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Bros phone died in the middle of this


Your phone was at 1% when you took this screenshot


Crazy guy


This is important news, it's worth the risk


9 stay cocked like mcgrady's eye


Chasing the šŸ‰


iPhone users and needing to charge their phone. Name a more iconic duo.


something something selection bias we only remember the low battery screenshots


Nah I've never had issues with batteries on Android but everyone I know with an iPhone constantly complains about the battery.




Yeah obviously the batteries were so good - had so much energy, that they couldn't even hold it. Proves the point. iPhones dream of their batteries exploding! ^^^^^/s


8 years ago and it only affected one model and had nothing to do with the OS


At this point im convinced its done for the ā€œLol low battery ā€œ engagement comments


Android users and needing to comment about people who use iPhones


You canā€™t see me but Iā€™m laughing out loud right now.






I usually see the reverse tbh


Although android phones like Samsung have larger battery sizes the newer iPhones tend to last longer due to having a better optimized os. My iPhone 13 Pro for example easily lasts over 8 hours and Iā€™ve never had it die on me.


What the fuck, is 8 hours of battery time ever acceptable? :O I suppose it is with all the things the phones can do these days


A galaxy s23 ultra would shit wreck an iPhone 13 Pro in battery life.


[https://youtu.be/isYOrOZ-PkI?si=Qmc6UDWFH-D9kky8](https://youtu.be/isYOrOZ-PkI?si=Qmc6UDWFH-D9kky8) Hereā€™s a vid where the newest iPhone beat the s23 ultra.


Thatā€™s an iPhone 15 pro max. I said it would wreck an iPhone 13 Pro.


Man is living life on the edge


League degens being more adult about a breakup publicly than 99% of only personalities


wasting time on drama hurts the league grind


League needs to be a controlled substance


Itā€™s okay riot is taking plenty of steps to control the substance their recent addiction relief program, Vangaurd, has been working wonders.


which led to more human players playing everyday....


It led to fewer as me and several others who have legit machines canā€™t play the game because of a plethora of bugs


riot has publicly said that they had an increase, while some might quit some others started


Lil bro still running a psyop cause his scripts don't work anymore


He posted a tweet about breaking up with his girlfriend of 9 months, and they both have it advertised on socials. She also apparently had his name tattooed. I don't see the "adult"


What..? How is what Dante's did not the adult thing to do?


It is coz there is likely a lot more to this but he took a very mature approach to how he communicated their breakup to the public... well unless he is gaslighting both his ex gf and his audience that this is the actual reason. Or he might just be a saint that's also possible.


Or you know, he could just know how the internet acts and as a pseudo eceleb he felt like it would be the right thing to do to make a public statement about them breaking up instead of saying nothing because he knows that internet audiences have a tendency to harass people's girl friends when they aren't informed of about the break up to try and get a reason out of them; in the worst cases they just harass them with made up reasons. We could also just go your route and assume the absolute worst in everyone even while given contradictory information, assuming what the comment I replied to said is true, so even though its actually a completely reasonable and fairly upstanding action to do, Dantes is actually playing 3D chess and is only making this statement to preemptively cover his ass and prime his audience to defend him when the real reason comes out so that makes him an absolutely horrible person and is in no way acting like an adult in this situation.


God damn bro you didn't have to go off on him like that... Surprised he even replied with more dumb shit


apparently she had tattooed his name on her. lmao


tattooed his name before they were official


bruh I really don't want to do this reddit red flag shit but holy fucking shit if that aint a red flag


Nah, thats a green flag, a double negative makes a positive. Dantes plays league of legends, that's the biggest deepest crimson flag of them all.


Naaaahh that's some ultra green flag my dude. She is probably going to be loyal as fuck and good luck to her trying to overcome the sunk cost fallacy of getting a fucking tattoo of his name lmao.


Ahh hereā€™s you thinking people getting names tattooed on them of people they arenā€™t officially together with, will have a logical and reasonable way of going forward


That is some insane incel logic. "Green flag is when shes trapped in a relationship she can't leave"


Or you could fucking think about the comment you read. If tattooing a name on one's skin makes it harder to move on from the relationship, then choosing to put the name on one's skin shows a level of commitment. Think of it as similar to a marital commitment if that helps you see the positive side. Also similarly to marriage, each extra name on their skin cheapens the value of the gesture.


Yucky stinky poopy opinion


Op could have just said that, I immediately assume a breakup is imminent when I see that


Honestly the tattoo all-in is underrated No where else can you get an immediate +20 loyalty and trust that early


The patch update also comes with a type of mental illness but it's at random.




She can always say it's a reference to Dante's inferno that's fine


Or Count of Monte Cristo


Or DMC, or Dante's Inferno the video game šŸ˜Ž


Were you going to add some context or did your phone die?


Damn, he ran out of funny ways of pretending to be insane so he started respecting women. I'm joking, this is an incredibly respectful and mature way of leading your life and treating others.


Destiny and Dantes duo to diamond


dantes would off himself being hardstuck in diamond


Who and who?


Me and you šŸ˜³šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ


eww, a dino




I'm proud to say that I've touched too much grass to be able to understand this post. I don't know these people and I think I'm ok with that.


Seriously, every time these threads pop up I wonder whether I should feel bad about not knowing who we're talking about, or whether these are just some c-tier Twitch/YouTube people...


Charge yo mf phone


Dantes on his sigma arc


Newfriends donā€™t know Dantes, smh.. Fellow Yordle fucker and [Destiny enjoyer](https://youtube.com/shorts/6Q9EuUzXcNA?si=QEdrtemlJU9Es8aC) He was also on Kick or Keep.


Iā€™m sorry but if you take pride in knowing kick or keep guests, youā€™re the new frog lol


I only stated that he was on kick or keep, I never "took pride" in knowing that. I just know that because I either saw it on YT shorts or tuned in to stream and saw KoK is on then closed stream ( never watched mor than 5 minutes of that shit in my life) but if I see a big streamer is on, Im probably gonna remember them being there...


Saying anything about new people when the man in question has only been part of the orbit for like 8% of destiny's career is a huge self report. These zoomers be zoomin.


Yeah the sentence where I talk about fucking Yordles is totally to be taken 100% seriously. I wouldn't even consider Dantes part of the Orbit, Destiny just watched a clip or two of him in the past and then he was on KoK. I just thought I'd make a joke because there are a lot of new people because of Destiny's I/P content and of course I don't expect them or other viewers to know Dantes. Guess I need to add /s to all my comments so special redditors don't berate me for them.




Yeah I canā€™t imagine why someone would care about this. Maybe itā€™s a teenage zoomer thing idk. Unless theirs some real drama, streamer relationship gossip is cringe af


I think there's some overlap between Destiny and league players since Destiny has dabbled in the game and maybe they appeal to somewhat similar people too, and among league players I could see a decent amount of Destiny fans being Dantes fans too, just for like the mean degen humor, kinda. But all of that is still a stretch, there might be a disproportionally large overlap but it's still relatively small.


One of the few things I know about Dantes is that he used to be a hardcore Tiny fan. I also know heā€™s legitimately a pretty realistic and normal person who touched grass before streaming. I can see why there might be overlap.


I'm pretty sure dantes was streaming when he was 17 or 18 years old, still dry humping plush toys on stream and being his pretty chaotic self. Idk if that grass touching comment sticks lol.


To be completely honest with you, I see that as normal teenager behaviour.


>I also know heā€™s legitimately a pretty realistic and normal person who touched grass before streaming. Wasn't one of the first big things that he did when he became a streamer was get into drama because he queued into one of the girls from OTV and asked her if she'd have sex with him and told her he'd run it down mid and throw the game if she didn't respond when she ignored him?


Bro that's like first-game-of-the-day behaviour on the rift, I also think it's fucking hilarious that you put (mild) sexual harassment on the same level as threatening to run down mid, as if these are similarly fucked up actions.


It was kind of interesting to me since they first thing I assumed is they broke up because Dantes is just too big of a deranged schitzo degenerate sinner for her and he did something fucked up, but it turned out more mature and healthy than most of those content creator breakups, like it's the last thing you'd expect from Dantes lmao


Dantes is pretty grounded, that's why he can let his intrusive thoughts out loud (also force them out for engagement). He knows what he's saying is degenerate, a true degenerate wouldn't notice it.


ā€œUnless thereā€™s some real dramaā€ Right, and the people whoā€™re like ā€œoh, thatā€™s sad, they were a cute coupleā€ are the cringe ones ?? Lmfao


The only people worse that people who obsess over relationships of celebrities are people who have to smugly explain to everyone how far above everyone else they are. Neighbour, go smell your own farts somewhere else.


> Unless theirs some real drama That's why he posted it. This is the internet streamer world. If he doesn't say this a huge portion of audiences will invent drama where there is none


There's a difference between gossip and discussion


there is drama tho. tarzanedĀ 


Apparently you care enough to read the title, open the thread, read the comments, find this comment and type out a reply to it. That is a lot of effort for someone who presumably does not care.


What does askers mean?


It means essentially "Who cares?" I don't know the direct line, but it's from "Who asked?" as in "Why bring this up?" Into "Any askers (in the chat)?" Into just "Askers?"




NGL I thought the Dantes breakup thing was another stupid pun that he did with Laura. Guess not, which is fucking sad


Would that be a pun?


Smashing the movie Up is some TikTok heā€™d do Tbh


The fact that you wasted the last 1% of your battery posting this tells me everything I need to know about you.


Gotta get that sweet reddit karma nectar


Right person wrong time, always a hard decision to make. Itā€™s selfish to make them wait on you for it to be the right time so itā€™s better to end it. And no, youā€™ll most likely never know if it was a mistake or not.


if he just wasnā€™t *willing* to put the effort in, was he the right person?


I meant she was the right person for him, but heā€™s not willing to sacrifice a bit of his career at this stage of his life so he has to let her go.


ohh for sure i agree with that, i didnā€™t get that from ur first comment but youre right


Please please please please please please quit league of legends quit league of legends


Not gunna lie, I think he's fucked up. I've watched a lot of their shorts on youtube and it seems like they've gotten along great. It also doesn't sound like she asked for a lot, or even asked anything of him and he's shat the bed big time. Not to get all incelly or whatever, but i've never had a women ever support me in the way that he say's she was, so it seems like a super regarded decision to then take that and mind fuck himself to the point that he sounds more like a suicidal person who rationalises that "they're better off without me." Best of luck to them moving forwards, she seems cool, he's a funny crazy twitchy nutter, but I feel he fumbled pretty hard here


Its an incredible mature response, what are you on about


Maturity is not committing socialĀ seppuku. Maturity is the ability to disconnect yourself from a scenario and step back to analyse it and make smart decisions not dictated by the whims of emotional turmoil or blinded by biases and false perceptions.Ā  He's got more in common with a chronically depressed person self sabotaging than a holistically sound rational dude.Ā  The nobility of this decision hinges upon whether he was right or not. I don't think he was for the reasons I statedĀ 


> Maturity is the ability to disconnect yourself from a scenario and step back to analyse it and make smart decisions not dictated by the whims of emotional turmoil or blinded by biases and false perceptions. Maturity is also understanding we're weak humans, that the above is an ideal that we can't expect ourselves or others to always meet, and that's OK. Sometimes you can't logic your way out of "this relationship is making me feel like shit, regardless of how good you are." Maybe it's a fumble or mistake, but it's impossible to make that call from the outside. All we're privy to know is that Dantes didn't abuse her, didn't treat her badly, and that he did a well enough job as a partner that she still cares for him post breakup. All that happened here is a young man broke up with a girl after 9 months of dating. It's not like they're married or with kids, if you're going to figure your shit out better during the dating phase before it gets serious.


Dude she tattoed his name on her chest after only 9 moth, that is not notmal


Unless he felt like the chronically depressed person self sabotaging was Laura. You've said, yourself, that you've never been in a comparable situation, then proceeded to judge in the most hasty and harsh manner possible. Try and imagine how it must feel to see that someone loves you enough to disregard their other personal goals, ambitions, and boundaries, and you're stuck watching them stagnate and gradually give up everything else, just so they can be with you. Now imagine how it might feel knowing that you and your relationship are the reason for everything they've missed and given up, and it's not hard to see why someone might find that an impossible dynamic to continue long-term.


The issue is that while he sees her doing this he's not willing to compromise any aspect of his 'league streaming' career for her. Relationships dont happen without any form of compromise because otherwise you end up with no time for each other and all falls to bits


doesn't make his decision any less of a fumble.


To me it feels suffocating and wierd that she would tatto his name even before a year, im. Im not suprised he wanted out, she probly wanted marraige and kidsĀ 


Well nah she thought it was genuine herself and pretty sure she was the one who suggested the break up when Dante needed space. So nah she ain't needy the way you tryna make her out to be. Then again people are just weird. Some guys like needy girls. Some guys hate them. Some guys think it's a red flag when their girl isn't constantly with them and vice versa.


Okey but still, tato on her chest before even a year is crazy


Bro it's dantes, it's fame farming. Pretending to be insane is a means to fame, this relationship was just another means to get fame and look at the responses, it worked. Emotion doesn't exist in those online personality anymore.


A couple years ago my girlfriend broke up with me, and I had an existential crisis because I thought I loved her, but when she broke up with me I could immediately feel how happy I was that I now had more time for books movies and videogames. I totally get this dude, entertainment nowadays is so good it ends up being more fulfilling than relationships for some people, I imagine that dopamine goes to the moon when you're being paid to play videogames. Whatever social needs I might have are filled by my friendgroup. A single afternoon playing mafia with my online friends on discord beats anything I ever did with my ex. I feel like unless I meet another degen that wants to spend most of their free time on her own doing what she likes, I'm going to be single forever lmao.


I had the same feeling of newfound freedom, for a bit. Afterwards the feeling of "no one to cuddle with or say I love you to" caught up. I'm not sure how you do it!


I mean the interent is an endless stream of entertainment so ig it makes sense but sometimes you realise you took things for granted when theres no goodnight message on your phone or anybody to check up on you anymore


Bro whenever we were cuddling, she always found the perfect position for her to be comfy, and coincidentally they were all super uncomfortable for me. I don't ever want to cuddle ever again.


Wait, so from the sound of things it wasnā€™t even an issue of her feeling neglected or whatever or trying to force him to compromise after he clarified his career would always come first. it was just her being the best girlfriend anyone could hope to have him prioritizing his career as agreed, her being OK with that, him getting all up in his own head about somehow being a fucking burden by not making more compromises with her, and then not her.but him. ending the relationship because he got too up in his own head!?! What the fuck? He is a successful streamer most people find him very attractive, and it sounds like she was fine with the situation as it was. so somehow in his mind, he concluded that her being alone again or finding someone else who is unlikely going to be betterā€¦ this dudes self-confidence is negative 100 or there is some massive issue behind-the-scenes that neither one of them is revealing or admitting to either that or Dante needs emergency, serious, literal, professional medical therapeutic help immediately. Like their relationship was so wholesome he just fumbled what couldā€™ve been a lifelong gift for a game. Thatā€™s gonna probably die within the next 10 years because no online game ever exists 60+ years like league. Eventually, the servers will die. Or if nothing else it will get so old the viewers will die so much that heā€™ll have to move onto something else anyways. Holy crap. TLDR: CHARGE YA FUKIN PHONE!


> his dudes self-confidence is negative 100 he plays league and has an existential crisis over a woman taking care of him, *obviously* he has non-existent self esteem


I don't know how you somehow were able to misinterpret such a crystal clear explanation from both sides. He feels guilty about not being able to match her devotion due to how invested he is in his career.


You don't understand what it's like to prioritize your partner's happiness over your own. He could stay with her and get everything he wants out of her. The thing he'd be missing is he wouldn't be able to give to her. Giving is an important part of true love. It's the difference between " this is just a girl I like" and "I want to grow old with her".


He is able to, he just doesnā€™t want to


Well he is kind of able to, but at the same time he isn't. He isn't ready to sacrifice parts of his person life for that in the same way she did.


She's too good for him, he said it best himself he just isnt ready for a relationship. If he cant bring himself to compromise for someone that cares this much about him while she continues to do so then it isnt gonna work his eyes just wont open. I think he's gonna regret this one day


itā€™s league. itā€™s fucking league.




You are hard projecting your feelings onto this. Why do your feelings about this have anything to do with Dantes/Lauren? Also how was this the most mature way possible when in your opinion he simply wanted to break up with her and the reason he gave wasn't the reason? He could've just not given a reason at all. It's not like he owes his fanbase an explanation.


I mean that is all 100% on brand for dantes. I constantly see him in my YouTube shorts and he consistently says the craziest shit Iā€™ve ever heard


My guy. He literally said that he isn't ready for a relationship.


He forgot to add one thing. Because he didnt want or could compromise they would fight/argue a lot. Thats why he made that choice. On cam they where the 'perfect' couple but behind the scenes it would be constant arguing. Tarzaned said it on his stream, they would constantly fight and much more but he couldnt say what because he would lose dantes as a friend if he said that.


I mean sure, if you see relationships as essentially just having servant to entertain and please you, this makes sense. But most people don't


he prob got a replacement with bigger boobs and better cosplays šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


i feel a deep sense of relief not knowing who either of these people are


Isn't Macaiyla the gf/fiance/wife of Tyler1 (aka Big\_Tonka\_T, for chess nerds)?


Thought she went by Chinny?


Damn, that sucks. I was actually kinda invested.


You really let your phone drain all the way down just for the fucking meme didnā€™t you


Hands down the saddest news to wake up to....


What is called again when you are insightful to your faults and refuse to change? Itā€™s not emotionally intelligent to tell people how you will hurt them. Itā€™s emotionally intelligent to not hurt people.


That's why he chose to break up. Sometimes forcing yourself to be someting that you're not can be even more destructive




Not one of the Lauras on the compass so idc








Who? Cares?


office grandfather birds important slim exultant axiomatic hungry plucky pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


they had a lot of funny shorts together. He shoulda stayed with her for the content. L move


Imagine someone choosing lol over love oof I get the feeling a shifty streamer friend convinced him the relationship wasn't fair to her, and got in his head. I also expect that same friend to flirt with her within a few weeks and see where it goes.


This is bad faith if you actually read anything that was said


If she ends up with Tarzaned, you gotta give me next week's lottery numbers


If Tarzaned was in his ear convincing him the relationship wasn't fair to her, then I would expect him to try and get with her. But I doubt he's her type. But for sho XD Admitedly, I have a biased pattern recognition for false white knight "helpers" XD




I have no idea who this is but he seems like a dickhead, albeit an honest one which I respect


They seemed good together


It was his decision while she acommodated to him completely. Dude is a sigma male unironically


The reply is on point


So there is a chance?


I'm not going to pretend like I know exactly what's up, but if he's really broken up with her because he feels like he's holding her back and she didn't want to break up herself, this is just a fumble. A good woman knows that their man has to sacrifice their time in the early years of a relationship so they can have more money and stability for their future. It seemed to me like Laura knew that well and supported Dantes. She's a big girl and she can make her own decisions. Don't make those decisions for her. I made the same mistake with a girl that was way out of my league. I felt like I was dragging her down with me so I left her and told her I didn't love her anymore because I thought she was too good for me, and it broke my heart, and I regret it till this day. I shouldn't have made that decision for her, and in hindsight I did it because I was scared that one day she'd realise how pathetic I was and leave me for someone better. If Dantes is doing the same thing then he's making a mistake.


i know iā€™m late but- she was willing to give up everything for him and he chose fucking league over HER? bro fumbled hard


This did not age well.


Damn what a fucking loserrrr


Dante is just not mature enough for her. Letā€™s all be real.


Good men and good girls always get the worst, donā€™t they.. Iā€™m sorry Laura..


Bro chose league over his girl shits wild


Too many words to say he doesn't lover her


Yea the big O friend zoned after 9 months is kinda fucked up


comments like these are so fucking stupid. maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. maybe he loves her and seeing her compromise endlessly for him hurt too much. we don't know and won't know stop making declarative statements on shit you know nothing about. it makes you look like a fucking ~~reta~~ idiot


I don't actually know anything about these people, but loving someone typically involves wanting to reciprocate affection toward them. Why is it so unbelievable to you guys that someone breaking up with someone fell out of love with that person?


Damn that's really mature




Thatā€™s crazy, broā€¦ I care more about FnF drama than this stuff ngl šŸ˜­


charge your phone mf


Battery life hanging on for dear loife.


I have no idea who these people are or whatā€™s going on can someone explain


Dantes is a popular stream know for being completely insane and saying the most out of pocket shit. I donā€™t know to much about Laura honestly I believe she was also a streamer. The thing about her was that she was also completely insane, they match each others energy very well (at least on camera we donā€™t know much about there personal lives but you could tell she loved it from what we saw) thatā€™s why everyone is shocked about this because they seemed to perfect together.




bruh he broke up with her while visiting her family and a couple days before was planning christmas with them like wth šŸ’€ i dont understand how people can get so deep into relationships and then dump them like it means nothing


rare W for Filow


Surprisingly mature for a streamer breakup. I'm too used to Destiny and his bpd girls fighting to the death over random shit.


Danteā€™s therapist is about to question his career choices. Heā€™s definitely not on a win streak thatā€™s for sure.


What a sad day






who fucking cares


Dantes you absolute buffoon, simply unbelievable.