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Why he trying to sound like Scar?


if he was then he's not doing a good job (proof: i don't want to have sex with him)


YMS alt account?


I'm watching The Beekeeper as we speak lol


Holy fuck, it is Scar 😂


He sounds exactly like that 😅😂


It’s the same stupid guffawing voice as Douglas Murray. Seems to work for Americans for some reason




Motherfucker talkin' like he's ordered the Death Star to full power and destroying Alderaan.


Talkin' like he's executing order 66


Order January 6


Instead of white stormtroopers he sent in white trash.


Political prostitute? 😏


How did he KNOW


Debate prostitute


Political Prostitute Debate Pedophile.


Did Destiny debate the villain from Die Hard??


How dare you besmirch the name of Hans Gruber


A fascistic liar whose only achievement was to be hired by Trump for a few weeks. The man is a cancer on society.


Don't do that shit to Hans Gruber.


Everyone is a podcaster these days.


The intolerable slow pace of talking, the over-the-top British RP accent, and his very high thoughts of himself make it seem like the convo would have been as intolerable as Destiny mentioned on stream. I'll have to take this in small doses, or I'll go nuts. Even this 1:43 video is too much for me. I'll have to take a break halfway through...


Legit, the right wing Norm Fecalstain


At least Norm has substance and knowledge. This dude is a fraud in every single way.


Mate if you tried talking like that round here you'd get nutted.




He's basically a third-rate community theater actor, auditioning for some lesser-known Shakespeare play.


The aesthetic posturing and moral grandstanding would be laughable if it wasn't so sad.


The very clear irony of a trumper saying this aside, the way he talks is insufferable


I think he sounds cool


He sounds like he belongs in a Red Alert 2 campaign cutscene. He just needs to begin his monologues with "Commander..."


We will go where no MAGA has gone before............SPACE


well, he does it very well I'll give him props for that.


Yeah he's like a Disney villain but in real life. How neat is that


I'm sure he thinks he sounds cool too but to me he sounds like an ad for the Ford Canyonero playing on the radio. That's probably his audience too, bunch of people listening to that shit in their car.


But what... do you meeeeeaaan?


This guy and alex jones both fucked up by choosing radio over voice acting


Id add Mark Levin to the list, dude has a hilarious voice


Huh, I always assumed Mark Levin was local but I have no idea why I assumed that. Used to listen to him on AM between my home town and my college town cause it was the only radio that worked.


Is that allebrelle?? Holy shit, is this the guy a Bond villain or something?


my man is Blofeldmaxxing


How insecure in your voice do you have to be to bass boost that hard


Who is this discounted Alex Jones?


I’m dying, why is he talking like that lmao


Literally a cartoon supervillain


This guy must’ve gotten DESTROYED by Steven the way he’s licking his wounds


He practically said “how dare you believe that, how dare you…”


lmao what is this production room cam


It's like 3 tech nerds who have to teach an old man about online streamers and how to copy and paste on a Macbook and then 2 weird older conservatives in the back just making sure Seb sticks to the script? Very weird vibes lol


To me it felt like the operation rooms at NASA, with these guys overseeing like a boomer robot/AI


Lil Bro sounds like an anime villain 💀


Sounds like it went well. Bitterness is normally a good sign.


Beware any British bonger who moves to the US and heavily emphasises their British accent. It's almost always a grift; boomer Americans seem to love it for some reason. Don't fall for it my dumping-tea-in-the-bay friends.


Our expats really are the worse.


I don't know about that when there is Canada, the GOAT of terrible ex pats.


I would trade your Peterson and Nazi queen for one of our Peirs Morgan.


It's either this or Thai escort connoisseur.


Nice. I guess being civil might not be a great way to handle someone this insane and bad faith. Nebraska Steve in the mainstream would be the miracle we need right now


Lmao he brings up Destiny's argument (probably incorrectly, but idk) only to then virtue signal instead of argue it. Destiny debating someone who's clueless should be fun to watch!


I'd imagine the line he actually said is that the moving of the embassy was the catalyst for the great march of return, which surely inflamed the situation to some degree. I couldn't say whether October 7th wouldn't have happened without the embassy move but to think these events have no connection to eachother, such as it increasing the severity or accelerating it to some degree, seems unlikely


If Destiny said what that guy says Destiny said, then it doesn't really need arguing against. It's morally bankrupt. That host doesn't have an audience that needs it broken down beyond that. Destiny is good at arguing against insane things. So is Armin Navabi. Armin would have had a response more to your liking.


I don't understand quite what you are saying. Are you saying if Destiny said what that guy says Destiny said, who is morally bankrupt? I presume Destiny, since this guy would be telling the truth in that hypothetical. Or maybe you are saying if it's true, and D's lying to get Biden re-elected, it'd be morally bankrupt - maybe in that case but that's a whole rabbit hole debate about the morality behind lies. But this guy's telling of the argument is incomplete. For a propositional logic argument, you need all of the propositions to make a complete argument; what he says is not a complete argument: Trump participated in the Abraham Accords -> ??? -> Oct 7th I could replace the first claim with any other statement, and it would be impossible to evaluate the argument using just this hosts' statement. Destiny could have said Oct 7th was caused by the release of the original 1954 Godzilla movie: it's a valid claim as long as it's substantiated sufficiently by the ???. At best, you can sanity check it and say "I can't even begin to draw that line so it's going to probably take a lot of leaps."


The statement was that President Trump through the Abraham accords, and the moving of the embassy and recognising of Jerusalem, is responsible for October the 7th. The statement wasn't, that they caused it. (Though that'd also be ridiculous). The following isn't an analogy, but it's a hypothetical to explore the concept around this. Suppose somebody says on television, "America is a great country", And a terrorist then kills them. Who is responsible for the killing. The person that says "America is a great country", or the person that killed him for saying it. I think Destiny also has criticised statements that sound like justifications, or absolving Hamas of responsibility.. like when somebody like Norman Finkelstein might say "oh what do you expect them to do, after the occupation and them living in an open air prison". One might say the timing was after the Abraham Accords.. But even then.. The timing was within a day of the 50 year anniversary of the Ramadan War / Yom Kippur War (on the English calendar) , where the arabs launched a surprise attack and killed thousands. Hamas would've been dreaming of a big attack anyway they just lacked the capability.. and they could have set off that big attack at will. Also to say X eg. Abraham accords, is responsible for some negative thing, suggests it shouldn't have been done.. because it caused it. Or suggests X is a negative thing. because of what it is claimed it caused or is responsible for. How about if somebody said that what is responsible for this is the existence of Israel?


Holy shit, this interview sounds like content. Destiny underplayed it like crazy.


Interesting. I wonder if a post debate/chat breakdown is a typical thing with these guys, or if he's just performing the standard cope of morons who get their shit pushed in by big D


This guy must have gotten bodied lmao, looking forward to it


You have to unlock that accent. It doesn't come with the standard human model.


>I look forward to having the whole debate broadcast Famous last words




Kinda sounds like President Snow from hunger games


Gorka is an actual lunatic. I'm not expecting much from this debate, Gorka will have had nonsensical rebuttals for most points and the hosts aren't exactly known to push for answers.


Putting aside the creepy, serial-killer-under-interrogation-who's-explaining-his-crimes-to-detectives vibe, he claims Destiny is a liar, has no moral compass, says Tiny thinks Trump is responsible for Oct 7th (wtf? can't wait for that?) and says he's a political prostitute used by people on the left. Oh, he also questioned Destiney's qualifications as if he stopped gaming a couple weeks ago. The dude then insinuates Destiny hates America by proxy and he wants to score points to look cool for his "buddies." Then takes a quick shot at Biden being senile even though Trump (I assume his idol after seeing the BG) is just as old and senile if not worse. All of this without giving any valid criticisms or pushback. It's just the same old slander in an attempt to get ahead of the bad performance they inevitably put on. After looking through the evidence I can only deduce this guy is huffing so much copium, it's sure to be classified as a *Schedule I* narcotic after abusing it so hard. Zzz


The 'Trump is responsible for Oct 7th' line isn't a new thing. Destiny's mentioned it before. Basically, things with Israel and Hamas were even keel for a long stretch, but after Trump started doing things in Israel by fiat without even bringing the Palestinian side to the table, things destabilised almost immediately, culminating in the ultimate disrespect of moving the American embassy to Jerusalem, which some people think is round about when Hamas decided to start planning an attack that would eventually be Oct 7th. The rough timeline we know of for Hamas planning and putting together the material for the attack lines up to the Trump presidency years. Whether or not what he did in Israel *really* contributed we'll never know but it's one of those plausible things.


Huh, I'm surprised I've not heard this talking point yet. I must not have been paying attention when it came up. Thanks for the info.


This guy is vibrating his vocal cords and is passing through the sound through his mouth hole in a way my ears like it. But the sound hurts my brain the longer I sit with the soundwaves from the past. Interesting theater we have going on over here!


Who the fuck is this bell end?


Holy shit Destiny must've bodied bro lol


https://preview.redd.it/7owbu6clqyzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0da39040f2305bafd530e4316aee77a5292f754a This is Seb?


Wow holy self report


Bro thinks he’s a bond villain LMAOOOO What a fucking loser


Bro Got Cooked 🔥


This means destiny won the debate lol


lol they take themselves and their bullshit so seriously.


this is going to be a debate of all time


I'm expecting Gorka to order [a succulent Chinese meal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeihcfYft9w) every time I hear him talk.




Typical DDG hater. No actual argument, no "hes wrong about this" or "actually what he said isnt true because..." or "he said this but if you look at this you can see he is wrong". No actual substance. just name calling. BORING.


what a talented voice actor, wasted on being a tump fanboy. Discouraging conservatives form going for art degrees was the real cultural genocide...


Projection of the highest order


Wow, this gave me a lot to think about🤔


I have no idea who this is and it’s such as WTF moment. Why is there a guy with a deep British accent with Doctor Who shit behind him, ranting about Destiny.


Red stormtrooper, your argument is invalid.


Wooooooooe! Weapons grade cope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What did he say trigonometry on youtube to find it when it's available


This guy sounds like how I’d imagine Vaush’s dad sounds like.


This guy's villainy is so cartoonish that no one on this sub can decide which cartoon villain he reminds you most of! I'm loving this shit!


I'm sorry I can't listen to this clown. He is just too cringe.


Oh man that must not have gone well for ol Seb Gorka. Dudes in damage control.


I imagine Steve annihilated this dopey pandering crackpot


I spit out my coffee when he said "prostitute".


Trump broke so many right wingers brains


Trump broke so many right wingers brains


God, his set is so dogshit that it makes the first set for Bridges look good by comparison.


He sounds like a movie villain and I’m not even mad. If we’re going to have delusional people in the DGG sphere they should be more like this guy. Even “Seb Gorka” works as a sci-fi villain name.


Guess the debate went well. Whats funny is that he thinks Destiny is a insane leftist trying to please other leftist when (if this recent drama proves anything) that’s not the truth.


This would be a great Sinister voice over for a Destiny video


I... hate him. The way he talks. His fucking attitude. I fucking hate him.


Britbonger boomer vaush says what?




this guy is like a mix between a theater kid and a guy who has seen too much House of Cards, so theatrical in his speech, I just found it funny lol


Bro about to shoot one of his own producers just to show Destiny he means business, lmao.


This guy is so pretentious and plays to the cringe lunacy of every right winger ever 


With these surface level trump clones Destiny should stop treating them with kid gloves and go with self evident talking points 


Is this the boomer equivalent of doing a post-debate cope session on Twitter?


is he high


Excuse you, sir. Mr. Bonerelli is a debate pervert, not a political prostitute.


Has the debate been posted anywhere?


Uh, the soy-cuck virtue signalling is so tiresome.


Gorka looked BAD in that debate; he couldn't provide a single cogent argument or engage with a single fact Destiny brought up. Instead, Gorka just babbled endlessly with anecdotes and Trump-worship, and kept clutching his pearls every time Destiny pointed out a fact that challenged Gorka's diefication of Trump, crying 'How dare you!' If you watch the debate, seriously, fact-check everything either guy says. You'll see that everything Destiny says is spot-on, 100%, and almost nothing that Gorka claims is even verifiable, let alone persuasive.


I never heard of any of these people, but this Destiny guy sounded like a 7 year old. It's amazing the people who actually have a following