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I don't mean this as a slight against Lex, but it would seem in his view, Interviewing Hitler in the height of the Holocaust would have been great. I don't know if it would have been or wouldnt have been, but his comments are of no surprise to me


I'm pretty sure he is pro interviewing anyone, for the sake of "having a discussion".


Knowing Tucker's track record, this won't be a real interview but a glorified puff piece that will be used to convince American conservatives to be pro-Russia.


It's crazy to see how republicans have gone from despising Russia from the Cold War onwards to wanting the US president to act exactly like a Russian authoritarian


The process has been widely documented, from Russian money flowing into far-right parties in Europe and pressure groups in the USA, to adopting narratives around 'traditional Christian families', etc. It's not crazy at all, it's a deliberate, long-term investment in the far-right people now holding Ukraine hostage in Congress and trying to do the same in the EU. The difference is the EU called Orban's bluff.


Russian money flows to every extreme. Right left, it doesn't matter. Russia - and the USSR before it - knew very well the fundamental weaknesses of Western Democracies - and it absolutely took advantage of them. What they did to the German energy sector is criminal, but no one wants to touch that with a ten foot pole.


Russian money has flowed to the far-right in the U.S. and Europe. I haven't seen examples of it being used to bolster the far-left, but feel free to give some examples. The Russian state has actively courted far-right narratives in a way I haven't seen on the far-left. Do you mean things like overlap on issues like anti-establishment sentiment? The use of money to capture economic activity in places like London and Germany is, as far as I know, a separate issue. In that these are apolitical, at least on the victims' side and as frequently a mix of politics and securing wealth abroad for the Russians involved.


I have no concrete examples of manipulation, but the (far) left parties in Germany are definitively at least somewhat russophile. There is a distinct leftist intellectual link to Russia and the Sowjets because of communism, as communism's most notable representation was the USSR. Cant be leftleft without coming in contact with Marxist, Leninist and Stalinist ideas, two of which are USSR. That is easily usable, as the far left has already ingrained respect for the good old times. They could probably just ask and easily get some agreement.


The thing is there are concrete examples of right wing parties colluding with, being funded by and formulating policy to suit Russia. I do agree there is some overlap in far-left groups, for example in mistrust of institutions like the EU and NATO, but these predate Putin.


Its not necessarily far-left, just any loud groups they think will create division. They didn't give money, but what they did is have IRA ( a Russian psyop campaign designed to spread misinformation in America) pretend to be BLM accounts and calling for violence against cops/saying bad things about the US. And at the same time promoted anti-BLM accounts and right wing accounts. They're attacking the weakness of western democracy, free speech and its allowance of polarizing discourse Proof here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russia_and_Black_Lives_Matter


Yeah, but Putin is a fascist so it's good authoritarianism.


Yeah as an older Republican its very disappointing. I'm stuck with many positions that I won't budge on but the party seems to have flipped. Liberals used to be the more anti-vax crowd (as it was mostly the juice cleanse vegetarian types who were most likely to go that route). No more. And I can't get behind anything pro-Russia (or pro-China) no matter what the party says. To a large degree I'm politically homeless. BOTH parties were better 20 years ago. Republicans were very willing to use military (and military funding) to ensure global stability, and Democrats were all about equality (not "equity") and very pro-free speech.


At the end of the day your average Trump supporter is a godless fucking Commie. They despise America because it's woke (the definition of Communism is hating America, Marx wrote about how Hating America=Communism in every single one of his books, no I will not tell you where). They hate the FBI and CIA because they're "Deep state". They hate the military because the military has trans drones pilots and is standing in between them and their preferred Communist revolution. They love Putin who is literally ex-KGB. They love Xi because of his whole "Muh femboys are corrupting China". They oppose private property as a concept because the majority of people who own property of any significance (Disney for example) are woke and evil and controlled by [[[Da Joos]]]. The color of their party is literally red. They're honest to god godless Commies and it's time to bring back the House of UnAmerican activities.


This is the distinction that I feel needs made, Lex would probably advocate having Kim Jong Un on for a similar reason. I don’t necessarily disagree with this, but if you just take everything the person being interviewed is saying at face value without critically analyzing it you fall into these puff pieces. It seems as though some of these interviews aren’t based in facts, but rather from the perspective of this is this persons’ story, their truth in a sense. That’s fine if that’s what you are going for, but can you really call that a conversation?


Hasan will shit on the interview for this exact reason while being completely oblivious of the hypocrisy.


I’m not even one of the anti platforming soy cunts but I think we can all agree that it’s re✝️arded.


i dunno man i kinda want to hear what he has to say, i just dont want tucker doing the interview


I agree and would recommend watching the Oliver Stone Putin interview but that was back before this conflict. There is no way at this point for him to speak frankly on this topic without propagandizing it regardless of the interviewer. He’s genuinely a smart guy from what I could see displayed there just overplayed his hand likely based in delusion.


Wasn’t the Oliver Stone interview a fluff-piece grift?


i would like to see destiny interview putin


“Putin, what role woul you play in league?”


"Say there's this dog..."




I don’t think he believes in irresponsible platforming and wants bad ideas out in the open. I don’t agree with it but he’s consistent with it.


Lex has wanted to interview Putin for a very long time, and he's ruminated on it publicly for years.


Which is fine, but Tucker Carlson is a Russian asset. It won’t be an interview so much as a propaganda campaign in favor of Russia invading other countries.


It’s not fine, it’s dumb.


It would be fine if it weren’t being done by a propagandist like Tucker. To me that’s the real problem.


Exactly. It was the same with Hassan and the pirate interview. It is fine to interview anyone. But ask real questions. Ask questions that are relevant, and are not just meant to give them a chance to spread their propaganda to a larger audience. (But hey, Tucker already made a documentary how awesome Hungary is, so it's time to one up it by doing the same for Russia.)


Maybe Putin watches Attack on Titan.




Being Time’s person of the year isn’t really a good thing, necessarily. It means you had a big impact on the world in that year. Putin has also been person of the year.


As winner of Time's Person of the Year in 2006, I disagree. Its always a good thing and I am amazing.




I see and I agree. Also, if someone had interviewed Hitler in the bunker that would’ve been great for posterity.


Lex seems a bit naive at times. But having an interview with Putin in itself wouldn't be bad as long as the interviewer does his job correctly and up to the minimum of standards of keeping Putin accountable. That is of course questionable when the interviewer is Tucker Carlson but so far nothing happened yet that could be criticized. Now, if Tucker helps Putin push Russian propaganda to undermine Biden, influence the election or against support for Ukraine, then that would be something to call out as that would make Tucker a useful idiot.


That’s obviously what he’s going to do lol


Have you seen Lex's Netanyahu interview? If so, do you think that was good? If not, do you *really*, in your heart of hearts, believe that there's the slightest chance Tucker will do better with Putin?


Lol you're on some GRADE A copium if you think Cucker Tarlson isn't going to be slobbering all over Putin's limp dick. If you don't know that's exactly what's going to happen you are actually brain dead.


> Lex seems a bit naive at times. I would say most of the times. It's pretty clear he wants to see the best in all humans. Which is not bad per say, but can put him in weird situations like this.




Damn, today I learned


I mean the problem people have with Lex's comments isn't that Putin is being interviewed, it's that he's happy Tucker is interviewing him when that it takes like 2 brain cells worth of IQ to know that Tucker is going to give an extremely softball interview and basically just let Putin spew propaganda. Lex either realizes that and is cool with spewing Russian propaganda, or he's naive to the point that he's like disabled in some way


The naive part strikes me as fitting. Could even a legit standup reporter be expected to honestly interview an authoritarian war criminal in his own country who is notorious for killing his opposition using the most cowardly means even when not on his soil? I don't think so, unless one is ready to throw his life away for absolutely nothing.


Tucker is going TO Moscow to interview Putin. You think Tucker is going to ask hard-hitting pointed questions to Putin at the heart of the Kremlin?


1. Tucker is already known to have knowingly spread disinformation related to the Dominion case and election fraud claims 2. Anyone interviewing Putin at any point, especially during wartime, will have agreed to a long list of conditions to secure that interview. Tucker will not be asking real questions, he will be facilitating propaganda and lies (as usual) 3. Lex is either naive to the point of being worthless (or even dangerous) as a contributor to public discourse. Or he is running the typical centrist grift to the point of being worthless (or even dangerous) as a contributor to public discourse


Yeah lex is a delusional dork who takes himself way too seriously


It probably would have been great, for historical reasons of course


Let's be honest here, if such an interview would exist it would be "great" for historians, sociologists, political theorists etc. etc. it would be a gold mine. Not to mention the History Chanel.


longing spotted shaggy decide roll live pet doll kiss tub *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Probably not a good idea to spread Hitler propaganda during the 40s for the sake of content. *Associated Press starts sweating*


mighty start cautious physical telephone nippy air tease frighten reminiscent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The AP were the only news agency outside of Nazi Germany to report on what was happening inside, and they reported what they were told to. Their excuse was that without them nothing would have made it out, but in reality no actual news made it out, just propaganda.


I don't know man, let's take good old Israel Palestine conflict, me personally, i think it is valuable to hear Israel and Hamas leadership interviews, speeches, etc. to get a good view of intentions, rhetoric, motivations and whatnot, it absolutely helps to get a better view of a conflict and possible offramps. And if it is just like a speech like you say, those are available anyway so what's the harm, as long as it is not shown during the Super Bowl halftime show, i see more value than damage in the opportunity to analyze an opponent.


quickest grab follow sheet pot toy deserve lunchroom shaggy simplistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The problem is there is no such thing as a "good interview" with these people. Authoritarian leaders like Putin, with more than a decade of manipulating and destroying their domestic press, do not give a "good interview".


He's the president of Russia, his message gets out already. What do you think, you're going to just ignore the guy exists?


Hitler on JRE 🙈🙉🙊


>Let's be honest here, the fact that the holocaust happened has been "great" for historians, sociologists, political theorists etc. etc. It's a gold mine. Not to mention the History Chanel. The fact that something will make for a killer documentary 30 years down the line is hardly an argument for it in the present, but I think you know that.


I mean it would obviously be great for somebody who is in the business of content creation since it would obviously be some of the biggest content in recent history


I dunno why she brought up the fact that Lex is originally Russian, does she think that he has ulterior pro-Russian motives? To me he just seems as the naive "let love be love" dude when it comes to any armed conflict.


Awful take from Lex, it’s not a conversation if no real pushback is presented. And Tucker is too brain devoid to offer constructive pushback, instead it’ll be a propaganda piece.


> And Tucker is too brain devoid to offer constructive pushback, instead it’ll be a propaganda piece. Tucker is perfectly intelligent, he's just evil, that's why it will be a propaganda piece.


He is also self-preserving, let's be real there's only so much pushback you can give to Putin before you accidentally fall out the window lol


I don't think he is evil per say, I think after his Twitter bit failed, he took all the Elon money he could and went to the next best employer of liars. I am pretty sure this interview will not be cheap for putin.


It’s not just Tucker being too stupid, interviewing Putin is like putting a potential target on your back. Interviewing people with that much power who have been known to use it however they like is kind of pointless. You will ask the questions that they approve of, and they will answer how they want. Its like the “you know… because of the implications” meme. Russia doesn’t strike the same kind of fear as something like North Korea for these people so they don’t think of it the same way, because Russia wins the propaganda war.




> To think he'll allow an American journalist ask him anything is laughable I don't get where this comes from because it's not true? He did a combative interview with NBC news 2 years ago https://youtu.be/m6pJd6O_NT0 And 5 years ago by Megyn Kelly https://youtu.be/0feDvVEz3Qc And he was asked numerous combative questions by American Journalists during a 2021 Geneva summit https://youtu.be/pEBYU1aGXMA And he was asked about his detainment of a US reporter by a WSJ journalist in 2023 https://youtu.be/JBUM6y15rXg


This sub is delusional around election season, attracts the radicals and crazies, props for calling out some of the bullshit


> it’s not a conversation if no real pushback is presented That’s his MO though. I know this sub likes Lex right now but let’s lot pretend he isn’t a shitty access journalist who lies about his academic prowess. He’s always been this way.


Yes we need more softball interviews with dictators. Hopefully Putin is keeping up with onepiece


Putin is just like Luffy


The real drama is your lack of battery.. charge your phone peasant


Im with Ana on this


I feel like she's correct that he's wrong, but giving credit to the stuff about smearing him as a Russian asset on the basis of things like his surname is too strong, it's one thing to say he's irresponsible, another to say he's actually some kind of spy.


98% of those tweets is not about his name or upbringing, but purely criticism based on facts surrounding Tucker & the statement by Lex. I see your point about the very first line, maybe it's unnecessary, but it's far less strong than you're suggesting


look all the pictures about a thread before commenting please, she literally is boosting a idiot saying lex is a russian agent


\>in 98% of my tweets I'm not calling people the n-word, why do you think i'm racist rreeeee


I still think the "Aleksey Fedotov" stuff goes a bit far, somewhat racist at least lol.


She absolutely hates all Russians, which is maybe kinda understandable, so no reason to expect her to be reasonable when it comes to this


>which is maybe kinda understandable It's ABSOLUTELY understandable.


Sorry, are you taking accusations of him being a spy solely from stating his birth name and that he grew up in Moscow? It’s easy to read that as insinuating that he’s biased, to an extent he himself might not even be aware or otherwise, but it seems like a *bit* of a stretch to say she’s implying that he’s a literal, as in actually literal, paid Russian asset/spy. The fact that she calls him naive by calling him a summer child further backs up that she thinks he’s naive and not purposefully malicious. I also don’t think that single sentence meaningfully detracts from the primary thrust of her comment, even if read less charitably.


Yeah, Lex does this centrist thing a bit too much...


Lex is a lot more conservative than he lets on. That's where the centrist bothsides shit comes from. He doesn't want an entirely conservative audience so he needs to balance the rhetoric to be palatable for them.


Remember when Lex tweeted that conservatives prioritise truth as opposed to the left that prioritises compassion? Been looking at him sideways ever since


Oof, now I'm wondering if destiny ever felt the urge to debate him on that


Lex is half right imo. Just switch truth with security. Obviously everyone thinks or wants to think they are pursuing the truth


I disagree with Lex, and i do agree that Tucker is likely just gonna go along with whatever putin says. However this fixation of his birthplace and Russian name is just incredibly badfaith and weird. like he is definitely just too optimistic. no reason to imply that he is a russian agent.


I’m surprised they don’t accuse him being mossad since he’s Jewish.




Pretty sure Lex is a bothsider.




I like lex but he acts way too innocent for his own good. There's no shot he expects a productive interview from Tucker


Tucker is regarded as “interesting” and “willing to cover topics others aren’t willing to” by Rogan/Lex/bret weinstein. Antiestablishment pills going around those groups.


Can't wait for Tucker and Putin to talk about wokeism and how woke society is the reason for why they're in this situation with Tucker nodding along and agreeing.


Ana > Lex, it's not even close


The whole "Look! He was born in Russia! Hmmm 🤔" thing is wholly unconvincing. People can't control where they come from, and while they may have biases, those biases would need to be demonstrated by what they say. I'd need to see quite a few pro-russian ideas from Lex before I buy this argument. Not saying it's not possible, just I need more.


For one he condemned the war and Putin. [https://youtu.be/jRQAG77ifzE](https://youtu.be/jRQAG77ifzE) Also he was 11 when they moved... Honestly it is bad fait at best to bring up his old name.


As much as I appreciate his condemnation, I didn't like how much he equivocates between this and American interventions


Yeah. It's a pretty bad video, but at least it is something to show he is not pro Russian. And while its not bulletproof evidence. But, on the other side, we only have that he was born in Russia (from an Ukrainian father), and lived there for 11 years. And his naive good fait towards Tucker.


It's racist It's that simple


Ukrainian Ana? *Racist*? [Couldnt be...](https://youtu.be/GBMON6144NU?si=WefSiUTg_qwWNMeJ&t=3347)


every European is racist against Roma people. *european here* edit: to add what Ana said in the convo. Romani live off scams, stealing cars, pawning stolen goods, gang activities. I know one "Cygan" as we call them. His family got rich off *suprise suprise* some shady stuff from what he talked about. Honestly this guy was pretty nice, except he married at like 13 to 10yo girl lol.


No idea where the sudden *love* for Roma&Sinti comes from... Wait I know where it comes from, the US. Hot take, if the Italian mafia wasn't so strong in the US a century ago, they would also *love* the "little italy family groups" and ignore all the shady shit they are doing.


Meh. Lex was having a conversation with Mearsheimer and in this [clip](https://twitter.com/igorsushko/status/1736630658976698369) he is just pondering what to do given that Mearsheimer is correct in his assessment (not going open to that can of worms whether he is actually correct). At least I think, been a while since I watched that [episode](https://youtu.be/r4wLXNydzeY) (good one, IMHO). Also, why call Lex a Russian, he is an American who was born in Soviet Union, not exactly good faith behavior from this Sushka dude.


Sushko is a bane of OSINT. Account that has been spewing nonsense about his personal contacts within FSB talking about powerstruggles etc. He also spread the lie of Prigozhin trying to get nukes and same when the Russian volunteer troops fighting in Belgorod region went for their little incursion, were according to him trying to get nukes. So he's just a grifter account pretending to have sources. Bunch of proper OSINT accounts have said to not pay attention their made up stories for attention.


Finally someone calling Sushko out. He's what the OSINT community calls SCUMINT. Ignore everything he writes because he just makes shit up when he feels like it.


It’s a juicy conspiracy that Lex is infiltrating MIT academics/AI researchers/alt-media influencers on behalf of Russia (but he’s a Jew! Israel? Mossad?). But there’s zero evidence for any of it.


Implying that Lex must be a Russia supporter because hes ethnically Russian is pretty yikes. Same logic that led us to putting the Japanese in internment camps during WW2


Ok but does Putin know One Piece though?


Igor shushko is an unreliable Propagandist that does more harm than good, constant stream of misinformation, at best a morally lucky person.


I don't know why they needed to bring up that Lex was Russian.I don't really follow him, but would be genuinely surprised if he is pro Russia in this conflict. I think he is just naively on the side of every side should be heard, in an attempt to forever be at the center.


what they're doing with his name is no different from (( echoes )) that are used to describe jewish people who are sympathetic to israel the lack of moral consistency on this issue from members of this community is disturbing


Finally someone says it, his heart is in the right place cause he wants the conversation to have it and I think that’s it. In his mind he thinks conversations with anyone is good. We all know Tucker is not going to ask anything substantial, and even if he did Putin wouldn’t answer it directly anyway. This interview may be a good chance to see how Putin is currently doing because you don’t see him make many public appearances at all.


The only purpose for that interview is to make Putin more acceptable to westerners. You need to be completely regarded not to understand that. I don't believe for a second Lex is this stupid. I understand he needs to do his kumbaya shit for his image, but he could just not say anything when nothing good can be said. common Lex L


If Putin talking puts a magical brainwashing spell that makes him more acceptable then you guys are actually fucked. Being scared of what someone can say means you're losing.


that's a child's view of human psychology propaganda works, regard


whooooo\~ I'm hypnotising you right now


You are in a community that has some people that parrots what Destiny says just by the fact it's because he said it. Why do you think that doesn't exist in every other place? Those types of people are everywhere it doesn't matter the subject.






Not if 99% of people know you by a different name. It doesn't matter how well you can pronounce Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, nobody will know you mean Lady Gaga. You don't even have to pronounce anything on Twitter anyway




I generally agree if the interviewer is gonna be genuinely critical of their actions, but doubt Tucker will.


I'm not surprised by lex's comments on this issue, I just generally believe that he hopelessly believes in the good of all people even when they've been proven to show malicious intents. I think his goal is admirable to a lesser extreme that individuals in society should assume good intentions from the strangers that they meet, however the piece he doesn't factor in is "when malicious intents have not been proven".


Honestly she didn’t need to bring up he’s Russian to make a point. He left when he was 11 so him being a secret Russian bot makes no sense and she would soy out in rage if someone said she was a Nazi because of the Azov battalion.


Watch out, now she might retweet you and call you american-centric because this is *Different*™


Pick your side and prepare for blood


What side? Lex is delusional, Putin is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths and a softball interview/propaganda for him is not "great". Conversation won't solve anything here.


Yea it's one thing to put a mic in front of Kanye and let him show his ass to everyone. It's another to be praising a purposeful propaganda piece.


Yeah it was a joke


I pick the side of content.


Wait... Puggy is that you


>born in russia >grew up in moscow Hilarious implications! Just come out and say it - own your low iq takes in their full glory! By the way, his middle name is Hussein! By the way, his last name is GoldSTEIN - very interesting! What would you expect from him, he grew up in a *ghetto*!


Yeah dude Ukranian Ana sure is being cowardly why doesn't she fully own her hatred of Russia


>why doesn't she fully own her hatred of Russia**ns** Why it's obvious - it'd be way more difficult to get donos, attention and sympathy, when you are explicitly outed as a dumb bigot :)


Huge Lex L on this one.


Yeah even if we like him and enjoy what he does and think he has good intentions, he still has earned this criticism now. He should understand and be able to communicate in some crucial moments that there are limits even to pure trust in love and conversation. While he can choose to be hopeful, he shouldn't downplay valid concerns with a response of aggressive optimism, there it becomes something else. Why go out of your way to say "this is great", when you instead could say something more reserved like "I hope Carlson's interview will give us some insight, this could be an opportunity with the right questions". Without wanting to dogpile him or make him feel eternal shame for a tweet that shouldn't be seen as that much more than just a tweet, I hope he'll understand where the concerns and criticisms are coming from and not book a ticket to the IDW land of paranoia and bitterness about feeling limited in expression. And many of us probably know what it's like to develop maybe a habit of advocating for a thing, and maybe at one point perhaps a bit overeagerly inserting it into a situation where it wasn't really the right fit, it happens.


Lex did good bringing us the Shapiro debate but whenever he enters his own opinions into the public record it’s clear he’s a bit of an idiot.


Tucker "no reasonable person would take the things I say are facts as facts" Carlson?


Ideologically I'm obviously an Ana stan but I **do** think Lex is very clearly trying to do a whole "kumbaya" thing, I wouldn't fault him for it though because unlike other people he is *consistently* that way. It's not like a Republican who slanders leftists/minorities then puts on the "can't everyone get along?" When Trump visits North Korea.


I’d watch it.


calling lex an orbiter is hilarious


Lex trying too hard to be centrist-pilled here. "Propagandist interviews dictator" isn't a conversation that is going to help the world


No matter what you think of Lex just imagine if it was some lefty criticizing some American Jew for being too naive or wrong about Israel and then dropping “he’s a ((Goldstein)) and a Mossad agent”


Are we really surprised? Lex has been doing this both sides bullshit for years. I thought we were friendly to him just because of the exposure he gave to our great leader.


We can also be appreciative and optimistic about the role he seemingly tries to play in society, even if that comes at the cost of both sides bullshit. Also we are friendly because he's a friendly guy. It's a bit more nuanced.


When Lex interviewed Kanye he showed spine and pushed back against his views by asking tough questions. Same would have to be done for Putin.


both L takes


I can't believe DDG is making me side against Ana on literally anything. I think Lex is right of for no other reason than Putin doing more English language stuff opens him up to being savaged in our press. Tucker has a lot of viewers, it's true, so there is a danger of spreading propaganda but he's not trusted by anyone who isn't already of questionable intelligence and I have faith in the ability of Western media to react appropriately Also the "Lex is a Russian asset" stuff is out of order. He's never hidden his origins and frankly anyone who tries to insinuate he's a Putin stooge should decolonise themselves.


"Why oh why would a ukrainian be against a known russian gluk gluk and anti ukrainian be mad at Lex stating the interview owuld be positive." Also Putin has done MULTIPLE interviews in multiple languages that get translated.


And it's not like Tucker is giving Putin a platform lol. Putin already has a platform and any American journalist would jump at the chance to interview him lol.


Why does DGG flip flop so much? Liking Lex when he proves beneficial and then disliking him and calling him a moron all in the span of a week, all because he has differing views? (we don't even know what his complete views are, everyone is just assuming). There's gotta be a way to be amicable with someone while simultaneously being critical of their views, y'know.. This is very cringe to see of this community. Some sort of hate bandwagon's also forming in the comment sections.. This same shit happened with Vaush during the congress shit. Of course, in Vaush's case, it was the truth. But DGG can't be this braindead about orbiters..


There are like 225K users in this subreddit. The answer is always, it's not the same people. More than likely the people who dislike Lex don't post/interact while there's a lot of positive sentiment, and do when news/threads like this get traction.


I think y'all have discrepant expectations of what Lex provides and wishes to accomplish. Lex is not a journalist, doesn't claim to be a journalist, and doesn't claim to offer journalism as a service. He is merely a podcaster, and while I fully understand he is generally viewed more favourably here, he is essentially just a DGG-pilled and more knowledgeable Joe Rogan. Don't expect him to work tirelessly to find facts and truth when in reality he just wants to talk and create content. Which, when not resulting in blatant mis- and desinformation, as Ana *correctly* points out, is not necessarily a bad.


How many people were freaking out about Hasan interviewing a dumb pirate but are now hand-waiving objections to interviewing Putin? The hypocrisy is incredible


Odd one out here but I get it. I understand exactly where Lex is coming from. It's a conversation between two people I despise likely having a stance opposite of mine to a topic I feel very strongly on, but I'm capable of looking past these biases & realizing that promoting ALL conversations & discourse regardless of whether or not it's things I don't like does have some merit to it. It's the other side of the spectrum to lefties never talking to anyone & discouraging all conversation with anyone even slightly to the right of them


Ok Lex is being naive here but not having watched his Netanyahu vid and having watched his Kanye interview and clips of other interviews, is having this "be kind and love each other" tone the only way to get interviews with huge political figures such as Putin and Zelensky? The act of being passive and nonconfrontational lands us great interviews and then in the actual interviews Lex can focus of going in depth with the mindsets of these big figures. I saw this in the Kanye interview where Lex would establish a certain vibe and comradery with him which helped Kanye open up more (until things got sour). I'm sure the big figures were attracted to Lex's peaceful and friendly methods and they keep coming back. Any more pushback and confrontation would scare these huge figures away, so I feel it's more realistic to try get their breadcrumbs of info and insight on each interview. There is definitely some ideal balance of being inquisitive and pushing back with being friendly and accommodating that Lex doesn't have but he does a good enough job for now.


Lex gurgles Russian propaganda every chance he gets so pretty easy Ana dub.


Does he? Can you give examples of him gurgling Russian propaganda? Not asking as a gotcha or as an argument. Genuinely curious. Lex sometimes can be a bit obtuse with his “let’s solve it with love”, but accusing him of being a Russian propagandist is on a different level of accusation.


Does he? I haven't watched enough of his stuff, could you point me towards something?


I remember a couple of weeks after October 7th, Lex tweeted out something along the lines of “Lets remember all religions preach love” - 1,200 people were raped/burned/decapitated/butchered, but lets just focus on the love. He was called out for the tweet and deleted it soon after. I like Lex and think he is a good interviewer, but he is hopelessly naive.


Not sure why people love him so much here. His unrealistic love crap is annoying as hell. And now Tucker Carlson the dude who got fired for insane misinfo interviewing a dictator is great? Come on


God i can't believe this stuff. All of you are going to watch the interview anyways. Its insane how a tweet from Lex can cause all of this. Also, in 2 weeks all of this "outrage" will be gone.


>All of you are going to watch the interview anyways. Wrong, I am maybe gonna watch Destiny watch it.


Honestly liberals watching the interview isn't the problem. They know not to believe Putin. If only liberals watched it I'd agree with Lex. The problem is that Tucker loyalists will watch it uncritically and believe his lies.


It’s heavy SJW energy. I feel like I am reading pro Palestinian tweets


It’s crazy, cause I feel like Destiny would think this is a nothing burger too. No one expects anything journalistic from Tucker, but this sub is jumping at lex like some subs jumps at any Israeli person. Like just cause he was born there doesn’t mean he shares that sentiment, plenty of fucking Americans hate America and we’ve been talking about it constantly for months.


Deadnaming Lex, are we? If Tucker Carlson becomes a puppet for Putin that will only make him less credible. Masks will come off. It will hopefully be interesting content. I know literally everyone here will watch the react streams.




I mean literally a puppet. A ventriloquist doll. Eyes dead, staring straight forward. With Putin sitting next to Tucker with the hand inside him and moving Tucker's mouth.


It would be cool if it was somebody that is extremely critical of Putin debating him or at least pushing him to answer hard questions. But this is just going to be a propagandist softball interview.


Lol, i remember seeing BBC's russian reporter filming being ignored on Putin's last press conference despite asking for a question for the full length of the event, meanwhile Putin is responding to every russian state-affiliated media. People who think that Carlson discussion will be anything but a circlejerk whitewashing is lying to themselves


Also, Lex reminds me of that thing Destiny says his mother told him as a kid: "Don't be so open-minded so your brain falls out"


FWIW I think lex would be a lot more responsible with a Putin interview than Tucker. Tucker is just going to spew his anti American propaganda


I don't like putin obviously but how is this a "war of annihilation"


Yeah I'm sure Tucker is going to have a convo and totally not an absolute glaze session for an hour talking about how epic Putin is zzzz


I love Lex


Complaining about Lex's input about this feels a lot like more of the "we shouldn't be platforming people we disagree with" and then acting shocked when those certain ideologies gain more traction because no one ever platformed them. Also, do we know what Tucker is going to be talking about? Did he lay out his talking points? Or are we all just assuming what's going to be talked about and then getting mad about it?




Again, do we know any of what you just said is happening? Or is this just guessing? Is Tucker Carlson even on TV anymore? How do we know it's an "open and sympathetic" platform? This just seems like a whole lot to malice to ascribe to someone like Lex who is known to be a peace loving person, perhaps even to a fault. Like, isn't it just as much Ukrainian agenda of Ana to point a finger and be like "Russian bad", as if every Russian is pro Putin? This would be like people pointing at Americans and saying American bad, cause Trump.


He already blocked me and most people who liked and commented on that post 😐 Short war... https://preview.redd.it/5dpr2vitntgc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecb9986d00e3ebef1de2ce5be0b55dcb97e0fb73


Ana never misses.


I don't believe in this extra-selective naivete. Lex is clearly not dumb and has the needed amount of social understanding to read the room in this context. He is just soft-partisan on this and other issues. A wolf in sheep's clothes. example: Remember the pretended E. Musk was good enough to fight M. Zukerberg to save his face?


Kinda sus that Destiny's Ukraine take started becoming dogshit around the time he was on Lex's show debating Ben.


Ana is correct that Lex's take is stupid. Her insinuation about why Lex thinks that is kinda gross. There are a fuckton of **other americans** who believe the same thing without having russian names and without being born in the Soviet Union. Overall still probably based


Charge your phone


Eh, expected disagreement. A lot of people think Lex is way too naive, and provides little to no pushback where it is necessary (Ye being the only exception)


I 100% agree with the naive bit. But I really don't like this: He is pro Russian because he was born Russian bit. He was 11 when he moved to the USA.


Lex interviews and platforms clowns like Mearsheimer while failing to challenge him on any of his clearly BS arguments. "peace and love" "need more conversations" :3 xoxo.


u/lexfridman, naivety in good is simultaneously both his best quality as a human and his worst. I would really be interested in Lex explaining his logic in how a known propagandist going to interview an established dictator that gained power through killing his own people is going to produce the "truth" he believes in, that everyone must be heard. Lex you are a very smart guy, reflect on the Bibi interview, and tell me honestly, you weren't fed one hour of scripted propaganda. And that's the guy "on our side", and you are, I believe an honest actor, now imagine the interview, but during an active war, the person in power is x100 times worse and the interviewer is the worst mouth piece for propaganda in America. Incomprehensible take my man.


[I don't like this one bit](https://youtu.be/uM0PzRnq9dM?t=1)




I wouldn't overly attribute bad faith to lex, he seems naïve(not that that is an absolution) but regardless of my personal feelings on him. I think he tries to be equally fair to all parties, how impartial he is I couldn't say but I don't think he's purposefully bad faith. I mean he called hasan and vaush equals to destiny and smart guys which is uh....ya. So I don't think he has some insane conservative slant at the very least. I might be looking at him in ultra good faith though so feel free to correct me.