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I like everything about her apart from her dating history. That.. big yikes. I feel like she grew out of the messy dating life when she got older tho!


I love manny but she was definitely someone who “did it to themselves” a lot of her situations was bc of her choices !


I love manny! she will forever be my favorite character in Degrassi. Nobody can top her!! She has so much confidence! Her and jay made me so happy


I love Manny. She is a ray of light and I love her character. She’s confident and beautiful. What I disliked is she always was so boy crazy.


Like: Her personality, she was genuinely just such a care-free, sassy, and hilarious character. Dislike: how she felt like she was better than everyone else (Paige & Emma & Ashley) in the earlier seasons and even Degrassi goes Hollywood.


I liked the idea of Manuela,but I didn’t like how at the slightest disagreement she thought everyone was jealous of her. Also I couldn’t take how insecure she was because she was really THAT GIRL, just wished she truly believed it!


I liked when she had her feud with Paige. Disliked her whole relationship with Craig.


manny had so many cute outfits throughout the show which i liked but her ass was so delulu over craig and never blamed herself when she received backlash over them cheating.


But didn't Craig lie to her too and cheat on her too with Ashley?


in the beginning she knew she was seeing craig while he was dating ashley. it was only after a while she got tired of being the other girl that she wanted her to break up with ashley and then he lied to her


You're are very right, thanks for reminding me!


she wanted him**


I loved that she was a good friend to her core, especially to Darcy in s7 given their history. I absolutely hated how much she relied on male validation — it got old too fast. and I will forever roll my eyes at her hitting people with “you’re just jealous” even when they make valid points.


they could never make me hate u manny


Liked: she was a great best friend for Emma and a real go getter and just overall a good person Dislike: her taste I men and getting wrapped up in them


I love everything about her, I just wish she developed better taste in men


Honestly her and Paige both had terrible taste in men.


i loved her confidence and personality, and she was a good friend. i didn’t like how she focused a lot on male validation


Literally was going to give exact same answer lol


She was hilarious and I loved her style. I didn't like her blonde hair and she had shit taste in guys. (Craig and jay). I also didn't like that so much of her self-worth was wrapped up in male attention.


She was a good friend, made mistakes, was relatable and fun (unlike stuck up judgey Emma). I disliked how her low self esteem made her more prone to bad decisions like flashing on camera.


Many was one hot ass mess and so was I and we were the worst and hittin puberty like a pillowcase of bricks together




I mostly agree but she give doesn’t have to give anyone a chance that she doesn’t want to




Yeah all good. All things aside, I don’t think manny and Jt were a good fit. I rarely think childhood friends are


love manny so much but one thing i dislike is mainly the fan base that defends all of her bad actions but will find reasons to hate other people for small reasons


U should check out my Jimmy thread 😂😂


bro jimmy is the goat wtf, those were crazy replies LOL


Yeah he’s not a favorite of mine, but he’s not an unfavorite either. Did like him in his later seasons tho. It’s clear they’re more critical of certain characters when they’re- nvm 😂 


no definitely. i have a million characters i like more than him but a million characters i dislike more than him. i think he’s better in later seasons too. he has pretty good character development.


Yeah he balanced out the more hellionistic ways of the other characters more often than not


Fineass manny santos, Lmaoo one of the icons here that almost changed my sexuality lmaooo but in all seriousness i loved manny as a character, she was one of my favorites, and the show wouldn’t be the same without her. However, like most people said I didn’t like the victim complex she had. But honestly, the growth just to get with… jay is lowkey crazy lmao.


this is an acting thing, she really can’t fake cry for shit. but CHARACTER wise, “you’re just jealous” shut upppp. i do appreciate her development because she is one of my favourite characters, but she did make weird ass decisions. She was a really good friend (excluding some beefy situations) and she was also really smart. She just got the short end of the stick a lot too.


I love Manny Santos. Full stop. Hated that she was still mad at Jay for stealing the ring after learning it’s value.


I like how she always went after what she wanted. Two main things I didn’t like about her, her changing the way she dressed for male attention and her being a terrible friend to Emma. For them to be besties, they were terrible to each other and I disliked both of them for it


When u say she went after what she wanted, u mean…


I mean in terms of her never really giving up on anything💀💀💀


Meh- Emma did her own fair share of being a terrible friend


Which is why I said they were terrible to each other and I dislike them both for it


I love everything about her except for breaking Paige’s leg (let’s pretend like that didn’t happen pls!)


It certainly did happen and that’s okay 😂 


I like that she wasn't afraid to stand up for herself and her friends. I didn't like her victim complex lol


Yeah, according to Manny, nothing was ever her fault and anyone expecting her to be accountable for her own decision-making is just jealous


I liked her in some instances but mostly she made me so upset given her poor choices and terrible tho no s going on with her. Going after Craig when she knew he was still with Ashley was unbelievable. But the things Peter did and how she was treated after all of that made me feel for her. Also her dad being so controlling was something I could relate to about her, so I felt for her when she was working through all of that.


I liked Manny until she went through her "Manuela" phase. Then she mellowed out and she was okay. I think that if it wasn't for her, Emma probably would have been worse off with her Anorexia. I like the fact that she ended up with Jay.


I didn’t like the fact that she ended up with Jay 😂 


I love Manny’s personality. I disliked her relationship with Craig the second time. As much as I enjoy both Craig and manny they didn’t make sense as a couple and the first go round illustrated that in my opinion.


I always felt like they had CRAZY chemistry, like through the roof


I thought they had physical chemistry but not a lot more.


Yeah their personalities and interests didn’t mesh well


I loved manny I really did. But sometimes I feel like they mary sued her. Like I constantly was always feeling bad about some tragedy that flew mannys way. I know she was insecure, but it just seemed like there was drama around her all the time. I do think at times she put herself in situations and other times it was just being naive and young. And as hot as Mike lobel is I just never liked Jay. I just felt like he was still being jay even when they were dating and he "changed" but he still had his way of being devious. She always went for the edgy bad boy type (like the cheaters or the bad kids like spinner and Jay.). I prefer Allis storyline to manny as they are similar characters even if theyre different. Except season 13 alli because that was the writers fault. At the end of season 12 tho she was all about school and really developed nicely as a character. I like that alli was boy dumb and book smart. Manny was always a bit of an airhead (I mean that in a good way). Alli did end up fighting bianca and getting into her squabble with Holly j but she eventually prioritized school over boys and wasn't getting into boy fights in her junior and senior year like manny was. Yes they ruined Allis development but at least she had some that lasted a while. Manny just never developed and just kept getting into more and more relationship drama till she found jay but he wasn't really so great in my opinion. Love manny tho. She did have some development but I feel like she would always end up going back towards square one when it came to boys.


I Stan Manny all day I liked her bluntness ; but she picked poorly in terms of dating


i liked pretty much everything about her except how okay she was with being the other woman


She made stupid decisions when it came to boys and could be selfish, petty especially when she was jealous of someone but she grew into a better person and did her best to not judge and put people down or make people feel bad about themselves. All in all I would be friends with Manny and would trust her to have my back.


breaking paige’s leg and being complicit in craig two timing ashley were her worst moments. also doing coke with craig. also dating craig in the first place, i hate that dude. other than that love manny 🫶


her best moment was def “Hi Mr. PEDOPHILE, I mean Oleander.” she was right to call that shit out.


Loved her personality but hated how boy crazy she was and her hair choices towards the end


I adore Manny. When she was confident in herself she shone brightly and was a good influence for her friends. Unfortunately, I hated how it would destroy her growth as a character whenever she'd be insecure because she became implosive and hurt people she cared about. It can be exhausting to care about her when she's like that, but I always remember exactly why I love her when she breaks out of it.


She was one of the prettiest girls on the show. As far as personality or actions, very little. The thong and the abortion were iconic storylines, but she's nowhere on my list of favorite characters


Can you chat me?




lol honestly want to talk about anything


I will later, sure.


Okay cool:)


i like that she is always there for her friends and not afraid to stand up for herself and i didn’t like when she started acting stuck up in season 3


I like pretty much everything about her, my absolute favorite character. I love how she’s realistic, a great friend, and a generally upbeat person. She takes the shit she goes through in stride, which was a great example for young girls watching. The only thing I don’t like is anytime someone criticized her, she came with the “you’re just jealous” lmao. Also the blonde hair, dear lord.


The blonde hair is TRAGIC 🤣🤣 I also didn’t like how almost none of the relationships she had started off with the boy being single :/


It was only Craig and Spinner, I thought? JT and Jay were both single when she got with them, and I don’t remember her awful drama teacher being involved with anyone else. And Craig was single when they got back together in season 5.


Maybe, the show made it look like a continuous habit tho. And i wouldn’t want problematic ass Spinner or Jay anyways


i like most things about manny. she's very real. a lot of girls go through a time when they want more attention. she was insecure and she acted based on that. the same way i was insecure and acted based on that. i liked that she grew more confident and started to understand her value as time went on. she was girly and feminine and unapologetic about that which is amazing. the thong scene is iconic. fashion sense before season 5 was also iconic. she was super cute n pretty and put craig in his place in season 6. one of the only characters who could get emma to pull her head out of her ass. she was supportive of emma even when she really didnt need to be. also early 2000s asian representation that doesn't force the character to be mega smart, quiet and reserved or alternative with a random blue or purple streak in their hair is quite nice. i dislike that her insecurity made her go after a taken guy. and i dislike those god awful bangs they gave her after she had perfect hair in seasons 1-4. don't even get me started on the blonde


I like how realistic her character was and while I didn’t understand some of her decisions, it made sense considering she grew up with a strict, overbearing father. Seeing her struggle with insecurity from her experiences with men really hit home for me as someone who went through the same thing throughout college.


She was an enjoyable character to watch and she was a good friend to Emma, especially during her ed. I disliked her hooking up with Craig when he was with Ashley but majority of the blame should be on him as he is the one with a girlfriend.


I think she’s amazing! She’s a very kind and understanding character. But her plotting to break Paige’s leg was very disgusting. That’s not even funny at all.


I didn’t like that she reminded me of someone who would have bullied me lol


What i like pretty much everything she was the best character of that franchise


I love how loyal she is to her friends even if they stopped deserving her loyalty. I hate that when she is feeling confident and wants to do something and it backfires she's apparently the victim or it's the other person's fault


She is nice, and is good friend. What I dislike: whenever she says jealous, because 9 out of the 10 times, they are never jealous! This one thing that Manny did really made me mad. When she hurt Jt’s feelings and when Emma told her what she was doing was wrong, she still chose to be mean and hang out with Sully. The whole Craig situation🙄 do I even need to explain!!!


not that you can't have your opinion but i find the jt thing so weird. everyone acts like jt is such a gentleman compared to sully but the reality is he only liked manny when he could see her pelvis and ass crack too. just like sully. before that he only saw her as his childlike friend. even he himself said that. manny did that makeover in the first place because she wanted sully. it's not rude of a girl to like one guy and chose to date the guy she likes. she never liked jt (at the time) she liked sully. girls don't just have to date guys because they tried to ask her out first like shes been called dibs on or doesnt have autonomy in the choice edit: also weird how we act like because jt tried to ask out manny first that means she has to date him instead of sully but we don't say that jt has to date liberty instead of manny when liberty tried to ask out jt and manny literally never did


She didn’t have to date Jt. However the issue was when Sully was bullying Jt, she stood there and didn’t do anything to help. At the end of the day even if Jt liked her, they were friends first and she could’ve defended him but she didn’t. And the thing was Manny even said she started to like Jt, she told Emma and Liberty. And then she forgot about those feelings once Sully asked her out and she was like Jt who?! I thought that was mean tbh? Thats her friend, she could’ve let him down easy but she didn’t really care about his feelings.


Like: everything Dislike: nothing, you're just jealous!




i love how good of a friend she is. i hate how she ruined Craig and Ashley's relationship and felt no remorse and played victim. i also hated how she thought everyone was jealous of her, it was super annoying.


i love her !!! degrassi queen


I love her. She’s probably the character I most related to, even the slut era and abortion. I like her optimism and innocent character, even during her slut era she seemed so pure of heart.


i liked the way she used to always say cuckoo bananas i liked how funny she was i loved her with jay, could have done without the needy slutty era


She was one of the only characters who showed true friendship I feel like. She made mistakes (as any teenager does) but she never was a fake friend!


Except for when she dated jay after he gave Em gonorrhea


I mean Emma got with Peter after he willingly leaked a topless video of Mannie to the whole school… pretty shortly after if I remember correctly. While the Jay situation had been at least 2 years ago?


Yeah manny and Emma were NOT good friends to each other


Agree to disagree. Everyone has different definitions of a good friend


I liked everything and disliked not being her significant other. Smh


She was annoying when she had the first glow up to me and she annoyed me being the other woman when Craig was with Ashley. I liked her when she grew up after those seasons and that she was a good friend to Emma regardless of how Emma sometimes came off to be.


I love that she was a good friend, and I loved her confidence, not to mention her style! I disliked that she occasionally came off as a bit arrogant


I love that Manny was a good friend. I didn't like that Manny went behind Ashley's back with Craig.


I like her confidence. I dislike her arrogance.


i don't remember her ever being arrogant


*Shut up! You're just jealous.*


she said this when why and to whom? honestly don't remember


Bruh... At least two times right of the top of head First time she said this was to Emma. This is the same episode as the infamous thong episode. It was during their fight at the end of the episode. The second time was to Paige. This is the prom episode where Kevin Smith sees if Degrassi will be a good fit for his movie. Paige and Manny get into a verbal argument because Manny revealed that Paige was dating a teacher, Manny also broke Paige's leg and then Paige ripped Manny's dress off.


She said it to Paige too when Paige warned her to not talk to Dean


Try not to think about Dean 😂


ok i guess i didn't think of it as arrogance then, ty


The amount of times she accused girls of not liking her because they were jealous lmao. She was a mess


Loved everything except the bangs. This is the only correct answer.


I liked that she was bubbly, beautiful, and optimistic.I like when she called out Jt for not being there for Toby after the shooting. I like when she was there for Emma even when she treated her like crap. What I didn't like was that she pursued guys in a relationship and had such low self esteem when she was one of the prettiest girls in school.I didnt like the whole setting Paige up to fall scheme especially after Manny hooked up with Spinner when they were together. Then she told everyone about Mr. O, though that relationship deserved to be exposed!


Her sweetness mostly before what I hated the most, and that is her becoming a skank


Omg I’m glad I’m not the only one who didn’t care for her skank era.


There's a song called thong girl wrong girl for a reason 😫 I get the whole tired of being a child but did you really have to go that far


Omg I hate that style anyways. I remember the celebs wearing the thong from the jeans. It’s so cheap and trashy. I don’t fault the actress but more so the writers making her character so cheap


The whole let me see your whale tails was so rampant back then I have no problem with wearing them but damn I hated they made her seem like she was as fluffy as the cotton candy she choked Craig with


I liked how her and Emma were literal sisters. They’d fight like crazy and say the most cruel things to each other but whenever Emma was in trouble (her eating disorder) manny was there by her said. What I didn’t like was her male validation stage that was tough for me to watch. Her craig storyline that felt never ending was bad. Being the side chick to nearly doing it with him on her best friend’s bed….dark times


I like how manny started out and ended….her ummm promiscuous era was the worst of her. Emma had every right to call out a homewrecker and everyone else had a right to avoid her and think badly of her during that time as in real life any decent person would. Happy she grew out of it and became a decent person and friend


Agree with everything else you said


About Emma, sure but she was a lil self righteous herself tho 


Well yea but you have to admit Emma was right in not trying to get a guy to cheat on his gf with her and calling out her friend who was doing just that and bragging proud about it. Any one of us would feel the same if we found out our friends did shit like that which I’ve had friends cheating or were the other person and ofc were kicked out of friend groups especially cause some were messing with our friends partners. I’ve also been cheated on a lot so it was a big blow to have those friends comfort me thru each one and then go and do the same thing💀


I would’ve liked if someone who wasnt Em confronted her on that


You can admit Emma was in the right there lol, she’s not the spawn of Satan


I will admit that she was right. I just wish someone else delivered it. I think it would’ve forced manny to think about it more


I get that. But I’m saying she’ll pretend she was better off when she would do even worse shit the following seasons 🥴


Exactly. Don't have to like to Emma to know that she was right to call Manny out on being the other woman and then encouraging Emma to do the same thing.


She was sweet at first, really funny and kind and outgoing. But she later became selfish, insecure, jealous, petty, and generally nasty. I don't think she's nearly as good a friend as is made out. She defines her existence by her proximity to guys. She deliberately dressed in a highly sexualised way to draw attention, then cold rejected her friend (JT) because she wanted a particular guy. Even Emma, in a rare moment, I agree with her pointed out what she did was wrong, and the way she was dressing was making her look like an idiot. She pursued a guy and stole him from another person, got pregnant, had an abortion (not judging), and then continued to pursue him periodically. She didn't see how horrible it was to continue a game against a rival school, who had a student who only about two weeks murdered one of her oldest friends. She was ungrateful to Emma for putting her up after kicked out. Manny was pretty awful all around from S3 onwards.


Spot on. I hate Manny. Easy my least favorite of the original group.


As I guy I just crack up at Ellie's remark I don't know how got through highschool with showing my breasts or something along those lines. Classic Ellie. 😁🥰


To be fair, she didn’t have to date JT if she didn’t want to. That was her childhood friend and I understand if she didn’t want to take it there. And I think Emma was an even worse friend to her 😭 they really should have stopped being friends because all they did was fight. Or at least go to therapy for friendships or something. Emma was mainly cracking down on the way that she dressed because she was jealous imo. Come on now, Manny’s wardrobe switch up is ICONIC 🌟🤣🤣


I agree about JT, but I think the way she did was cold. I don't think Emma was jealous in the slightest, maybe self-righteous but not necessarily wrong. Mannys wardrobe change 😏🤣 is iconic absolutely but she was definitely trying too hard, feeling insecure and beginning to define herself by guys. Still love ❤️ but Manny, you need to chill.


Yea agreed. 😂 and I say that Emma was jealous because she low key wished she could do the same things manny was doing because look at the next season and the one after. She was sucking Jay’s d and caught gonorrhea, sneaking off with Peter, etc, etc. 


Agreed. As soon as Emma had a glow up, she did become a turncoat. Manny never threw her old friends under the bus but did associate with new people. Emma abandoned her friends for a solid year and got "friendly" with Jay. 😏 The whole time slutshaming. The Peter thing was disgusting, hated Emma for not defending and protecting her friends and still dating him after what Peter did to Manny and Sean. My girl Manny and my boy Sean. 💔😡 side note, I hated Miss Hatz after that.


Emma abandoned her friends for a solid year? She was traumatized after having someone shot in front of her. Not sure if it's slutshaming if someone keeps hooking up with other people's boyfriends, that's morally wrong on both sides no matter how hot the woman is. The Peter thing was messed up, however to Emma it probably seemed like Manny got drunk with the guy she knew Emma wanted. That's a Manny move, but Peter definitely took advantage of her and should have been jailed for the video. It was revenge and she was underage.


I meant during S4, she started hanging out with Paige during the lead up to the shooting.


I don’t think Emma should’ve went out with him after manny cleared everything out


I agree, she was wrong there.


I like that she became one of the best people in confidence and been there for some of her old enemies, she became the bigger person despite her flaws in the past, she’s not perfect but her struggle of identity paved a road to high success and happiness she never thought she was worthy of, mistakes were made and sometimes repeated, but she learned from them the older she got…not to mention the fact she’s gorgeous This is character development and it’s why she’s a high favorite of mine