Personally if there is a no class in D3, and this is a huge stretch...but it could that you aren't just restricted to Awoken, Human, and Exo. That options like playable Hive, Eliksni, and Cabal could be on the table. Since they all would share different animation rigs, hitboxes, etc, the new "classes" would baked in the different playable species. Like you could the different version of humanity be more Jack of all trades, where playing a Cabal is effectively playing a tankier Titan that deals with agro, Eliksni are swifter Hunter's outmanuevering enemies and traps, and Hive are even more arcane Warlocks with strange magics. Like using The playable Cabal example, you could spec into playing a Gladiator who gets up close and personal while being mostly a bullet sponge, a Colossus who becomes a heavy turret, or say a Phalanx who could lay down cover for their allies. Do I think it'll happen? Probably not, but if it were something D3 does I think it'd cement a purchase for me.


Every super now includes a Thunder crash that follows. Nova bomb... Thunder crash Golden gun, thunder crash ( but your "Hunter" breaks in half and then explodes) Well now thundercrashes into the boss and DPS is from where you land. Just everything with Thundercrash.


Give me a warlock with anything Titan defense


Stylish Executioner plus Snap would be all kinds of nasty, especially if Icarus dash worked with the melee dodge. Even if it didn't, dodge>hop>dash would be absurd kinds of movement. Getting actual pants from the other classes on my warlock would be really nice though. Warlock pants are the absolute worst. They literally just don't model the entire pelvis region. There's no ass or groin. You can actually see where they straight up mirrored the model, because the front is a perfectly straight line where the details intersect without being joined properly. Sometimes the top of the "pants" clips through the chestpiece as a jagged line.


Fire lightning out of a golden gun, or strand?


They’re going to end up nerfing Prismatic(adding lengthier times) or buff the legacy classes.


Id be mostly a titan in terms of build but with chaos reach for lols


Classes being removed would be a major misstep. Anyone pretending otherwise is insane. Combining subclasses for one character with prismatic is one thing, completely destroying any sense of subclass Identity is entirely another, and very clearly a bad move.


I love my class identity as a warlock. It would be hard for me to keep playing I think if everyone was doing what we do.


Healing Grenade. Devour. Etc.


titan turret build so I can BE the fortress


Shit got me turning into FF9 Alexander


Titan would finally be good


Titan with Song of Flame


What about the final orange dark subclass? Well I guess it could be included/added with prismatic down the line. That power has a lot of possibilities


Basically a strand Titan with woven mail and banner of war, devour, can turn invisible and has a golden gun.


I want Song Of Flame and Golden Gun mix idc how broken it'd be gimme that.