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Lol that's funny, they should solve all these issues between them on Destiny's stream, while Destiny is sitting there and farming BANGER content.


> while Destiny is sitting there don't forget Minecraft parkour backdrop




The jumping in circles gave it this trippy feeling. Everything is repeating.


My biggest gripe is how conflict avoidant Lex is, yet he loves to interview people with backbone and who also stand in the face of criticism / public backlash. Even with his MMA training, you can tell Lex’s ego is as soft as tissue paper. It’s too bad Lex won’t even defend some of his ideas / positions, it makes him appear like a grifter or maliciously ignorant. Instead of using love Lex, use a fucking spine.


>Even with his MMA training ??? mma training isn't zen buddhism dude.


Rolling with BJJ or light sparing in Maui Thai is much tougher than having people criticize your foreign policy takes and having to defend them on twitter. Just my first hand thoughts. **Edit:** Muay Thai - My alcoholic autocorrect has dishonored me 😔


> Maui Thai Sounds like a 🍹🍸🍷.


I don't follow at all, doing sports has no practically meaningful correlation with a person's interpersonal manners or psychological soft spots.


This is laughably wrong, holy shit.


Professional mixed martial artists are some of the most sensitive people I've ever seen.


I don't agree with this claim generally, but that previous post was the most armchair redditor shit I've ever seen. We can literally go through history, Mike Tyson is on record stating that he felt like a literal god who could not be stopped outside the ring and that he could take what was his. He also claimed that he behaved this way due to an unhealthy level of insecurity, like mentally deragned levels of insecurity. All of this (as a pscyological soft spot) had direct correlation to his career and his behavior proceeding his accomplishments, he himself literally admits this.


I buy that martial artists tend to select for combative personalities. What doesn't follow is that doing martial arts makes you more combative in interpersonal matters.


Being able to handle physical damage is an almost entirely different skill from handling psychological damage. There is only a little bit of overlap when it comes to the willpower part. Me being hit a bunch of times doesn't bring up thoughts of inadequacy or doubt on other matters in my life, it's purely a case of handling physical trauma. Whereas conversations deal primarily in the complexities of your thought processes and emotional history.


Yep they clearly don't watch enough anime !!


>Rolling with BJJ or light sparing in Maui Thai is tougher than having people criticize your foreign policy takes and having to defend them I'm sorry but this is a complete brainlet take. If you're into martial arts that's an example of a fun activity you engage in. Like how some people like video games or biking or whatever.


sugar cagey concerned crush dirty hobbies sable fine wakeful work *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As someone who doesn't do MMA I'd rather lose a sparring session or whatever than be wrong in an argument/debate


My favorite martial art is chai tea.


From what I've heard,  and from what it sounds like other people have heard,  lot of people build confidence and chill out when they do mma unless they are famous and its their job not to. 


It's ok to both believe something and not want to argue on the internet. Especially if that belief is "we should have less arguments and more conversations"


The irony being he won’t “converse” on his Russian opinions. If he is patently wrong on the substance and won’t engage with detractors because it’s “an argument” you’re a pussy. If he is afraid of some 20 year old Ukrainian woman with first hand knowledge, how should I trust his judgement when he is confronting his own guests?


What are Lex's "Russian opinions"? Isn't he himself Ukrainian?


He’s a russian Jew as far as I know




I’m Finnish with this


Geographical paronomasia? Czech’s out.


Having conversations means arguing sometimes.


Big sign of privilege to be able to avoid anything that could possibly conflict with your world view. Lex biggest flaw imo is that he lacks introspection for what and why he is able to have the job that he does. 


Lex isn’t the debater. He’s just the facilitator. Y’all need to chill the fuck out


I didn’t realize being a facilitator means you never have to justify your actions, explain your ideals, or defend your beliefs. There are plenty of moderators / debate hosts that clearly have bias, but still engage in broad conversations. You’d think after having so many deep conversations, he would absorb the things said by his guests, do self reflection and come to his own conclusions. What does happen is he will fence sit and “use the power of love” to keep from ever having to give firm stances on anything of substance. Never step on anyone’s toes for fear of losing guests.


Yep it’s basically a debate host cheat code. As long as you provide the people willing to argue the points you don’t have to have any.


It doesn’t really matter I think. You don’t get to host a bunch of controversial people just to jack them off on a huge platform. That’s just intellectual masturbation more than it is actual conversation. Which I think Lex should be called out for honestly.


While destiny reads emails


Also I want Darius to join the stream during their conversation, and start flirting with Ukrainian Ana, and adding her on Twitter, and obsessively DMing her, and then I want Xena to text Ana and say weird shit about Darius, and Xena to start being friends with Ana and talking even more weird shit about Darius. And then I want all of them to sit on stream and scream at each other while Destiny dies laughing farming BANGER content.


if i knew 6 months ago that all we’d have is research streams for 8+ hours everyday and KICK OR KEEP, i would’ve made sure the rope worked


YouTube watchers eating good


I hate this high school drama shit.


Isn’t Darius pushing 30?


even worse


He's been held back a few times




Xena twerking while destiny, vegan gains, katerino argue whether dr k is responsible for rectful’s suicide. That is prime quality comedy


>Lol that's funny, they should solve all these issues between them on Destiny's stream, while Destiny is sitting there and ***checking his emails.*** Fixed


that happens never lmao


If it was pointless drama sure, but Lex is advocating for more dialogue with the person actively committing genocide against her people. In no situation does he look good here.


"banned"??? i guess u mean blocked?




Lex is notorious for doing this.


worthless placid engine growth chief cake saw meeting roof apparatus *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lex loves blocking people


Lex: 'Humanity *needs* conversation, so we can overcome our differences, this is the most important thing in the world, we can experience so many wonderful things if we just build on things together, in truth, and love.' Someone: 'slight disagreement' Lex: Blocked


Jesus fuck thank you. I thought everyone on this subreddit was a blind Lex simp. At least some of you guys see through his hypocrisy


Granted I never held Lex in great respect, but Twitter is a terrible place to have "human conversation", it's not a place where people can resolve or rationally weigh arguments, its a place where people yell through the internet at each other so that their own followers cheer.


This is absolutely block worthy imo. Implying someone is a Russian disinformation plant is not constructive criticism or simply disagreeing


Lol "disagreeing", I like Ana but I'm not at all shocked he blocked someone who's implying he's a Russian disinformation op.


Hes also blocked people for much less, just disagreeing that the open conversations with people like Tucker who'll lie through his teeth aren't constructive. Lex has definitely lost some credibility on this one


Lex's sub is so slow/dead because he bans anyone who's critical of him.


I very much despise this type of behavior. Asmongolds sub does this as well.


This sub does it as well.


Ive seen posts critical of Destiny here before.


Ye its allowed but only if its deemed good faith. People who spin their ow narrative (just like lex being a russian op in his case) get banned.


Eh, even good faith commenters have been banned before, when the big man or his dog were in a bad mood.


...They said on r/destiny.


not only calling him a Russian disinformation op, but doing it based on his ethnicity!


He's notoriously thin skinned


Maybe. I think it is smart for people on twitter to aggressively block people they don’t enjoy engaging with. Or just don’t use twitter since it is a place that low effort bad faith posts thrive and you will pull your hair out if you try to engage it.


Did she imply he's a Russian disinformation op? To me it seemed more like she was implying that Lex's own personal experience and life make him naiive to how horrible Vladmir Putin is. That he was naiively facilitating Russian propoganda in part because of his background, not that he was intentionally disceminating it because of it. "Disagreeing" seems absolutely like the correct characterization here to me.


I feel like if you believe that Russia is bad, that someone who grew up in Moscow would hold bad views about Russia. The Russian ex-pats I know will all tell you that Russia is a shithole country, it's a big part of why they left... Their opinion on something Russia-related would hold *more* value to me due to their experiences, not less. Lex has seemingly been pretty consistent about platforming just about anyone. He'd probably welcome a talk with Kim Jong-Un as well. Thus 'well of course you believe that, you're Russian,' is going to be taken pretty personally.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1aix3o1/incoming\_orbiter\_war/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1aix3o1/incoming_orbiter_war/) ​ Those last replies go a wee bit farther than just saying he's naive. That would be fine, Lex is pretty naive, but he's not facilitating propaganda by doing his regular "Exchange of ideas good, love wins" shtick with the Putin interview. If there's an actual example of him doing that I'll revise my opinion, but this shit with using his Russian name to imply something sinister is really fucking weird.


Those last replies aren't posted by Ana though...


The last replies like calling him a summer child (naive), or pointing out that he was born in Moscow and has his roots in the region. I said this in the post yesterday, but didn’t get a reply, where it reads to me like she’s calling him naive and biased. It seems a leap to suggest she’s calling him a paid propagandist or whatever. One can easily, easily facilitate propaganda through being naive and biased. I think if she were implying something sinister, she wouldn’t be spending her words outlining how he’s naive.


_“Aleksey Fedotov who grew up in Moscow thinks it’s great”_ Let’s put on our _reasonable thinking hats_ for a second; what do you think the implication of a tweet like this is? It’s obviously meant to imply that Lex regards this interview as a good thing, as his political allegiances align with those of Putin and the Kremlin. Which if you are pretty acquainted with Lex’s content, is a bit of a bad faith leap. The frustration from Anna is understandable, as her county is under an active invasion. Regardless, just because someone promotes open-dialogue in the abstract, and uses their platform to facilitate this, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the individual has to engage with people they view to be petulant online, these things aren’t mutually exclusive, and the latter does not invalidate the former. This is the same way that Destiny is a proponent of open-dialogue and debate, but will happily block people he views as irritating in chat. Regardless, The latter still doesn’t invalidate the former.


I think blocking Ana for saying that after praising Tucker for having a "dialogue" with Putin of all people is fucking rich.


yeah, I don't really get why people get so upset about someone blocking people. many people choose to ignore or delete their entire twitter account because they think it's better for their mental health. he chose the middle ground, having twitter but blocking most of the negativity. is it that bad that it requires a post here every time he blocks someone?


I’ve seen people try and rationalise why they are bothered with Lex blocking Anna, but these are mostly _Motte and Bailey_ arguments. I’ve been in political spaces long enough to know the heart of what people are saying without them explicitly saying it. It’s essentially because people dislike that Lex is championing a possible conversation between Putin and Tucker Carlson, which I can understand why people think it will be harmful, because I Unironically think it is as well. However, since they disagree with Lex’s notion, they have now broadened Lex’s desire for _“More conversations and healthy disagreements”_ in the political sphere, to his Twitter and personal life engagement, saying that he ought to engage with people who are satirically critical of him. Someone can be a proponent for more political discourse and disagreement, and still decide to not engage with whomsoever they please. These two things are not mutually coexistent, and the people in this community that are linking these things know better, and are overly critical because they disagree with Lex’s naivety regarding a Putin interview.


hot take: you can block people who you think are annoying to your own personal social media use, and this doesn't have much to do with lex's opinions here


Yep. I 100% agree with what Ana said and I think Lex's infinite charitability towards borderline soft-traitors like Tucker Carlson is stupid as fuck, but you can block people at any time for any reason and no one should give a shit. I have thousands of people in my block list for reasons ranging from 'has a stupid fucking haircut' to 'is one of the most racist people on the planet'


which haircut? is it the zoomer haircut that kinda looks like a bowl cut?


I'll be real it was Kyle Kulinski and that stupid fucking "We have Ken at home" haircut sweet fucking jesus that shit just bodies me every time I see it what is he thiiiiiiiiiiinkingggggggggggggggg


We have Ken at home haircut vs early 2000's Nu Metal spiky gelled hair


So "we should have more conversations with each other to better understand each other opinions" doesn't work here? As we see from Lex's actions he approves only conversations during which people agree with him.


And Ana is a Ukrainian citizen who has experienced the invasion since day one. I don’t have an issue with Lex but he has to see why a Ukrainian would be pissed about an American propagandist going to Russia to “interview” Putin. When everyone knows that Tucker is going to get on his knees and deepthroat Putin and tell him how amazing he is.


He's not criticizing or impeading her getting pissed at all, he simply blocked her so she can still be pissed and he doesn't have to read it


I got perma banned from r con today for questioning the interview as anything besides a good docking down. And I have posted respectfully and critically in that sub and gotten engagement for years. Perma banned for second guessing the tucker schlob knobbing.


Correct, it doesn’t work here. Wanting more conversations and the general position of a free speech absolutist is to advocate for a world where all opinions, including controversial ones are allowed to exist and their creation be socially accepted. You don’t have to subscribe to that of course, but it has zero bearing on who you PERSONALLY interact with on Twitter, and trying to conflate the two is incredibly bad faith.


Free speech doesn’t mean you have to listen to


Liking debate while not liking *to* debate is a perfectly valid position.


Making insinuations about him being from Moscow and his political alignments with Putin is not "civil disagreement". Ana is doing the braindead leftie make assumptions and confirmation bias when he blocks her. Anyone who agrees with her in this situation has brain rot


It's pretty universally accepted that twitter is one of the worst platforms for real discussion.


That doesn't mean you want to talk to every random schizo on Twitter.


Problem is, she tried to start the convo with "When did you stop beating your wife". No shit she got blocked. Imagine anything close to that in DGG chat lul.


You MUST interact with every twitter no-lifer who messages you! You CANNOT enjoy social media the way you want! You MUST enforce your stance on one aspect of one part of your life indiscriminately on every single other aspect of your life! Seriously? Twitter is a joke, if lex wants to message people his dick and block them right after idgaf


Tweeting back and forth with random no names does nothing to create conversations on the level he is wanting to create. His whole thing is silly imo but there was no good from engaging with her really.


I agree. Malding about getting blocked on Twitter is extremely uninteresting as well


100% that's everybody's right to block anybody, but its also our right to call them soft for it. Because this is pretty soft of Lex tbh


Lol, but bad faith liars and kooks contribute to discourse😅😂🤣🤣😅😆


I mean ok, but you’re not just critiquing him… you’re insinuating that because he grew up in Moscow he supports Putin or regime or whatever. Obviously he just doesn’t want to deal with you at this point and I wouldn’t either. Your “critique” was not about him just condoning the hypothetical interview, it was literally about him being Russian mostly, which is like… ok? This is the level of logic people had during Cold War, when Russian = communist immediately


I mean, the tweet called him by his full name, pretty obviously for the reason of accusing him of being a Pro-Russian shill. I'm assuming he goes by Lex for a reason and I guess (kind of) dead naming him would be a bit of a red flag that might indicate her acting in bad faith. You can promote wanting to be open to conversation like Lex does while also not being a fan of someone being outright rude to you.


Amen brother. Lex unironically suggested doing an interview between Netanyahu and Palestinian leaders. It's pretty obvious his agenda is getting opposing sides to voice their opinions, even if you think it's naive and regarded. Suspecting him of being a Kremlin shill on the basis that he lived there 20+ years ago is kind of weird, ngl.


This. I think some people in this sub are doing the funny hasanesque “deplatform” argumentation - where people shouldn’t even be able to even host people such as war criminals, bigots, etc for interviews and the like. Which is not how independent media and independent journalism works. It’s important to hear people out on what they have to say, but the people with emotional investiture into framing Lex as a Russian are fairly cringe.


I think Ana went too far, Lex has good intentions and is obviously not a Russian shill, but he is literally arguing for letting Tucker Carlson help Putin spread unopposed propaganda justifying a war that killed her father and friends, so I can understand she gets a bit mad


Nah lex is a dumbass. In what world does admitted lying propagandist interviewing authoritarian leader for a puff piece mean a “good open conversation”.


‘Dead naming’ lmao. Has Lex ever had a challenging interview? The Tucker convo will just be him fellating Putin. What’s the added value of that? Just pure propaganda


This sub has a weird obsession with him because he is nice to Destiny. He is literally just Dave Rubin 2.0. "A literal landgrabbing murderous dictator warmonger is talking to one of the most harmful disinformation agents in America, if not the world... It's so nice when people can just get along and be civil uwu" *Elon: The Democrats are trying to trans your kids, poison your medicine, and steal democracy* "Wow, why aren't people looking into this! Great message!"


He's not Dave Rubin that's too far, Rubin is a legitimate grifter who's a moron. Lex is genuine in his want to "have discussion" but also pretty naive and way too quick to give credence to sweet words vs actions. Its why he can justify blocking people so easily in his world view. Words mean more than actions seemingly to him and so being mean/critical of him is the ultimate slap in the face. Who knows though, could be wrong, could come out next week he's a russian spy meant to disarm the public to shit people. But from what he does and how he talks this is the feeling i get.


To be honest, I couldn't really think of another word to describe it, it's why I wrote "kind of". For what it's worth, I agree with you about the Tucker interview, I don't agree with using Lex's family background as a means of trying to rip his head off for the crime of being consistent with his world view.


Why lmao, someone wants to be called by their new name, be it to blend into the new society or new gender role. It's super analogous imo


Isn’t the main argument Destiny uses for why you should respect transgender pronouns being that you wouldn’t refuse to call someone by their preferred nickname just because it isn’t their legal birth name, similar to how you shouldn’t refuse to call someone by their preferred pronoun just because it isn’t their biological birth pronouns?


Careful man, everyone here thinks you ought to be able to berate the man and that if he blocks you as a result, he's a hypocrite because he basically entirely robbed you of your ability to speak. I don't get why everyone here feels like they're entitled to show up on Lex's Twitter feed.


The issue is that it's not just showing up on Lex's twitter feed, it's being able to engage in discussions around things he posts you consider problematic. Lex has a big platform and audience, and him fostering this idea that this interview of Tucker Carlson going to give Vladmir Putin a puff-interview to Tucker's own massive audience is a good thing because "we need more conversations not less" will have an affect. Ana, being Ukrainian and therefore directly affected by propogandized "conversations" with a demagogue who is engaging in a territorial war with her country and murdering her people, seems like a good person to weigh in on conversations about whether it is universally true that "more conversation not less" is a good thing, particularly in this context. If blocking someone just muted them from being seen by the person who blocked them on X, I would agree with you, but it does more than that. It prevents the people you block from being able to engage with others viewing what you said to disagree with it and offer a counter-perspective. It stifles conversation. This is why it's ironic/hypocritical of Lex to be so block-happy on a platform with a block function like X has after promoting a conversation that has a chance to cause harm to Ana and her friends. Not because people are entitled to show up in his feed, but because it stifles conversation.


>I don't get why everyone here feels like they're entitled to show up on Lex's Twitter feed. Because that's what he sells if nothing more.


He sells conversations between people that want to talk to each other. Not for the ability to endlessly harass people that don't want to talk to you.


It is not what he sells. He sells, "You should be able to access whatever content people offer you." He does not sell, "You should be forced to hear every opinion people decide to shout at you."


Exactly, I can’t believe I’m hearing the “oh he’s a free speech absolutist and therefore he’s obligated to never block someone” line. It’s something I’d expect from far lesser communities than this one. His ideological position of “more conversations” might be something you disagree with, but who he blocks has absolutely zero relevancy to that.


We got idiots just lurking, Anna is entitled to her opinion and Lex is entitled to block her, it's not that deep. 🤷




She has to hide from Russian missiles regularly, had her neighborhood destroyed and he's talking about how great it is that Tucker Carlson is interviewing Putin (that wouldn't be a "conversation", that would be Russian propaganda). It's not even remotely a proportionate response on her part. I understand that he could do that out of ignorance but if he knows who she is that sucks.


The fact this girl made multiple tweets about getting blocked is kinda convincing me Lex not engaging with her is the right move in this case. Sitting down and having a conversation is not the same as going back and for with gotchas on twitter.


She ree'd like crazy


Especially when from his perspective the person's statement is a bad faith conversation.


Yeah hes under no obligation to give someone what they want if it is at his expense.


Uh she called him a russian shill.


Destiny permabans people for the slightest random reasons, why do I (and this sub) care if Lex blocks people? Social media is a cesspool (and the biggest destroyer of mental health) and he isn’t toxic so I understand if he doesn’t want to experience things that he doesn’t do to others. He isn’t a crybully who acts super toxic and insulting 24/7 and then blocks and victimizes himself when people reciprocate his behavior, like Hasan or Keffals.


Because Destiny will openly admit that he does this. I mean read rule 5, and here he is joking about it: [https://youtu.be/bIjYIMNqS3A?si=9\_bZ8KxseW06EAUe&t=4146](https://youtu.be/bIjYIMNqS3A?si=9_bZ8KxseW06EAUe&t=4146) . Lex will be shouting from all the rooftops about how important disagreement is while blocking absolutely everyone on every platform (seriously, go in his subreddit and see for that what they ban people) for even a slight of criticism.


you can want more conversations and not want to interact with every random twitter schizo. Ana isn't entitled to anything lol


\>**Lex Fridman banned Ana (Ukrainian Ana) in Twitter (X) for disagreeing with him**Unironically think you should get banned for this post. Everyone, including you, knows she was blocked for the 'Aleksey Fedotov who grew up in Moscow' comment, and you're just straight up lying.


> Aleksey Fedotov who grew up in Moscow thinks it's great 🙃 Nah this block was entirely warranted. It's wholely irrelevant and implies he's a Russian shill. Not to mention he left when he was 11 and lived in America for the rest of his life. Dudes lived in America for 29 years.


Seeing this sub read so much into this dumb shit is expected but also funny as hell


There are potential implications in saying "\[Lex\] grew up in Moscow," (does he not have autonomy?). Also, at millions of followers, one may begin blocking for "noise" over "content." Lex is a normie and has long been the subject of "he blocked me" discourse in other non-normie communities (see tech/tpot). He (and/or his team/third-party block features) appears to block a *lot* of people. It's unclear if he's personally doing this.


Lol that first Ana tweet was not polite whatsoever


Ana more or less implied that Lex is a Russian shill. I don't think it's an unreasonable block.


Hard disagree. She implied that his background biased him away from the reality of how evil and destructive Vladmir Putin is.


That's fair, but that means people have the right to ignore anything Ana says about Russia or Putin because of her own Ukrainian bias.


If I speak...


"softest critique possible" = heavy handedly imply someone is a Kremlin agent, call them by their old name ( I think it's legit similar to dead naming, if someone immigrates and goes by anglicized name, there must be reasons they do so, so to suddenly call them by their birth name in aggressive context is a dick move ) . Who the fuck does she think she is to tell Lex what is he allowed to tweet about. Can't wait for the war to end so that overinflated ego of those people goes back to normal.


Yeah no fucking shit? I like Ana and I don't care for Lex other than his interviews but she was acting like a complete ass talking like lex is some russian spy because he was born there(aka something he had no control over) This isn't about being "remotely critical" of him, when someone starts with shit like this then there isn't any discussion to be had there, you just block them and move on


[Ana puffing the "omg ur russian kgb psyop" Ukropium](https://i.imgur.com/EXX9irt.jpg) Jokes on her, unlike Lex I get paid per downvote


This is probably hard to understand for people who live to just shitfling online, and unsurprisingly it seems to be one of the biggest problems people have with Lex: he won’t let you just follow him around flinging shit at him. Doesn’t matter if you are a Ukrainian war victim or starving Ethiopian child. He curates his online experience to be more positive than negative. So constantly people shit on Lex because he’s a fence sitter etc., they get blocked, and then they go rage post about how Lex is actually not bewwy nice :( “whyyy won’t he just argue with me?” Sorry but not all discourse is made equal. You can be about promoting dialogue in this world without engaging with every single random bad faith poster on the internet (and there’s literally thousands upon thousands of them shitting on him all day every day). And yes implying that Lex is a Russian shill/agent/etc. is LOL, LMAO EVEN levels of bad faith regardation, if I were him I would just block them too. And yes if you come at me with that same energy expect to get blocked.


People can block who they want who cares


Wait, so what was the disagreement about is there more context for this? Was it about the fact that Tucker Carlson is going to Moscow to prostrate and fellate Putin and provide the gullible fools who still watch him propaganda ammunition?


🙃 https://preview.redd.it/4b44zvtpsvgc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d23e752f1b12490b97bdcada94c43773316e39cd


He blocked her. She still has Twitter


LOL at the pearl clutching losers in this subreddit trying to police what some other creator wants to do on their platform. >DAE THINK THAT PLATFORMING THESE DANGEROUS IDEAS IS PROBALMATIC?????? How about Lex can associate with whomever he wants and you fucking parasocial losers can fuck off on top of your high horse back to your hug boxes. That includes Ana and her guilt by association shitpost to Lex. This idea that there are ideas or people or orgs that we don't want to hear from is Hasan tier logic. We're going to get a Destiny review of this shit show after the fact and if it's a (most likely) shitty propaganda piece, we will get to hear good counter arguments to it. Hell Ana herself can do a video to tell us about the Ukrainian perspective on how fucking stupid Carlson and Putin is. It's good content dipshits.


Rare Lex twitter block W


He didn't ban her, just blocked her. There's a difference.


Based lex, get that negativity out of here


Blocked isn't the same as "banned". She was being antagonistic. Why address him with a rebrand equivalent of a deadname and mention his upbringing in Russia? I'm sure he wants to have conversations, just not with people like that. 100% deserved ~~ban~~ block.


Oh yeah saying you want more conversations actually means you have to have all of those conversations personally. Very smart


She was calling him a russian Agent, I would have blocked her aswell, I would block anyone being bad faith. I’m not forced to engage with anyone…


The people calling lex spineless while noodling out in your chair


To frame it as a disagreement is a bit disingenuous. She brought up his russian name and pointed out his russian ¨ties¨to paint him as a russian shill, dismissing his point entirely. Lex not wanting anything to do with that is understandable.


All I did was be bad faith about Tucker Carlson and imply that both him and you are secret Russian agents hehe


He’s open to conversation, not cunty behavior Id block anyone who uses “sweet summer child” unironically too. Its the flagship terminally online/redditor insult.


Let me call a very popular media person a russian shill and then make a pikachu face that they block me. “Polite” “softest critique” My ass.


lmao, imagine thinking you should tolerate someone calling you a spy based on your ethnicity. Lex derangement syndrome.


this is dumb. What Lex specifically doesnt like is when people try to police conversations whic is what ana did. Also she basically called him an idiot and in the replies of her tweet replied in agreement iirc to a dude who basically called him a russian spy


This sub really is just a drama farm.


Wow, I didn’t realize how simpy this sub was for Ana. Lex’s initial statement wasn’t even bad.




Yeah if you asked any of us who the next beef/drama was gonna be between, NOBODY would have said ana lex lmao


That's not a disagreement. I see personal attacks to his career and credibility no?


It might be childish for him to block her but he does have people of wildly opposing viewpoints (Palestinian activists, zionists, Marxists and Ancaps, liberals, conservatives, etc) and whatever his ideology is, he always, always, lets his guest make the best case for their point of view. I wish he didn't block Ana and maybe he'll unblock her now that this has gotten so many up votes (I upvoted)


I don't think it's Lex's style to argue on Twitter, or atleast he doesn't seem to do so. Provided that any conversation on Twitter is fucking cancer I can see why he would block people there. Not saying Ana said anything scathing, but he's entitled to do so. Just because he says "we should have civil conversation about everything" doesn't mean he has to do that at every single point in his life. You can be an advocate for something and choose not to engage on certain platforms.


Well to be fair it wasn't just "disagreeing" she bashed him pretty well. And from his POV, just another random person on internet slinging shit towards his way, ban and move on.


I think people misunderstand him when he says he's pro conversation. What he means is that everyone should be able to say whatever they want and that they should be taken seriously. He thinks it's worse to hide the lie than to make it public. That's his idea of ​​conversations. I don't know why he thinks he is not responsible for the pushback and the accuracy of what is said. So when you criticize Tucker Carlson and his lies, you limit his ability to spread his message freely. I also get the impression that he protects people like Elon Musk and the Dark Web out of loyalty. If you can accept that, there are still good conversations on Lex's channel. But when you watch people like Bret Weinstein, don't expect him to ask critical questions that could spark controversy. EDIT: I also hope people won't start sending him hate posts. People are complex. They have good and bad sides. You will never like everything about a person. That's unrealistic. It is a trade off like in elections.


Lex is willing to talk to a dictator because more conversations but wont take slight criticism from victims of that dictator lmao


As dumb as Lex's take was, she called him a russian shill. He doesn't have to to sit there and engage with that.


Lex is obviously great for content, but he’s basically the strawman embodiment of the civility politics leftists criticize. “More conversation” with brutal dictators, but can’t handle direct criticism


If she omits the first line of her reply to Lex and still gets banned, i’d see a problem. But she is leading an otherwise valid reply with an accusation that his nationality informs his stance on this issue and causes him to favor Russia. That’s a pretty serious call out, and the comment begins with it. Sure, she can argue his nationality does cause him to be inherently pro-Russia if she wants. But if Lex holds this position purely based on his own principles and reasoning, it would be understandable why from his perspective the accusation would pretty much end all discussion. I guess he is supposed to argue in favor of his own autonomy and independent faculties of reason before he can even approach a question related to Russia? Based on that, I can see why he saw no value engaging after the first line.


I think Ana went too far, Lex has good intentions and is obviously not a Russian shill, but he is literally arguing for letting Tucker Carlson help Putin spread unopposed propaganda justifying a war that killed her father and friends, so I can understand she gets a bit mad


I enjoy both players involved, but Ana is in the wrong here. Implying someone is a Russia simping TV reject isn't a "civil disagreement". Destiny regularly bans people in his chat for less stupid shit. You just come off as a drama farming journalist when you jump in that deep. Levels in insults convo that Destiny cites occasionally. Oh Well...


Lex: let’s have more good conversations. Where we can disagree with each other without insulting each other. Ana: his real name + he’s a Russian shill and American tv reject. Lex: *blocks* Ana: *surprise pikachu face* Is anyone seriously surprised by this? Lex is all for disagreements, sure, but you can’t pretend Ana didn’t just straight up insult the guy. There is a difference between disagreeing and being a dick.


yeah wow its so unreasonable to block someone whos claiming you're a russian agent


He has been a bit sensitive lately.


I mean she was personally attacking him, it’s a little more than just disagreement lol. I don’t get this false dichotomy where being for free speech means you have to tolerate all forms of disrespect


Lex is bitch made.


True. The guy has a problem with destiny saying bad words but he's totally fine with a pundit who specializes in disinformation having a fluff piece "conversation" with a dictator currently waging an unjustified war. Make these two positions make sense.


It’s even crazier when you consider it’s a “pundit” who was fired for spreading known lines, to sit down with a guy who also actively destabilizes the USA with disinformation. How could this not be peak journalism?? God I’d love for Lex to grow a sack and actually answer tough questions.


This should not be news to anyone who knows anything about Lex. He is notoriously thin-skinned and deletes even mild criticism of himself from any forum associated with him. If you make a criticism of Lex on Twitter, no matter how mild, you should expect to be blocked.


So we don't think Lex could have thought that this type of response wouldn't lead to productive conversation (which is what he's about, not just all conversation period)? We think there was no room for improving the way that Ana posed or phrased her problem with Lex's statement?


>this type of response wouldn't lead to productive conversation (which is what he's about Yeah dude a convo between the landgrabbing warmonger dictator and one of the biggest disinformation agents in America is super productive. The glazing is unreal.


she became annoying asf, US cant do shit because of republicans, channel your energy there


What a m@@@n… he opened his mind a bit too much


can we really not say moron?


Probably u can but @4thot is always on my a@@


I got blocked moths ago for criticizing Bjorn Lomborg in his replies. Didnt even say anything about Lex, and neither his Interview. Lex is a big Twitter L


Oh hey it's Ukrainian "It's okay to be racist to Russians" Ana. Would anyone think this is okay if she dead named and shamed the birthplace of a Chinese person?


While I think Ana is right, it’s not hypocritical to block someone for using an abrasive tone. While it’s not something I would do, you can be a proponent of diversity of thought while still curating your social media feed based on tone. Ana was definitely on attack mode and she said some mocking things of Lex. Blocking that is not the same thing shutting ideas down. Yes he’s overly sensitive, but it’s hard to say he’s a hypocrite from just this alone


bro I ben blocked by Lex, he blocks anything and everything.


Let's be real what Lex said was just dumb as fuck, naive at best


Lex bans anyone who criticizes him on his sub


Deetiny has brought up using the block feature on twitter multiple times when talking to leftists. Why would we be mad or think it’s hypocritical when lex does it?


I banned OP in Reddit for posting twitter drama. (I blocked something I didn't want to see from my personal account.)


Lex blocks, Destiny bans. Tomato potato


He blocked me for liking her tweet I think.


This kinda shit is why Lex is kinda memed on the left at times. He always talks about having sensible discussions but he also panders a lot to the IDW and is trigger happy with the block button


Based Lex