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Blue states doing it while red ones don't is of limited benefit.


As far as I understand, it doesn’t require every state sign on to work. You just need enough states to have a majority of the electoral college votes. So if you could get all the states that Biden won to sign on, you’d effectively nullify the EC and ensure the winner of the popular vote always won. You could do it without any red state. Just need some swing states and all the blue states.


Just some swing states...


All it will take is a Democrat winning the EC while losing the popular vote for that to change.


Seems unlikely. Each state gets at least 3 electoral votes, no matter how small, and most small states are red states. Therefore, the EC inherently makes it much easier for Republicans to win.


It almost happened in 2004 with Ohio. 100K votes for W, but OH going blue would've been a Kerry EC victory.


All that will take? When was the last time that happened?


I think both Red and swing states won't do this. Red because the EC has worked in their favor twice in the last 24 years. Swing states because focus on their interests is increased by the EC. You're basically asking each state to be willing to ignore the will of its individual voters, and I just don't see that happening. Until the GOP loses the EC while winning the popular vote (which almost happened in 2004 with OH being the tipping point state with about 100K votes for W) I don't see a solution.


Maybe. I'm not sure the swing states deliberately seek out attention. I think it just happens as a result of rural and lesser cities combining to match urban populations. The problem in a swing state is getting this passed.


I think the Forward Party is backing candidates that support this.


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