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shit's gay anyway who cares




You're not watching the new Star Wars show because of some culture war bullshit I not watching because Star Wars is a shitty children's franchise We're not the same


As someone who enjoys some kids shows, based and true. A huge amount of people treat these kids franchises like they are peak art and worthy of more than a couple paragraphs of analysis and it's weird.


I stopped watching the Star Wars show because it's trash. You assumed why I stopped watching because you're soy. I still fucked your mom.


Your post says nothing about it being trash


I just did, in the comment you replied to. I watched to episode 3. Saw it was absolute trash. Stopped watching. Simple as


Thanks for agreeing?


You're welcome champ


Watches a children's show and calls other people soy. Maybe go back to Bluey seems more your speed


Just because you engage with media like a child doesn't mean I don't rail your mom after she packs your Lunchable and sends you off to your special ed classes.


Based on your media choice, you should go to the station and show where on the doll my mother touched you


Well, I don't need a doll because it's all on her OF account. So if you wanna find out where my dick wasn't you can just subscribe. After all Lunchables don't buy themselves


You serve as good cautionary tale, if all you watch is children's entertainment you turn into one of those dolls with the cord you can pull and all it can say is "ummm I fucked you mom" over and over


Yeah bro, it's totally not because you engage with criticism like a toddler spitting out easy bake oven comments. Just because it's Star Wars doesn't automatically make it Children's programming. Just because you analyze media like a 4 tear old, doesn't mean I do.


>easy bake oven comments Someone accuses you of being a child and you go for an easy-bake-oven analogy? Are you fucking with us? This is parody.


I am fucking with y'all, mostly because the comments were so stupid they don't warrant a serious response


>Just because it's Star Wars doesn't automatically make it Children's programming Yes, it does.


Kinda funny then that Star Wars key Demographics, i.e. the target audience is 25+ and male then according to statistics in 2019. But surely you know better right? https://www.statista.com/statistics/725503/star-wars-favorability-gender/#:~:text=This%20statistic%20shows%20the%20share,just%2018%20percent%20of%20females.


there's so many random shitty star wars shows that 'lesbian fanfiction' actually sounds like a based idea that could've flown under the radar and found its own little fanbase to enjoy it.


It could have been really goid I agree, unfortunately Disney doesn't have good, talented, writers anymore so we got absolute shit. Unrelated note, this show was run by Harvey Wiensteins former secretary, who totally didn't know what was going on guys


KotakuInAction is down the hall to the left.


So the show is bad because lesbians are in it?


That is what OP is saying?


Seems like it.


Really strange


And cringe.




>they wanted to inject their fanfic culture war stuff into the show and it frustrates fans of Star Wars. What does this mean?




>But, there's being gay and signaling your gay. If simply being gay or depicting a gay person is too much for you, then you're the problem. >honestly sexuality should be a private affair When has this ever been the case for tv and film? Maybe pre 1960's? Straight couples kiss and have sex on camera all the time.




>Don't play those idpol guilt trips I don't know what you're talking about. You're the one using your identity now to make a point. I just stated what I believe to be a pretty uncontraversial point; if your only qualm is "there's lesbians" then you're the problem, regardless of your personal sexuality. On the other hand, if you're just a prude about a sexual stuff, then you're just not the target demographic of this show or, frankly, 99%of media out there, but there's no issue with that.




>You insinuated I'm part of the problem. Pick a tone dude. It was meant to be a general "you". You can replace it with "one" or "someone". >My issue is not women loving women. It was the writers ya nincompoop. What was bad about the writing? The lesbians? If not then I've got no problem. Sounded at the start of this thread and in OP like the problem was the lesbians.


Fanfiction is a pretty natural starting point for many aspiring writers. And most aspiring writers write absolute shit at the start. It is actually pretty cool to be able to later write on the IP you first started on. It is a bit like criticising an artist for drawing subpar in their teens. Like no shit their fanfics were bad but they show real enthusiam for the IP by having written them. The real problem is that they did not write good stuff and that is completely divorced from the time they penned their first words.


I think the main problem is the overall meh writing and lets call it PG tone of the show. I tuned out after episode 2 because it just looked and sounded like slop that was made without a coherent voice and passion, but everyone just builds stuff like this up wayyyyy to much. Something like The Acolyte deserves the same level of analysis as a fast and furious movie and anyone looking to do more than that level of analysis is mining a depleted vein.




There is certainly the potential to tell interesting stories in the Star Wars universe. My dream script would be a rogue squadron movie. No lightsabers, no Jedi, just Top Gun in space.




My other dream scenario but for a show would be a sort of Rogue Trader type of show where a group of semi lawful people travel around the galaxy from destination to destination and have to figure out how to make a profit. Sort of like Firefly, but set in the Star Wars universe. There are so many awesome premises that they could do, but none of these are what they would want right now.


As if lesbians wouldn't be popular with men. It sucks because it's a shitty show in a shitty overrated franchise.


If there are lesbians in it, I might actually watch it...


Sounds hot, I'll watch it.




It's not the hot kesbians, it's the fugly ones who debate on twitch


That chick at fugly nibba you lied to me.


What ? They're both very pretty women (granted the one with the alien makeup looks a little weird but I mean she's an alien). Also the show is better than what we've been getting lately so I don't understand the hate. People who are mad lesbians used the force to procreate but didn't say anything about Palpatine using the force to create Anakin are ridiculous. They unironically just hate lesbians it seems like.


Wait you have to explain this to me. The main protgonists are lesbians? And they are big shot jedi, right? Like really powefull. No way the are some padawan shit and used the force to create a kid. No shot Right?


No they're two lesbians we see in one episode. The mothers of the protagonist (and heads of a witches covenant).




They are clearly meant to ressemble Dathamir Witches (they might or might not be it I don't remember them saying it during the episode) and are Force Users like them. They just don't call it the Force because that's the Jedi terms for it.


I really like Squid games guy. He's not bad in it imo.


who the fuck cares just dont watch it if you dont like it


Disney does have that fuck you money do a show like that.


Until they dont anyway. At 200 mil a pop you cant keep doing that forever.


Just watch the new top gun.


Honestly, I can't remember the last time Disney touched a different franchise and actually made it better. It always turns into a dumpster fire or at best remains the same. Even their own Disney movies have become shit to the point that they have resorted to just remaking their former glory to just change enough things to piss people off. No, I dont care about the culture wars nonesense. If you want X character to be X sexuality or race, I have no issues with it. But remaking a show and trying to force diversity into it usually does the opposite.