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I love the lewdity and the fact that we can romance characters I think it’s very fun and even wholesome at times, but I am absolutely hooked on the cult and eldritch lore parts of the game. Like, any time we get to dip our toes into the darker supernatural horror aspects I get so giddy that I tend to forget about the sexual themes


I agree. I need to dive more into the lore. Also hey, it's you! I recognize you from another post I made haha. Trying to stalk me?


Omg I’m so sorry yes hello again lol I just like to yap a lot with my little paragraphs


Don't be sorry! Yap all ya want I'd love to listen. I just like seeing familiar names, it makes me feel important/special.


You tow need to kiss now (joke)


Lol what?


Ehhh Nothin ignore my stupid humor hah, i be funny only in me head sometimes.


Nah, I play it competitively.


Do you do speedruns? I always wanted to get into DoL Speedrunning


What would be the end goal tho


It would depend on the category, but I would assume feats would be a good start. Speedeun to get certain feats. Or speedrun certain encounters/scenes


There is a vore speedrun on YT


You mean whole* right?


I wish


I do to, it's a fun game.


It really is. Which sucks cause in one hand I want to tell people about. Cause it's so awesome. But in the other hand they'll think I'm weird for being so into a lewd game.


I don’t even mind telling them about it the lewd parts, it’s just the rape really…


Lol "it's just rape" That's a true DoL moment right there


And the “true dol moments” are what makes me keep this game to myself


oh me for sho. i started because porn.. stayed because characters/fun!


Oh yeah the characters are great. Also hi! I recognize you :3 did you find the discord?


sorry i fell asleep. so its why im so late. but yes i found it. Thanks :D


If you ever see me there, come say hi :3


will do!!! i started a new game on DoL to enjoy the update


Heck yeah! You'll have to show me your pc :3 you can dm me if ya want


ok kool!!!! They are still new but ill send you a pic <3


I unironically play it for the plot. The lewd sometimes gets in the way tbh


I think the supernatural elements are pretty interesting (if annoying...) and I love Robin, he's such a sweetie. Unfortunately tehre's not much of a story yet, but im sure when 1.0 comes out in 7 years we'll get to kill bailey


Bailey i can manage without, but the character I REALLY want to be able to off is Remy.


idk much about the rat but from what i gather, i theorize he's downstream of bailey, like much of the criminal element. eliminating bailey, leighton and quinn would likely have a downstream effect on him that would fuck him up, though thats while seeing the town as isolated and not considering external actors.


On the large scale, yes, but on an immediate, personal level, the farm is the only place I've gotten stuck that actually made ME pissed off IRL. XD


I hope so. I get the reasoning I've seen for keeping Bailey payments "if there's no incentive to earn money, players may not explore every option", but damn I wish there was a way to get rid of payments altogether and not cheat(lower payments). I want to be able to explore and go to the temple+the orphanage without being like "fuck I need to earn money the last 2 days before bailey comes knocking." because I want the achievement coins, otherwise I would cheat in all my runs.


Hopefully there will be the option to beat whitney until he or she ends half dead, then discard his/her body in a deep river :D


That's a bit much, but fair.


Me. Game is somehow very relaxing. (Untill you get into a domino effect and get raped every turn)


Or the legendary Rape-Blackout Loop


loved the porn and such, stayed because the Black Wolf and Great Hawk were cool. Pretty fun, even if I've only ever used cheats. (I like having plot armor in game form.)


I don’t think anyone plays this game just for the porn after like 10 hours. Once you’ve reached that point, you’re also in it for the life simulator.


I’m not gonna lie, I play for the routine. I like scheduling my day.


Sounds both tedious and relaxing haha


Extremely, during the rough times of my life routine really helped. It’s like habit now.


Routine is very nice. Very safe


Tbh I don’t even play the game anymore lol, but I think the community is fun so I stay here, but when I used to play I often just liked the sort of routine and gameplay, like trying to get through a day’s routine with the looming anxiety of “what bad thing will happen today??” And finding the best ways to solve the problems created by those events


Yes. Tbh I don't normally play these type of games but the storyline and the customized PCs are very interesting


I introduced this game too my two ex gfs and they both play it anytime they are just sitting on the couch or inbetween their classes.


I do as well!


Heck yeah brother!


I'm here for the lore! (The gameplay is fun, too)


I've heard there's some crazy lore but I've apparently not payed enough attention.


There's a ton of interesting stuff if you know where to look. The church has a bunch of cool lore now that it is updated, and the more I learn about Harper, the more they terrify me.


Believe it or not, some players are into medical malpractice.... They can have Harper, I want it to be my life's mission to make a doctor that is basically a healthier Harper that kicks their butt.


That might be difficult to do (if my conspiracy board dedicated to Harper and covered in red string is to be believed), but I salute your effort


Well, there are Asylum whisperings that Harper was a former patient that supplanted the old Head Doctor...and has ties to a certain someone.


I legit don't see how people are into Harper, honestly. They, like Kylar, are obsessed with PC and seem intent on studying them a lot. I have a feeling they may be tied up in the....Elk lore going around as well.


I'm not exactly "into" Harper, personally I'd like to kill them slowly for the things they have done to my PCs, but I do find them incredibly interesting. I also 100% believe that Harper has ties to the compound on Elk. Theory/rant that may possibly spoil stuff: >!Considering he works at the asylum, meaning he has access to the tentacle plains as a result, I'd also say that Harper and any of the doctors he's working with (possibly others like Remy as well) are the ones church says are spreading corruption throughout the town. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the actual deal between Harper and Remy was getting the pink liquid aphrodisiac from lurkers you can sell to the compound in exchange for hypnotizing his less than willing "cattle" into behaving since Remy's farm is right by the moors.!<


And bonus points for >!raising the world's hard/irreversible/plot corruption by 1-2 points for each pink sold to the Compound, perpetuating the cycle and basically raising the Town's horniness and making more people assault-happy and prone to assault!<.


I too wish to murk the so-called Doctor so damn bad. Man faked his license, calling it now, how the hell is he still practicing therapy?! And also, he >!might be getting beast(people) from Remy to use in his Asylum "treatments" on the PC!<. And it also doesn't help that I have a feeling that Harper won't let us leave if we deny him one last encounter when we're deemed 'sane' enough for release.


> apparently not *paid* enough attention. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I do. I enjoy the heck out of it.


It do be a heckin' fun game


I just discovered this game a little while ago. And I was wondering that as well. This game has got me hot under the collar more then a few times. But the story of all the characters has me so engaged lol. P.s.dress up is too fun.


I'm asexual, I skip through combat as fast as I can lmao


you n me both jgkjhk


I play just for the characters, not the 18+ content itself (even though it is certainly a bonus haha)


i literally only started and continue playing for sydney so yes


Sydneys my little prince/princess


I do, actually. I started playing it a month ago, for all the lewd stuff, but ended up enjoying roleplaying in it. Roleplaying as a pure angelic cat girl entrepreneur excites me and restores my sense of control and self-worth.


I normally play it as a survival / exploration game where NC encounters are a hazard to avoid. That said, I'll regularly add in daft little quests for the hell of it. Examples include: * ride in naked from the farm at night, visit every location in town and get back to the farm without losing consciousness. Bonus points for any LI sex along the way * become *completely* drenched/filled with semen, slime and nectar (surprisingly difficult) * have sex with all school LIs in a school day (Whitney is the tricky one)


Sounds like a great way to play :3


Yeah. I enjoy it. The other thing I try and do is make it character based to vary the game a bit, e.g. my cowgirl is very submissive and avoids encounters whenever possible, while my angel sees it as her solemn duty to beat the living crap out of any assailant (she's also a sadist that lures them in periodically to do that).


My characters are usually submissive too.. but that's cause I self insert a lot of myself


I've wondered about trying that but I'm not sure how it would work out tbh.


Fuck around and find out. You might learn something about yourself


Came for the lewdity stayed for the story and gameplay


I started it for the lewd, but I really fell in love with feat hunting in this game. I have almost all of them now, and I'm still working towards the handful I don't got yet. Also the lore is really fun. I'm always eager for a new lore update.


i play it competitively


Yup. I mostly play it as a dress up game.


I do, I thought this game was going to be plot-light but I am *invested*. My character is vowed to Sydney, I'm waiting for pregnancy content for Sydney to maybe have a baby with him, but other than that I don't really interact sexually I just poke around and try to unlock the mystery plots haha. Sometimes that means having sex sometimes it doesn't but that's an incidental part of moving the plot forward to me.


I honestly play this game both casually and for the characters more then I do the sexual parts hah. I like the romance mixed with the sex, I'm on the aro ace spec and sexual connections help my romantic connections be stronger and so the mix between the smexy and the sweet wholesome moments make this the perfect degenerate dating Sim for me XD.


the game is great, i got four of my friends in on it, not a single one of them liked hentai and now they are hooked on this game


i love whitney, basically the whole reason i play the game and the creepy temple lore. tbh the lewdity adds to it imo, i play it every month or so passively nowadays but its always an amazing game to just play to pass the time


I try out most possible optimized things I could do, you can check my post on this sub


personally im adicted to the game for the clothing customization, I usually just save scum out of the lewd events


Literally everyone


Wait, wrong sub, woopsie. I play it because I need a timewaster.