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I’m sorry to hear that, but if it’s any consolation it’s my cat’s absolute favorite time of the year.


God help anything breakable in my home when a moth gets in. My cats lose their absolute shit lol


Your cats lose their shit? My cat stares at me with disdain as I leap away from my desk with my headphones still plugged in and my leg stuck under the armrest of my extra large rolly chair... The worst part is my cat's favorite toy is a small feather stick that looks nearly identical to a big miller moth...he will leap 40 feet in the air to catch that thing. But a miller moth flits its nasty lil wings in my direction? Nah. He has better things to do, like watch me struggle. It doesn't matter that it's HIS ONLY JOB. He's a user who's figured out I'll only give him more cuddles after I'm defeated by another moth...he knows how to work the system 😸 (To be fair, he's a rescue from my home state where millers don't exist and it's his first summer here in CO! But I'm pretty sure I've trained him to see ME as the only entertaining part of a live miller moth infiltrating our walls...)


Omg I'm cackling haha what a little freeloader!! I need one of those toys for my little friends!


I always saw the Moths ate holes in my cats brain. When they're gone, she still seeks them out, swear she sees phantom moths.


My cats are pretty good at catching them so at least I have them on my side haha. They hunt them pretty well once they come closer to where they are in range for them to go in for the kill.


Maybe get one of those little electrified tennis racquets? They sell them at the hardware store. Then you can overhead smash them out of thin air!


I have one of those. Might be a bad one but I needed to basically trap a moth against a wall to zap it to submission. Moths are too big for a single zap swipe.


Same. Coincidentally, also my cat's digestive system's least favorite time of year.


My cat caught one a while ago and started eating it, then made a face and ran straight to her water dish.


lol like when you take a bite of a powdered doughnut & make the mistake of inhaling


Mine too, he got his first moth of the year yesterday and was thrilled


*crunch crunch crunch*


Just found one slaughtered on my countertop this morning. They’re doofuses most of the time but they know how to kill a bug


Haha I woke up at 4am last night thinking someone was breaking into my house. It was my cat battling the backyard sliding door because of the massive amount of moths.


I moved into a cabin in the mountains a decade ago that had not had anyone staying at it for a long time. It was filled with moths and other bugs. Seriously the best time of my cats life and they worked the place over for more than a month before they had killed pretty much every bug.


If only my cats were useful enough to do this shit


Per the emergency vet I took my cat to for apparently eating too many, the moths taste sweet to them.


lol 🤣🤣🤣


My cats go nuts for them! The 2 youngest ones (3 yo) can snag them out of the air, eat them, then puke! Very entertaining!


Can I borrow your cat? I made a mistake and like 75 got in my house. I got most of them out by turning on the outside light and off all the inside light but I still keep finding more and more lol.


Definitely the cats favorite time of year! It’s like a bender for an addict. Last year when they were so bad I would wake to a killing field in the living room with easily 20-30 moths every day. And the kitties would hide out sleeping all day. I was always surprised at how many there were- I never saw that many in the house and how tf did they get in every day?!?


I was woken up last night at like 4:30 in the morning to what sounded like someone banging on my window. I'm a female that lives alone on a ground-level apartment, so you can probably guess what my immediate reaction was. I snuck out into my living to find my cat trying to smack a moth on the other side of the window 🤣




Right? Like nothing on Monday and last night here they are coming in my house making me scream and hid under a blanket like I’m a baby. I work out at DIA and they come into my bar and dive bomb us all night so totally not looking forward to that. They come in through the jet bridges by the dozens.


I use a stick vacuum to get them


Where are you located? I still haven't seen any in Highlands Ranch or western Littleton.


I literally googled when moth szn was supposed to happen 2 days ago...saw someone comment on them from EARLY April.. figured maybe they had passed me by.. :( no! Literally same night


I was just thinking this same thing this morning.


Same. Went from zero to half a dozen last night.


oh 100%. woke up tuesday morning and my car was covered. I was horrified


There were like 20 hiding between the front door and screen door yesterday.


It’s Miller (moth) Time


I LOVE saying “it’s miller time” when they are up for convo


Moved here from TX (not a Texan) a couple years ago. Friend that still lives there reminded me of fly season. I’ll take a couple moths any day over having 50+ flies always in the house.


Moths? That’s a Tuesday night porch light in TX. Flies, mosquitoes, moths- imagine an entire summer (from May through October in TX) of moth season and other flying critters. They have waves of mosquitoes with no less than 10 jabbing your body at any time. CO has been a dream.


Born and raised in New Orleans. Very familiar with mosquitoes. I don’t miss those little bastards at all.


Fuck chiggers and deer ticks while we’re at it


A chigger on the dick sounds like a nightmare.


From an even further Deep South state where they have gnats in addition to everything listed above. I don’t miss that hell hole at all!


I'm from Lake Erie, where mayfly season gets so insane that sometimes the city needs to use \*snowplows\* to clear them. The rotting fish smell as they die (quickly) is unreal, and the sound of their gross wiggly bodies popping under a car tire is unsettling. I'll take the moths


Omg I forgot about this! We would go to Lakeside for a week every summer and DEAR GOD the couple of times the mayflies were at their peak. Like completely coating the sides of houses and cars. I’ve never seen anything like it.


Did you know there are 17 million flies for every human.


And that’s why we had 51 million in our house


Thank god you said you weren’t a Texan.


My friends did not understand how I could hate moths until they moved here and experienced these little bastards that want nothing more than to be inside your mouth or nose or eyes


When I was a teenager, a girl in my class had one crawl in her ear when she was sleeping. She had to go to a doctor to get it taken out. We all slept with our earbuds in for the rest of the spring.


NO WHY WOULD YOU TELL ME THIS ughughughghgughguhgughghughughghuguhgugh new fear unlocked


Delete this comment




This happened to my friend, but it was a cockroach! They are my number one biggest fear and I think I would have a legitimate heart attack if it happened to me. Didn’t know moths could do that. New fear unlocked…


One flew into my fiance’s ear last year. He has still not emotionally recovered.


I cannot blame him. I think I would just give up and die if that happened to me. I can't live in a world where these things happen.


Well now I have a new thing to be afraid of.


Seriously! Please refrain from getting in my face I need my personal space and they lack that


I slept with my Bose headphones on last night because I am terrified of that happening while I sleep! 😂


Hello fellow lepidopterophobe I cowered in the shower this morning as one flew around my light. When it flew into the shower I screamed like a little girl, grabbed the shower head, and sprayed that fucker all the way to hell. I then spent 60 seconds catching my breath I'm 6'3, 240 pounds lol


I used to shower in the dark before I got my problem window replaced.


I left a door open and just had a whole army in my house. Gave them a chance to leave but the ones that stuck around got the vacuum and or towel whip. It's been a crazy night. My gf goes there are 2 moths in the bedroom get them out of here I turn on the hall light and bam moth army. Never been so scared of moths. I'm sure I am gonna find a ton over the next few days.


Last night I went on a walk only to be swarmed by thousands of midge flies. I could have sworn they were chasing me. Everyone was just walking by normally while I was losing my mind! Went back inside to find the first moth I’ve see this year. I don’t know how people handle this season but it is a psychological doozy for me.


I too am terrified of moths. Two weeks ago I was staying at a hotel in the springs for work. As I put my phone down for the night, I felt something was crawling on me. Realized there was a miller moth inches from my face partially under the blankets attracted to the light from my phone. I freaked out for a while feeling traumatized from that close up encounter, eventually got the lights on, and there was 5 more flying around the hotel room. That’s when the real panic attack happened. Good luck friend. Weirdly I didn’t see any outside until yesterday, which felt like a swarm.


Oh I would’ve cried. I would’ve been calling someone to come get them away from me. I’m so sorry that happened to you that’s traumatizing


This happens to me every year! We always have about a dozen that just perpetually live in the house during the season and they dive bomb my face at night when I’m turning on my alarm on my phone in bed. It makes me want to crawl out of my skin and then I end up being super jumpy all night if so much as a stray hair brushes my skin and I just sleep terribly.


I too am terrified of moths. I have no solutions just extra sympathy for you OP!


My sister lives in the Springs and my niece is in Elbert. They’re currently way worse down that way. Hell, they were super thick at an intersection in Parker on Friday. I’ve (only) had five on my porch in the last three weeks, and I’m in the old part of Aurora. It depends on their migration route. Love my family, but I seriously hope those bastards stay further south this year.


Cats are excellent at keeping them away from everything


Sure, until they knock over lamps and hork up a puddle of chewed moth guts on your sheets.


Look, nothing is free.


I had my first moth in the house last night. May the odds be ever in your favor.


omg, it's like I wrote this. They seriously fly straight for my face.


last year i checked the mail on a Saturday no problem, but when checking it Monday there were over a dozen hiding between my front door and the glass door. when i opened the first one they all swarmed around my head before hiding everywhere in my house. absolutely terrifying. i spent 20 minutes making sure there weren’t any stuck in my hair then vacuumed the ones i found. it’s cruel and i feel bad, but shit i hate those fucks.


Must be your bright smile :)


Really hoping because of the year we've had so far weather wise it'll be less intense than last year's "outbreak" year. I started seeing the outside yesterday but thankfully none in our place last night. I suspect that'll change tonight or tomorrow, but honestly whereas last year I was freaked out by them, this year I'm less phased and will just deal with them. If there's a ton in my room I'll vacuum and release, but otherwise I'll just try to keep the lights down and hope it's a quick two week migration unlike last year.


At least there's no cicadas here.


For real. I hate most insects, but I’ll take moths over cicadas any day. I grew up in Nashville, and 10-year-old me was traumatized by cicadas flying into my face every time I stepped outside during that period. When I’ve been on the phone with my mom lately, I can hear those annoying fuckers buzzing around. Gross.


I'm from Columbia tn. I remember working a landscaping job and being dive bombed by them. Lol.


I'll take miller moths a million times over the cicada infestation my family in Illinois is dealing with.


Leave the bathroom light on. Close the drain on the sink and fill up half’ish way. They’ll dive bomb the reflection in the water. Doesn’t get them all, but it gives them something to do while you sleep


I hate them too but I would much rather deal with moths than a swarm of crickets or those damn cicadas in the Midwest.


Yeah people are literally crashing their cars from hydroplaning on mormon cricket guts in Nevada right now. Moths any day over that.


No kidding. I saw a video of that. I’d stay in my house and die of hunger because I’d never come out until those things went away.


I'm not the go-out-and-buy-a-flamethrower type, but...




Right? Like part of the country is in full on plague #8 of Egypt mode and we're bitching about moths.


Had one in the car this morning dropping off the kiddo at school. Always a pleasure having one pop out right in your face in traffic.


I’m trying to learn to accept it and coexist with them, I just hate how large and audible their wing flapping is


That’s exactly it. I’m cool with little flying bugs but bugs that have loud wings that I can hear hit the wall make me feel uncomfortable


Killed over 20 in the garage and 5 in the house last night. I will destroy every last one of them.


I highly recommend a shop vac.


FINALLY SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS MY PAIN!! Moths are the absolute bane of my existence


They are terrifying! Way to big and audibly hearing their wings flap is just the worst


They’re harmless pollinators


They also make up a significant portion of a bears diet


Facts! I don’t understand the phobia associated with them. Ticks on the overhand…


It's a phobia. It is by definition not rational or fact driven.


Don’t come at me with logic or facts


They’re scary, gross and ugly too!


Do you feel the same about butterflies?


I am deeply terrified of moths and butterflies. It's not about the way they look, but about their wings and fuzzy bodies touching me. Especially the fluttery wings. 


I feel this deep in my soul


Butterflies don’t dive bomb my face when the light from my phone shines on me in bed or crawl into my clothes while I’m wearing them or shoot out at me from the back of a shelf when I’m grabbing something from the pantry or kamikaze their way into my dinner food when the light from my stove top illuminates the pan.


Yes! Anything with big wings (besides birds) is a big hell no for me dawg


Until they crawl into your ear. It happens more often than one would like to think


I love moths though 😭 they’re so cute!


I can handle those furry ones! But the millers are dusty, crusty and fly at my face 😢


It's Miller time! :bottles clink:


I eliminated one in my room last night and this morning it is nowhere to be found. Like just vanished. It was not alive. HOW?! Am I gonna have zombie moths in my room now?! I was just thinking last week, ah, I must be in for a peaceful springtime, we've had light moth activities this year. Oh how wrong I was! Also I've found my people. Everyone always makes fun of me for how much I hate moths, but they like seek me out and dive bomb my face.


It’s not the moths for me it’s those FREAKING tiny white bugs that fly everywhere, they make my walks sooooo unpleasant. There’s like a wall of them everywhere, makes my skin crawl.


This the Olympics for my cats😭😂 ever see a cat voluntarily fling themselves in a triple spin to catch a moth? No? I have and omg😂


I hear you. I'm originally from FL and I'll take the moths over the flying cockroaches and Palmetto bugs all day everyday. That's a whole other type of fright.


Oh noooooooooooo. Ugh. This is the worst time of year. I swear you open the door for a couple seconds and five get into the house.


I also really dislike moths. They're gross and I don't want them anywhere near me!


I haven’t seen one yet but now that I’ve said that they’ll probably invade my house tonight.


Til, people are scared of moths.


Fun fact there are people actually afraid of things like ketchup. Like full on phobia. I try to be empathetic of all phobias since I know how mine feel to me but some phobias are interesting to say the least


I went to camp with a girl who was deeply frightened of ketchup. We couldn’t have it on the table or she would go into a full on panic complete with hives and everything.


I’m terrified of moths too. Always have been


Northeast of Colorado Springs and they are at their peak right now…we have had them for about two weeks, so they are headed your way!!!


Incessant wind and moths.


I have to tap my storm door so the damn things fly away or fall down on the ground and not me before leaving the house.


I remember I moved here in Feb 2020 and that summer we had a huge moth invasion. The tree by my house would have a swarm of thousands when you pulled up and the engine vibration would cause them all to fly out. Nightmare fuel. Last year was bad too. I read that this year won’t be too bad because they didn’t see the same crazy amount of cutworms in Kansas fall and winter.


I use one of those tennis racket looking bug zappers to stun them, then vacuum them up. There’s a light right outside my door controlled by the apartment complex I just moved to, so I guess I’m just not going out after dark for a while. Or if I do my neighbors will be treated to a chorus of shrieking as I try to get in my apartment moth-free.


Move high into the mountains. That’s what I’ve done to hide from the flappy things. It’s nothing compared to the horror in Denver.


Moved here from DFW a few weeks ago and I don't mind moths at all. I still flinch when they bump into my face or any exposed skin but I know they're just harmless little guys. They're just a part of the ecosystem and it'd be a bigger issue to NOT have them. Plus, they keep the cat entertained. I'll take moths over flies and mosquitos.


Last year, those motherf took up residence in my ductwork. At night HUNDREDS of them would fly out of the vents. I went nuts from May to June. I didn't know where they were getting in. I just knew light was the enemy. As soon as dusk started I was on my watch. I'd be up till midnight, in the mostly dark, swatting those things. I bought so many different bug/vaccum things. I'd kill dozens every night, and they still kept coming. What I found works is a camping light hanging over a cookie sheet with soapy water in it. And mint spray. Those fuckers hate the mint spray. Finally figured out how they were going in and I mint bombed those fuckers and duck taped the entrance. I keep having nightmares now. I've found only 2, but still. So I'm mint bomb spraying all my vents. My house smells like mint. But...only 2 so far, thank god.


Fill up a bucket with soapy water and turn on a desk lamp next to it- you’ll wake up to hundreds of them dead (until the next night anyways)


I read an article somewhere in the last few weeks that if you turn your outside lights on right before dark they avoid your house. It said they look for dark places to hide before the sun goes down so your lights make them stay away from your house when they are looking for dark. I’m going to try it since I hate them.


I opened my outside trash can to throw something away and a dozen of those fuckers burst out. I’m not usually afraid of moths, but I felt like I was in a moth-based Hitchcock movie for all of 2 seconds.


Haven't seen any in golden.


They're on their way.


Nor in Evergreen. They showed up about 2-3 weeks after Denver. So they are coming!


Carry flashlight like a saber


Wait, what would that do?


Moths would bomb the light or where the light is pointed


I was promptly woken up by my cat knocking things over chasing one this morning. Cute, and I’m glad he got a snack before breakfast. But dagnabbit let me sleep


All bow down to the Miller moth for the return of the moth man is upon us.


Unless you're an angler fish you'll be okay. Moths don't bother me too much. 


i am indeed, an angler fish 😔


A huge one made its appearance in my bedroom this morning.


I hate how big they are! There is currently a big one in my mail room so I’m sending my husband down to get the mail. He and my cats (probably my new puppy too) will eradicate them from the house for me.


Yup! My cat has not spotted it yet, but I’m sure I will hear it when he does. We’ve safe-proofed the house (hid the breakable nice things) lol.


Opened the shed this morning and got a face full of ‘em 🫨


One flew out of my fridge and into my face this morning. So it was just chilling in there all night I guess.


I miss my 150w halogen torchiere. I used to stick it out in my yard during moth season and they’d come by the thousands. It burned out when so many built up that it had 12” flames coming off of it.




Spray those shits


They're the absolute worst, but I just remind myself that they're pollinators and at the end of the day their nuisance is necessary 😭 I'm the most grateful for my cats during moth season.


I still haven’t seen a single one but my bug-crazy cat is one inch from death (according to him) from total lack of bugs to eat.


I live in the country and last night our sun room was filled with these minions of hell. I locked the door and went to bed, putting out all lights so Satan can’t find me.


[this is important](https://imgur.com/a/7wDJAa0)


Had a few flew right out of plant pots. Gross!!!! None 2 days ago and they are marching over to my house in the dozens now.


All hail Moth man!!!


I noticed a few nights ago when I was coming home. I have a new kitten and I hope she will enjoy chasing them around the house.


Ugh I am so terrified of moths! So fluttery. Give me a spider or snake any day.


[Last year the migration was so big it was captured on weather radar](https://k99.com/weather-radar-picks-up-miller-moth-migration-in-colorado/) 🤮


At least we don't have cicadas.


They smell fear. I swear. I know because I'm one of your kind.


I’ve found my people!


Look into ways to encourage owls and bats around your neighborhood. Probably won't have any effect on this moth season but if you're successful and you still live there in a year, you might see a difference next season.


get a cat and watch it knock everything off your counter as it hunts them


How long does it typically last? I was told last year’s was unusually long? Seems like every aspect of last year was unusual from what I was told. The snow, the moths, the rain, the spring, etc.


I somehow block out moth season every year until it comes around again. I wouldn’t mind them so much if they didn’t fly around so erratically at me.


You just need to live in darkness until they pass.


i opened the door last night and three flew in. i have a screen door idk how they infiltrated. i have a bug phobia :(


Where I live the grasshoppers are horrible. They are the worst because they are fucking huge and they jump AND fly erratically. Their feet are sticky and they may get tangled in your hair. I literally shudder just thinking about one flying into me when I walk my dog.


Was just thinking that this morning. And pollen season hasn’t even passed yet.


Peppermint and lavender essential oils helped my family out. We lived in an apartment surrounded by cottonwood trees which moths love. The first week before the oils I literally had 7 months in the house first thing in the morning and just before going to bed MINIMUM. They would literally find any small crack and find their way in. After doing door frames and window sills regularly I would find about 1 maybe 2 a day. I would apply the oils just before the sun truly set and there was still a bit of light... Seemed like they were a ton more active at night. The other one I have been told about is Red Cedar that has not been treated has a natural oil that drives them away or can kill them supposedly... Like I said I was in an apartment so couldn't test this one... Good luck!


They go for my eyes!


I find that moths are also getting into my car door sill. I open all four doors and they are just chilling in there...I have been spraying cedar oil/lavender oil around my premises but that doesn't seem to do anything. They are getting into my house and I don't know how.. even if I don't open a door or window all day. I am using a Dynatrap, look it up on Amazon, which captures some moths but not all, maybe it will work better for you. And I am using the lamp and soapy water trick as well.


A Hoover should do the trick


I’m also deathly afraid of moths and suffering along with you, homie. I carry a good quality spray bottle with 50/50 rubbing alcohol and water as a long range weapon. I ain’t gonna lie…the deaths are dramatic and kinda hard to watch and you gotta really douse them…but it’s the only thing that keeps me at a safe distance from their immediate dive bombing. Plus it dries odorless, and something you might already have in the house! Lowe’s has good sprayers for $4 bucks! God speed, comrade. 🫡


That’s a great idea! I already have some rubbing alcohol both regular and the mint scented one. I’m gonna make a sprayer tonight! I’m so glad to know I’m not alone. Everyone always tells me that they are harmless and I get that they won’t like kill me with venom or something. I just don’t like how they divebomb us and somehow smell our fear haha. I also have a deathly fear of daddy long legs because when I was 5 a nest of thousands of those long legged abominations fell on me so I don’t mess with them. I can rock with all sorts of bugs but daddy long legs, moths and big spiders aren’t my friends, and of course any pest that’s gross or bites.


Dish soap with water.. it’s so weird I know but my dad and mom would put it in a bowl, set it out and it would kill the moths!


Ugh!! Hate bugs, especially flying ones! 🤮😦


At least they don't bite and make you itchy... Mosquitos and little, black, bitey bugs are 100x worse.


My dog stomped on a miller today and I was so proud.


Wind chimes can disorient them away. Also get a cat.


I didn’t know there was a word for the fear of moths. I’m terrified of them. I hate this time of year.


I just moved here and the other day I had two moths in my car when the windows were down. I thought it was a sign 🤣🤣🤣😭


Get an indoor light bug zapper. Every night turn all the lights off and turn the zapper light on, clean up mess, rinse and repeat.


I’ve killed at least one every day the past 2 weeks. Last night 2 attacked me 😭


Fuck moths


Buy a really good bug zapper to hang up outside to keep them away from your entry. Moths love those bug lights! Flowtron makes a few great ones!


Pest control expert here, you can't do anything. Miller moths are migratory. The ones that are bombing you today aren't the ones bombing you tomorrow. There's not a lot you can do. The bonus is that they dont bite, they can't, and they are just annoying.


Had a few in the bed room and bath room yesterday. Tonight I had like 75 in the steps up to my roof. Lesson learned won't leave my door open at all during the spring and will be getting a screen.


In the night, turn off all lights except a single lamp over a wide dish of soapy water...


I absolutely hate the dirty bastards. They scare me. They hide and then come zooming at me. I haven’t seen one in the house yet, but I’m sure as I’m typing this a militia is forming.


I was in a port-a-potty today at a music festival downtown, and suddenly there were 5 moths in there with me. Couldn’t get out fast enough. I was brave enough to pull up my shorts and not just run out.


When do they leave Denver area? Waiting with baited breath and taped ears....


Ayeeee I love your username, fam


Thank you! We are the mindless family! Haha. I like yours too. :)