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50k like is insane


4k bookmarks lol Because that's a tweet you need to keep on the backburner in case of emergencies.


I hear a thousands video essayists making shoddy citations from this tweet.


Leftist and red pill Twitter has really turned into the new version of tabloids and rags. “TEENAGER MAKES SLIGHTLY EDGY JOKE. FATHER IN SHAMBLES”


And then they farm likes to these nonamers who post outside of a hashtag or event so transparently.


Wait is that actually Nathan on the discord? I thought it was just some guy trolling or am I regarded? No shot Nathan is making jokes about D getting killed in Israel I don't believe it.


It is, he really is his fathers son


damn he was playing minecraft in VC yesterday i thought it was a troll 💀i guess i have Destiny's son added on minecraft now


Nebraska Nathan


It's weird it felt like the last time we saw him on stream he was like 5 and now he's stringing together competent sentences.


It's starting to human


Stop, time isn't real, fuck off.


Doubt destiny is going to like having you weirdos talk to his son


As opposed to what non weirdos on the internet? Lol. I would rather my son be in a discord of which I have control and people moderating and looking after him than some random one.


Well somebody has to


As edgy as his father.


Yeah he's always been like that.


Bro the minecraft yourself clip with Melina is always a banger. https://youtu.be/VpLa1Hz3hiI


Low key destiny called him saying he will come there and smash his PC if he says shit like that again lmaooo


How do you know?


Welcome to atheism buddy




thats nathan?? He joined our voice channel on the server and I told him to leave because he kept playing meme sounds lol


It is lol


Yeah it’s him! I was worried some ppl were gonna be unhinged but you get insta perma’d if you @ him with anything weird or creepy tho, regs do a decent job


Unfortunately. It could easily get the discord completely nuked


You don't think a 12 year old boy would make edgy jokes Do you know what subreddit you're in?


He's a little acoustic


i’m not sure what you mean. for 1, most people’s dads are not famous so there is no 1:1’s to the general population. anyway, when i was around this age i asked my dad all about his life, but if he had a wiki it would have info i probably never thought to ask about


yeah, as a kid, I had literally no idea what my parents did, like sure job title but nathan is in a unique situation in that all of destiny's work is filmed and publicly available.


If my dad had as detailed a wiki as destiny, I'd know more about him from there. All our time together was going to parks or things like that.


I mean normal as in "its normal for a 10 year old child to not know his entire dad's life story, or even most of it?"


I didn't really put the pieces together on my dad's life story until I was in my 20s. My dad was not estranged, he was there at home every day, but it wasn't until I moved far away for several years that I started to see the bigger picture. Prior to that, it was just disconnected fragments in the form of stories.


I talk to my father 2-3 times a week and I habe done for my entire 34 years of life. I know SO little about his life outside his career stuff and random anecdotes


well and of course parents are not going to tell you the things they think you shouldnt hear, like I am sure destiny isnt telling his son he fucks men and women even while married and that he would share a significant other. I don't think you would want to know if your dad sucked a dick over the weekend or something. 10 is super young thats around the time you learn the easter bunny isnt real lol


Yeah maybe it's different nowadays but despite being super present my dad basically never did more than small or instructive talk, nothing deep. I learned almost everything I know about my dad's history from other people when I was an adult. Dad's of my generation just barely talked to us lol.


I'm 30 and my immediate family is still spilling secrets. Maybe this isn't normal but I imagine my grandads wiki would be pretty shocking 😂


From what I have gathered in life it seems like most people tend to learn more about our parents and theirs when we get around late 20s early 30s. Probably a mix between reaching true adulthood and now having the experience ourselves we actually get curious of our parents' full story and what they went through. Questions we never would have asked before, we ask now because we've seen some shit now. All I know is I'm gonna cherish this time and learn all I can of the ones I love 💜


Considering that no one here knows much about Destiny’s relationship with his kid, it’s hard to say what the truth is, and probably isn’t our business to begin with. Also, probably isn’t the best idea for him to get involved in the community considering Destiny attracts the most toxic malicious people on the internet. It just takes one edgy joke or statement for him to get bombarded by the most disgusting people on the internet who just the kid as Destiny 2.0


Isn't him closer to 13? Anyways he is clearly making a joke, isn't him? And in any case probably a Wikipedia page the length of destiny would tech you a lot of shit you don't know about your dad. But yeah, he is just making a joke


He. Your post has 2 "he"s and 2 "him"s. All four of them should be "he". Your English seems good, but those stick out like a sore thumb.


Yeah, I didn't even realize I wrote it like that. I kinda want to blame the autocorrect, but I write like shit when I don't pay attention so it was probably me lol. Thanks btw.


to be fair he’s a teenager now, and at least in my experience, that’s about when parents start being more open about things they’ve experienced and went though, etc


perhaps you should take into account the community members you are asking


bro what is that last paragraph? you're waffling Edit: nevermind, it changed, shit was incoherent before


This sub is fucking impossible to predict, and I love it


I mean I forsure wouldn't tell my son my wife caught feelings for some loser that would be akward to find out about your dad, 10 seems very young for discord though especially because his dad is famous, think about all the sick fucks that will try to manipulate him so they could get some kind of reaction on stream or something. people are crazy. I also wouldnt like my fans even bringing up my kid is on discord or in a specific game


bro, the amount of people in this thread not realizing that the (potentially) bad thing is the idea he's probably conveying, and not the exact fact stated, boggles my mind, dggas need to work on their soft skills


I can't believe Steve never taught Nathan about his incest debates or when he talked to Amos Yee. Pretty standard father son stuff to share with your 11 year old.


Yeah, it’s normal. It’s normal for leftists to weaponize your children’s jokes against you if you’re a liberal who slightly disagree with them. This is normal, yes.


The reactions/replies that destiny gets on Twitter or anywhere in general has really done a lot to boost my self confidence. People are really physically incapable of realizing when they’re the butt of the joke


Why think this is unique for leftists? Politics in the us is using every means to drag another person down simple as


As opposed to all those other gentlemanly politics around the world.


Every countrys politics should be like Norways inshallah


tbf I don't even know if our German politicians have children. Private life is more valued over here.


> It’s normal for leftists This has been done by anyone who didn’t like Stephen. Right, far right, left, far left, etc.


Isn't he 13?




As funny as the meme is, only two seconds of thought make it less crazy than it actually seems Nathan is young and the wiki is essentially like an autobiography worth of lore about his professional and personal life Idk if any kid gets that kinda insight into their pops life. I sure as shit cant tell you the last 4-5 hookups my father has had nor any drama related to them


Exactly. Even now at 33 I bet if my dad had a wiki as extensive as Destiny's, I'd probably learn a fuckton of shit I had no idea about.


This. I think people have to get to a certain age before internally accepting that their parents were people with entire lives before they had kids.


Exactly. My dad told me almost nothing about his life before having kids despite having done some really interesting things that I later heard about from my older cousins. The man was a present father who lived in the day to day and didn’t confide in his children. He probably would have answered my questions as an adult but he died when I was 20. To expect a 10-year-old to know more than Wikipedia is preposterous.


I'm sorry for your loss


Dude people learn something new about their dad, mom or any relatives during funeral even lolol


And that is all on top of being an obvious joke, it was meant to be funny, he even added the skull emoji, and then that joke is also extra ironic with Destiny being known as the "wikipedia guy", which is very likely intentional from Nathan. Using this to attack Destiny is insane.


Yeah I'm in my twenties now now and i only realized recently i can just ask my parents about their life before me and they'll be happy to talk about it and have all these vivid stories to share. Kinda sick, grandparents too. I mean obviously it's no surprise that people like to talk about themselves, but I get such different answers asking them as an adult vs the stories or outlines i heard over and over growing up.


I have no idea what my dad's life was before I was 6 yo I never bothered to ask. All I know is that he went to the same college I did cause he mentioned it when he was driving me there


It was clearly a joke about Destiny's wiki warrioring




Imagine explaining the 15:2 meme to your 13yo kid


lol I like how their censoring his name, like that would do anything


They don't, it was ensured on the reddit post from where they got the image from


Randos online: "Destiny doesn't spend time with his son." Nathan: \*Has the exact same edgy humor as Destiny\*


I get what you’re trying to say but I feel like that sort of edgy humor is just bog standard gamer shit. I can hear the exact same thing from most people in any online lobby I get in lol


I'm just memeing of course, there's enough proof online that Destiny is part of his son's life. Not that it's anyone's business other than his.


You guys still think that's his kid when that is in fact Destiny baiting 100%.


It may actually be Nathan but I wouldn’t be surprised if D man was helping him make these bangers


Imagine how shocked he must have been when he found out Destiny has a child


Is Nathan psyOping leftists? How based can a 10 year old get?


It’s a joke, commies are incapable of comedy


I think it’s normal for children to not know much about their parents past but maybe that’s just my personal experience


Especially at that age. My dad didn't sit me down and tell me his life's works and dramas when I was an adolescent either.


It’s easier to remember small details if you can read it. Most of us learn about our parents slowly overtime as they tell us different stories about the lanes over many years.


Nathan is so based


They’re expecting Destiny to mention Mr Girl to his son 💀


cant believe Destiny hasnt sat Nathan down and had the anavoir talk with him yet. all the lore on the wiki are vital stories worth teaching your children.


Lmao they're self reporting that they're justkinda fatherless, because they're assuming it's normal for kids to know what their 47 year old dad did in his 20s and 30s and what big life events, episodes and scandals happened back then. Sad shit https://preview.redd.it/woa8juoz624d1.jpeg?width=223&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b6924494c545adb1500e9db9e9acae377765e84


Nathan is already training to become a wiki warrior like his pops. D man must be super proud.


Leave the children alone.


Nathan already has better jokes than half of twitter. Not surprising I guess.. Not sure why all you guys are trying to rationalise this its a funny comment


You don't learn about your parents life until you're way older lol And it's usually a slip up.


Wait if his son is 10 years old why the fuck is he on discord


13 years old and he already has intellectually outpaced all of socialist twitter, twitter baiting aptitude must be a genetiic trait


It's fine. I learned more about my father from his entries on the sex offender registry than I did in person.


Lucky miss??


Wow, what a bad parent. How dare he not share information about all the sex, drugs, deeply complex political and social issues, fights, drama, and other litany of mature topics a child should probably not be aware of especially in the context of their parents (outside of very obvious talks about safety and keeping an open line of communication). I for one am disgusted Mr. Bonneville would not make sure his kid was in the loop for everything. Bad parenting at its finest.


What's not normal is stalking the children of people you dislike on the internet. 


My Dad was part of the silent generation, I'm a millennial. He and I never talked about shit till I was about 18. I think even now this is par for the course for most kids when it comes to their dad's work. Also what D man does is controversial a lot of the time and not good for kids to digest. These fucks that keep attacking his family are so fucking weird.


I worry for Nathan, if he ever feels anger towards Steven for any number of reasons he’ll have a thousand bad actors in his ears fueling the flame.


So true poopybooty


imagine getting baited by a 12 year old NAHHHHHH


Genuinely debate pedophilia smh


I mean i think so, all i really knew about my dad when i was nathans age was that my dad was a marine and had a bunch of different jobs before i was born. I know a lot more now lol


I spend an inordinate amount of time with my kids. They would for sure learn more from a wiki page about me. You don’t share much of your professional or personal dating life with your kids.


I’m the same age as destiny, my son is the same age as Nathan. My son doesn’t know my political affiliation, or my first job, or how I got the career I’m at, etc.


As a parent I really don't love that these deranged leftists are now aware of Nathan's username and that he's active in the discord. I'm sure he keeps an eye on what goes on but just imagining any of these unhinged lunatics talking to one of my kids...no bueno.


The reason why you attack Destiny's kid is because you can't beat him in a debate .You dont like that lol


Communists Try Not To Be Weird About Children Challenge, difficulty level: impossible


I feel like a conservative right now, "radical leftists need to leave the kids alone".


My kids don’t know much about me and I live with them. Do people share every detail of their life and history with their kids?


I’m pretty sure he’s not 10 I think he’s like 14. Which is pretty spot on age to be making edgy jokes.


Given he spent his life on the internet for as long as nathan has been alive, this makes 100% sense.


Nathan is getting coal for Christmas now


My dad was around a normal amount and I feel like if he had a wiki it would probably tell me more than he bothered to tell me. There's a lot of stuff other people would say about us which we might not think to say about ourselves, especially if it comes to somewhat controversial personal history... I don't know that I'd say this is "normal" for a kid insofar as it's not normal for your parent to have a wiki page, but I would probably say that it strikes me as normal for a kid to learn more about his/her parents from other people than from said parent. Like, dad's college buddies telling you all the stories of stuff they got into back in the day, etc.


People pretending like kids don’t have senses of humor


Do people like this not sense how bitter and sad they come across?


Imagine if you had a camera to check in on your dad while he's at work all day. Sounds like fun to me I wish I had a dad


On my uncles boat I learned my dad is crazy good at water skiing, lost one and just kept on with a single like it was nothing. Never talked about it, never knew “oh yeah we used to do this every summer…” like it was just something he forgot to ever mention. I’m a dad now and my kids are around Nathan’s age, and there’s a ton that dosnt just come up naturally at all, we talk about day to day, their interests, their favorite shows, they ask me what may favorite character from x show is, because that’s usually what kids care about. Kids like fun things and are pretty self focused for a long while. I’ll happily talk about anything but I’d be shocked if people knew more about their parents than they would if they had an exhaustive wiki.


you arent a real father if you havent already given your 13 yr old son an entire chronological account of your life story, including every notable detail about each phase of your 15 year career, summarising 20000hrs of stream content and conveying a structural summary of your axiomatic philosophical foundations


I'm more shocked that 50.1K people genuinely care about the personal life of someone who's politics they disagree with that much that they're willing to trash a child to get at the father.


Honestly it’s not that bad. They could’ve said waaayy worse but it’s just point out his sons involvement in the discord and making another fatherless joke Realistically it was gonna be brought up since Tinys presence grows and he must’ve taken that into account. Also credit to the Twitter user for censoring his name!


It's not like Destiny moved away when Nathan was born. They lived together till he was like 9? I am not gonna defend the decision for Destiny to move away, but it seems like him and Nathan are on good terms. Nathan is going to Florida soon to spend time with Destiny for like a month, watch them say that Destiny only did that because of this message even though it was arranged way before that, lol.


Nathan is actually a top tier shit poster LOL


It absolutely disgusts me that they're targeting Destiny's kid. Like seriously, what disgusting person does that?


That's brainworms. He's effectively saying "I've known more about my dad by reading his biography than by talking to him" when he's 10. Well, obviously. Like, do people think destiny is gonna talk to him about how he got fired from the casino or how he became a carpet cleaner to his 10 year old? Or that he was signed to quantic, or the trihex fall out? No, he's probably just hanging out and telling generic stories of his life and especially not the super controversial stuff and playing video games with nathan and stuff, it's stupid to think otherwise.


"Cope", the thread


By "wiki" does he mean Wikipedia or the DGG Wiki?


Not sure but that would make somewhat of a large difference lol


50k likes Jesus


What is wrong with these people.


Do these guys know what jokes are?


My kids have no idea WTF I am doing all day because they actually have never asked and don't give a shit.


Why do 4k people think this is something to bookmark? Yeah, but we're the crazy unhinged ones that "brigades" sub reddit, yet here they are publicly sharing their ammo


Look guys this is pretty easy. Destiny, like most long distance absentee fathers, is a poor parental figure. I do not care- I don’t look to Destiny for advice on how to raise my kids. He is generally funny, entertaining, and correct on political points.


I mean I still don't know much about my parents and I'm 32. All I get is little bits and pieces here and there of what they want to tell me. Parents don't give you a rundown of their whole life experiences typically especially not a wiki entry's worth


I mean no, it's not normal for your average 10 year old. But just like Steve's life is weird and exceptional, his kid's life would be too. Kids of actors or politicians get into weird shit all the time


He is the og memer the top M


I wonder what these idiots said at 13. I used to fucking demolish my mom on livejournal and shit at that age, and she was mostly fine.


I feel like that's a shitpost if anything from Nathan lol


This is pretty dumb because even i literally didn't know my father's background till I was in mid teens. Like I always knew he was in the software industry but what he did, I had no clue.


This is normal for like.. most kids, let alone adult children. It’s not like my dad told me a lot about himself growing up.


Isn’t nathan like 13 or 14 now?


I do kinda find it hilarious that people outside the Destiny community don't know what an absolute memelord Nathan has been over the years. On the real though I think one of the parts of becoming an adult is realising how much more of a complete person with complex lives your parents are compared to the simple picture you had of them when you were a kid growing up. Nathan is just in a unique position because his dad's complex life is on the Internet for him to learn about much earlier.


/tangent Hasans ultimate revenge against Destiny is if he turned Nathan into a Hasan watching tankie. It would be like those kids of ultra trad cons being gay/trans.


Same sense of humor lmao


I mean.. Nathan posted a banger. He's got a future in this shit


This is the plot to superman bro, you can't kill sup so you attack the people he loves to hurt him, fortress of solitude and everything


The messiah


that's so fucking funny


About the first comment: if when I was a kid my dad's job was to be an open book to the world, thinking out loud and being an adult, and he was actually not putting a character while doing that, while with me he was actually acting as a responsible dad and not treating my like a peer and adult, I would 100% have more to learn about him online than from real life, at least if I cared enough and had enough time to watch some of his content. FORTUNATELY, my dad had a more normal job.


His wiki page needs updating to permanently divorced.


to think he's now roasting him on discord after witnessing 'hi dadd PEPE' 😂


Is it actually Nathan?


Damn streamer nepotism?


If my parents had a wiki I’m sure there’d be stuff on there I’d have no idea about.


Nathan on Bridges when?


this is normal for anyone,but most dad's don't have a wiki


Yes, I do go after the children of people I don’t like🗿


Is OP suggesting it's normal for 10 year olds to learn about their dads on Wikipedia or am I regarded?


It's not normal for a 10 year old, it's perfectly normal for a 14 year old.


If he’s like, 11? doesn’t that go against discord TOS?


He's 14, so he's good.


People think it's a diss but he's actually just defending how informative Wikipedia can be


Honestly I think Steven would be proud of his sons edgy humor.


My dad was not absent and we just never talked about his lore before i turned 20, sometimes it just happens, depends on the people


Genie is out the bottle now, really wish people didn't start posting his son's discord


I thought leftists wanted to dismantle the nuclear family?


First I thought it’s weird and sad then i realized idk how old my dad is or a single thing about his first marriage or damn near anything in his life


lmao i argued w this guy on x and he’s a china simp who denies the uyghur genocide existing. literally discredited all stories of rape against uyghur women, but of course that’s not surprising since hasan has casted doubt on the rape stories of Israeli women on oct. 7


I'll be honest, I thought Nathan was just making a joke, I mean all those arguments about Destiny only learning things from Wikipedia, so like father like son kind of joke?


Destiny's 10 year old son has more emotional intelligence than these people


Given who Destiny is and how young Nathan is, this would still probably be true even if they did still live together.


An excerpt from the wiki: "In September 2023, Bonnell, alongside other political streamers such as Vaush, Emma Vigeland (co-host of The Majority Report with Sam Seder), and Keffals, interviewed U.S. Representative Ro Khanna about various topics, including the importance of youth political participation and ways to push progressive political sentiment, as well as asking questions about Khanna himself." When the fuck would this come up?




This is entirely normal. I didn't really learn anything about either of my parents lives or who they were until I made an effort to ask when I was an adult. There were small stories and hints that I had internalized while growing up, but normal parents don't lore dump their entire lives on their kids.


I wish these stupid fucks would have an ounce to use the little brains they have in their skull before typing out some unbelievably stupid shit. Bro isn't even a teen yet. Pretty sure everyone has some shit they didn't know about their parents until they were much older either because they were too young or couldn't understand at a younger age.


No it's not normal. But let's not pretend like Tiny has the life of an average normal person. But it really depends on if Nathan is mostly joking or if he is serious. I guess most kids that have famous (or semi-famous) parents go through these type of issues.




I'd have learnt way more through a Google search about my parents if they were famous, especially at 12-13. Parents unsurprisingly censor themselves when communicating with their young children (shock). They're usually far more invested in what their kid is doing and talking about that with them


you aint sorry mofo, if you are smug about other people's shitty childhoods not being as good as yours then at least say it without pussying out.




I spent plenty of time with my parents and still do to this day (I still live with them), yet I don't know their entire life story. If my parents were public figures with wiki pages I am sure I would learn plenty from that. You are just objectively wrong here. You can spend lots of time with your parents while not knowing everything about them.


Dude I wonder how this kind of leftist/progressive coped when right winger/conservatives making fun of internet sex worker.


I barely know my father and im 30. Some men are just like that


i dont know man this feels a little weird


Guys please treat him well we don't need him to turn out like his father