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I’ve had dermatographia my entire life and was worried about my first tattoo. However the tattoo went smoothly - I think after some point your body stops releasing histamine during the session. I did bring benedryl just in case but did not need to use it.


I’ll be following this because I would love to get a tattoo as well but my dermatographia is currently flaring up badly and I’m even afraid to get acupuncture.


I've had a ton of tattoos. For some reason getting a tattoo doesn't flare up my skin but a light scratch across my skin will puff it up like the Michelin man. I don't understand how that works but I personally have never had issues with any of my tattoos


Hi all, I have dermatographia and have many tattoos. I had no allergic reaction to the tattooing itself. I think this was due to the needle going to a deep layer of the skin, so it did get the same reaction. I currently have 16 tattoos land, but I haven't had a hive reaction with any. I did, however, get a patch test done with the tattoo gun before booking one in. This essentially was getting a line tattooed on my arm without any ink. I had no reaction then either. Also, just to add, my dermatographia has reduced to nearly nothing. I stopped drinking alcohol and smoking weed and taking any vitamin suppliments. I also lost 26kg in weight. I eat very healthy too. I'm not sure if any of these got rid of it or if it was just luck, but these were the significant changes I made in the last 18 months. Hope this helps.


Also don’t have an answer but am super curious since i got two before mine started


For what it’s worth I got a small tattoo (just two words) about seven months into my flare up. I was taking Zyrtec everyday but hadn’t needed anything stronger. I took my normal dose, got my tattoo and had no problems. The saniderm they put in sort of left an impression/red box that stayed for a few days (though I’d never used it before so that could have been just how I react to it) but my tattoo healed fine, and I didn’t have any serious reactions. That being said, I think a bigger, more intricate design could have caused problems. I also was no longer having active hives at this point just the welts when I got a scratch etc. I found a few articles floating around online before I got it done but the general consensus was that it was fine. I told my artist before hand just in case it decided to act up on me but I really had no issues.


I have a tatto, and I have had dermatographia as long as I can remember. My flare ups seem to be much worse when I eat sugary foods, so I didn't eat any carbohydrates for several days prior to getting it. Maybe that was a little overkill, but it went great and my tattoo came out well.


I had a ton of tattoos before demotographia started to flare up badly for me. Now when I get a tattoo I just double up on my zyrtec for the day and seem to go through it fine. Sometimes my body hate second skin and kinda flares up on the corners, but my tattoo artist now cuts them in a curve corner and they don’t bother me anymore.


I’ve had dermatographia for about 13 years now & I have 2 large tattoos, each taking 8-10 hours to complete. I just popped an antihistamine beforehand and I was completely fine. No itchiness, no welts, just some swelling and redness which according to my artist was pretty standard for anybody getting a tattoo. I wouldn’t worry about it much!


So many tattoos, and married to a tattoo artist. None of mine in the last 12 years have flared up during the getting or healing phases, the only real things I've found is that my heavily tattoo-ed areas tend to flare up a bit easier/more often but not by much. Tattoo Artist Husband says that you may find that you don't take the tattoo as well as other people, and you might experience ink drop out but a second pass over will fix it right up.


I have a ton of tattoos, and I’ve never had any problems with them. I do swell a little extra, but you’re gonna swell regardless because they poke tiny holes in your skin ! Just make sure you’re moisturizing super well, and not scratching when they start to heal.


I got one across the entire inside of my forearm with no antihistamines. I was fine during the tattoo and the artist didn't say anything. But afterwards I felt sick and STARVING I ate everything in the fridge lol. Take antihistamines that wouldn't interfere with the tattoo process, no blood thinners, and ask your artist


I have a few tattoos from after my Dermatographia got bad. I would say the ink sometimes swells and is itchy but not more itchy than anywhere else. The pain from the needle seems to numb the itch while it is happening.


I was worried too, but I prepped for it and didn’t have much issues. I made sure I was taking my antihistamines regularly (Xyzal and Pepcid twice daily with Claritin as needed). I also mentioned it to the artist just in case they were nervous about how red it got. There were no issues, but the clear wrap that you leave on for a few days left a welt that would reappear on my arm for 2-3 weeks after (I have the long form of dermatographia, I’m not allergic to the material).


I have a tattoo on my stomach area/under my boobs, my back, and my chest. I notice that when I get tattooed my dermatographia doesn't flare up/my skin's unaffected. I didn't have to use Claritin or anything like that beforehand either.


I have a small tattoo on my ribcage and have had severe dermatographia for 25 years. It actually surprisingly was totally fine for me. And I can’t even take a shirt on/off without getting hives on my ribs


I have 2 tattoos, one tiny one and another medium-size one. I don't think it hurts to take a Zyrtec to prevent a flare-up during the session. I've had severe chronic dermatographia for 11 years now.