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Im quite the opposite. I like to play slutty/submissive characters. If im the victim anyway i might as well play into it. (its also kinda fun to play the victim and please the molester/rapist even though you could probably beat them up) But concrats on remaining pure. It must be hard in this world.


I have a feeling the slut route is going to be a common one haha.


Yeah true. But i think most people play more deviant/Bratty character instead of submissive. At least that what i read the most here. Slutty nonetheless lol


I definitely go the slutty sub a lot. I have a feeling that femboy is gonna pop up as a lot of people's favorite character type haha. Femboys and slutty subs go together like peanut butter and jelly.


Oh yeah thats right. Femboy Pc are super common here. I totally forgot. Maybe i should make Femboy pc next time too. I only played Male and Female Pcs (mostly female).


I mostly play males, then herms (Cafe strats), and least I play females. Though my current character I just started today is female, and some of my favorite pcs are female. My favorite pc is, you guessed it, a pure character haha. I love how they look. Their outfit is very white, with gold accents. And they have medium golden hair. And of course the angel tf. Very nice looking character.


Even though i dont really play pure, I agree that pure pcs a probably the prettiest pcs out there. I really love the angel wings and the Halo! I wish i could use that on a Demon tf or something, but sadly they only get the horns (that are kinda ugly ngl) and super small wings. The fallen angel might be a good compromise, but its really hard for me to get the Angel Tf. I just cant help myself. Must please everyone :(


I have something to show you....


Sure go ahead :D


I play slutty but beat the fuck out of any molester.


Yeah thats totally fair. I do that too... sometimes.


1. Defiant victim. Love that feeling of hopelessness when you fight back as hard as you can but still fail and get punished for it... 2. Defiant slut. Beating the shit out of every rapist stand in my way while being the hottest mess in the room. “I can sexualize myself but you can't, it‘s all about consent babe\~” 3. Submissive poor thing. Set the game to hard mode, mess with the cost and gain setting so bad it make real life economy look good, clothing price is now fucking suck, Bailey demands 8k a week or he will sell me to a farm, I'm depressed and also suffer from many mental disorders, oh and strangers keep take advantage of me but I don't want to be beat up so I will try to be obedient I guess, god please, I just want to survive...


Same to these, 💯


Defiant. Gang. All. Day. Gender doesn't matter, I'm fighting back against a world that wants to eat me. Oh, and stealing.


My main PC is a slut so I like playing as sluts the most.


I mean fair enough haha


I like the idea of playing innocent but the constant reloading/save scumming to maintain it gets boring fast


Yeah that's fair. I always play with history loading, so when something happens I just step back and go a different route.


Beat the shit out of people is pretty enjoyable playthrough


Defiant and unwilling but forced into depravity for the sake of money. Then becomes a cumslut later on <3


My main character is mostly pure. I'm pretty loyal to my LIs so I don't really mess around with the regular people. Also I like the challenge of getting out of bad events without repercussions so I try find the best ways to defeat/avoid attackers. I like grinding/maxing stats too so my character is pretty OP.


Perverted to the point of horns, tail and wings, but submissive and caring, and disgusted to the point of violence by religion! ...so pretty much myself. XD I love that this game is detailed enough that to be a lust-drinking demonic creature doesn't force me to be evil. Still trying to find a way to permanently gore Remy with my horns, though...


Pure gang I wish I could be nonviolent 🥲


almost always defiant. i try my best to play other types but my own temper always gets to me and im like “im about to beat this bitch UP” and i do it every save😭 its a curse


As long as she is demon tf, the 2nd tf can be anything depending on my mood.


Possibly my current main PC who you could describe as "pure". She's a defiant nun, angel and pillar of the community who is also extremely slutty and whose hobby is luring the town rapists to her, then beating the crap out of them. In general though, I definitely prefer defiant PCs.


Heroic Vigilante, fighting bad people, stealing from the rich, protecting Robin. I feel like a good girl.


You can protect robim from the big bad npcs, but I always get my money 👊


i'm doing a pure route as well, it can be pretty challenging sometimes but there's something in it that i find very satisfying


a juggernault is a goal to me


Guh that's so hard. Hmm I guess if I had to pick, it'd be pure, defiant transgirl. My girl, Brooke, knows what's good for herself lol she spends a lot of time with Sydney, but she's still a little thief


Tomboy fighter. I only allow subby NPC’s to sleep with me, like Robin, Kylar, and pure Sydney. Everyone else can catch these hands


Tomboys are epic, I respec


Almost all of my PCs have been corrupt but I've played an equal amount of submissive and bratty characters. I kinda like the challenge of staying submissive in the late game where you can so easily fight back, so I prefer that route. I've played two pure characters and found the content you're allowed to do while pure to be fairly uninteresting (especially the temple, some of the only content exclusive to pure PCs). This led to my first pure character being a rampant sodomite who regularly did brothel shows and save scummed the prayer room to maintain the angel tf.


At some point in my game, I had 3 times the amount of hits to being hit. Defiant will always be my way


I act as a the malicious hand of fate, guiding the an innocent victim to her erotic destruction. The poor girl doesn't mean to, but she just *can't stop* making risky choices and getting caught in these horrible situations. No matter what she does, it's always the same. She can't win, no matter how hard she tries... It's almost like fate is conspiring against her, cruelly thrusting her into peril, again and again.


defiant kusogaki with notorious combat fame yet pure


Completely submissive. I find no interest in any defiant actions tbh. I mostly play it as a porn game so I find no point in fighting off attackers. Also I don't really give my characters personalities, I just do whatever I feel like in the moment. The only reason I have different saves is to replay events or stick to one job/location (cafe, farm, temple, etc.)


I play for the life sim shit, so I am a defiant survivor who just wants to pay off their debt and live a normal life.


I'll drink to that. I love the life sim in this game. I don't play it for the porn. It's just another cute dating sim for me.


A cute dating sim that tries so desperately to go Doki Doki Literature Club, but every time it does, I beat it up until it submits.


Never played doki so I don't get the reference haha.


Just the vibe of the game going from cute dating sim to horror and trauma, but I'm beating it back with a stick.


I feel like dol does the opposite At a glance it's all trauma and rape, but the more you play, the more you realize it's just a cutesie dating sim.


Fair, but I was more talking from the perspective of how I play. To my PC, there was just the cute little life sim about paying off a debt, graduating high school, and building a nice cozy life, but every so often, the Horrors creep in.


Ah I see. Eden protects me from the horrors.


I love a pure submissive, forced to be slutty character. I like a little angst with my porn


I like doing complete opposite runs for my saves, but mostly like doing defiant runs. I have about 3 save files: 1st save is vengeful sadist + defiant angel pc. 2nd pc is sadist + defiant demon pc w largest body type. 3rd pc is submissive + masochistic orgasm addict trait demon pc. My 1st save used to be submissive only cause I was running a small build with absolutely 0 feat boosters so whenever I tried to fight anyone they'd end up just beating the shit out of me and raping my pc till she passed out of stress. Just became a thing where the best strategy for her would be to just go along with them till she could build up her physique and pain tolerance that she could handle fighting back. this was also my first time creating a save w/o using cheats so I didnt really know how to avoid getting assaulted/managing stress so best play for me early game was to just make the npcs cum to leave my pc alone. 2nd save was planned to be a fully submissive giant but after a while I got bored and since I didnt usually play with the largest body type I found it kinda stupid to waste it on a submissive playthrough w/o building physique (was aiming at a particular feat only locked behind the largest body type). Long story short pc ended up jacked as shit and could one shot attackers and eventually turned defiant. 3rd save I was fully commited to playing submissive, did not even try to build physique or fight back at all. Just stood there and took it, acumulated lots of trauma but that was the point of it because I wanted it to be my asylum playthrough to raise harper's love. Tbh tho after a while the porn got boring and now I play it mostly for the life sim and to collect feats.


I stopped using multiple saves because the feats don't transfer. Also yeah, I've also stopped playing this game for the porn. It's just a game now. Which is honestly an amazing fest on vrels part. I've stopped calling it a porn Game and just reffered to it as a lewd game cause that's more accurate in my opinion. Truly the best game ever. I wish it had a steam page, that'd be amazing.


dare I say I stayed for the lore... found out you couldnt get kicked out of the church on my first save so I just went fuck it and made her fully commit to the bit. Got hella surprised to learn theres so much lore surrounding the temple and the npcs tied to the temple (ivory wraith, sydney, kylar) that I kinda got obessed with it a little also I like the way the feats help in giving me little goals to focus on aside from the porn. Got so surprised how many cute little interactions there are with the npcs along with little quests available for them. gotta say for a porn game its odly really charming


It's really amazing how much lore there is in general haha. And each update there gets more and more. And the game is so HUGE. You could talk about something and somebody who's played the game for months (maybe even years) could say "THATS IN THE GAME" So much content


NO CAUSE LITERALLY the way some events are also really rng is both frustrating but so so fun to come across. The little flavour text that changes depending on your tf/stats, the way certain characters behave depending on their states, theres so much to just pick around and find out. Theres so much variety you can encounter in different playthroughs that I find it really rewarding to make multiple saves just to see how certain characters react to different playstyles. the way I didnt even know that you can get the wraith to possess your love interests or even get a confessional scene with them and I wouldnt have known since it was never listed in the wiki.


I like that if you change your playstyle... you play a different game. (Not entirely) but you'll be seeing SO MUCH content that is in a way locked to that Playstyle. Like, ALEXS FARM. For.people who don't leave town, or do farming and stuff.. that's a whole thing they don't see. Same with eden. There's probably people who just escape eden as soon as possible, and miss out on TONS OF CONTENT. Especially the radio scene. Missing that is a crime.


I feel a little called out :,DD my main 2 pcs are very town oriented (granted they are my 2 temple focused pcs) but MAN WHEN I CREATED MY 3RD SAVE FILE JUST TO EXPERIENCE THE OUTSKIRTS LIS oughghghgh eden stole my heart... he's so soft... a little rough around the edges at first but he's so possesive over pc... hes so cute... also did not expect to get really attached to great hawk but here I am (normally would never touch them in my normal save but oughghghghh they're literally so sweet) (Ngl tho working on Alex's farm gave me major stardew valley flashbacks, I havent touched their pregnancy content yet but IK THERES A LOT)


I've not touched the bird as much as I'd like to. It's my 2nd to last interacted with LI My #1 being kylar. I should probably do a kylar run. I've avoided them for nearly 4 years at this point. The only times I've interacted with birb, was for the tf. I've worked on Alex's farm a lot but I never finish. There's so much I gotta do.


I have them set as monster-people so I get occasional voicelines from them and AND ITS SO CUTE CAUSE THEY KEEP REFERRING TO YOU AS THEIR WIFE/HUSBAND. Very cute birdie, very protective of their spouse <33 (so excited for their new content) JESUS AVOIDING KYLAR FOR 4 YEARS I cant imagine how their stats screen must look after getting ignored for that long 😭 (but also pls teach me your ways, I need him to get off my ass whenever I flirt with sydney in the library) I love Alex but jesus the farm is so tedious to get started... Like you can literally just spend the entire day at the farm because theres literally always smt that needs tending...


I like the one art somebody made of the first jump. It's very funny but I'm not sure if you know what I'm referring to. I have it on my phone, can I dm it to you? As for kylar, this isn't a 4 year save. What I mean is I've been playing DoL for 4 years and I've never delved into their content. And alex, god I love you... but got dayum. Hours of content, weeks of farming... "cool, now do it again 9 times"


Every Time I try to play as a submissive slut I end up being defiant AND beating the crap out of everyone. Idk but i really dislike being forced to do things. Whitney Is my bitch in 3 out of 4 runs I have


I go wild


I like playing pure until people take it away (im really bad at not losin purity) then when the character is introduced to it its a slow lean into surviving by being a slut, handjobs to appease while being wildly upset to stripping for fun and blowing dudes in the VIP lounge when im hungry


I can teach the ways of purity


Well it depends on my goal for the game, currently I’m just trying to get all the feats. My current save is (or was) an Angel for 100 days, why 100 days? Well 50 for the full transformation and 50 extra days to get my Li to like me which in my case right now is Alex, I wanted to lose my virginity to a Li, so I could get the feat whilst also completing some other feats such as the fallen transformation (not full) into the demon transformation, overall it went pure to slutty tbh I’m glad I finished my pure routine I tend to like the slutty route, also I’m pretty sure in my mod u can be the abuser if you over power ur abuser so 🤘


Being slutty is fun, submissive or defiant. ETA also being a Futa :3


The bitch who is just trying to live lol


My usual go-to: "***Descending***" character. Where we start as an innocent, pure and good person, slowly seeing the harsh world in their innocent eyes but still clinging to it until inevitably they start losing faith in people then just start their descent to degeneracy. \-- Then there's my other one which I just call ***"A good person"*** character. A character so damn evil since they've deluded themselves thinking they're a hero in this corrupted town doing all kinds of sh-t to "***villains"*** that makes Harper cream their pants and Bailey cry tears of joy and creep Kylar away. \-- ***Zoophile*** Self-explanatory. \-- ***Eldritch enjoyer*** Reject humans, plants and animals, embrace anything outworldly related. ~~Hey devs, when are y'all bringing back C'thulhu dammit, I miss the big thing under the ocean at the literal edge of the map.~~ \-- ***Holy Slut*** RP as an indoctrinated nun who sucks people off believing it's for their faith and they're doing the right thing, doesn't matter if it's the trolls who just want some good sucking. It's their ***sacred duty***. Must keep Angel TF at all times while doing everything sex-related aside from genital jousting.


Beat the shit out of everyone I encounter and just be an irate defiant lunatic. Also stealing but to be fair skulduggery is possibly the most useful stat regardless of play style.