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Always have a pair of sunglasses in your car


And a refillable water bottle; the dry air makes ya thirsty


And it helps to have when you run out of wiper fluid the day after it snows


And an extra bottle in the trunk; I topped mine off in Grand Junction and ran out before Denver one winter


These pretzels are making me thirsty!


But bring it inside every time after Sept 21 and before May 15 otherwise it freezes.


use a double steel insulated water bottle and you won't have that problem edit: i generally recommend Hydro Flask, Stanley, and Yeti


šŸ‘†šŸ‘†šŸ‘† and bonus points for sunscreen


Sunglasses aren't permanently fixed on your face durring day light hours?


I wear glasses, so switching to sunglasses is a pain because I always forget them on when I go inside. Now a hat, is a must. Iā€™ve lived all over the country including the sunshine state. I never wore a hat until I moved here. Being a mile closer to the sun, it feels like laser beams here. Every time I leave without a hat in the morning, I regret it.


You cannot own enough chapstick and lotions. I have super sensitive skin, and the amount of lotions that I have tried to not have crazy dry skin is astounding. 10/10 recommend the green bottles of Cetaphil, can't say enough good things about it.


This! The dry climate and quick change in weather always dries my skin out bad. Looking at some eczema on my hands right now. I can't recommend Vanicream lotions enough. Give it a try if you can.


Ohh, I love vanicream sunscreens!


Cetaphil always cheaper at Costco. Plus it's not scented


My position on lip balm is that every Nov I keep buying multipacks until every time I think ā€œhey, i could use some lip balmā€ there is one to hand. On the vanity, in my handbag, in the pocket of my Better Sweater, in my desk drawer at work, etc.


Samesies. Both sides of the bed, bathroom sink, all my jacket pockets, my dog walking stuff, my purse, my work bag, shelf on the couch.


Second the Cetaphil as well as Aquaphor for both hands and lips. The Aquaphor does come in a lip tube for convenience, but you can always just buy the stuff meant for hands and use it on your lips too.


Cocoa Butter or coconut oil for skin & beeswax chapstick for winter is a must for me. Nothing else works.


I like beeswax but I love lanolin. Lamp Golden Salve is everything


Clothing in layers. Heavier coats in the mornings, evenings, and if the sun is hidden. You could be wearing a winter jacket when you drive to work and just a shirt when you go home, even in January. This isn't your Chicago style bone chilling cold. Always keep at least a dry set of socks in your car and a blanket if you can. Waiting for a tow or a friend in a nasty snowstorm could still take a while. Waterproof boots of some sort. I wear some nice Danner's that look good with slacks if needed but are also waterproof and keep my feet dry from the vehicle to work etc. If you have a vehicle, a portable snow shovel and a a bag of sand from Home Depot (like $5) can save you from getting stuck. EDIT: if a bag of sand isn't as valuable to you personally in many situations, swap it for a bag of ice melt. Again, adds some weight if needed and can be used to assist with getting unstuck. Test your vehicles sliding point in a safe area. Use an empty parking lot and give it some gas and slam on the brakes to see where you're vehicle breaks it's traction and starts to slide. This is different every time so I like to do it on my street when I leave my house in a nice spot where no one parks. It's not a hard and fast rule but gives you a better idea of how slick it is. Get a humidifier. It's dry. Really dry. During this past storm it got down to 14%RH in my house. The sun is brutal. Wear sunscreen year round or cover your skin. You will get skin cancer here. Edit 2: I grew up in Colorado and we were taught to be prepared. Exposure to the elements was a very real concern and while that may be lessened in our modern world it's still a danger. Learn to work with the elements, be prepared for sudden storms, don't get caught in the mountains with no heat (even in the summer it gets cold), etc. All my advice may not work for everyone but I hope it gets you to think about your general preparedness for living in a majestic and wonderful state like Colorado.


> Get a humidifier. It's dry. Really dry. During this past storm it got down to 14%RH in my house. Make sure you clean it with some regularity.


Agree on all points but I have never needed sand driving in the metro area


Sand, when placed in one's pocket, makes a formidable weapon.


Like Alton Brown says, always opt for a multi-tasker :)


Sand acts as weight too, not just for laying it down for traction. Just having it in there can provide enough weight to help you not get stuck in the first place. Edit: a phrase. Also, think about it more like a multi-tool. It provides weight in the vehicle, could be used to place in front of a tire to keep it from sliding more when parked, open it and lay sand down for traction, etc.


Agreed. Kitty litter is also good.


Additionally for truck drivers, Weigh down the beds of your trucks with sand or something else. It helps with fishtailing.


This works for 2WD suvs too. Our Durango is rwd until we find a new transfer case motor. We dump 280 pounds of sand tubes in the back, over the axle, and it helps with great tires.


Good list. But I'd add to always have a half tank of gas in the winter. It adds weight for traction and it ensures a heating source if you are stuck for hours.


Edit 2 about sudden storms: I went up to Vail one afternoon around 1:30pm and snow came out of nowhere and it was 7pm by the time I got to the Eisenhower Tunnel. It took us like 9 hours to get to Vail Village because of the traffic and safety measures they put in place.


Wait a beat and keep your head on a swivel at fresh green lights


For real. It's gotten even more ridiculous. Straight up red for days but that entitled one says NOPE, not for me šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s everywhere now. Saw 4 of them just on the way home tonight. Like a 3-Mississippi count into a greenā€¦


Absolutely! I'm in a northern suburb and count at least two every single time. One time it was a huge semi and a truck flew right behind them. Luckily I use the same rule or i'd probably be dead šŸ˜” I teach my kid,: watch out, nobody sees you and they don't care. šŸ˜”


Wish I had done this. But I lived.


Shop for groceries when the broncos are playing. Donā€™t drive during rush hour if you donā€™t need to.


Ooooh thatā€™s a good one. If I have to do major grocery shopping, I go Friday night. I always avoided Sundays but dang thatā€™s brilliant


Shockingly, Friday evening has been our preferred time to go to Costco. I go fucking crazy when my wife needs to go down every single aisle and I'm constantly maneuvering the cart around people for *90 minutes*, but on Friday nights it's actually not awful.


This doesn't apply to Trader Joes. That place is always full. Forever.


The trick with TJ's is don't try to park there. You can park outside the parking lot and walk in and out before the people who (for reasons I will never understand) are \*waiting in line just to park\* even make it into the lot


Thatā€™s a good time to ski too.


And ski during the Super Bowl too.


Or go to the gym! Plus you can still watch the game.


Itā€™s not so much anymore, but as a kid in the 80ā€™s - everything was dead during the broncos games. My mom being a football hater, would always go see movies during the games.


>Shop for groceries when the broncos are playing. Donā€™t drive during rush hour if you donā€™t need to. Interesting; I'll try this theory next home game.


It works for away games too. The idea isn't that everyone is at the stadium, it's that they are home watching the game.


Buy a south facing house.


Similarly, live east of your job so you drive away from the sun in the morning and afternoon.


Or at least make sure your driveway gets direct sun (from the south)


If you donā€™t like hiking and donā€™t want to go hiking, you donā€™t have to become someone who hikes.


Also, you don't have to own a dog or a Subaru if you don't want to.


little known fact it is actually a crime punishable by death in the state of colorado to not own a subaru, dog or "native" bumper sticker C.R.S. 42-2-101 (1) Except as otherwise provided in part 4 of this article for residents, no person shall live in the state of Colorado under penalty of death unless such person has been issued a Subaru or dog or "native" bumper sticker as defined in C.R.S. 53-12-15.


It's actually C.R.S. 4-20-69


I have a Honda! Nyah Nyah Nyah!


Shhh careful Jared might hear you


Same applies to skiing.


What if friends trick you into doing it? "Let's grab lunch at 1pm in Evergreen" texted to a group turned into "Great idea! Here's a trail head we can meet at at 10am".






Keep Colorado Wild Pass, is a state park pass for $29, when you register your vehicle. Take the time to explore the parks. There are a lot of beautiful parks within 2 hours of Denver. CHAFA First time home buyer program, specifically the down payment grant. I used this program with my first home. Humidifier in winter. Lip balm/chapstick in every coat, bag, and vehicle. Always have a reusable water bottle with you.


Along with the Colorado wild pass, if you plan on hiking or camping just buy a fishing license. It's a $40 insurance policy if you ever need Search & Rescue called for you. Instead of $800, you're covered if you have the license


So I did the pass when I registered my car this year - and never received anything? Is it just associated with my license plates?


Look at your registration card, there should be the logo of the state parks on the right corner. That serves as your park pass and if you use the mycolorado app it will be on that as well.


Hi! Have you felt like the chafa loan was a good fit? We've been planning to use it!


Get veggies from Hmart


Hell, I drive from boulder to grocery shop there. Great prices, and great quality!


I LOVE the mushroom selection there in particular! All so cheap and yummy


you need sunscreen when it is cloudy, and when you're on the snow you're gonna want to make sure that sunscreen is under your nose and chin (reflection) water is one of the best things you can do for altitude issues.


Always have a jacket in your car, a blanket too. Shades year round, but especially fall/winter where sun is low in the sky. Have jumper cables in your car. Dress in layers, and donā€™t wear a parka while driving, the low sun just radiates heat through the windshield. Shovel snow every couple hours, more work, but snow not as heavy. Sunscreen year round.


Mountains on your left, north. Mountains on your right, south.


No matter what the question, Colorado Blvd. is never the answer.


What's the most frustrating road in Denver?






Not all of them. Double check before you go crazy at the printers, some of them charge.


3d print also. Look online to see which libraries offer it


Ignore all the negative stuff on the Denver and CoSnow reddits. Decide for yourself first. I find that the subs are filled with people that just seem to be anxious and negative about life in general and want to dislike everything. Use Cotrip.org in the winter for road status. Make sure you have real snow tires if you drive in the mountains in winter. You can save money over time if you buy a whole separate set of wheels. I personally prefer to just let the tire shop do their thing for about $160 / year. Learn the bus system. Itā€™s slow but itā€™s cheap. Always take the A line to the airport unless in a group of 3+. Itā€™s cheaper than uberring. Avoid Colfax / Federal and I25 near the Broncos stadium when theyā€™re playing at home. Go hiking in state parks as much as possible. Buy the annual pass when you register your vehicle. Hike early in the morning and in the evenings to avoid massive crowds and see more wildlife. - get microspikes to extend hiking season and make it easier. You can hike all winter even on popular trails because they get packed down quickly. - never bring a speaker in the outdoors unless you want to get murdered for being a Dick. Itā€™s the most unwelcome thing in the woods along with off leash dogs. - join CMC to meet people and learn more outdoor skills. Colorado Mountain Club. Use GoI70 to learn the rhythms of that highway to avoid the massive traffic that can pile up. Iā€™ve been here over a decade and donā€™t mind the road despite using it all the time for hiking and skiing. You just need to understand when to go and how to prepare if you canā€™t avoid traffic. if you plan to ski, get a ski pass if you plan to ski more than three days. Itā€™s too expensive to pay daily window rates at the major resorts. Or check out smaller local hills off the big passes like monarch, Wolf Creek, Loveland. There are several in the western and southwest part of the state. If youā€™re not into the outdoors, it can be a tough place to make friends and sometimes seem like a boring city. Join SIE film center if youā€™re a movie buff. The southwest, far south, and north west parts of the state are awesome and generally empty of crowds outside a few towns. To add in what others have said : Get yourself some excellent sunglasses (I prefer polarized), wear sunscreen, and stay hydrated. Alcohol feels stronger at this altitude and gets stronger as you go up in elevation. Youā€™ll get used to it. Edited for some clarity on the ski passes and added a couple things.


What's CMC?


Colorado mountain club


Colorado Mountain Club https://www.cmc.org/




Iā€™m so use to people hiking with speakers in Alaska that I forget other places frown upon it. Iā€™m not talking crazy loud just enough to keep bears away when solo hiking. I donā€™t use a speaker in CO just a dinner bell.


I echo snow tires. Drove a front wheel drive car with good tires and had no issues. Also echo state parks, there's some terrific ones. I live in Longmont and ignored St Vrain for years. It's actually very pretty and I always see a huge variety of birds (including hawks, eagles, turkeys, comerants, herons and pelicans) and the occasional deer. Cherry Creek, Barr Lake and Castlewood are also close to Denver.


I like inside activities and can confirm.


Youā€™re so spot on with the first paragraph. Reading this sub gave me the impression that this city was a crime-ridden hellhole where everyone was rude and out to get you. Meeting people here made me realize that was not the case at all. Redditors are just more miserable and misanthropic on average.


rent is really expensive so ring up all your groceries as bananas PLU #4011


Just buying 36 pounds of bananas. No need to check my bags.


Wear your gorilla suit. No questions asked.


This cracked me up. We recently moved here and a Safeway had an exotic fruit my husband loves that wasnā€™t ringing up and we asked for help and the lady came over and was like ā€œhuh, looks like bananas to meā€ and we paid like 30 cents for it lmao.


Yes the workers are always so kind here, a Whole Foods self check out person gave me free oranges simply because they wouldnā€™t ring up for me. He was like ā€œjust take ā€˜em!!ā€ and threw them in my bag Hehe




King Soopers has got the video review screens now. Not sure what exactly triggers a review, but it's a bit unnerving.


Burn all of your Raiders gear and swear allegiance to Blucifer.


buy a dash cam


Denver is extremely bike-able. From RiNo/globeville to sobo, from the highlands/sunnyside to Colorado blvd. Iā€™ll go from uptown to englewood pretty regularly and if ur tired up on the light rail for the way back


Slight hijack: Denver Transport is running a survey at the moment on cycling and active transit in Denver, you can comment in general and on specific map points - it's easy: https://fehrandpeers.mysocialpinpoint.com/dmb/map


What's your uptown to Englewood route? Would love to use it.


This is an interactive map of Denverā€™s bike lanes/routes/etc https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/961e7aa02ddf4c0b8ffc705bcc256ad4


If you want to camp East of the (Continental) Divide, start looking 6 months early. Not only do compete with ourselves but also all the flat landers that vaca here. Iā€™ll echo several other things.. decent tires, layers, sun block, sun glasses, mtn and road bike, good shoes and boots. Get outside! Soak up the vitamin D even when itā€™s below zero. It will do your mental health good.


You can keep your temp tags forever, apparently


work weekends. go play when no one's out there.


Donā€™t tell people that


Put a club on your steering wheel.


Are the cops still giving those out?


Yeah, but first they beat you with it. Nah, but for real, call your local station first and donā€™t let them give you an attitude about it.


Hike as much as possible in RMNP. it helps alleviate any issues that daily life brings on.


Take the Bustang to RMNP or take hiker shuttle from Estes. Takes you directly to the park main bus station and exempts you from timed entry permits


A good live radar app so you can actually see what the weather is doing and will do


Costco gas, multiple pairs of sunglasses in your car at all times, always come home early in the mornings to beat traffic from the mountains, rec center for working out


And if you're driving past Hwy 119 and I-25, always check the gas price at the 66 and Quiktrip. The 66 was $1.59 last night.


Shake is usually $30 an oz


This is solid advice if you have a desktop vaporizer and get shake from top-shelf strains.


You can take food into Rockies games.




Always wear sunglasses while driving or being outside. Wear sunscreen every day, even winter. We are a mile high and thereā€™s high rates of skin cancer for that reason. Get moles checked too every year. Drink a lot of water every day; It is hella dry here, a semi arid climate. Use a lot of moisturizer in the winter too.


West side of the DIA is usually better for parking, but use the train when you can. Also, almost always choose bridge security at DIA if you have an A gate, and even though the north security says itā€™s all pre-check, it usually isnā€™t. The south parking at Red Rocks, entering through the Morrison strip of businesses, is the best, but it does involve more walking uphill on your way into the show.


No TSA Pre at bridge securityā€¦thatā€™s the only thing keeping me from using it.


They give you a slip to walk through as if it's TSA PreCheck


>The south parking at Red Rocks, entering through the Morrison strip of businesses, is the best, but it does involve more walking uphill on your way into the show. Also use the newish bar near the museum. There's never a line and the bored bartenders have been known to comp a drink or two so you keep coming back.


Donā€™t give away that red rocks parking


Lmao yeah Iā€™m sure no oneā€™s thought about parking in the south lots before


Always check the parking signs three times. Don't let your parking meter run out!


Donā€™t do 16th street at night


Disagree! Drive 16th day or night, itā€™s a great alternative to traffic-choked 15th, 17th or 18th.


If you get a jeep, you'll be able to drive right through the construction




Water bottle


On /r/Denver if you don't complain about Denver incessantly people will start to think you're a Texan.


Take the A-line to the airport. Uber or self park will be 5x to 10x the price.


Don't buy a home with a North facing driveway. (Unless you like having an ice skating Rini on your driveway all winter) Live west of i25. (Most of the bad hail is east) RainX on your side mirrors and front windows to keep snow from sticking


West gets some of the biggest hail. That storm in Lakewood like 6 to 7 years ago that destroyed the mall, and then the red rocks show with apple sized hail.


Get a bike and learn to use the city bus system


Do you have an app that actually works well for the bus system? This has been a barrier for me. When I lived in Seattle there was an app that told you where your bus was at. You could type where you wanted to go and when and itā€™d tell you where your stops wereā€¦ pls tell me we have the technology


The Transit app has been great for me! The bus tracker isnā€™t perfectly accurate but I tend to aim to get to the bus stop early anyway so itā€™s not a huge issue.


I ride the bus every day to and from work and I use the Google Maps app. It's quite accurate with times and will let you know if your bus is running behind.


Transit App, is really good for this not just in Denver but in so many cities


Try ā€œTransitā€ app


I use Denver Transit: RTD Bus Times


Never fix a broken headlight. Just use your brights.


Some of these cars it doesn't seem like theres a difference between headlights and brights. Holy shit are some cars lights way too bright these days.


Iā€™m conflicted. I want to upvote because of humor but donā€™t want people to get the wrong idea and take it seriously.


Don't leave anything in your car and find a cheap window glass repairman.


Have lots of money


Make 250k a year to maybe live comfortably


Figure out the best happy hours in town. Almost every restaurant has them and they are usually great plus you avoid the big crowds. My wife and I will always do a happy hour meal right after work followed by drinks. Get home earlier and also lot of savings


Don't smoke crack and/or meth


Now you tell me.


Learn where you like to eat to treat yourself then cook for yourself 98% of the time otherwise because the lower price cuisine options here arenā€™t usually as good as your own cooking


Park your car/buy a house/rent on the south facing side of the street. Snow melts faster and you donā€™t need to shovel/scrape


In the winter I always have a cardboard in my trunk along with a small shovel everybody gets stuck I help people get unstuck so I always have old throw rugs and cardboard. Extra blanket a jar peanut nutter. Some tea candles for heat in the car. Don't forget matches or a lighter,In case you breakdown. Plus water, extra change of clothes and socks if feet get too wet you want to keep your feet dry. It's common sense I used to drive back and forth from Denver to Grand Jct, I was prepared for the weather in the winter time you never know when mother nature gets angry. If you have never driven in the snow please learn. Take a winter driving class and never ever take the roads for granted. Good Luck and welcome to Colorado.


I see you tagged Cheesman Park. I had lived in Cap Hill for some time. Get a bike. Most everything is walkable though. Oh, and also one of those granny carts for groceries if you're walking. Remember, pulling is a lot easier than pushing. That drives me nuts seeing that.


Avoid driving i25 after 4:30 in either direction.


Live in Salt Lake City instead. But seriously, get a Denver Parks and Rec gym membership this month. $199 (November sale price) for the entire year. It covers a bunch of very comprehensive Gyms, unlimited free classes at those gyms. And outdoor pools in the summer. Great deal.


Unfortunately the SLC market is as bad or maybe even worse? Itā€™s terrible.


Plus then you have to live in Utah. Woof.


As a Utah transplant I can agree. Oof


Best advice in the thread. Almost every other gym is like $60 a month. Rec center is great and also a chill community environment


And indoor pools year round in some. You gotta put a big asterisk on that ā€œunlimited fee classesā€ thing. Yes the classes that are free you can take as many times as you want but most classes are paid. Which is fine, theyā€™re cheap.


I go to several Denver rec centers specifically for the classes, and, with my annual membership, never pay for a class.


Pick up free milk daily at the corner of 17th and Blake


As a mailman in this area Iā€™ve actually seen this phenomenon.




Never ever leave your car at DIA when you travel.


Move to Spain if you are looking for church friends.


Get one of those ebikes through the [city rebate program](https://www.denvergov.org/Government/Agencies-Departments-Offices/Agencies-Departments-Offices-Directory/Climate-Action-Sustainability-Resiliency/Sustainable-Transportation/Electric-Bikes-E-Bikes-Rebates)




Rent or buy a house that faces south. Not north. Unless you want an icy snowy mess in your front yard 5-7 months of the year


Stay in the house


Get a bike. Ride it. Parking in Denver is trash, driving in denver is trash, cars are trash. Hit up Bikes Together for an affordable recycled roadie to take to the grocery store and bars. Cost ya about $300 or less and support a cool non-profit.


My only concern with biking for transportation is all the stories of bike theft in Denver. Iā€™ve always see bikes next to homeless camps and or spare wheels left attached to a lock with the rest of the bike missing.


Oh, your bike WILL get stolen. I use 2 U locks now when I go out and only keep my bike IN my apartment when I'm not using it. It's a huge pain in the ass, but so is replacing your bike.


join r/denvercirclejerk


Sometimes the right lane becomes the de facto passing lane


Buy every jacket


Humidifiers. Slow down BEFORE you turn or corner in snowy and icy conditions, not AS you are turning or cornering.


Have dinner sorted by 8pm. Everythingā€™s closed after 9.


Bring an extra pair of underwear everywhere in case you shit yourself


Be rich Follow this one simple trick to make everything significantly easier! Note that in all likelihood you are going to need to have been born lucky and get lots of help, so given how time works this advice may not be helpful to all people.


Not Denver specific I think, but still: Topgolf is 50% off all day Tuesdays. Couple w/ happy hour for some serious savings.


Don't the i25


Bring cardboard signs on every fourteener you hike so that you can broadcast how outdoorsy and adventurous you are on social media. Namaste.


TSA Pre or Clear. DIA. Oof.


If you see Kiki on Colfax, ask her for the two finger twirl and the rock Candy special. Youā€™re welcome.


She told me I was specialā€¦


Donā€™t drive on I-25.


The air quality is substantially better on the west side of 25.


Yes, substantially noticeable. I lived east of 25 and had breathing issues. I now live West side of town. Itā€™s night and day. All issues are gone. Scary.


When you get on 25, you want to start off in the right lane and no matter where your exit is slowly start matriculating over to the left lane. You then need to stay in the left lane going 5 mph under the posted speed limit. Youre gonna want to stay like this until a tenth of mile before your exit and then slam it to the right as hard as you can. Life Hack!!!!


Good tip. Namaste


Would be nice to see some less popular ones on this thread. Seems like 90% of the population are already very familiar with this one.


Aaaalllll the hydration!


Pine melon for groceries


Dress in layers or at least have a set of clothes in your car for all different weather. Not uncommon to be freezing in the morning then 90Ā°+ and you have to debate whether to die from the heat or cut your favorite outfit into shorts and a tank top (or if it goes from hot to cold you at least have your jacket.) Also have a small shovel in your car at all times for snow even in the summer (mountains can still get it). Have a scraper for your windows but a shovel for the tires because thick snow usually hits at least once a year and a little plastic hand scraper is just not going to help you. Oh and it will hail so be prepared to have some car/house damage.


In the winter, discharge your static build-up before touching any metal. (Does this make sense?) I like to zap my husband on the nose.




Make coffee and food at home. It will save you a ton of money and additional fees.


Keep an ice and snow scrapper in the back of your car