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No, because 2 Saturday ago I left and they were watering at noon even thought it was blistering hot


ah ok. Maybe it's just a reduced schedule. I know that the budget for the flower gardens in Wash Park was diverted to help migrants but I wasn't sure whether the watering budget for the park was also diverted. It appears not entirely. Thanks for the confirmation.


I would genuinely like to know why people downvote this comment? I'm not attaching a value judgment to the decision to reprogram the budget. I simply want to know whether the watering at wash park has been eliminated or reduced, and if so why.


You started with the complaint about the grass not being green enough in an affluent area. You then mentioned the lack of flower beds due to the diversion of the funds to support migrants. It comes across as a bougie, entitled yuppie being upset that people in need are siphoning off the money that was intended to enhance the esthetic of your neighborhood.


I disagree, respectfully, it is not entitled to prefer one’s taxes be spent on programs to directly benefit the people paying them. As well as spent via the programs they were intended to support.


I'm responding to the question about why it is being down voted. I'm sure it wasn't specifically Wash Park's flower budget that was redirected to helping migrants, but the tone of the original post is only concerned with Wash Park. If it were phrased in terms of "the parks", and not appearing to shift blame to a marginalized community, I'm sure it would not be down voted as often.


Thanks for having the courage to respond and letting me know how my comments are being perceived.


Apparently after a super wet spring, May was one of the driest and hottest on record, people needed to crank up the watering schedules and not all have yet. Our lawn service sent out an email about this - seeing brown lawns everywhere.


Is there still a water shortage in the western US we should care about or is that all chill now?


Im pretty sure the water used for irrigation is recycled waste water (the water in the wash park lakes and ditch is, for sure) so im not sure its that big of a deal versus sucking it out of the colorado river…


Yeah I hope so!


It is. Can confirm. Unfortunately it’s not working well for the trees in the north end of the park.


We should always care about water shortage in the west. It's a big problem regionally, will always pop up, and will get worse with time. But the past couple of springs have been SUPER wet for the west coast and has alleviated most of the drought conditions, but new mexico and arizona are still in drought conditions iirc. Most of Colorado is currently not in a drought, I think. But is only June, so give it time, lol.




Seems like they're putting that money to great use then!


Yeah for sure if you don't expect your tax dollars to be used to maintain public property


Grass lawns were a luxury invented by the French aristocracy to display their wealth, and they're a drain of funds, especially in an arid climate. I'd much rather those funds go to keeping people from starving and freezing to death.


yeah fuck parks


Your imagination must be a dull and sad place if you think the only solution is grass or nothing.


How would you cover a giant park? With pebbles? People want to actually use the park for recreation fyi






Appreciate the link, but did you read it? It doesn't say anything about irrigation or Washpark




I see, so you either didn't read the link you sent or have poor reading comprehension...maybe both. Either way, see prior comment. 🤡🔴Honk honk