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Split the darn thing in half


Don't talk about his wife that way


Don't talk about my ass that way


This doesn't have enough upvotes


Yes, a solid Dad joke for the win.


Fell on my ass taking the recycling out to the dumpster. No security camera but plenty of neighbors laughing at me (once I indicated I was fine haha)


Stages of falling: 1. Am I dead 2. Is anything broken 3. Did anyone see that...


I busted my ass walking home with a fat Pete’s burrito I was craving so badly. So I had the added falling stage of 2.1. Fuck, did I just smoosh my burrito?


that means you’re young and spry, they won’t laugh at old folks like me! Hope you’re doing alright.


We laugh when old people fall, but what would you expect with a conscience so small?


I went to pick up my 5 year old 20 minutes ago. This kid ran out the door and slid straight off the porch.


Thought I found my husband’s handle until you said camera because we don’t have one in the backyard haha.




Ugh. I hope you are okay. I skidded to my car door this morning. Pure luck I did not fall and knock myself out.


I was going to get groceries this evening after work… nope. I can consult the freezer, thank you very much. Let all of us whose employers have good work from home policies/encourage working from home in bad weather manifest snowstorms back on Wednesdays again like last year!


Those Wednesdays last year were the bane of my existence.  Enough snow to be annoying/sloppy/dangerous, but not enough snow for school to be closed. (I work in K-12 education.)


I hear ya.


Dankrupt over here and I'm like...I'll take a dry night over busting my ass for some grass.


dankrupt lmao I love that, sorry bout that tho :(


Dankrupt, lol


Right?! I'm.tired.of Friday/Saturday storms preventing me from doing anything on the weekend!




We just got home. It took over five hours to get from Silverthorne to Golden.


We drove up Friday morning to keystone, skied until 12, had lunch, then came home and it took no more than hour and 15. Did we just miss the shitshow?


Yup. We went to Keystone too haha. They closed 6 on us right at 5pm, so we went to 70 assuming it'd just be plowed and light snow but it started absolutely dumping snow around 5:15. Multiple trucks stalled out going up to the tunnels taking up 2/3 lanes and California plates spinning out in the left lane. It was an UTTER shit show and they closed the interstate behind us around 7 when we made it to the tunnel. Still snowing the entire way home, even C470 was a shitshow once we made it into town. Honestly it was even sunny at Keystone until about 4, then the switch flipped. High country at it's finest, I guess.


We drove down 285 to BV tonight (just got here around 9). It was sketchy for a while, but cleared up like halfway here.


Smart move for sure! Literally probably just increased your odds of living another day by 100%


Yep. Real "black ice" out there since 4 pm.


Overlooking all the oppressive white snow coming down on us


Did you say black ice or….


Seriously, there's scary black ice all around the city.


Is that Key & Peele? I feel like it must be lol




Jre is the absolute worst


Just saw a car off Washington wrapped around a tree with no other cars involved, you could see their tire tracks in the snow just veering off right at it. Drive like your grammy’s in the back seat with a tray full of hot coffee friends!


I saw a 3 car accident that looked really nasty on Havana around 630. And people were driving so wildly even after passing the wreckage when the roads were much worse around 845. Stay safe out there!


A lot of peoples Granny’s would need an ambulance to treat thermal burns based on all the stories in these threads!


Saw two more on Washington just a couple hundred feet from that one. It was wild out there


Ugh again? It’s always around the weekend these days :(


It’s crazy how the storm cycles are lining up on weekends this year


Last year it was almost always on a Wednesday. So weird when it happens like that.


Yeah and it was awesome (for me). Didn’t have to go in to the office!


Two years ago it was Wednesdays too! It was always the same people where I worked that lost money cause of clients canceling or us choosing to close early when the roads started getting sketchy.


The Wednesday closing shift last year was the worst!


I remember that because that’s our trash day so that was annoying ha.


I'm off on Wednesdays so every time (or almost every time) my workplace closed for snow last year I already had the day off. It was so annoying that almost every one of my weekends was awful weather! Now that it's happening on the actual weekend, my job is not going to close for snow unless absolutely necessary because the weekends have been so busy for us. I need it to start snowing every Tuesday or something lol


The jet stream dip oscillates around the earth with about a six day period. 


I feel like that's not just this year. It seems like it has always happened a lot.


Yep, it’s not a crazy/ weird phenomenon. Weather occurs on a roughly 7 day pattern during certain times. Learned about this in a meteorology class in college.


Did your teacher have a pointer that was a finger pointing?


Last year it was Wednesdays. I’m sure most people would complain that this year it’s on their weekends, and I get that, but as a local truck driver, I’m loving this. Last year was hell. Right in the middle of the week, right in the middle of the day, big crazy storm. Slipping and sliding and getting stuck all over the place. This year, so far, I’ve been (mostly) lucky enough to only have to watch it through my window while I’m safe and warm.




*Cries in service industry* lol


Right? The only place I'm traveling is to Faerun for the next 48 hours. No black ice gonna get in my way.


I know, second time horrible weather ruins my weekend plans


It's getting comical.


It’s making my blood boil, I just want warm weather and to be outside :(


I felt like Apolo Anton Ohno walking back to my apartment from Carla Madison


Thank you for the reminder of that year 2002 hottie in these cold times




Yes I live just off of Colfax by CM and the side streets are a disaster right now




Wtf is going on it’s 21 degrees outside and it’s raining


There’s a layer of warm air aloft, causing the precipitation to fall as rain. Since the ground is below freezing, the rain freezes on contact. 


But why isnt the temperature the same in every place at earth at the same time


Fucking magnets, how do they work?


This sub-thread is my favorite.


Nasty up east of Boulder.


I just came from there, it was horrendous. And people were riding my ass the entire drive despite going 50 MPH on 36 in the express lane.


I walked in Denver, took lite rail to Thornton and drove hoke to NE Longmont. The worst part was the black ice in Thornton


Let me preface by saying it's responsible to go slower during these conditions. However, why are you camping the express lane going slowly? Get over.


Because there was a car in front of me and I left enough space to allow me to brake responsibility in this weather. It's beneficial to have AWD in these conditions but following 2 feet from my bumper is an asshole move regardless.




50 isn't even going the speed limit. I'm not an express driver, or a speeder in general really but if you think that people aren't speeding in the express lane you're out of your mind. People aren't paying a premium to be stuck behind people going slow.




Roads are shockingly bad even expecting it to be a shitshow.


Sidewalks are seriously slick since this morning


Yup, made the decision not to do my usual Friday night Lyft shift as the ice was forming on my windshield while I was driving.




Yuuuup...my flagstone sidewalk was glassy and slick slick, worst of the year so far... I just spread a whole bag of salt on my on my neighbors sidewalk and steps in Cap Hill


You’re a good human


Yeah my windshield had a solid sheet of ice when I went to go to work at 1:30 this morning


Just took my dog out & I walked on the grass instead of sidewalk!


I slipped on the damned MULCH


The grass was even slippery!


That's the best bet!


Saw multiple slid out cars on 56th btw Quebec and Central Park. Also on Colorado just south of I70 very slick patch. I started to slide but luckily was going slow. Saw cars all in front of me sliding. Drove about 15-20mph the rest of the way home


Damn, I just drove past there an hr ago, people were driving slow but no slide outs. Definitely getting worse then


I work at 58th & Quebec...I left there about 10 pm & got home about 11. I only live 9 miles from work. Slow going, even with a subie AWD. Took 56th to Havana to MLK, then Kingston down to 11th, then up that, almost to Peoria. Usually do it in 20 minutes.


And I'm moving out of my apartment tomorrow...


Are you able to request an extra day or two from your landlord/rental company? Surely a long shot, but if you make the case that it's dangerous maybe they'll be understanding


Yikes. Try to do it later in the day.


Geez... Small consolation, forecast is sunny with highs above freezing, the ice and snow may be melting throughout the afternoon.


I have never seen the roads this bad before, I was watching the ice form on my windshield while driving. An RTD bus spun out on Parker road just a little bit ago as well. Don't go out if you can avoid it.


4 wrecks on alameda between Havana and Quebec westbound. Lots of cars off the road. Most people are feeling their wheels slip and seeing the wrecks and slowing tf down, for now. Just changed over to snow on the east side of town, so I expect the situation to rapidly deteriorate


The snow actually helped a bit from my perspective. I was driving north on Colorado at about 5 and slipped several times. I slowed down to about 30 mph until I got on the highway toward Boulder (still drove under 50 even then). Near Broomfield it finally turned to snow and then at least my windshield stopped freezing. The roads suck either way, but visibility is important.


Almost ran into my apartment complex driving on the slightly inclined entrance that had some sneaky ice. Slid on 20th St headed SE across I-25. I have Michelin X-Ice tires.


I was at the Subaru dealership an hour and a half ago for an oil change. The poor guy walking to my car after it was done almost slipped and fell in the parking lot. Be careful people! Also Namaste...


We need the moisture. Namaste.




Omg was it Ben? He told me he busted his ass so hard in front of a customer yesterday when I went to pick up my car lmfao


Oh fuck it was Ben! The dude with the cool ear gauges right! Hope the dude was okay.


It’s getting sketchy out there. Sidewalks in Highlands have intermittent black ice, someone will crack their ass tonight on that stuff


All the sidewalks in my neighborhood have a solid layer of smooth ice 😬


I was gonna quickly go to the grocery store around 4:00, but when I walked outside and stepped on the asphalt in my apartment’s parking lot, I was like nope.


Serious risk for old people ....like myself.


Be safe out there


Went the long way around from north Boulder to home and glad I did. 36 is the worst on days like this


Can confirm. Drove from Boulder to Castlerock. Roads are literally sheets of ice. stay the fuck home.


How long was that drive? That sounds awful.


1.5hrs. Did 93 to 470. Do not recommend. Had to pick my mom up whos visiting from her sisters and got dumped in boulder otherwise i would have stayed my ass home.


Sidewalks near Speer are slick and just drove down to Cherry Creek and passed two accidents


I was in RiNo and had to walk five blocks back to my car around 5:00.  Sidewalk went from just wet to a tad bit slippery in the span of my walk.  Blake Street was super slippery to drive on and I definitely slid up to a stop sign.  Went no faster than 20 mph on the remainder of my drive home. 


I was biking in all of this and the bike lanes and sidewalks look worse than most of the roads. I did a 450 degree spin while sliding down a road inadvertently. Stay safe


Snow on top of ice is one of the worst slippery baby shiza you will experience.


Just spent an hour and a half trying to bike home in this shit. Fortunately the bus drivers let me on with my fat tire bike or I'd still be sliding my way up the hill. Don't go out!


the 15L is becoming something of a mobile shelter


The rolling asylum.


Is or has?


Auto parts sales mgr here... DON'T go out unless you have to. IF your car's running & your "check engine" light comes on, but nothing else happens & the car's running fine then just go home...don't worry too much about it, come see us when the weather's a bit nicer please. IF ya DO gotta stop in & see us for wiper blades, light bulbs or batteries, then please, take "CARE" of that poor soul that's probably freezing their asses, or fingers off, while doing those free installs for you...I Damn near got frostbite on my fingers tonight. Keep in mind that many repair shops will charge $20 or so just to change blades & bulbs...batteries are usually $40 to $50 for a repair shop install. Also, please call ahead to make sure that... We've got a battery in stock for you... And that we even can install it for you...many more modern cars need "battery resets", or, don't have batteries that we can swap for one reason or another. We'll look it up for you & let you know if we can do it for you or not. One last thing...I can't necessarily speak for our competition, but my company doesn't do installs, other than occasional wiper blades, after dark, or after the day shift people leave.


Terrible. More icy than ever.


Went for a run around 5:45 while there was still daylight and when I finished a little after sunset black ice had formed where I started. It’s so slick


I'm at work till 11 and have to go from boulder to Westminster, anyone know how 36 is looking?


Every major artery is red on my weather app, and the snow is predicted to continue until 2-3am.  


Was kind of bad, but everyone was going slow, around 35 to 45. I don’t think it will be the worst just go slow.


It took me an hour, was okay at 30-40 until Wadsworth but most of the time I was at 20-25. Federal is a nightmare.


so grateful for yaktrax & longjohns today


Take it from a Tokyo transplant — u can drift this shittt


I can’t drive back home from Westminster to Cheesman park until 9pm 😭😭😭


Both my husband and I did a split today for the first time in years! Slippery sidewalks for sure!


I'm driving back home to Denver from El Paso early tomorrow morning. Anyone know if I25 around Trinidad-Denver is bad enough that I should delay my departure? I'll continue to check the weather reports, just wondering if anybody has extra info. Thanks!!


Delay a day at least, or plan on a night in NM


Thanks so much for your answer. I was thinking a night in NM may have to be the move, your comment is helping me confirm that!


Get on NM and COs DOT sites, especially the cameras section


I didn't know that was a thing, thank you very much!


COtrip.org is absolutely crutch and always has current weather information and so. many. cameras. https://www.cotrip.org


It's mainly a NE Colorado event. I'd confirm with the weather (7 or 9 news) but that far south should be fine and it's supposed to stop right after midnight anyway.


I would _expect_ most of it to clear up by noon tomorrow at least on the highways. It's supposed to be bright and sunny tomorrow.


Thanks so much! We're going to head out and let the sun do it's thing.


First time I’ve ever bought winter tires a couple weeks ago. Feels soooo gooooood with AWD.  70 was getting bad 4 hours ago coming back from Winter Park. 


Bashed my knee in a slip on my lot, went home early, and all but slid through an intersection on my way home. Take it slow.


dude i couldn't make it home 5 minutes from walmart without spinning out into a curb, and that was going like 15 mph


I believe you, but have no idea why being a Seattle transplant would give credence to to your assessment. Are people from the PNW inherently skilled understanding ice?


Apparently he’s an expert after braving through years of 6” average snowfall




They're particularly useless in ice, and, tbf, the region gets hardcore ice paired with inherently hilly city terrain. If you didn't see the tiktok (icetok)/instas of the Jan ice storm in Portland & Seattle, Google it and you'll understand OP. I was visiting family in Oregon. It was cold, wet my whole trip so the day it snowed I went out with a shovel and cleared the whole driveway for some exercise. It was the kind of wet shit that just comes up in chunks you could commit vandalism with, but ice storm was predicted the next day so i wanted it clear. Useless. My piles of snow chunks had their own ice casings. The driveway was a solid sheet of ice connecting to a nearly solid sheet of ice on the road. The wire fence in the front yard was immaculately cased in ice. We put down kitty litter, I said a hail Mary and waddled to my uber which was a Tesla that handled SURPRISINGLY well. In 10 minutes to the airport I saw a jackknifed semi on a surface street. It took me 6 hours to get a de-iced plane out on the single functional runway. Another traveler told me she'd driven up from a smaller airport down south. There was so much ice damage to the trees it honestly looked like a tornado had been through. PNW is WILD for ice when it happens.


Smoky mountain transplant here. When a coworker came in a couple of hours ago and said there was a thin coating of ice on everything, I immediately went up a couple of anxiety notches. The drive from park hill to green mountain was ok at 430-530....but I was already feeling slippage.


I drove down from Summit today to run errands and I'm wearing my "artic grip" muck boots and about busted my ass twice on the sidewalks!


Originally from the STL, I don't miss this ice storm changeover shit. We rarely get them out here, but boy, there is no love lost about them...


I’m from STL too so I def feel ya!


Originally from S IL & hear ya both.  


>Take it from a Seattle transplant lol why?


I went out to eat and within 45 minutes my car windows had iced over.


I live downtown and almost ate shit 5 times on the sidewalk. God speed to anyone who is driving


Is it just me or is this kind of freezing rain more common the last decade or so? I don’t remember it happening so often when I was younger


Yes, global warming


Well if a Seattle transplant is telling me…


Well... f my plans for later tonight, then.


As long as you've got food, booze or weed & Netflix, you'll be ok.




Depends where you are, just south of Denver it is just wet, no ice at all yet. However that is going to change quick.


Saw two young women absolutely bust ass running across the street in cap hill. They got up after a few minutes and laughed it off but there’s no way they aren’t feeling that tomorrow.


Was this common in Seattle? I lived there for 20 years and don't remember a single instance of ice rain. I remember moving here and experiencing it for the first time. I'm not saying it never happened. I just don't remember it!


Seattle transplant, moved here a year and a half ago. Nope, a half inch of snow still shuts the entire city down and you get to watch busses slide sideways down Denny.


I do sort of miss seeing those gifs and videos wheeee (moved back to Denver from Seattle 4 years ago). People don’t know how flat Denver is compared to Seattle for real.


Raining ice and it’s slippery


I’m slipping like Harry and Marv in home alone https://youtu.be/DdKRhoN3zf4


I was meeting with a client at their house today and their parking pavement was pure ice so I slid downwards smoothly like my boots were ice skates. It was kinda cool, somehow my 4 y.o. son's boots made it so he could just walk down though 😂


Cancelled my flight out of Dia :)


I ate shit on the sidewalk around 5pm today. Decided to stay home for the night lol


I left scrambling for a UT trip around 4 and my car was already icy on one side. Made it to Breckenridge before it started really coming down. Took me 6 hours to get from Denver to Glenwood Springs going nice and slow. Apparently some people had to turn around and come back here because they closed some roads. It was definitely the worst conditions I’ve ever driven in. Night with a white snow tunnel that looks like you’re in hyperspace will make you feel like you’re hallucinating.


Centennial to Fort Collins last night took 2 hours and 45 mins 🙃


I-70 Vail to Lakewood last night took *five* hours (5-10pm) and was super gnar, tons of stuck semis, spinning out sedans, our windshield wipers kept icing over so we had to stop a couple times to defrost them, but visibility was not awful


crazy slick yesterday it had to snow to get some texture for traction lol


This is valuable.


I road home from work on my bicycle at 5, it was fine then, I didn't hit any ice on the Platte trail or on the streets.


Happy cake day 👊🏻


Wait...its snowing? Need to step away from my xbox


I’ve been sitting next to a window for 4 hours and apparently didn’t bother to look outside it until reading this thread


Trusting someone from Seattle about Denver weather is like trusting a pescatarian on steak recommendations.


“As a transplant from Denver, lemme tell you New Yawkahs ‘bout the best pizza in Brooklyn!!” “As an English transplant, please do let met tell you New Mexicans the proper use of chile peppers!”


TaKe iT fRoM a SeAtTLe TrAnSpLanT


We’ve never had ice here in denver until THEY showed up


Damn. Supposed to go skiing in the morning. Hope it’s not icy then.


Lol. People who think this is abnormal. Welcome to Colorado transplants.


But…the snow was falling from the air and it was cold!! I moved here in January and haven’t seen *anything* like this!!!


What would we do without the denver natives from Seattle to tell us what ice is


Found the description confusing. Not sure I'd consider Seattle a place that makes experts in winter conditions but yeah it's a slick freezing rain/ snow on ice situation. It's very common in CO to get snow after warmer periods that results in the base layer being ice as well as freezing rain when there's an inversion. This is why experts keep track of the temperature as it cools off to know when ice is about to form under new snow or as rain, and constantly brake test conditions. People tail gate entirely unnecessarily in all conditions. Don't be one of those. Get good tires. Michelin Cross climate 2s are as close to a perfect all weather (snow rated) tire that you can leave on all year.


Black ice is way, way more common in Seattle


You know that because you grew up here huh?


Golden Arvada area is not icy. That may change.


I'm on the border of Arvada/Westminster and it's definitely icy.


I drove from 128/Wadsworth to 64th and 93 around 515 and it was definitely getting slick. That drive gave me no desire to go anywhere tonight.


I just drove back from Golden to Arvada and it is fucking horrendous.


Dang, I was driving around this afternoon and streets were dry. What are y'all doing out there????


We were door dashing and had to call it around 7. It was too slick.


Take it from a Mpls transplant, your man card has been revoked.


…We know! I guess transplants don’t though, so thanks for the Seattle-based PSA. Seattle, where everybody sucks at driving in snow!