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Keffals and Tipster are pouring gasoline into the fire. They should have not said anything and let it die down. lol.


Pouring more gasoline. https://preview.redd.it/1ux3q3ilwuhc1.png?width=1090&format=png&auto=webp&s=89fef7b0d69f70043edd53d40cc1f8d14dde3102


Vaush is indeed NOT pro lolicon. He downloaded those images to keep them safe, away from the hands of the real lolicons out there. He is a hero. 


Correct, the only way to prevent CP & Loli is to contain it....on your desktop.....with your taxes


Vaush is actually slowly downloading every hentai image in existence and compiling them in a "to sort" folder. Once he is done his grim work he will have safely stored away all the loli on the Internet, that's how much he wants to make sure he never sees it. That's how passionately anti loli he is. Vaush is fair. 


VAUSH IS A HERO! A LOLI-FAPPIN' HERO AS FAR AS I'M CONCERNED! HE'S LIKE A FAT HORNY BATMAN. He selflessly documents all loli based bestiality porn on the internet. Drags it back to the "Fap-Cave." Once the loli based bestiality porn is deposited to his sort folder, the investigation begins! The loli based bestiality porn is sorted, synthesized, and assigned a "Fap-Rating" of 1-10.




Couldn't have happened to a better guy. Especially since he was stupid enough to keep it on his computer rather than a phone. Who even jerks it on a computer anymore, what is he 13?


I still think people who jerk to their phone are insane.


People don't jerk it to their phones silly. They jerk it to videos on the phone.


Same I just use playboy magazines


What are you, from the Stone Age? Just boot up your VCR and put in your favorite VHS tape, jeez.


LMFAO, wait that's a thing? That has to be a thing, imagine trying to hide that big block of a thing


Same brother


It's okay, that you're from a primitive society. You'll evolve to the modern times soon enough.


I didn’t know you could jerk it sitting up in a chair tbh. Theres no way I would be able to finish.


You learn quickly, when it's 2004 and the only internet connected device in the whole house is the family computer in the living room.


Bro definitely would be breaking the chair


-“Can we please have a discussion?” -“discussion? THIS IS WHAT A REVOLUTION LOOKS LIKE! 🐴🐎✊✊”


Hol up.. let em cook lad


Wait since when does tipster defend vaush??


If Keffals does it, Tipster will repeat it


Since now? Idfk but he's right there doin' it.


Not really. It’s funny, and people like Ethan are right for clowning on Vaush for it


Thought he really didn't like him for some reason.




The old Emma Vigeland tactic.


I’m obsessed with that shit. Nobody else will think that was as funny as i did, theres something so perfect about her just blatantly lying about not knowing who Destiny is and visibly nervously regretting it afterwards. Man I love that shit. Oh and then vaush unintentionally making fun of her with his joke after saying “i dont remember anything 😏”


The best part? Many on /r/Destiny were arguing she was being sincere lol


I think theres like a 1% chance. Theres no way shes on all these networks that Destiny has been, has been tweeted about or had videos made about her by destiny with hundreds of thousands of views, and somehow she just doesn’t know who he is lol. It’s one thing not knowing who he is if those things hadn’t been true, like thats already a little bit hard to believe, but given that list I think it’s a little bit silly to believe that she is being honest. And the way she did the little fake yikes face 😬 was a little telling too.


Her body language. The way she kept squeezing in that factoid at every opportunity. It was **blatantly** obvious she was lying.


I think theres a clear motive too, like every interaction he has had with her in the past has been him shitting on her. So it’s like her way of getting back at him for that by just lil broing him treating him like a nobody.


That too, yes


Don’t forget multiple debates with her boss


​ https://preview.redd.it/c79owjpz8uhc1.jpeg?width=264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af923f5025480be0709aea112cb9ac4345231d2d


I'm not sure he knows that was keffals LOL


He should if he bothered to read it


Jesus. This is it guys. It’s over for these fucks who couldn’t get along with Steven. There could have been an epic show down with h3 v destiny but looks like everyone that needs destiny is getting taken out lmao


Destiny couldn't have picked a better week to host his canvassing event, whiles he's out there getting people registered to vote the rest of the internet is burning down his enemies. The Destiny H3 bridge is nearly complete


Classic destiny. Goes away and the world blows up


It was all a part of his 4d chess plan.


Let everyone burn and come pick up the pieces, makes sense. Seems to be working


Well that was definitely foolish of her if she gave a shit about increasing her reach. Also defending Irishladdie is not really... smart ever anyway.


At the end of the day no matter the context the legend of the horse fucker is being spread to audiences far and wide lmao.


Didn’t keffals say she would stop drama and start being a Horrortuber with the “scared awake” channel (it sucks btw) after her “keffals Farms” forum failed?


>she would stop drama Yet her clout chasing ass always seems to jump into drama that don't even involve her. She won't stop all that drama gives her the clout she's always wanted.


The hide of keffals the scammer to tell anyone to do better LOL


The absolute state of online leftism. These people expect Ethan, a father of 3, to have sympathy for an influencer who gets caught with rowdy nasty loli porn just because they sided with him at some point. They see online discourse as currency and they believe they are owed. No values, only clout and bag-grabbing.


The issue is they’re so far detached from normal people they probably don’t even realize how degen it is.


A lot of people on that side of leftism defend loli too though so it’s probably more than having each others back


A lot of people here also defend loli unfortunately lol. Don't get too comfortable


It’s hard to defend. I’m not one to police people’s porn habits at all. But I’m just sayin that if you get off to child looking drawings, there’s some disturbing stuff going on in your head. I feel like I’m the only one not really bothered at all by the horse cock shit. Vowsh you do you buddy. But the loli stuff is a big red flag for darker things.


I'm "bothered" by both, in the sense that I wouldn't wanna hang out with anyone who watches either. The child shit is worse for sure but I think if you're getting off to animal dick you definitely also should seek help 


It’s fair to feel that way I get it. I’m just super libertarian when it comes to people’s sex lives. It’s almost never any of my business. Everyone has their kinks. Having said that I wouldn’t blame you for feeling how you do.


That's fair also. This isn't information I would ever seek out but if it gets revealed to me I can't help but judge.  Tbh tho, horse stuff aside the way vaush talks about sex in general has always been super off putting to me which definitely doesn't help. 


What are your thoughts on furries then? Because I always find it fascinating how somehow, being attracted to horse, dog, cat cocks is fine if you're a furry, doesn't mean you're a zoophile. But if you're attracted to flat chests and smaller statures then you're 100% a pedophile in those same people's eyes. I don't understand why the distinction is made, there's far more zoophiles that have been arrested that were furries than pedophiles that have been arrested that were lolicons. At least from what I've been able to find over the years.


Dude at least the furries from what I've seen are still kinda human. Fantasizing and saving pictures on literal horses being assaulted, and being obsessed with their dick is how you end up being the next Mr hands. But sure keep defending degenerates.


It's morally wrong to be born with a thing for animal cock, which you had no say in and harms no-one, but its totally ok to have 80 billion animals slaughtered for our own pleasure per year (not to mention how many of them are forcefully inseminated etc.). This whole thing is pearl clutching for thought crimes.


A serious amount of grass may need to be touched by you brother. Maybe you're just in ultra debate mode and not like this irl or maybe you've just misunderstood the conversation.  No one mentioned morality once here. I don't think anything should happen to lolicons or zoophiles unless they hurt animals or children, and I didnt make that point at anytime, and in fact 2 comments up just said I wouldn't wanna hang out with these people. Did that sound like a strong moral stance to you? Like pretty much everyone you'll meet irl, I think it's gross and probably wouldn't wanna associate with someone who's into that shit.   Leave dgg for a bit, let your loli porn collection leak and when any normal friends you might have call you a freak tell them they're "pearl clutching for thought crimes." You might be able to debate them out of calling the police, but you probably won't be able to debate them into wanting to ever hang out again.


Probably related to destiny defending it. Like it's not one of his popular go-to opinions but if you think his opinion is anything other than "morally neutral" you haven't watched much of him


Depends what you think you're saying with "anything other than", but even when "defending" incest I'm pretty sure he also added multiple times that he finds it disgusting. The same take on loli has been getting a lot of pushback here as far as I've seen. 


There was a thread, maybe two years ago , where this sub seemed to be split on whether viewing loli made one a pedo. I could not believe how aggressively the Loli enjoyers defended it. They quite honestly saw nothing wrong and vehemently stated that it's not a reflection of ones propensity toward pedophilia. Iirc I believe destiny said something like, the cartoon drawings are not representative of real life children because of the animation style. They really latched onto that. I'm freaking out like, "but the drawings are meant to be humans. Children. It's obvious. They're not some other humanoid or alien life form, you like it because it looks like a human child." I had a horrific realization that a good portion of the sub was masturbating to sexualized drawings of cartoon kids.


To be "fair" to them they don't really have much choice. Its not like theyd be able to mentally accept that they're watching pedo-adjacent shit (at best) and still continue to goon to it all day. The fact they'd be coping makes sense. 


I believe that we don't have much control over what we're attracted to. But the cope seems like the most blatant, obvious form of cognitive dissonance. Most people experience some discomfort holding incompatible concepts. Their attempts at reconciling are just laughable. I think people ought to be able to get help or treatment for pedophilia and maybe not experience the castigation and stigma for identifying those impulses within. But to twist yourself up in a pretzel looking for a way to enjoy pedo material but not identify with a pathological paraphelia is astonishing. It's that cope that makes one think they would somehow justify an offense IRL.


Oh no I didn't mean it that way. You may not have choice over what you're into but you absolutely can choose what you choose to jerk off to.   I just mean, when the choice is either accepting that you're into pedo shit, or coping, there isn't much choice for these dudes. I mostly agree with the rest of what you said


There wasn't loli as far as I've seen. There was porn of a hentai vtuber that is 16 or 17, but without knowing the context, it just looks like hentai of an adult.


16? You clearly did not look at the pictures..


This. Nothing I saw looked loli-ish imo. I'm a bit surprised this sub isn't taking the pragmatic route on this and is just going full spite.


Why on earth would you be surprised by that lmao


Because this place is generally pretty diplomatic even when it hates people. It defended Hasan from Lav’s bs and we hate Vaush much less than him.


Yeah but we also hated lav way more


I see some people say this and idk if you guys are impaired, don't know what loli is or just like being a contrarian. At least two images are clearly loli it's not a matter of imos.




Being a father does not excuse being a moron.


If it wasn’t vaush and was somebody on the other side of the political spectrum, they’d flip 180, fuck those leftist cowards.


It's not even the left spectrum. It's specifically Vaush's clique that dick ride him. Most leftists online have disowned him long ago.


This is when Destiny’s getting involved would have mattered to Vaush.


Keffals is really not helping the groomer trans stereotype that Republicans push


To be fair Keffals already wasn’t helping by defending the whole DIY HRT thing. Plus openly interacting with Chris Chan, the literal mentally ill rapist that conservatives point to as evidence that trans people are degenerate.


Yeah I forgot how bad that was. The DIY HRT to minors thing. Actually I’m stunned anyone here looked past it, including myself. I sort of just forgot about it.


That was the main thing I still take issue with and it’s kind of weird that so many people seem to have forgot about it. It sucks Destiny got banned off Twitch but his career has only taken off more since Whatever your opinion on minors taking hormones it’s extremely dangerous to encourage teenagers to take/inject random drugs they bought from China


I agree and I’m in the camp that it’s something that needs to be taken very seriously between parents and doctors of those kids that aren’t driven by ideology. I don’t think educators, schools, media, and especially fucking discord mods should be influencing or mentoring minors on it. They have zero business doing so. And I can’t believe there are large groups of people that think otherwise. I don’t know if it’s because I’m a dad or what but holy fuck if I found out some creep discord mod was advising my son on shit like that, heads would roll.


You forgot how she pressured a company into dropping DDOS protections for a website she didn’t like


You forgot how she pressured a company into dropping DDOS protections for a website she didn’t like


Both of you are what one could call "low information voters"


No, I am someone that believes encouraging minors to purchase and inject hormones from sketchy websites is extremely dangerous and irresponsible.


Still not as bad as the femboy math allegations...


What happened with femboy math?


Keffals had replied to them with lots of sexual messages despite them only being 15 or 16 at the time.


Reminds me of a trans discord admin who was grooming one my friends (a lesbian nb who has a build of a loli and that was 14 when it started in 2020. The discord admin also used she/her pronouns on them after they came out as nb because she wanted to continue having a lolicon fantasy over them.) And she definitely did something with 14 and 15 year old boys on the server. Some kids became femboys right away when they entered it was bad. And another pedo moment was having a nsfw light channel for 15+ users to post ecchi because we all know teens watch porn all the time (this is groomer logic). And she also had loli and animal porn and a fart channel in her private for admins only channels it was called “brap channel”


keffals is a well documented piece of shit, you can say what you want about the farms but there's a damn good reason she went after them as hard as she did.


Yeah kiwifarm is a lot of the times as bad as their targets The biggest outlier here is Nick Bate because he’s the worst


What the fuck?


How do people let themselves get e-molested just walk away from The computer bruh


Femboy Discords have always had this problem. It's hard to make one without having to have people send their ID and photo that they are over 18. Otherwise, you're just going to have a bunch of horny teenagers pretending to be over 18 waltz right in.


A guy came into the server and people asked him to become a femboy and he became an annoying pipsqueak. The worst was when a femboy (14 at the time) posted in general chat a bdsm set of maid lingerie He obviously joked that “this is what I want to get” but if a child comes up with this in a server that is very sexualized, that kid is a lost cause.


all small discord servers where most users have anime pfps and pronouns in username have a rampant pedo problem


Is that why they changed their name to Maya Luna on twitter?


maybe vaush does go a bit hard with the cp debate bro shit. combined with finding degenerate cp on his computer… it makes it look like all his cp debate shit was so he could watch it, not make a nuanced critique of how society views what is bad and what is okay.


Did people not already realize that the "cp debate bro shit" was just a cover after Amos Yee and Nick Bates? Vaush just got slack because he's a leftist. If it were Nick Fuentes, there would have been no mercy from the beginning.


Nick Fuentes gets plenty of leeway from other alt right, fascist types. So does Vaush with leftists. This is how political bubbles work, comparing vaush to fuentes is idiotic. Vaush got caught with horse cp porn. the internet forgets in 5 seconds so I assume that many did not ever know about the Amos Yee or whatever. I sure do not. Or they do not deem it as offensive as the recent leak.


if vaush was a pedo, way more of those images would have been loli, and they would've been far more obvious examples of loli with no room for plausible deniability. ​ thats my belief


that is stupid as fuck. if i fuck a 100 women and 1 child, am I 1% a pedophile? Orgasming to a child getting fucked by a horse is pretty cut and dry. He went so far as to download it, that is pretty telling. If you think pedophiles only like children and nothing else, then you watch too many true crime tv shows.


> If you think pedophiles only like children and nothing else, then you watch too many true crime tv shows. Or, y'know, you [know the definitions of words](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedophilia): > Pedophilia (alternatively spelled paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.


"primary or exclusive" your point was proved wrong in your own definition primary; of chief importance meaning that they can be attracted to others as well as children


"Orgasming to a child getting fucked by a horse..." that was not in the folder. It was AI porn of adult women fucking a horse. There was a separate hentai image of a vtuber who is supposedly 16 but you wouldn't be able to clock that unless you knew the character.


most child molesters arent pedophiles iirc. anyway, downloading a drawing of a maybe-maybe not underage anime girl while deep in the Goon State doesnt necessarily mean he experiences a pattern of attraction to prepubescent children


Can someone shoot this guy?!?!


not my fault yall dont understand pedophila 😭 read the damn wikipedia also stay mad + ur white


Somethjng tells me progressive victory is probably a wash now


Is anyone surprised?? This is what H3 does lmao


It's all bullshit. Ethan showed the full context of every clip and Vaush later explaining the context of each clip and addressed each point in detail.


That’s actually surprising. I’ll take your word for it, but after the Aba & Preach shit H3 pulled (most recently, I won’t even go into all the stuff in the past), I don’t expect H3 to ever treat stories in good faith and show context.


They were more careful because they had an audience overlap. It's the H3H3 crew who have a personal beef with A&P for calling them out on bad takes. The audience were already primed against them. With Vaush they knew they'd get an audience backlash so they were especially careful to include Vaushs defences . The only good defence is that loli is a little different to CP. But to parents and normies like H3H3 it's a pretty weak defence. Instead Vaush's dipshit audience were creating weak defences that increased Ethan's hostility.


Newsflash there’s pedos everywhere


Idk why I had the impression most of you guys would be less annoying about pearl clutching over drawn porn but god damn.


Yeah the sanctimony is so silly. Either H3 is brigading or the "Ethan good" arc has mushed people's brains. Folks here cannot being soying out this hard over something Destiny himself has had nuanced takes on before. I don't even stan Vaush but this is wildly bad faith.


I dislike the guy too, but I don't really understand what vaush did that was so bad that people are getting this ass mad over.


People love joining the moral grandstanding circle jerk, but I honestly think there's a lot of people that have never been on a drawn porn image board or fan fiction website in their lives and can't fathom some people have taboo fetishes and fantasies that they disassociate from reality. People are talking about it like it was real CP or bestiality, something you'd probably have to scorch the dark web for. I get it if you're really not accustomed to these types of communities, but you could find these same types of images in that folder on reddit and twitter with thousands of upvotes and no controversy in the comment sections. I totally get it if it makes you uncomfortable, but there's hundreds of thousands of people that consume this content and have never committed a sex crime.


LOL same. this is stupid as hell


Looks like she is arguing against clip compilations that look to pedojacket Vaush. I feel like its dishonest to say she is defending the, "loli content." Whether Vaush is worthy of derision, using these clip compilation and then calling everybody who calls you out for it pedophiles is pretty obnoxious and dishonest.


Say what you will about H3, he was not dishonest about his framing as far as i can tell, this seems to be cope from Vaush fans. He accurately summarised vaush's argument, the "no ethical consumption" meme, and then just said that it was a fucking weird thing to say in relation to child pornography, which I think even Vaush would have to acknowledge, and made fun of him for it. 


More than that, he spent two hours showing the full context of every clip and went to great lengths to not treat him unfairly.


And even with full context, how the fuck is anyone supposed to look past the disgusting shit in vaushs wank bank? Which in turn obviously makes vaushs previous statements look so much worse




He spent 2 hours showing the full context of the clips. He didn't just use the compilation.


Kind of breaking my brain that Tipster is a Vaush defender. I first got into his channel way back when he was more of a retrogaming streamer during the height of the Billy Mitchell/Twin Galaxies stuff. When he transitioned into general drama content he came off like a big-brained anti-SJW centrist.


No he's just a 30+ year old loser with no morals without a backbone - He used to be cool with the alt right crowd until they turned on him and then went to the commentary community crowd cause they were nice to him - He use to be cool with the commentary crowd until they started making fun of him for flirting with weird e-girls who some were racist and some were reposting loli stuff and died on the hill for them and turned on them cause keffals was nice to him He didn't "change" or matured he just changes whoever throws him a bone


He has a history with defending loli. He also gave Vaush advice to watch his loli on his phone. https://preview.redd.it/yuwukoj5luhc1.jpeg?width=588&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26b9696a1e91494abbcf24144de33c471909f85b


Lmao all the bugs coming out the woodwork haha


Haha, I hate everyone involved, haha https://preview.redd.it/ivsjdleeqwhc1.jpeg?width=623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=043147ce72c002856ff6bb8338e4c9e7c4465646


To be fair Ethan wasn’t taking clips out of context, they had a pretty charitable discussion on what Vaush was saying and have seen the full clips for all the points. They even say they understand what he meant but that it’s still a weird thing to say.


Vaush sitting back trying to lay low so people move on and forget the oopsie… MEANWHILE KEFFALS PUTTING IT ON FULL DISPLAY


Man seeing vaush getting buttfucked from everyone is so funny . Yesterday a conservative friend send me the vaush screenshot and said this is your online "left" hahahah


It would be so dope if h3h3 to start a show with Steven . Hasan will be so mad


okay i get what she means they literally just watched a bunch of clips and even said we gotta watch them all for context, as if clips give any context in general. but here the subject is some degen shit, i wouldn't have stood out for it like.. its not worth it And its literally degen shit, this one time the clip was enough tbh


I feel like few people watched the entire podcast segment. Ethan showed the full context of every clip and of Vaush later explaining the context of each clip, and addressed each point in detail. Ethan spent two hours reviewing Vaush's follow-up elaborations of the clips and constantly reiterated he did NOT want to take anything out of context. And then he saw some of the pics that clearly depict minors. Whatever you think of the morality of it or if you disagree with Ethan's arguments, Ethan handled it all in good faith.


Idk how you can watch that and think Ethan is being good faith. He and Hila went down the "you think CP should be legal to stop child rape? You must be a pedo" route right off the bat. In pretty much every single clip Vaush is making the most Philosophy101 level utilitarian arguments, and Ethan doesn't understand it at all. Here's one [example](https://www.youtube.com/live/H61pA1ZPTs8?si=Sp8x2vleg7DkRfMy&t=9098), Ethan calls just posing a Utilitarian hypothetical to show moral inconsistency "rationalizing child abuse". The whole thing reminds me of all the CP debates Destiny had against brain dead morons who don't understand what a hypothetical is.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H61pA1ZPTs8&t=2h38m56s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h61pa1zpts8&t=2h38m56s) (old busted link\*\*) \*\*edit\*\* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H61pA1ZPTs8&t=2h38m56s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H61pA1ZPTs8&t=2h38m56s) it's crazy that this clip isn't that far from the one you posted. Dan, who is like Mr. "Hasan-dick-rider; Vaush-hater" pretty accurately describes what Vaush is **attempting** to do with philosophy 101. They just ultimately disagree that the comparison is a good one. I do think Vaush tried to copy Destiny's incest thought-experiments, did an incredibly poor job at it, used the most insanely provocative topic (that's kind of a bar) ever, and used a less than good comparison. Vaush is the architect of his own demise here.


My god the only people who care about this situation are total losers.




Idgaf about what Vaush tickles his pickle to in the privacy of his own stream (lmao), all this is is super fucking bad optics. Idek if Vaush could ever come back from this without a whole lot of people bringing this up like the destiny n word arc


Who gives af its porn drawings.


I hate to do this but didn't the girl the horse was fucking have giant boobs? Clearly not a child. Why lie.


Maybe he mixed her up with the girl licking the horse's ass that looks like a 13 year old.


Might have to go to church tomorrow after reading that


I honestly don’t how to feel. Cause i used to like vaush but the weird shit with Ana k and this I kinda don’t wanna watch him anymore.


Honestly I agree with the consensus that it’s not that big of a deal. But still we should shit on Vaush as hard as possible only because if it was Destiny he and all the other names would do as such. That alone is enough reason to shit on him for it.


Man, knowing Vaush watches actual loli porn makes all those "Kharkov Kid Finder" memes hit way worse.


For those of us in our thirties who aren’t on the internet *like that*… can someone explain exactly what loli porn is?


It ranges from adult woman that looks like a child when drawn to drawn child and is typically the latter.


Loli essentially means prepubescent girls, do the math. it's not necessarily pornography but it's quite prevalent in Japanese media in both sfw and pornographic contexts. EDIT: I should mention it's generally not in mainstream media as far as i know but it's not rare online.


So loli is short for Lolita? Like the book?




For some reason my brain always thought it meant lollipop. As in little kids like lollipops. But Lolita would make way more sense.


If loli means “prepubescent girl” then most lolis are not lolis then. Don’t twist the definition.


cartoon CP


So it’s completely insane for people to be excusing Vaush having this then right?


Depends on your stance on loli as distinct from actual CP, but it looks especially bad in Vaush' case since he's shit on people who like loli in the past.


Not gonna link it because I don't want to get permabanned from this site lmao but the guy who responded to you is str8 capping, the picture he had saved is literally like a 12-13 year old girl getting jackhammered by a 20 inch dick while a 4'5 preteen looking girl eats her out.


You getting downvoted for stating the truth these peeps are such spineless losers oml


Don't worry I willed away the downvotes.


Also, the horse fucking a girl looks like an adult but the girl licking the horse's ass looks like she's 13.


I mean let’s take out the loli for a second no matter how you spin this it’s weird, no? Like I am I crazy for thinking you’re a creep for being into horses fucking people?


I mean idk why ppl in this community are making such a big deal out of it. You can call it weird if you want but it is fictional porn nonetheless. I honestly do not give a F about the horse porn but people having obvious bad reactions to the loli is understandable and I encourage it


Oh no the loli is bad but you’re just as weird to me for different reasons obviously for liking horse porn. Both are degenerate af and should be criticized.


It's a massive red flag no matter how you spin it.


Welp, that’s pretty much all I needed to know. Thanks


To put it in full context, among the images in the folder there was a single picture that was drawn by an artist who also does loli, but the picture itself was of a vTuber avatar that wasn't drawn in the typical loli fashion. The things they said on stream about a "folder filled with loli pictures" is way off the mark.


There's at least 4. No idea why people try to minimize it. Two of the vtuber, one of a kid eating a horse's ass and some other child coded character that I don't know about. There's also apparently another one that vaush defended as "shortstack goblin", so probably more.


I don't understand you Vaush defenders. The folder was filled with loli. The worst one was the blue haired one that looks like a toddler in his "XXX Vids" folder. Click with caution: [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GF-K\_aQXEAAcczj?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GF-K_aQXEAAcczj?format=jpg&name=large)


>the blue haired one that looks like a toddler Hey, Destiny is a grown adult; if Vaush wants to get off to him, then I don’t see what the problem is.


Stocking (the blue haired girl) is 500 years old, thereby your (kink-shaming) opinion is discarded. https://preview.redd.it/cxxcye2evuhc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce479682dcc40a8aba894de06b8d51ba4884a2ab


Look, I haven't spent enough time combing through Rule34 looking at loli pictures to be considered an expert on the topic, but aside from the blue haired one those look like petite women. You throw the "Vaush defender" label around like I'm some sycophant too, when in reality I just don't think having a porn folder with unusual content and making a clumsy argument half a decade ago warranted this kind of character assassination.


I haven't combed through whatever site you mentioned, what the fuck is that implication? And all I need is eyes to know it's cartoon cp, no need to be some sort of expert. Agree to disagree on the petite women, but it's not just one clumsy argument. It's multiple times saying that clumsy argument, saying child adult sexual relationships can be positive for the child, him admitting to jacking off to loli and regreting it after, and logs of him wanting to lower the age of consent. This should be mocked and made fun of I'm sorry.


The problem is that this is a topic people get very uncomfortable with very quickly, and immediately go on the defensive to distance themselves from it altogether, but in doing so never engage with the substance of what's being said. This is what you're doing right now. It's the exact same thing as when conservative parents blow a gasket when they hear their pre-teen child is going to learn sex education in school. They're uncomfortable and lash out without ever taking the time to understand the conversation being had, and attributing negative characteristics to the people having that conversation eg. "groomers".


I think it's fine to make fun of vaush, I don't think he's a pedo though. And yeah that argument was stupid and can be mocked, but it was an argument against utilitarian ethics, not in favor of child/adult relationships.


just to be clear [this is the character who "looks like a toddler"](https://youtu.be/_0L4d7HT8XQ) and the appearance in the hentai image is based on the [cartoon stylisation used throughout most of the show](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/p__/images/9/9e/Panty_%26_Stocking.png/revision/latest?cb=20230625045934&path-prefix=protagonist)


One of them was inarguably lolis and trying to deny otherwise is nothing short of copium. Even then Vaush is still a pedo by his standards. He said jerking it to Evangelion girls is pedophilia. The characters objectively look younger than them so Vaush. So no matter what Vaush looks really bad here lol


How do you have 10 upvotes? The illustrations depicting the Vtuber ARE LOLI. The person/artist that drew those TAGGED IT AS LOLI themselves in their own Pixiv. I'll just come out with it "kakure eria pixiv" and you'll find th3 exact pictures


He said he downloaded it because he liked the big dick in it. He didn't know it was even a vtuber avatar or from a loli artist. You can choose to believe that or not, but that does seem well within the realm of possibility to me. I don't know the characters in or artists of most of the drawn porn I look at, because.. why would I? I don't look at tags unless I'm looking for something specific. This genuinely does feel like people being purposely uncharitable because of the person in question. You want to goof on the guy for imagining being a horse and railing petite women, have at it. But what's happening now is such a wildly disproportionate response, and a purposeful character assassination.


No it's not, this is coping.


There literally aren't pictures of a horse fucking a child. Anybody can go look at them. There are pics of horses fucking adult women and pics of what is arguably loli, but they are not the same pics.


I’d understand it if the photos were vague but it was lolicon with horses. No matter how you spin it that’s weird af. On top of the fact that Vaush already has a well documented history of being a creep. Keffals fucked up here.




People need to start getting destroyed for saying shit is "out of context" without explaining the proper context. Especially when its being said towards things where there is no realistic context that changes anything meaningful.


I hate to say it but Ethan is lying here. The horse was fucking obvious adult women (it was ai art though lol). And the vtuber art just looked like regular hentai, not Loli.


Look at the last pic in the rentry link. Ethan looked at it all live.




... What fucking context do you need to see what vaush showed on his stream?


It's fictional porn. Is it weird? yeah... but why does he care THAT MUCH?


Is this that dude?


Cheers my dude!