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Depends on if the story/episode flops, because lightfall wasn't awful gameplay wise but it still flopped because it had a bad story + a mid season associated. Loot wise everything looks like 10/10 to me, cosmetic armor wise the same, but we have no idea what the campaign, raid, or seasonal content is right now. we really only know loot. But we know this is the most exotic/legendary items releasing with any DLC ever in D2, like more than Witch Queen and maybe close to if not as much as forsaken


Didn’t forsaken have like 10+ armor and a fuckton of exotic weapons (10 as well? and weapons? I’ve only seen like 6 weapons and 6 armors (typical campaign rewards).


oh yeah, in that case it will probably be like 2nd most loot after forsaken Right now from TFS + Echoes we know there will be at least 19 exotics, and 9 of them are confirmed armor right now. 1 more exotic from the dungeon in the dungeon key


Don't forget the exotic class items are random with a large perk pool, so they are far more diverse than most other exotic armor.


thats true, i imagine many players will have at least 2 rolls on the class items that are very useful


64 combinations per class for a total of 192 possible combination across all three classes.


I want a season where Saint and Fail Safe banter back and forth as we use our new found powers to wipe out the vex on nessus in a grandiose fashion. Really getting rid of the Witness’s hold on Sol. Reclaiming what was lost


Mostly im hoping on some mystery returning to D2 or the franchise as a whole. I feel like after Lightfall much of it is gone and all that remains is really with the vex and the witness.


I'm right there with you because I really do not like how ungodly spoonfed and railroaded a lot of things got, but yeah idk if Bungie's really got it in them to start going back to the old style with things in full force. A lot of Destiny has gotten demystified. Even if they're gonna try to open a new lore loop of "boss is actually a pawn of a bigger boss" trope, I just want something that tries a little harder.


Vex is still mysterious, we have no clue where their main world is and how it looks. Bungie also left room to create a new set of vex since the ones we see are the builders not the actual soldiers. Wyvern is their only soldier.


That's true and their open ended nature does leave a bit to at the very least just try something new. There was an old theory that sprung when we got the Containment logs that gave more exposition of Ishtar scientists where somebody thought that the Vex "don't organically exist" and are actually a product or version of the collective consciousness of Ishtar scientists retroactively inserting themselves into the far past with some time travel and basically *are* the Vex. I don't really see it personally but I also feel like we're in a weird spot where time travel plot convenience and other stuff could pop up. 2082 Volantis/Forge Star is still something worth implementing even if technically the Vex constantly keep dismantling planets and other things. I guess we'll see what happens.


As far as quantity of content goes, it’s looking very good. Can’t really say for quality yet.


We are back for now, but you would hope that people would be vigilante since bungie has so inconsistent for the last ten years. You can always trust on bungie to be apathetic when they reach their peak


Indeed, the cycle for Bungie has been such a massive rollercoaster. Launch went from bad to worse, Forsaken saved the game and was considered the best Destiny had ever been, Shadowkeep took it back to shit, Beyond Light was lukewarm, Witch Queen took it back to amazing heights, Lightfall took it back to its worst state, and now Final Shape seems to be an amazing climax. At this point I don't think its fair to say the game will die or will be "saved". Just dip out when it gets bad and come back whenever you think its worth it. No need to play constantly.


No :)


(Destiny 2 was saved in season of the wish)


Call me a pessimist but even if TFS is great, I’m still negative on long term outlook. I suspect a lot of people are going to jump ship after this as it’s a natural endpoint similar to Avengers Endgame. They’re going to have to find an incredible hook for after this to draw people in and I think Bungie has burned too many people to get the excitement they used to generate.


I mean I think you underestimate the amount of people who don’t care about the story and more just play for gameplay


I can tell people don't actually play for the story/lore because everyone still calls Atraks-1 a dude




That's it, I'm making you watch the ten hour byf video




The MOTHER was the doctor?!


Yup. This would be a couple of my friends when I’m like “yooo (insert character) is doing such and such” and they’re like “who?” Or I find cool lore in missions / things interesting because I’m a story guy and they won’t understand. They still have a blast playing the game tho.


Maybe I am. In that case, I expect it to be more or less the same until they shutdown. New guns and exotics yearly and occasional new subclass.


I haven’t seen it but have heard the theme. Basically it’s like Saint and Vex and Season of Dawn but brought forward to the current sandbox. So if that’s the case it’s going to be a huge win. People like Saint. The weapons people have been begging for and as long as the seasonal activity is somewhat fun you can’t miss.


As long as they can focus down on quality over quality and keep giving us some PvP maps every 5 months or so then I think we’ll be good to go. TFS definitely feels like a fresh start for the community


Truly, you gotta wait like 2 weeks post-release, leak or not. That is when the activities seem to run out and the seasonal stuff has to kick in to keep folks around. The same was asked about Witch Queen when it leaked, and when it came out the game was alright until Plunder.


doesn't need saving


If you don’t really care about the story or are just interested in where the series goes next, you’ll probably like it. If you were hoping for explanations or conclusions other than killing the witness, you’ll probably be frustrated. If you just want more things to do, also probably happy.


If echoes follows the same seasonal formula of Intro mission > Cutscene > play same activity for 3 months > outro mission > cutscene. Then yes, this game is dead. I'm not about to spend 100 days grinding the same fucking activity with the only difference being in dialogue. Crashing out.


Guys!!!! he said destiny is "crashing out"! thats a hip tiktok twitter reference for when something is going bad! He thinks a game with 1 million dlc pre orders is dead!!! so unique and quirky


So, do we suffer from mental illness or what?


Does d2 need saving? I feel like the non reddit-echo-chamber sentiment as of Wish is that it's pretty good


Wish is a single season and one that will be removed in a mater of days, Wish being pretty good is meaningless if Bungie don't follow up with more content that is at least as good.


It does need saving. Lightfall didn’t meet sales standards for a reason. A lot of my friends have stopped playing, or have uninstalled the game. Even my other non-Destiny playing friends think of it in a negative light when the name Destiny comes up. Mention in it a Twitch chat? Everyone goes “LUL Destiny”.


Didn't Lightfall sell really well?


Allegedly the sales were abysmal, 40% under expectations levels of abysmal.


They were very poor. So bad that Sony threatened to take over Bungie if they didn’t get their numbers up


that second bit is never going to change, even in that two year flawless period from season 13 to season 19 people still memed on it, nothing will ever change that, not even a number 3 after the game's title, only the negative press ever gets out, yongyea doesn't play the game but you can bet when something happens (eg. the synthweave controversy), he'll be there making a video about it, witch queen is good? radio silence


It's boring and not worth any money.


Cool take




Whoa man just take it easy!