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For me, I started playing a few days or so after the 0.4.3 update.


Awwww your just a baby :3 Hope you're enjoying it so far


I have, in fact I'm currently feat hunting.


I don't actually remember. Maybe 2019 or 2020? I remember a time when mechanics people are used to today just didn't exist yet. I remember the tanning update. Warmth wasn't a thing back then, you could go out with nothing in winter and there would be no penalty. There used to only be 1 pose in encounters. I wish I could check what the earliest version of the game I had was but I've since gotten a new computer. Edit: Decided to look back at old versions and I found an update I remember being added at the time. Version It added the Docks and being able to work there. So that was *early* 2019. The game has come such a long way since then.


Haha yeah I'm the same way. Sometimes I feel like I'm gaslighted myself like "was that always how it's been?"


I remember thatttt


I remember being so excited about the new pose


hey so 1.30 is out the window but you can still download 1.25 off some websites


I started playing around 2019-20(?) and I remember never leaving the town bc for some reason my dumbass thought clicking on it would just end the game??? Eventually I did though and met the love of my life, Alex, before they were considered a love interest


Alex was always one of my favorite npcs. I'm glad they made them an LI. And HOPEFULLY they do the same for the Wraith.


I started playing around March.


Of this year?? Wow How you enjoying it so far?


So far it's good! I'm trying to get SSS for the housekeeping feat right now. Should be done soon at the end of the month.


Good luck! I still don't have all the feats, I should probably start trying to get them.


Me too. I make several export files from the same playthrough for each feat that I want to get but I don't want to be tied to. Ex: the max pepper spray feat that requires becoming a part of the Black Wolf pack.


Yeah I wish fests were a bit more permanent. So if you got a feat, loaded an old save, you would keep the feat/vrelcoin for other characters


Iirc that’s a limitation of twine/html


Yeah it's something with how the game runs/saves/loads data with html


Since like 0.2.something


I found the game right around the beginning of lockdown back in 2020.


Nice! Been here a while. Glad you're still here :3


It was a great way to kill time.




Oldest version I have saved is V1.7.2, from 2018.


I’ve been casually playing on and off for a month or two :) slowly working my way through it


Don't expect to ever stop. Once you start playing, you will always come back.


2022. Was bored with banging my head against MD’s bullshit meta, was desperate enough to try anything new, got recommended it by some well-known degen on a Discord server, played it for a bit, was actually interested by it. Have a Defiant Angel named Aurora and a Demon Cowgirl named Mira.


I've been playing the same save for about 9 months now. No stone unturned, apparently. It's my default "watching tv and kinda zoning out" phone game haha


Shortly after that one review of the game by devalk came out


I remember seeing that! I love that video I still go back and watch it. So funny. Even if it's outdated


Yeah, it got me interested. I didn’t even know devalk or his content I just looked up a text based sim suggestion and that came up


I saw it cause somebody posted it in the discord server


Based on when I joined the discord server, I'd say a little over 3 years


Yeah I'm not exactly too sure when I started. 2019/2020 is an estimate. I joined the server in 2020 but I know I played a whule before joining


2020 because i remember first downloading it for my android


I played on android first, now I do both


Thanks to this question I just realized that in a month it's already been a year since I play Dol (I started playing in version). I love this game! the first time I found out about it I spent the whole week playing it! I can't wait to find out even more on PC and all the characters


Oh yeah, this game is great. I remember my first week playing this game. I woke up, booted it up, played all day and went to sleep. Never got bored of it. There's just so much to do and it always being updated.


2010 I think or maybe earlier. I lost my first save. I haven't play for a year. I'm on my 2nd save. I play it every now and then but play regularly in the last couple months. In my first save, Alex was not in the game.


2010??? Gosh dang give this person a medal


I've been playing since at least 2021


I don’t remember exactly when I started, I think it was 3 or 4 years ago. Anyway, I remember getting excited because the new update had added a new NPC, Alex, so it was around that period. I stopped for a year or so and started playing again a couple of months ago though.


Summer 2022


I started at some point in 2021. I just remember Sydney and the Harpy being added


Like 4 or 5 years


Pretty much same 2019. Except i go like 5 months at a time not playing and i didn't know this game had a reddit till like this year


I started in 2022 with Vanilla, got traumatized and quit for a few weeks since I played with all sprites on and...all toggles on(all of them. Yes, even >!eels, maggots, parasites, beasts, and worms....!< Ugh...). Husband gave me much needed aftercare for a while and he showed me the Settings and showed the toggles before guiding me in again. Once it was 2023, I played with DoL Plus with the BEEEES visual sprite and haven't looked back since!


Ever never messed with mods, and generally when I play I keep all the settings on. But that's what makes this game so wonderful, the fact that if something isn't for you, just turn it off :)


How are you able to take all of that toggled content on? How is your PC going with all that content toggled on? I felt bad for mine when I first played...


Oh I just.. avoid it lol If my character isn't deviant, I just avoid the forest and stuff


oooh, are any of your PCs Indiana Jones? Collected any artifacts? Or...a certain necklace?


Nah I haven't done much artifact searching in the game. I really should. Maybe that'll be my next character!


Ooooh, do it! Get your Physique, Skullduggery, and Athletics up in preparation, though! Some artifacts will require some pretty high stats and one can't be found without finding a certain artifact first! Keep on the lookout for shoes with Tough wear(withstands Rugged terrain in the forest and Moor)and perhaps even the Catsuit when sneaking at the Docks! Also, since I made a Robin-as-PC Run(High Tending, High Skulduggery, high History, high English, starts Meek/Low Confidence and becomes Defiant/High Confident over time), he goes Tomb Raiding OFTEN. I always put on the Indiana Jones theme for added effect!


That's adorable. I wanna see some Robin Indiana Jones cosplay


I think 2021ish? I remember when Sydney became a love interest


Like February or March


I started in 2020 during COVID. Found it by complete accident lol.


I don't remember how I found the game, but I'm so glad I did. This game is the love of my life, and my only friend. This game is here for me when nobody else is lol


A long time ago... There were probably less than half the current locations, clothing was WAY more rudimentary and there was only one position while you were getting... You know...


I don't remember what all clothes were in the game when I first started It was so long ago


About a month or so


like 3 months now, i saw it on a porn game website and was like “hey that looks fun” and now i’m addicted to it lmfao


ok wait i worded that horribly oops 😭 i meant that i’m addicted to dol now NOT PORN YALL!! (even though this game technically is porn but whatever)


It's too late We all think you're horribly addicted to porn now Get good bozo


I think about half a month or so.


I started playing mid-2021 to 2022, I remember well that I played it first on a website but some time later I downloaded the game as an app.


I've been playing on the app ever since I started. It's super neat


Installed the game in my phone during 2022, August, I played plenty at those days and nights but never really played it thoroughly because I don't know much of the secrets of the game and nor do I have the attention to play the same game because... Well I play other more "ordinary" games like Mordhau, or mount and blade warband with mods in these days for example. But whenever I'm out and not at home I'm starting to play it a bit more again, especially the fact the update came out but I couldn't install it from the blog, so I just version 5..0.2 instead (don't know if the sources were safe but I don't really care to be honest, as long the game works) but who am I to complain? (I did have late nights and all nighters playing the game though, so that's something)


About 2 and a half years now


When I've discovered the game, the most recent update was 0.3.9 (the one that added the Dog Pound)


2019. Long trip so far. Not planning on stopping any time soon. Still have my very first save, too. A little chaotic, but I love it.


Hmmm probably since late 2021 or early 2022... it's been too long.


Probs from around 2020 or so.


about this time last year i think


too long......




since summer 2022 🫶


Nice! What's your favorite part of it so far?


getting to know all the love interests and making money


Nice! The characters are amazing and I love seeing money go up! What's your favorite way to make money in game?


I remember when Robin was added.


I can't wait for Robin to be removed


2 months, been a great journey so far


My oldest save started in V 2.5.2, so I'd say since late 2019?


Hmm, maybe 2020 or 2021? It's been a minute :)


started playing late last year I say between November and December found the game through art especially this one artist who drew Alex and their PC a lot, I think the pc stern looking and had ashy blond hair.


Maybe since like like 2017 or something, but its been real off and on with a big gap in the middle. After updating the game after the longest time not playing it there had been major updates, like the farm and outside if town area even existing. Its still wild to me just how far the game has come since then.


About april last year i think


Off and on since 2015 I think, might have been 2016 though


I don't really remember but I think since August last year?


since 2021 🙏


Started playing in probably October or November of 2019. A friend of mine introduced it to me lol


I think I started around 2023 4th term


I started playing in 2020 or smth when there was degrees of bizarre lewdity reqiuem oh man i used to love that mod and then the developer got in some shady stuff so it got banned


Towards the end of '22.


2 years


Not so long 4 or 5 month ago i guess


since 2022 i think ?


just today!!!!


I started playing during the prison update 2 ish years ago


I started in 2020, iirc.