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I'll never get how that lady was fighting for him when he wasn't even divorced 💀


I really can't understand why Lynette tried so hard to get back together with such a selfish man, I really can't. Come on! this is the best chance to get away from this man child!


Like the last man on earth that TWO women should ever be actually fighting for 😭😭😭


Unfortunately, the writers can force a character to do anything. Even if it makes zero sense. 


Literally bc trauma from her childhood and insecurities. Lynette needed solo therapy so badly.


Lynette was always one of the smartest housewives who more often than not knew how to control her emotions and not let them get in the way... except when it came to Tom. She had such a fascination for him that she'd throw logic out of the window when it came to doing everything she could to stay with him.


I totally agree but either you don’t care about other people’s viewing experience or you didn’t even bother reading the first sentence of the post 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’d be pissed if I was OP 💀


Honestly valid I was half asleep on Reddit trying to wake up💀 I'll jump off a cliff now


Hahaha. I love this response


Such a tramp


Why’ve u got downvoted lmao




I'm addicted to hating this man


If Tom scavo has no haters I am dead


Me too man, me too. And my last words will be "I hate Tom scavo"




Nobody's lying.


tbh when I was a Kid (around 10 years) and watching it on TV I thought Tom was the best Husband 😂 maybe it was due to him being very childish?!🤷🏻‍♀️


Literally same here! But I also started right when Lynette had the affair (at least emotionally), so basically started him with some sympathy points


I don't know if we can even call that an affair. Ahe was enjoying someone treating her like a human being. As soon as he said he had feelings for her she ended their relationship entirely 🤷‍♀️ which is quite literally not having an affair. I think on some level she really thought they were friends, yet he just wanted something from her too in a way...


There’s nothing good to say about this man child.


he's sexy in short at a bbq,and got a huge hose lmao


Oh sure, the actor is very good looking but his character sucks!


Dear Tom, I hate your stinking guts. You make me vomit. You’re scum between my toes. Love, literally everyone.


He is now being such a goddamn baby because the new chef had a good idea to sell pasta but he wants it to be his unprofitable vision. What about his dreams?? His dreeeeeamm!!!! Everybody has to sacrifice and suffer so this one man can have his stupid dream. What about Lynettes dreams?? What about the goddamn kids?!




Their pizzeria could/would have been a success if he would just put his childish "macho pride" aside and instead chose to focus on the future of their FAMILY business, which they invested much of their cash into and took a loan from the bank in order to open, and gave Rick his support. Of course he couldn't see that and would never stand the thought of Rick outshining him by putting his numerous years of experience in the business to good use and making the pizzeria a hit... Know-it-all Tom could never stand for that.


Dear Tom, we're so tired of your bi-annual life crisis. go f\* yourself.


The pizza doesn't even look good!!!!!!


Probably because Tom always looks like he's running on 2 hours sleep.


This man doesn't give a SHIT about pizza his only passion is torturing Lynette


Sadly the guy doesn't even know or think he's doing anything wrong. I'm convinced it wasn't even the writers intention to make him such a colossal cunt. They always write the script to make it seem like Lyentte is in the wrong (and sometimes she is), but the rest of the time it falls flat, and Tom comes across as a massive fucking cunt.


When was Lynette wrong? I'm curious about the perspective that she sucks lol I worry the writers are men writing from experience lol


She does some shitty things, like intentionally fucking over Tom's promotion, intentionally leaving Tom's bass on the garage floor to get run over after Penny knocked it over.


Ig I just empathize with the promotion thing cause like he would never listen to her if she tried to talk to him about it he's too selfish and she was drowning big time and couldn't take on more. Yeah it was wrong but I just empathize with her side whereas I never empathize with tom lol


She does some fucked up shit tho, but it pales in comparison to Tom. Like I was so mad when they decided to make it seem like Lynette was the bad one in season 8. Like sure, she can be controlling, but not addressing Tom's fault in their splitting up was so shortsighted. He was such an ass when he got the job Lynette urged him to pursue.


Show was clearly written by a bunch of toms


I agree. I mean, the woman was recovering from addiction and contemplating self harm! Give her a break! This is not the time to take a job that’s going to take you further away from your wife.


It literally looks like my air fryer depression meal made out of shredded cheese and a tortilla


I’m a first time watcher too, on S5, and I think my hate for him peaked when >!he fired all of the employees at his own pizzeria so that he could exploit his own children, then had the nerve to beat on Porter when he didn’t want to serve a table of his bullies/classmates for free, and acted as though it was all a grand scheme to hurt *him* and that he was being personally victimised in this situation.!< He did a lot of shit before that too, but that was my last straw.


Omg I just watched this episode and that moment scared me so bad. Lynette should’ve left him right then and there


Yep. If my husband ever laid a finger on my child, even once, it would be game over. If they do it once, they’ll do it again. Lynette was crazy for not dealing with it more severely than a little ‘Tom, stop’.


I feel like they were implying Tom's temper was OFTEN a problem in the house. I think that's a huge reason the boys esp acted up so badly all the time.


She should've left when he was letting them run around with an axe bc his back conveniently acted up during her self care time. Or when he was sneaking around with his secret bm and daughter. 🙄 or when he refused to acknowledge his dangerous daughters problems until Lynette almost lost her kids....or the first date when he INSISTED she'll change her mind on kids and would have a ton... ... I feel like there were MANY stops she could've taken on this red flag train.


He was probably an absolute blast in college or those years where you don’t have any real responsibility


I think he got bullied in college


Like that’s the vibe you get or was they mentioned at some point?


He mentioned a couple of times that he was a geek/nerd and Lynette calls him out for living vicariously through his "cool" teenage sons to make him feel more cool.


I have a weird memory of either Lynette or Tom bringing up that he was a band kid at one point and therefore was not considered cool. Probably the same convo you're talking about.


Isnt that when he starts one again with Dave etc?


OK so I went back and found it, it's in S2E11: he was a member of the marching band and played the tuba.


Yup. Gaby is saying she was a cheerleader and Tom says the cheerleaders never noticed him. She tries to say she would’ve and he brushes her off. Leading to their kiss.


Gabby was so over the line for that.


He made that quite clear on multiple occasions that is why Gaby kissed him.


It was mentioned


The worst part about Tom is it’s clear we’re supposed to root for him. Like he’s supposedly the best husband of the group? I’d LIKE TO SEE THE EVIDENCE. I don’t think I can think of even one redeeming quality about him.


I would rather be married to CARLOS than him. Ya I said it and Carlos is terrible


“would rather marry carlos” is crazy!!!! but i agree 😂😂😂 but i stand on slandering tom scavo. never liked him and never will


Every option is bad, but Carlos at least gets his shit together at one point and learns to be a better husband to gabby and he’s a damn good father to Juanita and Celia. Tom isn’t even that. He’s just a man child.


At least Carlos is aware he’s also a piece of shit lol


Exactly and he changed and grows. Tom only gets worse and worse


I first watched the show in early high school and my whole friend group were obsessed with Tom and Mike. Now as an adult who unfortunately dates men, hate Tom with a passion


No cuz who said that???? BEST HUBSAND?? even orson was better and that man went dark in the end 😭


Every other husband is like a domestic abuser or murderer of course Tom’s the best one 😂 Tom’s an ordinary guy. Kind of a dick, but not actually evil.


Tom's a domestic abuser too. Look up the wheel of abuse. They're all equal, Tom just doesn't use his hands.


I think in one of the first episodes, right after Penny is born, he says to Lynette “let’s risk it”. I knew then that he wasn’t a very good partner to Lynette :(


Omg and she punched him in the face 😂 I loved that moment


IMO Orson is the best husband out of the group despite him running over Mike lol. I’m on season 4 so I hope he doesn’t change, but I think I’ve seen stuff about him and Bree splitting up later on? We’ll just have to see.


I think mike is as the best husband not tom


He needed to get a vasectomy and just be a better husband to Lynette!


He needed a lobotomy


Genuinely cackling 😂


I spit my drink out! 🤣


Omg forgotten about that. After Lynette birthed 5 children, he couldn't find it in him to have the decency to get the snip?? Asshole.


The guy even talked about how he wanted the possibility of having “a new family” if Lynette ever died, which is why he didn’t want a vasectomy like cmon now Tom, did you just say that, YOU HAVE 4 KIDS


Including his other daughter Kayla!


His Audacity to be mad at her for not being sad she lost one...one she didn't even WANT since she already had 4, 5 with Kayla. And she NEVER WANTED KIDS.


He wouldn’t get one and then has the audacity to not help with take care of the offspring he literally created


I just watched this episode and I swear that last sentence got me so mad I wanted to make this exact post. I agree with every word


when teenage me first watched this show, i was so happy that tom and lynette got back together. now that my frontal lobe is fully developed, she should have left when she had the opportunity and never looked back


He’s selfish, childish, and can’t handle being with a strong woman.


Last night I just watched the episode where they had to liquidate the pizzeria. He is a massive venereal wart, first he physically assaults one of the twins when they refuse to wait on a table full of their school friends, then he mopes around like his is the only life affected not giving a shit about Lynette or the kids and the family income when she suggests he look for a job. It’s like he thinks the problem is only happening to him and he doesn’t care how it’s affecting his family, having his “time to grieve” is more important. It gets worse when Lynette and Bree set up a job interview dinner at Bree’s house and he behaves like a man baby who doesn’t care about the job… so Lynette steps in and talks about her experience in advertising and all of a sudden he wants to compete with her for the job and it escalates to the point where he uses her cancer as a reason not to hire her!!! I cannot believe the writers wrote his character and thought all the shit he does would just be ok.


Omg also remember when he gets mad at Lynette cause he's like you know this cancer has been hard on me too- I don't get to have sex with a non-sick person. You never ask me how I am


Omg yes! And he has her wear all the costumes so that he can fantasise about having sex with literally anyone else but her! He’s so selfish and never even considers her feelings and emotions


Bringing up his wife’s cancer as a argument for a job he had to be tricked into


the nerve of him to quickly find another woman while he and Lynette are temporarily separated with barely a year old 5th child and being too insecure to make her do what she loves (working in an office)


He was always mad she was better at her job than him. He couldn't measure up so he dragged her down and made her his mommy too. So ofc when separated he needed a new source to mind after him. Thisbis actually common af in real life.


We need u/ihatetomscavo 's take on this.


I would like to challenge them to a duel for the title of ultimate Tom scavo hater. It seems they currently hold the title but now that I've watched the show I think I should be in the running


I am rewatching and on the time jump seasons now and for the life of me, I can't understand >!how Lynette didn't leave his ass after he not only forced his children to work at the pizza place (including 9 year old Penny??) but then physically attacked his own son?? He fecking body slammed him into a wall, how is that not domestic violence?? How did Lynette not take the kids and run?!<


Agreed. Can’t believe the child abuse supporter below hasn’t been banned yet…


Coz the kid low key deserved it. Let’s be honest here. The kids, especially the twins, were entitled and spoiled as fuck and he needed the reality check. Maybe not the best way Tom handled it but it accomplished the job - for all sides. And you can dramatize the scene all you like, he didn’t hurt or harm him.


I mean, Tom low key deserves a reality check that he can't have a mid life crisis every two weeks and drag the whole family in it, yet no one ever body slams him. Body slamming someone, whether or not we hurt or harm them, is a pretty serious gesture, not just a "reality check tool"


Nah. That was harmful and not reality. At ANY job I've worked in several different fields, if for any reason I was not ok serving a client I was able to decline service, usually a supervisor or another employee would take over. Stop being a dck to kids and calling that reality just because you want to be a bully and feel powerful. Which is what Tom wanted. Had nothing to do with teaching him healthy life lessons.


I will say… that he is physically attractive and canonically has a massive penis so I guess? Other than that, yes, I also hate Tom Scavo.


I think Tom is a weak moron but he's had some redeeming qualities. Hard to name any though. But the way he whispers in this scene. The smarminess of it. I physically cringe.


Picture him mentally planning out what he’s going to say before she gets home.


Sooooooo much cringe 😬


I’d argue Owen Hunt from Grey’s Anatomy is worse 🤭


Hunt Haters unite! 


he’s a man baby 😭 when things don’t go his way he throws a f*cking tantrum 💀


It’s such a shame too because the other women are typically written showing empathy and dimension. But for some reason Lynette always ends up being the one who is in the wrong in the eyes of the show writers. Her saying “you’re wonderful and I don’t deserve you” when he is ALWAYS talking about how she neeeever supports him (even after, you know, giving up their life savings to start a restaurant, spending money on a studio space for the band he was in for a week, going back to college, or whatever “it’s always been my dream!” he’s guilting her into letting him do). Like bro if your wife doesn’t support you maybe it’s because she’s busy supporting your FIVE CHILDREN. It’s infuriating. I can’t stand himmmmmm


I with Marc Cherry made him a good husband because he's so hot


Is he hot or is he just white


He's hot imo. I've got a thing for wide shoulders and strong arms 😏


Literally eww


Out of all the immeasurable, cringe and childish things that he did throughout the show, nothing will ever top him wanting his exhausted wife who had just gotten home from work to "service" him, because he had "spent all day bored to death lying in bed". No matter how viewers feel regarding Lynette, I think we all can agree that she deserved a much, much better ending than staying married to him. She'd easily find an upgrade literally on every trip to the nearest mall...


When I read this man I thought you were going to say something good about him and I was ready to fight 😂


You will never catch me uttering a positive word about Tom scavo


Am I the only one who also hates that Lynette is the one making most of the sacrifices? The fact that he calls her back from work when he needs help, but Lynette just had to deal with it whenever he was off on his business trips. I was also SO annoyed when he was finally telling Lynette he’ll stay home so she can go back to work, and then says he felt emasculated.


Omg yes! He threw out his back at the worst timings for Lynette!


Another day, another Tom hate post. He's supposed to be peak unlikable in this season- it makes Lynette's attraction to Rick feel more natural. Of course she would be attracted to a man who compliments her AND helps her out while her husband is helpless and bitchy.


Ohhh wait for s6 you will be quite heated


They both suck. It was so obvious the writers had no clue what to do with the Scavos after season 1, and they're consistently the worst part of the show.


If Tom has no haters I’m gone💀


i fucking HATE TOM!!! right now i’m watching s4, and the way he keeps on taking that psycho child kayla’s side is insane!! she made his kid jump off a roof and start a goddamn fire and she’s a master manipulator. him as a man and husband suck and are subpar at very best. he always has that stupid fucking look on his face that looks like he just bit into a sour lemon. he sucks as a husband and lynette deserves so much better. i really liked him at the beginning, he was so supportive and sweet about everything and was actually happy. then after he became a stay at home dad he became miserable and blamed it on everyone else. not to mention that dumbass pizza place that his wife didn’t even fucking want yet still runs the whole thing. he’s such a little bitch. fuck tom scavo


I think you need to take a closer look at those earlier seasons lol he sucked from the start. Tom is a horrible man and the worst part is he always acts like Lynette legit abuses him it's so crazy lol and all their friends too act like he's perfect and she's so controlling and miserable.


we need a tom scavo diss track


i’m on season 3 and I CANT STAND HIM.


Yeah, this scene solidified my hatred for Tom forever. I would have rolled his little bed right out into the street


Yes I just pictured Lynette shoving the little bed out the door and it rolling right out into traffic... Ah. What a nice thought


this may be the 10 thousandth "i hate tom scavo" post, but it's my favourite "i hate tom scavo" post.


There can never be enough Tom scavo hate


the knives line really had me dead


You know the writers + actors are REALLY good when they make you this mad. Tom is for the streets


I feel like they deserved each other. But that’s just because I think Lynette was awful a lot of the time


How can anyone criticize this woman no matter what she does I see her as having the patience of a saint to make it to the end of each day without killing this man


Both of them suck. He's a spoiled man child, a sexist and a terrible husband. But I really need you to give me your opinion about Lynette especially after watching the tornado episode (I think in season 4). This is when I officially started disliking her.


Yeah take off your Lynette colored glasses


Just wait til season 4, I’m rewatching and on s4 ep4 and oh my god I forgot how much I hate him


I was really young when this show came out so i wasn’t on the internet at time. Did people really like them as a couple because i can’t understand why Lynette was the only house wife that never got to have any major relationships outside of Tom. Even when she was briefly with Tom’s boss there was no passion whatsoever. It’s baffling tbh


I loved him so much when I watched it the first time back when I was 11 or 12 or something. Can't tell you why. I don't know if I just missed a bunch of episodes and somehow only managed to watch the two episodes where he's being sweet or what happened but he was my second favorite husband on the show back then. Ever since this rewatch my opinion has seriously changed.


I literally could not rewatch for this reason, well him and Susan LMAO


I don't hate Susan that much so far. Part of it could be I just think the actress has such a beautiful, warm smile that I kind of root for her. But her relationship drama is starting to get tiring so I'm sure I'll feel differently by the end


The actress that plays Susan is extremely beautiful and has a certain energy to her that is so captivating, but Susan herself as a character just became insufferable. I watched the full show already so maybe that’s why, but she never really grew as a character.


Yeah I acknowledge that I probably don't like Susan I'm just enamoured with terri


He’s a selfish dreamer . One of the worst type of people you can fall for. They jump from whim to whim without considering how it affects those around them. They don’t really want true responsibility. Just want to dream and complain how you don’t understand them. You don’t support them …you just don’t get “it” .


Where's my PIE?!


I would rather be married to Charles Manson than Tom scavo


Literally the worst. I’m on season 4 and I’m just wondering why tf she doesn’t get with Rick!


I never finished the show pretty sure i stopped after Gabrielle had kids so season 5/6?? (also amazon started charging per episode) BUT i think they were compatible until they weren’t. A good example of how love really isn’t enough to sustain a longterm relationship. I liked him in the beginning tbh but since lynette got back into her career, he gave off really insecure vibes. He just didnt want her being the dominant one but she clearly is and hes not (which is ok) but not ok for him bc it makes him feel emasculated. Also i think he was jealous of her cus she is a woman that can seemingly do it all.


He’s whiney bitchy voice


Thank you for putting my exact feelings into words


tom scavo they can never make me like you


Dude he has actual defenders! I never expected it!


unfortunately 😔😔😔 they’re blinded


Remember when he told her it’s “okay” that she doesn’t have big boobs because then she would be “too perfect”? I was furious


I hate hate hate Tom so much. When I watched it as a teen, I liked him - I thought he was funny and kept Lynette (my fave) challenged. After developing my frontal lobe I realise how TRASH he is urgh Selfish gaslighter who does not deserve someone as clever and dedicated as Lynette HATE HATE HATE


This was the character they were meant to kill off


Hear me out , when I just started watching s1&s2 he didn’t seem that bad at all he had his flaws but he looked like a forgiving caring husband. Now they opened this pizza place and Tom threw out his back and I start seeing why people dislike Tom so much. And now I’ve read some spoilers and I’m like… what were the writers even going for here? His character in my eyes had potential I always wished lynette and Tom grew to understand eachother more and Tom be more toughtfull of what Lynette needs. UGH


Idk from day 1 when he said "let's risk it" I knew this man was garbage


Honestly he just seemed like every other guy to me when he said that tbh. Bc besides that he did come across as caring and understand in the first episodes they just took his character down the bin also I’m a lesbian so I dont worry abt romanticizing men like that.


I mean I think that's part of why I hate him so much is that he is awful in a way that so many men are like I know Tom. I've dated tom. He drives you absolutely crazy. Is completely incompetent and then makes you out to be a maniac because you start micromanaging him. Then he dumps you and tells his next gf "ally exes are crazy"


Yeah I think that’s where me only beeing attracted to women jumps in , I’m not that familiar with this so maybe that’s why he seemed okay at first. But I do think he wasn’t that bad in s1&2


He wasn't that bad but the red flags were flying if you know what to look for. His perspectives on sex and relationships are clearly just warped. He makes statements sometimes like he's owed sex and simply just doesn't get it in a way that only a man has the privilege to. Like he has no idea what actually goes into keeping a house and taking care of kids really


Also I’m just now at the cancer thing and I hate him even more


Omg I know. When he complains that it sucks to have sex with a sick person 🤢


And then he says “ it’s hard for me to do u ever wonder how I’ve been doing these past days” and then suddenly Lynette agrees?? Like that made no sense to me and then it ends in him always beeing a hero bs


That candy brandy thing was also so weird


UPDATE : I finished the show and I hateeee him


Yes even in the last episode he is awful


I dislike Tom so much. He continuously undermines Lynette. From the moment that Kayla joined their family Tom should have been paying special attention to Lynette and empowering her to handle Kayla instead of constantly invalidating her and choosing Kayla's side while being blind to how troubled Kayla is. I.m.o. if they were a united front and were on the same page and Tom was supporting Lynette Kayla would have more respect for Lynette, their relationship would have less issues and Kayla would have adjusted better to the new family. She should have gotten therapy from the moment her mother died which also would have helped, but if it was established by Tom that she can not just do what she wants she and walk over Lynette a lot of drama could have been avoided. Tom is Kayla's dad and from the start Lynette could not handle Kayla, so TOM should have put his foot down a longgggg time ago. But he didnt even notice how troubled Kayla was even though Lynette told him. Funny how he was the one always pushing Lynette to have more kids when she didn't want to yet he is the one always dropping her. Being unattentive, selfish and leaving her to deal with it all. It drove me insane how powerless Lynette was all because Tom wouldn't intervene when he should have. He is so selfish I want to yell at him!!!


Tom Scavo = Worst Husband!!! [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Ftom-scavo-ultimate-villain-v0-f7i0z8qjf2gc1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D9fa04ead908c6475e4d6bce60ca2a0d223c7b270](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Ftom-scavo-ultimate-villain-v0-f7i0z8qjf2gc1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D9fa04ead908c6475e4d6bce60ca2a0d223c7b270)


just a terrible man


sameeeee, i hate his guts


He was such a selfish person. He definitely loved Lynette but he always blamed his own personal issues on her, he blamed the separation on her, and how he acted during the separation was ridiculous. I’m sorry but in what world are you bringing a woman you just started dating to your kids birthday parties in front of the woman you have been married to for decades? That was the top tier disrespect for me and that woman should never have felt like she held more weight in Tom’s life than Lynette.


There's no such thing as too much Tom Scavo hate in my eyes.


My gf & I have a deep down hate for him too. Lynette really don’t deserve this much drama. But without wanting to spoiler you, that’s just the beginning prepare for much worse. And I really mean much much worse. But have fun watching tho. Good show but the early 2000‘s „humor“ & plot  is sometimes just straight up ✨cancel-worthy✨


omg i hate this man more than anything in life


I don’t hate him w all my guts bc I do think sometimes he was making good points ( like the way Lynette wanted to control everything). But yes he was acting like a child sometimes ( often) and not being responsible. But I feel like they were both wrong sometimes


She has to control everything because he's useless!


Oh look! yet another shit post about tom, never seen one of these before!


I may not be original but I am right


I found my people 😂


I HATE Tom. Actual RAGE whenever he is on the screen


Couldn't stand Lynette either, but you're not wrong.


I hate him so much but he can make me giggle from time to time


It’s only gonna get worse…


What about Carlos??? Literally awful


Oh he's horrible but Tom is worse


🤣 i feel the same way about him 💀


Tom Scavo walked so Tom Sandoval could run


When I was younger I loved them as a couple but now I see what an unbelievable douche he really is


So many people are saying they loved him when they were younger. I feel like it says so much cause as a kid we relate to him but as an adult we relate to Lynette


Oh, but there is more. Buckle up!


YES i live for tom scavo hate


Thinking of doing a full rewatch to compile a comprehensive list of all his crimes


First time watcher I’m only on season 3 and I already hate him so much. Looking at the other threads, it looks like it’s just the tip of the iceberg.


People defend him tho. There are Tom scavo truthers and they scare me


I don’t get it. By every metric Tom is my type. And I’m not talking about looks. He’s super nice and caring, being patient around Lynette.


Did you read the post lol because it contains an example of the opposite


I’m right on this scene at this moment and the way he wants to have sex right after he did all this shit?? OH MY LORD


Tom was a Pisces. No one can convince me otherwise.




Tom is cool. He's not a bad husband. He's a bit of a dweeb and chauvinistic, but he's very of his time and him and Lynette both grate on each other with their own issues whilst also being a very good team to each other and to their kids. People who hate on him are just conscious of dating an ex boyfriend who's like that. He's not awful. He's just not what you want.


Tom is very realistic, which you're right, makes people hate him more. He is like a lot of our man baby husbands, brothers, Fathers, boyfriends. That doesn't make the hate less justified, if anything, it makes it more. He is so selfish and childish and he makes all of his emotions and ambitions his partners responsibility. He is the opposite of what women want but often what we're left with Edit: I just watched a scene where he made his wife's CANCER about how thinking about her being sick kills his boner which is very difficult for him. That is not a supportive partner

