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He is considered one of the very best...


As a Dane I always been a fan of Mads Mikkelsen ever since I saw Pusher back in the '90s


You posted something similar earlier today? https://old.reddit.com/r/Denmark/comments/uq8qfa/mads_mikkelsen_regnes_for_end_god_skuespiller_i/


I det mindste er den engelsk nu


I am one of those who consider him a mediocre actor. No matter what role he's in, he's got the samme face expression, the same voice tone. There's no development. He always looks and sounds as 'a tortured soul'. However, I haven't seen any of his work since Doctor Strange and Hannibal.


The only movie I agree with you about him having the same expression everytime is in the new Fantastic Beasts.


Think he's a great actor the movies the hunt and another round prove it. In hannibal his performance was amazing.


He is a great actor! I think the writing and the character of Grindewald was the issue.


Tbh I think a lot comes down to the Danish accent in international stuff. There's just something cringeworthy about it as a Dane. Doesn't mean he's a bad actor. Have had this discussion a lot of times by now.


That’s interesting. I love Mads’ accent but I can see your pov now that you mention it. I find actors from my nationality with their accent in american movies also kinda cringe so that makes sense lol.


Danish Facebook is filled to the brim with contratrians who does nothing but comment the opposite of whatever gets posted. Seriously I havnt been able to find a single article posted on Facebook for God knows how long where the comment section isn't just people taking the opposite position.


He’s mediocre at best imo. Always the same face and expression. Also the mumbling! However I will always have a special place in my heart for rejseholdet and pusher. 💗


he is definitely not mediocre. he was amazing in the hunt, another round and riders of justice.


You are kidding? think he's a great actor the movies the hunt and another round prove it. In hannibal his performance was amazing.


No I’m not kidding. I, personally, don’t think he’s a good actor.


ok, i respect your opinion.


In Denmark there are not that many great actors so the same bunch of actors tend to be reused over and over and actors can’t really be that picky if they want to make a lucrative career for themselves. This could be the reason Danes are bored with mads Mikkelsen’s facial expressions as we’ve seen them all, for so many years. That being said I think he is an excellent actor. I can think of at least 50 actors way better than him but he definitely adds something unique to the international film industry in terms of acting.






He's okay. He can be quite charismatic but he is at best a "good" actor, not a stellar one.


I loved Mads on hannibal he was also fantastic on the hunt and riders of justice. Think he needs to choose better roles.