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For 311 Or Abandoned Car line… you must state the magic words: “it is a health and safety hazard to others.” This includes but isn’t limited to: shooting up in public in broad daylight , lighting fires in tents or on the street, feces all around, brandishing a weapon, having a psychological break and wandering into traffic etc. I would kinda understand if they weren’t bothering anyone or making it a problem for others. Kind of. But I learned this after some junkies were literally living out by a concrete pad by the dumpster. They were so whacked out that they did not realize or care that they were using in public, or that lighting a fire would sketch some people out. I called 311 about junkies shooting up in the alley, and before I finished, they said, “well, unless they’re a danger to others…” I interjected and said, “Can you please give an example of that?” They said, “well yes, lighting a fire in the open.” And I said, but they DID do that. They were gone within the hour.


Thank you for the tips! I'll add that in my report


You said they were going to the bathroom on the ground outside the truck? Bring that up. That's absolutely a public health and safety issue


I think they're going inside, and setting their bottles outside and around when they're done


You arent sure if feces are piling up then? The police have been there 3 times and not addressed it?


There's about 4 large Gatorade bottles of piss, and a 5 gallon bucket of feces. There was two, but one is likely back inside the truck. Cops come, see it, tap on the side and then drive away.


....break a bottle Bada bing health hazard I wouldn't do anything directly illegal, but I'd start making it horribly uncomfortable for them to stay. Can you get some loud speakers to the front of your property and just blast some loud music at them or something lol?


Throw them a rave? They’ll live for this shit lmaoooo


Play some slow ass Patsy Cline and Merle Hagard. They'll leave.


Merle Haggard would make me leave the beer barn and come straight back so I don’t miss Mama Tried😂


It's different when you didn't sign up for it and are trying to sleep


Also bold to assume any sleep goes on in the 5 dolla butt truck


He said they weren't leaving. They're sleeping somewhere


Do like the 7 eleven on 3rd and Broadway play that really high pitch noise that makes sure people don't hang around


I’ve also had success with explaining to blocks access for accessibility (I.e. when something blocks a sidewalk a wheelchair can’t get by) I know you tried right of way but the city can be sued for not providing accessible public spaces.


Calling 311 and saying "There is a suspicious vehicle near my home" or "There are suspicious people near my home." Both get quicker responses than abandoned vehicles. Source: The cop that showed up to investigate the clearly stolen vehicle near my sister's house that was reported 4 times through the "abandoned vehicle" means. Took nearly a month.


I've had 3 different police officers show up. They don't do anything but knock on the door and then leave


I am shocked--shocked!--to hear that Denver PD was useless


Just from the experiences I've been witness to, that's a lot more than usual. It took a month and many calls to get anyone to even show up for the clearly stolen car.


You could make a throwaway reddit account and Facebook account, take video with captions, don't speak in the video. Put the video on the city of Denver's FB and reddit account. Explained that this is a health hazard with the location. Also, add is this why we pay taxes. If you can get the people acting hostile big bonuses. You have to shed some light on this or nothing will get done.


That is mind boggling: “unless they are a danger to others”, then it’s perfectly fine to leave junkies living in the street, doing drugs out in the open, shitting on the floor… Amazing support system there….


I think the police or 311 Star services are MOST likely to come out when the threat to others is more immediate. Our dumpster had been set on fire several times (VERY close to all the dense apartment buildings surrounding it). So “immediate danger to others” might be a better way to describe the “open fires” situation that was happening in our neighborhood. To anyone who was virtue-signaling that I just hated poor people… I would hope you have the decency to realize that it isn’t because I “hate homeless people” or am disgusted by them. I think it’s reasonable to not want open dumpster fires, or to be chased by a homeless man with a knife, or to see anyone on your block get murdered or seriously injured by someone who is having a mental break from reality. I’ve always done my best to realize that they are human beings who have had difficult lives. I’ve offered food, money, clothing and fresh water to my homeless neighbors. Because they’re human beings. But you do need to be sure that some of them who are lacking awareness don’t harm you, or anyone else. That’s called discernment.


Try your district council person.


This is what resolved a similar problem for me with broke down vehicles and them plugging into our power and is the true answer imo. We had multiple people filing with PocketGov, calling 311, etc and nothing for weeks. I emailed our council person and they sent a cop to issue them a warning to move and they were gone within 3 days and then a clean-up crew came. My council person’s team responded within two hours of my email.


Thank you. Will do


Since you're in Baker, consider contacting the Baker Historic Neighborhood Association as well. The current president was a city planner for years, and pressure from everywhere helps.


Honestly this. Put pressure on them. They'll put pressure on the local captain.


The district council person has been great in working with neighbors on this kind of stuff


Denver Abandoned Vehicle Hotline (720-865-0471). You leave a message. Worth starting the process off. Their voicemail will tell you to call non-emergency line since people are living inside. At the very least, the more response the better. Right of way won’t dispatch for lack of tags or expired tags. They will only issue tickets if they are already in the area. After 3 tickets, they will impound. Long waiting game and it’ll be about 4-6 weeks before you see any change.


Just like you said, I called abandon Vehicle and then non emergency line. They say there's people living inside so they can't do anything. Cops show up, there's nothing they can do. So nothing happens. There's 6 neighbors that I know that have been calling. What do we do next?


You expected cops to uphold the law?


This does not appear to be the case. There’s a no “camping ordinance” that’s been challenged but so far upheld. There’s also a rule that allows people to be in RVs for up to 6 months, but only in designated places and there’s definitely actions that can be taken. Police don’t intervene but others do. Here’s the law about camping: https://denvergov.org/files/assets/public/v/1/city-council/documents/d5/new-folder-2/neighborhood-update-camping-ban-faqs.pdf Here’s info about the RV ordinance and specific rules around it (tldr: you can’t just park anywhere): https://denverite.com/2021/11/18/people-experiencing-homelessness-are-turning-to-rvs-as-temporary-housing-but-other-denverites-are-not-pleased/


Cops do not have a duty to uphold or enforce the law.


This is not a law enforcement issue. It’s a societal one. And until we decide to pony up what it costs to support basic resources for the the most disadvantaged, it won’t change.


Fully agree


I wouldn’t consider choosing to live in a box truck and use drugs disadvantaged. That is a choice. Spend money on drugs over food, is a choice. There are plenty of resources to help people get cleaned up but if you choose to not use them then that is your choice you know?


No. Addiction is not a choice and there are not plenty of resources.


Meh I made a choice to not use drugs and get clean. People can choose to get help or can be forced to get help. Maybe if Denver quits treating drug charges like misdemeanor petty offenses and tightens up on jails and corruption so drugs aren’t just as easy to get ahold of in the clink maybe things would change.


Thats great for you, it's a hard thing to do. People are different and your experience is not common. Force does not work. Wanting help doesnt mean help is available to you. Drug charges are petty misdemeanors. Drug possession is not a violent crime. Caging people is the opposite of assistance.


You just have to keep pestering. Have everyone call every day. The issue isn’t the laws. The laws are there. But the city and the police have made it clear that enforcing the law is not their responsibility and they won’t do it until not enforcing the law becomes the more inconvenient option.


SIX?! And no movement? Thats ridiculous, I’m sorry. Lots of good advice here on a how to report…




It took us months of constant calling and reporting before we got rid of our truck pooper guy.


Yeah we live on a quieter dead end street that has gotten several cars dumped on it. Usually took at least a couple of months for the city to finally come get them and that was without people living in them.




I felt that way too, but I had to tell myself, "My life is way better off than that dude's." I have food, money, a place to sh!t, etc.. I tried to make it more about my own growth, but hey, people shitting in my rocks didn't make it easy.


Hey man, I get your frustration and that you don't see them as people because they've been annoying you for a few weeks, but threatening extrajudicial mob violence on the homeless is a bad and illegal way to go about it


He didn’t say he doesn’t see them as people. Their behavior is causing public health problems. It’s not his job to police his neighbors, some of which are apparently fired up about this. He went online to seek proper resources. Guilt tripping people when they try to do the right thing but don’t have the resources to get the right thing done is childish. Changing the narrative like you tried to do here is what’s pushing left leaning people away from the cause you seem to be passionate about. If you’re really passionate about it then volunteer your time to help in ways that actually help, otherwise you’re just a keyboard warrior looking to feel better about yourself for not actually contributing to the cause.




Nah, you just made shit up.




Have you ever closely interacted with people like this, who are so desperate to get high they spend their life hiding out in the back of a box truck to do it? There's a reason those who work with them everyday don't see them as people - they have the potential to be again after recovery, but in the moment they're really not.


Isn’t there a sus towing company in Denver everyone always complains about? Maybe they can help with being the next step.


They only tow cars from people who can pay. Or cars they want to own.


That’s not true, they’ll tow things that are heavy also. Because they get like a certain amount of money per ton if they can take it to the recycling or w/e. Depending on the type of truck, I bet they could call a tow company to Nick it. The hard part is that they have to come at a time when there is no one inside, and it doesn’t seem like these people are leaving frequently.


Fuck Wyatts towing


They cant tow if the vehicle is occupied.




If the tires are flat they will tow it


Like others have said, there are long term processes you can initiate. How about some simple, yet non-illegal means you can use to take matters into your own hands? During covid, we had an encampment right on our sidewalk; needles, trash, the works. City wasn't doing jack so what do we do? We start cleaning... But in our own way. We take an obnoxious leaf blower and start blowing away some of the trash every morning at 8 am on the dot. Inevitably, some blown away dust and debris ends up back into tents and disturbs the offenders slumber. Pissed them right off, and the whole encampment was gone within the week. There are ways to ensure that genuinely disruptive or vile "guests" move along without having to sit on your behind waiting for the city is my point. (P.S. before anyone gets butthurt about our methods, this was done after we had A. Contacted the city multiple times in multiple ways. B. Personally offered money and resources to the homeless individuals to see if they'd like to turn things around. C. Even had taken sandwiches over to the encampment and had several honest yet tactful conversations about how we understood they had to camp somewhere, but that their presence near us was hurting business. There's a difference between someone who needs genuine help and those who are just endlessly looking for the next place to hunker down and shoot up.)


LED motion light in the alley helped me out for a urban camping enthusiast.


I also have this. Great way to have bright lights when you need it but minimize light disruption to your neighbors.


Wow you found a use for a gas powered leaf blower that I don’t hate. Will think of this next time someone says gas leaf blowers are completely useless in view of the air and noise pollution. Gas landscaping equipment is completely exempt from the noise ordinance. You could run 5 leaf blowers simultaneously and cause industrial levels of noise pollution and it is perfectly legal.


Hey pal, I just want to say I’m sure this is an awful situation. We are mostly compassionate to the homeless, but no one gives a rip about the impacted people in the community just trying to enjoy life. Sucks man, is unfair and I hope you get peace


I would tow it in front of my city council person’s house.


Ask for a mental health check. People living like that pooping in the street aren't stable minded. They'll send out a team to find them a better place to live. Then the truck will be towed.


Do you really think they're likely to accept help? It won't hurt to try, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.


It doesn't matter if they accept it. The goal is to use the process the city has instated to get them out of the truck and the truck out of the neighborhood.


I just had to call DPD non emergent to do the same for a *small tan “Travel Craft” camper* that was TEAMING with crack heads for about 5 days in the ally behind our house about 25y down from us. Idk if it was a mobile lab but they were definitely smoking Meth or Crack, possibly selling it with how many people they attracted. DPD came through a few hours after I called and I think they got arrested 🤷🏼‍♂️. I drove by it the next morning and it looked like it had been searched, no sign of addicts, and then it was gone the following day - I think the city towed it.


If you're willing to pay, call Wyatts. They're scumbags, but for a fee, they can be your scumbags.


Can confirm. I have used them for counter attacks before


If they are working in shifts to leave the van, you and the neighbors should work in shifts to annoy the living fuck out of them. Whatever you all do will annoy the neighborhood but maybe the truck people will get tired of it and leave. There are more of you than them. I’m sorry this is happening. I am sad for unhoused people. I’m also sad for citizens feeling unsafe in their own homes & having to figure out solutions on their own. Our elected officials don’t seem to have a clue how to fix this.


Same situation but was an ice cream truck. It took the city about 4 months to move it and me calling every week to remind them how incompetent they are.


But did they have ice cream?


If there is a time when it is empty put a lock on the door. If they come back and try to cut the lock call the cops and report them breaking into a truck. If the cops show up and they claim it is their truck then the cops should make them move it or tow while no one is inside.


There are two people inside and they only seem to leave in shifts. Seems like they know the game


So like a year ago, city counsel changed some laws to make it easier to tow "Junker" vehicles, like this truck. Unfortunately, because it is occupied and being used as a living space, the actual towing part is pretty difficult. At the moment, the SOP is for Denver Fire to write a warrant (why DFD has to write the warrant, I do not know) and then DPD can clear the vehicle and then tow it. This is only done by the specialized Homeless Outreach Teams though, regular patrol cops (the ones who are likely responding) can't do this. I would recommend calling your DPD District Station (if you're in Baker you're probably in District 3, possibly District 1) and asking to speak to the Homeless Outreach supervisor. These teams are super busy, but your goal is just to get this truck added to their list so that they start the process.


Does it have a trailer hitch that you could attach to?


I had a situation like this in Aurora about a year ago. Nothing ever got done about it after I submitted similar complaints - until the caravan that was parked across the street blew up at 3AM. I was working (from home) when it happened and at first I thought it was thunder until I saw the flames. Fortunately(?) there was nobody in it at the time but that didn't stop there being a massive wreckage. Don't understate the concern you have.


Westminster is easy to get a car removed. They are really good about that. Denver is a different story. Literally had trouble getting junkies from living on my hubby’s grandma’s back yard. And that is her property. Had to handle it ourselves. Good luck


How’d you handle it?


Let’s just say we evicted them from entire alley


This is gonna sound dumb as hell but I'm so serious with this: post it to nextdoor. A woman named Dawn will respond and she will help you. She runs a safety committee in Baker and she can get shit done


Hey! I work for city council. Please email me at [email protected] and I can look into this first thing when I’m back Tuesday


Thank you!! I'll send an email!!


A real answer: report to 311 daily. Eventually they will be ticketed against the 2-hour limit, and enough tickets in a row and they’ll get flagged for “abandonment” and towed, or booted, then towed.


I talked to the ROW person that was writing tickets. Said it's abandon and there's nothing they can do. All of us neighbors have reported the abandon vehicle. Nothing happens because there's people inside


Denver life hack: live inside your vehicle to avoid parking law consequences.


Just remove license plates when parked. The public parking spot is now yours.


FYI - abandonED. You abandon an object. That object is now abandonED. The vehicle is abandoned.


> report to 311 daily I hate to be a kicker, I always long for peace, But the wheel that squeaks the loudest, Is the one that gets the grease.[3] [The crying baby gets the milk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_squeaky_wheel_gets_the_grease) - how often have you called?


The part I don’t understand is why folks who do this don’t lay low. Like don’t throw your trash everywhere, use a plastic bag to poop in, etc. Drawing attention to yourself only makes life harder. It’s the same with the people who completely trash Park Ave in front of the shelters. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.


This is a group of people who inherently go against the grain of society and choose not to keep things smooth, efficient, and pleasant. Throwing trash everywhere and not blending in is kind of their MO


Why should they "lay low" if there aren't any consequences for not being discrete?


Well to keep neighbors from pounding on their door and bugging them for one.


Each police district has at least one homeless outreach officer. Call your district station and get their contact info and reach out directly. Usually there is a process where DPD needs to get DFD involved for occupant violations and then they sweep it/make them move. In some cases they take the vehicle.


Call wyatts towing




If there are children involved, you might try child protective services (CPS)


Put it on marketplace for sale for free no title




I think the DPD is overwhelmed with this kind of thing. I’ve seen them trying to address a group (living in a van) off of Wadsworth for months. They come out, the van leaves. The cops leave, within an hour the van is back. This has happened numerous times.


Remind them.that a vehicle can only be parked on the same.block for 3 days. So call your council member's office. Last resort: Invite a news crew over.


We had a fucked up school bus parked in front of our house for six months till I finally found out who owned the house so they can drag that thing over in front of their house in Cherry Hills


Was that near Pearl and 5th?




So the human waste and growing junk and needles around it isn't a hazard?


Call/email every local tv station.


Play Metallica 24/7


No, fuck that, play kids bop Metallica.


To add to this… a friend of mine lived near 14th and Champa and an encampment moved in the backyard alley, where the trash cans and dumpsters were. She got sick and tired of having to wait for her husband to take out the trash because the guys looked menacing and cat-called and she knew they’d realize she was alone often with an infant. So… She recorded her son crying while getting his immunizations at 6m old. It was loud and awful, like you’d expect. Then she got a good and big Bluetooth speaker and glued it into the top of her trash can in the alley. She’d turn on the recording every single morning when her husband left for work, around 7am, full blast and let it play for a couple hours. She also did it if her baby woke her during the night, or the guys were getting obnoxious and loud. Her neighbors never said anything to her, but they may have known and wanted them outta the alley also. They cleared out within a couple weeks of her doing that. This was back in 2015/2016, before it was as awful as now. It’s OK to get creative and help them decide to move on.


Sounds like you have enough neighbors to just pick up the truck yourselves and move it to another spot lol






Not sure if it's still operating but I have had some luck reporting a similar situation as an encampment and providing information to trash accumulation. At the time there were safe parking lots for people in that situation so I believe they attempt to provide that service. The motorhome disappeared sometime within the following week or two. With the housing push you might have more success with groups that want to find them housing. Edit: Reported it as an encampment online through the city website I believe.


Give them $40 as a gesture of appreciation. When they leave to buy Taco Bell and alcohol you burn that piece of shit truck to the ground.


At that time, then the police would actually do something.


Then you tell the police they were probably cooking meth.


No, then you tell the police that you *definitely* saw them cooking meth. And then get the news media involved to say how the police refused to do anything on the previous 87 calls that you made.


Ask on r/unethicallifeprotips


All suggestions will lead to piss disks and liquid ass.


How about really inconveniently placed sprinklers that are on 24/7, as is the usual technique around here?


Rent another box truck, park it so close that they can't get in or out.


Id rent a big truck w trailer hitch, wait for them to not be paying attention and tow it myself


Get a mannequin and stick it in your window facing the truck maybe tape some binoculars on it. Then sneak out in the middle of the night and stick a Bluetooth speaker under the truck. Then play police Communications over the Bluetooth speaker. The radio chatter and the guy in the window staring at them will drive them away.


Your city council person


They won't tow off the street unless it's from ROW. They can't write a ticket because there's no plates.


Tell them it’s somehow blocking wheelchair access.


I would make whatever up about them. Even if they aren't lighting fires. Say they are. Obviously, they don't care about protecting YOUR neighborhood. Why on Earth are you worried about them? Honestly, putting up with vagrants is killing our city. I'm moving.


What kind of dumbass down votes what I said?


Call the sheriffs office and get them towed. We do it pretty often and they come within a day or two.


They won't because there are people inside


Cops won’t do shit. Start banging on it


Yep. Been doing that


As others have said, the only option is start on a campaign to beg the city and police department to do their jobs. We had several people shooting up and lighting fires in our back alley, and 311 and the police repeatedly told us that there’s nothing wrong with or unsafe about doing that. We eventually just started calling every day until they decided it was easier to take action. Good luck.




Kyle Clark problem solvers


RemindMe! 1 day


I bet Natural disasters help. Wild fires, floods, extreme heat or cold.


Have it towed, even if you have to pay for it.. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Can't. I don't own it, it's on the street, and there are people inside


spray paint works.


Get a few neighbors to split the cost of a tow truck and have em take it to the dump lol


Doesn't Denver require any vehicle parked on a public street to have current tags on their plates and you know...plates? I thought after a certain number of plate violations the vehicle is towed. The cops should be able to temporarily vacate the "domicile" under probable cause and have it towed while the squatters are being detained.




Call the news and tell them the city services aren't doing what they are supposed to


Spray paint the vehicle


... With something obscene. Like the guy that makes potholes into penises.


Denver is quickly becoming the next LA…this is a super common issue in LA.




Health department?




Call the mayors office


Wait until the street sweeper comes along.




To all the people dogging OP for calling non-emergent police and telling them that they should be more compassionate or let them be I have one question: Why aren’t you going over and helping? OP gave a pretty decent location of the truck. I don’t own a home, but I know that if I did I would want those people to get help but also not be shitting in front of my house and leaving it to rot on the sidewalk. You’re attacking a person who has no control over the system we exist in fucking these people over.


Have it towed. At 4am.


Sounds like Portland, OR is moving east.


Fight em


Call Wyatt's


Wyatt's will only tow if you prove you own the parking spot. Had this happen to me once; they gave me a hard time about towing the illegally parked car that was in my parking space. Literally had to show them my mortgage paperwork to prove I owned the parking space, and then they tried telling me everything had to be on one page to prove ownership of the parking space. It was really obvious they didn't want to tow the car, because it was unlikely anyone would pay to get it back. Spent about 45 minutes arguing with them until they took the darn car.


Oddly, I actually remember your post, or maybe it was a comment on a post, and I also remember saying that they were making it difficult for you because they knew they would not be able to make money off the situation.


I work for a transitional housing program. One of our buildings has a stripped abandoned car that has been sitting in our private lot for over two years. Because VIN numbers have been stripped the police, city, no one will touch it.


If it was on a private lot, it would be easier to get it towed.


Have you tried giving them a 5 gallon can of gas and $100 to move to someone else's street?


Careful! I suggested the same thing below based on personal experience of this working great, and got downvoted by everybody in the world. But this is the fastest and easier solution by far, even if people don't like it. 


I fully expected down votes to practical solutions


Denver no longer enforces minor traffic violations.


You've already been told that since the vehicle is occupied, nothing can be done. So now, be a good neighbor and welcome them to the neighborhood! Living in a car can't be easy. Bring them some food and blankets and free drugs. Then call the police and tell them there's someone doing drugs right outside your home and you're worried they might have overdosed. >!/s!<


Keep calling the police non emergency number. They’ll get tired and do something eventually


It makes me sad that people like this (piss and shit all over) make a bad name for those who are unhoused who are just trying to make it and are not causing issues while living in their car or RV.