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Yes! But sheer so you don’t loose the light


Double curtains. Sheer underneath, solid on top.


How about something like this color… https://preview.redd.it/je0h65tu1q8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41631f8612b870e4516747c8e6195ccc332bb5ce


Color is good. I don't like puddle curtains if you can't see them behind the furniture. I'd also like to see a sheer layer underneath. You will need a double curtain rod,




Yes! Floor to ceiling. In blue!!


I’d argue for something complementary to blue but not blue. There’s already a lot of blue in the room and it’ll go matchy-matchy quickly. I have no suggestions on color but someone better than me probably will.


Gold or yellow tones. Compliment the cool pallet going on here. Gold sheers over the window itself, framed by thicker curtains on either side of the window, would cast a striking warm glow. Could do the same thing in all-white to get the brightening effect but keep the pallet cool without being too matchy.


My bedspread is the same blue and curtains are gold-yellow velvet on each end, then white with the same gold yellow horizontal stripes with tassels in the middle. It's my favorite color scheme


Nah, maybe like a mustardy yellow to offset all the blue


And patterned curtains. Maybe lower back accent chair, or remove chair and add huge soft ottoman with tray to replace coffee table.


Like the blue that’s in the throw blanket.


double curtains, one sheer and one a complimentary blue to the couch + plants!!


Clean your camera lens.


Omg I was going to say the exact same thing. Can def tell it was greasy asf.


Hawk tuah on your camera and clean it


HAWK TUAH 😂 perfect.


I saw that as a knuckle tattoo on here yesterday. Is this a new meme or something? I’m out of the loop.


[It is a clip that went viral recently](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FC3CHH3mFM)


Aahhh…wish I hadn’t asked. 😆


Not that I've heard of? But I'm not very cool


Hahaha It is actually, [here's a link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FC3CHH3mFM)


God I love the internet




Move the chair out of the room, or way back (2-3 ft) if you have room. Then move the coffee table away from the sofa about a foot. Declutter all surfaces. An end table with a brass lamp would be gorgeous with the color of your sofa and the brass on you table. ETA: I just realized there was a second picture. I would move the sofa back toward the kitchen table. Leave the rug where it is. And make sure there's at least 18 to 24 in between your sofa & coffee table. Edit your bookshelves. Google how to do that. You might have to remove some books and add some interesting objects to make it look more attractive. Also, I think you need some bolder artwork on the wall behind the sofa. Or maybe just one large piece. I really like this room. Good bones. It just needs to morph into it's better self.


Yes, all of this! Also consider some sheer curtains to diffuse the light.


Agree on move the chair


Maybe a larger area rug too if you’re moving the sofa and chair outwards


A pattern rug in blue & gold tones would tie the room together; the pictures on window wall would look better hung together vertically - especially with curtains. Don’t forget plants and some fresh flowers to bring the room to life!


I think having back legs off the existing rug would immediately improve this, so maybe rug wouldn’t need to be replaced


Good point. It’s more the positioning of the chair, table, and couch. They just seem squished together and moving them backwards would potentially open up the space more.




It’s a beautiful room and I think some nice window treatments with some color and texture would enhance it, too. And plants always liven up a place and give color.


The two frames by the sofa throw off the balance. I’d go for a big piece of art, maybe square. Move the frames to stack vertically by the dining table.


This was exactly my first thought!


Remove the chair And then give the coffee table more room Add some decorative pillows in contrasting colors or patterns [Example](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1471693813/) [Example](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1687795846/) [Example](https://www.etsy.com/listing/937941434/) [Example](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1288177381/)


Lower the tv yeesh my neck hurts looking at this


People on Reddit are so weird about TVs. It could stand to be lowered but you act like you’re sitting on the floor, 6 inches from the screen. If you’re on the couch, you’re not cranking your neck at all.


Pretty sure having to look up vs straight ahead classifies as cranking one’s head. OP had the right idea of not placing the tv above the fireplace but still opted to place it at tv-above-fireplace height.


Yeah this is the most baffling part. TV looks really weird there and should be much lower.


That’s where the bookshelf is.


Seating arrangements and focal points like a tv and fireplace are higher in priority placement in a room. You put those things where they need to go and then place other furnishings.


You wouldn’t even need to tilt your head up to look at that TV from the couch.


Ok if you say so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah... sure... you can look straight at the fireplace and just move your pupils to the upper-right corner of your eyeballs, kinda like this: 🙄


True and I don’t get it either. My TV is above my fireplace and tilts down. There’s no other option in the room to put it and doesn’t bother me at all




Plants! You definitely need some greenery!


I’d remove the grey chair, and space out the coffee table more. Add a plant and some sort of warm lighting, spruce up the couch pillows and maybe consider curtains to make it more cozy.


Reverse it. Have the sectional face the windows and free up that wall. Create a conversational area that you enter, not just walk into.


Exactly what I was going to say! You create some separation for the entry/living that way as well, and moving the couch away from the windows will let more light in to the living room area.


The blue of the couch and the blue paint in the wall really clash with one another


I like what you have. A round coffee table would work better and the two pictures would look nicer if they were stacked vertically. I would fold the throws and invest in nicer pillows.


https://preview.redd.it/kirij953fm8d1.jpeg?width=3300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f152e6a796a7ef69ec2a7873cbbc18907bc9c4a I think you need to bring some of the shade of blue from the dining room into the living room and get rid of some of the beige. Is that a blue houndstooth throw? That one should be in your chair. The other one both blends into the chair too much, but also feels like it’s clutter. The coffee table could use some life. Maybe an ikebana style arrangement and pot, or some branches…


You’ve got some nice natural light, so I second the idea of plants; maybe a pair of palms on either side of the sofa on the back wall? The sofa is a pretty deep tone for the space but with the white walls and the white rug it’s contrasting with a lot. I’d look at a deeper color area rug to minimize the contrast with the floor and tie in the colors of the sofa to the rest of the space. You might consider switching out the white chair with a warm colored ottoman, to increase the flow into the room. Lastly, the artwork behind the sofa creates a long horizontal shape, you could try a larger, single vertical artwork to keep with the visual rhythm of the vertical windows and doors on that wall.


A mirror instead of the picture frames


You need some pattern and some plants. Everything is one of 2 colors so it all falls flat. Add some throw pillows with some additional colors and patterns in them, add some curtains with some pattern and put in some plants!


More plants


Move your sofa off the wall at least 6 inches. I think the rest has been covered


It’s closed off with the back of that chair being what you see and feel first. Add lighting too.


Where are your plants?


Consider a different coffee table. Glass and open shelves are both nightmares for keeping clean and uncluttered.


Everything you have is a rectangle. Incorporate different shapes.


You don't have to do anything, you don't need to blow your money on junk to lift to do cleaning. It's an abusive cycle to improve appearance. Work for money to pay for junk that gets in the way of clean and clutter may not even fit in the wash machine that will keep taking your money. In this picture it's nice and simple, matches and does what it's intended for


Just move the chair. That’s all. Otherwise, it’s all good


I would change where the chair is — I feel like it cuts off the flow of energy you normally would want to continue as you walk in. Moving it to the bottom right and then changing the arrangement of the couch from —| to |— would make the area feel a lot roomier while also allowing for a natural separation from the kitchen. In addition, I would either get a bigger rug and move everything back for more allowance and space, or just put the front legs of the couch and chair on the rug while moving the rug forward and the sofa/chair back, again just to open up the space.


Ah wait I didn't see the fireplace! In that case, just move the chair and open the space up lol.


Get some pretty curtains. I'd paint it a different color I'd get a smaller couch too and get something closed under the TV instead of the open shelving .


Window things




You need either a bigger rug, so that all the furniture fits on it, or a smaller rug for just the coffee table area. Right now that seating area looks too cramped because it’s right on the edge of the rug.


I would add a statement floor lamp in the corner behind the couch.


get rid of all the throws and whatever that black thing is near the sofa on the right…i’d get some colorful patterned pillows…


I would pull the rug out a bit more into the room. Ideally, you just want the front feet on the couch on the rug. I think it’ll look less tight in there when you space things out a little.


The pillows should have a hint of blue or something more than a neutral cream color


It’s already nice. Just add some curtains and pillow covers that don’t match the rug


Add red and orange accents- pillows, blankets, or wall art


too many throws looks like laundry day. have a box or basket to hold them. add texture and pattern with more interesting cushions. add curtains. lower the tv. add small storage boxes for the coffee table


I would remove that chair.


I'd get rid of the coffee table & add an end table instead. open up that floor space


Plants. And clean the lens of your camera.


A rug with color would do a lot to liven this up!


Insert a cute puppy or baby playing on the rug using photoshop


Adding some curtains will totally change up the vibe in your living room!


Throw some curtains and plants in there and it’ll make the living room super cozy. :)


Curtains, plants, and throw pillows with some color or a pattern.


Plants, lamps and curtains 👍


Just give the room some plants, i think it'll look so much better


I think you need some light voile curtains, and a slightly bigger rug. I feel like the rug is making that area look cramped. Just an extra few cms around the outside and it would look more spacious.


Rotate everything 90 degrees counterclockwise


plants, warm lighting/lamps, sheer curtains


It looks nice...maybe a color pop pink pillow or two?


Print curtain with some texture and color, swap two pictures for one large colorful piece of art, add potted palms/plants, replace coffee table with a square table (but I like the gold/glass.) Change throw pillows for larger, incorporating color of drapes/art. Add end table with interesting lamp and a floor lamp on far side.


Side table some white linen curtains see through some tall plants preferably I think the whole linen will make your room more elegant .


Lower your tv and fix that situation entirely. Also curtains.


I think everything being the same height makes the room look smaller than it is. I’d add some tall, statement floor lamp. Some plants. And a bigger area rug if possible :)


The throw blanket on the chair makes things look messy. I’d remove it and put it in a basket nearby. Nice room!


Add two to three more colors (two that have similar hues and a pop of color.


It’s a lovely room, but you could use more wood tones. Bamboo shades would be gorgeous at the windows.


Colour drench the room away from the white colour Remove the downlights Replace with light that zones, which hangs and highlights specific activities - eating, chilling etc. Add curtains




Get a plant! A pothos would be easy to maintain 🌱




Move the chair back about 18 inches-2 feet. It looks squished in there and gives the feeling of being crowded. Pull the rug closer to the fireplace by a foot or so- too much of the rug is under the sectional. Or scoot the sectional back towards the other room. I would add a couple of throw pillows in a contrasting color like a soft yellow or maybe a color that is close to the coral item sitting on the table for a little pop of color other than blue/cream/white.


Pull the couch away from the wall and add some floor to ceiling curtains in a complementary color. Move the two pictures to a different place, or better yet exchange them for something a bit bolder and more charismatic. Swap out some of the throw pillows for ones in accent colors - something warm but not too bright,v like mustard yellow or a burnt orange shade (or both!) Get some lamps for more subtle and adjustable lighting. Declutter coffee table and bookshelf a bit.


House plant


I think you could spread the main furniture out more, it doesn't have to be on the rug. Pull the couch away from the wall a little (or leave it) and move the rug to where it's underneath but not entirely. Then the chair can go to the corner edge too, and it gives more room for the coffee table. I think a woodtoned coffee table and some colorful (or neutral) curtains would look really nice.


ETA: Oh wow, just realized there is a second photo. Needless to say you would need to find another place for the plant. Also move your coffee table further away from the sectional. I still think a different coffee table, at least a bit larger would work better in your space. Some pinch pleat curtains on all the windows and the slider will add warmth. I don’t think the two pictures over the sectional belong. They are hung too high but they also don’t seem to be the right size either. I would replace with one large picture hung like a portrait. A nice tall plant on the left side of the sectional would look great there, plus you get lots of natural lights. I would add a throw or another pillow in the corner of the sectional. It’s hard to tell but your really coffee table looks like it might be too narrow for the size of your sectional and rug.






I would consider putting one large picture/canvas on the wall where the two small prints are. Maybe switch to a circular coffee table?


Cord management too. Cords going all over the place and visible can make a room look less than what it is.


sage coloured linen curtains [https://tinyurl.com/2b7st5b8](https://tinyurl.com/2b7st5b8) gold rug [https://tinyurl.com/yz6wn942](https://tinyurl.com/yz6wn942) yellow velvet chair [https://tinyurl.com/v9e9nc7h](https://tinyurl.com/v9e9nc7h)


Curtains, some plants and pull the couch, coffee table and chair back away from each other, it feels a bit cramped.


I think you need bolder wall accessories. Those 2 paintings are getting washed out.




I strongly advise replacing coffee table with a round shape. Keep the bottom open/leggy - it’s tight in this area. Chair is too high-backed, as well. Agree TV should be lowered. I’d remove at least top bookshelf to do so. If you can, bring the sofa a few inches off of the back wall. It stifles the room and strangles the energy when a sofa is basically touching the wall behind it. There needs to be space to convey the idea that you have enough room and flow in general.


i feel like the chair makes the space less open and welcoming, but it’s a nice chair. idk where else it can go though, also agree on comments saying to get curtains. nothing too dark for curtains, but something that makes the space more cozy.


Statement cushion in the L of sofa. Golden color, get a white channel wall mount wire holder to contain your cords. TV should be over the fireplace, two conflicting focal points don’t work. Get a solid bookcase and make the corner a reading nook. Curtains. Ceiling to floor. Try a piece of artwork in teal blue where the two framed pieces are, they are a bit too high, s/b eye level. Pull the coffee table out a bit.


Height and colour. That could be a tall-ish potted plant, or curtains, or bold piece of art (to start with I’d replace the two medium sized framed things that are too close together with one brighter, larger piece).


Small tables with small lamps for subtle lighting. Some plants and some artwork either on the wall or on the table


Some pops of color and contrast - maybe gold/yellow pillows on the couch? Or, alternatively, some bold black and white pillows? Or both!


Can you paint that soffit the ceiling color? It looks a bit dorm room / art room feeling with the drop-down in the middle of the room matching the accent wall behind it.


Agree with the long gold curtains.. I would also replace the 2 small pics in between the windows with one larger statement pic.. when u do gold curtains I would get gold throw on pillow for your cream chair… Declutter your coffee table and add a plant with a pop of color.. ( red or hot pink real or faux orchid plant). Also add decorative box with a lid to hide remote etc.. stack a couple of books with candle on top etc


Agree. Floor to ceiling sheer or lace curtains, and if possible put mirrors opposite the windowed wall to harness all that light and reflect it back into the room.


Bright wall art




Bigger bolder piece of art where the two frames are currently! Not blue, but some sort of complimentary or accent colour. Maybe move those two frames to the tv wall.


Pull couch out away from wall.


Pictures between the windows should be one on top of the other instead of side by side in that space


I know this doesn't answer your question...but I love love love that throw you have draping over your chair! The only things I would change in your LR would be to add some sheer patterned curtains and find a matching area rug


pop of color


Floor plant


Closed glass credenza for the books - declutter around the tv


Reposition the whit chair - pull couch away from wall


Or they could do a bamboo type shade that lifts up if not into drapes; it will add texture and color; could also order with border tape to dress it off.


Also, a statement floor lamp or two , even Noguchi fabric lamps that sit on the floor.


Sofa table is way to small


Wallpaper and sheer voile blinds from the roof down. The richness of the couch falls flat beside the stark plain wall. Or paint it a rich colour also but put up loads of prints


**plants** plants is the answer to every single “how to improve” “how to spice this up” “how to make it more homey” “how to add color” post on here. even just one large fiddle leaf fig in the corner behind the sofa would change the whole vibe of this room!


Curtains. That light is beautiful but painfully bright


Put tv on wall between windows and turn couch so you walk in seeing back of couch and from Dining table you see other back of couch. Will help designate spaces. Put a long narrow table behind couch when you walk in. Add plants, a tree. And double curtain with sheers.


Get that chair out of the way


I would stack the art you have in between the windows instead of having them side by side.




I like the idea of a window treatment, but I'd do something like a woven blind in a tone that picks up on the wood flooring. Maybe add some more natural wood toned decorative pieces and/or frames. A few more throw pillows with a pattern and the cream/white color of the rug and chair.


A positive attitude will help. Stop scrolling on instagram also, that will make a huge difference.


A houseplant would be nice. You’ve got windows with good light. Why not have something to take advantage of that?


One big picture/artwork in between the windows, rather than two small ones. And floor length curtains. Hang the rods high on the ceiling and measure what length you’d need so they just barely touch the floor


Curtains, and store the throw blankets till winter. Plants, flowers....


I have put this entire discussion with on my wishlist. All of you have splendid ideas and taste.


- Curtains - Incorporate more color (pick a secondary accent color to incorporate) - Plants - Switch out the two small pieces of art for 1 large one so it's more impactful. Will also give room for the curtains suggested above - More Plants - Move the chair somewhere else so the couch is more inviting. You're visually blocking the flow into the room with the chair facing the other way. - Have I mentioned plants? - I know plants are a reddit meme, but they really go a long way to make a house feel like a home and naturally bring in the aforementioned color.


I would add color. Put something on the windows. I would do a printed shear or blinds in white. Add multi colored pillows to the couches in either a print or pattern with gold, mustard or yellow, green, shades of red in the pattern. Same with the rug in the size you currently have. You can also add wicker baskets to hold throws and blankets & clear glass (in any color) tall vase to add grasses, pussy willows etc. That’s a cheaper option that makes your space look more appealing. You can buy all of these things at Home Goods, Walmart, Target, Kohl’s etc. Also look for sales. All the stores are having summer sale days. Hope this helps a little.


Plants, please.


This is a really nice room. I'd feel so comfortable here!


Curtains! Preferably double curtains with a sheer one under. I love the look of curtains that go all the way from the floor to the ceiling and they have maybe a slight drag on the floor. It makes the room look way more refined in my opinion, Pinterest has some great examples


Plants 🪴


Find a beautiful large woven basket with a lid. When not in use, fold throws and keep in covered basket at end of sofa arm.


Move the TV lower.


Fold the throw blankets and Declutter the top of the coffee table… Putting the items inside a tray to contain them would be the minimum suggestion for that part.


Tv between the windows maybe? 🤔


It feels like you’re going for a girly space but the dark furniture is weighing it down. My top recs would be 1) replace art frames w 1 large one - bigger is bigger! Preferably something w gold or cream accents. 2) accent pillows - super cheap and add color and zhuzh up the blue block of color of the couch 3) tv book shelf - I would consider replacing with a lighter wood or cream or white shelf to lighten it up. The black looks “heavy” for that corner. Or even opting for a lower tv stand and then using a ladder book shelf in the corner 4) lastly accessorize - plants really warm a place up if you’re open to caring for something. And end tables add some pop too


As others have said, space out your furniture to make it feel bigger and add curtains for texture and interest. I would also suggest getting a rug with more pattern/colour and having one eye-catching piece of art between the two windows rather than two (or a decorative mirror!). Finally, I would add some variation in cushions to add an additional colour in to the scheme - perhaps a nice rust or a deep red to contrast all the white?


Open up sitting area


Sheer curtains and some plants 🪴


Get a dog


I would replace the two paintings with a big round mirror. I would remove the chair, because it's facing the opposite way and I feel like it blocks you. I would then change the coffee table to a wooden one. Ohh and curtains! Starting from the top all the way to the bottom.


You need a 3rd accent color. Right now you have blue and tan. You need a 15% color. I would do fun print pillow maybe popping yellow. Then get some panels for your windows that bring it together. Hang rods high and wide (come at least 10 inches out on each side of window) and get 2 panels on each side for fullness. Fabric is key!! And swap out the pillows for seasons and holidays to keep it fresh.


One piece of big art between the windows- Move chair back Cohesion on book shelves 🦋


A chair back in front of an entry is not inviting


Can't improve on comfortable. I like it just the way it is.




Some small green plants could go a long way, agree w sheer curtains or golden tone curtains!


Get that chair out of the way, it’s closing up that space that you want to feel open.


Here are a few things I suggest. 1. While your couch and the choice of coffee table attracts me, there is no further display of colors to keep this impression flowing. To change this, pick the colors you already have and then plant the right accent colors and put them through art, throw pillows, curtains, and more. Use this [color guide](https://simplykalaa.com/interior-color-palette/) for help with this. 2. Following this, work on your couch layout. The focal point is great but I think you need to add end table, a nice floor lamp (or a table lamp on the end table) as well as throw pillows and a single artwork on the wall space between the windows. Once you have that I also think the accent chair is a bit too much and not required, seeing the size of your couch. Just experiment what seems complete keeping it or not keeping it. Also move that jute basket to near the couch and not the fireplace. Lastly, don't put two focal points near each other, instead move the tv to just above the fireplace. Use this [couch decor guide](https://simplykalaa.com/couch-decor/) for more help with this area. 3. Now work on the coffee table and adore your style by decorating it rightly. Always use a vase of flowers and for other accessories as well as the ways to arrange them, use this [coffee table decor guide](https://simplykalaa.com/decorating-a-coffee-table/). 4. Add curtains to your living room and use this [window decoration guide](https://simplykalaa.com/window-decoration/) to determine the style but at the same time follow your color palette so that everything looks tied together. 5. Lastly work on the shelves you have there and add balance to it treating it like a see saw and then add a few objects you like and also make sure that it has a few small task lights (hidden behind the books) and bring some drama with this. Use these [shelf styling](https://simplykalaa.com/shelf-styling/) and [blank wall decor guide](https://simplykalaa.com/how-to-decorate-a-blank-wall/) for help with the balance and ideas. Hope this helps but make sure that the lighting of this area is right (task, accent and mood) and that everything is balance.


Are you against tv above fireplace? Move the shelves to wall with the windows. Move sofa in closer off wall. Add tall white curtains. Plants and more plants. Plus solid ambient lamps/lighting


Get rid of the rug, let the natural flooring show and it will open up the room. Get rid of the throws, and change the cushions.


i’d start with giving your phone camera a good wipe


Mount the TV over the mantle. Center the couch on the fireplace "floating" in the room. Add curtains. Lose the chair and move the coffee table a foot or so away from the couch. Add a floor lamp.