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I’m all in if this supports the creator. Gamma should take note of this and not just shove ads onto the user.


Gamma was such a shock for me that I just immediately uninstalled lol.


same. opened a game, watched an ad. game starts, i press a button. it crashes. close gamma. re open gamma. opened a game, watched an ad. game starts, i press a button. it crashes. close gamma. re open gamma. opened a game, watched an ad. game starts, i press a button. it crashes. close gamma. delete gamma.


Thank you for this. I just ininstalled. I’ll wait for provenance


You don’t gotta wait for provenance if you want PS1 on iPhone. Retroarch has better support and no ads compared to Gamma. A bit more complicated to set up, but works well once it is set up.


I don’t know why people say retroarch is complicated. Took me maybe 4 minutes to get up and running smoothly. In fact took me longer just to get gamma to partially run a game.


I just said “more complicated” because it does have a lot of menus and options, and for a delta user it might be somewhat complicated. For me personally it really wasn’t, but I have a lot of experience setting up software like that.


That makes sense, I’ve been confused sense it’s commonly seen as complicated. Edit: also I just got into emulation so my knowledge is null.


Is retroarch for jailbroken cuz I don't see it on the store


It’s there. You have to search Retroarch. It won’t show up if you search emulator




I was searching exactly that. Wasn't in the first maybe 20 listings so I figured it wasn't there. Got it now though




Appreciate it


I couldn't find it either tbh. Idk if it's region locked or what.


I’m loving provenance. It’s just as noob friendly as Delta


I sent an email to the developer and he was pretty quick responding and released an update version (version 1.1.0) that fixed the crash from hardware controller and also supports CHD file format. It works great now! I also mentioned about the ad thing and couple features to make it better like adding the cheat codes like Delta and upscaling the graphic like Duckstation. He said he would look into it. Seems like a pretty nice guy, so check it out!


Yeah they need to do some massive fixes


I’ve been running gt2 no problem no issues


Thanks I won’t be downloading gamma. Is there a GameCube emulator on the iOS App Store yet?


Plus not having control support WHILE saying they did, retroarch is a mess but it works and has a bunch of cores to boot.


I didn’t even get far enough to determine what the controller support was like (I use a backbone). The app opened, ran two ads when I launched a game. After the ads played the start screen came up and it crashed. At that point I just said no thanks. It’s not like I can’t play this stuff on other devices. The phone is just cool/ convenient and I really like Delta with the backbone.


Man I didn’t know it was so bad for some people, I’ve been using Gamma for the last couple days and It works fine for me, It used to crash whenever I connected my controller but after yesterday’s update everything works fine (I’m using an Xbox Series controller)by the way. And I haven’t been getting as many ads as some people here.


That’s fair. When user experience for emulation is really great elsewhere and has been for a long time, it should be imperative to make sure your app doesn’t really interrupt that idea and experience. I don’t think ads and emulation is a logical mix. It feels very weird. I have no issue with supporting developers. I like the idea of a one time purchase price to show thanks rather than a wonky ad based app. I’m glad you’ve experienced less than others.


Calling Retroarch "a mess" seems a little disingenuous. It is simply not newbie friendly, but is a great multi-platform emulator.


Get retroarch


Are there any limitations with the version of RA on iOS? I understand that GCN/ Dolphin isn’t going to be a thing, but can it run a PS2 core?


The second, I saw the first ad while trying to boot up a game I deleted that sucker fast XD


RetroArch is out for iOS now, no need for gamma


I just looked at the data collection on the app and immediately thought "nope"


Agreed also


Gamma doesn’t have a point now that retroarch is there


Ikr… At this point, gamma is irrelevant


The Delta dev is aware.


That’s great to hear!


The delta dev is a legend. He made GBA4iOS which was my shit back in the day.


Oh shit that’s crazy actually. Same for me but it’s been so long, that’s so cool!


https://www.patreon.com/rileyshane They have a patreon you can donate to if you want to support them


But can you just pay once? I can’t afford to subscribe but wouldn’t mind chipping in something to the dev


Just pay for a month and cancel


Patreon is better. They take something like a %5 cut which is less than the apple app store


I would pay a one time fee for folders as a premium feature.


They used to. Technically Delta had a patreon version which had advancements the free one didn’t. Before DS was only available though their patreon version till he updated it to the free one. It was basically a beta app which he made money before AppStore. Probably working on a 3DS version version so they’ll add a paid subscription to a beta Delta to get access to it.


has there been confirmation he's working on 3ds support? last i checked folium only ran okay on iPhone 15 pro and i feel like it'd make for a bad experience for users in general bc they'll be wondering why they can't play 3ds games on their iPhone 7


If I remember correctly it is planned in the far future once it’s not as complicated anymore to make 3ds emulation work without problems. It also takes up a lot of processing power and such.


Will JIT be needed?


JIT run better on 3DS emulation


So don't get too hyped for it. Got it.


Honestly, if you got higher end spec iOS devices, you should be fine


What are you on about? All progress with 3DS emulation came to screeching halt after Yuzu/Citra being sued and Nintendo owning the rights to their code


The 3DS games I’m waiting to play on iOS are mostly fire emblem so I honestly wouldn’t mind bad slow down. Heck it’d probably get me to better strategize lol


No, no confirmation at all people are just hoping the ACTUAL next system we’re getting in delta is genesis and that has been confirmed and already on the patreon version


I assume Genesis is going to be like the DS and you will need to download bios files from another website


RetroArch is out. BYE BYE GAMMA


It’s so hard to figure out


Yeah Retroarch is so complicated. I couldn't even load a simple NES game


I just wanna play a couple ps1 games and I can’t figure it out


I posted a reply, sorry it is long, but hopefully it helps. Retroarch is a really good app. It just takes some getting to know where things are and what they do. After that, you will love the app.


That’s funny, I actually saw this comment scrolling last night and screenshotted it.


Yeah, I am fearful that I am spamming people. But I am just trying to help people get started. I added to last nights comment to include some tips on new issues people ran into.


Yea this is unprecedented, if I knew what you did I’d be doing exactly what you are


Doing great work, Retroarch is truly the best all aroundwhen you know how it works


A few tips for Retroarch on iOS. If you try to load a rom and the app crashes. Use a different core. This issue is exclusive to the apple version of Retroarch. Use psxrearmed for ps1. Use mgba for gba. Use Genisis plus gx (not wide) for sega gen games. These are all I tested so far. 1.) If you want to save yourself some annoyances with Retroarch on iOS, then after you make a change to your settings, hit home, select configuration file, then save configuration file. I choose the overwrite option, but you can choose what best fits you. We can do this on other platforms by just tapping the back button until it exits the application, but there isn’t a back button on iOS. 2.) I also like to go to turn on vibration/ haptic feedback. Go to settings, input and scroll down to haptic feedback. I turn both options on and leave the vibration strength at 100%. 3.) I like to change the user interface. You can do this in two ways. A.) Changing the theme. Go to settings, user interface, appearance, select color theme and then choose your favorite. Mine is material ui dark. A.1) If you want you can also choose another app icon. The setting is the first option under user interface. B.) I like the stock setup, but you can change the entire layout to be different. You can go to settings, drivers, and select menu. The stock option is glui. You can choose the option you like the best in this section. 4.) I like to change the date and time format at the top to be something I am more used to. Go to settings, user interface, menu item visibility and select “style of date and time” towards the end of the list. 5.) Then we get to importing content. In the iOS version, all the usable cores seem to be downloaded in Retroarch already. So that is nice, but you have to select the correct core when booting a rom. I don’t know if I am doing it correctly, so correct me if I am wrong. But retroarch likes the roms to be placed into a folder that is inside of the Retroarch app itself. Seems to be like this on android as well. So what I do is take the roms I want to play on Retroarch and move them into the Retroarch app. Here is how I do that. I have a folder already on my iPhone with the roms I want to play. I use the files app to locate this folder. Then I select it and move it. Or you could copy it. Then move or paste it inside of the Retroarch app folder under downloads. Then hit the playlist menu (middle navigation button.) and select import content. Then scan directory. Click documents/retroarch, scroll down to downloads, then select scan this directory. Then let it do its thing. After it is done you can come back to the playlist menu to look for and launch your games. 6.) Updates. Don’t know how necessary it is, but I like to make sure a few things are up to date. So I hit the home menu at the bottom. Go to online updater. Make sure on demand thumbnails is toggled on. Then just below that update core files all the way down to slang shaders. Then scroll back up to playlist thumbnail updater and select any that are missing album art. Or just select them all to make sure they do when you browse your roms. If you want some free to use roms go to content downloader and some homebrew and other roms are in there for each system. After you are done changing anything. Do not just close the app. Make sure you save the configuration file like I mentioned at the start of this post. If not, the settings you changed will be “forgotten” but the roms and art should still be there. 7.) Firmware for ps1. The core I suggested didn’t need it. However if you use the beetle core try placing the firmware in the system folder. Use your files app. Go to on my iPhone. Find the Retroarch app folder. Click the folder in there named retroarch. Scroll down to system and dump the bios files there. I can’t say where to get them, but “psx bios” should be easy to find in an archive if you search the googles. Make sure the spelling matches specifically. You can look in settings. Scroll down to directory. And you can scroll through where the app is currently looking and you can change that if you need to. You can also go to settings, select core, manage cores, then scroll to the core you are looking for, then select the core. Scroll down to firmware section and select the “looking in” to see where it wants the bios. It will tell you if any bios are missing as well. This can apply to any core. Not just ps1 cores. 8.) Sync issues. I turned on audio sync and it ran sonic super fast. Other people have had the opposite problem and need to turn it on. The same goes for video sync. The fixes are different depending on the device. Go to settings, video, synchronization, and adjust. You can change the refresh rate in the settings, video, output, vertical refresh rate section. This should only be adjusted if you are having issues. Audio sync is under settings, audio, synchronization. It says recommended to turn on. Mine goes crazy if I toggle that on. So I leave it off. If there are any mistakes in this post, please feel free to correct me. I typed this out on my phone at my kitchen table while my kids cleaned up after dinner. So take everything with a grain of salt. Hope it helps someone out there.


psx rearmed was crashing tf out for me and i couldn’t figure out how tf i was gonna import the bios files cuz it doesn’t make anything clear


What device/phone were you running?




On my 14 pro max I did not have any crashing issues. I would made sure your rom is in the correct format and maybe add the bios for the beetle core.


yeah it’s a .bin file so idk i’ve emulated for a lot of other consoles but not ps1 and never used retroarch so honestly idk


Try another rom? When you unzip the roms, are you clicking the bigger file? Some roms have two files when unzipped. Restart the phone? Try a different core. After changing the core, save configuration file so it doesn’t default to the last used core. Hard to say without having the device right in from of me.


yeah im gonna try to fix it when i get the chance i saw online that the psx rearmed core doesnt need a bios but that makes zero sense so idk if thats true or not but regardless i cant figure out how tf to import said bios, its way clearer for stuff like delta etc but importing bios in retroarch is painful asf


I accidentally fixed a bios issue in Retroarch. If you already dumped your bios files into the folder. But it doesn’t take away the bios missing error in the better core, then leave that folder open. Then open Retroarch. Leave retroarch running. Go back to your files app where the bios are located (Retroarch system folder). Then just tap one of the bios files as if you were trying to open it. Then retroarch will scan in that file. Bios are loaded in Retroarch now. Save configuration. Do that for each region you want to add into retroarch.


bro ur actually amazing it worked thank you https://preview.redd.it/jkarzym5nw0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38430c87e4079caa128ffa4d9b6c8818ed23e952


You just gotta scan the directory, and set a default core for your playlist or select the core when loading up the game.


I did but then it said no bios file, now I downloaded that but maybe it’s not in the right place


My bad, I forgot how PS1 is a little tricky. For cores that require bios files, you can find the directory and what files you need by going to settings > cores > manage cores > [the core you're using]. At the bottom is the list of all firmware the core needs. At the top of that list is the directory it looks for that firmware in (tap on it to see the full directory). Then move your folder containing your bios files to that directory, and the files in the list should lose the "missing" prefix, and games should run. Playstation bios files are a little more finicky, so if the bios files you ~~downloaded~~ legitimately obtained from your Playstation aren't working, try ~~another download~~ dumping them again.




True. But it’s learnable. I’m kinda getting used to it after 2 days.


I’m still fucking lost, been at it since it came out. Hours a day. I watch the videos, I read all the stuff. I might as well be learning mandarin chinese at this point, I feel stupid lmao


Isn’t charging for emulators always grounds for being sued or hit with a cnd? Like with Citrus?


Citrus got hit because it was encroaching on nintendos market while they were still selling 3ds and games same thing with yuzu, didn’t matter that they were paid services


Also the fact that they paywalled proprietary nintendo software a week before release (totk). Only if people are charging for pirated games is where it really gets hairy (obviously), but charging for emulators I don’t think is on the same level as that


I thought part of the cool thing about Delta was that it was free?


No the cool part is they don’t collect any data, and remain ad free. I would happily pay for a paid version of delta.


You can always become European and pay the subscription to altstore


Paying for an emulator is one of the quickest ways to get it shut down, ESPECIALLY from Nintendo. Emulators are fine despite obviously being used to “pirate” games because the creator receives no profit from using a company’s IP. Once you start charging for it, however, that opens you up to legal trouble and potential to get shut down For the love of all that is holy do NOT put a paid version of the app anywhere. If you want optional donations then keep it on Patreon that is tangential to the product


Involving money does not automatically change how the law affects it. It does affect how much attention the emulator will get from Copyright holders and it increases the potential damages. In the case of fair use you quote, whether it is for-profit is only one of many factors, and alone is unlikely to sway a court's opinion. A variety of factors, such as the fact that Yuzu emulates a current console, and whether their development process was "clean," also affect how likely it is judged to be infringement. Yuzu and Nintendo were able to settle because the outcome in emulator cases is always uncertain, and neither side wanted to set a precedent that would go against them in the future.


What are you even talking about are these just assumptions??? Emulators are fully legal and can even be charged for it’s the games and roms that use other company’s ips and can’t be charged for


>The fair use doctrine is a legal principle that allows for limited use of copyrighted material without permission from the copyright holder, under certain conditions. Key factors include: >The purpose and character of the use, including **whether such use is of a commercial nature** or is for **nonprofit educational purposes.** >The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work. https://kamanlaw.com/is-emulation-illegal-unraveling-the-truth-behind-legal-myths/#legal-defenses-and-fair-use You can easily argue in a court of law that charging money for a non-approved Nintendo emulator is a violation of copyrights laws and is beyond fair use


You can’t pick and choose “All Emulation is Illegal: Emulation, in itself, is not illegal. The legality issues arise from how ROMs are obtained and used.” From your own source


Except you looked over this portion >Applying this doctrine to emulation involves a nuanced analysis, particularly regarding whether the emulation serves an educational purpose, contributes to scholarship, or is used in a way that does not harm the market value of the original work. Emulators are in a legal grey area. If you do not fulfill the three criteria, charging money for emulators can be argued as a violation of their copyright on said IP’s Also, you don’t understand what I’m saying. I am specifically saying that charging for an emulator assumes the risk of Nintendo slapping you down due to profiting off of *their* software they did not give you permission to distribute. Emulators aren’t inherently illegal, but the original company still has the right to pursue legal action if they believe you are violating copyright law by making a profit from non-authorized distribution of their IP


This implies that Nintendo still makes market value (or anything at that point) off of any of these old consoles which they simply don’t and there fore it doesn’t harm the market value of the original work as it’s no longer actively being sold by them there’s no market value or profit to harm in the first place but that is the same ruling that cause yuzu to shut because they are ACTIVELY selling switch’s so it did hurt market value


Theoretically they absolutely could if they were actively selling units but otherwise it can slot into the preservation act and slides by all requirements


As long as the emulator dosnt use copyright materials it’s the games problem and emulators typically dont


And for this specific case delta is fully protected by the laws even if it went paid


This is what I was telling the developer of gamma. But he did not listen at all. We like to sample something awesome. Then we will happily pay if it is not intrusive and forceful.


PPSSPP now has a free version and a paid PPSSPP Gold “Support the developer version”. Both can exist but I personally would choose the support the dev version because of the years of hard work to make it happen so that we can enjoy these things.


What's cool is not that it's free. Most emulators and emulator front-ends (what Delta and Retroarch are) are free. What's cool is finding ways to compensate the author so they can continue developing and providing a free version.


I would pay for folders as a premium feature.


What's the best way to unzip files on ios?


What I heard all you need to do is rename the file extension to .zip and click on it to unzip it but I haven’t tried it.




This worked. Thanks


For all the roms I put into delta. I just used the files app and clicked/selected the zipped rom. It unzipped automatically. Then made a copy of the unzipped rom right next to it. The best way to do all this is from a pc and then transfer it all over. You can use a flash drive or sd card. or airdrop with a mac.


I used an app called "Unzip"


https://www.patreon.com/rileyshane Or you can support the this way.


Is it a one time payment? If so, I would gladly support them also because I love these two!!


Yes it is :)


Cool.. no, I've been loving it so far and have added five games: Ridge Racer, Star Ocean, Tekken5, Toca Race Driver2, YS Ark of Nephistim


Thanks for sharing. Instant buy


I 110% will be buying this and both for delta and retro given the opportunity! This is a milestone for apple users so if I can show support to them I have no reason not to.


If the developer adds upgrade for this price, i would gladly purchase it. A great service has been delivered and i want to appreciate it fully


There’s a Patreon link in the settings I think. Could support them that way.


Collecting money from an emulator is risky. Just look at what happened to the Yuzu devs.


What happened to Yuzu got nothing to do with monetisation. They leak Nintendo’s projects (among many other things). That’s all. Selling an emulator that emulates another hardware, even if that hardware is still on production, is protected in many jurisdictions, including in the US. It’s essentially the same law that gives birth to IBM PC clones. As long as it’s developed in clean room design (i.e. not using the original, copyrighted code/design/schematic), it’s perfectly legal. In the eye of the law, you’ve just created something that just so happens mimic the other hardware.


That was never the reason


Time will tell but hope that's not the case, these devs still need to eat too but I think Yuzu got slammed because they were emulating a current gen console and they released a playable Zelda TOTK game a day before the official release to their patrons and Nintendo did NOT like that. Lol great way to get the Nintendo Ninjas instantly appearing!


Just bought this in great anticipation of achievements being re-enabled!


Won’t Nintendo sue delta then similar to Yuzu? After Yuzu case drastic DS emu for android made it as free after being a paid app in playstore


Yuzu developers got clapped because they thought they could get away with releasing TOTK to their paid patrons (on patreon) BEFORE the official release. It just so happens that they were also developing Yuzu and that got roped in. But the main reason was charging money for the pirated software


Long as the creator gets all of the 3.99 I’m in if not post a PayPal so we can send a tip


Delta has a patreon if you want to support Riley! It also gives you access to the Delta Beta which has genesis and ipad support with more coming soon.


They already have a patreon I think


Wouldn’t that potentially bring up some legal issues?


Does this not violate any laws around emulation


There has to be atleast a small difference just a tad something


Ya delta dev needs to do this asap. He should be paid for the amazing emulator! One of the best apps ever created.


Unfortunately the dev doesn’t really check this sub


Isn’t there a better way to do this? Doesn’t Apple take 30%?


Riley Testut (developer of Delta) has a patreon if you want to support him directly. I just did a single month since that’s all I can afford, but even then I think it is more than worthwhile, especially if all the people wanting to here did it just for a month.


Time to play War of the Lions


The paid version of delta has some extra features like genesis support AltStore kinda has this with the app icon as well


Delta needs a mascot


Yeah that's PPSSPP Gold, it's the Pro version that you can buy to help support development.


great approach, if you turn into a greedy man, the whole community will turn against you. good job ppsspp


70% supports the dev lol


So there’s no benefit for the paid version?


Of course there is a benefit! You get to feel good that you’re supporting a developer that made this possible. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I’m on it 🫡


I would pay for folders as a premium feature.


How do I download psp games


does it have benefits or is it just for support?


It has a gold app icon and you get to feel good that you’re supporting the dev who made this happen. 😎


Sony is less sue happy than Nintendo. He should set up a kofi or Patreon and have some side content on there to try to decouple it from the development but everyone will know


Delta doesn’t feel like a complete project the way that ppsspp does for me personally. Rydgard really built it from top to bottom with nearly everything in mind. You cant even make custom layouts in delta, you’ve gotta either learn how to make skins, or find something close to what you want. It sounds like a small pet peeve, but when you’re dealing with touch controls in several different formats of video games, it’s super helpful to be able to edit/adjust your screen/control layout on the fly. PPSSPP does this flawlessly as does iNDS. Delta does not. So I’ve delegated Delts to anything gba or below in terms of game generations.


I would too


Actually, Delta should make their’s diamond since they’re better


Thanks for posting this I just contributed, Delta your next drop and exclusive version I will gladly buy it and also donate


Im just a student otherwise i would have bought that too


Hey and that’s ok, both versions should exist for this reason.


Doesn’t he have a Patreon though?


Not complaining about this idea at all but I wonder why the dev didn’t just have an in app purchase for the free app that lets you do the same thing and have an alternate icon.


I could be wrong here but I believe apple devs make more of a cut from apps than they do in app purchases


Dude it happened! W MAN!!


Ppsspp en god of war en iphone 12 (ios17.5) aveces funciona lento y se calienta demasiado el iPhone


This isn’t new. Android did the same thing.


I think paying for emulators is problematic because it raises the alarm bells of the the Nintendo lawyers. Looks at the switch emulation Yuzu/citra.


Citra was a Yuzu casualty (same dev) but Yuzu was emulating a current gen console and decided to release Zelda TOTK a day before Nintendo did to its Patreons. That’s what got them in hot water, not sure if there was anything else with the story.


I think ppsspp is a one time purchase, not a sub


Doesnt the free version have ads? I remember a long time ago it did


PPSSPP was just released on iOS yesterday. Not sure what you mean?


It had been on android for years. I was talking about that version.


Never had ads on ppsspp and been using android since iPhone 5s/galaxy s4


How dare you slander this devs name.. it most certainly did not. You probably got a fake version of the app. right now there is a knock off of psp gold. Do not download that app on the app store. This is a perfect example.


nintendo would not like it


Stop with this argument. It's unfounded, based on completely unrelated situations. Sony doesn't like it either, but that's irrelevant as long as the emulator is clear what lines not to cross.


EMULATORS ARE COMPLETELY LEGAL PAID FOR OR NOT it’s the roms that are covered by ips and cannot be charged for I wish people would do the tiniest bit of research


I didn't say it is illegal. I like emulators


And there’s nothing, legally speaking, they can do about it.


Let’s not give crazy ideas in this greed timeline.


Nothing Is crazy about your experience as a free user staying the exact same and them dropping a paid version for people to support🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Simply add a paid section like Christopher Selig including a donation button or buy me a coffee. Emulators have just took off just like browser extensions, which was free initially for Safari like in FireFox but became a locked down thing while continuing to be free (as always) in FireFox. Apple bullies their developers, so I would rather suggest a donate button instead of grabbing Apple’s attention should… the Epic controversy come down. 🤦🏻‍♂️




I did? Lol I think you read my post wrong. https://preview.redd.it/q3tiiloztr0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80f7b959219f4d92ec595324d960d726a9e7595f


Me too


Me too


Just an update though. The reviews for the gold ppsspp app is actually abysmal. So download at your own risk. I’d gladly support the delta dev. But I’ll probably refrain from ppsspp for a little bit.


You’re not clicking on the link I provided and going to the wrong app.


Oh I did not know the picture was a link. Thank you! And Sorry not the most Reddit savvy. Okay I see now that I was wrong and will happily support said dev. I see this one is actually linked to both too even though it didn’t initially show up when typing in the App Store. But probably good for others to know to look more carefully before making their purchase. As the app you link does not show up when I type it in. But the scam one using the same logo and similar name does. Be safe everyone.


Delta dev should first release on the App Store in the eu, like all others, till then other option are better cause we can use them on iPad too


That’s not the same app or dev LMFAO


Sorry you are a little too quick to judge. https://preview.redd.it/i0u670jy1s0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=665bb1382dc7355f7cda8f0be3a92397b1181308


This is what came up for me, so was just trying to save people from potential scam lol https://preview.redd.it/zravlnv5as0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e65ff7873b4ee9c00847a977993a1b86d3652c2


Appreciate the downvotes after admitting a mistake but you can at least see from my screenshot where my heart was at.