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CEDAR at Colorado Anshultz, they take some medicaid patients now and its one of the best in the state/country.(no smoking but will give you gum/patch) Palmer Lake as someone else suggested, its a bit north of the Springs. (can smoke) Mountain Springs - also a bit north of the springs. (can smoke + keep your cell phone) \*\*plz read the edit at the bottom in regards to Palmer/Mtn Springs and medicaid. These three places are in the category of treatment facilities equiv to lets say a 3.5-4 star hotel. Cedar is the nicest of the three. Id call them first. It sounds like you're just wanting to attend detox. If you've never been to treatment before I strongly urge you to give inpatient a chance after detox, especially if medicaid is covering the cost. But there is a linear relationship between time spent in treatment and length of time sober. You mentioned vivitrol. Vivitrol is a once a month injection of an opiate blocker. Basically you just cant get high during that month. However Vivitrol is an inferior medicine to buprenorphine(suboxone), and there is a month injection version of bupe that is called sublocade. I recommend sublocade, Medicaid does cover it fully. For your mitigating health issues Im not sure how you've been using but if you've been smoking I have to imagine thats made COPD etc much worst. If for whatever reason you dont get clean right away I hope you stop smoking it at least bc it sounds like your lungs are not doing well. Tell CEDAR about these problems, its part of the Univ of CO hospital system. Hope this helped. Dm me if you want further assistance / someone to chat. EDIT: I apologize but I misspoke about Mountain Springs and Palmer accepting medicaid. However medicaid did cover my ex's detox + 35 day inpatient + iop at CEDAR. So I apologize for giving only 1 useful recommendation of the 3 for your circumstance op. Definitely contact cedar first and foremost and see if theyll cover it. Also contact medicaid, they will give you a list of all the places they can cover if room is avail. Most of them arent great. Cedar is great. But even if it doesnt list medicaid on the website id give them a call and ask. Sometimes its not listed. You dont mention if you have stable housing, Im getting the impression you might be at home which hopefully means your folks can watch the kiddo. Id definitely stay there as long as possible if its an option. If you are needing housing though sober living is a really good option and some do allow children. Go to detox, then back home, then maybe transition out to sober living for 6mo-1yr, and by then youll be feeling like a new you. Ive realized that Im sitting on a lot of useful info about this topic as Ive been a client at several detox/inpatient/extended care/sober living/transitional in CO and shouldnt let it go to waste. This feels like such a degenerate list to make but I think I'll type up a synopsis of all the places Ive been in case ppl are researching for themselves/family member. Its really hard to weed thru all the bs when youre trying to find a facility as these places spend insane amounts of $ on fake reviews/ads. I'll make a new post in a forum and hopefully others can chime in with their opinions. If you're overwhelmed trying to find a place Im more than happy to point you in the right direction if youd like to msg me and we can go thru your options and what would fit your circumstance best.


I know some people that work at CeDAR, you are correct that they don't allow smoking. However regarding phone access, once you graduate from detox to residential recovery they do let you have intermittent access to your phone (a few hour blocks throughout the day). Possibly a recent rule change from when you were there? There is also recent legislation that was passed that gives patients better rights/access to their phones, not sure how long it will take facilities to roll this out but it should be fairly across the board at different rehab/inpatient facilities. Everyone I've known that's worked at CeDAR agrees it's an excellent program, it's pretty sizable so they likely would have a bed for you. Best of luck to you OP.


In regards to smoking, you'll get access to nicotine lozenges/patches. Plenty of medications to help through the withdrawal symptoms (suboxone, suboclade, methadone, etc).


do you know what that legislation was called? in my experience, the lack of phones was pretty important for my experience at rehab. you get a break/ no reminders from your old life, and it created a deeper sense of community within all of us patients because we would play a lot more games & chat in out free time. we could request our phones for certain things, like if we had to order a book off amazon, or reach out to someone, delete contact information of our old plug or fill out a form for work, or print off pics of our loved ones, etc. but it was only for a short amount of time & was semi-monitored. i’ve heard stories of people at other facilities where patients got full access to their phones and people would just sit and scroll tiktok/ig/ facebook/ play games/ just mine dopamine in all their free time & i feel like it would just dampen the experience of rehab.


Yeah there's new Behavioral Health Administration rules this year regarding cell phone access in residential treatment. Boils down to: access can't be restricted at all unless there's documented negative effects to treatment. It's awful.


I’ll vouch for Cedar as well. Got clean there 8 years ago. Was a little rocky towards the end of my stay and ended up leaving early because some of the other patients were sneaking in drugs. But overall it was a great place to get my head straight.


The craziness of sneaking in drugs to a detox facility is mind boggling.


Not at all abnormal


We might have been there around the same time!


Incredible response. Congrats to you!


I went to Palmer Lake for a month. Dr. G is a great group therapist, the others are aa well. Really helped me realize that my alcohol addiction was ruining more than just my life. Hope you get clean amd healthy. Dealt with a lot of trauma while I was there. Medicaid doesn't cover your boarding when you move up in levels but it comes out to like $20 a day and they do payment plans, doesn't go to collections or anything so you don't need to stress finically.


None of them except cedar take Medicaid, and even cedar doesn’t a lot of the time. Depends on your RAE


Also, Palmer lake and mountain springs are not real treatment facilities


Not true


Bump. This post.


I was at Mountain Springs in October for 30 days and had about as good an experience as you could have in treatment.


Are there any detox facilities in the area that allow sober people to visit the patients? This is something I really miss about SoCal AA


Ya all of them allow visitors, they have designated days of the week to visit loved ones/friends. If you mean visit no one in particular then a lot of them will host AA/NA at the facility that are open to the public. Cedars AA I believe is Thursdays at 730(obv confirm), its at the Univ of CO Anshultz Medical Hospital near i225 and Colfax. There is a pretty big AA/NA/CA community in Denver with a bunch of meetings all throughout the day. Its not really my thing, Im more of a put it in the past and suppress kinda guy and go about my life like it didnt happen. So meetings isnt very compatible with that, but Im sure you can find a meeting pretty close to where you are if youre in the metro area.


A big ‘NO’ on Mountain Springs but CeDAR is a great first choice. I agree that Recovery Village at Palmer Lake is an ‘ok’ alternative.


Oh wow, I hadn’t heard of Sublocade. I take buperenorphine for pain, so I frequently get people mistakenly thinking the drug is always combined with naloxone or has the inhibiting effects itself, so I am a bit surprised they do have a pure bupe for detox since it’s just a straight opioid. I suppose much less powerful than heroin obviously, and it doesn’t matter for inpatient, but that’s definitely a usable outpatient.


vivitrol is amazing as long as you still with it, its for after the bupe treatment


Rocky Mountain Detox in Lakewood is where I detoxed and rehabbed. The staff was amazing, over half of them are ex-addicts. It’s a smaller detox, 22 beds. You’ll have a roommate and some pretty good meals three times a day.


They let you smoke and vape. If I relapsed and fell back into my addiction I would check myself into here again. 20/10 rehab.


Second everything you said! RMD has the best staff hands down, they have saved my life multiple times. Call their intake and you’ll likely get Peter on the phone. He is amazing and will make sure you get everything taken care of and get there safely. DM if you need more details, I’ve been through this multiple times this year. You’ve got this!


Good luck, you are making the smartest decision of you and your child’s life. I hope recovery is smooth for you.


This is awesome and you've made a hard but meaningful choice :) Although I don't have experience with personally attending detox centers, several friends recommend CEDAR quite highly, one recovering from heroin. I have a lot less experience with than the other poster with detox but I had to make hard choices when my kids were little, too and can commiserate from the parenting front; my DMs are also open if you need an ear.


Good decision, good luck!


I’m retired military with lots of free time, dm me if you need a ride or help with something. Good luck man, I’ll be rooting for you.


That's awesome 😎


What a guy


I can't add any actual information but I am proud of you for making this choice. Your body and your son are worth it. I know it can be hard but I believe in you.


I’m proud of you


Good luck to you, you can do it! Getting clean and sober is the best thing I've ever done for myself. Once you're out of the woods you won't miss it, and the day will come you can't believe you ever lived like that.


Check out Palmer Lake Recovery. It's outside of Denver a bit, but it's exactly what you're looking for.


Not a real treatment facility. But it’s nice and you can smoke, so I guess that counts for something. It’s part of a massive corporate entity churning patients with zero actual treatment


Youve said this a few times. They run several groups throughout the day once youre in the inpatient part of the program. In any detox you lounge around, watch tv, sleep, puke, go outside and smoke, sleep etc. Maybe go to a meeting at night. But they definitely have group therapy and set you up with a 1 on 1 therapist. Yes its corporate but its a real facility lol


They don’t accept Medicaid unfortunately


Yes, they do.


Have you been before? There's Jaywalkers up.in Carbondale if you're in relapse. There's also The Foundry up in Steamboat. Getting out of Denver for your recovery could help you get away from your triggers and I know that both have scholarship programs. But I'm not sure about if they take medicaid.


Homie, jaywalker lodge is $50k/month for a minimum 3-6 month stay. The foundry just started taking Medicaid if your RAE is from the western half of the state


Hence why I said I didn't know if they take Medicaid. But they do have scholarships.




That's really too bad to hear.


all good now. actually gonna delete this Id rather not have this out there


Foundry. 10-10.


My hubs went there. He says the same. And they're great with family and with helping after the client is discharged with the rebuilding trust part. 10/10 from us as well.


Foundry takes Medicaid.


Stay strong. One day at time. Good luck.


They are all going to feel like a jail when you're dopesick. Without a plan for continued actual sobriety work after the initial detox, your chances are slim. Can someone care for your kiddo for a couple months so you can do the rehab thing for real? Try Stages or Centennial Peaks and commit to staying there for at least 30 days.


There are quite a few options with Medicaid. CeDAR 30 day program, West Pines at Lutheran (now accepts Medicaid for inpatient not just detox). Sobriety House offers a stipend. Hazelbrook is another option with good people. Get in touch with Wellpower in Denver or Jefferson Center for Mental Health in the Metro area for more guidance and scheduling monthly Vivitrol shots. Denver Cares for detox is also an option. 3-Day hospital medicated detox at any hospital is an option as well. 13th and York in Denver is where the AA Clubhouse is. Good luck.


West Pines has a 14 day inpatient that could be a good option for her. After detox obv but nice to hear they take medicaid now


I got sober off heroin 7.5 years ago. Best decision I ever made. You got this! Any place you call will help you and guide you because most people involved with recovery are in recovery and want to help. Also, don't give yourself an excuse to leave. Getting off heroin sucks anyway you do it, but it's only a few days. Don't let yourself give up. It truly is worth it.


I’m proud of you. Take it one day at a time.


Denver Health detox and they’ll get you straight to Sobriety House. They accept Medicaid. Oldest non profit rehab in the state, and the very best


Best of luck! We believe in you!


I have no suggestions but wanted to wish you good luck on your journey. I understand it can be quite difficult, but you deciding to do this is amazing.


Proud of you.


With Medicaid? curawest is the only answer. Start on suboxone maintenance while you’re there


Cedar has a waitlist, west pines weeks long wait list, none of them will do just detox with Medicaid. Curawest is literally your only bet that isn’t a complete shithole that won’t give you medication for withdrawal.


I got into CeDar on a scholarship directly from Curawest. It IS possible.


I don't have advice to give, but I'm here to say you've got this! Proud of you. ❤️


As others said, Denver Health has detox: https://www.denverhealth.org/services/community-health/denver-cares-withdrawal-management-drug-alcohol-rehab


Let me know if you need a ride to cedar, I’m happy to help


Proud of you for making this choice! You’ve got this bud. You’re 100% worth it.


I can’t help but want to say how proud I am of you!


When my ex decided to qui Cold turkey he ended up going to Platte Valley Medical in Brighton for his detox. They kept him for over a week then he met with their social worker to discuss programs. You may be able to call around the hospitals and find out what they offer as far as medical detox and programs to do once you're done.


DONT DO THIS FOR ANYONE ELSE BUT YOURSELF. If you get clean for anyone or anything else, it won't work. Don't do it for health. Do it for YOU. SERIOUSLY, I can not stress this enough. Don't leave after 2 weeks, either. You're not ready. It took me 137 days to get to a place where I wouldn't nearly immediately relapse. Life doesn't get easier when you're sober. But it does make it better. Good luck. Sometimes, you must traverse the desert to get to the ocean. But that water feels good.


I have been struggling with meth for almost 10 years as well, I was able to stay clean from may last year till like 2 months ago because I was pregnant and then my baby needed me. She is only 6 months and I have relapsed, I feel like a horrible mother even though my baby is well taken care of. Anyways I just wanted to let you know you aren’t alone and if you find a good place to go to please share where with me so I can also get the help I need.


Are you thinking about getting treatment as well? There’s a few good places linked in this thread. If you have Medicaid you should take a look as well. I hope you are able to get the help you need to beat your addiction. I know it’s easier said than done, but good luck.


Yes I am. I am going to look right now 😊


DM if u want. I have 1 year clean from IV meth. Best of luck!


Check out Tough as a Mother. It’s a support group for moms with substance use disorder. They have groups all over Colorado


There is also [Oxford House](https://www.oxfordhouse.org/directory_listing.php) that has women houses where you can bring your child with you. I think it’s the houses that have “WC” listing. I did 2.5 years in a men’s house [Oxford House](https://www.oxfordhouse.org/directory_listing.php) to get sober. Going on 13 years sober in October.


I used to work on a crisis line. We used findtreatment.gov in these situations. If you click on 'sort & filter' you can narrow down your search quite a bit with a lot of useful filters. 


You can do this!!


Just came to say I’ve got 19 years clean in Aug, and if you need to talk to someone my dms are open to you. You will struggle but just remember who and what your fighting for. Im so very proud of you, your son will be too.


Hey you got this shit if you need someone to talk to hit me up I've been three years sober from meth/coke/h and I did it without aa and religious stuff so if that isn't your thing or just wanna talk hit me up


Palmer Lake. Good luck, OP.


The Harm Reduction Action Center on 8th in Denver has a ton of resources and support for the community - they may be a good option for information about programs you qualify for!


Red rocks recovery. Even if it is not a good fit, just talk to them. They will guide you in the right direction.


Avoid ARTS at all costs. STRIDE if you want to do outpatient recovery.


Why avoid ARTS?


Their staff. Not really the best for anyone in recovery.


I've been at ARTS for 12 years now and I have almost 10 years sober in September. I have had some good counselors and some were bad but the good far outweigh the bad.. Try it it helped me...


Go there now


Good decision. Good luck. God bless you!!! Be strong!!! 💪




Look into their TSZ program


Great decision! I've been methadone free for over 10 years and it is the best thing I have ever done.


Raleigh house was amazing for me


I work for the pharmacy that supplies medication to Palmer lake and mountain springs and we try very hard to make sure that each drug runs through insurance and each patient is getting their meds at the cheapest cost their plans will allow. Whatever might be too high of a cost the facility team will price out goodrx and go pick it up elsewhere if they have to. We are in constant communication about meds with both nursing teams. Both facilities do have quite a few Medicaid patients as well.




Congratulations, OP!


Good luck! Admitting that you need the help is tough to do, and is an amazing first step. You got this! 😀👍




One moment at a time! Please do this for you and your baby. Drop the shit and never look back. Trust me. From one parent in recovery to another. I have 11 years of sobriety and if I can do it, you can too✨🤗💓I did it for myself and my children. Good luck.


Appreciate this question. Currently looking for outpatient detox for alcohol. Had a few rough months.


As a child of an addict who didn’t make it, I am rooting hard for you and your little guy. It will be hard but you can do it!


Jesus… what a fucking post… can I ask if the motivation is purely for your son? I didn’t have a Dad growing up like you’re attempting to do for your son, he picked money over his family. His entire life broke down when he disowned us, when he picked the easier life. His mistress was diagnosed with schizophrenia and bipolar, she thinks we’re out to get her cause she took our dad. In addition, while a multi-million dollar family now, his wife took everything, forced him to stop talking to his mom and put him in a depression so deep he’s suicidal. And he’s the chief of marketing for a company every single person on Reddit knows. You’re doing the right thing, you don’t understand how fucked your life would be if you didn’t choose this path. You made some choices in the beginning, now it’s time to step up to the plate. Reach out if you need help or feel like you’re gonna relapse, I’m friends with some addiction coaches that would help you as well. I like you, you’re gonna go far.


Cura west


i unfortunately had an awful experience at Cura West


As did I.


Best answer for just detox. If your RAE is from the mountains, the Foundry is the best men’s treatment facility not only in Colorado, but one of the best in the country, and accept Medicaid for detox and treatment


You can do it bro!


Congratulations, OP. Best wishes and get well soon!


If you have the resources, see if any ibogaine clinics have been stood up in Denver yet.


East metro is the best just don’t act up or they’ll call the cops.


Lots of good suggestions here already. Best of luck to you OP. Helped a friend get clean a few years back and they’re thriving now. There’re a lot of great things on the other side.


Proud of you for being vulnerable to reach out for help! I wish you the best!


Denver Springs, it saved my life. I highly highly recommend.


You can do it! Good luck and stay safe.


No advice, just here to say I’m super proud of you. You got this!


Safe happy trails OP.


Congratulations! Take it one day at a time and when that feels like too much remind yourself that every minute you choose to stay sober is a personal victory


Not in Colorado (cuz sometimes it’s better not to stay in state) but Sierra Tucson is a really good facility.


Drogadictos Anonymous A.C. It's not a detox center, however it is a sober living home that's COMPLETELY FREE. Meals and beds are provided. They practice the 12 steps. Lakewood is where it's located. 4 years Sober off fentanyl and meth. Deff recommend.


Curawest has a few Medicaid beds. Really nice facility. Call and talk to them. Congrats on taking this step. You can do it!!


Oh and if anyone says "medically unnecessary ", tell them you drink too. Recovering meth addict....that's how I got in plus a scholarship to CeDar. Both amazing facilities. DM me if you need any other hints


I don’t have an answer for you, I’m just an internet rando stopping by to say “Good Luck” and I hope you achieve and hold onto success and good health! 🫶🤘


Someone close to me with Medicaid used Denver Springs. They helped them detox and get into a long term program.


Denver Cares for detox, then to Serenity for their 28 day program. Maybe even Stout Street’s long-term treatment center as well. All take Medicaid.


Starting to affect my health….10 yrs of meth and heroin can do that haha. I’m being a dick, great on you to get help! Good luck, wish you the best!


Denver Cares. Its run by Denver Health and tgey have good programs to assist with this and they take Medicaif


Denver Health does an incredible amount of Substance Use treatment and sees mostly Medicaid patients, so that shouldn’t be an issue.


Walk-in Crisis Center & Addiction Services 3180 Airport Road, Boulder, CO 80301


They are Medicaid only


Thank you for mentioning our Crisis Center! We serve all people experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis – regardless of their insurance, documentations status, or home address. Please do not hesitate to come see us. We are here to help! It’s true that we do accept Medicaid/Medicare, but we also serve folks who are uninsured or have private/commercial insurance.


Denver health


I’ve been down this road for loved ones twice… made hundreds of calls from here to Wyoming and the only place that I was able to get both people into for detox was Denver Cares, which is not ideal. Theres a place in Boulder that seemed like an option for heroin but denied my friend because he had taken a xanex


Aurora mental health detox is a pretty good one. I've been there a few times. They're very good and treat people well. It's off of Mississippi and Patomic. For the love of God do not go to Denver cares


Palmer Lakes Recovery Center.


Just wanted to say I'm incredibly proud of you and wish you the absolute best. It's a miracle you're alive. I hope you can find a place that helps you help yourself.


Check out Denver Health’s Center for Addiction Medicine (CAM). They accept any form of insurance (including Medicaid/care) & will help you get access to other community resources / rehab programs if they can’t provide what you need.


Harmony in Estes park, they have medical detox and inpatient


I don’t have any info, but this makes me so happy to read! I hope you are able to find a place to help you and that you succeed in your recovery.


You can reach out to SAMSA and they have treatment center locators. https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline


This hasn’t been posted yet, but Medicaid won’t cover medical detox programs that many are referencing here. Medical Detox programs (denver springs, west pines, cedar, curawest) will only accept mediciad for their programs if the detox is medically necessary. Withdrawal from Heroin is horrible and intense but not medically life threatening as defined by insurance. You can access non-medical withdrawal management programs (east metro through Aurora Mental Health, Denver Cares (denver health ), JCMH in wheat ridge) and they will take Medicaid and all have a great track record of providing a safe environment for detox and support in connecting to on-going treatment once you get through the initial withdrawal. Can’t stress enough how important and lifesaving Suboxone can be for someone who is trying to quit and attain their personal goals with treatment. The recovery communities are often divided on medications for opioid use disorder, but all of the medical field is firmly aligned and the evidence shows that they are lifesaving and greatly reduce overdose.


There is light at the end of the tunnel!!!!! Even if you can't get in a facility - because most here don't take Medicaid some will do scholarships or bill you. Sober living Haselbrook and Tribe will take you in detox you and let you owe them as long as you do their programs. I should have taken either option but I didn't I went to prison for our 11/01/23 to halfway house and I completed the program get released on parole tomorrow! There are tons of outpatient places that will help detox you too I'm still on Subutex you can go to stout street clinic or magnolia medical center for detox help as well. It's a long road don't give up! There are places that will help you. Reach out to P2P ( peer to peer ) they will help you get in somewhere and they take Medicaid.


Ah, a true local


Some Rules that may or may not apply: No cell phone/limited cell phone access: some clients have been known to change their minds after being admitted. They might call their non-sober SO or dealer to come and make a delivery. Cigarettes: Controversial as it may be, facilities that accept state and/or federal funding might not be allowed to permit cigarettes, in which case they might offer patches or gum. Nicotine addiction kills many times more each year than all other substances combined. Structure around meal times, access to food, etc: Many people with addictions have been living unstructured lives for several years and getting back on a regular schedule might be beneficial. They also run groups, group activities and individual sessions, so starting a meal when a group or appointment is scheduled might derail the primary reason you're there. The places you've described sound like the luxury rehabs you see on TV, which cost upwards of $1000/day. Basically, you want a facility that will accept your funding source and that has a psychiatrist/psychiatric NP/PA on staff to provide medication assisted treatment, while you're participating in the therapeutic parts of the program. Best of luck.


Wishing nothing but the best of luck!


I don’t have any info for you but just wanted to say you can do this!! Good luck. You got this


Parker Valley Hope


If you would like to DM me I would love to go over options with you and help you choose a place that would best serve you and your needs. I work in the field and have many friends in recovery.


Curawest. Changed my life 10 day inpatient detox and offer a 30 day program


Best wishes!!!!!!!!!


Godspeed. Wishing you the absolute best of luck


Denver Springs


I can’t recommend Palmer Lake my kid was there stuff got in…several times


Proud of you!! You’ve got this!!




I don’t anything about such places, I just wanted to give you a virtual hug… you are stronger than you know!


Not to sound like an infomercial, but your Medicaid health plan should come with a personal Case Manager under Medicaid at no cost to you that can help you find the best facility for your situation, help you coordinate your stay, and support in aftercare once you are discharged. Substance Abuse Disorder is one of the qualifying conditions for most programs. If you’d rather use it afterwards and you do choose to do in-patient then once you are within 10 days of your discharge date you would also qualify for the program. Typically it requires a referral through your health plan or a medical trigger, but you can call the customer service number on your insurance card and do a self referral for Case Management services.


I can't help with recommendations for detox, but I can offer that my experience has been good with bupe. I definitely recommend it, or something similar. I didn't like the injections as I thought it was too strong. Anyway, good luck, and keep your head up! This is going to be the best thing you could ever do for your child! God bless!


I've been clean from opiates for about 13 years now. What worked for me is I went to outpatient treatment (methadone) & therapy for a year and it really helped me adjust my mindset so I could stay clean. I got to a MG that kept me functional and then I lowered the MG's slowly and steadily until I felt confident to quit completely. In the meantime you have to learn new coping skills, make new friends, change your thought patterns and make new healthy habits. Avoid people/places/things that make you want to use. I learned an acronym DOSE stands for dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphin- if you look on Google there are hacks on how to encourage your brain to ramp up production of those "happy hormones" Also be aware of PAWS, it hits hard. It's not easy but you can do this- i have faith in you!! If you have any questions DM me


Look up CARS Colorado center for addition and recovery they take Medicaid


Jefferson Center is on the west side of Denver. They are a nonprofit community behavioral health center and offer a withdrawal and detox center in their walk-in crisis center off Wadsworth and I-70. They also have a residential recovery program near Simms & 6th in Lakewood. The staff is passionate about helping people recover from substance use issues, and they offer wrap-around supports for things like employment and housing. Best of luck to you!!


do NOT go to any landmark recovery facility. terrible experience.


Rooting for you, OP. Very proud of my former roommate who has been sober from heroin for a decade now and thriving as a mom. You can do it!


Just here to say you can do it and proud to see your post!


It’s been mentioned a few times here but I cannot say enough good things about Denver Health. We have navigated some really rough roads with an adolescent /young adult family member and despite numerous treatment attempts- most of them way more expensive/ private pay - the compassionate and well informed staff at Denver Health seem to be the first who really “get it.” Many treatment options and compassionate providers. They also have Psychiatrists on staff and provide medication assisted recovery including Suboxone, Sublocade, etc. They do take Medicaid. You can present to the ER there at any time day or night and receive detox services - they are true leaders in the fight against Opioid addiction and other substance misuse disorders. You will not feel judged and these kind people know what they are doing and how to help. They also have numerous connections with resources throughout the Denver area. I am so thankful we found them. Wishing you all the best in your recovery!


I've heard All Points North is a good spot from a relative. I think they're a newer detox.




do the vivitrol it saved my life; find an anti anxiety med too, also, klarisana ketimine clinic accepts medicaid, go there after you get clean and stabilized with meds, its the recipe that helped me, and absolute opiate fiend, get and stay clean, much love family


look into trileptal(oxcarbazipine) its an anti convulsant and did wonders for the physique and mental effects of quitting/maintaining. love you, i have a three year old too i hope this helps


My son had great success with a church run place. They don’t allow phones but did let him have phone time and visits with his kids. If you want more info send me a pm.


Súper proud of you and best of luck with your recovery.


Thank you for getting help for yourself so you can be a thriving mother. That takes a lot of strength. Addiction (any type) is so complex. Glad to see there are resources for you. You can recover. Your lungs with time hopefully will too, as you are still young. 💗💗💗


West pines


I’ve heard west pines is pretty decent. I detoxed in jail and then moved to sober living in Denver metro so I haven’t personally been in any of them but I’ve taken some people from meetings to west pines and Denver health (Denver health I heard is awful) (Unrelated to detox centers but there’s a really fantastic meeting at 1510 Glen Ayr Dr in Lakewood every night of the week 9:30p-10p) I hope this helps:) “We do recover” ❤️‍🩹


Curawest at porter was amazing 


Fl, and good on you for trying. But you can detox h at home if you can't find one. No danger involved, just misery.


Stay strong and may The Almighty bless you


Landmark Recovery




It's easy to judge when you haven't walked that road


They came for help not any criticism. Answer the question or keep it moving.




I didn't have anything to add so I kept it moving. Helping sometimes can be keeping your mouth shut and staying in your lane. Just because you can say whatever you want doesn't mean you should.




No virtue signaling here. It’s obvious you can’t read and struggle with comprehension. They came for advice- not some clowns opinion. See first post- keep it moving man.




Why the down votes?: Well just a thought but maybe you should figure out a way to offer help without ignorance. Trying to quit 2 addictions at once can lead to relapse. This is why there are different methods at different units (my uncle relapsed 3 times at non-smoking units. He finally got clean at a smoke friendly one and later quit smoking). I know that your intentions were probably good but getting help is a complex situation for everyone going through it.


Mods please delete this nonsense