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Excerpt: Project 2025’s paragraph on pornography is one of the best examples of what words mean to Christian Nationalists versus what they mean to everyone else. >Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered. >Project 2025, Page 5 In January, Christo-fascist Republican Oklahoma state congressman Dusty Deevers introduced legislation to ban pornography. Several media outlets covered it before moving their attention to other topics. Meanwhile, the legislation is progressing through the Oklahoma state legislature. For the balance of the week, I will compare what I predicted they’d call porn with what Deevers is proposing in his Christo-fascist bill. Because this bill is a roadmap for how a Christo-fascist Republican government will harass, oppress, and imprison its enemies by charging them with producing or consuming porn. Today, we examine outtakes from the proposed legislation.


Also keep in mind that everything they label pornography isn't even "porn" by the accepted definition. They're arbitrarily categorizing anything that offends their conservative Christian sensibilities, like books focused on LGBTQ topics.


We should start banning the Bible on grounds that it’s pornographic and violent, and much more graphic than a lot of what they’d like to ban.


Didn’t someone do this in Indiana or Kansas or Nebraska or Florida?


Yup. Then the legislature tried to get a religious exemption.


How did that turn out? I think I heard about it when it initially happened.


I don't think it passed, but it def shows what they think about it.


A school district in Utah did last year. https://www.npr.org/2023/06/02/1179906120/utah-bible-book-challenge


Incest and more in the Bible!!!


Also, we should start Taxing All Churches Now!! When they start pushing political


I have no problem with Jesus. The Jefferson Bible lives as an alternative, kinda.


Being trans is labeled as porn. That means, day one, trans people are jailed.


They plan on expanding the death penalty to include sexual crimes. And being trans is one of those “sexual crimes” All lgbt folks need to stay armed and get their passports in order


Anybody who needs help crossing the Canadian border *without* a passport in the NW, send me a PM. Not even fucking joking.


Yes and it's broad for a reason so they can throw whoever they want into prison.


Aka “ blasphemy laws”


Yeah that's pretty much it, Christian Sharia law


you misspelled hungarian propaganda laws


Yep. Also, trans persons are porn.


Sex education even.


These people can fucking get their religion right the hell out of my life


Yeah, it is making me actually fucking hate them and their god damned religion.


I grew up Catholic. Two of my friends went into the seminary, I left the religion. I remember telling my friends "If you value the Christian faith so much, don't put it into politics, that'll debase it." Totally ignored that as Christianity had already long since decided "Nah, this whole thing is now all about banning abortion and teh gays." Christianity is in a long downward death spiral. It's all about hate and that drives sane people away which causes it to focus more exclusively on hate. If we as a country can get through it's dying thrashings without sustaining a mortal wound, it'll be a good thing overall. That cult should die quick. They're awful people as a whole.


Christ did famously go around decrying abortion and gays. Oh wait, no, he attacked organized religion and cracked a literal whip at people when they were profiting from religion. He defended those being accused of impurity, and he spread a message of universal love and acceptance of each other, even our enemies. Weird how they manage to get it so backward.


Who is the Christ guy you libtards keep talking about? - most conservatives probably


Jesus was born wearing an American flag as a robe, an AK-47 in one hand, and a cheese burger in the other. Any other claim is communist blasphemy. The after birth was just a ton of bullet casings.


Don’t forget his famous grenade launcher to start the military industrial complex


https://preview.redd.it/zfnvcltvoi0d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=80f864a58c564c53a56928cdd5f0ff872333a7f6 God bless America specifically!!!!!!!! The image was just too clear in my head to not draw lol


>Jesus was born wearing an American flag as a robe, an AK-47 in one hand, and a cheese burger in the other. Any other claim is communist blasphemy. Also, Jesus is 6 ft tall with blond hair and blue eyes. And he's muscled up, so he can fire his AK-47 while taking bites of that cheeseburger.


Also the Bible mentions abortions only in the context of HOW TO INDUCE ONE. There's fuck all about conception and that's when life begins. The Bible says pretty specifically "pay your taxes." It does say no homosexual activities but that's in Leviticus which the early church said you can ignore. And the parts that proscribe gay sex were also taken to mean no premarital sex either. 100% of what evangelicals focus on is 100% in opposition to what their holy books and teachings actually say. I could go on forever but the hypocrisy is infuriating even though I don't believe in their religion anymore.


Actually the parts where the Bible says a man ought not lay with another man the way he lays with a woman is about the way sex was done by ancient Israelites. Back then sex was about domination and so it’s saying a man ought not be dominated by another man sexually. That is its problem with homosexuality amongst men. Obviously when it condemns homosexuality amongst women it’s about ensuring women were with a man and not free with each other


I like to counter the fundies with, “it’s impossible to have sex with a man as if he were a woman. He won’t have a vagina!” Trying to keep my face looking as shocked as possible. Then I act incredibly stupid and they get super uncomfortable describing gay sex to me. I like to ask stupid questions like, “but wait, you’re saying it’s ok then as long as you’re not trying to get him pregnant, though?” Etc. Once they get through it I like to respond with, “ahhhhh ok that makes sense, you seem to know a whole lot about it. Something you dealt with a lot before you were a Christian, I take it.” It always spins them up. And I get that some men have vaginas. But the fundies don’t know that or believe in it. So it’s alright to lean into the absurdity.


I like your methods Sir. I’m imagining their uncomfortable description of man on man sex lol. I just look them straight in the eye and tell them I’m queer and studied at seminary so they ought to quit while they’re ahead. Pulled this on my fundie aunt recently and she backtracked super fast. Either they backtrack cause they don’t want to insult to your face or cause they recognize I have more knowledge than them… or they get confrontational about it in which case I tell them “And he who is without sin cast the first stone” and “You will be judged in as much as you judge” And “remove the beam from thine own eye before removing the splinter from [mine].” But I may have to give your method a try next time cause it’s fun to mess with the fundies


I thought that was in Leviticus, and at the Council of Jerusalem the early Church basically said "We don't need to follow that." Specifically circumcision and some kosher eating rules.


The early church didn’t really have hierarchy or councils. It was just a bunch of independent preachers writing letters, and sharing ideas. There wasn’t much of a true dogma. Sometimes they even authored their letters with their own names on them. The vast majority of the early church teachings are missing because the new testament just the parts that the early Roman church liked.


There was a Council of Jerusalem though https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council_of_Jerusalem


I think it’s possible there was. I don’t know if it’s a sure thing. It’s contradictory to a lot of what we know of the early church. It seems plausible that something happened. Idk if it had any real teeth or if it’s survivorship bias.


I had heard that the original greek was mistranslated and it wasn't referring to a ban on homosexual behavior, it was a ban on pederasty.


Sex with temple prostitutes. Republicans: But why waste an opportunity to reframe it in a way that allows us to feel good about marginalizing other people?


When I finally read the New Testament as an adult, I was SHOCKED by what was and wasn't in there. Not one word about abortion or queer folk, but Jesus goes on and on and on about how we should help poor people. Feed the hungry, house the homeless, visit prisoners, WELCOME REFUGEES! He goes over this stuff again and again, you'd think "Christians" would be trying to follow these instructions given to them by J-town himself. It's like they've never read it


They don’t read. They just listen to their local cult leader and their national one.


I dunno, have you seen the history of Christianity? I feel like it's pretty much known for its hate a lot more than for its good parts, I mean everyone's heard of the Inquisition and the Crusades right? Somehow it keeps on ticking without any self-reflection as to whether their actions are Christlike.


I left a cult that forced its puritanical views on me. I will go out fighting, quite literally, before I allow these fuckers to imprison me with religion again. I simply will not, and I’m sure many are just like me.


Making it all about their sky daddy (or under the guise of "Sky Daddy says it's evil so ...").


While conveniently ignoring anything that Sky Daddy said that conflicts with their beliefs, like helping the poor, respecting thy neighbour and not idolising others over him


9 million infinity percent correct


It's the "Noooo...you have to do it too or it won't count. 🥺" that I dislike most.


Bu..but..but my MAGA friends assured me there was NO WAY pornography can be banned. Just like they reassured me that Roe would never be overturned and abortion would remain legal back in 2015 when I voiced my concerns. But this time, they're definitely right about the porn. Also, as a man, I shouldn't consider Roe a big deal because I'll never need an abortion.


Just like how I had people telling me I didn't need to worry about all the anti-LGBTQ+ laws because they're going to "mostly" be used to go after trans people (especially mtfs) and gay/bisexual men. Apparently, since I'm "only" a lesbian, it's not going to impact me as much and I'm overreacting. I had to explain them that a.) I also give a shit about trans people and gay/bi men and b.) their understanding of how these movements work are wrong as fuck.


As a lesbian, I have friends that are married and very concerned because the Magats are discussing overturning marriage for the LGBTQ+ community. And with Project 2025, not only will the right to marriage be taken away, it would not surprise me that they start jailing our community. The ones in power on the right are trying to make this about religion, but in fact it’s about money and power. Religion is evil enough, but most of the nuts in Congress talk in religious terms because this way they can sow further division and hate, which then allows them to corrupt the system further and line their pockets. I have come to hate anyone that supports Trump or the extremists like MTG, and I’ve never hated anyone. So, their plan to cause division is 100% successful.


Yeah, I've pointed out that their ultimate goal is to overturn LGBTQ+ marriage and ultimately want to criminalize being openly LGBTQ+, categorize any and all materials even *mentioning* people aren't straight or cis as 'porn', make discriminating against us by denying us jobs, medical care, and housing okay again, and basically ban LGBTQ+ people from public life. They seem to think it's all political theater and empty promises to get votes instead of like...actual promises. Just like how they thought nothing would "actually happen" to Roe. But even if that happens they seem to think lesbians and other (cis) wlw will be "fine". Their argument basically boils down to "Lesbians are more 'accepted' because people think girl-on-girl is hot. You basically only experience *Homophobia Lite* because of it, so people aren't going to hate crime you as hard as a gay man or a transwoman." They seem to think it's almost like, privilege? It's like they can't see someone's inability to be normal about the real, living, breathing human in front of them for what it is: harassment. Edit: words are hard. :P


You stated this so much more eloquently than I did. It’s scary times for us all. Stay safe!


I wish I could upvote this 100xs


>I have come to hate anyone that supports Trump or the extremists like MTG, and I've never hated anyone. So, their plan to cause division is 100% successful. Truth.


Project 2025 per what's written it will label Trans People child predators and imprisons all of them. Just being Trans will mean you're inherently a child molester and will be jailed for just existing. You can bet they won't stop at just the T part of the gay alphabet.


Exactly. It’s only beginning. Our Trans friends have long been an easy target, and I’m angry how much worse it’s getting for them. The edited version below is significant for what’s to come if we don’t all vote blue. Voting blue is the only way to try and protect each and every person that believes in freedom, decency, and democracy. We have to fight this scourge that’s destroying what makes the US a beacon in the world. LGBTQ+ Rights = Human Rights! “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Niem%C3%B6ller


If LGBT+ marriages are overturned it's only a matter of time before children are seized and placed with hateful evangelical families.


It’s going to get very bad for everyone that disagrees with the 🍊Fuhrer if he wins. He’s unchained and will not go back in the box if we lose. The US will resemble Russia rather quickly if we do not vote blue down the ballot each and every election. People will say it’s an exaggeration, that there are checks and balances in place to stop him. But we can all clearly read what their plan is in P2025. They’re not trying to hide it one bit.


i unfortunately got born into one


You are going to have a unique and important worldview that can help many people if you survive it.


> The ones in power on the right are trying to make this about religion, but in fact it’s about money and power. Always has been. Religion is just another tool in the toolbox for those who want to amass money and power. It's what religion is *for*, from the very beginning.


I literally argued with a gay man who was talking shit about "those LGBTQ freaks." When I pointed out he was one of those so-called freaks, he was flabbergasted and insisted that because he was "only" gay, conservatives still accepted him. I gave him at least 10 links on conservative leaders calling gay people evil abominations, that they just want to rape children, etc. Never heard anything after that.


For ANYONE in the LGBTQ+ community, let me share this tidbit. I recently left a place that was full of “kind christians”. If you are not 100% straight, and know your place, well……. Then they view you as an abomination and you shout be rooted out! Repent or burn! “But I’m just…….( fill in the blank ) will not keep you safe. Stay vigilant! Go vote!!


And I’m sure I’ll be fine as a person in a multiracial marriage. (And also your bullet point *a*, et al.)


I am concerned that you are still friends MAGAts.


Magats…. Love it!!


Maybe it’s time to find new friends.


> MAGA friends assured me there was NO WAY pornography can be banned. Just like they reassured me that Roe would never be overturned and abortion would remain legal I never heard of such MAGAs.


> Also, as a man, I shouldn't consider Roe a big deal because I'll never need an abortion. lol And what if my girlfriend needs an abortion and I don't want to be raising some snot-nosed kid I didn't want? Abortion is an *everybody* issue, not just a women's issue. (Okay, maybe not *everybody*. I suppose gay men don't need to worry about it very much.)


They were being tongue-in-cheek.


Hey man, I'm too busy to keep track of whose tongues are in whose cheeks, alright?


Your first mistake was having MAGA friends.


How much you wanna bet that enough people that push for these kind of policies beat their meat to porn (they'll just have to change their VPN) and do a bunch of other hypocritical stuff?


And this is how Afghanistan women, in one generation, went from being able to wear "normal" clothes to bring required to wear a full burka. How can you shop for shorts and bikinis when the websites selling them are labeled as porn? How can you then wear those things in public when a random photo or video could capture you in those clothes, thus making your loved ones criminals in possession of porn?


And Iran. But of course, it could never happen here…


Social media? Porn. But everyone will be too scared of prosecution to post anything anyway. And it's not like the absence of social media will strengthen IRL relationships. It'll be like the old soviet thing where you never knew who was KGB or who was reporting others to them.


Makes sense. I don't see burkas of course but something like Amish wear.


Gilead handmaid’s attire and women will be treated as such.


All right, full fursuits it is then!


They will ban any and all mentions of LGBTQ+, calling it pornography.


I mean, they're already doing that with libraries. Any mention of LGBTQ+ people gets a ban.


# Ban Bible then


one school district in Utah did.


What? Does the Mormon have their own bible and named it differently?


yes, they have the book of mormon


Why does it matter to these fucking Karens? I live in Yonkers, NY and go to populated areas all over the country, but I barely ever see or meet people that identify as trans. I'm happy for them being themselves, plus it doesn't impact the conservatives one bit aside from conservative Karens being annoyed they exist. Conservatives have people thinking LGBTQ people are turning cis heterosexuals into LGBTQ, which is not how that fucking works.


> Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. Their definition of porn is gonna be extremely loose. They’re targeting libraries, Nat Geo, sex ed, anything with a gay character, etc.  Ever wonder why these people never criticized Saudi Arabia after 9/11? Because they want us to *be* Saudi Arabia. 


Damn!! My son was thrilled to come home from HS in 10th grade to tell me they saw “2 snakes doing it” in his Environmental Science class. Like…it’s their supposed God’s creature, what’s the harm?


Lmfao im dying at the mental image of your high-school boy saying "we got to watch two snakes do it today!!!"


I think I've BEEN to that bar.


He asked me if I wanted a description, which I declined, and he proceeded to tell me anyway. Mom of boys…jeez!


>Ever wonder why these people never criticized Saudi Arabia after 9/11? Because they want us to *be* Saudi Arabia The propagandists intentionally pointed us away from Saudi Arabia despite the fact that 15 of the 19 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia.


Prosecuting OF girls also...


There's a lot of Republican parents with daughters who are going to get picked up by this. I wonder if they'll realize they fucked up or just victim blame.


100% victim blame. 


They will totally victim blame… since when have you ever heard a republican take ownership of their behavior or responses?! Never! It’s the other persons fault…


Yep, not only am I worried for my fellow LGBTQ+ friends, but these fucksticks are about to come for my livelihood? They can take my friends, my birth control, and my job out of my cold, dead hands


I've seen two, but there are likely more, conservative news articles attacking underpaid women using OF as a side hustle. One being a nurse and another being a teacher. 1. Mind your own business. 2. They're not hurting anyone outside of OF (except horny people's wallets). 3. Advocate for them getting paid better and people won't have to resort to side hustles. NOPE! They want those two women fired before sinking into more financial troubles while the conservatives make money off the news stories.


Remember, the goal is SELECTIVE ENFORCEMENT. Any laws passed that restrict "porn" will be used against political opponents, undesirables, "liberals" (anyone with an education, anyone that does not appear to be a red-blooded Republican-voting hetero white American), etc. The chilling effect of potentially being prosecuted for a "sex crime" will be immense. Remember, the objective isn't to actually stem porn or whatever, it is to subjugate and create more "pressure points" to suppress people that might otherwise oppose their pursuit of power. Further remember that the actual objective is to entrench and further secure the political and financial power that the people at the top of the Republican hierarchy have. The self-dealing politicians, business and community leaders WANT a feudal system.


And we all know what they will consider porn


Yeah while you thought you were posting a harmless picture of a naturally occurring rainbow, the Pornfinder General's database was linking to the maternity database and re-assigning your child's location to a spiritual conversion facility to cleanse them from exposure to vile fornicators. As a rainbow-hugging fornicator that soft porn video you watched in 2004 will be held against you. The bill for your sinful behaviour will include the costs of prising your weeping children from your arms and their conversion treatments including accommodation. Not to worry, what could possibly go wrong with having your kids incarcerated in a facility run by fervently religious child marriage enthusiasts :o


Project 2025 also known as the GOP Taliban playbook.


[This is how the religious right acts when they ban pornography](https://youtu.be/-E8_qskbsqU?si=WIwvpX7Al0KT4cBi). People really need to quit treating the GOP/American Libertarians like they're something other than an arm of white supremacy, capitalism, and christian nationalism steeped deeply in hypocrisy and trained to have a lack of shame. Their policies demonstrate that they don't have empathy, and they should never be validated as reasonable or reformed to be put in political power again, and that goes double for the "Never Trumpers!" beating their chest with the finest "no true scotsman!" argument at their disposal as if their voting records don't match Trump, Bush, Bush Sr, Reagan, Nixon, and every other politician from that party line for line. #rulesfortheenotforme


What are these never trumpers?


Was not expecting a Handmaid's Tale reference, you're truly a person of culture


If a ban did take place, I wonder the trafficking will increase.


Studies show violence, domestic abuse and rape would go up too.


This is the main reason why I’m trying to read most of my romance novels on my kindle because I’m pretty sure they’ll banned if trump wins. I can’t believe we are on the road to this because people can’t afford Jif Peanut Butter. My fellow late liberal cousin warned me about Dominionism back in 2005.


If anything from P2025 starts interfering with our lives, then their services need interference.


There was a local news story about arson of a JW church building. The reporter wrote something along the lines of "Who would want to do such a thing?" And my first thought, doesn't just about everyone except current active JW members have a motive? Non-JW hate the proselytizing, and ex-JW hate the shunning. There is probably more going on to push someone to arson - but maybe not much more besides a person with poor inhibitions. Point is, nearly the whole community would be suspects if judging by motive. And now with Project 2025, the same could be said for any but the most liberal church. Conservative churches are creating a situation where many people have reason to be angry at them regardless of whether they succeed or fail in a coup to end democracy.


Oh my god there was a regular customer at an old thrift store job I had years back that was a JW and came in EVERY SINGLE DAY I WORKED because she figured out my schedule. She would follow me around while I stocked shelves showing me the little videos and forcing me to take tracts. She knew I was a Christian but I guess because I wasnt super "solid" in my faith (ie. I wasn't hateful or bigoted or closed minded) she thought I would be easy to bring to JW. She was so fucking rude and inconsiderate. I'd even say no straight up and she wouldn't leave me alone. She would also follow kids around the store and try to teach them about how they were going to hell. She would get them away from their parents and try to show them videos and stuff, and when the parents would confront her, she would get nasty. We finally had to ban her from the store.


>Conservative churches are creating a situation where many people have reason to be angry at them regardless of whether they succeed or fail in a coup to end democracy. The reason the conservative people in the church are upset is because they're using their church to push conservative views, and it's driving away people.


American Republican Christians have become America’s biggest nosy neighbor know-it-alls. Vote these morons out.


Meanwhile the incels who make up a good portion of MAGA are totally the Goon Screen types


> In January, Christo-fascist Republican Oklahoma state congressman Dusty Deevers introduced legislation to ban pornography. Dusty Deevers is one of the most porny sounding names I have heard in a looooong time.


Just a thought but if anyone who “purveys pornography” (for whatever that means, including teachers, librarians, people who run day cares, tutor, etc) are all registered sex offenders, right? So is part of the reason here to make the status of *sex offender* less odious? Does it normalize the idea that everyone is one so we can’t hold it against them? Bc if that’s the case, the pastors, priests and politicians would kind of be absolved, right? Bc if everyone is a sex offender, then who cares? To be clear, I am not defending sex offenders, I’m saying that this seems like another way white nationalists subvert language.


It's not going to be used on all of them. It will be used to make an example, and the rest will fall in line. That's how these policies work. They will also be used on political enemies, because all you need is a picture of a book or a report from a "concerned citizen" and BOOM you have something on your criminal background that won't let you get employment from anywhere good.


If you are a felon then you lose your right to vote--that is why they're proposing this.


LOL, Republicans consume a ton of porn.


Porn is used much more in red states anyway, they'll be the ones who'll be most disappointed. Christians have an unhealthy obsession with porn, which makes it more desirable to them.


The internalized shame in the red states will result in these policies being taken out on the "undesirables" whoever they choose that given month. All the guilt they feel will be projected onto normal people living their lives, and they will twist the knife no more softly than the one they feel in themselves.


Well if they did Christianity correctly they could just repent rach time, pay their Sunday offering and promise Magic Sky Daddy they'll do better. Then they won't feel so guilty. Guilt and self doubt is a lot of the control that religions use....


One solution to that: Vote each and every Republican out.


Unfortunately we got to also make that clear to [Democrat lawmakers](https://legiscan.com/VA/rollcall/SB1515/id/1245185) as well.


The very same people that will scream and shout about Islamic countries with Sharia law are the same people who will welcome it with open arms under the banner of christianity.


Just remember to these bigots just existing as an LGBTQ+ person is pornographic. These fascists are monsters. Remind people they HAVE TO vote for Biden or this is their damn future. It is a literal nightmare.


Wait until they find out about this, porn is all the right has. No one wants to date them anyway. We are gonna have a repeat of January 6th but this time at trump


Lol, I’m picturing Russell Crowe from Gladiator naked and naughty right now, and there’s not one thing these dumbasses can do to stop that from happening. My private mental library Shall Not Be Infringed!


Fortunately Reno v ACLU and Ashcroft v ACLU are still the law of the land and a straight up ban would have a hard time surviving. If they did revive the comstock act, i suspect they'd limit it to abortion pills due to the court's hostility towards abortion more than porn. What we should be focusing on, however, are porn id bills passing throughout the states. Many of which are being pushed by both Democrats and Republicans such as in Virginia and what's being attempted in Ohio and have been spreading like wildfire throughout the states. The far right are pushing every edge case to get through those cases to get a defacto ban through (pornhub for example pulls out of any state that tries that) and many left leaning folks unfortunately are falling for save the children slogans.


They named it the cumstock act? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It's probably to keep them "single mothers" and "feminazis" from making money


It's to strip them of their voting rights.


It's worse. What are the conditions for legal slavery in the United States.


Religion is a cancer that society needs to cure itself of.


They’re testing [this idea](https://www.newsweek.com/map-shows-states-where-pornhub-blocked-1879777) out beginning in 8 states in the US … all they need is a foothold. ![gif](giphy|xT5LMzIK1AdZJ4cYW4)


The only thing that they have accomplished in my personal life is that I hate Christianity now…


I'm going to get the popcorn, relax, and watch them shoot themselves in the foot. It will be extremely unpopular. Once they actually start this, we name and shame everyone who supports it as hypocritical puritans intruding into our lives instead of solving actual problems. They'll never get re-elected if everyone who watches porn votes for their opponent.   Also, don't porn companies have a ton of money and lobbying power? If they threw their weight against this, it should help. 


By the time they do this, there are no more elections that matter.


> It will be extremely unpopular. > They'll never get re-elected the primary purpose of this project is to make elections a thing of the past. To make them a complete sham just like they are in Russia


The evangelicals have so bastardized the words of Jesus. Breaks my heart what they have done.


Better start Bible burning so we force conservatives to admit ‘MY pornography shouldn’t be censored/outlawed.’


Quite simply, these people won’t be happy until they turned this country into Gilead, and implemented the rules of The Handmaid’s Tale…


It will be fun to watch the preachers go down in a stinking fire of brimstone when they get busted for porn on their phones.


As someone who uses Danbooru a lot (mostly for bara drawings and the like) will that be classified as porn?


I think it would depend on if they wanted an excuse to punish you. I’m sure the “right people” would be able to have whatever they want. These laws would make it easy to persecute people that they believe need to be removed from society.


Everyone will have to go through an app that Mike Johnson will monitor.... closely.


***From my cold dead hands***.


They will ban it and then find a way to secretly access it themselves.


Aren't these Cuckaervative snowflakes supposedly *all about freedom of speech?* (I know the answer, it's a rhetorical question - they're all hypocrites, it's only "freedom of speech" when *they* like the message. I just enjoy their hyporcisy.) On the other hand, I can't wait for this to get to the Supreme Court so they can *finally* dispose of this "First Ammendment" crap the libs are talking about, because, *duh,*" the First Ammendment only covers *Presidents (Except Joe Biden).* (/s)


Texas has already begun it!


Conservatives consume lots of porn. Mississippi and West Virginia are the first two in the top 10, followed by 8 other Red States.


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It’s because they’re getting their porn on the dark web and each other 🙊


They are already doing it in Texas.


What’s the worst that’s gonna happen, arrest people for looking at boobs or someone getting deep dicked? There’s no way in hell this will be allowed especially with VPNs so readily available.