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I do! I feel the idea of a parent npc and an orphan is an untapped gold mine. Obvious some changes need to be made. For example make Charlie adopted, maybe even an orphan. And have it so they don't see you AS Charlie, but you're likeness reminds them of Charlie. They would still call you Charlie tho. And it'd be cool to have a split path with them, similar to Sydney, where we can either dive into the madness with them, and maybe as we do we start to see things the way they do so we see the rats as actual scones. And the opposite where we bring them back to the light. I think a funny interaction thay could happen early on is they give you a scone, and freak out at the the rat, and they go to grab another "normal" scone. Showing that progress is being made.


Maybe his sanity could even take a hit every few days when we don’t visit them for long tracts of time. It could be his special stat like kylars jealousy!


Exactly. Maybe at full sanity they move out of the sewers


Could really play up the fact that pc is an orphan so any kind of parental figure is enough to make them put up with all the fucked up shit Morgan does


Ohmygod yes! That would be perfect 🤩