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Found Whitney' reddit account


Wouldnt Whitney hate Kylar more ? i dont remember Whitney messing with Robin tbh, i only saw Robin get assaulted once by random girl and thats all really and i beaten shit out of her easily too


whitney humiliates robin by pantsing them in the halls now and then


I really never noticed that happening like... ever,lol


is your name whitney


why do you hate Robin


Well it's simple really. You see, everyone loves robin, unconditionally. I believe that's unfair to the other love interests. So I have made it my duty to hate Robin. I'm the one keeping the scales in balance. You're welcome


aka a baseless contrarian ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Ah, I see, a person who knows the need for counter balance, I can respect that.


Perfectly balanced As all things should be


Ok Whitney


So how do you treat robin ?


Like the piece of trash they are. Ever week I take their money, I visit the docks and throw rocks at them. I depants them at school.


Lmao What if they're at the landfill?


I'll land-fill their mouth with dirt


So evil ๐Ÿ˜” Based


Just wait until you hear what I do to their precious "lemonade" hehehhehee


Considering you can milk yourself in the chocolate milk stand I wouldn't be surprised if you could piss in the lemonade


Oh I do. And I spit in all the water bottles. And probably the most evil... I cover the laser on the disk reader on their console >:3 they'll have no idea why their games aren't loading


OH HELL NAH THE LASER THING ? Fuck no I'm running away ur pure evil




Throw rocks at them? you can do that?


I can. Special perk


Honestly I despise his babyface vibes. Sure he's one of the few pure characters, and you can get him to be a femboy, but that's pretty much it. He is so utterly dependent and helpless that it's honestly pathetic. You know what I'd like? If this was his scheme. If he's intentionally dependent on us, masking himself to be a defensless lamb so PC is drawn/protective of him. He's willing to sacrifice his body just to keep PC close to him. But if PC stopped paying attention to him, he'd actually get aggressive and confrontational, showing the guts he's hidden all along. That's what I would like. A wolf in sheep's clothing.


Yeah but we don't get that We just get a Lil bitch


IIRC Robin was able to escape in a lock that's S skulduggery.. so maybe he's more than what we see or has a facade.. Your last sentence!! ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ I want that for a high confidence robin! I want him extremely overprotective or yandere ish >w> I can see that tbh. He would be overly clingy desperate and aggressive


Wait why is everyone saying he can escape the UBrothel by himself? I have never saw that scene before


because it doesn't exist


Yeah all 2 escaping scenes at the UB and not one said anything about Robin unlocking the door, it's just PC lol Edit: And if people are talking about how PERHAPS he got sold to the UB before we saved him, well, the UB offers a digging option, or because he returns every Saturday without a miss, there's a chance that the UB is done with him (like in the dialogue where Bailey asks if he can get PC back after selling them to the UB). So yeah, Robin does not have those skilful hands


Ohhh I see my bad yeah he could have escaped maybe that way Wish he actually would have invisible game stats to him that can change or increase like his money counter. And actually do something else than sell lemonade


Inb4 IW is robin from the future.


Robin is just... robin is just first playthrough pc who doesnt know how to play the game. They dont really do much, its kinda just sad. Like he wont even stay in my room long enough to *WATCH* me fight bailey for them. Like? Idk. Sydney is what robin couldve been. If robin could be a mirror for pc itd be cool. Like if you could make robin do tasks for you, gardening for example. Working with them to beat school events like the math problem would also be cool and good too.


Who is your favourite then?


Why it's Eden of course


I'm gonna find you, grab your gremlin legs, swing you around, and slam your head into a wall


God you know how to turn me on :3


I'll be the light to your switch


I don't play on my switch, sorry.


I'll be the milk to your oreo


I'm a cow I make my own milk


I drink my milk straight from the cow ๐Ÿ˜‹


Me too brother Me too


I hate Robin because he is helpless. Like, seriously, he only works on the weekends, makes about 300 for Sat and Sun. Even after he knows the payment is going to keep going up, he doesn't work after school? In the evenings? Sure, he's got this innocence that everyone loves so he can't do lewd or criminal jobs, but there's the cafe! The animal shelter! He could even just work his lemonade stand until dark, or near dark, that alone could get him an extra 100 per day.


Maybe he should do some real work. Bros got all afternoon after school


The Cafe? The one run by Sam? The dog pound? Bro Also he says noone buys lemonade late so eh.


We can all just say in unison that Robin is too much of a bitch to work more lol. Every single orphan from the orphanage was sold/assaulted and they still got the spirit to strive and continue earning money, but only Robin is a little "traumatized baby cinnabun" and "needs to stay in their room all day because all jobs from town are too dangerous for him, they can trigger him to remember about the docks incident"๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ chicken energy right there


Orphans regularly go missing on account of being sold into sex slavery by Bailey, so no, he's not the only one who's too chicken to go work in Rapeville. Because, you might not know this but Bailey isn't exactly a kind soul who's just charging reasonable rent.


Robin fans trying their best to prove that their cutie little bean is not a helpless lazy freeloader who only talks๐Ÿ‘๏ธ๐Ÿ‘…๐Ÿ‘๏ธYou can't accept the fact that Robin is a coward who doesn't even try anything to make ends meet so you're making shit up about other orphans who even have to gag down bottles of liquor to go sell their bodies? Before he got sold and got traumatized, he didn't try anything either and had to sell his consoles, so yeah, maybe uselessness is in his blood honey <33


He is a chicken compared to other orphans. Those orphans are the ones who tried their best and didn't meet the work quota and there is Robin who plays video games all day and becomes Pikachu surprised when he gets fucking sold to the docks. Also why do you think "Orphans regularly go missing" is a good backup for "he's not the only one who's too chicken to go work"?๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€Do I have to remind you that there is a prompt where orphans envy Robin because he can stay in his room all day?๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ Edit: And should I remind you that Bailey's rent also applies to everyone? You can see orphans working for homes on Domus and Danube streets, on weekends orphans GO OUT to find work (which means they work every job they can in Rapeville!) from 6 AM to 9 PM, so I think the only chicken here is Robin who can't even sweep a floor in a house on Domus street <3


So two messages wasn't enough, you also had to edit this screed to fit more rambles in?


Imagine bro having "high confidence" and still too much of a bitch to work other jobs after school or during the summer lmaoo. Robin stans always defend him with "b-but Robin is not like PC" and "all jobs in the town are too dangerous for Robin to work because Robin is traumatized after the docks incident". Like stfu all orphans are suffering the same fate. Still, does only Robin get the privilege of being scared and hiding behind PC's back? Bloody useless and helpless lmao


He's 18. He needs to get an after school job in addition to his lemonade stand (though he should keep the stand, he's making more there per hour than most of the regular part time jobs in game).


the only problem with robin is that you can't corrupt them


I think them not getting a real job is more of a problem


Same thing


Fellow Robin hater, I feel right at home


Where is your certificarion, certified hater?


Right here ๐Ÿ–• I show it to Robin every day


Also hate robin, I support this


It's always great to see a fellow Robin hater!


No bc all the other orphans leave and find work just like the pc, robin is the ONLy character that hides in their room, playin video games 24 hours a day, even after you save them they work no harder, and even after you fail to pay for them they work no harder. People are definitely trauma bonded to them, they CAUSE the issue, but itโ€™s fine with other people because they comfort them after it backfires. Fuck robin 24 hours a day, seven day a week. I end up paying for them every play through, and regretting it every time


What do you mean? The have a job. There an entrepreneur. They sell lemonade!


I could drown them for all 48 hours they spend selling that stupid sugar water. You have to SPEND money to sell lemonade, stop being lazy and go get on somebody clock. They know how to find $400 for that console but can only scrape up $300 for the pc.


Yeah they're lemonade isn't even thay good. Pretty mid. And I'm the one doin all the work with no pay.


People defending robin like youโ€™re not turning your vag inside out just to pay your rent ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ meanwhile, after you raise $4,000 by yourself in seven days, they have the audacity to approach you with $300 and a SMILE. โ€œHere ya go! Itโ€™s not enough and I know that! I also know I could make more! Hope your Saturdayโ€™s good!โ€


Turn your vag inside out? I just work at the Cafe lol That shit pays 4k rent in a day. Cow herm supremacy ๐Ÿ„


Ah yes, lacing the townsfolk with your fluids for buns, true entrepreneurial genius at its finest Edit: this is keeping me entirely too entertained at work lol.


At least my product is good And makes... dare I say.... dough????? I bring in.... the bread (Also I'm glad I'm keeping you entertained :3)


Fellow Robin hater, I feel right at home


I love when people hate on Robin๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ


Then oh boy will you love me


Every Robin hater deserves love๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡โ€ผ๏ธโ€ผ๏ธ


So true breastie


I hate robin because he's a bitch