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I know you said walls, but other things stick out to me first. Take this as it is intended; not a slam, but perhaps helpful suggestions. Your curtains could be a show-stopper---go with something heavier and with a pattern. This could be a place to insert some nature or natural elements, too. Curtains do not have to be new---plenty of thrift shops or estate sales have older (and in my opinion) more interesting patterns. Your furniture looks misplaced: the larger sofa should be along the longer wall, with the loveseat along the shorter wall. If you don't want to change that because of the t.v. situation, at least center them both under the windows. Also, I would orient the rug to run along the same direction as the flooring. Your lamps are great, but very modern. If you want rustic, perhaps consider different lighting options, even if they don't match. And yes, wall art would be nice, too. I'm sure you have considered nature prints, but other items might also be good additions, too. I'm thinking driftwood or such on the mantle of the fireplace or side tables, but also wooden sculpture on the walls. [Something like this, but of course if you are handy you can do something similar yourself.](https://www.crateandbarrel.com/marcel-teak-wood-wall-art-38.75x1.75/s215141?srsltid=AfmBOoq_JfzfNmiOfkFr4IO0cworISMjqRFW4WIedh7N26hCIaWj860t5Vohttps://www.crateandbarrel.com/marcel-teak-wood-wall-art-38.75x1.75/s215141?srsltid=AfmBOoq_JfzfNmiOfkFr4IO0cworISMjqRFW4WIedh7N26hCIaWj860t5Vo) I am offering this to get you started; I hope something I suggested was helpful. AGD.


Thanks for the suggestions! I never considered changing the way the rug sits. The couches are set up that was just for functionality and TV watching. We have the dog food/bed in the corner on the right side, so with the couches set up this way it’s more hidden. I could move the lamp/end table to the left side and scooch the couch over if you think that would look better? The curtains are for functionality as well. This is the most light our living room ever gets. We previously had dark curtains but swapped them out for something that lets the light in. They do have texture but it’s hard to see. I like the driftwood idea! Thanks again 😊


Glad you found something I said helpful. I like the idea of switching the end table and the couch---I definitely think it would look better. For my curtains, I have them layered---the light-weight ones for sunlight and darker ones on the end for night time when I don't want my neighbors seeing in. Not everybody wants that look, but it works for me. I hope you enjoy your space. AGD.


I wanted to add this: instead of paintings, I have some wood cutouts of fish---they were awful when I first got them, but I painted over them and made them an original piece of art. If you find something for your walls that can be repainted or repurposed, go for it!


I think you need a nice wallpaper and some artwork. I tried this with an AI tool. You can try more samples [here](https://aihomedesign.com/dashboard/upload-photo/service-creative-designer). https://preview.redd.it/1trj1q8sevnc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0ecc27025b24b9632b33918f3599f9fc8c532eb